SEEM CI eTioUI,;.iNATA: ,—toUDERSPORT' APEiIL -30 Isst ~, gi Cii i1'.04 - U, tU up, A Picture.pylyirillitl.. In elate lettzr. from Idlewild to `the `Ronne . joirisab Mr, WPii3 sicetchea r with.hial.ecttliur gki!l p a *eerie wh:ch he he'd witnessed; "1 vii.tia7and;o.; for 41e!arrsw.'t of u4oll - ,Nyk9u, - 414eiug!.o 16oli pier my - abclllllff-r. ! e..w •u. beggar girl in the 'piddle of-the st,'eet, her slipshod feet half? qrieg,l in her be. :diagg ed,rags Ahowing.tbitt she had heels all nay. nu her pilgrintage of UtiW2ICOMed Directly before hec,in the mud, lay a magnill iint briiite , of ciondlias,,vicilets and roses, and Avit.h number iu her hand.witich she had just clacked up, as large almost as ,he itugy has,set 441 n her aim, she stood mthiouiess ass SUILLIg, i' , 4bat evidently in the thoughts it had awakened, 'The beautiful bonnets had If ~131 en thruwu Iwo he etrept, apparently, as t.o longer fresh enough for the service of wealth • And beau y--hei•.Zelf chancing to be the tirst '' beggar tu'pas by.- ~ '."She might be teventeen or Lighteen years •••4)farge, her face pale, her realities thin and ex. iiressive, and hei bps tightly and bloodlessly ' eauipreaid with the habit of ehilliuess end repulse. And wi.h the unicot sciunsnebs of ob servation bred by a life of neglect, her dry Oltilids fall re:exed-oidi hei eyed. and the cur- Vets of her mouth were thaw n down it• ds tot h autimtasi ~p au if ; fgriet.timese , If bade :aketi, , r the pool girloce Ate 9.oiid fur that tninu.e . ;,r _lwo gazing muttt and rue ioufes..i to Am, ftdbi r.dd.o ore are out of her rotten, it or.tu:d have beet; a pis..uie arc. flentereiftlic house it'd 'e* my admired friaid,:to the . windtm, to.sgu tlriitthiit htiid. that had thos:sueueedia..her ed clasp of the discarded tower-scans. „g -..ged girl had just regal od the Si..ew was . 4,v.4lting away, wiLlf d. 0 opeq .i ce • f•rize heal half-halden iu her dust) ah lint - if those briefly prized flowers could has e so kezt 7 eassing thus front he hsr.d of .he urns. etimi:ed Of women toti.e, closer pressure and . 4."%ddor •reasuring an °them: and starving girl—what ttstoiy for angsls to hear LeiLrfully [Wk: d, the following. excedent P rody going .he rounds of our each Inge& Who the quithor is we cannot say, but we f restnne it • inti batched out by some erns* o!d h. 3 been the vic,hu of . crinthine-ish co qnetry and he ,ideesuebs.] °JELL ME YG IVIAGED WINDS." . . Tell mo ye winged wi , Thai round my paliw.y Do ye no, know Collie bpot, Where women fret tio'more ! • some IQ,,e and • •Stmle "holler' in the -grourd, Where babies never en, And er,, a, e non found! The ieud wind b.ew ,he snow into iny face, snickered, us it ansisered—"Aary:pluce ..‘" 7 . Tell ma thou misty de, p, • -, • 7;lhose biltowa round me play, .... Know'st thou some fav .red spot, .....-...•: Some iii Old, ti,i• hway. Where. we ~y in , may find , • A pi•me to smoke in pe .ce, ~- Where crtnennte i 3 44.14,, . . . ;;•• And huops -re u•tt of p.ace! ~. TEI loud w:.vus, aounthug a perpetual ,thou , Amp;for a whitt.„ and s t tu.tered - Yeuh ghetto .' • And thou:seri nest moon, '' with - stick hal . ). face, Tiost . look tipon the:giris 'When they thenr beh a embr,ce— •,, Tell we; in' an thy round, Veit thou not ioett aotito spot —Where muslin is not found, -And calico is not ! Vi.ehhind a elo4the moon withdrew in woo, And as' ()ice etveet,but sad, respuped, "Yoh!" Tell tee, my secret soul ! • Oh! tell me Hope and Faith, je there no resting place From ‘yonael, girls and death! b. there no happy spot .• • .- Bache 'ors at e b:ossed, Where females never go, And m 421%) , dwelt peace ralth, Hope and Truth—bast boon to mortals oveq— Waiiid their bright - winos, and On'areredr "Yes, iu Heaven !" WINDOW NUDE MANUFAC TORY, 175 CANAL STI:EtT, NEW YORK (Between Mott and Elizabeth streets. .` T it li E U OFFERS at wholesale, io quantities to suit purchasers, at the Lowes!. Pri- —WINDOW SHADES, in every Variety et mew and Style. • . . • OIL PAINTED ‘vINDOW•SHADES. WINDOW; SHADE FIXTURES: • , -:PATENT FIXTURES & TRIMMINGS . wrotte SHADES MADE TO , CAD ER A'D LETTERED. • r l An'of the hileit eti , :i3 and flew patterns for the Spring , Trade, :Ind of my ow'. mar ura,,ure. As my cock is large and new, I nvite 'Mer: 'hats and Dealers in these artic:es to call and examine, and purchase their stock Dom tirst hands. 