pjg PURNAL. `;? t coUpEa2j'Q AX :7, a il. ito.-rvit M ATTE RS WU readers of the jpttrmal will be pleased toJearn that-Rev. J Hen .driaribia.beett elected County Super : ,iitei*nt:uf-Co.mmon Schocils:. - 'gee pruceedings in auuther .place: • iIaaLTA.-"rklurley'aSariaparilla bit.„a" ..-in.creitse.the,red gl.ibules necessary forPerfecL health.. and erfdicatias all ~ taiat or disease :from the constituti.th .-I.Ctit:c4go Venwe,rat. Sold by Sci.ieffelin Brothers it C.•., ;Nat York ; ,Schoht & Co.. Phlladslphia.; J. D. NO:, Ciliciimaii; •Ohichlu4 qtki.exterismo medicine Yen ares.througbout.the Magamisioa for. May: Er:. Stephen' Illustrated New Monthly, Ls 16'41, teem iv,th" lie choicest literature. and Anteh'inly as :tow att.& her tsontributor,g are ea paths et 2.:skskin; up"" ••• West .Toint," and LottJewals„" are eir9Fting stories, and in . crease 4p,intersst with each number. The saw volume commencer with theluly number. Published at It& Nussan-It., New" York, by F.lwanl Stephens, at 41,50 per annum. ..Harper is morn th.ia molly interesting this month. and presents a table of contents which rennet fail to, meet the desires of the most tkiritj Mugaziue rimier We find the follow. •ivg local jot d'cirrit in the "power." 7he wag Matthew is well known to who hive ever visited the mouth of Freeman's : .:The place from which I write is pleasint4 emitted, says our .correspo - Adent. on .he bead waters of the Susqueltanni. It is facetiously tilled the 't t aitits' nest,' and is the resort in rieromer of many Isaac NVattons (iota New Xerk, why jail to find plenty offish and fan... "Tweyears ago axantleman came hare from Xaches;er te try his skill in angling, iind to re iurerate alth. Besides the trout we have r•atpof venison, and Mr. Sykes thought as had not been very successful fishieg, he • , vrou,'d take home a few skins of deer as tro. phis of his skill in the - nee of a gun. Matthew, the waggish son of 'mine hos:' of the Sain:s' 'Rest, accommodated {tiro wi h doe-skin, and -yaw (rein', fawn, and .'tst.y :ho skin of a fine cult that died in the spring, and which he' as- Mr."Sykikwas .41 the back of a splendid k. • . . ''rho gall..nt Appilsman rettn'ato ilochrsiner rich mitt the 6 : 4:die of his field sports, ai.dun the midst of admiring fri.nds recoutbs .he ex *clement.. pawl.", and triumphs of the chase. ihsplaying she ikius, he prom& ei:d fruits of Ms sport. An old friend eyes the skins sharply sad begins: 4 3ykes, did you kill that beautiful fawn 1' " I did.' '• 'And that dee, too 7' • I vim - sure, 1 did.' 'Amti,did,that old buck die h rd " - Dreadful hatd,' said Sykes, growing im itative,- • . • 'Leek heye,'. said the provoking friend, 'whoever sold you that colt's skin f.r is buck skin, sold goal arid skinned you too.' • "Mr. Sykes never boalted of his deer-shoot iat 'did not return last year to join 1,1 the season of sport." ../ferpr commences its; Fifteenth semi-an: u sr S ramie. wi h a circu:az ion I . f 1%,001.1 cop ies, M Jane. l'rice $3 i• er annum. NO LICE. There will he. a meeting at the M, E. Clni•Cil, itt this piaci, Mar 9ru, at 2 o'el'k Y: M., fir the purpose of REATING THE PEWS for the'corning year. trWA.NTED, at this Office, im eisdiately,a few cords of-STOVE WOOD, oubsuiption IVZITL TEETH, PERFUMED BREATH AND Beam-wet. Court_xxion—can,be acquired by •saißi Abe Balm cf a Thousand Rousts.' 124 y - or gentiemln would rent in under •,rint-ettree vdi.4agreeable breath, wile', by *deg :he "BALM OF A THOU4AND FLOWER.I" as a dee /Crime, wou:d not on:y render it sweet; kid Is .re the teeik whi . e as authastee. ',lane fences do not know their breath 1 , bad, ,ZEld tla subject is so ue:icAte their friends w ill nev a eistvion Beware of collo:tarsus. Be t) ea each bottle is signed FE fIUDGE & Cit. N. Y.: Fir NIA by all Druggists 9.:37-6ntA FM '"COSTAR'S" Rat, Roach, &c,. EXTE:k. NO ATV u, "CUSTAR.'S" Rod-hug, EXTER3IIIVA- T4)4 t'COSTAR'S" PuWDE,R, for kw, dtd., urder from the Depot, No. MS BROAD— , %VAY, N. Y. or DRUGGISTS aid DRAI,E , RS everyer . bere. Full particol..rs by mail. rir:S4e ; Adyertisemeot. C(ItI PURT Al A R. K. }.; '. ;e II III.I.CTID wErttr, ion TED; JOURNAL. „ SCHOOM AKER. & JACKSON, • Deelore in Dry Gooris.Grocories. Hate & Caps. Boots & Shoes Crockery, Pork. Flour, Meal &c.. • gam Street, Uo;tdereport, Pa. COCDT.RI? ORT, April 1, 1R57. neur. per bbl $9,00. Perk,2B,oo. , , 3,75. etre Meal. par 100 2,50. Baler, per lb.. 20 to 22. Lard 1:1 15. tillir,per lb. 14 " 16. Pork •. 