r jr n t r- o r - NA,T-21, 4DI 11 4;13 eti 02 C 412111' autimusau.. 4 ..aitututus - sszs..somenassunutulhitani r GIJA ;READERS. r :-- 2:* haitheet. i - tii 482T/C4 . • le.gan - • oat dy.ply .of - patN* 4'l fo'stf:-d last week: T ell9O wilrforirive the ontission,( kS .11as the self sheet this week,)in the f.,ir Pi4peet of a decidedchange in th.; appearance of tha - Paperin future.. We hope every subscriber to the Jollal. , b? ,- I.)me a true frica.l, arv.l. aid 113 circulatioo; by asking hi 6 Subscribe; For every tea n'ew s tt hicl ib:•rs obtained for us, we Will send an ex.z . , , a. cOpfto the parson getting up 'the elub,., we will allow him 12 pir • cent:./;:" e antou!.?. for his troubles.' NJa . e suhscriptim; will b_ received. par terms are very low, and Wi eau - rigt qfford, very large commissions to those win May favor-us, ...with their ,e.tortiarci - t.. 3 increase the list' of our pat rens.. The price of the Juuns.u, is Clue Dollar and's Twenty-Five Cents per 4- num, invariably in Ad - Vance. There is now -due - us on subscriptions— for which the subscribers have already Teceived the paper—over Four. Il t iindred Dollars; which.would he a 'great relief to us-in the proper mana;-.3ment of the pa per. We are now in great 14ded of money to purohese the necessary materials for printing the paper, and hope ALL Of-those indebted to us will either brinrr send. US - the money court wellt. We - n o t like to' beg money frqm our but necessity compel:: us to do so now. y Sir The School Directors of M. Kean County, we think made a mistake in not re-electing F. A. Alicia to the oak:: of Su perintendent of common SchoOls. Mr. 4. 'hasiheen a most faithfulofficer. Although his salary, was the lowest, but one in the state., yet he &Ivo nrrlks much time, and was quite z. alvus those that were paid the highest,. 14e is ra teacher 010%1 experieat.-i,431 is more at home in the school roon;than any other of our &equal/ataxia% Why sus:lan offleer should belisraissed fora new man who, we he leiva, ha,S neyei given any evidence of be ing qualified a 3 th ra e w directs, is a mys tery to ,u5.0. 4 1 1 t faithful service should coMmend a man to ,the favorable Consid eration of the seh4 . ol dep.irtment, then F. A. Allen of Sme.thpdrt, 31!lieau County, igentitled to such considers ion; and, we hope Mr. 111chok. will soon call him, to .13.Frisburg and aford him a larger field of usefulness than he has as yet occupied. Death 013li. Petriken. We regret to announce the death, at, Harrisbirg,-on the 15th inst., of Mr. J. M R. Petriken, of Lycoming county, and one oethe Representatives of this district in-the State' Legislature. He is said to be. another victim of the National Hotel poiscmieg, 144 t the. editor. of. the Tea g r a ph is informed . by Mr. Petriken's pnysioian, that he died from disease of some other paturi than . - poison. gr:' Petriken was an able representa. Live, and for - one-so young in years (35) evinced extraordinary talent, Iri politics he was ,a , fatter-day democrat, and'oric of the_most vigorons mlyqqates of, the doe.. trines,vflaieti are hastening the ruin of our country., He may have been Sincere in Ws attachment to those doctrines, but it vas more the, error of judgement, than of the - heart. As a man and a citizeu v(4 3 41 2 , 0 4 036 e.q 1 44 - WE have received th i e I*.y number of a Magazine bearing the name of " The Ladles JciuribQl ciul illustrated difisce/- tap 4; devoted 6 Literatiire, Music, Fash ion ilad . .A!rt; publisliedluonthly by Scat tergood Cu., Inquirer buildings; So nth Feica 15 cents br, number or $l,-50 per annum:" It I.ra thif stamp of a ; good work:, but a's we aro not'judgeS of "'a 'ware,', , we have . pia.4o4t,in'the hands of an gent l dy'`friend for critical erui 1 anal wiil T Atiort her opinion—if we get it. -- WE woludll the attention of our riad pre to the advertisement of the "Central Ohio Real Estate Aisoeigion" in another foliimn.! We aie inihrmed'that they are iii:!.very- way honorable -in their manner pfdoiag business, and organized fo.'per iliaalltitniieratlqq: t • • . ,sarple attention (:), liftiggista and Dealers is invited to "Coiir's" Ativertise , . .rnent and notip in to-day's paper. If ... . - • • 14es9.,remedIe.s arewhat % tilly itarrt to 6 'our-,prairists will find