The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, May 07, 1857, Image 2

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    . ,
_ , rh4 foll...ving corresponden* - will j
saplairi that the pay of our Schee . .. l , lBer
periudent, comes (ruin a spec ifi c OPI I II
ptiatiori for that put pose, tnel 4 not ...
-ducted from the regitir
ti : wa made to each county for actiuni
ti7tris been'supposett,
•11Auttitto ma, Aaril 19th,, 185 G.
1 1.6...;faiMUN-
As thcie. irp.been much dispute in re:
list d t i o the mariner lit which the school
find a ilisv - ibutetl, as tegards the sal:
asers :of atunty Supetintendertti, - "and
tjiare, i 3 still sun e :ntivoriderspanding
,txisting in regard to the same, will
you please inform us how the . school
thiptitranint constructs the following
Atinstiof the 16th section of the act ur
May ! 1854:
• Which Nati - cinnpeosation shall be
pq,cl by the superintendent of Cont.
FlintiStlierils, by . his warrant : drawn
*pun the State Treasury, in half year;
)finstaltriehti if desired, •and shill be
ille!ducttid' frinn' el . ° amount of State ap-
VrivAiti!..!. t u be paid to the several
im)ll,l3l6tricts fur said county . ."
TcUly yours. .
• • Iretcbsta.,
B. Larowr N. .
WM. Na. PUTT.;
jultfrier OFTU Sicß •Am , or VI Z;Coll,
• HARRIS/Witch 461 19th, 1859.•
..Yourlinte of this. date
j i me. • In IliOast annual re• •
port, my i!timediate predecessor. lion.
. A. Black, stated that "the additioe . .'
of thirtY'thousand Oilers made last
yaar. (1854)' te the usual amount appro.
ptiate4 Gi CUM rnipi was
04 for the pay of County Buperinten- I
dents although not au expi eased in the
set." When 1 assumed the Official
the Sch.iii Depai uncut, 1.
the apvropriatiOn fur the School
year.onding June 1855, nude-out and
slytepad the hooks ; of the Depart
ment, in . accorclance with the .pinion
thuireitpreised by Mr. Black; and par
tiallY-paicl. Guided by the precedents
*bras':-et me, and regarding it for ob
wieuicreasons, as sound, the payments
fo; L that year were continued as indica
ted; and the app nip Elation for the pres
ent school year is now being disbursed
on the same principle. yo,
&is sue that the appropriation to the
stol.districts of the respective noun
'ties tr nit affected by the salvias, ,of
the County §uperintendants, . cum- .
•-• Your obedient servant,
. . A. ti..CUR.TAIN.
Sws.t. of Common Schools.
- Tcritliaara. J. ti..inown, and B. .Eva
si.ite:-tiouid of l' . .npr,iniputatives, and
e aka.
• fiinee the recent triumph cif the Free
Mate patty in St. Louia, leading papers
oraiiphalting no. nth Slavery ques
tion. The Wiieeljhg ( Virginia ) Is
- telligeacer'aaya :
"Xhosa elections do ,demonstrate
this fact beyond a cayil,—that the sen
timent of Alla great majority of the
peopni of the Union is irrevocably °p
rind to the extension of slavery)
that they ,are determined if oyier
w..eleal.:g- üb'ic sentiment can avail
another slave 'tate shall not
be• admitted trite tne cnnfederaey.
And •why; are they so determined 1
BacaUse they 6elieve, and ilia only be
• lieve,but see and know, that slavery
is an unmitigated curse to the soil that
sustains it. They knew this,•laecause
they see every free • state nut-tripping
;very slave state
m t in all the elements
I!i t. make a peoplelpowerful and pres
mous ;, because they sea the people
in the one educated and thrifty, and in
the other ignorant and thriftless; bar
cause, they have before their eyes a
alai like our own one° tie sew : . Union
itself shwa, in importance, to-day
king her rauks as a filth rate power.
These . are tne facts a: which the
&TIT luoic ; and disguiied, tortured,
and garhiad as they are, by the tabu,
iitry and hair-spliting politicans of the
hustings and the partizan press, they
will irapreFs thernielve3 upon their
quiker, soeund though' "
. .
Vggy bigNir ihe St. Louis I
BV/Ililti News; allodiug to tho inaogu
rat address of Mayor. %%rimer, and the
qiiiiipected endorsement in reply by
rieol. Taylpr, Esq., President of the
Board of Aldermen, and before re
purled ZIA a "National" or Pro Zlavery
parade:rat; says :.qhat the President
ef.1.4 Board of Alderman, George R.