6 4 • • • • lierrlkie, per lb.. Mans, • 84 48114.2141,4 41 46 Dr d Arpipt " • 4 :•, per bush )44 &a p er ti /Mk What: " " - Per bushel a. 14 • "'woes. " • SerS. per des., far Ten, . /EA Sugar, per lb., .... 30 .. 36 . 25, .. 13 " 15. 12, NOTICE is herehygivei; that the Comitamosites karrsis coiirrA meet at their rtftres,itt Citudersport, on MON DAY, JUNE ]at t imt.,'Setha purpose of re ceivinj the Returns of Road Taxes front the Supervisors of are respecissaTiarnshipi, and drawing their Orderi tor the rtuut, (which must be receipted by the roe, active Township Treasurers); and to meet such DELINQATENT COLLECTORS • is have ,zot ye t.come forward to settle'up their sc6.atirs. By order of the Board, • ••• • I. L B : COL L, County Cleik. COlfeRS Ossscx, Stay 5,18577-9:484d. 2/DY THE AXERICAN EDITION - • Just Published, `T R. AN TOINIO ' BY .k UFtliSll. A fans Nrno. edi.ion. cag.auty butiad ;ti cl . ozh - and ihusiii;ed. p les—price SIAto, A Beautiful Story of Italy. a i'HE demand fill this famous w ,, s k J- jug , .exhaus.ed,several smiler and che..pt.r edittons, the Puthisht.rs are happy to present u. the euanoisseur and lover of Fine ho ks, such a 0, py of the work as wul be not only an tiro trne.tt t . any :ibr ry, but a valu.t ble addition to its ii:et dry ch ir e.er. 'o E.uropean Tr,trei.er who hts loitered along the enchan iug shares of the Blue Med: fterrane u near Nice ..od Genoa, ur who h si breathed the dulce far skate ..twos, here of S u:hern Europe, nut win seas wi.h de:ight utfnu this.cheruung TALE OF LuVE A N D SUFFERING. i.terwoven as it is Wilt a most faithful and sympathetic narrative of the suilerings and opi.ressions of Italy. This wonderfu fiet.on bs passed ih,ough sew.r.t English edi.ierts, mid the lcadirt , Idri.ish Reviews h.,ve ;IC t.uow.edged, t.unw.edged, wi copious extracis, the supe rio,i y of this Novel of MODERN ITALY, "One of the must genuinely successful fic tion. sve' have read fur a ,ong time."—lintden Leader. ""i he materials are so skillfutly arranged, 1 arid. ire interwoven is i s el a•ni.isteity s.yle, that the attention is rive: ta once; and the in crest inspired is preei.tly _that ivhich we feel when we suspect. t t die story may be true. in' a word, Dr. Amount ii a tala in a thousand."—London Critic. " - Ibis Viol: is superior, as IA work of interest, to its predecessors. • • • • Lucy is one of the most perfect impersonations of an Eng lish girl we hart met. with in the course of 1:13.1117 norels."—London Athemzum.. Sold by Agents on the cars, and by all Book sellers. Co ; ies sea: by mail, carefully packed, post. age pail, upon receipt of price. RUDD & CARLLTON. Pubiishers and Boohsei:ers, ;3 bt Broadway, New Tork.• `„` Any .newspaper giving ;his wbote ad- 4 sectiierne .t two insertions, calling a t tention I to it edtiot iaay, .and sending us .. ma ked a far, wi:i ra.ett• a co t y of .he book by en post paid tasci—tt WANTED. 3 CEO YOUNG MEN To ACT as Local eJ and Travisiing Agents, in a busi ness easy, useful and honor:Aim, at a salary of $1...0 per mon.h—a capital of $.l only squired: N• patent medicine or book business. Fun particulars given free to all who intense a: postage stamp or a three cent piece, and ad 7 dress c D. P. BRANNON &. CO., Atkinson Depot, A. H. A Retired Physician, 1 IVhose sands of life havii nearly run out, discovered while in the East Indies, a cer tam core for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy V, 1.9 discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die.— Wishing to do - s touch goocPas possible, he will sen d to sueh of his :Aided iclow-oe,ngs as request i , this recipe, will inn and 'ep , icit directions for making it tip and suCcessfully using-it. Ile. requires each applicia to in cloce him ondshimii t—three cents to be if:- turned as postage on the-recipe, ".nd the re mainder to be applied,o the paymen. of this advertisement. Address DB. 11. JAMES. No. 1U G...nd stree., Je! Acy City, N.I. V: iii-taro. BOROUGH ORDINANCE. A T A NIEETIN/;' OF THE A r N COUNCIL of the Borates of Coudersport, held on die 2t.th day of April, ius:., the foltowi..g tiesolution was .:dopted: . .(iesolred, Th., the lb:lowing URIJINAKCE, parsed August !). J ,be put in full force on and after the First day of stay next; and that the •High Constab.e 1e direc ed to *put the wine in force on and after that date: Sec. L.