The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, March 19, 1857, Image 1

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VOL.' IX: .,
Business. Card s•''
;NU o ncp t TLatn,
Coudersport, Pa., will .regularly attend the
Courts,iu : Potter county.
fittaritcpVG:lounstior at ?Cato,
Coudenport, - Pa.; will'Atteild to all buniness
entrusted to his care, with proruptness and
Gdslity. -•
Offie t s-44 the Temporanceßloe)t, up stairs,
attarng2 .a : ta ,
.05ce.corner of West and Third streetb.
itttarat at !Lain,
Wellborn', Tioga Co., Pa., will attend the
Cearte In Potter, and M'Kean Couotiea..,
- A. P. CONE,. •
ftorne at nata,
Wallsborouglt, Tiuga county, Ta r will regular
liattaud the courts of Potter county.
Jame 3, 1848.
ilttorncil Counaclor at Rata,
Coudersport, Pa., will atteud the , several
Courts its Putter and MlCeatt counties. All
lousiness autrusted in kis care, will receive
prompt attention.
OPdse on . Main-street, opposite the Celia
Hawse. Coudersport. Pa.
Glanontire .
Corner of Mein nud Second
. streets, Cou
dersport, Potter Co., Pa. 44.
8.. W. BENTON,
Slurbtor anti Conarnantrr,
R.ymund P.O. (Allegany Tf.)Pritter Co. Pa
will atiend to all bosineu i i that line wi.h
oars and dirpateh. [9:33-ly.
Surbuor, Braftsman, anti
smitiport, ' Kean Co., Pa., •
Will attend to business for non-resident land
k•lders, upon reasonab:e terms. References
giros if required.
P. S. Maps of any part of the County made
t• order. 7-33
E. R. HA IMINGTON, Itavitig
i raL engaged a Wititlow itt :ittly.tttna
or & Jackson's Store, Will carry on the
Airs. Watches and Jewe!ry carefully re
paired, in the best style, and on the shortest
astic•. r'Ail work watranted.
Csudars.or, Oct, 29, 1856.-9:24.
All work in his line, done teP order and
with depatch. On West street, below Third
Coudersport, Pa.
Say t TH & JONES
Dis!ors in Dry Goods, GroCeries, Stations
ry. Drags Sr Medicines, Paints, Oils, Fancy
arlisles, Jr.e. Man Street, Coudersport l's.
Guanl Grocers- and Provision Dealers—
/Vas in Dry Goods, Hardware, , -Boots and
Fhoes, and whatever men want to boy, Mron
II rest, Coudersport ia.
-0: 't. ELLISON, 1).,
RESPECTFUL L !dui in-. the citi
zens of Coudersport and vici,rty that he
will In fouud reeitarly a. his office, over "the
Drug Store of Smith aC Jo,.es. re idy to .itte..d
to ■ll calls iu his profess...mi. 410 y. 20---ly
Du:oin Dry Goods, Ready-nude CloLII:ng
fireeeriee, Crockery,. ac. Coudersport,
A. H. Butterworth
win furnish the People with fresh DES►
V and Jkfuirros, on Tuesdaye and eridays
during the season. Cash wilt be paid for hoe,
eattlo ■t all times. •
Coudersport, July 17, 11356.
111 . , W. :MANN,
Dealer in Books & Stationery, Mws:e, cud
opposite N. NV. corner
of tke publie square. Coudersport, Pa.
reandrynaan and Dealer in Ploughs. Lip
it end ofdtsin street, Couderspoit Pa.,
flUNSMlTH,Coucleisport, Pa. Fire Arms
taraufaztnred and rspairsd at his shop. on
shin notice. '
March 3, 1848.
Tultiecable Tailor. -AIL work •ntrueted_to
lie are will be.done with neataciis, comfort
aet kerekility. Shop ever Liwia fiaon'a
sAmtrEL •M. MILLS, Proprietor.
ON the Welissillereal, IleTen miles North
K Iselleripirt,Pa
:%\ 7: 7 :- .-,
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rpaLii!nen, EVERY
One copy perannunt; . • , SI.M •
. .
t square 10 lilies itisertiOnsi - .• $4,50.