an. -extensive Clemana for them tiere. ,- - 111 Mr. - Carpenter,OftfieitiiiiscnT. l Palt, the or'an.isf gL4 anti , Barn.tow wing of,t ; he l'isconsin,'Denioaradi;—Wiites to.l4l3a iliicollowino.' : - ,j. i - :-. - ' 3,.., -. , 0 •. i 1 , "It is fell knOwn that;lir comppy.With n,seore of Democrats; ; from Wisconsin‘ t remained - iii.WisliinitOn - abOnt; a month 1 to aid in so exposit' , " the misslecils.of, th . O . :, "Portiy : Thieves" that we .should,,forci‘er Jje, ri a. of.themYerWP:lrr and it raust.be.' norOrinsere7thifi thatmOSt OfOli endcaHv- 1 ors live fitiled:':. The dopes. for (1311' I.rty' in tine future Are yanislpd, and- wc . :...havo been cleaned - out ! Tlie "40" find 01V -Or at court, while.the old siand-bi DeMocrats irhOhave never been in i l dicted for Stealing. gambling, cr -perjuries, are permitted to suck their flingers aa, respectable: tlis t Lance," T. hat the writsr 19 t:"1 igiisted, bqt not un- ; uterably 50, 7 with the Administration, is evidacot froM his closuig paragraph -:1 ..rii am aranging SQII)C b . usindssprepara, _ore to toking a bee-line for Madison to- . xx3rlO-5. or next day,Withthe - full deter inina;ion 'that the piion may be rent asiinder,'!the•Potomac4i'ell up if.4'iva . ters . to old 00,22.!1, and VecOnal:e.4 - ..dry as my pOckets; AbolitiOuis4 rev 1- in raniyint lnX e ury and .dominion at th:national:Cap eta! ; that Chimboraio mayi nod its tower, head 'at the feet of a nahle-hill; . that cholera, yellow feverj crow, and chicken pox tilaj , vomit forth! pestiferous and de. vasbeing.miasMa to Auftocae the poisoned 'rats of Washington;i , that lice, frogi,' and all the plagues . bron 4 ht u'on Egypt by tae wickedness of Pharoah -may : overrun and devastate our eciuntry, before J. ge to ; Washington apin with a view of prevegt, ing -thieves from filling P ; laces of honor and' profit. ! • RiTs.ll)4CdEs. BE9 - 130S. IliSEcTi , 4g. Thti,•L9/1 , 1?n Quivterly Review, - Tae, /Vac York Daily . ' tate Register and-others on • "COSTAR'S" Rat, Roitch, &c., EX TERMINATOR, I "COSTAR'S" Bed bug ,EXTER3.II. NATOIt, "COSTAR'S" ELECT4IC POWDER, for Ants, &e. 1 ' . ; - ' .1 The L2acion Qaartarly Review contain sl near a column, and the Ar.uo .rork,Daily Slate 'R-egisler, of May..th'e Ist says: "No judicious housekeeper _sbould .deter pur.; chasing a supply of invaluable remedies! for clearing their houses i,if all sorts of ver- I min. With; all confidenceie eau .;recom mend them as inclispensible w articles for ev ery family." Me ,Yeti York Journal for April has the following: f• 4 QcisTArtts ' Remedies for all domestic pests, suei as Rats,. Cock 1 1; , 4. 0 4 1 c.- 9 ,18ed Bug , An ~ -Vl o 4s; 4, a.rel said. to be invaluable; indeed, we can spear'; from actual knowledge cif their mr_e mer.-! its. The name. of 'Cost4r' is a 'household tyord'.to New Yorkers, and his Depot N 0,..! 383 BICOADWAY, New Mork, is thronged by p`housands daily. Ap the summer ap- proaches we advise every one who would! be...rid of the above naMed pests to send' and . procure a timely supply of the Exter minator. DRUGGISTS and DEALERS also 4,1/01,;14 sold their erdtrs early, if . they would. secure a trade iq articles for which there is a constant, d.origitc4, , attsi . gn which a fair profit may be re4lized. ZarSeeadvertisetunt in another col umn. I ' .....•m1i..111.4.1.•.•....••• A INlAsr.F.a r NEcv, OUT DONE.—W have until lately•supposed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral was the I:llfun3 Thuho in its iirle, and that nothing had been qr would be iq vented whio could surpass it in its fine points of excellence as a medicine. But we are, eontidently assured by those com petent, to judge Ott thA 81 . 1,14,0 qt ,, that .Dii. AYER'S,nbw ppa t s excel in high medical artistry even tbaivritli4qoe4raieti embed:. iment ot his skill. - He, has.succeeded jtt making ithein not only pleasant to take but powerful to I; cure ' the, large class of complaints Which require a purgative reinL . edy.--;-.Zwiectster Argii.s, 4 . 4-• Hou4— SiasaPa.siLLA.—For the removal, and permanent - cure of Scrofula,' .13ronchitis l INlmeuary Atfec- 1 dons and all cutaneous eruptions arising frdixrak :Lapin.; or vitiated• condition of the bllood, it stands unapproac,hed In the history Of medicine, It may 'be used at all seasons with , Very decided advantage, bnt especially it the spring and Entnamer season.