The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, May 21, 1857, Image 1

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'''B-ti,g-iii:e4; : i. , 0 a'rd s.
gp t. ILa 10,;
Zotuienport, Pa.,will rognisirly -attend the
Courts hi Potter county.
fattornto&CounstiorAt ?Lath,
, ciadelvo rt, PL, will attend to allbusineal
entruatod to 'his care, with promptness and
. OfEce—in the Temperance Block, nit entire,
- .2lttarnt at nit's,
,Office corner of eat and Thiid street,.
. L. 1 1 . WturzsTnri;
atter - IL.a),
Tipp. Co., Pa. , illattend toe
,Cauca -in Potter and bl'fittan-Catieb.-
_ .
CONE„. L .
t t o"r it t -g at - AL a ts- i
Tiogn county, VII, will rq-ular'
stte kid 3nrs.con - rtiol; Pinter coma;':
June 3, 1848. _
StteriTE outtorlor
,Cande.rAper.g , “ t:e.1.1
Courts LI c.akJ;Lties. Ai: in his care, reccire
prompt 4ttelit.iu:,
Staiii.stree:. opposite the ~:Luttit
Utriaersspori, I'a.
coti D t, - ; it SP 01-,IT 1-111) T E 1.,
J. tblialustntre
• 114. RINTO .
Corner of stain -ccond 'ssreets, Con.
.dor.por . .; Puzicr Co,. i 4.
= R. W. - .1541.Cai. ,- 4,
_43:0 C9111.1Z!141.C£1:,
a-liwond P.O. (4i ;clan) , yp.) Co. l'a
will 3ttitid Lain/less i., tli .t,l,ne wt.!'
• and dispatch. - y.
w. K. Kr bra,
Aurlngtr,'73raftanispi, anis
Conbevaltrer, - •
SileapDri, KC&It Cu., Pa.,
Will attonti to lnisiness for -nott•res.deot :dna
loldors, up,ott reasouAb.e tempi, - Iteferenrei
P. S. Maps of any Pan of abe Coun;y wade
to order. - • •
E: R. HA fiR,NU'ION.
Li engaged a. Wiurinw i
kin Jacksim's Szore, will eary on dm
there. 'Watches and Jewelry carefitliy re
paired, in the_best style, and,vp ihe shor:es
amiss. Eirk work ui wax,
Caudell% Or . ', Oct. 29.
a L.•CK s K i T
M 1,014.19 4ir Lune, done to order and
with dispitett. Un Wert SiTCOt, be:ovr Thad
Condaniport, Pa. -
lr S i c C) §
Dealers in try GOticia, Groceries, Siatione
ay. Dregs Sc Mediatnea, t aims, Oile, Fancy
articlos, &e. 21fajta_ Street, Coudirsport ta.
General Grocery and I roviSion .Deaters—
ksa in Dry . Goods, liardw.iro, Rains and
Shoes, and vrba:ever men want to boy. Main
Sinn:, Coudersport
- 0. T. ELIASON; M. I).
INESP ECTF . M., into n tn s the cjii.
:ens of Coudersport and eici"rty that he
will bet fouLd regularly a. his office, over the
Drug Soiti of Sulith ek - JoLes.readyto attend
tuatlcalla -.
Dealer in My Goods,fteady-nude Clothing
Zreesries, Crockery, to. Coudersport, 'a.
8: H. Butter worta
w ILI. furnish the People with fresh
V and MUTTI3II, on Tuesdays and ertdays,
,during the seison. Cash win be paid for heel.
tut!. at -all times. .
Ceudersper, , Jul. 17, 1656.
Dealer in Books 6t. Sailionery, Ausle. and
'Rgazitua L M.132-st . opposite N. W. soruer
h!:ite pubic square. Couderapert, Pe,
Poquilrym t Desler •floughli.r-
IT end,orke. u Ergot, Coudersport Pa.,
aUNSAllTH,Coudersport, Pa. Firs Arms
!Aattrietnred and repaired at his shop. on
mum novice. *
• March. 3, 1848.