El eh sqh.eirent insertioniess Jhan - 13 .„. 24"
I Sqn. , .re, 3 months, - '2;50
1 . "..: .6 months; • • 3,50:
" 9 months; = 5,00,
1 " 'I year, -' '; 6,0 t
Rule and figure- work, per sq., 3 insertiono,o6
Every subsequent insertion,
1 column, six months, 20,00
One-lirilf column per yiar - 20,00
tine cOldirin: - 35;00
Administrators' or Executors' Notices, 2,00
Auditors' notices each,
Sheriffs Sales, per tract,
Marriage notices • , . . -.1,00
Professional, or Business Cards, not
. .
exCeadingsiz-lines."ner'yer' - 5,00
Merchants advert:l , in by theyetir, tot
exceeding.:! sill:tr.:J. with ocesion.
'l notices, (in ~11- e ..4es 'cc:1,1'11;04o '
their barness,) • -t.10,00
Whe: a the paper is sent to :he : 4 dyer- •
tiSer, 'especially -for reason of his
advertisement being in it, the came •
. will be itharged at the pits i:fe, I per:
re- All letters on business, to secure at
ention, should be addressed (poet paid) to the
undersigned.. T. S. CHASE, Pub,isher.
SETLECE ,194237;11,Y.
[From the New York Everting Pod.]
A Hy= for Vie • Supreme • Court of • the 'United
At a held in Plymou:h
Charch, Brooklyn, • his morning, the pastor,
lier, s yenry Ward Beecher, view of•he re
can' Jecision of :he "unjust ju iges" of the Su
premo Court of the ed State.—disfran
chising a cLizen 6111 United States bee tuse
his skin is black—read to the mee hig the fol
lowing pertinent hymn, by Dr. W . ate; a hymn
which. Iris been sung by our foreftthers,• n
bo , h sides of :he-ocean. in a thousand Chris
t: to congrege:ions, and which in y need to be
s t ig a .housand tithes again. before - there shall
be an end of rebuking those •owho: haves
a fellowship wi:h integrity,, an I frame ads
etiefbr a law."
Jtidges, who nee !he world by laws,
iVill ye des , ise 4h.! rig,h.eouS c , uO3,
When the oppressed before you 3!andi?
Dare ye condemn the righteous poor,
And let rich sinners gO secure,
W hilt gold and greatness bribe your
Have ye forgot, or never knew,
That God will judge the judge tool .
High in the lic-tvens [iii justice reigns
Tot you invede the righ:* 01 God, . -
And send your bald degree abroad, •
To bind the conc:ence in per chains!
Th' Almighty thunders from the sky'—
Their grandeur melts, their titles die—
They' pensh like dissolving frost:
As empty chaff, when whirlwinds rise,
Before :he sweeping tenvest flies,
So 541 ill their hopei and mimes be lost
Thus shall the yengea-ce of the Lord
Safety and jey to saints of . .
And ell that 113.,r Ali I join and sq.- .
"Sure there's a God that rules on high,—,
A God th it he : irs His chi:circa cry,
And will their sintering,4 well repay."
Emigrants 'to ICantlas.
From a Circular forwarded to us by :
the National Kaosas Ceminittee, at
Ch;cag ~, we inakk the following ex
tracts .relative to the most.impartatit
facts in regard Kansas emigration.
We regret that the crowded state of
our columns will not admit thsi entire
cliental. it Veing very lengthy. Those
of our friesitlA who dekirir any - fLrtheC"
infoimati.m in regard to the Matter,
w ill h e accommodated' by 'calling at
our office, or addressing.-us Pt)6ttage.-
paid . aad enclosing a .staitip flit retuin
postage :
The 'purity and free •circu
latiOn of the air,' the rilisentcp of swamp
and stagnant ±i iiters, .%%hich.wp, find in
Kansas, are conditions fayorable .to•
health.. The'eXperienice of early set
tlers aISP indicates a healthy,
Ca,es of billions fever anni.l ague.occur
more frequently than 'in 'rilder;settled
countries, but in thirst .eases they , iie
; the result of gross „
lessness. -. Let . the settlers'take
roast - p..261e care of hirnself and family,
'aid he will rarely suffer:in accliMetion,
On the c, nittary.' as huts been the ex-.