--lowa Republican.= • Sold 'wholesale by :.Scheifielin, Br() ; Co. ; .Y,; Russell,:'Scott 4 Co,, delphia, Pa.; Park, Cin q 'o.; Wright & Co. ) N.A; Bacon; Hyde 4 Co., St.,Louis, Mo.; and all extensive drug merchants. QuispAßA,' K. T. Monday, May 11, 1857.—=DiStriet-Attorney Weir has enter edta nolle prozepti, in the ease . of Gov. Robinson indited,for.traason. • Frtini tiattikas. .......-..,._ lii , - Inif-01,4,.f.,,„,,- •-: , ~..,- „ , "irs --- tlit''ple. erTy OTTirster Iteypayis an , ~.,. ~. 4 Pt , t+LAtitit p "'"'" - "" T P -e3 ' - '---.•. - ' - , --, -- r-e -- e , , - ~: :',...7 ' V. ' TA.LO ' • - 6) 1 4 . 1 it) tia 't - ' A . , '\ ',: :4 - • r - 1` 1, - : —, „ mpa 3 ate, tua an. gn - - - es - 6 T0wn3 , 1 7 Pier , Opt rill Bohieded on 4rt.„44 ) ,_ ..` .: '-',..-' 7..Cgqi ;40110' -,. ~..- - I „,_thct" north bye tl,„pf W.': T. ;09es, 1 4.. ,pt.n!rtrnmatututt.olauuni PLitnts and .19b Cavenaugri, oh' the east ] by ,t,tte "'SBEILIFF'S SflitEEP : ' 1 : L&nd ofd`'. D)4inson and'!...lcih r li Recklto ,i.v, 'on , y.,VIEETHE - of-sundry writs oez l renditiani itti small .by the lands Of "John Reekliptik l and. 1 .4_,Exponas and Hera Acias-Jianini9ut of thr WM. KFc'ert - ctirdie westiekthe lands or IVZ Gonrt ofCommon Pleas of Potter C 9„ Penna.,. Jones and ; Plants, containing' ninety . 'four , and to -rge directed, I shall - etiO - se to . public dares, - with about fifteen - aer - is infiircirogd, -. ' and i sarei or otit.ciy,ltt-the : dourt House in , the 11Ori erected tliereeni one &atria lt'airt.4 ,-- i- •I , s's bugle. of G)tpdersport,-omitlondarthe - ;lsth day., --.-S4izecl-,, taken-in ezecutibnnd4l3.)ee r,,o1(1- , lof Juno, }...841', at 10 o'clock, 41...11.i the follow, as,the property of S. ,G.:Ronse. : - 7. r , ' L 'l n . ; , .."' ling, qescriked veal - estate, to'Wft-r - - - •-. ' 'l' 'AESO—Ceitain - Nialp3tate Atitate:ifi tile - A hSO--ftertain - reaVestate"sitdateirillene-1-gaur_To - ship,- Potter - :do; Fa - ,; lion qedsOif see Township. potter Co., P 4., Bounded .oa . i the norlit wit past -13v... - nalo.vipti 4m.13; o9ltho wi I the north by thd . lands of Harry Ellis. east by, south' b5 - * - atids "ctr . N;ithati Cobh; and onltte ',lands of thP Bingham Estate. - south by lands west by. latati.i..or..T.-ll,Collar,„ coat:lining ,oae of Verspl. tlickinson and S. Preston, and West i hundred acres,: pliant 113rtrite.ris'itif'WhielT I's by the ti.:wayo road and lands of Harry . Ellis, improved, with -'two two: log .Itatiso.4,- onel frame rcontaining forty acres. with about fifteen acres barn, one log , barn, _three log shed:; and an 'lclep.rol Atit.li , one frame tayern.-house and two t apple orchard, tliereitn.' ' - • --- t• ,'`< • .--: I, r - frame barns thereon. Seized, titlien in e . enntion, :tad to, e sold .9.,-* ket , ' -xecution. -and. to be - soldlas the property 'of Lath6r Cobh.- ..- -- : -•-- - --.,. cittrate zeizecl ; taken in cx % mi. ip the - Opperty of ITlpinas Reeler.. ALSO—Certain real estate situate -in Gene see Tciwuship, Potter'Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by the New' York' and Pennsylvania, State 'Line, on the east by lands of Gannon. Charnhers: south by Binghantlands, and west by land. 4 of C. Leach, ccifitaining two hundred and seventy acres are improved, with one log houke and qile log barn thereon. ' Seized, taken in.e*edutign and to be sold.as the property. of Patrick: Burke. Certaih real estate situate in Eulalia Pp., and Borough of Coudersport, Bounded on'the by the Jersey-Shore Turnpike Road, - on the east by Nathan Woodcock and east line of warrant 2l2;:; Sontl by lots of Gor dinier, and A. F. Jon s, and west, by '.Jones, and, W. T. Jones, ..containing 169 acres, of which awl about ei,tht.adres im proved; wit 4 onto fv. 4clusp and Bai!ne hard theresn. . . I Seized', taken in execution, and to be 7old ns the property of Daniel - F. Ellsworth, and John Crittenden. _ ALSO—Certain real estate hounded and described as follows, to wit: Situate -in Swe den Township,. potter : Co Pa., Bounded on . 