9:42; Paper Hangpigs:pprot. Ne. 10 CORTLp DT s r.:NEW, YORK, • • pineal opposite the Western Hotel. THE CROTON HANITFAtTIfRING CO.; (Organized in 1846, under the General Menu ( accruing Law,of the State of New York), OFFERS at wtiolesale"..iii quantities *o huh punch Isom at-A.lentifactun..ra LOW. In Puce.% Jur gob .or Ili proved c, edit— . PAYS;,. DANti.I. , .6S, of every varie.yoty!e nod price, . BußDES match," ,EIRE-BOARD I, NTS, , , • - • 'THANNPAizENT WINDOW SHADES;,, puiPAINTZEI WINDO%% SHADES;- - • WIDE; Wt.\ DoW CURTAIN - I'APER.S, nod WINDOW 'SHADE FLXTURE Si LATOHE 'SHADES MADE TO Ou.D . EII, •'irid 'LETTERED, Of the latest styles and superior finish, all of their own manufacthre and importation. As their stuck is large and vutitely new, they via Nierehanbi, .Booksollem, and Dealers ih Wits to call and "examine their sty:iis' end.Oriees vrhativver they visit the city. IBM 91"-- ' . .7'7 --.. :'-' Tvtr , r....4.,::,._ ;FFC: • • ~..1 „.././ _, 1, ,_; . •-, N. t -,,s , - ____,A ....., .... FOR ALL THE PITRPOSES 'OF'A PHYSIC. FA 1 CLY Tunas lens long existed a public demand for an effetitive purgative pill'which could be relied on as sure and perfectly safe in its operation. " This -has been prepared to 'meet that demand, and an oaten- ' sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed., It is easy to taaee a pu.sieal pi:7, but not easy M make the best of all pills— one which should have none of the obiectiems, but all the advantages, of everrother. This 'has been attempted here, and witli what nieces we would respectfully submit to the public deeisiOn. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every- purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This ki not. Many of them produce so mach griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more than 'counterbalance the good' to be derived from them. These pills produce np irritation or pain, Mess it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being - purely -,-,vegetable, no harm can arise from their use m anv quantity ;, but it is better that any medicine. should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to Which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we .may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious 'Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever, and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins.; for, in truth, all these arc but the con-• seqUence of diseastid "action in the - liver. As an aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tiveness, Files, Colic,• Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in 'short, any and every case where a purgative is required.. They have also produced, souse- singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, GI avel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart; Pains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and re4stores the appe tite and.vigor. They muff:: the blood, and, by their stimulant action yn the chcalatute system. reno vate tie strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, ever. though no serious derangement exists; but um necessary dosing should never. be,. carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to CA COS 3. ,The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the 'reason of cc my body; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose thou any thing which has -hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known,. the public mill no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic. medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and berag purely vegetable, no harm can mice from their mac in. any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper on the Box , PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER.. Practical and A►►aiyiical LO LL, MASS Price 25 Gents per Pox. Five Boxes for SL AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For Illy rapid cure or COUGHS, COLDS,- HOARSENESS. BRONCHITIS, ACHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA. AND - CONSUMPTION, .1:11.18 remedy has won for in elf such notoriet3 from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease that it is eutirels unnecessary to recount the ell deuces of its virtues in, any comm.iity utter, it _as been employed. So wide is the field orbs use fulness, and so numerous the eases of its cures, that almost every section of the corium• abounds la persons publicly known. whb have been restore,: .tom d es WI de,lll.