perie4ce of many. he will
.find himself
repii,inatred, ‘.1,1 complaiiits pine,
etidoWed: with .a fund of 'constitu-,
'Let 'him ,buildhiri n use.
un the' uplands . , dig if he 'cart.:
nut get spring, water; eat, Sleep and
bathe regularly; ainiid the
alchnlic drinks of the . . West, arid he
wiil.'coine-out right. Perripins afflicted
with pulmonary
. .an4. - rhemati4",,corn,,
plaints generally' exPelienie relief. in
DEVOTEALTO, THE P&ENCIPLI:S O 1 )o.44o,itAdlt,',Azlil)T,il;l - 1)13 . i4,111,N.Vb.0N' •NE3gALIFV, rEgArug.t AND ;It .}NI4
CotliF,ii Pc - ) 0.T., roTTE'#:- 0. - .0.70 pITy.,; :PA, „:'l l .O, lj_.4'sp A y,,.54,:i.tei1114,' 1857....
11, 0
lir kT.TII
Kfinsas. .:Not miue , :figne - .ftecUrtiltianv
in .the - bealthiesv.uf ,, the•
Western' Staies
,COST OF uPBNINIi "PARks,,A,lviror; &r;
This•nf cOntla de'Reiois upon'tne
Cation,in'greatmeaspre,.but a kw
erA'facti .May, be of, use .713feaking:
cOstm from 8250 tv $4 perticrei rails
hum' 82 to $3 h..l,4red`i and fence
b.oti; 30 'tn 40 cents per, ro'd
fence,Bo tii'One'gollar , pirii;t'd ; hedge
set; 32 cents Per. rod; ` iii five"
y,t4aia to an efsdient'leneeftiMber`ailla .
froin . 2s to 30 dollais pey ttintiiand; nner
half of . Whic h -cost
black waiiiut-ti q d cotton wood alit gen-,
Wally .Biick kill be cigar).
bosinesi is '"fairly started. ' Pi'grking
cattle sell at from 80 to 100 &Attics
per yoke; liorses from 75 to 150 .dol
lars; froin .100 to . 200 ;dollars,
per head. •
Tne iiiinekerd price currenti , taken
trim the Lawrence - Beraiti of Freedom.
will enable the reader to judge of the
price ót living. • beat•ing in• mind that
Ole pre4a - prices ate very:high. •
LI.WREFrOi, inn. 31; 1856
.Flonr—Saperfine, $1,5.0 pr hundred; Wheat
pr bushe.; Cora-3'.a 6 c do; Corn
• Aleat— do; ttilti:e dean* $243 pr basher;
Petatoes—V.:2sal.ou do; Sweet. Po..atoes—.
$2 do • Green App.e5—; Dried Ap
, ples-3; pr lb; Fresh Butte,:
—30030 c. do ; Cheese-2. a2.m. do; Salami U 1
—I2 c. do; LIIOWII 'Sagar-171c da Ahi 'e
Sugar-18a2de. do; Rice-12 c. do; 'Peas
-75.a51 do; Coree-151a3ic. do; Beef--sasc.
do; Bacon-1 lc. do; Codfish-1. al24c. do;
ialSc do; ttobaco—.l.asoc •do;
l • Rope—iiic do ; Soap— tuc do; Cau-
d'es— 3.,c do r Candlei—Ste a ion, 25c.
do; TllllolV—..i Beeswax--_ t,;. do;
Co,on B:iting.-1.,4 - _:dc. du; t 011—• iOC. do;
• Nails-7a Oc. do; Log t.:hain
—l2;c. do; Stove do ; Sad irons
—l-al2 Ic. do; Hides—ireen, tc. ; dry, ~ sltlc,
pr lb ; Salt—pr sack ot tbs. ; axes—
New Englaud Paliern-, sl_3o; ".S.iws—Cross
Cat pr foot, 75c451; Ox Bows—pr, :Mee, -45 c ;
Socks—pr : in large demand; Booze
—Stogie pr pair. s'soots—Fne por
pair, $3.7.ut 1,0 ; 6150A—Cgtf pi pair, $1.60; Slree.ings—crown pr yard, 1 , arzcs
...Sheeting47-Bleached er yard, 12,ia2.1e ; Print ;•
—pr yard, 8315 c ; Del:tines -pryard,.2sa.)ic.