- _
FitsMeltable Tailor. All work entrusted to
) oleare will bit done with neatness, comfort
sad drtiabtitty.. Shop - Over - Lewis Mann 'a
sAmUEL. -M. MILLS. Proprietor.
Cla the Wellavtlierozd,s3re a mutes Ninth
4 Ceieiera r eft ' '
. . . _
• . .... • .. • -.. '' , .. .
... -•-• :' -.',',' ':- , -....-, ...; t ,-:", 75 . ,, , ',",:: ',: , .',1 • - ,- ; , : f -E .I.:i.' -., '• _ ,
i ..;' . :'t
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1:!%. - . . ,• . ~...._ , ' " '' . .g... -- ::':' :,' .•;.: ',,,'. .
': , '. :.: . --...• ;"...'.. i s iSi . .., 41 - f - F
''. ''''' ' l' ''''' . ~ . .
•: - .7.- :7,"'; ':.. -:..:.- ' . _ .
~ ••,
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••: , .. 1- V1
- '1,.. - . 4... •.',',. ."..%. .:.. • ~., - ~.;- .:.. , . -
.:.',•-... '-. 1:: ~
.• ' ', r ':' ."..i.
..... _ti t.
. .' „ .. .
.. ~.
. . ...
ranusagp. EVERY •TELI74UO'.::Y MORNING.
Ono copypir:anniun, SIA
. .
1 square 10 roes lor 3 insertions._ • 4 1..50
Each subseq . ent insertioujess ibis?' 13 , I - 25-
'Sqrkire, 3 months .• .' - •• . • % GO
" - -..,,'-,6 ontiths, • • - • $ 3,50
'. l 9 °nibs. - -- : ; -.-- '5 00
' .:;'
Rule and-flare-work; pet sq., 3 iusertious,l3,oo
Every subsequent insertion, ; - 50
I eolututi, months, •!- ' 20,00
4, .. "' • 9.00
- 12.00
Hnethilf column per year. ._ - - . 20,00
tme column' - •• ' • 35,00.
- Administrators' or Eseeutore Notices, 12,00
Auditors' notices each • . I ESO
Sheriff's' Sales, per traot, `'.•- 1, • i 1,50
Marriage notices e 4,00
Professional, or Btisiness Cards, get '• , '
exceeding six lines. per year . 15.00
51erchan:s aciveri ising by the ye ir, trot -
exceeding ..... squares with occasion
* el notice-t, (in ..11 e .ses co t sned to - 1
(lasi.. baslnetss,)
, .....-.-.:..:... ;10,00
1 'he e ,he" pa l m: is sent to:the ..a dv - er• -
riser, especrilly for reason of his •
~- :4yr:rise:nein being in it, the saw's- ,
writ be arirged at the .at. f 4 i t;er - - '
-.mina'. ;
M" Ali al4ers on buthies-., to secure it
euiion, should be addres.ted (post_pid) to the
u dorsiznerli T. S. CHASE, Publsher.
. -
y4l - ,ODY ~N, PAIODY.
?Vr. g ye, a couple of, wee: estnee a Pa:ro--
dy oar' Voeut eut4;ed '•Tell me ye : n:4/1904
winds," •in which the'o'd bachemrs had -heir
ti.t of i.iqued_ vanity at the C 4.114 illadatriqtp
tad near rried ladies; and in order .that — vrisr
ol b ch:rgetV, I.seticity
•litck.:;" we n w gire our fair friends ilia'
beto , fit of tle•fo.tuwing defe..ce. which some
woM•11 fi.te contributed to ?le
Genera Gazette :1
Tali me, ye winged winds
That roatid my p ,hwity r
Do ye no. know game s l :ot .
Where bacheiors come no more,
:51311311t p.e..sant deli,
• Where no moust chii is seen.
Whet e :ong-vared d .ndi as never come, '
Ourse.yes tan between 1 :
?here eaineraturtna • from dican.
A :war sad on-a .vhien +Mils :ered,••,.r- N ts
Tell me. .b a mislzdee. t _
bi.lovrx round me
k;ugro p..tiou some 4vare.4
Some i..and f..r away,
Wliere ! year" gir a may bad
A rem: from stiC 'dough-faces. •
° And hear he; , e". • mdlOdrielt, •
likened to ..he grimes?