1 , the north by Bingham lands, cast by Eliwz- ham landssouth by lands of James Fisk and Keating Estate, and.west by Bingham lands, t being lot No, 57 of the-allcunerit. of Hingham I. lands ia said Township, containing - eighty acres, more qt: "less; fifteen acres imprtil-eti, with pile log 'wise and one lqg stable thereon. Seized, taken in:lexecution and to he sold. as the property of Stephen Redson and Jona than Racism], ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Alle: gliny and Genesealownships, Potter Co. Pa.,. Beginning at a post at the south cast corner 'Of lot No. 3, standing in north line ,of lot , number five, thence north one degree, cast ninety perches and one tenth to a post, thence 1 §:malt eighty, nine and three fourths degrees, east, on the south line of lot No. 23, two bun 'tired and eighty perches to a post, thence south , on the west line of lot No. AI, ninety purelaps and one tenth of a perch to a post, I thence north .eighty nine and three fourths I tle-r reel, west op the-north line of lots No: 5; : 1...-... 0 and 7, two hfindred ;awl ninety perches and five tenths of a 'perch .to the place of begin , ning, containing one hundred and ten acres and nine tenths of an acre. M h ore or less wit hi ' the usual allowances of six per cent for roads, lacing lot. No. 4, of the allotment of the lands i, of the - FOY. Estate, with ninety acres irapriar -1 ed, tm'ci frame dwelling houses, one Triune barn, land two apple orchards : thereon, Seized, token in execation, andld be sold as the property of sal-noel Rigers, ;-'-- ALSO—Certain real estate situate in lines tor Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded :tad described as f illows, to wit': on the north by • unseated lands •of Bingham Estate, east by lands of Henry Haines, south and west by Biugham lands, containing 50 ac es, being lot No. 70 of the allotment of land of :11.1J. Dent, in Hector Townships and pa t . of war rant No. 1796.—ALSO—one other lot -Situate in Hector Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded mirth by Bingham Lands, eltit by Bingham Lands, south by lands - cif Hunsucker:l:nd Gar lock. west by lands formerly of - Jesse John son, contaniing 90 acres and nine tenths of ap acre, being lot N. 77 of the allotment of lauds'. of- H. B. Dent, ' iii I said Tuwnship, and part of warrant No. 1788, of which fifty acres are improved, G :tea-es- clint3pea, -with one fratne. dwelling. - abuse, two Irnius barns and fruit trees thereon.- -ALSO—lne other lot Bound= ed. north by lot formerly owned by Henry Haines and Bingliam Lands, east by Bingham Lands, south by Bing-ham Lart,ds and Intuls of H. H. Dent and west by Bingham Lands, containing. 100 acres, being lot No. 93 in Hector Township . and part of warrant 'No. 1354; of which 25 acres are improved, with one log -house, one saw-mill- and fruit trees thereon.ALSO—otfe other tract; situate in Hector and Ulysses Townships, Bounded north, east, south and west by lands of the, Bingham Estate, containing DA aeresrheing' lots No. 148 and 155 in Ulysses... Mad HectOr Townships, Potter CC. Pa,,apkpart , of Vat 9. - rants No. 1260 and u..;-41..50- 7 one, nther, i t i) lot, Bounded north 'unseated lands. 'east , y lands -of Hertry J. each, south by -lands o Hunsucker and, Garlock, and west by C. otielts, containing 100 acres, of which twen y acres Are improved, one frame house, and one frame barn thereon.-- MI Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Cqrnclius Loucks, and C. . . It Lgticks, : . , ALSO—Certain real estate sitTlatt , in Alle gany Township, Potter Co. Pa„ Ilminded on the north by lands of - J. Bresho, on' the east lily the lands - of Fox and Ross, south by the lands 0 Joh !Hags., and west by the lands of Luke.l2larl , a, containing one hundred and 3ii, twenty sev n acres and six, tenths of an acre, About fift erns arc improved, on which are erected one frame frame dwellinghcpisfy and one frame barn. e,ized, to nin execution, and to' be sold 4's 1. 1 4 q PFttrier of 17rial Atwood.. - ~" ALSO-- , - - C in real estate situate . in lice tor Township, J Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on . the north tw unseatedlands, east by lands Of TilOnaPfs Lanning; south by laudi . c.l.4lelvin Martin and west by lauds of.the Bingham Es tate, 'containing one hundred and ten p.ere.S; .