ARTHUR 8, ill ID, Canera! Lisu ranee J^O-EIsTT, RESPECTFULLY announces that he is the repre (tentative for COUDERSPORT and VICINITY of the following named INSURANCE COMPANIES. INSURANCE COMPANY oK NOItRH AMER ICA.—This reliable old i ■ mpany was in eorporated in 179 4, and for more than seventy years past has done a safe and remunerative Imsiness, and to-da\ ranks as one of the "No. I " ('ompauies of America.— Assets, 8 3.212.17 .9# FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. —lncorporate;' in i*2ffl. ASSETS January 1,1872, $3,255,748.91 | After pni/ing Chicago , It 119.•">&♦. PENNSYLVANIA FIRK INSURANCE COM PANY —lnstituted 1H23. Assets. 81,121.396.37 WILLIAMSPORT FIRK INSURANCE COM PANY. —Cash Capital. $llN),U"ff.OO. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO.. and the MERCHANTS LIFE INS. CO. of New York. Policies issued in any of the above named reliable Companies at standard rates. ARTHUR B. MAW. K. 11. GrOOLSELL, Carpenter and Joiner, SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER, (a hove E. [ST St reef,) CoudernixH't, I'si. CONTRACTS taken and materials furnished for all kinds of BUILDING. PLANING and MATCHING done.— MOULDING of all descriptions. SASH, BLINDS and DOORS on hand or manu factured to order. ('.Dill paid for Pine Lumber. Your patronage is solicited. X. H. (iOODSEIX. Labor Savers, Read! 1 have constantly on hand the new SINGER SEWING MACHINE with all the latest improvements. The "SINGER" is a lock stitch machine, and makesa beautiful,even and uniform stitch which will not ravel and is alike on both sides. tl Hems, Braids, Cords, Tucks. Ouilts. Binds. Trims, Embroiders, Ruffles, and does all kinds of work on the finest muslin or the heaviest full cloth. It is the best machine for all work. Over 52,000 more "SINGERS" sold last year than any other kind made,—according to sworn returns." All EXTRAS kept constantly on hand. OLD MACHINES of any make repaired ina workmanlike manner. Sewing Machine Oil always on hand. Before purchasing elsew here, call and examine the SINGER MACHINE. Office in Olmsted Block, (, Second Floor). A. M. REYNOLDS. 122-ly|| Agent. POTTER JOURNAL & NEWS ITEM. It;ENTS WANTED. ACT \T ONCE. There is a I'IIJK of nioirg in it. Ihe people ercr/t --irhir< are eager to box the aii'.h<"i. .'/< 0.l LIVINGSTONE'S SSSHSSn and Thrii'ing Ai/i n'nr i du; ing2s years in AF KIUA. with account of the Stanley Expedition, i OverfibO pages, only *2.."0. I* selling beyond par- , ; alleL CAUTION. —Beware of Inferior works. This J is tlie only complete and reliable work. Send for circulars, and see proof and great success I agents are having. Yddress HUBBARD Bl!' S.. Publishers, Philadelphia. 22-4 PHOTOGRAPHS! HAVING arranged my Light so as to obtain till those line ions of Sl:ival, ON HAND AND FOR SALE. All work guaranteed togi\e satisfaction. M. T. LYSP?, Photograph Gallery, SECOND STREET East of MAIN, (Dike's lin Hilim/,) COUDERSPORT, PA. COUDERSPORT CLOTHING STORE ! ALL KINDS OF Ready Made Clothing, HATS, CATS, TRUNKS, VALISES. AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS : Constaii' v .