S6bn did the Ini..sty dee. i . lB answer
By muraiarang,. '.`ao whi e 'brandy emishes
And thou. serenest nMea,
Whatiangu-ge dust Thou niter,
While gazing on the gentlemen,
• Whose bed is in the gu.ter, ,
. Bsy, halt thou in thy round
Gazed au some favored spot,
Wh ire has know notte weight of bricks,
An.l where eig rs are; nut?
Behind a cloud. the inouti'Wt.hdrew in woe,
Bat in italics ammo ed, • Na, no, me ! •
Tell ma, my se 4 1
Oh ! tell me, Hoperand Faith,
• Is there he resti •g-•,f i fice
From fops, and beaux, and de .th f
Is their no happy sp;ist
. Where womankind are blessed,
Where min re ty rumor oume,
Ai:d where the girls,May rest , -
Faith, Trit:h Ond Hope t boons to mortal.
. .
giveni- •
Ward [heir hrig,la wings, and .whispe i red,
"Yes, 0 Efsaven,"lj
Fact ' Lyon:4l.4Y iq Brooklitit.
New Y. tk. me 4 reeeittlif hail her leg
:amp ttated: midway,hetweeM the hip
and knee in conseqUence of a wouind
caused•by The hoop
wa ot steel. and itr some unaccounta•
hie manner a broken -point Tenet! sled
to he 13.1 e. The Wound hoesthe
flamed, atipo,tation was thus made
necessary. Its have the bviry from
a y,:u9 A f lady :whh it e'friend of the
now Cl ippied f0r.140 victim:of fwhion,,
,and caft vouch ftitii its authentirity—
Winsteifd ;.,
—MisrBallyAlaitin, daughter "f the
latle ',‘lartin, W 1 2 ,04 wnyili . s7o.o9o
in own•right, and had,beenhrouint
up by tWo,nid maid "aunts in OcluaiOtt
from "the wtwld.? eloped. laste week
from %alii, with a bildfelllw
named Itnyd, with whom she T had been
. - 3 -
acquainted but kwo or three week , ,
by tneana of stolen interviews.. •
riage i. 4 a desperate thing ;
t he fr ugs iu
were extremely
wise ; they had, a gteattnipd su Some .
wetter, but w:nild nut leap into
the'weil; becau;e they ,cnuld.: ant get
ut ! •
- . . .. • •
Terms7-In Advance
. . , ~
THE - G O VE RN O RSHIP. lAirr”ug..l Everylatifininteeofple.Prer4,
idetit in - Karesasis art [leave co-Worker
Candidate of .the'Vreenien•-'of . - . , -• • '- - - -
- : .... .--
~...,. - it - tbe scheme for her enslavententi .i-, •.,
, ... .
JUDGE WILIMIot"S LUATI" Principles of eternal trriti!r" itii'dji .
.. :. ..1 --- , • 1
; ,.. 16 .. .tice,.'whi - cli lie] etlin. foni!da:lon °f i st
ACCEP TA NCE OF THE NOMlNATtn.Y....Chri!4iiim civilizati:m; and upon which
\N- . s epq se the tight. iii human i t y , • arc, i+
fiantty a=-aited
by Vito poUre r that e.,n,
t trol N S -- . •
.in rill Natiorial G
. o%'eitiment.—
r-. I - - I
I' t•-tlis, declar a:6, y of the 'man
tel aid itlie t - : - •abte rights of man, cot:-
tained in the \ :(4l eat (ha rtes ot our lib
-1 -
erties. are -coridertried by our higliez,!.t
jorlicisl, Outhority' tt - -` unmeaning 'at,4
fillse,. The sat.quary. pfottr Gout
44f - Jlistice i 4 closed - agailat an eniire
tacit of Men. The - pion and ilowte!
it.olden are not aborted to . 'petition
for a terlress of their wrongs, in
tribunals of.. hnman Goveinment that
..hould must heady represent the be - -•
nefice:it atributei of the Creator and
fi .":I. judge c, ! , all plea. ' • ,
. _
fir \iew of these - iucontegible facts
T‘twAiiim. Atot:ll . 22el; 1857.