-4f the - Pound Aiaster ahal. find ally Horses, Mares, colts, Neat Cattle,S:iiep, flogs, Pigs, Geese or Ducks running at large wi.hin the limus of the Borough, cion.r..ry to the Or dinance of Kota, he shad take th • same into Ins custody, and shall feed them daisy good h or gr..ss and water during the time of their continuance in .he Pound. Sac. IL—He shah f , rthwith ester the kind, co.oraud marks of such creatures Ma book, by him him to he kept for that r urpose, toge.her with the d.ty on which they were` impounded, vud if the owner a, pears and makes out his right to said creatures, the same shah be forth with deliveted to Into, he paytng the pound ni :titer the sum of twenty-five cen,s fot t king in and &savoring out such c.e ttur,; and if they remain one day or longer, he eh dl also pay the stun of twenty-five cents for horses, neat-eattie or pigs, for each day, and four cams per held lot sheep for each day, tor feeding such creature.. SEC. such creatures sh ill rt m.tin one day or loop!r in the Found, and no owner shall appear to c.aim such creatures ica.ound ed. he shad advertise such er atures Wi..h their descriptious contained in his register for that purpose, and the same expose for sale in the the time and manner prescribed by the tirdi mince of March 17, A. D. 1849, paying over the b.ttanco arising from such sale—deducting the ch .rgei herein above speoiftecl earl coss of saie—to the Treasurer of the Borough. • Sec. any person or persons, either br force or otherwise, .Without leave of the pound master or by due course of law; take away any creature impounded according to the provisions of this Ordinance, and shalt-be le gally thereof convict, he, site , ur they shall forfeit the stun of Five Dollars. to be applied to Borough purp'.ses, and to be collected as debts of Mot amonat are how collected Ett , law. 2,75 2,50. • 63. 38 " 44. 75. 50. I hereby certify that the above Resolution and Ciidinance are true and co, reel, accordidg to the Records belong,ng to the Borough of Coudeisport, now in my possession. 6. H. S'ruittia, - I 9:464t. Sec'y of Town Council. • lA - Xi - BLISTER'S DICTIONARY Pocket - V V School; Uuiveraity, Octavo. and 4 tuarto editions, for tale br Z 4. W. M.• 10,00 12 N. W ; _ TG b~: ¢ONE . : = 11.74:2‘14 • 4 • CHAIE iIARiTFACti*EitS;.. ,110 0031 E 01. 4-. 0- 1 pox Euf Dt kii4d*sYt . (Late 463 Brapairily,) (Fe' U;shed A. D., 1833.) - PT , VIT E, an examiliation of tlfei . gra a variety and superior asscirunint of CH AiiiS, utahuf.ettired at their own eatabliiit went and undei their itami4fiate obierration and direction. including MOT HEVOLVIIIO CHASMS. • -- • szLr-AcTING EXTRNS lAN • iticateppis CH,gRT, DIP (CONCH ratvatin WHEEL CHAIRS; MA.T. , R SEARLE'S TRAVCLING INVALID CHAIR; SP4lyl5ll SPRING ♦IID KILLS ttil LUNATIC, SPINAL itt ASTHMATIC 'INVALID do:, &C., &C., &C Embracing the most complete assortment, and choicect kinds fur Parlors, Drawing Rooms, Chambers, Ga.dins,. Libraries, Counting Hous es, Offices, Public Institutions, Dentists,,Barbers kc , together with every desimb:e sort ad,pted RC the comfort, convenience, and !usury of thii Sick, the Aged, the Infirm the Lame and Lary. In point of ingenuity of design, elegance-of finish, gas-14y and richness of in venal, faith. fulness of execntion, durability and cheapness, 'demi Ch4insare unsurpassed. For theta - M. W. KiNG;Ir. Sox wets awarded the first and only Prize Moil and the Faculty recommend them as far preferable. to beds couches Per patients afflicted with Spinal, Asthmatic or Bronchial affections. . . To. either arm of the chair may be attached convenient reading or writing Dan, and4py. cotnbi ,ation dewed be m tuufdetured to' order. A Circular mai explanatory cuts, will be sent by m ifiequested, and orders; (with re mit ancee,) pronkaly forwarded to any parkaf . the wor.d, • • LUXURY Alp ECONO3IT2I KING'S NEW CH ►Iu"AS YOU.LIKE IT," An Ann Chair, Rec'ini.ig Ctiair, Couch find Beds.ead, (cumin:ten is osta,) is susceptibm of .twcve different posiiiuns or changes, to meet the varied requiretneuts.for comfort, conveni ence, luxury, and economy (.0 space as . well as price.) Whe.it rin siciines• or heath; this cerebrated "As YOU LISA: tr," execs in many respec.s, any chair perhJ i iii ever msu ufac.ured in'this or any o her coun.ry. The price varies from Fifteen to Thirty Dol lars, accordmg to finish. To Pub.is Institutions, as well as to individ uals, this CuAtit is a very desirable. article, and will be supplied in any number, en the most liberal terms. Apply to. or address M. W. KING & SON, 438 Broome at., One door East of Brordway ! Nx.w.