- . . Of which about fifteen acres-is improved, with ono frame hcivse and.sonan frail trey thereon, —ALSO—:another lot ssitnatc in said Toivii ship, -Boundedlo the:nor : OA lay - the- Highway l ky called Genese -Fork road,..east lay > Eranci.s Strang; south ' - A. P. Cone, and weAtIkY,P.;..I Sunderlin, co taming- qne Italt of an it:lra-4 1 Seized, take i in execution, and to be sold as tlmproperty of Henry Ervay. •-::, l' ,-. .• ALSO—Certain real estate situlate in. Clam, Township, Potter Co. Pa., Ileginning sit.',,n , hemloclk tree for a corner, being the' N:;. W: corner of the, 1101 qriginally. sold, to, Wordeq, 1 thert.north 352 1 poles to a beech, tree, being, the south cOroer of C;l:tyant's p'urc t ii4e, tiie:nno I east gag poles to; a - soTricg .14• th% fisAt ;tine, of Said Ridgway's; land, thuaeo south on said east line 352 -poles' to a -poit'ecirner in sixid'ena line r thence west 23.2 poles to the piacerof.lae ginning,. containing 510. acres of land beim , part of warranl No. 5364.- • §cized, -taken ilia cxecation,,aiiil to be said ALSO—Certain real estate situate In Pike Township; Potter Co. Pa,i - fleaindad ni - ri the north by lot Nti.-14,•0u the Ittst - las , 4Pits4as. 14, 22 and 35, on the south bAtlot No. 23 itud unseated lands of the Bing,hani Estate. and on the west by unsetted lan 14 all by- lots 13- and 36, being lots:Nos: II and 12, of.sub-di viSioU of lands of the Binghain Estate in slid Township, coat:lining one hundred and fifty fie acres, of which about fifty acres arc proved. On it are three .frams house;, two framb barni, one-saW-mill and sonic fruit trees.--=.439,- 7 -tiot No. 36, situate in Town ship, County artir§cad aforesaid, bounded on the north and east by lot No: :14, on the south by.lot No. 13 and . unseated lands, oa:thewest by Pri!.eated lands and lot No. 15, containing 104 acres w4ich about twelve acres are improved. Oa it is,one'lbj,honse, ode frame house and one frame barn. Seized, Laken in execution, eqcl to be sold •AS the property, of Elijah Johnston. • Cortain real estate situate gaßy Township, Potter Co. Pa., Equipled on the north by lands of.Johnsun and Jones, on the east by lands of A. P. Cone, on tho'sonth by lands of Johnson, on the west by lands ofi S. P.-Lyman, containing, ninety - five acres, or! thereabouts, about twenty- of 'which is im- proved, with one log house and ono log and board stable thereon : . - I Seized, taken in execution, and to r be sold as the property of William Scranton and i Schuyler Scranton. , , , ALSDHCertnin real estate situate in Dee- I for Township, Botteroq, pia„ Rounded on the j north by lands - of H. Lnuoks, cm the east by' hinds of fl. C. Leach, and south and west by lands of Hunsucker and Oarlook, containing I fifty acres of which about four acres arc im l ! sbroved with' one frame dwelling hnuse thereon . . . ! Seizetaken in execution, and l to be sold ( 1 .... is the property of Matthias Young. I ALSO—Certain real estate situate in lies I ir ( 1 1 : 1 TQWostlip, POtte!,Co- Pa:, Bounded on, the north .loy the lands of Daniel Clark, cast, ! with and- west by lands of Fox; containing! bout forty acres, ofwhich five acres. are im- ; roved, five :wales chopped, and . one frame Monse thereon: :: - ! . • 1 Seized, taken in execution, and DIO lao sold! as the 'property of Mho S. Baker. 1 ; ALSO—pp 'tilt,. reirestiite-sitbate h Alle-. gany Tovinship , ;'Potter- C 0.,;: 1 4 3 - ; Bounded on , the fiord' by _1 LWI3' of Taylor, 61.4 by, unseat.; ed lands of I.‘si and Ross, south by !And.; , i f John (lace. 'and west by lands of Frederick Dasher, containing about four hundred aore3l of land, about twelie norog 'of whinh is in)-! proved, with one frame balsa, all log house and some fruit trees thereon. , Seized., taken in execution. and to be sold' as the property of Michael Gross: Al,,SO—Certain real estate situate In G-n-1 dice Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded ni: the north by the Wadi of S. S. Roberts, o , i• ithe east; south and west by the est!ito of M. Duffey, oontaiiiing. six :LOMA +O4 , alp ,foarth of an acrd more or fei3. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Annis.. ALSO—Levari Pacias.—All that one-and-a half story house, and one-and-a-half story shop 'appurtenant thereto,. situate in the Township of Genesee, Potter CO. Pa., on a firm lately owned by Moses L. Sears, and by hiin 'purchased of Wm. Cobb, nnd being on the .state Road leading from. the Genesee Fork through the Township of Bingham in said County, Bounded West by land of East on; and west by land of Ilill-.