-qetetlemen.i Oa my: return home.
after tti ibletice of twO'liver:l6. I found
your c o mmunication informing; me of
my h i in a tif iti as a candidate fOr the
office of tioveltio.. by -i Convention
of the Freemen of'Proosplv::;: . :iti or
posedl to the leading . , n'easmes of the
late and preseriO,TationalAdministra.:
dits. which asseMbleil it the Otate
Capitol on the 25th' ultimo!, togetlie r e
with a copy of the . dec . laration '„e the
piinc!ples promulgated by emit Con ,
: -
rention. • _
•I . accapt theissisitiun vs which, 1 alit
culled by the ussmislirited suffice ut
the Intdy .wtos i•rgan you - t; •el •,o --
ft.uarhy gtatectil lot 14. - di,d,4o.,ii:the.i*
•ii maik nf.the rriy,!ttlitov
citizen=. p e t o . ;litttuily
vi•tly to int4.tit,,te.T. , ..;-
Ltiecti.ti i. one of
no ordinal y i ter eat. Imp,.; riot?. iplus-S .
twits oiStatePolicy, affeetMg ice
lie welfare abil pr - .t.ip,trity, are 11" L
alone , lvud in istmet+ pre:united.
AA int.. I,lloe Irp i rSit p(i%v
erful el the ti .- ,ve-trign §tatep tour
confederate - Repubtic, the - limper and
inlet ea.!' ,of'vania ate deeply
- concerned it the priticil les tinit -ani
mate our National Government. Site
-cannot, with - :safety to tier iodepett
ence and tile liberties of out _people,
be indifferent to them
ttf National finp.irt. iu ,Oeivgiess.
nt si-ttivirie;it—questi: , tis' toucnino the
powerg of the .Fedei al
ment, and :vitally efft.cti the
dignity and
ftn pt—test 4[4i:ea:Ora.
Lip ,, to a 1- s i•I ref !Ito- ,
ty udea , the acerise• of Fnderal ato.
rhe do ar est rights of freq.neu; se-
F 4,1 by (Ail, constitutionai guaraii
io are rutote4 . ly violatell on the s it
our natoina. Autgrican
ens ate 'inade .oi oit tyr
y. unl:uuwu in the
!old would. The annak..Ecivilized
Clolstian natioies fur iii:in\na
plea .qt cruelty and -.utrago sir the
t of a l iciVerninent toward 3 its 'ITO
, such .as have been endured.lNlie
jile 'of Kansas ;' unless they be
kid in the ptorsecutiours of the, H.u
gtinsot4 urider - L,suis the- Fourteenth,
uf-Franee, fiOd of the PS-sotestsuis 0 1
the NetherlesidS, by'tire Puke of Alva,
• 1 „
underPhillipSecoosd. King . osf. Patin,
-Iricleed,; . the' barbarities - 6o wOicss th e .
pellsple s l ot ,Kars4as have budir exp , osed,
were of.a character so -
provoke ineredulit) iss_rlit• minds ~f of
lahige pinion sot our citizens:_ Tii.,u;
sands h a ve been deceived irr;:, the he=
lief,. that, for ;partisan purpooso.4..fic
tirinS were oriffOituiel for. facts,,lal
tin sugh no . cve's rt, 4,-, In:orb:al, hist. O-y
I ,
are. rooter authenticated, the i ere the
miarderso, rOblrerie:i, : arse;;ss ahrl'law'
less rapacity inflicted itiostr the-fiee
siittiers. of Kansas.:! - These outrages
tad re.their- object the sUbj,a . gailsoti - 4.
tilat.rier rtory to the culla Sof Bravery: .
W e speak of. iluiet - beir4 reStered
. tO • Kansas, - becanse . .ar MM .- babds • Of
i - ro • - i n f e st. .h
lawless „
men do ', • hot:to-day irsr,
I ighwaya: and plfirder Ater ps;•'Fote-.: ,
1 t e cause rocrtoW o ns Lietitlo! ?acked Serif :
tile cabins of her settlers in flarries. ! ...