Oil—Linseed prplion. $1.75; Oil—Lard $1.25'
a 1.5,t ; $1.60; Buruing,Fluid-$1.254
31olasses-$1; Syrup-$1.30a1.50; Wood-Hard
pr cord; $3; COal-Smite pr bpshel, 3.1 c•, Sad.'
d es-s;als; Harness-pr set, $164451
1.1 pr lifry feet, $3 ; Glass-10:W do $.3:25;
Glass-i , 1x14 do $3.57; Lumber—Per thou
smd, $3:1411„
Rents'are of course high, board from
3 ta $5 permieek.
Mgt:ll%4lM M tNUFAC CURES, &C,
Mastmi, carpenters, btacksmiihs,
w agon makers and cabinet makers are
iii great demand and will find abundant
employinttnt and g tod prices. Every
arch ofettin.ti ni mechanical labor can
be pr•tfitably pursued. • Nlasnns and
carpenters secure from $2;53 to $3,00
per day. R mu c h stoat!, or concrete.
as it is. cal ed, is a favorite b tilding
mate! id, And .every man who can lay
ate-ne, will find constant work. Geist
a!1:1 saW-Milla and machine shops .are
greatly needed, and would he e?:collent
• • • • -
• it
i 'vestments.
If you conclude to go t s KTitiSa3, the
soot-lei. .tart after navization opens,
the better. 7 If you go in %larch or
April. you can secure a claim—break
some portion of it and get- in n few
acres of corn, beans sod potstoes.—
Plantinig commences about the 15th: of
April, and may. be continued until tho
Ist ofJune. Conn planted on the sod
yields from 30 to' 40 bushels to the
acre, or about hall its yield oti-old Lind;
Any farmer-of ordinary capacity, har
ing his team and toofs.antl being on toe.
ground by :the first of. April will be
able-to raise fool enough to keep 'his .
fainily through the winter, till another
harvest'. '••The.'lttuid is ready flit the
plough in March,,aod continues - so:till
the-first of ,December. : The-, greund
may be worked for ail -agricultural
rurposes dining nine Mouths 'of the
year, .
.The Missouri •river•is always open
as. early as the Ist of March, and af
fords a cheap, comfortable. and
transit to Kansas.
Tnis in depend upon the time you
go and the place whet e•you start. to
alt cases carry such'articles of neces:
shy 'end convenience as you havevun-
I else very heavy or bulky.. ; Carry abu
dant heddiog, , good. strong ; clothing, a
few chairs ai.d a tahleohe stove if you
can take ifto.pieces, a tew dtshe,,and
whatever i 3 neceimary for hooSe-keep•
ing; judged by the pioneer standard:
Carty also garden. seeds, , :and fruit
seeds of Allkirtus., :. Procure..a hundred
or 'two ~t opt, grafts, „apple
~and pear,
cherry„ peacn - ,ami grape route,
cuiritit,'*ornatheutalislirub's and other
'small fruits in mitring& pr toots;
Patik• them in "damp :saw, dust in:a
ao&take .them with you. Yon
"will : fitnl some place to, set, them and
they will, pay pi g
surround your new' home iirlitfcoint
and beauty: If you have:ion - Is - take
them. If not, you .can purchase quite
as cheap at Si.. Loins oritt Kansas as
,in the East.
Your coarse s'uff should be ibtppecl
by_,, l npine , ..trnesp4tatio,o ~.mnpany tp
Tact!, Kansas as cheap, as, ppsOble..
Freights up - the 'NiisaMiri to Karigas
are'fr'eitiJO'cts'.'t4•32;so per bemired:
ai.ei Q.:ling-in the wage :of water. The
highest,rates,‘'i.ccur.iw March, OMnbei •
'and. November. I.o.ovist in
,Vlay acid
Jane. Present rites are 0.00. .
