The Potter journal and news item. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1872-1874, January 03, 1873, Image 3

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    , P potter Journal
.-;2SS? CUT, PA., January 3,1873.
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|m anil smaliouts.
liur - Local Editor" probably exerted j
mself toomuch, Christmas, on "turkey !
dfixin's," as 'e is now sick. He re
imuended us to look up some old al
iiiac. but the news contained in the
lest we could find was so fresh and
inliiigto us that our belief in the fiat
s'. course of events was considerably
wti. We finally gave it up in despair,
i-cided that if nothing would hap
-w vit needn't —that's all. If the
,5- lis week are of a solemn cast
'•wr readers please overlook it, and
Viit-ve that we heartily wish them
Nine of our readers will find in their
i bill showing how much they are
IJidhaiid for the Journal. The bills
made out up to the date at which
super passed from the hands of the
m proprietor. We would urge those
i receive these bills to send us the
! nt at the earliest possible moment,
[the heavy expense we have been at in
raring to enlarge the paper has placed
:ii a state of chronic shortness.
bother veteran of the war of 1812
Mr. JACOB RECKHOW, formerly
- place, died at Oswayo, La. Dec.
.iviwied seventy-seven veal's. His
liiains were taken to Ceres on the fol
iar vinday and deposited by the side
J- wile. Ilewasan industrious man,
- neighbor and a reliable friend.
I i,ilia Lodge, No. 842. A. Y. M.. had
r reunion at the Coudersport Hotel
iristmas', Dec. 25,1872, and enjoyed
F'd Christmas dinner. In the even
f the following officers were elected
installed for the ensuing masonic
Hatter. —R. L. White.
1 I' ov/eii. —S. F. Hamilton.
Wanien. —O. J. Rees.
' /.—I). C. Larrabee.
I '-i. —A liner on Nelson.
NIP mail to Port Allegany now leaves
? Emporium route has iH'en dis
NIP v inlay School of the Presbyterian
I'lehrated (Jhrist mas by a sleigh
shing up with a supper at the
i. We understand they had a good
! "ii New Year's day the Sunday
"t the M. E. Church had their
-h-ride. Judging by the looks and
* of the young folks, the whole
was highly enjoyed by them all.
i air and Festival for the benefit
' baptist ('hapel, on Dec. 19 and 20,
to irnve lieen quite a success, as
; 1 the articles on the tables were
ami we understand that the amount
N—with expenses deducted—was
>! ~ 3 - We append a card of thanks
!n the church:
: JF F I:\AL & ITEM : The ladies of
| y 'ptiat church and congregation in
" ls .P°rt interested in the Fair and
, ii closing on the 20th inst. desire
on your columns with their
,I'-Kiiowledgments and tluinks for
~, co-operation and valuable
is,,f t' l * l ladies in the congrega
li'ri Methodist and Presbyterian
ft the Borough who contri-
buted so largely to the success of the
undertaking. They accept it as an in
dication of kindness and christian cour
tesy which they trust may never l>e
marred by any feeling derogatory to true
christian fellovvsliip.
/Ac. 21, 1872. LADIES' COMMITTEE.
Christinas passed off very pleasantly
and quietly, here in town, and we have
no doubt but this season of opening the
hearts and purses of all has borne its
usual good fruits. The youngsters have
had their full enjoyment over the con
tents of their stockings, and the older
ones have enjoyed themselves in the
light of the merry hearts around them.
But now we turn our thoughts to the
NEW YEAR. What of joy or sorrow
does it bear on its wings for you, dear
reader? What of trials, struggles, tem
tations, or victory will it bring to each
of us? Let us look all the more closely
to the untrodden pathway of the future,
that we may not look back mournfully
at this year as we, so many of us, must
look on the year that has past. Let us
make the single determination to DC
RIGHT, and then bend every energy to
enable us to keep the resolution.
We have received the semi-weekly
Olean Times , and are glad to notice
that our neighbors are in so prosperous
a condition that it should seem to he de
manded. We hojie the enterprise will
prove a success and that the Semi-week
lv will soon be crowded out by a Daily.
The Literary Meetings are deserving
of more attention than they have re
ceived up to this time. There is always
something of interest in its exercises—
those of last meeting were unusually in
teresting; the next promises to be equal
ly so, and we urge a general attendance
of our citizens. A village without a
well attended literary meeting during
I the winter season is behind the times,
and needs shaking up. The Coudersport
Literary Society meets every Monday
evening in the basement of the Metho
dist church at seven o'clock. Come and
help make these meetings more profit
able. The pajier of the Society—made
up of original articles by the members—
will be read next Monday evening, ques
tions that have been assigned will he
answered, and the following question
will be discussed:
Hesohtd. that the National Banking
System ought to be so amended as to en
able any persons to establish a Bank for
the issuing of bills, that will deposit
with the Bank Department the required
A.jfirmat i ve. Xeyati re.