IThiS peace is deeeptiVe. ii. , dionoi cure,.
It Will ; be broken, the mooneut t revoe,
people:sof K a n sas !Tska a - viiSrous'er
tort to recover those rights, 'o'
they have"beeii : 'fraticleleratty - a . d, - Aril,
lently depaved.,. Thejurpstoe 's
her .
.Enslavement is'l;:easrrabii , 3 11311 ed to 1 :
ward:' •, 4 .systeM., of •is ,
vised fraud, Itiadiskd toil lit,eniPloyert
in the su s patiotr un -,.. vhich she now
EiroanSi . 41 - bsiag arrie.lSout for' the.
canasta' atiott a - at.•wroyi.—
. -,, , ,_. •
Te . thi, ( T it'. a!fii,, tire.. Power . 014.1ie
gmvensmeikt is basely ~ros
We aro give.' words isair
yersisteace-i4 support of too
nets, but
-64 we wrongs 'perpetrated against
rights American. 'citizenship,
and the da nters to which Out' liberties
exp.vsed thus, presented. in its
'true aspect—tire contest It .
liners a, liguity tardy
,given tip
I latao.affaii-, and imposes duties upon
! ,ow citizens as lii 4 lland ..olettan:its ev
er .ippealed to the. hearth and ,con
'sciet,ec4-ot mc. l . The qaestiost
tore us—fr , intits deinool.there.ii .
escape. Decide we fitust, either for
ri.;llt . ,nr. for the wrt nag. Sooner
o later tne. verdict ot C. 1 4 1.
nuni , 'nyait' be pr. tuntaced iin
the i,sues forced upon.,liecounal'y by
the, athocates of 'lntrnait botala ,: re.
r •
, .
+nit' or y will record that verdict to her
etichitiine honor, or to her eve:lasting
Ti :r peal of tue.:l4iss . ouri ItoStrie•
tio,,„. and tie 'attempt_ to twice slavery.
~- . &111434 by fraud and violence,.
I , , , , ep.ta:e • dlupon the c..untry s rho
ai c t
between the aul,l•6•llrtie--s!,•stems .
~,i - ti -•e• and servile =lab ,r",. I:1 - the issue
.1 - t illi4 C*.llfliCt is iii.l-111ved the d eu ia...
cratic chat at of our itistithti*s ill,.
goVet :lomat, -and. Vie indep.entlence,
digui4' and t ights
. .•f the tree' white
laboring •: an and hisposteriti. , .-r.
:gallery is ther,deadly enemy of lice'
'shot. The two cannot Co-exist on the
sweet field 11c onterpt Ise. : Either la
bor,•wi will vindicate its right to• free:do r m;
or it will -sink : into dependence - and . Frye labor is clothed with
intelligence and iiwer. - It stands
erect in the digaity iif a true manhood,
It ~ u stainsr by its eitergies all the. noble
insiitutions . of a ,refioctl and. perfectly
devethped social tile. -It is the :ilitirt.lll
- 1111: [los:v(46 l / 4 y_ ant 4411144 great.- •
'less.: Slavery: . is-labor -- itt igif-rance
sod . cliaios:-, a in-utilized humanty . :
stimulated t.i i.idastrj -by toe - lash of a
mir.,ta,:•. It- mikes the` laborer all ar:
-tide ot•Mercilisodiz;..,wit 4 out mini and
veithout hope. 'lii
. '... ihe'plae . .e 11t iiiih
tel it •.1 citizp.., ready-to tlefe li
his life; tlu 7 . 1 1 ,, h 0r and-Jutei lists of\bis
count iy„ Nlat.i y gives to . -the . State ii:tk .
, ig i ti ,, , ant .savage.'.to beheld in Stibjet:
ion It ,enda,ig ti's the s , 'dal fabric by:
I dOnvettifig '-' - iti , -great -. element '44 . 1f
et; et,g;liintoaftimplicidge et mill.,
-.,'Nyi-i - . - it:'. the 'bistory - ''.ol 'pa i Oasis'
~ ~ , .