>n hand and for sale as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST !! MEN and BOYS SUITS TL) CORRESPOND WITH THE se /vsoisr. This being the only Establishment in this ! place devoted exclusively to the Clothing T.uf.iness lean sell CHEAPER lonix Customers than those whodouot make ( LOTHING a SPECIALTY can gffortl to. Call and see my stock and I will guarantee satis faction. M. L. GRIDLEY. BOOTS and SHOES ! John Denhof, WOULD respectfully inform tin- citizens that he continues the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES at hi* new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (Smith of tin liriih/i,) ALL work done in a workmanlike manner, at reasonable rates, AND A GOOD FIT Ol A RANTEKD. Give him a call. HARRISON KOON, WAGON MAKER, Second St.. bet. Main and West, {O/i)msil" /'TI ill's II! a ck±lll ith Shop.) The subscriber give* the practical experience of Thirty-five Years in tin* business to his patrons, and is prepared to do All Kinds of Work IN HIS LINK. WITH GOOD MATERIAL and Workmanship. Special attention paid to Repairing. Hall T. Kelson's MEAT MARKET, THIItIY ST Rll ET, (lhttmn .l/.1/A l'action in your l.ivcr v- BplefT Unless relieved at once, the Mood lc •ines impure by de'eterious secretions. pro ducing ii'lulous or skin diseases. Blotehes, 1-Vi- I oos Pustules, Canker, Pimples, &c., &c. linvc ,t on a Dyspeptic Stomaeli? I'll less digestion i> promptiv aided, the system i-de , bilitaled with loss of vital force, imvertyof the Blood. Dropsical Tendeuey. (Jelieral Weakness or Lassitude. Have yon w oak new oft lie inti'st iiies? , Vou .ire in danger of Chronie Diarrlura or tlie i dreadful Inllannmitioii of tlie Bowels. I lav <■ \ oil w cal ness of the I ferine or I rinary Organ*? Vou niiist proeure instant 1 relief or you are liable to suffering worse than ; death. Are j on dejected, drowsy.dull, si ittrtrisli. or 'depressed in spiiits. with headache, backache. coated tongue and bad tasting immth? ! For a eei tain remedy for all these diseases. | weaknesses and troubles: for cleansing and |>u j rilying the vitiated I>!imhl and imparting vigor to i all the \ it;it forces: for building up and restoring ; the weakened constitution t'SK JURUBESA ; which is pronoun Iby the leading medical au- I thorities nf l.ouiloii anil Paris "the most power ' lid tonic nid alterative known b> the medical j world." This is no new and untried discovery, ! but liii long been Used by the !• cling ph> -icialis | of otiier countries with \rotio!e Agent for the Initial States. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for circular. _ among all classes. Did people, the middle- I aged, those wlioare .just entering ll'e. and L." \ youth of l.oi Ii sexes buy and read wil Ii the Jrirnd'iSi Secret, ill ; *" I>lo LEWIS' last and best l k. ' Il i i llleetlllg with the gleatesl success; U > and there's .I/O.I'AT /.4 '//: ; s* ail I for our circulars, etc., which are *si sent tree. tlKo. Maim w I'hilad'a. 2.1-4 rno l tit: tt Oltli I XO CLAHB. male or f. - 1 in ile. fR.. a wc s guaranteed. Kespeetable ; employment at home; day or evening: no capital | required; full instructions and valuable package j of goods to start with sent free l.\ mail. Address, , with fi cent return stamp, M. Yol'No .v ('<>., I 0.5-4 b> Coiirtiandt |„ New York. The Sabbath of our Lord, Fy BISHOP STEVENS, | is an < nt V ';/ te ie work on an absorbing topic, i written in the author's must jiniri rfiil stale. It |pr -•■ its the subject in /i '•<•/ and henutijul lights. I'm nut toil ton waken a leepinterest and be pro ; d ietive o! great good. Agents w anted, to whom I ii'- missions Will l- allowed. Address j 2:: 4 -1. V. STOOP akt .v CO., I'ub'rs, Philadelphia. CRUMBS OF COMFORT The Ladles' Friend. Ask your grocer for it. BARTLETT'S BLACKING I ahvavs gives satisfaction. Trv it. ! PKARL HU E i for the laundrv has no equal. SoUl in/ ameers. 