—said house or building being 20 feet front,; with wings on each side of ten feet cault. extending' back I two Joet, making it . forty feat in the roar---,0 and the scald shop. being, sixteen feet scoar4, and the lot or pieeso Of gronod and martilage; appurtenant thereto described - as follows—. Commencing at .the road four feet:west of the shop unning 'northerly` nine rods, then east-' erly en rods, then southerly nine rods; then the road ten rods to the place of begin ning. . . , -Seioed, taken in execution,' and to be sold ii ,,: 114 l'ini - erty of Moses L. Sears'. .. ..... A. C. TAGGART. Sheriff. Coudersport, Kay 21, t 1857. t . i colitAPMftd6tAtioAL —! 1 WHEREAS the' Hon. Ration G. White; VV. . President Judge; and . the Hons, Joseph Mann and G. G. Colvin, associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer &Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of. the Peace, Omit; aris' Court andourt of Common Pleas for the, -County of Po ter; have issued their preeept, bearing date hn thirtieth . (hip .of April, .in IC tie . ear of, ou ‘ I f ord.one thousand. eight bun, slred•and fifty-seVen;' and to me directed, for holding a Court - Of Oyel:and Terminer' and General Jail Delivery,. Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court'of Cornmcin Pleas; in the Borough of Couderspdrt, On MON DAY, the 15th day. of 41Ine next, and to con tinue one week. - .!' .L - ' --:- " - . - . - Notice is - therefore hereby given-Iry theVor..l goers, Justices of the Peace, and Constables wicilig the Cciurity;*that'tliey be then - end there in. their proper persons ' at 10 ticloek.A: Al.-of said doy, with their rolls, socnrds , inquisitions, crap:litigious, aud'other rementbrance's,itO 'do those things which to' their Ace's r appertain to be done. , And those who ,are. bound i by their re'CagnizeiYee,s to prnseente against the prisoners that are .61- shall tie in the jail of said I:duet:y9f Potter, are to be then and there to praecnteß.gainSt Diehl ns will hi just.- ; .•Dated CoOnsasroar, 4111111•'30'0, 1857; and the- 81stf Indepeodence of. the United - Stlites el - .Liner:lea, • . . . -.. : . :. : ,Notice, i -: ..., i ... :.:-.. •:, ssrah Willet, l; 1 + . lio..63Deceininer Tertg-, , j by beenext friend, 1856. ! .: i , 1 Dit', : iiit'D'.' Smith,' — 5 Libel - in - Dikotch ''l - 2. .., :_rs. :.3 i . 5, , , ....T0 .Eelberti J. i Willet„ Elbert J. Willet:' . Respondent.--Vhereas.a Sabp' can's andialialBuhpce.na h'aiitig' s been .- is'- - sued in .this case, and returned by, tfie - Sheriff. ii!, youitrelierehy notified that atipication - Wlll'be made' - sit the next -,Court (rf iCOrripies. Pleas - for. a Divorce, at whieb titne ‘ toix e. at -at tem! if you tbink, proper. .. _,.'' ,- f 5 .......• .5 - 1 - A.C.TAdGAßT,'Sfierim s zida. ft . y 18;-18§V-Itc. ..- ~- ".:-.' t --;-= ~ '.., , ---- -- ' --. . ---7-77 . ..cENTirtNL --- , .. _ - 1 Revorgibrta':= 'tki: AS's, oAlqatt:,.. 7 1 e i ..::.: . ofei- . 7001UMB US, ORICPA t::- '4. I :i . f . ?- • 7, I • ! L -:: - ~. '. 4-'t . ----"" I. • 4 "r - , r• L.. , 4 ; I Millt.TraTTION of the pnlOie is r , etti 15X • fulltsciiiiited to Oil *sclatiorit; Tt!k . p roperty ennMerated itt.theSche „tile bef*,.ts-' . the liOn V kLUABLEr • ' the .04191 to, 'limbosa - rid - Franklin County, and is rapid- IY-inqr.. l 4-4/.-viguel , : - : - It : will - ) 0 e . i:di st rit a lit t o. 4 all Ong ther§hariliOlders:.ort . 44 - ' -1 --.. rist - 4141 - Of i fg - 48,51 - or,scionerit.theShares are all disposed of.:L-- . 1 ,Tliel didtritintithrivill te,ke place:ander the hit .l.Mediate,rapervisiatOr ti:Pontruittenlo•bek - f4' oniotetfii,y,the Shitreholdees,.ip:, each County . andltatev,"ltßre - Shares:are - held,".the• namhbr 1M -be apportioned - a - ecording-to.the , number of Shores , heltt: ht.:ine lv:County:•_ ~ ..T ha 7-iniii,L exw I pertiOs . of the Cop_ nittee-will be paid .by the 1 ;Any mle:carl,iheconie a aharaider by the pap - iodic - of . •. ONT. which -him or lief'. ta'coue Share' of Stock. Thiult.of. it Tor a . mument, by the paY 7 nient of _only One Dollar you ate constituted liarCowner of over $5O 000Wcirtliorfte,i2 Estate , and s2s,ooo.worth of