Ai raiii.roents have-been nude with
the, following ihei of_transpoitation
for the issuing of • through tickets to,
itf . 111879, EaqgcOnts, at" a . reduction of
25. per cent., from the regulaT Rrices.
Fall River' route from :Boston . to,
.11tow . , • r •
New York & Ede,R. New York
to liunkirk or, Boffsln,
Lake S. ore. It. R.. front Boffalo and
Dunk:.rk Clerivelaud s or Toledo. •
From Cleveland' to St. Lo Op,
Clevelaod. 7 Columbus &
Belifoutaine..Zi. Indiana. , ludiapapoli.,
Pittsburgh' kelevelani, Terre
Alton .•and St. I,4tiii •Ei• fkoidi. 7 -
Pervoits 'wishing to do T s.. can go
through Columbus by the'Columbu.t.&
Xenia. R: R., '2,14 proceed from :Terre
Haute • y the I )bin & Mmiissii pi R. It.
to S;. Lwi;..
Fl n Toleaf, to SI. 11 . .vi11i4 by the
& " and Terre
Haute & Alum .ir vii IN;Ii.310.
gu.r Soutlit4n and qukcago, Alton &
St. Loui4 R.
Ftoro St L by Steattiri or by
the PaCific R. it to . J •&',r&6ii City aA'd
theliceby ste.t•ner3 to
__Throt4ll tickets wilt be salddt tae
i:riucipal ticket offi.tes-on these routes
either to single individuals or compa ,
fne.4e tickets entitle the Viuldur
to first class fare with meals ant berths
on the AliSsottri river boats, and . 100
pounds baggage to oaelt . person.... -
Arratigements are being tridei . 'for
a similar reduction Over 'other tOtites'
whicu will be atouttinced
Ileted All blawyre sho u ld L i'care
fulli marked acid checked
The pasaajo•
.'from Bostoit or New
York - ittipies about a week, fiiir or
five days o! it •being spent oo
soitri steamers which are, aaiorig the
best boats on.our wa'ers.
_Fe eight may be - consigned with
prop° , directions to "Care Siminoins
Leadbentor, Sr. I,•mis.
An 13s:ignite of the expanse of reach
ing the 'teri 'tory by these rouses' may
be -thrilled' by noticing 'Vie tirkes of
tickets from the fAlOwing pinta : •
Boron to Kansas (a:iproximlte!y).:;isl . l Oa
New 'York , Aiemy. ..... UO
Buifain or Dunkirk
Clas'et.tnd '
Ch .e g 0 .....
Children under 1:4 years of ege
.f Persons wishing to go with their owe,
teams can make a safe and easy transit
aLros.4 lowa princi
pal routes CI'O3 . S the NlisSi,,Apoi .. are at
D'fvutip lit, :%lu.:eatiti&; - Biti- .
*oaf, Ntu„,.lucl ,dim.
hinter of these artirgisild iVil.4ll:l
and the - choice will be ileum mined by
the starting point. .A•loaded team will
InAlce 25 miles per day, the distance - .
from the fartherest p-int.named•heing,
about 400 Miles. It is hardly safe to
start . bef re theist of May, as the
teams must depend . mainly' green`
feed.• The expense is trifling if prnvis-:
ion is made for camping. •.I.n warm,
weather this trip can: he taken oven by
females. without exposure to severe
hardships No difficulty will be en
countered iii fiuding the route 'fro
any of the above itartin points.i; or-'
ery patty should have a tent, conking
utensils:and abuoilant bedding. They,
can live in . their warns, and wits af
ter arriving in the teiTitury, -- until 'a
home is-secured
. Peranns - wishing to R'o up the Kari::
sas valley. or to the southern:portion
of the territory sho.ild stop ;zit ,Wyan
'itle City or Qiindaro, two new towns
in close' proxiMity , with each 'other,
and located on the Missouri river,' jest
above the mouth of the Kansas. • tjul.
