rttiit; - .. - ,l:oo,is' At.. COttIiETISTORTI MAY 7,, 1b57. -,in i'4 i.ili.iiiji.uo, 4 1F6hraaers Male aruhremale. - 44vertiler a 10 , thr . lowing , tple.;t , ,t)s: 1,1 wurfien vd liaiy 4,f erviiinp of 1;.• men arr f4llwr,:greut dial boryr.i- 7 W, u. r: I S, , iii . to] t II t t • • t in ru.okirg. aml iu Npittihg e%.1.. where almost atm! at 1111 times, w Le! ca a wnmatt can not d any ..I the:+e 11.ings ivithout . eac tieg avet &lint at.ti.tli,g+..a. Yiny . ..utlit a tpuilto .he all..wea to drit.k Inv •r till him breath_ it , tiffenaiie pod hie tpatptgr vulgar, while a w,• . Fran num no nothing whic;, hall :'e indecot on% it, the eye .t las— judgtnott 1 Why td.totdil pl . an bit -o potting • 1.1 limb., at.d. o e!..tot it. .1 rnaituel td n 11 Vii u to-th and diagt melt iynau:ly u gailit:et. yield hini 1,.-nipot toy while a wi.suaniial.wa guit..4 Reserve an attitude, it U. t his.; gra( e, at lent ol decent:} and. pr.pit ety, fio:n depart. ill u but ior an in -t ,t, t altd 1441410.r1m . *a "1. v i creatolo. Cun any taidy ay i.y ama ;why J.e has the tooinuene, of is, c.:11...1 I. 601. t. in any other way, sh..id.l h. peimitted as a Walter 'Ut cwits.e. to glum, and hell;..', unit vet t I.IS leeltiu4: , veliy AeluCli in the style, of an animal mit etid..wvd with ieasom- while a Woman sinntatly stifle:l:lg must heat 4_ in silence and deg -turn V. hy !Mould men as a class h a n t is c o,, as a matter ..1 light, c0.,1.y Wear the coarsest qualities of hunt„i nature on the outside, and swear. and clowil, and fight, end brutlly themselves. s.. that th y are ..bilged to be put 110 . .) Sepal ate thins in the car.; on railroa I. and at the dep..ts, while women mu-I appear with an agreeable c. tint !lane if not in smiles, even the head. or perhaps the heart aches, and ale expected to pet mit 'whim: ill temper disagreeable, . 4 . wi g !) L i iiiii A ppy t., outwardly. but to keep all these ct•t.- cea.e d iu Wei: own , bosoms to stiff', r us tl ey may, lecat they might oth r wise lessen the cheortulness of tube's 1 Then ate a few stiggestiohs only.a - mot% re iny we Woo Id hint to the Strol get ahti more tx.ictitig sex ..• be r— eit,. ed on for the imps. %. meta t: eir tastes end ma n r... lii the 1. tt or ti Whelk! up lie:tire them they can ..t yob: obsei vi. the Tel y ditle ent stan ;lto d by : which the beitavi.iu of the i t o sexes is coostantly re. ; ulated It any r.aen can be as-ig. ed why should always be a lady and the other hardly a gentle!, an We hone it will be done. 114TFR*STINH viev‘ ..t Mr. • Buaiiitain's p lit cal nun! ai'ivt and 441.ry, in what- Penn ylvani:i county re,idr I Answ,r : Somerset nt, in view 01 his horns. Bucks; or, as he blnws his own hunt, Clarion; or, as his political cal eet i iltatist No, Hunting done;- ~r, as he is being hauled over the coals. Car be.na Lur, as he proclaimed P•,lk a bet tor taria' roan than Clay. Lie coming; or, as hisprospi-cts ate scaly, Pike ; or, as he i s going to pot, Potter; as his chances at e Jeelitsiirt4 H : ' Wayne'. \17 .. i . 0.-at vire Icad. wo could hr martyr.; warn c ,itie ;0 act,.we h. tl %Vt.. cult. 11./t 1k a a ifio.(l vv,.t N. Y & Mt.] aAILROAD NEW T.mc..TARLE. Taking Etfcct Apaii 6, 1857. RA INS le:i‘t• sir N ;3,E;e: Stu .", Lion, ( .e,) • 1.,..a.v5: Mt.h , Cinc:nu zpremi .... 1. right Muil E.vress, .• MOVING W El6l' WAR') i Fre gh..No i, ''''J , 3 N. ,Nigh, r...ti.ress,;.:l:3 • 31 F.c.gll .- u. .. 