11. A. BARTLETT A Co., 115, 117 N. Front s|„ I'hiia., t in Chambers St., N. Y.. 43 Broad St., Bos ; ton. 23-4 > - -SK afcti'i-1 *. Abdominal supi orter and Pile Pipe—Belief and j Cure for Rupture, Female Weaknesses, and Piles i —indestriu unle, light, safe, cleanlv (steel springs coated), never rusts, bieaks, limbers, nor soiis, &f --, ferding comfort, safety, cleanliness, and durabili -1 ty. T niversally approved to the Medical Profes sion, and all who wear them, as the best and most 1 satisfactory appliances know n. Sent by mail or express. Establishments, 134< Chestnut SI., Phil adelphia, and 737 Broa l .vav. New York- Careful ■ and correct adjustment. Experienced lady in at ! tendanee. " 23 4 FREF TO ROOK AGENTS. .'( /. te/r" nt/y fiouniMiu*hi:l affections. use only WELLS' MMUC TABLETS W rl !ile,> i n italioii* an on the market, lull rue mrv s.-ii-ntiiu- preparation of Carbolic A••i o! her. in >lll cases of irritation of the mucous mem brane these TA.i I:TS should be freely u-ed. their clc insimr \ he oimr properties are astonishing. JJo nnra4, wen r ti ■•ct n . old, it is easily fin' iini -sin , >ieiitstat •.win-nitlh'COllK'schron ic tin ctiri i. \. -ceding', y difficult, use Well's car b.."i ,-| I-. ;| -(H'ci'lc. In l"i ni'i' I!.i\. .It l|\Q. KELLOGG, ss nd for circular. is i'latt St.. N. V., n-i S Agent for the U. s. V Mitiiil Oip Double Elevated t)ven. Warming Closet. Broiling 1 >oor, l ender, Guard. l>uin|iing ,V Shaking (Irate, Direct Draft. El I.LKIb \\ AIMJEN" & Co.. 2422-4 236 Water St.. N. V. "icr n>T7?T7* easily mane with our Stencil and TI 1 |l\ r. Y 1\ e\ "cheek i .lit tit. ('irelllal's free. -LJ a. stalToni At'f'e. Co.. 1.0 Pulton St.. New York. 23-4 A Great Go;nbination .nd tic very liest business opportunity ever of. feted, is in"lie found in tut Agency for taking subscriptions to HENRY WART BEFCHF.R'S C e.t LITERARY, FAMILY NEWSPAPER, v uli which i- given away the largest and best Premium Picture ever offered, the new and ex ■ l commission.-. !•<> i; One Agent made Ason in nioiitlis :anotli er v. Tin " days; another *4.40 in one week: one s T.itn in .me day. and many others from $5 and si am! S|ii per day. This year our offers are even more profit able. No waiting for the premiums. The Subscriber ' tfr ni iC,i ii fir pans his Siilixcri/ition. GOOD AGENTS WANTED! I Intelligent men ami wmneii wanted every where. To get good territory, exclusively a's. signeil. send early for i-ircular and terms: '.I. B. FOI.'IKN I'll. New York : Boston, Mass.; Chica go. 111.. Sau Francisco, Cai. dc2ot4 AGENTS, now is vour chance! LJVINUSTOXE LOST AMI FOTYL). The only book on the subject that tells the whole s'ory. Don't tie humbugged with any other. This has nearly snu pages, t , ,"o fullpaf/c En prarinr/s and.Maps \t> Price *3. ~0. The Pros pectus will sell it at sight. Pur first choice of ter- ! rib try address at once I>. \SHMKAD. 22-4 711 sansotn St.. Philadelphia, Pa. rpp Agents wanted: .Tllst out! A splendid DUU imw chart "Christ blessing little children." linin-ii-" siles: .Mm agents wan ted for our large Map oftin- "Cnited States" with i immense "World" Map on reverse side. Our ; Maps and < 'harts go like wild-tire, iII A A SIS Ll'BltKcHT. Etniiire Mapand Chart Kstablisluneiit, b>7 Liberty St.. New York. 22-4 OUTFITS PUKE: A pen /.i' Wonted Everywhere for THE MOTHER'S GUIDE. I This is the best opportunity now offered to I agents to canvass for a live book. Every Mother needs and wants it. Experienced canvassers 'pronounce it the ls-st selling book in the market, send for riiviilarsand seeourext ra liberal terms. Address Continental Publishing Co.. ' 23-4 I Bond St.. N. Y. City. 990 made Dec. 3rd by one Agent selling HORACE GREELEY and FAMILY. | A fine engraving, gjvjs in., sent by mail for 11.00. We a'su mail Button-Hole ,v Sewing Machine : Thread Cutters, ami Needle Threading Thimble, 1 price '.'