`r ite diseases of the longs its , When once trod its smnuiority over every other medi,ine of its kind is too appar ent to escape oh,rvation. ard whcreits virts arc known, the public no longer hestate nhat antidote' to employ for the distressing and ding,7rous tions of the polm , nary organs . whic.h arc inadent to our elim.,te. And not only in Mnnidahle at .tacks. upon the lungs, but far the milder varieties of Co IMS, Cocoas, npAltSitetESS, &c.; and for CIU,VoitEN it is the and safest medicine that can he obfained. ' As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we nerd not do more than assure the people its finality is kept up to the best that it eve• has been, and that the genuine article is sold-by • SMITH S. i()NEzz, And D. W. SPENCER, Coudersport, Pa., and by Country Merchants and Druggistc everywUre. -9:43-4tna. Ci ALL' AT JONES, MANN, & JONES and , xamine their ussortment- of- Sheet lugs, 'Shirting. Detnins, Ticks, Marrion Stripes and Checks.. They are jied receiving a _handsome lut of Bleachad goods,• which they are desirous of having their customers examine. MIL I, PORT HEAD - CtUltit r rEß.S rutiE sebscribers take this method of fointing their friends that they are in ror 1 ceipt of, and arc nom opening, a choice and desirable stock of - • STAPLE. AND FANCY DRY GOODS, to which they invite the attention of all .who desire to make purchases. Ourstock islarge, has been selected with great caro; and is par tiCularly adapted to the wants of this section of the country. Our stuck of Dry Goods con. sits of ..DRI-S5 GOODS. TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Eto- ERUIDERIES, PARASOLS, CLOrus, CAS. SIMERES, VESTINGS, DOMESTICS. Smarisns, LINENS, PRINTS, HOSIERY, zinewt.s, and a varie:yof other, too numerous to men:iott. We have it,so.ak-po.up!ote assort ment of IiAOCERIES, HARDWARE AND . , CROGE.L:RY; all of which will be sold uncormnualy cheap for ready. pay. and for approved credit on as reasonable .erms as any other establishment. MANN &. al/LS. Aug-11, Dit.U.GBl RUGS ! 1 1 . :COLLINS SMITH. • E. A. JONES. fintE amdersigned IMvi g purchased the', interes. of P. B Tyler, in the Drug and Book business, purpose to 'combine their stock and continno to stipply - theirninnerons friends .he same. variety of goods as lieretolorz, weep Books. Believing by this arrangement w e shall curtail expenses at Icasi ten per cent utid •ire disposed.° give our, customers the benefi: of :he change, fur ready pay rJ tog on increased saes, for ; remuneration. (Air stock will comprise all ankles found under . the general head of Dry Goods, Groceries and YroVisions,.and Hardware. N. B. A full stock of Drugs,. Medicines, Paints, Oils, Catnphene, Plaid. and Dye stuffs, kept i onstuntly on hand, togother with eta• [lottery, fancy anicles, Watches and JeWelry. For the tru,h of the" above promises we r spec-fully in”ite an . examination of our goods. , 6311 . 111 &AGNES, • . Coudersport, July '3, 1955. _ g. 1 17 _ r ?':[ 1 114. undersigned . 14iviALI jprp4 co • pnituesitip ? unde : and JONE' - 'I , IIANI`.7 '& tTONE - 3; for-the purpose of extending their t usefu:ness in the 3fercanti7e :bit;intess," 4 - aye piirchased the entireT sitick 'dr Sone - s; Lewis Mitrin and A. r Jones; Which . with the' large . ad ditioniaThWbeing made to the consolidated Stoch, by daily arrivals' (rem NeW York 'axe Philadelphia, enables them to otter to Public and each of their former custoiners the . largest ? best and most extelniive user ment. of goods ever brought into 'this larket. To acconnnothite thetuse!res and their cu:s tourers, they have retuude:ed the Store form erly occupied by U. S. ; Jones, . wimp! they !nay be lottnit at all tittles _ready and to ‘vait upon all who may eNtend to therP their .patronage. Their Stock consists c Dry Goods, p. F.