S. S. Greenman, I J. M. Hamilton,
A. 15. Mann. W. I). Weaver.
Bear Hunt.
Ed. Journal: I wish you would men
tion in your paper this week that I have
followed the track of a large bear into
a laural patch 011 Pine Creek. On Mon
day. the 6th of January, self with others
are going to try to kill him. All that
want a bear hunt can have a chance to
go then; every one should lie prepared
with gun and dog. provisions and blank
ets, or roltes. We start from Roulet in
morning; he at Baker House about !);
pass Lewis Lyman's about lb; take din
ner at Brookland at 12; and so down
Pine (.'reek and up the West Branch to
stay over night, to be ready early Tues
day morning for the hunt.
Yours truly , LEROY LYMAN*.
lirctimcr —OliHslnin.—On peer. 25, 1 H72, at
the residence of the bride's parents, by Kev.
J. 1.. Landis, Mr. UEOUOE RKEIIMER, of
lulalia, and Miss FRANCES CHASTAIN, of
lainanU—Klrsa.—At Cotidersport, on Pee.
Ist, 1K72, by the same. Mr. CHAIU.ES En-
WARDS and Miss KATE KLESA, l)otli of Em
porium, Fa.
i>i *:i>.
At her residenee at Lewisville, Pee. 24,1872, Mrs.
Lncj W hipple, in the 70tli year of her
Thus departed a "Mother in Israel." Her piety
was of the most fervent and useful kind. Site
was an active member of the Baptist church, bat
s<> free from sectarian bias that all denominations
looked upon her as one of themselves. Cntil dis
abled by age she was a constant attendant upon
all the means of grace, and on the Thursday eve
ning prayer meeting of the Methodist church her
prayers were a model of earnestness and power.
The' loss to the cause of Christ is great, but we
can say witli the poet:
"Weep not for a sister deceased,
Onr loss is her infinite gain." COM.
On the 23d of Peer., at her residence in Lewisville,
Mrs. Miriam Monroe, aged 70years.
Mrs. Monroe was one of the pioneers in the
north part of this County, having settled in Bing
ham township about fortv-flve years ago in the
midst of an unbroken wilderness. Her late hus
band, Ashabel Monroe, who was one of the best
known citizens of the County, was largely indebt
ed to her prudent management for the fine pro
perty he amassed and for the influential position
he occupied in society. She was a woman of
great energy and good sense, most exemplary
character and exerted a wide influence always
on the right side.
At the residenee of her parents in Oswayo, Pa.,
Dee. lti, 1872. Luoretia E. I.) mail. aged
28 years..*
Our viJlot pure we laid away.
Within the dark, dark ground to-day;
Her earthly beauty must decay.
And we must ''kiss the roil."
A flower unfading shall arise,
Transplanted far oeyond the skies,
Wlios ■ splendor dazzling mortal eyes
Shines in the light of God. SARAH.
At a regular convocation of Electa Ch iter, No.
4, of Adaptive Masonrv, of the Order o: the East
ern star, held at their Ilall in Oswayo, Pa., Dec.
21,18V2, a series of resolutions sympathizing with
the family and friends, and expressing their loss,
were passed.
The funeral sermon, (which was preached by
Rev. J. W. Ray, of Wellsville, N. Y.,) closed with
the following words:
The deceased, Lueretla E. Lyman, was born in
Washington county, N. Y., where her parents
learned to love the Episcopal church, and in wlijch
she ami the rest of the children were early bap
tized. This daughter's faith was in the church, in
which she would have been a communicant had
she lived where our church had regular service.
As a daughter she was affectionate, and though
finding a welcome home while teaching in the
family of her sister, yet, when her health became
feeble, her heart was in her father's house, and
the aged parent's heart toward her—where they
might be the ones to minister to her in the love
next to His "who tempers the wind to the shorn
lamb." it was the beautiful fulfilment of the last
verse in the Old Testament, where it says, the new
dispensation shall see "the hearts of the fathers
turned towards the children, and the hearts of the
children towards the fathers." Her brothers and
sisters, too, were in her heart, as she in theirs; and
only the day before her death, when her brother
asked if his watch had heen wound up, she said,
pleasantly, "No, but I will wind it for you," and
that, too, when the wheel within a wheel in her
body, was so near run down that she could not
wind the watch any more than she could wind up
her own heart anil pulse. 1 Infer from all I can
hear that she was a young woman of education
anil industry, anxious to do something for herself
and family, and to help the children of the town—
even the poorest—to an education. He,nce she be
came a member of that great and well deserving
profession of teachers—where perhaps by too
great devotion to her work she injured her health
and became, as it were, one more of "the noble
army of martyrs." Her pupils are among the
most sincere mourners of all who will weep over
this dear departed one. During her long and se
vere illness, she has had full time to test her heart
and hope, and yet she has been resigned and calm,
and even desiring the wings of the dove to be
stretched upward. Her pains were not m neat
but she was superior to their strength, and wished
to go; and that last night, when she was going,
" They watched her breathing through the night.