10:.0 " Mai L.:, 5ea5,..... _ thigh .No. ~... alillAirK r...x i .resus, F 4 tusgr .3 •ra rs, i .... •I !,„41.tiata, tin: Lute tti itpd I.3upand Singitv dunk, at -h'. U it.N AL •IS 0.17, 'i'u It j_l? Ait N1,E134 woltiug, Pl. A TE It for imui, c In be eupplib,d at :13 4u.sEti, MA NN .4" • Nt k Xl. , • -7" ..4! FAX‘7F'-1' ri &. _L. Erle, : . .rte - ~ tA- - -tki - I'''.T.fttit',-S, 155.vv-arid singularly successful remedy for the .1 cure of all Bilious diseases—Costiveness, lndi destion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism,- Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Infiamma, Sims Headache, Pains in the. Breasit, Side. Back, and Limbs, Femalem Complaint+ote.,&e: Indeed, very - few - are the diseases in whietraPtirgativelledi une is not snore or less required, and much sick nem and suffering might be 'prevented, if a harm less but effectual - Cathartic were more_freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it yams generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might h{te been - avoided by the timely and judicious use cf good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Fe,(1 . ,;11 symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the laud: Hence a reliable family.physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pin has been perfected with consummate skill to meet Chit demand. An extensive' trial of its. virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, werethey not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to fotbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may Mention - Dn. A. A. II A Yrs, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, siSse high 'professional character is endorsed by the . Bois: Enwsim EvithErr, Senator of the M.S. Ron C.WINTIi ROI', Ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives, AZIIPTT Ls wits:Nei:, Minister Plon. to - England. t JOHN B. FITZPATRICK, Cath. Bishop of Boston. Alpo, Dit..l. H. Cit turns:, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by . W. 1.. Islsitry,•Secretary of State. . Wit. B. Aston. thC richest man i, America. S. I.M.ANn & Co., Proves of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. . Did spare permit, we could give many hundred certificates, from all parts where the * Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their eth eta upon These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the pui'lic as the best and most complete which the present state of medical i owe cid; anora. hey are' compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the tiaedieinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of poi , and combined together in such a manner as to ins ure - the best result's. 'I hit. system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills inith; to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto heen ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. ‘t hile by the old mode of compOsition,cy •ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are loft behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove as they have proved more purely remedial. and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should he taken under the counsel of an attending ' Physician, and as be could not properly judge of a . remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formula by which both my Pectoral and Pills arc made to the whole body of Practitioners in the 'United States acrd-British Amer ican Provinces. If however there should be any one who has not received them, they will be proniptly forwarded by mail to his address. • Of ell the Patent Medicines that are otlbred, how few fiould be taken if their composition NVB knows ! Their life consists in their mystery. • I