\ RD WARE, ROCE R ES, ProvistJA3 HATS Sz. CAPS. 1303 I'S & SHOES, Iron, eTails, C. S. J oNES; L. ATA.NN; ',!A. F. JONES Coudersport March, 20th, JONES, MANN- JONES, t: Are now receiving a large lot of the hem. Stvie Prints consisting of Cocheeo„Moti. mark. Pli,).os Allen & Sons, Briggs, Sprague & Co. \Varrauted fast- colors, also alc of Cheap Prints. Cull U Examine. Jo NE s; zu ANN • 0 NE sc Would call the attention or those who, are 111 want of Cl o ths to their Stock - , which they- ar conlinually, replenisling coqs - i4znig of Broad - (lot (13L.A.C1( 134UE,) Cassitnores of all grades .and styles, Sa.,tti4Nl TWLEDS, Jri 61,1 eivs 4'c,. WE have now on band several rinoilitht of FAriners Sajn, whhh ie warrante to give satisCietion„ Try U. . JONES, MANN, JONES. ri.LD ftshioned Dimity for sa!e at V.)? JUNES, 31-iNN & JONES A LL who are in wantof Boots or Shoes, ~ 111 please call and examine the stock of . JONES, MANN & JONES. Fi t ch is the largest, , ever ape nea to tti county. owl we feel 'confiden. that we cc sa!isly the most critical. We have eke i connectinn wi.h this Branch of our business t Boot Si. Sloe t• 5. is • ‘Vltere wa um o:.her la! kin lof wriek; nil we l?e 'eve 11: "its slit id work is su L ) ! VAX.) i% ).0 .11)0):14.1 rif ilii hem and of .3'l ,he iv:Al.:fin,. A: Shoe !hiding; • ./ONE ,S, .i/:l.\ N 4' . 7 (-* .1 - I[o ULU Re,pec tsh the Fa. mere Yof this comity M ett note the Advan tages, oiferod them in this rilace. Tor the u; changing of th ,- ir farm pm bate for cas h or 'Merchandise, almOst kinds of .grain, and in fact, every kind the farmer hair to sell ; bears a more advanced figure in . Coudersport, 4Litin at• at of the NotAhern markets, while the goocib; of the ;Merchant; are about the same price, excepting the heavy articles, which have Transportation added. • ' • • JONES MANN & JONES, March 20th. 1656. • W E, are keeping good assortinsui. o I _ j . **. : _ • ! from which wo Will supply tke Black-Smiths of thil,eoctioti, as - favorably as they :vrili bb IL deals williat NV ANT() Eat JONES; 3iANN Se JONES Rye;,Bar...kwhea4 ,Corn.. (.4u. , Or any-hung theTarrneraltaTe fa ma they can find ready vale fo - r at cid Store. AVE hake on hand .a good assortment , o Yankee notions, which we are willing. to soil at reasonable profit; Linen. thread, Cotton do. (spool & , skain;) Linea and Cotton Floss, French Working Cotton Knitting du. Needles, Pins, with almost every thing betoogaig to this departmet: cf Trade JONES, MANN & JONES. JOUR - NM, 13,00 K STORE NEW ARRANGEMENT. THE tinclersiwned - having purchased 1 • the enure Stock of Books lately, owned by • Tiler •&" Jones, snd feted her' q 4 sortineFlC by new purchases in the city, offers to the pubne, the greziteet variety 'and, best selected. Stock of _ . 7 HISTORICAL, . MISCELLANEOUSI . BIOUR.APHICAL, and-, CLASste.A.I 4 - Books ever.preseuted for ....ale in this county All the new books of any value are kept const,mtly on band, or procured'. by- expie , s for misromers who may desire them. It is bitnieved that a withful attention to business, and an earnest desire to °bilge all who may deal with her, wilt secure a liberal amount Of patronage. .1 • - :....citoot Books, Stationery of all kinds, ma terals for Paper k lowers, etc., constantly -on hand; a,s6 :Music, Ltaps, Mathematical Instru ments. Please call and examine for yourselves. Coudersport, May 1.40.856. . T EA' (Black and Green) from twenty-two cts. to a dollar, constantly on band -at. JONES, MANN dr. JONES: 1E A E JON;:zi. •.:ANN ~: JoNi-.5 Potatoes, - DR; ArtllN.6 T e z, •IN , CAN C.F,E, si is oR eArrntit p . bettty - rs, mors,.Wensf, Peers, Scrofula, any growth. ..r Sore. Clirouic ca . be' cured Of . cnrabl6,Ywilitin gurgles! o i .era:ion: or Foi- p'artinuslrs,,wri.e,• ante diseases limittly,,ond ctose Aran a mons for advice'. •Alliet,ers toast ) lave a .insiege m stap pre'l'ity answer: , ;Med,Eine , can be sent ueydistanCe.. Address C. L. KELLIAG,: to!, Mochaniesharg,Ctueberland; 1137'`• Nlecbauicsbuig 14 k miles front llarris burg; on the C. V. Railroad and -acce'bsiblo from all ports of the Union: • Old , ind•youi g, :rich ai.d poor, come all—, we will do you good., v'i'ii those atlcted who cannot visit me perionaliy, 1 will send, per mail, oh redeipt of $5,00 0n1y,.. Recipe to prepai e Mcdicine,With ull directions tor use„&c. particu urs.