Her breathing soft and low—
As in her breast the wave of life,
Kept heaving to and fro —
Their very fears their hopes deceived
Their hopes their fears belied
Tliey thought her dying when she slept.
And sleeping when she died'."
then her end was so peaceful that the wings were
given her unseen by mortals and she cut her shin
ing way aloft where the wings are indeed "the
wings of a dove covered with silver, and her
feathers of yellow gold." Happy spirit I and hap
py all her friends who look towards the sky where
they saw her go, as the dove from Noah's' ark, to
come back to this wicked world no more. May we
all realize that our dearest frieuds are within the
veil, and say to us " come up hither, coiue up
higher." Anien.
In this place, on the evening of Deer. 14, 1872,
Arthur, youngest child of JOHN and DOHA
DUEL, aged 17 months.
As the sweet flower that scents the morn
But withers in the rising day,
Thus lovely was this infant's dawn.
Thus swiftly passed his life away.
It died ere its expanding soul
Had burned with wrong desires;
Had ever spurned at Heaven's control,
< >r quenched its sacred fires.
He died to sin—lie died to care—
But for a moment felt the rod •
Then, rising on the viewless air.
Spread his light wings and soared to God.
IYOR RALE, at this Office—to make room for
larger presses—a Rronstrup Ifiind
press—platen 20\. x 26"., nearly new. ALSO,
a RCOGLES CARD A JOB PRESS—4?; x 8 inside
chase. Both presses in good order.
1. holders of the Jersey Shore. Pine
Creek and Buffalo Railway company
for the election of President and Directors of the
Company will be held at their Office in Couders
port, Potter Co., Petina., on Monday the 13th da.v
of January, A.I). 1873.
December 27, 1872.-t3 Secretary.
Waif er Wells, of the Arm of VKU.S A- DAY,
has just returned from New York with a large
stock of 7)ry Goods, Heady-made Clothing,
Hoots tf .Shoes. Jlats <f Caps, A'otions, Hard
ware, CrocA-ery, and a full line of Groceries.
He has also purchased In Buffalo a large stoke
of Flour, 7'orh, Corn .Meal and Feed, which
will be offered as cheap for cash as the same artl
i les can be bought In Wellsville or Portville. Pro
duce and shingles taken in exchange for goods at
cash prices.
Please call and examine oar stock before pur
ehasiug elsewhere. WELLS A DAY.
Oswayo, Jan. l, 1873. 22
My wife, Florence Smith, having left my bed
and board without just cause or provocation; I
hereby caution all persons against harboring or
trastiiig her on my account, as 1 shall pay no debts
of her contracting after this date.
Harrison, Dec. 23,1572 23-4
Administrator's Notice,
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to the
estate nf Henry 11. Dent, late of Brooklainl, Pot
ter county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to
the subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims or demands against the estate
of the said decedent will make known the same,
without delay, to WILLIAM DENT,
Brooklainl, Dec. 2". G72.
Executor's Notice.
WHEREAS, letters Testamentary to the estate
of Miriam Monroe, late of the Borough of Lewis
ville, Potter county Pa., have been granted to the
subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims or demands against the estate of
the said decedent will make known the same,
without delay, to GEO. W. WARD,
Lewisville, Dec. 26,1572. Executor.
Came to the premises of the subscriber in West
Branch township, a spotted red-and-white year
ling bull. The owner will prove property, pay
charges, and take the same awav.
West Branch, Pa., Dec. 23, 1872.
BY VIRTUE of an order issued out of the Or
phans' Court of Potter County, and to me direct
rd, bearing date Dec. 10,1872,1 will expose to sale
by public outcry, on Saturday, the TWENTY
FIFTH day of JANUARY; A.D.,1873,at ten o'clock,
a. m., on the premises, the following described
real estate, all situate in the County of Potter and
State of Pennsylvania, to wit:
LOT NO. 1. —Bounded north by J. L. Havens and
Joseph Louks; east by J. L. Havens; south by J.
L. Havens; and on the west by Huldalt Sunderlin,
Blooinie Rogers. Ahram Kfllwurne, ltlioda Si
mons, c. Sunderlin, C. P. Kilbourne and Matthew
Youngs. Containing about seven acres, with a
mill privilege and frame grist-mill thereon.