hive nu mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge Ofi the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to he a wonderful Medicine before its effects were known. Islany em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently; and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more thanrealizedby their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerthl influence on the ,ffitern;.l viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it Into healthy action —remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels liver, and other organs of the hody. restoring their irregular action to health, and ,by correcting. wherever they exist, inch derange ments as are she first origin of disease. Leing sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. I ItEl'A BED BY JAMES C. AYER, Prtictical and Analytical Chemist, . LOW EI.1„ MASS. rice 25 Cents par Box. Five Ecore . s for SI. .501.0 HY `SMITH.: JUNE ~nd O. W. SPENCER, Condo:sport, Pa., and by Country Merch,,,ts and i)ranskta everywhere. AT & JONES Jud xitinme r assoriment of Sheol ing4, ,h.r ng. Den na, "ricks, Alarr en S ripe , and %. hec.c.s. 'Cite: are ,ust rece a hi..dso no of IS ti tehed gaods, hicb they are desirous of having the i r cus.omert examine. • "Ai I FORT 1111111-ttUARTERS rutlii subscribers otke'di s ine.hod of in . form in g ,t.tiir trends ill it they are in re ceipt ol; and .Ire nos' opeudig„ a choice-and desirab e s,i)6; of S I'AeI.LANO FANCY DRY GOODS, to %%limn .her invite the a.tendon of all who de-ire, to tithe purchases. Ours.oek is:urge, h is bl!011 se cc ed wish g.ya- care, and is par .lca ar.,y iti .he 6v ,ms of .his semmo of the etr.tit.ri. Our sttic:c of JD' Goodscon -5.5, of qtt...Si • 0C1D..?. 1 . 111 , 1:11S :IS, Rtauoss, E1A011),..H14%, CLO rHS, t. AS SI .1 Re • 11 .s, idosins LICA. ' Z/ilit ILIN rd, i I 'St lii, V LA, .ILL a +Line y ut some, - an,,: at, i. 0.1 it ameroas .o men ion. iVe 11.1. e ~.so aCO ly eas assar,.- tnea of •, 11.1:2."/ 'VAR:: AND - CR.-/Gtii. .1t1;. all of which tvi,. be so a uncommonly cheap tar re . ,d) .gay -lid for approved credit, on as rea s on u e er.us a. au, a her es amishaien:. N - vli .:1%1 I;, i sto.— IBEEE fflM2 r. m ERE u Flit", Ag4..n DittibiS! Dittitk:S!! I= 'LI.. awlef,igtle.l having purcan.e.l he 1. 1.1 erdi 'of A'. Is I. ' )'er, at , hdpr 1 . 4 and ;Ion; u p.tr v oie .0 en tiLooe And colt Attie o r hod . atittlertnnt tii PlidS ,v all lie Slam v..r A... of good; here imbed, eXety 1301.1;si. a tev.ug u, his ..rr.digetoett 5111., expe4ses 4 , 4.. 1 45L .011 per ceut .11.1 d0.,,te.e.1 a ;411 a WIC co;AutuerA .he yelled of lie V. V .{ 1114 e, lurre•idYl i ar ".. , lig ou ocre .seu 1 . 1)1' or , unk• , t. turnip. 0 , d....r.ic:tt found under the gedet.l. head of Ory t_ittods, Groceries dud .'rovis ,rd.rare. S. J. .1 f'.. i ue:i. of . 1 / 1 1p, eom,o, ho , ,C.talpoeue, f tlid.duti nye a.uirs, cooo.on .nd Logo,nor wl.h eta- Ili 1er . .., 11/ AC . 1 at /C.C.S, ..V.:C1111 , dad Jewelry. :or no :fl/ h 9l • he . ~b•.ve pruouses we r :pee la..y I:ri. ...nal ~ion of uur gOode. 44.01NE5. • Coudersport . , Ju!y ~.~~,~.= ---,.. —,.-- - - - - - 'fi .. t,t ,i 1 ~ ..",1 •-• ./. -...it .;,, fV „,...., 4,..; 4 ..............:„,„... , ..... 'LIE t.lnderegnOcl .hitvin3 "rosined 'a To • I;zir:feiship.untler 'the' natne'listd tine e: Jo Az.„ ,_ KADIN_ &,-JOicAs, : ror the purpose of pit - ending ..heii. iiiertfixect .11 the Mere:it i:e' iins'iness,• hive ptirehi , ed 'ne"etu'ire , sltick ofC. S. Jones;rtetois Malin: :tad A.