Eldridge; late--proprietor of the'.l,'ree'
State tuna line of. hacks'
Aaily :from -Wyaridotie to Lawrence 4.
fare three dollars: A steamer recent
ly purchased.byiThaddeui-Hyatt Eat.,
inake-hqular trips 'from ,
Quinclaro tot Liawt once thiee 'times-a
•weeki carrying pas4e.igers , at' three ,
dollars At , thesep.ints-tearhs.
can •bit - obtainetr-for any part of the.ter -,
ritory, aud - •purrhases of store's can •he:
made. LeavenwOrth-City. , •2.5-- - miles
higoer up; - !-Atchison 10 miles beythik
134:miphan and lOwa. :Point, • C.4110a.
with the 'Northern portion of the tif-•
ritory and communicut6-ay stage with - ,
the iuterum— • ,•. . .
I .3 .t•Stinsgni With:the'rneth
od, ign . egniikng tains to lauds in new
SLIILIii in* apt to. "nirpr' . estiinatp :On;
lliffi:e9itiii4 and satir flinch fnnecle:44
nny.igty. Inijunfiiii, hints.. us to
Kiiiisa - s lauds tnaybii otuse iiintler2,
I or . pei r s . Mi wishinvo o k velt. Any
person;wha is 'li 'Citizea of the 'United -
States . , - or' has , Ale& oiled-ofintentino
th.; become :such,' who either the.
head 44i - family,,a.wi4hW, .ht, 'a &ogle
man °yer
t F . I. years of age, tn , ty eater,
upon 160 ai'reiS of-.11-dripneat land,
- wheriiter - he-or she 'may Choose' to se:-
lea it; if not itireatly-hecupied, nod by
residing : upon it and•im vying it, 80i
Icure the same, at 81.0 acre. It is
necessary only to make•a'a actual real-.
dance on the laud, th fild a notice of
otentioh pro-empt-the aid t.,
make the payinent before. the public
sale, which will bo,advertised for three
m 'nth*.
•••Agent of .Emigratiou,t Nat: Katii.,es
Co ./inittee., . " I .
norncnanicationt , relating to e.n
igtdtion ui matters treated of in this'
circufir may be Addreasia. to 'me' at
Fhe,Supreme aourt tha
Tne,daegfrs.apPreitende4 from,the
orgenic-, : tendencies ,of the Supreme.
Court to engross the legislative power
of the. federal,goreptinent. Which 4elf-,
fersoo forcsaw : amleo often warnel
his countrymen,against, are no Linger,
imaginary. They. ase.nputt ua. rThe,
docisioo• rendered by that Cody yester
day; in the caae of to ,Missouri, negro.
wito : trid appealod to it. fir aisistalee.
iu asseiiing iris tight to shire the prom
ises of the, Decl.tratton of litieperni
ence. has struck it, the very roots Of
the 'past legislative ptilicy . of
etetence slavery. It has
changed the Very: blood ofthe consti
tution, from w Lich we. derive .our po
litical existence, : and has given to our
gOvernment and a purp,ise
as hovel as' it i4liarlia:.oes'and humilt•
ating. •• ,
In the:first. place, it.has annihilated
at a single , blow,thecitizent•lip of the'
entire colored 'population of!i'
try, and, with it and const. tu
firma' provisiOos-of Wis. : different
fir - the gnotectiun ulthoie rights.
In the nett place, it •has strip ,m 1
Congress. of a power . to
,exclude . slave
ry. from, the territories, which has been
exercised by - ever'y_Prosident of the .