-. address as aboye Ladies Wreath aub Parlor,Bxi• • nual. • 110101 THE TIME TO SOES.CRIHE Litttt at y cipzitents 91 : this . w.l)- ,u!orMagazine will conlinue to be entire ly Originally from the inns of mmy of the pu rest,and best Writers in the clititt.ry._, Its pu, geswili be filed with - . • , •. ()lance _Poetry, Essays. .11.1ocal Tales tar Music, Designed to exert a Ca E•evating and Improving influenee'ou Each Number wi,. , be ished ith twu mure Fine Seed Engrnrings, orwia.e:ll -:be a represen FLUsvERS, FLOAT ULt Q1111)6; • BEAUTIPULLY COLOREILi.' ' " • The Ladie:4, the I'ress, . rid the Public gene rul y, have given ihei verdic. .hat i, is the cheapest, bes., :did most at racnve. 'Magazine .in Ametica,.: and , the s pledge themselves that rm etlort NV.:lllE tug on their part to merit contimiance of the good inion and extensive ran oit .ge ola coning Public, At. the . ctul of the ye ir, each subscriber will have a 'yn:iitue . 01 43„:: pages, enriched wilt at le 5;2.; i.mhe..shmeti s, tn. t , king, when boiled, a beamtfu, ,ur Orna: mentor Gift, for a friend. TERNIS-ALWAyS IN ADVANCE, . One qpil.for tine - YeAr . ....$l.OO Four Cpines - 4.00 S4ven Copes" ~, ~.... . ... 5,00 Ten Copies . ' .....7.00 Filleen Copies 10.00 Specimens will be sent gralaitously on applica- {'AGENTS, WANTED in all narii'orthe oolin.ry.o thlise lur..ishing go. d .es I . ni•iis c - harac,er. :elms be gi% en. For titraker address I.IIIKOR UK & SCOVILL, No, d Spruce-st., New-York. ••• : • L. F. NIAYNARD, . lei inOry Gruconv:s, Crockory, It'e tuidd - ,210.11ing, - atid l'itlikou - 7 -laird sam, Coudvrsporn ' • Tile:. PEoI'LL'S CASH STORE. r RY JONES, MANN _ & JONES' 25 Ova , TEA. .1 • .1111.i.QAZINE.:-. nu'rNANrs; 'Lirall Fr ink Leslie s hold %Vords, Err ..:le d :he 'l!.' 1311Jii. SfORE CELT it Stock of Groceries is citTerect to ft/ insi,ec;:on of the ‘vi.ll the ha kicief th i. is ;he best in the Cothmy W intent] that this doll:O.:mem of our btifikes dish .11.r.t_ s in: in 10.1,111104 s .o tr.? pi; the wart's of This co:ulnatiils. - Nti .1 11 : . rge Stooli of Crockery. 'Toni JONI :,"S air , z .• ''.' ilC_.e7ollllllCrtfitt PUB.LASIIED MONTH Li - BY • TXSISCaER, OWI:N;S4, • U. 116 roatlW y et* , YOJr k • Alaiied to subscribers at 50 Gen tso a year FAACI - I•lmmht-ftit tbr! REGISTP.It Will contain a c,oefit:ty pre pared.alui 15'4.11 'digested Monetary :article; a reliable . fteport of the State or the Markets; a correct Bank-Note List ;`and generally all irt formation relatiye'to Commercial and Mercantile Mattem- Merchants in - town and country will find this the most useful as well as the• cheapest Ntwe. paper Rtkished. Special inducernewit offer ed to agents and those getting up clan. Ad dress YIS.4CH ER. OW EN CO., 9:42. . •• 346 Broadway. New York; EVANS & CO,'S GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, 409 litroT4W4l, New York. FINE GOLD AND. JEWELRY CIVEN AWAY TO•PURDHASKES OF .BOOKS, -• , - ALL Bunks-will be stda Es Aottir as can he had at other Stores, many of them for less. New Books received tiai , y. A gift 'varying in value frthn 23 ; ents tolsl gi%*.eri with each book at the tithe it is sold. Tlavtng on hand it Imi:tarp slack of ilea, and rolualle Books, and as our umto is “Largo saies:and smaii.Proiits,!! we ure . de,erunnetl'.6 gage our eilSlergeri . tielter baigains Lit at can be lid elsewhere.. Any.boott pnbushed in New York erPhiladeli hit will be protnittly . seat, gill—it eluded, on receipt of publisher's price, Cain , loves of Books and Presents, Fontainlngfull sap! mations will' be sent free to all pnrts of the country. ' 1 4 he Most liberal inducements are oirerefl to Agents. any person - by ;ending us on order for ten books, with uioney inclosed, will be eq- . itled Men cztra Book and . All orders for books, containing moncy,(tO ensure perfect rafety,) should be regli.ered at the Post %AC's Nyhere they are tnai.ed, and di rected to Evens 4r, - Ce.,._41.113 . Spadivay, Now REFEazsoz.