-F Jones; vhiCh • vst.h .:, , he iurgte•vd ditions now beibg wide Co he 'cuusolidayd 3",0e1i, by dai , yarriVa.v front A eiv York as. Phiiade-phin, ensb:es -ilieuv.in-`oLer to ~.. .'itb.ic nitil'eaeh of iheii- former ens.oLuera lie largesi, bis,..and• toad; es eastve iii.iur oeot Of-goods ever ureuih , in : a .hi ' - m ket. renal: nand ate thenise.res . and their sub inners, .hey h:ivu remode ed .he S.ore fyrat / . 1y ore ip,ed hy.e. S. donna; . whern ' , iie, may to, !nand a.. ihnei , 1 - oady and wrung o wait who. .le4: end .0 -duet . 004 1.1301 r 6.ectr, cottAis.i Dry Goods, HA RI) WARE. UROCERI ES. PirJ'phii.. HATS CAPS. Br.)1) C &SU )E.i; i'iroil l _eiit'dits,' 4!-. 1.4 . L. M tNN, A. F.l )SES Coudersport March; - .111fh; 1856 JONES, MA N 4 JUNES, r ►re now receiving a large' lo; of the hes. 3.yle Praha ennsistinff of Coeheeo, Ph = Xiteu :- . 3pr.:goe S: Co. Warranted fast co:ont, 4440 I • ./1 .nu.,;. CV, • santutu. .10 IS„1/ _V ' H.VEs Vonfd call .he :went on of .hose echo are Clo hi :o -heir 6,octc.wh;ch he : ar !,11 ug COHAN' .11g of f lit road m - ) "(BLACK LS: 13!4(.7E ) amitnerea of 4. 11 gr"ilea and *a y.os, no JE,./1" 4.e.: • :CUE have now on hand Revert' qttulitl V of Farm - erg Sa.in, which is wprran;* .o give sati4trtton:- 'fry tt. JONES, AtAN.i, JONE•. 'OLD fashioned Dimity for la's at MANN %V JONI>, LL who are in Will, of 800 . 1 .63 Shoes. _LA. will please can :mil examine hix.eck of JONES, 31118 & which Haw Largest over ope yea in th county, and we feel conlidee: t hal: we :tinily the •111011 critical, IVe have also i coppectieu wi.h thi44lranch of our business . Boot it .Shoe S RI bVhere we can order Vlk kin 1 of work; :au we iie:iero din. oar II wit At Lie work is atf per.or to that which ,3 bra tgh from abroad L • al A 1 Li E. IL. IT, • best rainy, and of all the differs Lb Unu. & Shoe findlogi SL .JONES. MANN & JONES. .10. Vl3B. M..I.VN d• Tr ‘r '- . W 01.7 D . Respectfn;:y tsk the Fa ?arr.', / this aoeul to ex , lime .h. Advan- Lages. tiered 'bet., in this . ti.,c for ,tio ex en..lling of ,h'ir fur.o pi i a Co cant t.r Mercuaudise, kiluost ti Is;i6d , of gr. In, and in fact, every kind .hc .artner h t, to set, ; hetali a more al ~t:tluced fi gure in Clinder 4 POr , Alin! at a) ' of t e .•ordieri. in rk a It. • he goou.r of .he Alercli n, are .:44111 . he ' , amp price, excepting the h ay .r..c.e.. vrh,en have frausport t.ion .d.ted: .11.):tir...i MANN.& JONES. March :ith..1t156.. - . VVE aro kooplug a good asisrtmovi IRO from which we will suppiy .his sec toe, •:a C.vorabb its they will be dosr whla at Weaevtite. 'iv - ANTED at.JONES, MANN ir',ION ES V WheJt, Rye, Simi,wheac. Cora Oz.!, Potatoes, Or anytnang the Farmers hr. , * re @Vs they can tied re tly sale for at our at are. 11 7 1,' E hive on hand a : ,t,ito4 assortment o V Yan,ceo not ns, which we are touting ;0 se., at reason.M e proli:, Linen bread Cotton do. (spoo, steam t) tit. :at cl.osi; I much Woriting Catton rintatug du.. eed e., Pots, WI It a loos ever) h:..t,.tos dog log to .11,s deli:miner rule J•)tiES, MANN de JO • titi. _ iitii_iitielAL .c)Ouil 6iluarl NE W A MONO EM ENT- 111-lE.uuder-ig:.ed tiavillu. put cha•et 11 he ea re S ook of BooIf! in e y owned by I.Ly cr ]ones, and comp e. e(.l her ac sor,azeit by neo , urena.es Pi he e, y, g.er L 0 the ptlD ip, he 'Fred vane 3, and nes: el' 1;1'5 rt)RICAL, ISCELLA". Uzi ISFJ• i.O.AetiICAL, and C 5 -- Books ever preen ed fur , ate in ills rummy All Lhe now books of an, value ..re ke r . cons, mtly on h.ud, or procured by x,.re s for csismoiers woo may desire me - m. it is bedeved .ha, a umhisti a..en io . business, ..nd earue,: des,re .o_ob.tge ail" ho may deal xr a her:v.... see ire a Merai-amoute ut paironagg. richuoi dunks, : , :taLitmery ora:1 hinds,m..