4sq,, a Virginia{ by bit th I in
manor •and habits, and the coughtw
kind ohs National' Democrat, •shorsid
de4or;atoly, iri cold blood, and with
prepiruce echo the hyperborean
instances of the Mayor, is the most.
surprising circumstance. •Mr. Taylor
es a southern. gantlentatt, au eminent
citizen, $1,1 . 1d IS man of wealth—rfecte
vidititiffiiitigithritt iirke: r tginno 1
~kinti Bentotdr forr IJuttgeile II
fElatonialtrnent andr,. notah It hits, IC;
..., , s. ,:. • t v .. . .
Inetius, ttlu i at 104 hi nt svc te.
hearty rfipipouso tO-' - ittio: seograttrO of
the Maiiir, and . dealer* chap,...kii.nsai
will'br., a fretiltate, that Nidauuri will
intlow,-as her climate and . noncom.) , are
not adapted to "dare labt;i:l,". : : 2,
JNO. S. 314N111, EDITOR.
tiesthican Nominations.
For, Go vernor, • • •
For Canal Conitassioner,
For Judges .of Supreme Court,
OP TATt'l - rt COMM'
or cutsTrat COUNTY
Ante Central. Como%ee.
Tile President of the Lite Anniriean-Repuii
lieu; Conventien has appointed tbe folluwipg
Stazp Central Counnittee, yiz; _ • .
eron, • ohn J. Clyde, John M. Sullivau,JoseiM
B. Myers, Henry vt'hite. Lin Iley Smith, P.
C. Ellmaker, H. L. Bonner, David Newport,
Wan. H. Bojo, Pete; And% Pam , 5, 51iiih
ter, firm R. Cochran, E, C. 3J'Phertoo, John
Pcun Jone , Jonn Liporte, D. Gilteside,John
It Purviance, Robert P. MlTovrell, Joh n
Shama, Soseph Casey, Geo. Bergner, Wm. D.
Kelly, J, M. sellort, Jaunt Edwards, .1; B.
I...ncaster, Jacob L. qosiler; Ethed C. Knight,
Edward Darlington, Wi'aloa 'CoWell, T. J.
Worth, Saml E. Diurnuck, DUN E. Small,
B. Rush Petrtken, W. P. Miner, L. P. Willis,
C, Cur.ii, D. L. Eaton, D. E, Finney,
J. R. Ed's, A. 4.Fuller, Rohurt
lar.iec the advertisement of the
Italian romance, just published by
Rudd dr. Carleton of New York. The
lovera of rani agtjun will find "Dr: An
tonio just the thing for thon). _
larkie:9!v J. 01.14-I.ER.
piaPo-h** Woo Eippqigted by Liov 141
i n P I C I'4 ihp office of Pr..thonetary of
this county—wvieu Thos. B. Tyler, .•
moved to thy West.
F, Kinney. reports Z5,00Q lbs
of maple ilUgar its the prmitio of Sharp
pp Township the present season.-
R. W9.4"A, Mon reports 40,000 lbs of
maple sugar •n 4llogany Viwnship.
Sh;Il me ear front tIITS 47110*Town
'ships 7 , •
The next quarterly ,moeting of
the nathnditt church of this place,.
will be held on Saturday and "Sunday
May 23rd and . 24th," As this may be
the last time Mr. Burlingham will be
here, wu trust there will be a general
atteudance from um village and sur
rounding country.
rir We publish et' the first page of
'Jur paper this week the new Feu Bill
passed by the legislature. Tn. - 414
fee bills were e;teaded 11y speFisl
act to the &Great c.leuties ; this is,a
iri.eral law, and made .1) conforin" to
the decimal currency. which is a very
desirable impt ovement,
Orkhe Williamsport kqependent
Press is received very irregular at this
(glee, 3yhich we much regret, as that
piper is now one of. the abletp. and
most bide pendeni. ofi.he interior papers.
We read it • Whenever received with
great ple-asure, acid rejoice that
good a paper is likely to be sustained
in Williamsport,the seat of the worst
clique of old hunkers outside of Phila.
del P 414.