-51. Thomas & Son's, Sou Fourth Street, Philadelphia; 1. B. Lippineoe & 'CO;,, Philadelphia; D. Applaiun & -Co/, Br”adyray .New .York.; Derby &Jackson, Nat. eau Street.. ' .." •re SENO FOR A CATA LOfiVE. 412 .. . '- EVANS & CO., ' ' Ptincipitl &Ore, 409 Broadway Ne%y Yorli. • • g2kr Brinch Stores at 1 25 Chestnut. 8440 f hi.adelphia, uuaalt„ Wilmington, D. C,. : 9:32t44 . ' ' . , TONES MANN tk JONES,. bave..certaint. et the best stock of .11 a r d w a r:* 'est kept in this - place, and they intend to keer. every thing in this line, and we feel confider that we can do as well tr,thei l'eupli ithl as will bp cloths by them at Wollsvir WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY VV. School,. Cuiveisity, Octavo ' and Quirt° editions, for sale by M. W. M. M=MEM ,fli - et .- -•- • ~... Elp/f r - : ri T . Irt 1 illati..l3. r . ~TA. ,-•,...,. --- ' ' . . -'; ,• • •.:r.5. '7" . a t tA, IDIRMY:. •: 1. : • ''''.. s' . *.:, I t : : ''', • ".•"' •.,1.;:•-,, , , Ltd; -.,. t.l -.:....- . ,-. ",-. ,•• • . .ii , '. - . ~.77" n .11 •.,:' - ', 1 r . ' . ...1 —l4/ ' le ' . { • ",,j,„IO,:ibILICK, .. . PrTn,e i Pi t i,. i ." • '' ,,7,/ yi 8- t 166 o • iss:.c:A.§-rp. , ,:g3vE-0:9,:r05!.,*etfP . ... 4 • ----- ----- •-•.--- ---= " 7 " -- -*-----"-- ..,...- . , .i ,TiIE"..GASiII,'SX.BTsEttLADD.RTEI) - - .tr. •-, A'. i'..l. ..Tr''. r.'.i t., - , '`' - =TriCPS' 4 areatirftedtteett will he d i vi d e d ' -- 1. - lbto Threel'OrloSioPtlitegrfFetekß eacm• ' r=l.7.:‘ , '-,r• • - ' ',' ''..347::1,'... .-. ~ The 'IV inter' Teini will "couitiienee 4 oil Mon , u: iitlf . At i. w nel or ~. s . 4. . . day, P,econiber Sili t T .IKi6. . The 4Tring tbno, - 4•lrtntifer' 'Ferris` wil ceitit;etice on Monday,' • ' _,.. t April 6th 1857.. i and die Fah 'f erm ou Illanday,- 1,,i -.4. No.- 333,11kroersi i . N. y .. he '24tli - •01 Atigtiai . ,'lBt7. '' '' ' ' ''. -1 GENT-F.OII.TH E.BEST BOSTON -mill, • ~,,-, i,: . 'l'; 7 ...i-• ; ...,-.2L l ll';', .--- 7 -4--- l'i 4 ,t' '.' I 7 . , H : Ar t : 1.:. 1 3. 3 ' r . g / 6 / . V s S A T s R s 0 U r t / V m . /. e E t i N t . o T t. S. Piano 3. . 1' rl 1 L . l i i i .S ll .). 1 ' 1 I i - • hteliuleturs . .Sitiiiicnt instrum ents;': Tuition per terni•of thirteen weeks, as mum.,ni Mi 1 cilui •.,- uf - ‘ i p. tad d i . ; In 'Ands, in the tl follows: ''.l'.' i'. '.', - :'t •,.. ..!.• .. •.• Y ....• s.• Pianos froui l :•"Fe'ili sliffer'ent Manufactorie s ' Primary snattlei7.4teadittr; SP.eni 2 g. .'...,• . :tomprising anise. of every 'variety- Q U O) , . : Mental As:Mimetic, s i c., -.-- ,-, , 9; 1 - 5 ° from the . pluiti, neut. awl, ..ellbstuitial 6i '''' Coninisisi Etialth litinelies---.GeOgra- ;1 . wets; in Waliiiit iir'll'iisewiaal' Casts, fru ". 'pity, OrtlingropkY, : AritliMetle, and . ' .. il5O th -s29o:' tif'tlitiee - ol the mess •elen ia ~ (;railrlillai, - --." -' - - - '' rr.. ..; *" 3 . 7 a finish np to Omet.Thonsatal Doilars. - Noliiis ' is t. (Tighe!' English Branehes—Natural ': ' • in ilie thiion can couwete with the absv, lli• PlitlasoPhy, AitionOmY, Chemistry, 'toe nunilier, vnriety.'"notli' l ;refn . ii.i of ils t o . and First Les Sons in Aigebtik, - ..',.55,01" .'.61414/70.1215.,1141.1%i1l the Extremely Low Nevi fligher.llLithematicS-.:Atgebra, Ge: - at whieb:th - ey are said. ' ometiy &C.; - - .- -' - .- • - -' ' 13 6,1 it; Latin, `[:Meek,' an d French, ~.att.: '• 'i ' - :. 1101tAUF4 '' itiTERS ' .. • g ,.. g 5,... ~ ..• .. . ,‘• - ..,, •5t.,...., _ „ , DraWing extra,. -•-• ', ,-- - - $2,50,1- , MODERN -I.X.PROVLD Piano 'Music,. . do. .. - • • . ' s lo . ol ' i • ~13 1,... A - N •O‘ S rP—„Payinetil strictly in advance: • •.- ••-• ~ . ~ • I - ' Ail 'scholars Wile - COI write' legibly, will be' ' witil"c v"ltmu l i'-'" '.'''''"""•.• Pulieloll' . sha 'required 'to. pre§erit an, original Cotnposition t 4 " 11 : in.l"lThne! , ' " 1 -" , ",•r. - trThiga 1,1 14111st:1ms, 'once in two weeks; and allmaleicholars to i u length or t.e . ale,a, , L . ‘..1 1 1,p, ; 15s of thiniequ a i k ,, declititn sitibein ado tveeks. • . ,-..,.i . tiii.; Granill'iano,untt ,-, . with the bunny au d, eluvl'thility,i.f siructuihnoj',the ignore Keno— ir t h e Jai be oboimeil :n p'ronitc , Phin.. dies in the Yilhige, Or:iooms can bet Ii in the -,.Tlitry i i . :ll ; ! . .lo .. s v tl) . •.i. c o: . alo a n i i i i t e i :d b t y . ii,. Press atti Academy by applying tti .he Princip h - . 