•war tate, •-were mett•more unjostly.aild
• . ~, • . . • •
per, , evettir,:ly. iinStupresentedt atelniii
th e ..irpoineuts of the exieht•ii;h:ii slit 1. V--
1 ry, an t i theweapoitsrt,i4 ; tiecesSitiited -
I to• eiriploy;.airtli.artly, from toe fiset—,-
so Immailiotent- ibis the Slave , •Poiver
become iu shit; gOverement-4liersup:
port of its every - eemanci is 'made the
single test of party , fidelit y,,iiiii:t ha tine
ly• road to official; kferrneut.- . :. The.
citizen whodisse•ts iri_terms.,. uf.ettrii.
est-and manly p l Fotest against whatev!
.'er • exitetioiis Siavry .'thakei; bechineS'
• tberobt —.itt.:.,SP, .far., as. i he. national
clovertlment cal tutini.4,3 disabiliee-• : :4
almoSt •ati muc I• in alien and,Utitlaw.
as AS the :lave. him — self;
of the -north ` - e hoseat to
,OcCuPY . ,,stiCh
. .
1 subordinate position .iii the govern
ftOut. ' - ,,f the:r,l,eetiitry, - ,the,
manly independence will be crushed.
out in
,t 'eirpos l ierity. • Oat Sons . %lig!
become a submissive and servile rtic-•
stripped'uf rnsithOod , 'klud' of self , r,—
• spect: . Thu ', alavp,ltcoldtkr, ;proprietor
, . . .. . .
of Ihe 4, ii 'and j nit -lei.' of," the g.,', eitr.' ..who-Mike them; iiiicl_ati" iii . Attit :wiliest) - •
titetit,.will dominate over i hem. with - upon iilii,se re-its they:are - ei ec la .. . .
- tlettie:*'_leiiii of arrogahoe anirpoiver. to operate. . 'ti.estimrss l
of -pit:, :
th:in- . he rules : -lii, hei:editay bond- ertsinet . :tal.Po'icry. itivolritig
..th4 , , , er:-e .. .' ..
men: .T. •. this ontilition - are the ;tn..- cub..r.ts.:ee of Our liberties, at"si the hafpz .
. .
Afavi•H.Aiiing "Whites . of -n—
-the • Sii it al-, "piness of remute getittrati . .ins . .;-V . e-
read; - redtsct.4l.. Thei' :to 4,w., t lie settled by aPpeaisto ilie T r fears. ,
little" Ur 'i . e . -el'practical PoWer -in the . :if , a!ky . nut t: of tile Stneri.can :.pee..
. n npf
fn' mation-of public - tipi ! ion, TA its lie, s , ;!!, - Slid 4'll.l l eslm j.itt i ttnetelltit r ,. .
iLe aftrirs of g" , .Venntne . tit than' hasine .:: , li.. , ,ineOetf:Puhli.,tipittion.. Must' tie.
- , lave.
.The same fate awaits our pos : . cide hetweeivirer.ineli—, thi.,eittsiiiti
.tetity. if slavery is ill -Ned to molly- torror to slaves-. I ur.tgitilry dungen , ,
..kie the-virgin mill of ihiti: . :C:ststitrent. iive•iine realities te' Ile,thiti ..
It -is ,the inevitable : re:•6l?utic)ii-. of
.e.,uni g ,...sits. they val4:ii ,:,stra nearer
`iieuvettl;-.. 'fifiiY .iels iie . trMi ha‘ - e-tr..i a•; ,mitici, ' s,r 'i re th it'aly -dallier- -
the c•ntrtige i',4l ii:tegrity to otainctiii — lie in bee•oning alai met :„,,rha,: . .drin..
their ri. t hts. 4t 'is ; not true that the ,:er is or reome the,ilis . Y. it ismet:ivitb:,:
- .ti - ei r .i . “lo•4 . Of the rights ; of free...fahOr: resolute courage and detet reined - - p_upi.,-,
Seekftlie elevation - Of the tilnek race to 'pow. % rote rigut :.traust' p•'eva!il...,,ano. i .