Gir Thu Allegany ricer at this place,
is ow in higher fund than it has been
sor a year or more. _ Rain fell all day
noriday,' and a great portion id the
As the rain appeared to be a gene
oral one there must ho a grand rafting
flood. in all the streams. This flood
has brightened the coOtanancas of
nearly - all ii - ur people, and we hope the
cry of " hard times" will cease for 'an,
otner year,
Or We Inive received the Pros.
pvetits of the Lawrence. Itipahlicaa, a
new Free State paper the first hum!
ber of welch was published at Law
rence, K.aosas, on the 20th ult., by
Mr. Norman Allen, T'm subscription
price -is 82 per aurium-,..0.. 4Q copies
for e. 15. We wish the' enterprise
abundant success, and hope it will
meet with a hearty support. from
northern freemen. •
_James Dunlop. Esq.. au • eminent
lawyer of Pittsburg. and author of a.
Digest of the :.awe of Pennsylvania,
died at Baltimore on the 19th 01t...
iz..- -- ... , . - • - At- c--,... - v , ~
- - --.44 ' a li 'ft - V 'l4l 'lilt"
- e - ..pea ng o. he ppo_on_elit
. ..
aill t !heWcontiaf . . QaralitOr
v '''
.- " tßimakeLycii '.iit,isl
- int .. . • elm/mitt
'-'di'set-ii.t l'imitli tan nttfti s • - ''' Tire,
~ •.. . . lg.'s: *. - g-•
,restitf t hA StAe, so isit'lit aline.. VI.
arringed"Avery much e., .
ftshiou, - with
. ii view to . Aut. off OA
I;lenaocrgtja %treiliti by.l4cut tizA .
'counties .
I..ilitherf ju titich:te-'Wityvvio,
':lo..realtislif,lirthlitiz i fth i,ii
:4; 14 "'' . '",.
' . Vite"l)emiicratli strengileiiiirke.
lii . t'liff - iti - ati iiiiiiitly ' :ditleii•bliV'tfay
-this fall, and thoro - ughly .Pitriir4leci"{
7.,xlie peopletit large, --riinp . psoll'irni'-•
meat bill can save the ro7.ten 41d lith
tic, from crumbling liefoyethe'iwkli of
. • ....
I people • thoroughly awakneid , to a
sense of its iniquities, Asko ',hitch
ing the courAies together," .Go . n749 , iii
Schools tend common sense:Aril- - 4Vitig
that faster than a cloxeti I.egisiatutes
could do it,. You had bettei. - ,tiike
time by'the foreb . .ick, atid•i!kil,4o . - 61 , 1
Birk to command (at a special Color to
hiro.)' the people. of Psiinslyairia' , io
vote for Packer: weMla
like to have 1 ! yconifnifliiicihncl th Put
ter again. ' • • ..' Z ~
. .
George Sumner say s i,i a ree4l4,4e.s
-turi--..The excessive use tißlaleratus
is a cardinal cause of the.4ntericali ill
health, it is a deadly. p o isun,-.44 .P. 4 0
of which should be shunned ,•as. the
slaughterer of the infaut,aand *tlie::eite
struyer of the strung man,"
We endorse SUMNER in.hivAnti•
Salary tni views, to their fullest extent,
Give us sour cakes and'breud, anything
of the kind; but all good hoUse-wifes,
far and near, pray deliver us from ma ,
king' our stomach the receptacle of
this, to tt, most abhorrent of all culi
nary compounds. We doubt whether
saleratus was in Ilse when the Arostle
directed to eat what ;was
asking no questions,-
Planting Potatoao,,:z
The potato is a very important:crop
in this County. Impor:ant Co' the
farmer and to the mechanic. merchant
a nd professional man, Tue . tal4lo may
lack moat fish, and all kinds of•fruits,
and still 130••WOl 54p.Plie4
p‘enty of nice pink eye potatotts-and .
nJ fresh butler. 3ut if it lacks
tatoes, then it is a miserably supplied:
no, ruatter what else it-Ootitains.
Fiance : the importance of planting;
this crop in good firder,, using the
right kind of •seto4. 'sea - taking the
right kind of care '
We have been paying .liiiti l tyr,!)
and* half cents- per bushel fur : the
last month. and have not iseciired very
good ones at that,: We would so roar
pay eighty cents fur pink eyes than
fifty Pir thosti we have.
