The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, October 30, 1856, Image 3

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    'THE Its ORNAL.
CC)I7DiRSPORT, OCT, 30,185€
TnE Coudersport Fremont Club,
will meet this (Thursday) everting, at
the usual time and place. A general
attendance is desired. as this is the
last meeting of the Club before the
election, and business of importance
,will be transacted. Glee Clubs will
be in attendance.
Wr, hope Our friends,iu tins County
will send ui in the eleerion returns of
•their districts the night. of the clec,tion,
in order that we may giKe the general
result of the coun:y in the nextrium
,lrer. We will he at Glassmire's Hotel
.all night to receive them. Couriers
s . :ouhl be dispatch.-d from each dis
trict immediately alter the ballots are
wiled, and the result is known.
‘V onp FD .--We would like
have : a fey( loads of dry Maple g:r
other good hard Stove wend.
plate pour subsetibers who are
tlebtucl toutplease take notice? air
store i 3 calculated for 2'2 inch wood.
We would inform Mr. Lure, of He
liro;;, that we are now in great need
of the teat] Ire protpiied u 4.
Tur present tern of Cot,.ler:Tort
A. n i,. rn y wif cloi o 11:1 Tiltlri.lay the
1 ith of Sisv. nest ; att.l 'Pi the €vi•iii:ig
01 that clay the anneal ex.aihitiana nC
lcadoiny will take plice at the
Cowl II Exerciaei 6 "'clock. Ti le public
gee...illy are re4retfully incited t
a tard. 1.11-:xnatcri.. Principal.
r, 1 8:?3.
Tin: Winter Term of Gionicr , port
Acailymy %yin commence ,o 1 'why,
stli rieNl. Toore
rertmi:;4 a few rowni Acki,le:ny
fit ,tudetit.:reitu wi4ll to Iloard thetn 7
triVCA.. ‘-' 1.111•41 rualill in
got I families at re , , i):lal;le that gem.
Th•e: want rtii lr Fur Mati,M May
i..)fleire of the Trnv,tes nr of t i ['tin
A QI . MITE111.1" Mr.ItTING ofthe Con
d iv l ,mt Library J. will be
111 ut the twit i&thtt 1 - Sll,:at . iatt.-
Saturday next. at 2 P. M.
Car.r.r. are a 11-4 e Isilln')or of muj
1!1 :1:100,1 PA CO C. 1 .! t2ra7
C‘a:Liilt , l)( , ll ,Acader)
de-i 7 :11 t., tea;.: . l t ro I); v,:i!it,fr
fin .v w,1.1 wi.,a ty pr.,eure !.1;(1 sLN'
❑4 ..'@ I I,r tilt•
m i, i a i irc 401,,
eit:wr p •r 3 o r hy
lz:v.•riog 11; r2lativ, to
;Lo "f "ur
llEsnuicK. Pzinc;pal of tae
C,..1,;ef sport Aead e V. he; been an
ty tiil.d.nintencle4 of.
i'wntipm till, cnunty rice
'lt. Pint% Toe animint- been Milre,t74ll
I.;;; , tovwed
11'r: haca recrived Crt, t'te
“,away 5 , 1:y ut . : 11 (4! . 1/:• 13-
/! , ,i Plice:/ , il,; , ;ea/ A!,l t znar," fur
IL ca.nca , li ttlildi iptore,tnn,
• z)
ntati 11. 1.:;1 icc (7011 t S per cop .
Tw en ty-fi v e copies for 61 ,00.
larrniree of the released Treason
l'iisoners, fmottt KivisaA, are noty
, :urrping the States foi Fremont.—
Robinson and Geo. \V. Stniti
r e in this State, and Gain; Jenkins
.! in Indiana. They are workin ,
ior the cause of Ft ernont and Pay-
Wr. are now navimg warm ple.lsnnt
rntlier. such as Is usually termed
Ind:an Summer.— Conneautrille Cou
Well, Mr. an t rie F , you have the ad
y'llon.! of us, most decidedly, for we
.ace beer, enjoying all other hinds of
weather here for the last two weeks'
Ple.oe express any surplus of "warm
p:easant weather" you may have to us.