• ter als tar er ; uw•ur,., Cc., oous.au.sy on a.so insuo ineu.s. cm, and ex. ostie for 'Maisie.% es. Al, W. ittzl . llA • 1MM313 • eoudersport, A,ay 14, lIEAS and Green) (rota Aventy-11t to a ,to,,ar,Cu,ta.cn.ijr.l et JIINES. .r - - ..-~<<::.: . - .; • v*-• '1) ; . GANG jjrr F• . • 14 1 911 , .01 kLe .14;11351 Al it V t Ullgel:ile, T ,, tl : . Oli• 13 ftkis, : Seri.fige,iinitiow l b :r Sure. be cured (.f . cprob u, ers.idp or /Anoint: e, I Le y, and e c . uti -hove ti ear.tige re= . unimer."' •• eQxttle call be diepluce. - Addre•ig •". • Kr-LLIk Usi • ; 11 ch ,nicaburg,Viiiiiber• ga". ech ti.courg Ini es. froro , i larris lirg;•ou cce,•,..th•e ) ar,r of 41 .. 1.J0ieu.. 041 you g, ricii il pour, 'dome .•: do yell - good. -'• •' c..ed.who :team mie piirsumii , y,l mi.. bend, . ui on.v, lied a.O e .11ed.c.ue,ski h thy. direci•Ami tar tht a... ,Addrees abevo. allies rea.tb. aub Parlor uuali ' , . . ROW VI THY TIME .1"0 SUL ptpa.. Lit, t tet y tol thk. ti'.or ; Alagazine wit. aim' In,te to be entire ly aiginai, trtart he.;: DA' Oriu ny :he res...u., best Wri,ers iu ,he etitni ry, • its int :ges b'e Gt ed wi.h ' • • • ' 'AJwiee Poetry, Essays . 31oral Tales 3 3 - • illusic, Designed -it, exe , t a Cu E evaling ..nd improving loduence on :he ?Lind, 1 Eu'eh Number wi ibe .einbeLished with .wo inure Fine Skit. Liigracings, one of wh.ch wi. be ke leprestm a L o u of ERzi, rtiVIT OR lliapb. f1EAU71..1:41.1f CULURK.n. ihe I.,,the,t, the t fess, . tid euhtic gene rul y, 11.1‘e hei tanver I verdic t ti [lle c .e.t • , .oett , InUs. at ract..ve .zttrc: .. .ctine• lett, :did. the ralj,it,the.s pledge theinve , % ep h.n odor,. slut .1, u atg ,/11 Ilei: pa.. .o In rt. colt ina tate of", he gotta u . inton d ex: eastire a,•uu •ge earning l'utt ic.. A. ,he end ul the ye SUUser:ne. - e a Vuannu pages, enriched wi it .• .e tune slunen .g..ng, wheat uoand, 11 beau au t'a vow- Inca. or wt . .or • tr.rud. Tt:::.l4-ILIVA., , IA 11.)V.INCI: Cu y to e ; Mir en . oihes. een up es SFECOMILI LC4l‘ .e sent gratuit..usly n applies= in a": 1 par.'s c . i h...g go d Iti•i.a char..c.cr. aherd..e Lll4 tun gitt For flu her p c , utitiresm dIIit..IC'.SCOV.LL, .•40. .3 .3 ruce-a ~ New- s wiz.% • • i n,jri,,.;00:14, ;Jr:lL:o4l4g, Croukury. L.I, ani .1:14Z13 ~ 1 ,3 110:13 —eutra g rae., Cuttilagruz . ' rile I .itir .lAN'.' Si. JONES' 25 :.,ent ' • • . •OLT ;I'S, ;ran 11 . 1 r iil c 0 L 'Lc; v...p4 I i,.l„lic:zorau,::‘,4l - , .41 .1 14 0 hold IV' 4 • 41 a ' ' CJ RE epU.; Stock o. Ltrocerios ii wrerecl to ti, lJ inc, ec .ou of .he ettb..c tst.h .he c be.ief 1. to .he best in .he'Coun.y in end .h t..his dopar.inent of our buinett shah diWayS be .ten. in midtown; to 'wt.! . the waii.e of :his *co.titnani.y. .tIANN JuNtli , A I:.r g e Sauk nEl7,rocktiry ..o re ie.c: ttcni JONES, a, ANN A JOlll fc, Coinincrcial ).ieniottr, KJ MASI - IED MONTHLY BY • VISSCHER, OWEN & 00., . 346 aroailw...v, Unied .übserWers 50 Ceuta a Y war. I' + :' , Al , 111111ilt . / .#l. I pt• CciAl!el4liClAC I, ~ ...• ii.GISTP.It syuli con -0 c efu y 1 ,.e- I. red and w ii- . - igei ed •I;.ne .1:y r.ic e; .1 re iab.e ae c ori ili ho ...3: a e he •rke,s; a e rec. i..f . iik-N.