But as to the best mothod of plant
ing potatoes, we copy the f o llowing
froni the Tribune. which We thjnk our
farmers may- rely on as coutai,ning
valuable information. • • .•
"Tr; begin with; plow your ground
-(lon't scratch it and call it plovie,(l.- 7
We .should prefer the Michigan plow.
run twelve ; inches deep, with.a• sub
soil' plow follo . wing in each fultosv.
twelve- inches deeper ; . anti , the 'Olio
toes planted and cultivated on the level
system, the work all being done by
liorSe:heeSinstead.Of hand-heed.
"For seed. we should use the me
dium-sized.tubers-; and as fur . the
(identity per acre, tie specific . iii.o.•
thins can be given as tti the right..Arun
ber of bushels, because trim: kiliTjuis
four times as• Many eyes as 4iv)ther
liiii'd, and it is the number of eyes and
not the !antier of tubers that aiiiisi be
counted to get the exact right quantit!,
per acre. In our opinion, tno quell
• rather than too little is general' used
in etch hill, particularly 'whet:o 'Whole
tubers are used. We.are in favor o f
planting potatoes is ,trills. arWell as
almost 'every tither 'fans. crept.' i If
whole tubers are planted,: twenty
stalks to a bill may (Men . be
. couiiidtl,
and ievanably they are net rrigeroes.
aqd produce small potatoes an t i a pour
- t`The teed end or poiatges,,iviA o ate
no doubt, is equally valuable int:0 1 : 1 •Y
other part for planting. if cut au as
net to have too many:eyesatidspliruts
hdddled together; yet we have kriewn
s tine over ace planters cut or and
:throw away the seed erd as weariless,
just as some dir the butt ends of . eits
of corn, without _being able to.a.-ssin
the reason wherefore„To surnmir ;
Plant potatoes on dry latid,Arsoir
plowed and aubsoiled, inanuretrwith
compost in the drill, or covered 'and
mixed with all the surface sell :with a
cultivator harrow. ~ •Plant medium.
sized tubers, in medium qualititfes,
cut so as to divide the eyes *iftltilly,
and take pains in drop them carefelly•
and with regularity. .Use 'salt. - and.
lime broadcast at the first or second
tending; mixing with the soil - b}'lliis
cultivator. Tne plaster may ii vt. :ol 4 t
on at any time after the vines are well
grown. ' Take care tO keep diet - ROI
clear of weeds, cost what it will, acid
yeti paiiOesitriiiise-raiter
; clays, wi4-ipkw-prefit thm yolket - q4.
euteitnseiriof gfeat ktops
1 . .1w fei:cA. E: . yete;# thiArtijilut 1351'..4 .
ahoulti 4te:
- Pew tpricialtr•that dal evkay : °:-
ut,we 04 urge yaw ttt , tweak, the?:
.4 ia
I,potatecroli, and - trifit to Prtetri'd4ee
pig ettra care that the epiti. tale that
theist ap.long.. isiak4e4 and
pi5.5i411;;;'404;0...0f Repr e sentatives
41n 7 WedneA411Y 29th ;ult.. - by a.vute of
45 yeas to 39, nays, •; • : •
-.Mr: Benson' diistervei much credit.
for his untiring, 4415 : to secure .the.
:}passage of this bill; : and :not wdy
this paiticula - r..iustance , but for his
faithitil•diSCharge - of his duties during
ihe . entire is a ijOrklu;
relireaentatiye and has accen7pljshed .
much fort he well:arc hie coustittionts
:daring the• winter.
• • •
I- :•"03.1.1 Elartiaborg Telegraph has - the
rO.icks uponthe subject of
..Laker •
4 1`..e ppient l i egislattire lots pa - ssed
uite, a nu mber...f Bank hills, and with
very Jew. stacepi ions for localities which
ac:ually require such iivioutafx .
',While we Ilre the adsuatetk-nithe
Freet,Baliking system. od wools[ I" 0-
fer to see-all top - Banks compelle4 to
peputp their tinitos by State, stocks yet •
so we are in a - minusity. we . are
willing Wove this: wants . t ot' our busi
ness community relieved by new Bauks
. tincfer toe present, systeM,
to.tcry . against Banks for the
last 4Reen years has been is serious
impediMent to the enterprise . end
pruipuzity of the Otate, . •
rso one can suert that there is suf
banking capital now among us:
The Banks ate mak.iug.immenee prof
its realized from the necessities of our
business met:, '[t is to_ prevent the
florin iti'Srui r ,eztorticm. and monopoly of
a tsw Banks., that we desire first, a
great many Banks upon the principal
'•efState stock security, or in the event
of the failure to /mewls that plan, a
:Mintier under, the present system auf
neient to stipply the'demauds of trade.