4 ,Y'''', 1 , 1 . 1 ",' ''.' .° l . '• 'Y.", be equal to . i iiire.e 1.11 any other motonacturer. They "ire built or the boil ;Lod trust tboronOly stases. .., ~,,,t er i,,t, and ,s.titiapieed mil l ed the h . itno .4 1.:v...,eY •Oiritats!, . - E.: - ,i'll insiriiiiiimbgitaranweil to givei Patit. 1.1011111. air IrIIECII:aCe - 11 11 . 11 ey 1 . 0.111.1 Cd. SEC. ON D-HA ND PIANOS - AT ql? EAT,. BAR. cria INS, 4. ; oti.tiiill) . ,id,..ture, price. h e , $l4O. . . • - 11011ACE-;WATER F iiietoileonz;. 1 ~iii i etini. liisquinenta to 'tone, touch 'sad 4,. jr.ibili4y of make. (Tuned the C 414111 .Latupstv Fit.rtit.) 'Nfuloticoni of u:l other stylti mid , makes. Price $45. $61:1 $75, $lOO,llll, $l4O, double Reeds audio/4 bunks ci Key.. $:?..00; -. r..eis , ii lira rill - iliie - eimt. .-Cltrgy rum -iiiii.l.ehtirelis. an extra discount. ill ART 1N . 6 ,GUITARS, . - BROWN'S 1 - lAlll' S, FLUTES, .... ,_ .. ..,. .FLirT IN,As, ACCORUEONS, . VIOLINS, and ftittsi'enl Instruments of all kinds, glower prices limn ever before offered to the - puns A Itirgo discount to 'few-here und Sshoultr. Themade supplied ou the most liberal tenni ~~'~. • • . .... i . . Mr. Ilendrick Ws. he•d : the. - Preceinorshiji ef. 111 P Addclettiy , for the ,pus. 3 ear. awl. it in wiih great ; sa i isfae ion we itiluoutionthat. we .___ have beep ab;e to scow e .he elit.hau‘ric:ii of hiitiervices. ' 'rite titbit thing condition of he Aeodenty:hai been exhibi.ed by a larger a:• tend.inee and inore.gener.ii expression. of sa:- israc:ion; :.h ,n, has. ever been .fgperietieed heru.olora; and: he Tr.usteeri tlu.ler iheinse - o; es ,thitt in the reliewinKok bin eng igenteti. ,ihoy are eavying ant the wishes of the patrons et the 'iidadeiny thus. fitvoi,lb y i, diedied, and seeuring fur thu itatiiiii a gen.lemto fully' vorniietent -tc - atipplOhe - Wnil:s ef 1111 in.elit gent community. - ' • . - ELI REES; President, G. B: OVERTON, Sec'y, I LEWIS MANN, Treasurer, AMOS FRENCH, SOBIESKI: ROSS, 11. J. OtAIS rED, • Coucie'i , lion, Nov. 10'. -1856 Books of various 111 Sizo; juiti aid for sale acthe . • • JOURNAL BOOK. SPORE. . , • . , pp IBLES, English and:Gain:lan, a vaiji:y of 1-istyles and sizes, at the Journal Book Store Pocke. tly um Books, Prayer Books. ,Webster's•,Dic.ionary, unabridged. uc.avo, • . high sidpio. and minium' schnu, ed...ons. _Harper's Universal Uazeneer, Crucien's ..Cuncordance. 'tes,ainenis, Puininn's Magazine, bound, • Bayard Tapor's Works, 4 vols., • Poets and Ppe.ry of Aiuer.ce, . .. . Poii.s and Poesy of E i ligi..nd, . • • Layard'.! Nineveh and Baby ,iin, . . Wi.,is'i Poeuis, _ . . . . Llo:dsmiles, tiray's, Ossialfs, Cook's, nod . .Tennyson's Poems, Paradise Lost, Lady of the Lake, ,•. : Preset) .'s Mexico and Peru, Thiers'epienoh„Revokt.ion, • l' Jiisii i ihtis. B.o;;iii, IV iii.krup's 'New:l.llg: ,ini. . . . \lacan ef's - '....iig'aud. bickans . !..neand, • The Spec a .n, ,i ii ::.,:71.1,, Cill.lifea l s .:;tithiN--,iid Tays. . . . ' Sella°. itun:o, evOQ" lON C , 4.•V li for in .his coat' num , y, : • „ . - La in, ...roach, int '•; erai al' School Books, Lnvere.:a Lifitt-Lc.icon, Ur4..:ving t'..pot, iloo:,s; and Cartl4, 'Ora wiluz Pc tiel:s-..i_.'S .yons,' Toy Paints, Co ors 10r 0., pain:•Ug. Music. Bra : dies, Cli .II:, Pens, gun ts,Paper of ovary • ' var.e.y ea'.:ed• fos' 11'.ifess, Wax, c.c. Materans for Riper Piowers. Barrlson's Cop;ing-liik—Day.ds' Bine Ink, Indelih:e ink, several ititia.• Hovey's Ink, ' Minty Phrenorog . ,eal aticr, Ilytfineathio • Works. , . . Fowlers and Wefts' pnlAlioation.s. Blank liotikk Meals:. and Dflaies, Teacher 1111(.1 rilNilt. - . Theory and.Piactice of 'Teaching .. Lifo of Horace (iree:ey. . Star Papers..l.l. W. Beecher. - . 1 • IVork.i'Ol 'T'he'odore Parker. • . Shakspeare, &c.,.