•.) e ~14 ; Alia goliur.t ya• 112• form, ion re ice - 0 . Commercial and Xercantile ..latters ..l.llerchatos i . town a d cotr.rry ti d his the most. useful as wet I{4 the c.c. pest News p I ,er p.tb keel • Specie indueemot s oder - ed to . geu..s g,e-ing up c,:ths. Ad dress riSaC 346 roAlw..y New York. E A Music received every few dye h M W M• WHISHERANIM I LA SALLE'S - CU:MIA:IL ONL DOLLAR A BOX. TRY IT! TRY IT! PROF. CiEO. H. DE 13Ai2 has te l.. can y re:nulled from Lurope, and whi e there, oidoined from the. ce (Mr .ed chemad. L. Se m, ..11 enormous ouday, :h recet,d, end excdtsive right of :he Cm ed Ste es . ead Condda.., to manuCtc.nre-and ige this ceiebr :- ed prep:int:ion c d.ed -whiskerdndo," which ha ne.er been known ,it ilti. couse Whis kers and ...mos :::clicht to grow owiri n nd be vy, even on ue .rd ess i cgs, ti wit mon hs :f er firs e,-pace-ion. To :hose ite:sotis whose beards re ..gb: and wiry it- reccom. mends i:se•., A few pp to ions wi:l :render d sot. hck and p Jan e. frenchanen :re nu 'ied.for diem' ue 1111:Niters :-nd OWN- L. dies when in a,. of .hem e m he eice rime oh a ..3 a ,le's .v h..krr tide. erme pef u :%; sem o any par ed he Lru ed a e 01 e,n nut. , he (eery. 1.1: zsdMess, • • • Prof GAO. ti. I.W. BAR EIV. Yottx Ulty. I LSO:i ,s; ettEL:IAL4I. iSy - . red. Laoug, WI( 110 j .13 Tapor hint o:Por Lurk, -nu l'untotr Pro-oiler, • .ialt.teu Fabe., tor Cri - L'oge her ‘rt h genera.. Kock of S..antlard amt :vireo aneuus ;‘, errs. good twolis tor an.g t'eop e; a 4-looory 0 4 . - lia•atiLe tLe at. .Slater, yens, Pencils, hues —iu Ahor , et er,.11.0g .0 v..r.ecy Ula4,:y in . 4 goo* ..1.111).. ONES MANN dr JONES nave eertand; =, .the nevi ',Lock. of 11 a r d w a r ins :kept in ih 4 puce, mut thdy..4,014 u /see' every thing in that lige, itud tve,feeihostfidir we4o a, wed by Lbb i euplie of lb County a, wilt be douo by them it %ValLtvl" tilygllS MI VO T ME n, ,HENDRICK; - j•Fece. e s.i . e‘ Acadet”iip it wiil_ljeili~iilyd. L inio.Threetepne, /if .1161 - ;ieu weekiech. The \iimer 'rine comiiieuie.en on 'day, ,Jfeeember rth,-..11-irt. ring' oT wafer 'l,erte .wh• ceur?ence on Aped y, Aprii . ,he eh') eu . ...11 . md' , y, .24Lh, Apgne:'. .•Itt _ Tuilion per-..-ertu . 01 ,lortesin %% elks, as . fohows : 1 . . . Primary suldkes•-,-Kiading,,tipe. tsg, .: j : i t Simat."Ar . h..hc tc, C.,' • - - - bel s ii Coalition t sig.iSli braitelit..--aeugra phy, Ur hogra, hy, , AT.. hlue...c, ~tid Grammar, -. • „••• •_,- : - - - - 4 1 .75 Higher lang.tsh Ltr.l.ches-7,lNutur... I .. Plniosepity, As r ttttt itti..tLientis.ry, - utak irs• tiesseu.s: :u-_,A getin.: - .5.-..; A . 45.00 Higher M. hein . .l.ics—_i gebre. ue onte,ry, ,N..c..; • • ".• -- • - I 1 6 6 -Ut t I .Lhin, tocelt,_ and ,'tench. Lan- 1 glimgP'.. '. -, :' •" - $6.1.• Dranling. ei,ri, i - - ... ' - .irz,t)fp Piano .11nic,.., - do. _.' -' folti: , ..t. 1 Cif' P.:ymm e.a.rici.v in advance. - v A.. Pichp 7 ant . who c... 11 wri: e egib.y;' will be cregnired .n . present an Original Composition once in two weeks: and it.. ma.e scho.hrs to dec.aint once in Avo titieas; --- Boas d c :it - be oh:weird' n Private Fino- Dias in the vi. agi. or .romns'eali be h d ititlye Academy by .ipp.jiiii to the Ppucip 1. • dr, Ilendrick hto .the l'rec.eihorship ti‘ f the Ac,deint , fur ate past ;ear, and i. In whit great ea osiac inn vie announce .bat we have been'ab,e..n evicme .he chitatiu :nee of hie serv.ces. The thitir,hinit condition of .he Ac deny has been exli.hi et? by a hirger a: tend lice ~nd in ire getter.; expression of ea ,on, b n has e‘ . ..ec been experienced here.citure; -trid he i rus Cr,. tla er th..t in he renew of h.e eng gemen. .hey are ettrrylng .he wishes of he patrons 0z ne ....e.weasy • 11.1.4 1... ,u• II y t the . ed, ud secarnig .or .11 .. 