New York b 4.; seversl .tirnes the a .
mount of banking capital that.vve hive,
to her we ilWe the success of many
Projects in our State wow' •• e found
ow own capital insufficient , , Phile
delpoia nee Is twice toe banking cap 7.
sal aim ;Row possesses, and su witn
'many otherilistiicts of the State ; ;std
we hope no narrow minded policy
. will ()Verrill!, tt q wishes Is .d wants ut
the pe...ple," •
bill for •the suprort ri—faCou
dersport Acadezophailiassed the Sao
ate 'and ttOtr3o of ileprusento ; es and
..htien:approved by the Governor.
'kris not acquainted with this provisions
of the A bill .has also pissed the
I-louse - increasing the pay of the Coe n-
CoAmissio•iers to $2 per clay,7in
cludiog their tiros of travelling to and
I , heir to trilsut c wiry
DEA; • J;104"1. Thy Library_ I
Society did not give qs any lect4re
•nr • p e lehi elm'. at all on its wink
veninty. Thought it was going
had fixed our mouths (both intellectu- •
al and
,phisicial) for something very
nice.• Ido 1111. givan •to blame any
body, fort have no doubt the officers
did their-very best; but some - people
us* do things •bettet' . than others,"and
you know am One of that kind.--'•
Now if the Society • will just make
“nri" President and Directors, you_
will see what a Meeting we will have
next year. - A go'i4•lecture on a sub
ject in whiciall are interested, fire..
for I know of a man who' can deliver •
and Who hitt,
,our officers. above
inetitiooed, always does:ilia titmost—
A racy, spirited rutty paper, full of a
cgoice variety, lir know %inane the
.posts -live, ands peilosoriet, with
suggestiVe•auoitions and - thouthttul
essayi, and my! there's no. lack of
Theo we'd hare an original song.
(got .ip by the Treasurer, or some.
body,) then a pic-nic supplied by the
ladieS—when did they ever fail of get,
Ling one up, if asked to I—and &Oa)
off with a few tableaux in a grove.--
(e;xtempore tableaux are- scmetimes
intere.tiOg, especially if "got up" uo -
G,mscious of spectator..) . Moonlight
walk home. Of course L'd have moms
light. Yoorietc.
liirAtierroia VICTORY ! In Browns
..Fayette• county, thetetofore a
;,strong Shaniocral is town: the Reputili,
_cans have elected their entii a city ick. 7
Flow the re . acting cloct-work,
I;irThe L i nder House at Dunkirk:
.was hilt tied on the morning of the ;Ist
inst. Loss $30,000; insored to amount
of .$12,0.00:. It was ovrnedi by John.
Hemphill, of Wilmington, Del.
.: 114.4 " 4 " P1r-efitlffili
• ~.....,,_ tandtot.,,. -4,,,.....,4 ißif#4or Kuno Tonitoff,_ll:4 ii.
,I f"'"f• it 11
.111 , : tv t il is ficcoaptou, ,ia rids
ref# 4 .Y t" t he rsc r! rcn2ll l * r aweigh iedieativa of thepeliiiiie is bi
t i l it elrh.'il . ,;l Law .of Pirl4.4:Ylvat.ll" 4 , pu* .
_Kaisoa .Mis.l.)Urr L.Clo3l3tUrer4lla A
tie says the Admioistratiok
.•• I rzfiliaises 'the validity of the acts of
Sclood :.,:1 4 ,/irectors ?f,' Fruiter
glut ii,gptiventiori4lStltlerp.
J. ...' Mann. . vral elected .;4 1 4, ne will-i*Wr-ze
pp,..(11, and . Edivirt Thatcher. Sec-', '
istur owsaid.riti.fili4tl:ol;:.lll:4ll.9,l -
Astail...-„-The...folloVritig • V i A l i" e ' l4 lltrittftzialr.4 - 1 - . lotiatitteritnesty:fot /AA ,
rtire4.ore: ; Were present. • diticultiers,.and a quiet -finismiSsisrA i
/40._ lii'r-' B ' - -M *- MIII3- '
A. 13. " Pr'll-i'Froe - Siatirofavritticrascishincii
alio -Q...5;- Benton ! th w en T tifirti'onal Viiiiieutiiin;. at lat
Cotylerspor,t.D, B. Brown, A. Q., _
to he eleoted by the Border Buffet - et '
oingsta d , -4 : -S.lNi aart ,-, A.. Rounsville. • v i e - , • .., - •
il we thou see wuat wo ace. : •,--.