and w e will pay the charges. Satur,-
tiay it rained some here, and frosty
Lights are very prerafent in this re=
Ei"w• We envy our Crawford Coun
ty friends their Indian Summer. Per
haps the result of the electon has had
some effect in producing the weather
You talk about, 15,00 Republican
majority in a democratic Cuuuty is
enough to make t! warm, pleasant
'When .the administration ,4f the
goverumeot of_these Voited : States fails
-to • ,of the intelligence
and conscience of the Majority, their
only remedy is to change at for one which
will. To
.apply this remedy, the. in
telligent and ,the.ronseientiops are no‘v
.marshaling. To prevent ,its applica-
Aion, the corrupt of all ,classes in poll,
-tics, and of all mects in religion, are
arraying Paenasej.ves with all the inge
nuity which sptat.ic skill can : invent.
The issue in many minds, is still doubt
ful; For one, I still believe that God
and the Republicansvarein a large
jmity, and that :those in the "L , l'ot th who
liar,e sold themselves .to the v,ile and
bloody South, will yet hare reason to
thank God for raising up the Repub
lican party. Never in the history of
the Ametican people, have they been
called upo:i to act with greater decis
ion and promptitude than now. For -
mer dayelopments of the slave power
have furnished sucieut evidence of
its rapaciosness; but its last exhibit
furnishes us pro rf of its capacity to
swal'ew Kansas at once, and yet have
roo n enotqh for Nebraska, W.-..shing
ton; and Utah. \\That an opportunity
for free Men to prove themselvea ivor
thy of the name ! -And is it possible
that there Are thoic Who will misim
prove it? Shall threats or promises,
bribes or friendship;, be suffered tq
interpoie between air honest conviction
(hay a ol its faithful parformance
An 1 can Co 111:211 " remember
those who are ill 1)9114i as boned with
them." am) still v rte for him whom
the oppressors unite to support 1 1.
know that a few professedly Christian
men try L.., thiok that the pseudo-
Democratic nominee is against slave
! ry-e;f.tensjott ; but he who can believe
such au itmon4stency, must certainly
have the capacity to believe the Devil
a mait,t of the purest water. What !
James - Buchanan iu favor
j gf free tel
tory remaining free! Tell it not to
the Sotp,h ;- fl•r she ‘yoult i l 1411:;l} at
your crethility. Sigler not yotqs,elvey
to be deceived; fits the deception may
be fatal. Pan you, ()are yoe go fri
pair 4.tsep orfamtly ; t ltars, and vote
' with thp s43yeue:ra:s, and. let: them ?
Many of you voted for Franklin Piet ce,
;!tl,l yo 4 regretted it !
I,,ar moral sense has heel, shucked—.
out raged--,-and even those making no
pretensions to piety, who voted f.,r
him, charge them .elves with-folly and
wickedness for so doing. Oh! pause
t h en , l , ra g , 10. 0,1, 4 4 -to le4r4 4 lesson o 7
wi-‘,l no from ‘vliat
. you have. alt early
stiftered. Do you say the case is dif
ferent now ? That Buchanan is not
Piet-c, nor even like hie-11 lle i s
like him, only a g real deal more so.. if
not, why was he preferred, by the
South, to Pierce ? The fact is, Pierce,
in co mn2encing the wot It given him to
do, became so near exhausted, that the
South klew he would not survive its
comidetion, and therefore, a hale. old
t•Bnek." fattened at the public crib,
was harnessed 10, and in the South—
the /chair. South—ht considered com
peterit to finish the job. You are elo-
Tiet:t iu pondernoing Pierce's ailmin
istratitm, though in all respects just
tvhat the South wished it to be 1 and
yet will you 'pithily, .the put Pose of
vtuteg rot Buchanan who is pledged to
tro on with it Where. brother in
Christ, is your consistency ? 4i'd
how is it, why is it, that yen cannot
sec the learnti responsibility that is
upon you 1 3.;:iveld not this govern
ment represent the intelligence and
the conscience of the people ? You
answer, yes. Does it nov,;:.represent
these qualities ? You answer,-
I-lave you any . good reason to think
that; it Would, Under the, administration
of Jamas' iluchanam ;rtiltrolled by his
covenant with the South ? If you
have, you must yute accordingly. But
if yen have not, I charge you, as yeti
shall answer to posterity and , to' god,
stay your hpd. Gol speed the right !