-Yoax, (Lots 463 Broadway): 4444—ft.. To the Families and 13usinests Community of Coudersport and surrounding JAB ricts : 't It/ HEN-gi.ifig setubtig tot 'NEW, lung fur sup ; iies,yon are respec.fu.ly ,u snake a trial of .he su e r, ior TEAS, imported express.y for the • IMMENSE EA WAREHOUSE OF CHAIISTICANSON & CO., Dealers in TEAS and COFFEES exclusively. This is by far the greatest concern, of the kind IN THE WORLD, affording the opportunity, at all tiinai r of-pto• curing a par, liabl, and dude v.riety of Taus and CorraKs, which in uoit.trr end riticr.,•present unrivaled indueemeuteto'both Deaiers and -onanntera. • •• . The facilities pos,esseikby this establishment are.ot such a ch .racier as to warraut the - pie. prietors in speaking aids confidently, and they are - prepared to alai( e the dettision of all who may tees their sincerity by a ernical ezatnina tion' of their stock aid prices. This immense establithinent is situated in the very heart of the city of NEW YORK., at the corner of the• thoroughfm es, Badsnwar and tiesso" STRE affording every convenience of easy recess, a d m she midst of the most ex tensive establishments of this great Commer cial metropolis. Holdidg ourselves respo isible for a fair and truthful representation of all we sell, and with the assuramm to our customers that unless ituch shalt prove to be fully equal to our rep rese ions, that the goods wi.l be taken back and the money cheerlittly returned, we are sure that our system of doing business must meet with .he he try- aimroval of parch isers: In conciusion, we respectfully renew oar invitation to Families arid Dealers, believing th it a trial w itt c .evince them of the greht dd v..ntages which we hotd out to customers in making their purchscs at THE BROADWAY TEA WAREHOUSE, No. 458 .. • Corner of Grand Street, , . Nw York, • - CHRISTIANSON dr CO. 9:41-Iy. Proprietors, J. PALMER & CO., MARKET St, WHARF, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers In Fish &Provisions, HAVE constantly on hand au as . sortment of Mackerel, Shad, Ilerrinp Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shouldess, Hams, ides, Cheese, Wise, 5.1 e. Aprd 6, 1657 —g:is-jrn Court Proclamation. 1 - NTH ERBAS, the Hon. R. G. White. Prei ident Judge, and the Hen. G. G.Colvirr and J.itteph Matta, Bags, Associate Judge. of the Courts. of Oyer r,r.uiuer and -Gene ral Jail Delivery, Quarter Scaiious of the Peace, Orpnan 'Court arid Conn at Coq:talon Picas tar ate County of Putter. h.we issued their precept, bearing date the thirtieth day of Apr il, to the year of our Lord one thousand ugh . . Istrodred uuit fifty-seren, and to me direc ted, for hulling a Court uf D)er and Tertnin,r and General Jail Detivery, Quarter Se.sions of the Peace. Or plian's Court, and Court ul Coturnon Pleas, in the Borough of Couders port, -on DIONIMY, the lOth day of June, next, and to coutrune Oue week. • Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroners Justices of the Peace, s d Consta bles within the crnny, that they be then and there in their proper persons. at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day. with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations. and other remelt). branres, to do those things which totheir offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their reoognizanoes to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of the said county of !'utter are to be titan and there to' prosecute 'taunt. theta lie Dated at Coudersport. April 30th; 1857, and the 81st year of the Independence of the United States of America. A. C. TAGGART. Sheriff. FARMERS wanting P L as T ER for land, can be supplied at ap 30. JONES, MANN & JONES:- ND O.