United-Statei from Washi,gton•d 4.r.t•
to:Fillmore, and whicli.l.l.4
fact in. shapiug. tha, g a id :do
mestic institutions of ..m ire than h
the territory of the United States. Tne
orilibance*Of 1757; Withthe passage or
aide lice of which the earner Oftgem
eminent American statesmen have, been
imperishably associated.. is . not . only.
prouounced . unconatittitionitl, but the
power to.enact atiyiaws Of
teMplates a restricti'm .up . im the right
to buy.. hold atd.seli slaves in our. ter-•
ritories is diAinctly ; de/40.. • ,
'Nor is this all. , f .ie doetrinewhich
has been recognized Wherever . tee
cointn,M LW prevails, - sinde'trie days
of wat %Yuen a slave
is taken. by•his. Master into:tho %pHs.;
dic'tion of a state : which
cry, he ,il,froqt that ,51111 t.• free, is
nut only, set aSide,ihit r the po*Vitir is de,:
Died to • theiitaiei of thii Union to prn=
bilk masters; tiriogieg slaves 'within
their jurisdiction. provided. they.,
not enter it w - th the..intehti m ,If;
tablishiyg atm 2 mianent . residsucis .. thi
All of tnese positions - are new in ilia
juridical history of tue : couritti ; the
law iu reff.srencelo allot them was set.
tled by a long iine - afjediciahliicisions
by tilt; highest ilibanals of the several'
States, tied until within the lastAwelve
years- was regarded',as much beyond:
•the reach: right of
-the people iif . t.he • U.nited.: . ates to a
republican fOtM - Of soverithaent: If
precedent; usige;` . public acquiescence
'could tuillow , sitiy idoctrines of eOnstitu
)tienal:iaterpreimiOn, them:were. t'..tise'
d :e.trines . -hallow,ed yv,hic - filiavevbeen
ruthleislyiubierted by the 'OuPrenie
.Court. '
• . witli-feeling of more thali'ordii
:nary solemnity that we record •this:
for,, its.,coasequeneesi ere
:yond , the resch.,ufiiitin,an calcuktipo,
`Wit a;fie pot,st),irpicii concerned: at tli's
lava - SlOn iietiie TaVis' censiitutiim
thii=cimutVy, lioth' of whic k it accOnt•
plishes:-:forithcc: Afriaericair_ people; we
base mic,douht, plike• qtre, of-,their
'right,l„iti spite's tlze *4l? ,
as wo!) are, in tieing forcso to
' • - .twit '•'''
audio y (.111IVIC to.' mora HU
thorkty: Mid COmiequont- 11 4 etulness .
th at L i ibaual„, under tits pi eserit 0110.11-.,
is„serimtjty, impairscl,, • if, not
...te,troyed. • . •
• Th e time which . is . bkniel fOr
journment of that . department of .tne
govern meat mot injured by - the deci:
?non, • an.i •at the euairoeiicernaii fofit
new adini!ti s itrigion,. wins() :all: tue••Pilt
)•nikst e; t,he
,nation.can,be nsed - to
best vsptage iir recon4ingt'he pen.
pre tu
• iEti, siloWd." W‘iein
LC . 1.
• _...
therirselreA, tinit . (I'netittition forth,
coon. that ,a members
hive conqiiiiteitto hocahle parties to
-combinntiOn nioistratioo
tramsfer. ,ohntrol of ship;
vvernoient 'te) the'.iiatuli'Of the elate"
oligarri! . r; 'be,,foti)l Ro4sihiTiti
recovery hitho' crag atatets of thoir fair
share of
Se 1041 g. is Je ;was
the rangee'tif Congieisional 'action, s
Ling the yoke tbe c.tifild
heard. and their Afishes coati! leas
T iget,
the.siibjeit beyond the ..f these
itiqueince' . to .rriAe . ev.ery tri
bunal'in`;he every ' ' hwyer
a awariially:'Of 's)tivery, propactuliam.,
necessary tri.iecure the 414.
onsratiOn of th'e Siiptemi Gait, end
that figs b'ten done. Alconspiracy has
be rl einitir4(l' ititJ orthe most treaso -
ahlectiai:aci l er , ; the jnatiCei of 11., .1•,
prerrie Citrt Stathe fdading moksbsrs
or the neW:atiMiljatratioii are osrti•
to it. o.its May rea d l the
evid?nce of it 3n emery revelatian Crum,
- the capital. *,
Otioursethe - inurnent this conviction
taltes :possession - of the 'public , uind,
there is an end till the - Supreme C I urt ;
for n jßdicial tribional,•,which is nu;
rooted jollies confide ice of the people.
will sioimi' either diiregai clod uau
anthoilty fir .ovetttirned.'