sulag#. - 7 -1 .1 .. !.- N _ l " 9 ' A"-. ? I ' S P ar " cc: '. - 1 : v . '-' • Maury:o.orrilt.l,o..
fgrct:Nutha.ta Woodq..ek,
totenmenctr , that animist
.-. . •
Hebron--,,Julkus ' Baker, • ti•eorge 1 Natinual
terrscdpe:alpmet. stiscovtrea - iii Tr
Hi g ley, P. H..-Bro - ck i - ,•' • •:-; • .-- " ' , ',..." ''
Homer-;-A. W. Crosby, William 1 Pri?l?Us• qt Berlin March 18 4 1 . 1 ! tst!
via - Ibl'e in ilia 13aithweitertipirtofil3e,
Ci'osby.: Vim. -B. • Ayres, - gchriti
Thatcher. heavens,.
~.ji is suppoied• to tieldert• -
, y kasiint v all , a _..r . 3 , a u b cri. ,* , tical with the third comet of 1816,..
-discovered by B rorsen—in eliptic . Or,
' William Fessenden. • - - •
:hit for which has \ been comf o rted by
RealeA--Ntartin Weymer.
8 wede# —O. L. Carsaw, Jacob Or. V.,' Cirai9Pl:bY, wiljo.i!. rtittat .
. t; - . its perAtelkortJune ?fhb oh 0. pm.,
Dasher, l i tivvis Lyman, H. L. Bird..
Aunsnsit .1-Alfred Ayres, ‘lerrick ' 'HI your. . Tile firilzubut is Itare‘t.
• .- • log its distance ffromthoLeartb /Aix.
Jackson. .
Uo motion Oa Convention - fixed secood. is ,appt.itscliing. and - will-be.
the salary of , too COunty
.Air perio. visibleriuriii•-•t ihe in f o's 61. Mai: ';',: ''
temlent at three liglidud do lars
. per Fisibi;ol is - inexorable in .its.,iiv : .
maods upott the Rurses of those , whit.'
s..ek to follow it. meanderinis. The.
l a t es t demand is $6O per pair fir Ina..
talohos, - We ara•gerieralty sattila,
to b e able to woar a pair ihich_Cllll
- ; but if some of the. New York
fashis,oahle tailors lest: disposed• to
make us a oresent . of 1 pair ofthe,ll6o
kind; we will wear then), nccasinually -
to show our respect fur the Joni's):
We learn from the Phildelpidi .
Ermine Bulletin that the onew.cro"
will be distributed "among the ttipta
Candidates for-County
out were then nominated yr follow; :
D. B. Br.•wn, nommyted Rev. J.
Hendrick. 1
• L; F.' Kinney, nominatud F. A,
Jones, -
WT) -Crolby. poninaled -T.
The . Diiectorts theo voted with the
fhiloyeing result,
Hand' ick, 16
_ Clafliti, 9
Jones, : • , . 4
,remarks from r4r.
and others; the CoOrntion adjourned.
JNO. S, NI4NN, Pier%
at large ins week or two..:.W.allostat
are tight glad of it ., —for ctippsiT stinks .
at a 'rather at • ,inciimbrance than.valua
to any others than Children and
retail grocer or toy dealer. • Of sinew
we will not refuse to taite'cithei,ths.
old or 'pew coin on debts due tius'of..
The y Times
toe strength of the 'side door'. ratty
as follows Philadelj•hia,
Mnittgomery; Chester and - Laatiolert
300; NOrtnatinpton. 275 ; Allstkiny,
p5O ;Schuylkill, NOrthuraberien4 anti
Dauphin, 600 ; and in the remainder
of the State about 800. Tntal.strang*
of the side dipir patti,*€;2s - 5
think this an over estimate. ; ••• •
-akinning cats •ovie' r ;
. -11 7 —
tress much in Yoguel,in the'atreenraf
Loudon just now. The skinS areiary
valuable it taken off. while_ puss,.i.
alive. and valueless:if she died before
the skin is r moved. Toe liairloses
its the Lir• or the cat.
.1 11 rry difficit t line. as iris
° properly eilotraiy to the twilit'
busitio.s gooei ally see.O.; t ' V. groat English Metropolis.