&& USW!! ?:APPther CargoY . -.949ed* - TAO. - 0 - 1 d Ire 'al a earl VPtioiliglitas we il undUriake til -dam upikt, wute.ni of the Illijgarywith bulrush es. as to try to convince the multitude that there .is anii.,Othei plate to town whirs they can get suelripem bargains in the line of GuoliEßtES 4 . PROVISIONS", loot the Old Regalatos which has so loug litsa Ain Orcilt - Enipo.ium of Trade in this flourish ing bleuropol,s.l Saw we have Comb to - the conclusive that, them ,ni only one way to sell Goodtand Thar is to le s the pippin' know we have thisitno sell. and sell theusAt 'micas which, will be an inducetueut to those in woni to buy of us; arid-for this purpose we have chartered a column au the Journal where we intend to keep the people posted as to what may. be found et our esuaili. , Eunetu.' Every body knows, (or at leasillteg to know) where the Ohl Regulator ix tind liar the - benefit of those who don't know, and who-nisi to-iatois, w e.will just inform them Aim it is localed right un the RAILROAD, only a few rods froarthe Depot, and is always' . opettfor 'customers and all who wish to ssve 2.t. per ;erg. in purchasing necessaries of life ; for it is theiiii:y placo in towu_where yoircan expect to have a little change left after purchasing j•cour necessary supplies, notwith standing the comidola assertion of -every oLe that • they sell cheaper than their neighbors. We don } boast,qf sel'ing-goods at I.l' below cost, but we have - adopted our tumid ird -to .:"Live and Let Lire,f,' and to sell as cheap as the cheapest ; .for when people advertise to sell . below coit;ytiti may easilyconclude that they are only "throwing out bait." In-order tbst the people ruay-listow what we keel) to sell, we. will enumerate &few of the most Important • arliclei. : • - • G R-0 C . E RI ES. Any one examining our stock of Groceries, we aratoufidern, will at once came to the con ei colon tb a a batter and ino. a complete a..ort meut,eannot be fund in this section, eons:st "rig of UGAR, BRA, COFFEE. MOLASSES, S YRUPS . PEPPER, SPICE. • GINGER, • . • CtOVES, Mustard, Saleratus..Cinuatno , l, Pet-per Sane-, Caump,Yeast and Soap Powders, tinepr, Campbells, Fluid; Chewing and Smokt.tg To bacco, Sonti, Seg as,- Candy, Nu 4, Raisins, Crae.:et s; Berri tg,Soap, Candiesona a:I e..d less Variety of other articies which it is un necessary to me.aion; may be found in thip dc pat4tnettt, and teh:bit wilt be sold at a trilling advance. frutn_cost - to ready pay. PROVISIONS. . Just:take a look at our large stock of Pro; -. visions, and-see if we h ive not go: the where with ro reneve'the numerous w nis ut the needy,..ind enough to Ite-p you alt from carv ing., hrough the .ung -.md dreary winter. It iti...mqmstb.e fur us .o edumerate ono h.ttf the artic es we seep, in a e.ngle .idversiserrient, but we vv.ii mention .t few of .he lutist impor.ant, :tehieti'may• he found in abundance and in greatoutriety, consisting of PORE, HAMS, •-• . • 'BUTTER, . • CHEESE, ; • LARD, . SALT, - CORNED - ...BEEF, DRIED BEEP, SHOULDERS, • " FLOUR. •• • CORN IIEAG.,• . BU('KWHEAT FLOUR,. DRIED APPLES,- DRIED PLUMS', POTATOES, OATS. BEANS, . SALT. and e host of other articles in tho line of Pro ♦isious: • Also keift conszontly on hand d good assorttnonc of • EDE WOuDEN AND WILLOW WARE,' such as Brooms, 11 ashtubs and Boards, Mops, Din..et Boxes, Brushes, &c., together wish a gener;l asso.tme st of Sto .e Ware, which we Will sell very the sp for cash. A general Invi tational - ease sded -to all, and to the peopSe of Pouer,Counsy in purkicular, to call at the 0:d Begnisttor before purch.sin. , elsewhere. CLARIe& PHILLIPS. Welisvi le, Dec. 10, 11:1:.)6.-9 34-6 mo. Levhsvide Steam Grist dill, • - NEW ARRANGEMENT. r AE uudersigiied having bought out ail former owners ofthe Lewisville steam Grist Alin are now prepared to do all manner ofirinding, as they believe, to the satisfaction of theit customers Come and see. 0. A. LEWIS. • . 2 .1 :^ • • CRAYTON LEWIS. lilss9, Feb. 28. ISS7 q:3B. • • . JUST PUBLISHED. The Great Story of City Life. HAUN 9 PAWNBROKER. A 12reo. volrupe r 466 pages, eleOutly biiund . to cloth ,and. illustrated. Price $1,25. MIIIS deeply.interes.jog and most exciting tale orthe 3IYSTeIaIES AND hilts:E- R/ES OF I§, EWA - ORK, •having had already large-sale the Publishers feel justified in putting to press aenther and still larger edition of this last and greatest Piciura of New-York iri'?ldollirn Times. The scenes 0f...0.1.,D ItALIN, though wrought into it masterly plot by one of .our moat powerful Amertc - m novelists, are eh sracon nhie f icts, and present in a Most strik ing M inner such startling REVELATIONS OP CRIME & MISERY, daily 'enacting in our very midst, within the Great American Metropolis, that the reader shudders with amazement at the ASTOUNDING DEVELOPMENTS. "Avery interesting story of social life in New Yearn. which has had a targe sate through out the counsy. The author h.., great power as a writer and skill in the delineation ofchar icier as well as dramatic abilities in relating facts in a.vividmanner.