Whicicoe ttieiefatie ill in store (or .
the court:at .Wuhington, du nig
care now ti specnlste ab rut--perbaps :
both ; ono : thin, however, iroarfectly
certainilint . its l incient and 'proper
authority with' the 'peiplii` and - witri
Congrossis:gone.: beyond:.recavery.-:,
The his•:..obj.icti•in to .thei election of
the jud 4es of people
is nu vir-leme
w,1;:- 1 1„ts members, flare_
long h ern ,
tion fir leapuiux . ,,x,daifitiy.,Oittit ht
bee:, I . l4:irio c‘oketiaa to them inde
pendence anikp . in
,juisonsibility ,to, the
political itillitences. which swayed the
office - branches °Me g(ivei natant. It
now appeari th:itt they rirebei a branch
of the. Executive, and'like 'the , fair ous
Lit: tle Justice of, •Frence before the
revolution, mirniy assist in.l . noding a
judicial eanction to the policy dictated
by the - Executivetir his id:vital - 3 from
the other 'end of the cltpital. 'Such ae
alliance will not be permitted to eon%
Y Eve. Post.7th. •
1 1 414."-,-The Indianapolis Jp.urnal
cords.the death, in that city on Sunday
last, of Thomas Magruder, an old ne
gro vilmlisis attained the advanced age
of 119 years.. He is supposed to bays
beeu the,one who suggested the name
and the leading features of the charac; ,
te t Stowe'S celebrated novel,
"Pucler, Tom's Cabin." Tab!' supivasi•
tlon,ie based on the.cnincideuee• of
name,and chat actor, and on this
says the Anima!, that Henry . - t 9 d
Beecher., heels resident there. wa l la a
constant visit or of " Uncle Torit's,'' well
acquainted with his story, and , s sin
cere ,aenirer of his virtues; that Mrs.
Stowe ,herself sometimes called to um
the old. man; and that "Utitsle . Tons'i
Cabil,"Aolovis the name of his house
acqu tintateces; and was
a -fa:silinr phrase there long.. before
4rs, Stowe . immortalised it. At all
events it is the impression with.all the
friends; of,nrs Stowe and her brother,
iu Indianapolis, that "Old Uncle Tom"
was Oa original, or at • least the sap
geition of hero of the "Cabin." •
‘14‘111111.11 Wainl‘...W.
The . t.ogillature of Missouri has jest
pasied f a , bill which says .
snau shall desert hiswitepor
shall;frora•worthlessness, drunkenness
or any ether cause, fail to provide fur
her maintenance, so that she is soup
pel,lect p labor . for the support.of her
self and -family, the earniogl.of any
such wjfe,, and any property, real or
Personel, purchased by her wjtb the
proceeds of her litho!, shall belong;to,
har : in
,tier own right, separate: and,
anart . (rom her said liusban4. l 4o,shall ,
not; be liable for his debts, nur,•im'eur.
rnsuper;suhject to his c
Paul, Minnesota. pipit'
, s 4,7;4/i:file and beintifmkelk,,We4.
Ztiiiir street the other(asy:
'a aptter,„ani two young men as driv.
, err. nut exhibit a very well
though he was very
bi abut 'a ..
,e. when he opened { ms s gait.
it mu c,dutitiii to all fast •cralti'imptia
' '6kir
if we hacitF, • 0t
lself,altOtiriiiags . South ; bucks are tit
iu the back country. 7,,
!T,lteli',Alinuesotiana seem ,Cat Jig
„ .
' Ast ' orga l nizatiun styled the' "Legit,.
:Miti43ijitpernuod,” cuinptised .
held (heir second anriuil'„auppeF.,
.nnlfitiii•dey : evening, Fabruait 28.,te
The Inembers are to
.partake-ula sui)pur annually until ill .
is leit, r wit.),urill;
tsult, 4 th isi 1 1 4 'of the
.a •ciety by fatieVetilittiii::" •-*- '
;: - S7 z 7t.. c: ',.1
' -:--.:
I! !:C:?"
,~.,,, :~: , : , 1~T0~''41.