10., a gen .ent nfu GO.), e,en, .0 plyp y . Ite-wa:h.e i d . .,n in e . : I god' co utuuui y. Ltd LLI,S, rre.ioloo • I ON, -; • Lti4XIS MANN. i'ren.otror. I . ri eel AMOK 11. J. UL .L 1), Coudersport, Nov. i . ME Tvi BotAl of varietla LUL ,t•IZEI4 j uhal a d a he JOUlt \AL 11.),/ti .i AtE. y r Y ilk l•nrisit v.arle-y at . liFstyws and Att..o4, 11cJi).11111t• u. 2114 S.iire Pucka Itib.es. Ityino Sou.:., Prayer tiou,is, WOl/4 Ltic o.unry, unabridged, uc.avo, high sehoo and 1.13111:11011hollim ed ions. Harper's Gm:versa one err, Cruden's Contordance , t el 4 11 1 0 11 S. Pustiein's Mug .Aind, bound, Bayard Cay:or h •t Poe.s and Poe ry of :171111f t:1, POU-h Poe ry -lig • rid, LaYard's•.N inlay eh ..nal .abj•on• Wailis . d Paeans, . -• Do.dsunifs, Oa.. Cook's Tennyson's Poems, Poradise Lost. L:.dy of :he Lake,. • Preseas...'s .and POPE 'l:ll: . ers' french Rev 0.0 Josephus. - • 'AViiishrop's rig. and. .P.c.oans' ni; Th. Saine.a or, .1 to s., vo., e. Chi.dr.e.i's Junks— aid i ois. • Schou: every kola ea. ed fur .h. coinnum. y. • Lad'', French, ad Ger.n.in Schou! Looks, Leverett's L.ra Drawing Pape', Books, and Card 4, Drawin Toy Pain's, Colors fur pain: lig. Music. Brushes', Ch ilk, runso.inn.s, Paper °revery variety ca ;kid tier it Wilin4, Wax, &c. 31aleriais . tor Harrison's Cop •. :t • v severa. k6nu n. Phreno og c.. an ; J j. 1.. • , Works. ' F,otv er and •Ve..s• pub B ,•na Jahnol. aleal4. :ma Te .char and Pareit- Theory and i'r.aa:.ace or Teach .ag. L its of Dor..ce ~ree es. St .r rapers.. D. . W aar i o of Theodore t• wor• 6h ks,.eare, For sa e cite ! p u ne • • - 1.;•X ta t - 1 4 J it)S. 1111 C sub.oriher has Jos. roomed a getter ei assor...eu. of fa., and vr.u.er good. onsis tug of DliA GOODS, C. 1.0 CHING, ilooTs SriJES, HATS & CAPS, - BONNETS, RIBBONS, GROCERIES & CROCKERY, nod altrtost every ar.ic'e needed to the town and vic.o,ty, vvittch he pledges ltitosetf.o sett as low as .he ce=:a 1113 t) . .tt . C:AS Jlll•1 . . • lath geuer cal. and exaulnie for :he use.ves. ;itcher. I=l L 0. E S 'l' . u.i.t; OL!.18 . 1.1:1D, eoutle.ropor. Oct. 4th, N,) i 1i S hereby givuu ,haz.he Notes and Accounts "of .he a urn of l'per and Jones have been .r.nsierred .o h Or. Jones, .nd • win he !nand iu ne.r n Md.; far CO ,eCtiOn. ihose iHdeb,ed .o he .a.e tirm of l'permid w... pat .se e .he e , me• wi h .ho under signed hn e.y iTil lINES Coadors, or . Joy .1. ~noti al ALL herieni having 0.u.11 t 0 color and .eav pig .he satue at the tire tija, Judd to win be rut . ..yarded .he if.tratt et the 3uusenber tatiihed tu p.... order ..tel re tinted, ody.ueut for theesing c tt ue wade .1) J. .11. Jutid tut de.t.rer . l e.0.1i. .he i •teret; is“tti.y Wi.ll tt.tthe rec.tetts, ttei!eNty Setr., .; a , I /11.: s, i.tt-r h ; .• , ,,r, I +IN Mid tat rec.., v. ts by M. W. AIANN. AA( El /IST I: *S, UICT.I...;NALIS -- Pocket • bet t,l, Uuiversit).iicinvo.Ald quargu fur btLIC by M. W. M. .4,ttin FIT 001,Qtrfetik.0 : 41 : K 1414r),-,1 THE CASIESISTELMUIPTEb fficesL Gr6atirletinettri -1101tACti; .- IVATERk• Nov Brccdauy, N.-1- AG EN FO -1 4 11 -BEST BOSTON:A.4 N. r..INSTIFUNENTS. • . Lafge;.t _ . . •i t a. 31,41.1.u01tbe. iiku.ds , i u the s. . j ilivst•• 411 cve-r} •vrti:.ty ul ityg . Iron. Ilse !rut nuci 'pubs!isulial, t y, up, i t s ‘11.i....! i.r R..e . 14.44:Ct.i.t I; Crift $l5O t. C: 1 10. ifioaL irki nt L.:ah-Npti IhOlurk N s , ' it , U. ii C2lll 6 , /111 4 • 11 w 'lli H i t , 44;i,, vurit ty.-null :d.l. litiLy of iu; ii ,El r. Hiely LOW P r i en lit 'ii. y la -t; : • Heti ituE WATER Rir - IDIPROVED - - . wit h woo jrol.