—Boston Transcript. Sold by the Agin.' on the cars, and by all booksaliers. Sent by m post-paid, on re ceipt%.4 • • Ce• RUDD & CARLETON, Pablithers, • 310 Broadway, New Yoak. ' ",.! Any newspaper giving Jilts whole ad vertisement two inseniona, coding attepoon to iiediioriAijy, and ■ nding us a marked paper, wid rLceiie d copy of th e.book man post paid: E tune received every few days by K. W •/ rmoi 'l'B6 NEW YORK , TRIBUNE .FOR 1857. rrheTieetion is Oast, .and its limb ,that the work devolved on the can party hi not yeteinnpLete. 14'0 em and Northern portions of the tot New.Erigland, New York, yhio and tin Weita--the Repultuican banner floats usiph; viailein Southern Jersey, Pea _ true; Indiana and short, wherever &Wilevvspapers are taken: and where common schools are too neW andloo feeble to have ed ucated the preient gineratidn of voters—the 1 44 flaa,of Slsviiit obstructs the sunshine: astraiiger to-A th eraca might distingstighahose ponioug of our country. must Nested with Ed ucation, Inteligence, Thrift and Virtue, by scanning the returns of the Presidentialcon tesi of trial. We have faited'of present suc cess. not because the People are agiinst bur-because that large poraon - who did- not hear or read the argumen , , and do not know what were the real quesioris at issue, went almost amid against- us, reversing the verdict which the great majority of the educated and intertigen. endeavored to pronounce. These facts 'indicate the irith of pressing duty. Wi h lio unni - nly reptuings over what is irrevocable—with no abatement of heart or hope becattse the triumph of Liberty in her new 'ordeal is not woe at the Long Island and %‘• hi e Plains of herstrugg.e—with no i•hadow of regret that the responsibility of governing is no: confided to her champions before the people were fully re dy to gust:tie them—wr Levu afjpsh•the work of ddfusing that vital.; truth which, in regard' to the concen.s of this word, its well as the next, in the/ Free indeed. Now, in the Slave Power's heyday ofvictory, when its ministers and genic...re are gathering and plotti.-g to m Ike the must of their triumph aad " crush oat"-the spirit wh ch they vainly believe to be crucified aid entombed—now, when the faiut-hearted or cold-hearted; who' lately basked in the sunshine of our premature hupes, are haulid; err to repair damages and talking of abandooing the rugged arena of Politics for more quiet and flowery fields now, in this hour of weariness and shadow, THE TuILIV.4.E meows its vewa of eternal hostility to every form of tyranny cr er the bodies or souls of men—to cue shameful as gumption that the benighted and feeble, wheth er 111 soul or body, are to be regarded and treated ..s the curive.deuce or the prey of their wiser or stronger brethren—ta the domination of despots or ci.iga.ch.s, whether en.ares or plan.ations—to the ens... ve. s of ci.ies aud king 1 dons in Europe, or the breeders of children for'dte auction-btock and tide cotton-tieida in Virginia or Alabama. The doctrine that no human - being was ever created for the benefit or dvantage of anoth er-r-that all service betwee.l man and dad snottid be free ..nd teciprocal—that the tabor er Should Out toil and AVie.t, to pamper et:hers pride or . minister to others' luxury, but for the sus.enaace aud comfort of those near and dear to him—is dead .ed to certain triumph. It must prevail, for tied reigns, and Earth was not created to be a theater of injustice, op pressiou and misery forever. It must triumph ; for at, true prophecy . affirms aud the vindtca. tutu of the D.vine benig..i.y im p erative y re quires it. h must tnumph; fur Democratic America Canum ativ..ys remain the scot-of aristocrats and ay.:116.414i. of reform's and liL erais throughout the Old IVorici. It must tri umph ; fal alan's history is not a chaos or a ridd.e, bin everywhere instiuct with meaning; and no heroic effort ever failed of its efiect— no drop of mirtyr-biood was ever shed in vain. But'even ii we Republican were disposed to fo:d our arms id slumber, our bdvsrsaries wou.d not