LOT NO. 2.—Bounded north by Hiram Warren ;
east by the Lueien Bird lot: south by H. C. Jones;
and west by John L. Havens. Containing about
forty acres, about twenty acres thereof improved.
LOT No. 3. —Bounded north by Almina Sunder
lin; east by H. C. Jones; south by H. C. Jones,
George Sutton and S. Swindar: and west by Ceo.
Parker. Containing about twenty acres, with
altout fifteen acres improved.
To be sold as the property of JOHN SUNDERLIN,
deceased. Terms—one third cash, one-third in
six months, and one-third in twelve months after
confirmation. C. W. BEACH,
AdnTr. of Est. of J no. Sunderlin, dec'd.
Sunderlinville, Dec. 13,1872.
For Sale.
A half-cabinet WHEELER & WILSON Sewing
Machine, good as new.
COST 875 . . PRICE 8-o.
Call on A.B.MANN.
Coudersport, Oct. 18,1872.
Came to the premises of the subscriber, about
the middle of September, a small red aud white
yearling steer. The owner is requested to come
forward, prove property, pay charges, and take
him away.
Ayres Hill, Dec. 13, 1*72.
Partnership Notice.
r p e I VDEKfiu' ;.!> respet-ifuliv announce to the
JL public that they have il is day entered into a
en-partnership in mercantile luisiness at Oswayo,
t'a., where nil; be found a general assortment of
merchandise usually kept in a country store, which
they offer low for cash. 28-4
Dec. 11, CI I AS. DAY.
Is hereby given that James IL Foster obtained
three judgment notes in Wis, by fraud, falsehood,
and deceit, against E. W. Foster and C. E. Foster,
(one of sl'<l and two of $133 each,) for no value re
ceived, and we forbid all persons having anything
to do with them whatever, as we are determined
not to pay them unless compelled by Saw.
Dee. 16, 1572.23-2* E. W. Ft IST E It,
Srits<TUITIONS to the Buffalo Unity "K*.
press" and the F.lmirn Doily Adver
tiser"* received and forwarded by
133-ly Arthur B. Mann.
Coudersport Hotel
General Stage Office
and is now o)>en to the PUBLIC.
The TABLE will be kept in FIRST-CLASS style,
and no labor or expense spared to make it a
GOOD STABI.IXG, and careful Hostlers
always in attendance.
The OLD-TIME popularity of the Hotel will be
FELLY MAINTAINED by the present Proprietor,
who now solicits the patronayc of travellers and
the public yenerally.
N. E. cor. SECOND and EAST Stroets,
(East of Court House Square.)
Has been purchased by BROWN & KELLEY,
(formerly of the COUDKRSPOKT HOTEL.)
The House is completely furnished from top to
bottom, and lias all the conveniences desired by
the people ; the table is the best in the County ;
the barn is under the charge of the best ostler in
' the State; and, in short, everything will be done
that can lie done to make it comfortable for stran
gers or others who visit the house.
The long experience of the Proprietors in the
Hotel business makes them peculiarly able to
cater to the varied wants of the travelling public.
They solicit their old custom, believing that
they are able to supply the BEST OF THE BEST to
133 Proprietors.
C 'hx'liN,
.1 '\v'lry,
Silver-plated Ware,
Glaswo Jk SjMM'laclcs,
1 -"ii-iliinyr Ta<*lile,
Guns au<l Aninuiiiit ion,
&(•., \c., &('.
11< )WAHI > & CO.,
(86.5 Broadway, X. 1 .)
REPAIRING done in a superior manner and WAR
Edward Forster,
Grroceries & Provisions,
&c., &c.,
' A specialty made of
Teas and Coffees,
i of which I have the
Larjjest IIIKI Best
j Stock in town.
All Golds sold CHEAP for CASH only.
Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
John V. Brown,
Coudersport & Wellsville
Persons going to OSWAYO by stage, and desiring
to return same day, will be accommodated
at stage rates.
Passengers wishing to reach any of the neighbor
ing towns will be conveyed by Livery at
reasonable rates.
A good Livery rig kept constantly on band for
passengers by the stage.
(JOHN V. BROWN, Propr.,)
Wholesale and lielail
Oysters by the Can, Quart, Gallon, Hundred and
Thousand received daily.
Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short
The Trade furnished at reasonable rates.
Give me a trial and I can suit you.
2122-t A. H. PEIRCE.
Corner MARKET aud HUNTER Streets,
I WOULD respectfully invite the attention of the
public to my
with the assurance that I can meet every de
mand for a first-class turnout.
Having purchased the Livery of Amos Velie, I
have the only Establishment of the kind in this