And. • But. pisritaps o qr ,+.f
A 'levy counterfeit of the denoiltinie
learned nothing OWN' tog"' fltt .1 I
~f $5.4 ~, Aliiiracitul tianSt
may, h swelter. by re4cii•i3 .11,
T•t rolu 1, P. 1. 1 2. 'Circulatitiii : 7
‘,...i'Saarcity ut oyisioits and teed .
ss'4 ov the Southwark
•seetre- to be a general epitli•.nic tv: iu [lank PhiladulPhia, me All! i 4 , 61.•
mi rth and w e st pot times el this state,
c i l iation, Oar ft lends should betwatY
and the soutnerti and we l ter,' c ,reties iii laking..noiney now, as mach . spat
of New York. Welts:lnt toet $3O pet
au; money niny.beinnoc'ently I:;ediive
ton have been offered at Olean for into the country front b e lOW 1141
straw, and 00 for ..hay. and noise to
be had. In this county the prices do
W. Black. ,uf Pittsbtni..
not range so high,. bqt the want is fear
has at last got an office—that of Chief
ful to contemplate. We 'lave aeon Justice of Nelirask= Territory, Idss
within the past week, 20 bushel of oats ly,„k rw ,,,,d, resigned.. Well; igra.
sold a one dollar per bushel, for teed.
we ate. glad y.-tt have got it, 1010 ,
and at armether time two bqshels at
ileit nee it, if attachment and serrili_ti
at $1.50 per bushel. , Potatoes have
to party interests makvs - a
been sold readily at $1 and 411.25 per
bushel, in the northern part of the 1.
county. But we hope the demand hiss
. Kalamazoo Gazette, the—Mnst g o *.
passed the .crisis and that the late 111!11-4 u.nta Dow
will forward pasturage so as to relieve •_ • - 11 0;rs.
sieratte papers of alcutga.
our farmers in a measure from ' he . . It
impending famine among their cattle. ed its party. cannot ststid..the
Died Scott decision.
T grass. looks fresh and thrifty al , Cot: Ben. M!Culiock, of Texas; his
ready. • been tendered' the Governorship of
The Mansfield, (Tioga county, Pa.) , tab, by the Administration. -Ho
Editorial Melange,
, mm. 11.•
Spring--luesutisul, joyful, exultant, has at last consented to so
journ- here for' a short time Pis
The spring,birtis chirp merrily i tloi
sun shines brightly ; the days vs .
pleasantly - warm. and the tights cool
and bright ;- the frogs sing lustily iu
the pool of water in the rear of our ;
o'fice--vrh don't somebody drain it
and thui . placi us tinder lasting
. ins ; the 'rivers are high, and
the spirits of the lu i - berown
stable higher...qt.lli - 1 lathes are -occa
sionally seen on the streets. no doubt
to the eminent satisfaction of those
Old Baches who have Ito /wiser! t o lie
hold then; the troes hegira t,, ~haft
off that sombre brovri
Wnicti ;144 made Cheri i;)
natures ; .1
Classical Seminary - %vas destroyed by
fire en the 22d ult. A portion of the
furniture was saved in a damaged state.
The building was valued at 25,000.
and in4in id for $12.000. The fenii.
-turd worth about 65.000. was ;win
stared. The Rev, M. Jaques, the
Principal of the Seminary,. communi
cates the above intelligence, and
"In the evening an enthusiastic
meeting of the citizens was held, at
which resolutions were unanimously
passed in favor it making temporary
provisions kor the classes. and pro
ceeding tti`the immediate rebuilding
of the Seminary ed ace, t•reearatoey
to the Fall term. • Our institution lives
in "the . hearts of the community, and
cannot • . . .
... Ar
' , fill doubklesa produce . * great than
in the designs of Brigham Yi;ong k
C .. if he_at.cepts the office. '
14Pthe Thione of England'henas ler
other. heir, of the feminine g
horn on the 17th of April. "Stab er
and child well, and cloilig well." P P .
lific womaki;that Victoria. Tjukbl
princesi is her vinth child . '. '''.
• The Kansas Herard of Frao ,
says the arrivals in that Territery ,ll.
erao about .g.OOO, daily. and ilAriti•
total immigrUtion this ispiitig wilrbe•
about 75,000 , mostly front-
States. .
The Loggslat'are "of New York. llo
recently enacted a new License laltri•
[of a milk.,and- grater; description. .11
however embrace's many new festr4
of the Temperance reform Add 11 R, 011
and may possibly effect some rcll