permit it. They are busy to-day in lengthening their cords and strengthening their stakes wi.h a ytgikance and activity whim' re veals u consciousness on their t art that their dominion must be made sure forthwith, or their scepter will have torever departed. To day, myrmidons of the. Slave Power threaten and harass ....unbent Mexico, are encamped in the heart of Central America, and waging a war of eiterraid i tion on the distr..cted inhabi tants of its peity Repubics, while it by turn leers and ecowis at Cuba, while its most min less bands are precipitated orroevoted Kansas. under the protection and smiles of the Feilt raj Administration.: Even its we write, the tele graph intones us that twenty Free-State men, guilty of attempting to defend their homes against the rapine and violence of Buford's , and Titus's tf.oodah.rsty , bandits, have been convic.ett by Lecoui t t.e Court of manslaugh ! ter! and aen.enced to fiVe years' imprison . meat at bard labor as felons. This is bat a fair sp. ciumii.of what has lung passed for " jus tice" its Kansas—a justice wuich takes the criminals into pay and aids them in hunting down. Laundering and " wiping out - the in- I nocen., whom it s consigns to the State Prison if they are ever goaded into the madnesLof I resis-ing their oppressors. Such crimes and .wrongs as unhappy. Kansas has for twelve meanie endured, even Hungary or Poland has never known; and the power at whose ins.iga don these vitanntes were and are t erpetrated sits en:hroned at the t 1 bite House, and has just. achieved ..nether four years' ascendency in 'the federal Government. Who, in view of those facts, can say that Republicans may now pi:e their arms, even for an hour ! TfieTRI.BI7...E w 4 ill be, as it has been, a Political journal—avowedly, though not ex elusively - so. It recognizes the truth that Free dom ..nd Slavery are here grappled, in deadly conflict, and that iu the result one of them must lose all control over the Federal Gor e: nment. But, whi.e'it gives la: ominence and emehasis to the daicussiolis and elucidation of the great issues ut the day, it sinks none of the characteris.ics of a Businels and Family Newsouper: The proceedings of CougresS, like those its Kansait,_wilt be watched and re-' pored by an ab.e and fear.ess corps of Corres pondents, while from London, Paris, Constan maim, Havana, .San r rancisco, Albany, and other centers of interest, our special udvices will be, as they have been, fresh 'and reliable. A member of our Editorial corps—Bayard Tay. for—is nuw in : , .ort kern Europe, and will spend the Winter in Sweden, Lapland, Russia, thence making his wsy next season across Siberia and Tartary to the mouth of the Amour, and thence homeward by the -P.tctfic aud Califon. nia, t.niess some change t.I route shall premise greater interest and profit to our readers, for whom alone he will write regularly through out his adventurous journey, which is tikely to require two years for its comoeliort. Oar re ports of the most in.eres.ing Lectures, Public Jlee.ings &c., will be full and retiable, and our Foreign .and Domestic News made up with a careful reg .rd to the condens ttion into our amen) columns of the . greatest amount of in tetagenze that is coasts.ent with the dee of type of generous size. In short, if we fail to make r nu IS x; worth its cost, it shall not be for want of expenditure or edam If it, be - deemed desirable by Republicans that fliE TRIBUNE should be circulatad in their several tocaaiiies, we urge them to see that Clubs be made ue and forwarded in due seas .n. The Poi:masters are semi-otticialiy admonished not tffaid'our circutation,-but to urge instead thAt of journals deemed "sound" . and " Nationii" by the compatriots of Atchi - son and Stringfellow. t 1 e ask live Republi c ,ns everywhere to take care al:kit these efforts be not etiectual to quench the light of Free dom an the murky mists of Slavery. TERMS. Daum Tzjmz, per enema $6 09 u4lOl/14VEEKIXX8IBUNE. , ` ; Coif. PerAlll43l,. . —ft MI , Op*: rierinintite: ' ' • '.1110, 1, Copies, - per absent ' ' ..... - '- 11:ff r Copies, per SIM& • • 10 Of y• send. The - Bensi•Wookly Tame to . . ,WFEKLY TRIBUNE. '-" • Copy, POTWIMUM '- • • 12 a . A Cop" warm= 504 liorne* a, per senital ' . -.. It Of 3opite, .pereartlts, -. t:. - . J 2.0 *,. t Twenty Copies, to ontloaroto...aud any larger nutabsi, M Vie rats of ID:A . $1 per annum ...: ' ' . 