.a cents each. Circulars of various other . Novelties in , iled freipientlv to all old and new ag cuts, address \MEBICAN NOVELTY CO.. PAIR, PAIN, CAMP HO BIN E! ; The grcatdisenven for the relief of pain and a ' i sure and immediate cure lor Rheumatism— - Chii>nie and Acute. Sprains. Sore Throat, Bruis l|es. Chilblains. Pain in Chest. Back or Limbs. - ; Croup, stiff Joints. Strains. Inflammation. Neu i ralgia. Burns and Scalds. Bunions. Frosted Feet, i Catarrh. &e. It has a pleasant and refreshing odor and will not grease or stain the most deli eate fabric, which makes it a Luxury in every •! Family. Price 25 cents per Bottle. For sale by all druggists. IIECBEN HOYT. ITop'r.. 2ti3Greenwich St.. N. Y. AGENTS WANTED for the Font-Prints of SATAN " DEVIL in Mi ley: a new honk: by Rev. Mollis Head. A. M . author of -<;oi> IN MISTOKV." Illustrated fr m desi nis hy Dore, Nast of Harper's Weekly and others. Nothing 'ike it ever before seen or I In ai d of. and -el's at sight. 22-4 E. P>. Tit PAT. Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. /. . ntl everywhere, 1-' " - w ——" 7 liialt and fe | Lj-lmale. to introduce I lie CI IN I*IN EIM Plt< >\"D 1 I_tt)MMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING M A ciitNi.. This machine will stitch, hem, fell. —: iiek.Miiilt. cord, biml, braid ami embroider in f-S I most s.; jierior manner. Price only #l">. Pulls iceiiseil \ warranted lor live years. We will 3"pay slooufnr ans liiaeliinethat willsewastron- J ger. more lH'autiful.ormoreelpulled apart without tearingit. We -sjm>ay agents from*7TtosAMtper month and ex i. uses, or :t commission from wire ihat iiintint can be made, \ddres- SKCOMB \ W3i . / I Y, .v. XJSLODEONB, and ' >R(l .4 -Y,S". ni' >'? tirxt class mal'i'rx, in • 'oreiiieyitx, far J £75 cash. .Yaw rt "/111 a (itxyEttrO PAHI-on ORG A -Y, the ncsf ; beaatifrl stale and perfect tone ever made. II- Inxtrated ( ataloancs 'mailed. Sheet Music .(• , M'l or Merchandise, 134-4 Vinpftar Bifter; Purely Vegetable. Free from Alcohol GR. WALKER S California Vinegar Bfa Vinegar Hitters are not a vile y,,. Brink, maile ol Poor Rum, Whiskey j, Spirits and Refuse Liquors, iloctored. i.g aiei sweetened to please the taste, , "Tonics." ••Appetizers," "Restorers." • that lead the tippler on to Uninkenncs- ruin, tmt are a trt.e Medicine, made fru native roots and liertia of California. In- • all Alcoholic Stimulants. Ttiey are ttu i.- R'ood Purifier and a Life-giving Priiiri] Perfect Renovator and lnvigorator of tin s tem. carrying off' all poisonous restoring ihe blood to a heatthv conditio' rit liing it. refreshing and invigorating inlln 1 and body. They are easy of admits tion. prompt in their notion, certain in > resu'es. sa'e and reliaiile in all forms of d,-, \,, Person enn lake !lc-c Hilter,! cur ling to directions, and remain longun . provided their Indies are not destroy mineral poison or other means, and tin \ org us wasted beyond the point of repair. I>y'-pepoiit or linligesfion. Iliac, P. .ii* ni the Slioolders. Coughs, Tightness. t host. Dizziness, Sour Eructations of they arh. Bail Taste in the Mouth.llltious Attacks.! pit at ion of i lie Heart, Inttammat ion of tin- l.unj Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hunoa other painful symptoms, are the offspring- D>.-pepsia. In ihese complaints it has IHMSJI, ami one Iwttle will prove a better guaranty ns merits than a lengthy advertisement. For p'eniale ( omplaiiils. iltyojltgorf married or single, at the dawn of woinatilur or the turn ol life, these Tonic bitters ill-par decided mi influence thai a marked iu.pris mi in is soon perceptible. For Inflammatory an air a t,rntlr I'll I'g alii i a, \v, as a Tonic, possessing also llie peculiar I of acting ivs a powerful agent in iv ungi gestion or lnffauimatiou of the 1 iirand i • r.d organs and in Bilious Disease.