an-egunlit:. with the: width. T. 14 d- , t se ,vr'S.,g 'trot
.gire way.. , .gArs , „tip a
Itut pr•vele the ; emancipation . 4 the ~diet bads - cats the questiuns'..i4tatto
-have, but leave that.g - testiots, ever he per 'moonily . settled.,-lAt,los - - .
to time and Ti_ en s ue
,of ace.anpliAli- nos impeachment - '4:the nkstar 4.14,44*
• ,
meat, With the States in .whier. slave-
~ of ow Sluthern friends tosaythai thttr •
ry exists.. 'Prey %vish I to
. depl with ivVill and insist suliMit tie . ;Vat : which is
this givat . And..t.snliarra...i;tg - evilin a just and rignt, when; ,
- - - -.
. , . •
spirit' 1 1 4' friendly, fa-boar:owe towards
,embodied itr . thelegislation:ef *lgoe! 7
1 those States; htit they , cann o t ~catry eintnent,- Let.the . fr eemen
their f.irheangifo au to virtuallyNati* atineunce in languagefiirrii .: .44.d . l
teel.ineslaves the.eselves— as to sun. .humigalieuhle, their purlivse j to: Feafst,,
teiid,r the 5.41 and government of the , the spread
. stfslavery, and, at ti seterki,
Inaliiii infinite hands of an aristocracy cost, to preserve theintogritythts ; :: :
finturie 1 upon prOpotty in slaves. Union, and
..we shirt' have:: a lasting-
tee wile labia has rights in the
oil superior. tal . the pretensions -,:of
4er-cry. The slavelolding capitalist
claims thethis propeity. 'betesp.tergs•l
ly invested it, +lives, viiil,le;treeiater
unless the 'field 'wherenn he Can em.
ploy it. be. enlarged. The white la
boret.a6t, has a propi..:rtyln his !tarty,
quite a, sacred and as worthy: of the
care the worn Aunt and where. is
he .a i r %coat i 4 L.-..nake . •
that labor profitable tn. - MI - itself and
. ,
his family. if•slaVeryrilfallananoptlize
the fez tiir gtii.. land nf the
W;•st rpt essed almost to
the starvir de•rsely
- 0•,i3 Lite tolcVvr.til.libd
cause • fiq:l tip. l . rir which
itis)rapiisolied.• ri.nnarid !In la
latr'•i4'stnall; corn pat ed with the, thou.
sands - wlor hive- labor to sell: Sit it
will be tit no db , taitt..daY in this'favors•
ad land, unless we keep one. vast pub
lic domain as tisacred inheritance fir
the free white - labering man and - his
postetity -- fotevet: ' ln the sail of our
extended empire. the 'toiling -masses
have the 'only ewe guarattee.fin their
futide - prosperity and ititlePendentre'...
This; the. cupidity of 'capital wn,tld
taite!from thCth-: and here l i es the te
al issue. that tior - ilavePnwer has foie'
cad Upon the emititry. it s a struggle
'On ttie one side Atacitt t:ie
field i Ma - Orin eniploy i lls servile
Iht - ether side Stitiuls free
•claintihgthesoit as e n i n „ e rir... -
atictilar alree ity. -(1.'1461 and
Weiterit%tEts'Ope...teerriing...viritti. its
notfas large
as the American z.iave
linlcfei . . - andalis:tamid:nen - already
hcedtry by•ftirthe:M.ait;tertile an.l gab-.
Cc-01(113M, 1 - .. Lot-rum
cts s ctetit:vvitti..bi4 tikftitotial
mtisivli/e art 1-power. rfrAire de net seek
tit‘distertltritn.' Wer-tieither ,sassail
tior hutted: iiisNeeiteil••right
this ilrecul'ar'kirtc \f property:. , . We
sbni)ly afiLlit'that
do r i vi' hit, Mid' pi npirtelet-iri-tt atid
iiis slaves - alore:VrtcreiVevire.- ----- We
poqueistiritrboutthe the §nett\ We
but statid je_i defense!, rr_t.,FreetlenOst
the North,. jiLanscs . lis , in t:te latitud
ef.Piriladel;M • ia. georaphical.