2 ; ': - r--• ii, - Tenuity Copies...to address of ads ..- . Sib - scriber; and any terser mew' Of ~. bar, who rue of $l9lO each. - ..!* Any person sending us a club. 01 .1 wo*Y4 1 ' over, will be entitled to ati extra topr." - - • We continue to send The Weekly Traiifif to clergymen at $1 per year. • • : ; • Subscriptions mty . commence at-s t ay time. Payment to advance is required is all . ewsis, and the paper is discon : innsd at the_ a:wittiest of the advarice payment. " - • • '.: - .Money riiy be remitted for subscriptions ha letters e at our risk; but.the Postmaster -at the place where- the letter is sailed should lis:1 made acquaia:ed with its contems, and keep a description of the bills. IA harrartfie can bas obtained, they are• much safer than •tboend bills. i,l. •. .. . • Bills ofany speete-pay bank in ' 4 st "tr au- . c ... - ted States or Canada received at par for ea. scriptious. , . . ~,. We have no traveling agents. Any - elm wishing to receive TGETRIBUZIEsstesr wait to be called upon for his eubscripttera, All that is necessary for him to do irtill whist letter in as few Words as possible, titteleeolho money, write the name ofthesutOcriber, with his Post-Office, County and' State, and direit the letter to GREELEY &hicELRATH. 9:37-3mo. Tribune Office, New-York. New York Advertisement* • , PROM ALBERT G. RICHATIDSONIII Advertising and Correspond's:as OfEii;-11114 . BROADWAY, NEW YORK. . • "COSTAR'S RAT RSXRECERATOL An iolani,bie destroyer of RATS, MICE AN I'S. GROUND "' n,mous,&c., *lll, it C. (Not dangerota the Human Camay ? ) Rats do Dot die in_their hoes, but come oat and die. "COSTAWS" 888 BUG EXTEBNIAATOI. Never known to used eves,' day by thousands in New Yors and elsewhere... "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIM PoWDEB. For the destTction of Moral. filitsquireas, Ft.t..s. Lau, Pt.mrr Iniscse, Emma 1,111 FURLS ♦ND ANIMALS, &C., &C. Sold Wholesale and Retail at "COSTAR'S" PRINCIPAL' DEPOT, 38d BROADWAY. IsEW YORK, and by the principal DRUG, GISTS and DEALERS throughout the. United States, the CanalLss, West ladies Cali/e xistPali South America. . . ryrOydere must always be accompanied the cash. N. good: sent on commission. - IrirSmall Sample Packages put up- et doe lowest wholes.le priers for tirst orders intim places, with Cud', Show Bills, Posters, &s. &e. . t3PPrekages expressit pnt up for Steamboats, Hotels, Public Instituttoui, &a. • IrrA Paper with full particulars..T.lomile Wholesale Dealers—.scales of. prices; will be promptly mailed (postpaid) to any ad dress on receipt of a,:s cant P. 0. stamp. Address "COSTAR" Is. Broadway, Now York. - 9:43-3m.. , • ---------- - 1 • N ir o o P COPT RI L R maTerr ini N . * fillo Tzicuza Rzquißzio MACLA U itl N'S PATENT SELF-IN STRUCTING PROCESS IN . PENMAN SHIP enables every one to Write wi:h the greatest ease, elegance and rapidity. Lt has been amply tested and permanently establishes} in the Public Schohls of New York, and In the counting roams of our first merchants.— The-Process, complete, with full directions for use, will be cent prepaid on the receipt e $l. Te clubs or agents, six copies for 45. - Address LELAND &• MAC LAURIN, 345 Ursa& way, New York. - 9:13-3m. CROCKERY WAREHOUSE. ALLEN & WHITE; to H. W. HATDOCIL . , & OFFER GREAT INOUCEMENTS TO DOTI'• Or China, Glass & Earthenware. AT 71 JOHN STREET, New York.' JUNE TERM, 1851. Potter Cotinty, John Crittendas, garnishee ofMalr• un Must*. Revision Harman vs. A. B. Gibbs, ,t Ransom Sloat, vs. Owen Rock.' J. B. Smith, Jo- ) seph Smith &E. ; vs, John Renaley. Penn Smith, ) C. Evelyn, Jr. - vs. JonatienCariLd el G. W. M. Meister, vs. R. W. M'lntyre. Wharton School Dis. vs. Julius Johnson, J. Piiiree, use of vs. - F. Gal Doty & Doty, Levi Aunis, Warren Smith, Hosea Cashing, N. Hills, es. IV. T. Joins. vi. F. B. Brooks. . Benj. Baru, vs. ( and A. Ansley. • Saint Haveu, • vs. A. M. Ben.on. Vesta C. Dike, - • • - by her nest friend vs. C. P.Dike, A. Young, • 1 Iv. V. hamar, S. . and • Eli bees. Thomas D. Lillie, vs. 11. Courtright ad' D: J.&E. W. Chappel vs. S. H . AI arum W. T. Jones, 1 S. H. tdastin.! - and • James Mat ti.. C. S. Sheppard, vs. tianrge W. Lew v. Colima Smith, vs. it S. Carpeatin THOS. B. TYLER,Prottey, - By A. Jaersoi, Depeary- . Paosnosorans's 0/710t. • / - Coudersport, April R 7. 1856.' • Same, II I : f.l to. E. Johnson