• t ropes, yollieteinit to tbrir iuittroveioutits ut uveretrolge laid amen u It i;goi, id 14i:tilt-, and - couiplu.t. l tudu . oult;a1 the Grail Piano, united viithihe beauty and dur.ddlity . uf ut r net ure'et llie,mturre :Envy ore,austly ale Prentyji ine,tirst INO.n.tettflAuster., tu. lie iii4j to th.,,e'of ally ;Atter litaiitglactnrer. Th r i are of the 130. 1 atid eutua litianinithty sessile. material. oat! g .uruuteed to 'laud the 4.8. .t.ta .t tv.ry eithattu. Each I usl rutueut guaranteed give ratii• ul.l, or .y reloaded. SEC. :uND-HAND PIANOS AT GREAT DAR. GA /SS, ,101 v, price !Joni r 1110ii.ACE'WATER . \iitetodeoet 5.., roa" ~.• tIO - 111.:tyua trliopiett• .) .%, 01 r i r irs nod r.• • . PrILI st.o MU. pa, *, U tor• t, atIAO 1. to ...AP u i ktye, r.OO. L. (1.1 a la, r..t ~1041 / Ulet. Lit I OiLltik l;11•11.1, pg. lilt 111%1 dill:lMM. • MA RT IN's -GUITARS, . Did) ‘‘'N's HARPS, LUTES,, •, FL OT INAS, ACCORD EONS, VIOLINS, 111,1,dc.11 !hat rum. h.: Id all kinds. Mower ;ban rin Uffpred to the putnis . &float lawn! terns Ili Li S : 1 0 • . . I1'•. Imu ..,r6e , -* .... ~ a A.•..,: 4 - 11 ella 1.1611. A •/1 jili.thwili.V . .ll i/U1.1.1.1 0.4. 1301.p11.1.1 . 111 1.. ~., • 11111 C.• 1111 is.' 4.4 1, .I,u;sr • VIII .1 • • .....14 ..gll 11C Slll,l al • 11i,b1,11 v bias ~ 1.1. u r.. p. • .111, i5...1 rson t il slice • . .. • •, • C.I. t. •••• • ..• aln v.alt.. Val :n • .1.10111.4 0. 1.'1BI:01 •• ".. 11. 1..1 1.,. g, r, • • •" ' .1..11:1111N . a.r sole ea gal . '• . _ •S. •••• .•-I••••... 11.1,4 1a• x.•' • I. n. • G. :•. Li•uule i. pr t.• (,•r'^erdry u . 5 • 1• t•.......tK: FREI. 1 ; . i. • s't ;.t.lt. N 1. 1• t tit '.l M t •••• .110 Ir I "%NS' 11.7STLA -. ., hit 'west u.I tio , .he -11)1 it c: 1‘ ANSAS and Nehrask4. -. .. I% ..ati.Qi ~tbde to :Neetl.4)woes• ~a A -0 - Var.or Galilee - isurrov,e'li Piano i or.° l'Timer. - - ‘t ora.mgm lee ic'ku, m mal %. - orid. en . Atou gooier/a hook :Wit. 6 , .% .thoer,c:m toblloolllf. i.y Palls, V.ckeui m,i,:t.c ”: ..r : a mile, {...t:Abiy. - L.e.,.....:1 s of ~ t; , c.er. .114rg..ra , lkat :110 !my.. 1. 1, :id ereseu., Loge`kwer• 'llige • (:•, ~.owl ./) 011 ohe NM Tau I=SIZEI End CA3 .1.::43cLu0u., or En er.a.uiti Et i scroucua w r..riuua science!. l'e crlutt's emu. Aur .-cieuce. • .cu..ura. t, hetttoary, .Iccurtleuu tits-rltc.ur. u•n., at they .0..11...1t.NAL. 11(104 otoitr. •••itt 1 .• IAieIE,J and Maid:meg tor ISST, .o,l:o—ing Cane, l and Cues. • 'ftirrasulue era, - CliAreu's Ouoits for .he (hese Mel", Ureortug Wm.°, liu.srl, Mulsochrootatie Boni, klydropd.htc r.ncye,oyedia, by Dr. pall, k atto.y eh) mciao—Dr. Sheba. Fain") . beu.ta,, - I•odpoar Paper., at the JotinNAL BOOK STORE. 31Vti BO Og.d. ENC lIA N'r ELI BEAUTY, by Or. Elder, Lives; .)1 Atrocious Judges, by tiiidrsta, . erugress -itedgious by L M Llecel ary.rd repot 8 lrare,s, t he am% of tiiewuth.t—Longfee.ovrt Caspar, by Ably Lotttrup, ,sus 'red .ar as at the Li/01AL sek/Ci ofORC- Amerman Agita.ors and Reformers By. .sl,lt L,fe of it to. ti. Sow.trd,lot Jpellal Ora,tons, i.nd riangs, ....... Lsle dud ttau.aut of ianuy Lie of Horace rtm.ny, (new suppiY4 a...nttuite our eign, he Joituu Ie our asoum., kue.. suep.),) ..... . .40 +A. 1. iN t Ai 6 _Li it, - I! Li• id the Yee TT .'t 11.0 v for lilt 111 • • qa•... ... ..t/JllllxeUi tol OUT 11 10 • [...l< b UNU:111 . 1 I.llli I% Alt.. Il nuo:Trito . ~11c WI" 1.1 %141.1fU1111, IP • leb Ur. .I.e t.:11/.a kUI.WII; at' NIP la .genisint, i:he ko. OR AIL :\ TICEES and SIIBUBiILias i6l fug Lea , : et). •t 1 ur.icri to C. SBA- Pia U. a. Itt Jt.V.ES A.A ‘t4' roier 2 6 :ql3 N L W -15 SC LEI TOM'S CABIN," STOW '1 NJOIr Weig• • DRI ; U , A 0 -e 41 Uiunsi trot: 1 " Late at the JU 104 AL Ho. s roar ::dw Loo -,‘E. t. 30 t