N Term , It
sitiui9 it a ki.ethern
hy , suiemn compact in
1...5 . f.30. to , rree'dont flrevr.. We claim
the, fulfillatent_O-the We de-
I tni d the. integrity, -If ree :Nat thorn
subjugate it by: int.r.a planta
tions fi.irislaves.
hlueh hai liven 'the' dangers
in - colvedin thi4 Coin el:mercy. rWt.
e,unseled 7and a uies
/ cencetn the wrong, bkaue the.Wiong
deer threttus'ireeter s ealamitie4 if
we shall dare' to "der;•nd -4.ur tights.,
at ch threats tird , „unbeciuning -those'
~~~ .: _
EDtTOII. ;.1
peace,. such' as. teccOnipro:nisa.litatri.:4
its:found/luau in . wrong, cska •eveFi-sir.:
cUreto.tbeconotrl,-.... :
the positi taken.. by the
ti pit. in its resolve totiching the=datiesi:
and obligations imposed
win; seek adoption., into:
Antericatt. family.- of • freestiti.':iiiitattt,-;
. Meet the approval of every:: Patrioittii .
citizen. We have a .rigeht,-to , eipeci4
and r , quire a perfectLatitf:.tatitiiiid4.i
WW‘r are - 4 ti4sted: ,
with - the highprerogati:yes of. citisau
Ship. • As the adopted.citieeit receitel--
in lull - measut e all -the -tgr Itteue.,,ta k •
mtiniiies • of the native BITi•-(so -04gEit..; •
tie to render . - the like single . and Ainrei.';
• .11-m-to the:coutitii of=6ir. •
ad iption. Lie should-fitatiowhialgo::
no eartidy'rp,iWar superior*O').heenni.•'• .
tst it titio t 'eh& the
American people. -There,. is' ite - Oa: •
ger that' we , ahall err -in'':nour
devotion to our C l iuntry,•,ettd ill the
cultivatiint of, an . Litifetice -
Nationality. • '
1 .have : .not ,time'to :speak-411'4W
other . topics emb raced
l in: the pla4itreit:
of.principlas , thit _Cotivett.•
in_the-menner -•
deservea. Opertutiities will betaffer&.
de me hot eafter.-
known on some mattertol - AninestieL
- 1
ftid, closely . connected. - . in. My jedg.:
term. tlit growth,awi prosperity .
of our
ut most r:nhierve.l-1
not t.t di>t dithd vast huitne:v.E,inteiQ • •
! ests of.a„ComrnoOwealils-sOrridh.ll:4
of stiel di Versified pitrsnits'aiOitir#vitii .
vet. i t .etin"to he
t :Conim , OtWealth
tete ire the world, lies•tht:tliciiit r ilitlie::
in the (.1;_•Ve1..0.-n . ept of her .resntiileeti
'amid"-in productive indtagt.4 vrith-inatel
of lg. sister State. AVe .mtiy.the re'
_ -
tore, wittt.;tit t ,
- in
• •
4.. me r...4p.7ct , t, he !natio - More, Coriar.
mabiltitii , spitit the age , at 3 4.
_ • _
inkilararmy with the wawa i,I 611
tyl-toess enterprise. ,
. . .;
cane gcntletnen ! •
In i.
eto tendet my' ihanksfOr' .
kind and acceptable manlier in which
you *charged the dut 3 r; * ignect you: —
• _ V ety res pec tfully, your . obedient
d . • S. Bowen Wm. D'KelleY
E lit. (4. and
. .
Engikanmau in ,Philad!ipliisl
speaking Pkesi4eckt....{Nraahou_il,,,,
was expre s sing aqrAmirApap
to Ace him. &inveraainn
pa;sed. "There he gne!;(rreplie44.
merican. peinted Act a;tali,.erect
side of`Street:
man,-:-.1v.-Are.ta is - guar 011
replin.i . American,- .10,410ug
dreast with eavhasis. ,
0 . 1