&e,,, - • . . For sale cheap at the . - ' ; •• • JOURNAL BOO,K-STORE,.. NW' Music recessed every few• ir iay: i by • NEW '..GOODS.. rrlfEsnbseriber has lust received kgener 1. al assortuient of •fall and %Tinter goods consisting of;. • DR y, (1001)5... r _ I CLOTRINd-, • • . i:,B,p(Xrs - ? , 13014NETS,' R18130,1t1,5, . . . GROCERIES CROCKERY, nd qupsteverx article, needed:iv the tciptcci 'and padity, which he, plp gea liitltaqif tq OIL ae Iciw a 9 this LOIVIEST.. His old customers and friends and the pub lie generally are invited 7 call and examine for,,themselve.i. •• . D. E. OLMSTED Coudersport Oct. 4th, 1855 -• NO . rie, TS hereby given that the Notes and Accounts ES of the. : tate:.firtn.of Tyler and, Jonses thaVe• been transferred to Sintatz& Jones, and -will be sound tu..their bands foreoilec:ton„ . 'Those indebted to the late' firOt of 'l,y ler a ud., J ones, will 'please - settle' th% " . sadui ; With the phder signed inainediately.':' • J- ( 1 1 iP , Coudirsport.' Jidi - 3.18f56. • : . . CIA Yril Dli EBSilst . • A -LL . perOiiii - haiiitig 'Ciotti. to :color„land L - 42 - 'dress, the Aquila ;at the store 01. i .; Al. 1140,11 Coudeppert, , will be fotiverdeoo:the wt RE the subscriber finished, in gtVod (*der and returned, payment fbY dreasiiig thafiet: to J udd et, de fiverfur 'Marklllapieee ir,tlttf tbiticie autl .t. 0i PERRY? Genesee Fork Sept. 19th, 1855. r '01)11' and tiniau l v ' s j tat reduivcd-t* • . M. W. MANIC. Trustees - U S • C • ofit: oit• Largest unit best'selreted tits I.gitt's ut Mitlienowd in/64.110, cou'Prii:l many ..1111'e choice int tuosi.arjudar airs Ilia du), a n d will be sold ut tine-third allot irguilar •prie . es. 11 , 1 ,, 1e sent by mull to ull parts of thetas'. try, post paid . Particulataud personal Ines ion to all orders received by mail. Bit, 1 , 44 c; u•tt guaranteed tr every instance. ?inn Omit-oils for rent. 'rent allowed is porrliiiae. Pianos . and Me - lOtleotis for Isle es uooilltly paytnelifs, • tirculickluold'l'imuus tt ben iu oxynalige for new. Grucrul and sdrtt Cntab , gueit mat ticitedule (Sprites iorwartlit :o all I:1114 of-the t wintry by,ntail. . • Cr" GREAT INUCOI NIENTSUFFERE II 'ls IN AS.I. I'XIiTS or . 1 HE. .It:NT tIY lo Nell the oruei. Waters' final ?lolndcons, and Gatalogr.e. of Muiit. UPI %NS' JUSTICE, the latest edition,' the - JotittNAl:BooK 'AVM. AIA. sAS tsulde in Needlework. ' nook of Par:or Ganics. I l‘urrowe's Piano For.e Primer. • - Workingman's - Way iu the World. Ellen 'Moniguntery'S Book Shelf. Fessenden's Net% American Gardener,. Sunshine on Daily Paths, Dickens' ' "Sunshine of Gray - stone, E. J. Mar. Elements of eltdr,.mer, MareretChsatr Europe Past and Present, tigewiticr. • ° gig° s• CoUnneutary on -the New Ttltil Went - Endless Amusement, or Entertaital periments in various sciences. Peterien's hainiliar Sbion s cf. Liebig's Agricultural Chennitry. Accurdeon Instructor, etc., at the - JOURNAL BOOKSTORE Copderyport, May V 436 aa ``(ARIES and Ahnanaci fur 1557, IJrl3 ottibg• Cases; Card Cases, • Thernionteters, -Children's BOokilor the liofidays, • -Chess Men; Drawing paper, Bristol Board, Monochiotdatie Board,' HydrOpathie Eucycloyedia, by Dr. Trail, Family Physician—Dr. Shew, Fana ! ly Dentist, • • • l'atiphar Papers, at the ' • • - JOURNAL BOOK STORE:. ENC H ANTEP EALITY, by Dr. Elder, Lives in Atruehms'Judges, by Hildretk, Progress of Reagious, by L bf C6il4 Dryard Daylor sTravels, The song of firawatira—Longfellow, Caspar, by Amy Lathrop, JturFreeeived and for sale at. the • JO LIRNAL -BOOK STORB . ' Amertean Agitators •und Refonners By Bar..ett Life_ufW.sts. H. Seveard,ll.s Speseil es, Orations, and Writings, . . ....... Life.und lieautles of Fanny.fare,..:. ol Life of Horace Greeley, (new-suppll) Stanhope 13urioig4 or the Jesuits ilk our Humes, (-piety suppl Yo...... ' -31. „ - YAr.ES -POUNIT SERY. .H: OLIN Sr; CO., i , f the yes ‘ t liouttly Nuraeriea, haves for . al• largo and v_ luable assortment oMIITT/L /1 of all vurietiea usually.gultiyated. Thric/Tim urn young ad of vigorouqrowth. Thlo.o. itiy.aokra tho• n moat choice known, and are vrg: ranted genuine, ' Alan.' tine dock of MINTAk TREL'S and SHRUBBERY, fl! • • • Ur Miurens. order' - to C. BEACH) 74/1 1(44.1 Vara flu,,. 11. Y. 6opt. 11.1656.2‘n0a fli RY. JONES, . I%IANN,' , & JOKE ! oe4:WEA; A NEW •'!UNCLE TOWS CABO, hlee..Siowee Nett Woltz' , DRD, A tale of the Dirmal Swamp:. 1 .1 sale ut the JOURNAL BOOR BT°" NE W . :- BOOKS.