other-property. In. the distribution an ELF:GANT IHNISE AST) LOT, ,ialuettat $B,OOO, may be allotted to you. In any.event yen cannot lose mere:than . a few cents ; as thore is Sevoitl-Five 71'61180in - 1 A.rates to bp distributed, and tbere i&only that punt be.g..of Shares, 'so- you will seekopec, 144 eiery Shareholder gets scnething, of ntqrenr less value. The Dollar that you pay for your share you would' not , miss, but;. in all priltta bility- would spend it for something of np pres. ent or prospective value, If afterjeading the above you arc -not corivitteed,', and still feel disposed 'to Stand in your 'own light, • READ THE FOLLOWING : For, $3 we will send., any -$3 Magazine pub lished, fon one year, and one ; Certificate of Stock, entitling the holder thereof to -one share in the distribution. For $2 -we Will send any weekly paper pub lished at $1,59 per.annuin, for one; year, and op ! e certificate! of Stock: ' • Fora we Will !Send any of ;the :$3 Maga zines fo one' !year, :and two Certificates of Sto:•1:;,. . o would 'prefer to; inl?serihn for ; we uplce the following li.vr we will sew' one ',Certificate Ti tho3ii . the ,tock for Oqe of Stock. Far Teq!Dg c4te3. 14r.§ we will send el=Ten Certifi- fifty and upwards, We will send for every ten ordered, and al •; up 3 per evil:. on the au/o:Ult: Parti , S ordering Certineates •fhl to . l write their Sain:s, Post awl :itale in:fall. as 'mei' [plate u tivlT we eau tot wall them a .1 the , :i , ti.itition.!. - . o.ir ..i.rne.i't .allt•nipii 10 1:1 , 2 .r,'Lin. would-reia.aTie.t ti! Lie °Laing vent are 110' tg 14e:11 wit-cent in any , of itie 5.A.,..• 'viti iit, rotieiv4i.l-.it par. .e . .),- .11: °Chia-- u: 4p,%ii . ,1.-, ,aiea,c ,en i - uri. .I'.IL to: 114 0.1%. , . 1.. . 7t ., •4 , 2 .1 • ..- 9 ' ;t. • To o. Rae certiticat& low the ileac. they 5h441,1 is regist‘tp.mli . 5....kt1u1t.; :Litt! le 3ait dale Lwiu oid . i,,stAg4• I Tcn (katii: an SU'A' ittis"pr'..'ll7l; MEE= Lt. ii in.& . . . 5U i-I 14. L 1...; I,i; 1 ~,...,,,,, ii.-,,,..-,.b.r.i...,.•:_ia ~,., a il 14 , r , ~.),..,.,? . ..,,,,,,,,utis, U., illt It ..L :1.6 .jai," /J y i. (IQ:: ,du clu uu ......t, .. IS.nd .I%euutt, .% at .• ~-. i,.,.. , •. 1 Fram: Utvzi.ge On MoL;IL.l.'i. . 1;.):./., 1 " --- " . eca, i , :. t 7 .:,, lii 4. 44 4% i 4' 704.1:1 it - C4 %(_ 4 1%. 1.1J9 1 Pi.io Iln:IJ ..ut Itl.l vtiitted n. = 5".. .1 J valued ati*TOu oael); 3,suvi valued at 45 - .550 elteh, i 2,2uu 4 " « Ll . •4 ,•• it ' valui.d at $45 1 ) each, 1 7 800 t 1 " " " errond St. 775 ~ • 1 ,l ,ti ~I I 44 . 1 166 , .4 • 725 5 44 , 44 valued at San) each, .3,500 4 " valued at ssst) pact, 2,200 ; 4 _ , Fob •a i‘g • culucsd aa.sl3u eaCh, " 46 tg r Cd .crry tt valued' avss3o each, 3,180 4 " 1, 144 44 valued at $5OO, eact, ' 2,000 5 4.4 - t. it 14 r Fine Farm in Nonvieit tp, lin Co:, in `an EkTant State , of Cultivation, • 3,50 U 1 dv , dd do do do lit an elegant state of eultiva t,iou, t , ,300 • Tgt(ki Ainflua'cif.ilf.tal Estate, .j31i,500 Eleg.tch: Upjtk kketki,lnttl ( hks'cli *au:ales:o*Ni' at t - 25 each, $l,-,5.ug 3 do do do. 1 ' do CC 'is 100 dt? . ' do 12 do. do 12 do do ti SI 7 $ a • • do j 4t. • a I. 'f do L do uu " " 50 t‘ - 12. • do •• do' do -; do • „ do " " 45 ". do • do t I.lo'.tea gA 130 44 25, • 40 .do ,do ~ do I - do " •gt 1 Elegant Solid Silver Ten :Sett, tt,.pieeeso - alued at• • '2O Setts Heavy Sterling Silver Teat Igponni; valued.at a•sett, _2O do dg dp .do' do to do du do " d0! 7 29 . do do- do do do 12 do do " " 511 30 do do 'do 1* 'do do - IQ do do do: . do, Table d 6 ." 11A do do do 'o' do .17 30 la . do * do ~4ctda 4 0 d do O do d o - - . 20 *4 10 dad 6 =46 •do -, do -4 ,4 • . 1 Diamdad Ring; yard 1. I. " •„ 4 . 4 1 , Gaid /ic„ ecl at $2 each -1 . , - _• ; • - 1;000% u • scnptions,Eor !One year to 7 77' c--4 itia ll 4.ls 3 /441 1 Lz i • - imp :`• 1,600 'l'i, !!. " gt - 4i - --i - 4Weekiylkttiter,publistiell -at i00(1 . $2 per annum ; 2 • • 12,161 Ansortecl 4 'mit • of space prevents our enum. z `:aerating, 73,000 Certificates at tl'oo To A g6iit - g....1 1 te want Agents ev: ors•aeetioßwt-thO.VouptrYfic);whouove 4 4 w the following liberal offers -. To those Ten Agents 'who . selr - theitai i ii st number .of :Certihmitzsatis_tutditioa - to iib e ., ; ntl - will pc sent with the foßlOsviike . ..Tci the fir st, 1 Blega nt - Gold -Watekand Chain; worth $100.7 - 'rolheLseeopii . ll , ` , Vdega:Ut.iblCAT...oitls and . Chain, N•orth,,Sls. To-the thixilt - , o 4e.P.legint Gold Wistelir and Chains - -worth $6O: the fouith,;:":l.43OlttNiirtetr, - Worth : lso:- , Uthc; fifth, 1 Patent Leier Silver Hunting Case. trestle $35,z.T0-tlm-sixtb,---l.