-. I For || in Diseases. Eruptions. Tetter > Rheuiil. Blotches, spills. Pimples. I'll stilt.-.1 i'arbuneles.Ring-worms. Seald-Ilead. S ' Kr\ sipelas, Itch, Scurfs. Discoloratioi- Skin. Humors and Diseases of the s i. lditever name or nature, are literally il and carried out of the system in u r!i :t t. the use of tie se Bitters. (Hie hottlcin • arl will convince the most Incredulous of tin . ative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Hlood W'hr: you tind Us impurities but >.. g tliriac -kin in Pimples, Eruptions, or For-: eh ai.- wlieu you linil It obslnieted a".d s.r.-gi-h i veins ; cleanse it wlieii ii is I.> :! ; jc.ur f • wi:i tell yon >th in. K p the n. tort p::r i til • health of the system will follow. (frattful Tliousamls proclaim \ i BITTKRS the most wonderful Inrigorai . ever sustained the sinking system. I'iii. Tape, and o( Iter Worms. . in the -> stem of so lu iu> i liousa tu illy destroyed and removt d. S.:; I ginshed physiologist: Thi re is s'a vidual on the face of theearth who.-> > enipt from the presence ol w onus. It is i on the healthy elements of tiro body: r .. t exist, hut upon the diseased htnnors at, ! deposits that breed these living iii.inste, iisease. No system of medicine, no rem no anthe'.miiiitirs, wRI free tic futntu worm- like En - Bitters. Mi-cbii niea I 111-rases.—V *- - i ii"l , sueli as 1 ! -. iiol :-! •■. i - rs, and Miner-.•. . !'• . . ;i; . 1 a.tai,.-' tin- 1.: I ;,:ii Reuiittenl. and Intvrtt v.nley sol our gnat rivers th: m■ e ' ' t;ii s. espc •• .ally lliose of the .Vl si - ju i. Mi -so .n. iilitiois, 'i nic.ssi c. i r. . iti-:.- b I Ilr. b. 1 •ii. A! m.t. M- lie. . P - and i.i tuy oil rs. v.i'h I!, a '■■ -t mries. throughout our entire eou.itrv >. * an il r and Autumn, and r . arka I I,..l'!> aeeompamed b> extensile ill: I 'iieni-ol lie stomach and liver, and 1 • luminal viscera. In Their treatment, ai 'l tie. exerting a powerful Influence upm I various organs, is i s.-eniiai.y necessan. " is no cathartic tor the purpose equal t" WAI.KEH'S VISKCAR BtTTEIW, 88 t -peedilv remove the dark-colored visrr ■i ,■ iaeli the tiowels are loaili'd, at t. • tin • stiie.u.ating the si eretieus i' m generally restoring Hi Ileal, i; lit '•• ■ SeraAiia, . King's Evil. 1 I till as lin'amuiatious. In I i ns. Mercurial .v.ectioiis. >•• i > • H ■ K iv; powers in the most obstinate ai ■ Dr. Walker's California b 'I liillrrs act on all these cases in - B manner. By purifying the blond t bey " the canse and hy resolving away the t the iiitl.iiiiii.aiioii (the tubercular d> i " affected (>.,rt.s receive health, and s pf-* cure is effected. The properties of Dli. WALSKK "b >: BITTKUS are Aperient, Diaphoretic. ' ative Nutritious. Laxative. Diun live. Counter-irritant, .Sudorific, Aitent> and Anti-Hilious. Tiie Aperient and mild Laxative pr ties "i Da. Wtunt YINMGAK Ktjj the lust safe-guard in cases of entpii' l! "' malignant fevers, tlieir balsamic, beau a sniffluiig properties protect the hum< ir ' fauces. Their Sedative prhpertk -" : " s I'. t he; nervous system, stomach, audi" k from inttnmniation. wind, colic. cramP' Korlify llie body atgninst *B srl !t , J[ ; purifying*all it.- flnida with Vttwn' : N > epidemic can take hold of A BJ'skb. -■ I Dii vi lions. Take of the bitters or .n • uigl. from a half t<>one UKDJ l | Eat good nourish ■ is be d-sto. nil,ion chop, venison, ra-j "i veg and take out loor K They are composed of jiurely veget w dieliis, ,„i eoin.dii bo spirit. K. 11. McIIOYAI.O