- Patent Lever Silver. Flnnting tiiii - iicirth..s2s;_.' TO the seventh, Diamond _Ring or Breast_ Pin,. (at his -4 5ption,), worth C 30 ., '-To the Bth;. 1 Diationd•Ring Breast Pin, .wortlx,sls. To ,the Pth,. 1 Diu, Mend Ring : or Breast Pin worth . .,ro- 'to the, I:lleays Chased Gold Ring worth • Those wishing to:agt as Agents, must send us a Written-reeonimeni3ation signed - 14-s ta , responsible person in, the place tyltere there., side. For anv further informatiOn, address R: 'SNOWDEN, Seev, Columbus, Cihio, 9;49,41 ALI3L•'RT C. RICHARDSON'S Adveitising and Clirrespondenc4l:Oftice, _ . _ .. • t.145 0.11 -Cerz• •ct• c 064' -'4A? • c O 4O 0 R oc. • ' • - `SS % BS'C ' 4.J O ' Lv ' py r 4 .4 • ' 1111 . 11 :.; _ - —COSTAR'S" *•T EXTER INATOR. - N infallible de3troyer of •11.AT5,-MR.T., ANTS, GRJUND MICE. MOLESiIe. ke. •te. , [No - - - dang2roits .to , the Hqtnan Family. Rats do not d eln their holes, but co tit el: and die : . • Put up in 26c,• 35., • 65.; $1; $; $3, and . • s3'-Boxes:' •• "COSTAR'S . " BEI) BUG Er.TRMINATOR: borer IF.nou-u used every do.y by thousands in 2sien' for i and nhiewhere. Put up in ;.'sc., 50e.,;75c,.:51, $154 , . - $2- 56, - and 13oUles. "COSTAR'S" BLECTRiq POWPEA., the destruction of l ! lorns, Mt•squiroix,. FLEAs, I'I,AST Ir . MMXIM, QM, VQ\Y - 14 AML) AMIMALiz, Sold \V holti-Itle..arsi Rutltil at “COSTAR'S" r 2.813 AY, Ytila:, ~, , d by tbr ;,,IST6 and DEM-ELS I.ltro:igitotit the 7. - nord ; Caillorract /r, .7 . ; *: ) , • r. 11 , L, •71/, .I,lr nec,zinin.ai“t =9 ;;:o .uu.: comni,;z:9.,a t tip at •, in .•. EMT Siv.p?„ ..itt:amboO.ty, ecc. 1: till' Li" ti c,,11.:rs to 11-aute4ttic licsarrs— e of be ktTpuiptiy . a .Ilt-tt :titvitcAtort. "COSTis t fr No. 388 N: Y I .‘ 1 7 1 tlo CROCKERY WAREHOUSE. JILL:. N \ ucc Estioris' TO 'O. Pi. HAVI3OCIC Oiler Great hiclucemensts di4ss gqi'lheol74i4, 71- JOHN STREET, NEW ,Nrowit; 13:(3-3Tao $ NO • E ll 1 1 1ZT I ET K NO S itAC TEACHER $ MACLAIIRIITS.PATENT SLF-INSTJUIC TING PR:OPESS IN PENMANSHIP 'enitles every one to widtCAVith the greatest case; ele gance and rapiditrd,-ICitts been amply tested • and permanently established in. the Public-. 'Schools, of New York, and in the counting,, rooms of our first -merchants.' The Process complete, with full directions for use, willbe sent prepaid on receipt of $1.•: To Clubs , or Agents, six copies for ss'. •.. - 1 • Address LELAN.P.SCMACIAIiREN, No. 34rr liroadway; New , York. • 9:43-3mo. • stutnumnisauu 4llll ISSUELI6T-AINg URN 18 57 . • pato Johnsori. . • N. Hills,. et, 'John -Crittett'dei, 'garnishee qt - • - - • • ME Barman, vs. A. Gibba;•ct a. 720 601 540 Ransom Sloat, vs. Owen Rock. - J. B. Smith, Joseph -. Brnith no 4 Penn Smith, vs. John'TlOnsley. . - C. Nvelyn, Jr„ vs, Jonathan Card, of al. tz,. , licist,cf; Wlntypo. -Whirrton School District, vs,-Julius Jabroo. 4. Pierce, use . o Poky . ar. DOT, JNI„' yok. Levi Annie, vs. W. T. Jones, Warren Sinith l ys,F, B. Brooks.l. Hosea eushingr is =Benjamin Horse awl* Atiskiv pz , 1: • P5._41...5,1 ,- Benton Dikeiq Ilernextifrieitt t;E. C. - • '( V. Jackaeurand - Elillect: Thontas is. tEColiorig;ltt, al. W.,Chapp_ol,,rs. S. H. Martin. , "Sine. S . : If. 'Martin" andlames Martin', " - vs: • lIPSILY - J. , OJAISTED,Trotb'n . .PnorgoNormel.;',.s OFFICE,. "Ciitider. - §port; Ai)i110,1"1857.' NOTICE is hereby given that the COmMIS .I.I--SIONERS • OF- POTTER- COUNTY will meet at theitAffike:,::in:pobtlersplirti On ,NPPP,O4.4ye . for the purpose. MI receiving; the itekUtits„ Road' Taxes froin the Supervisors of the respe.c tiverb\ruihipSc-ar&dravring their Orders fOs the same, (which must be receipted. by. OW respettiVV Town:ll4i Treashrers);.anct-to 11201 such DELLNQUOT COLLECTORS is hob. 1 /QtrYete POrne fortird _to 'f,Setti.b..up their; counts. By order of e,84 -C rd,-, B; the . Commissioners' Office, May 5;1857'. ME ifelt) VbcigiseWeols, FROM 360 BROADWiTiNEIV::YORK Pat, up in 2;iii 50. Boles TO. BUYERS or REQUIRED. 9,330 ME