Yeurs fi aternally,
, .v. 14)
MoNT.—The Y. \-. griming Post prints.
an extract. from a private letter wtittea
by N. P. who says he never voted
in his life, but who nosy goes fur Fre
m ant. He says :
" But with the events (.1 the last year
or two, and with all the intellect orthe
country at work upon the great ques
tion at issue it would be •bard to re
main longer blind or insensible. And
yet, so cl i cidgey are political t heories,
. . .
si? jUieCifre ate party patrorma,
.(11 - 14 .
above all, so often 'May the changing
tide of events .require p;'esent decision
with little or no reference to panty
theory or party platform,') that, it
seems to .me, 'we should look most if
'not .ouly -to. the .:srunlipi .of the man—
wbdt.our .c4o„l . date by nature and .
culture, ,rnt her than to what his party
Trofess,.or his platform promises.'
Tim see., in this last remark, the
ground upon which I stall give my
virgin vote' for Fremont. He is one
.of those rare men. sure to do well in
all emergencies—not only with a brain
, lofty etnugh at the mainmast, and a
:heart Sound and true enough in the
hold, but. with that deep keel of common
see which has regulated the perilou ,
nav'gltion by all tl.e pilots /tithe world,
(Chem , st signal quality of Washington,
I among others,) and which alone can in
itxre true sailing and no capsizing, in
these stormy times. Framontis both
!,d and wise-,-both 'neert up.-
i ble and :agacions—both fearlessly in
dependent and modestly deferential.
In fa't, it :teems to me he was born for
the el iris MI which the country is now
hallancir;g, and that he has had( by the
overruling providence of God) pre
cisely the training and discipltne to fit
him for 4is work. That be will be our
next President 1 have no doubt', but
I win to do all in toy power,- herea
bouts, to add my grain of sand to what
Ny,Dl be a mountain of a inajori
The Prospact in Penusylvanes
[Specia: dispatch to Vie N. Y. Daily Times.]
PI[ILADF:LP. lA, ' r
11nr8dav, Oct, 23.
The harmony of fed!ing between . the
Ft emont and Fillmore wings of the
.niiplisiti,ita increases, as the evidence
of the intended. treachery of the Fill
more leaders accurnulale§.
it is annouttced to-l'ay that "fion.
Jacob Throonae, Hon. Henry 1), :11 - Dore,
Judge 4.llison and A. Flornerielt, tsq.,
electors on the 'Fillmore ticket, are
openly advocating the joint tiOet,
George ll'aAtite;:ton [tend, has boen
invited . to the Council of the
Twenty-second ward. which is nnan -
inninsly in favor of a LThion electoral
Eamr,ars.:p - F.—Ypnrig !tipn
ne:ghborlinod may climin LHalthlui, pleas:aLt,
and profitable employment, by engaging in the
sale of our ii,ellll and popular Cloaks, and
canvaiqini fqr our valuable e'or
tinny and par icalarA,
iyNt) wELLs, [
3O iiroadwuy, New York.
Agenbt rhn eng ,ge wi:h us will
l Secured front titc pqsibility of loir;,
profits will be very liberal,
.NOTICE.,The subscribers
respectfully inform their old customers, and
the phulic genrolly,that they have ah oiled
the system. After a thorough trial, they
are filly satisfied it is a non-paying system. our business till he conducted
strictly upon the ready pat, sp:em: :All who
tai-Into buy &let per than ever before in Cou
dersport, will please give us a call.
The highest intutlict price will be paid for
all Ittudi of produce in exchange for goods.
• Cowler:port, Oct. la, M,6:
Dealcri in Dry (iocOs.(n:;celle.S, Hat":
& Caps, Itgots & iThups. Crockery,
Pock; Flour.
Main SI reel, Coudersport, Pa
r, per bill
Pork, -26,00
Salt. "- "
Corn Meal, per 100 lbs
Baiter, per lb.. ....
Lard, - •• ... .....
Park, "
Ucrr Skin. per lb
Oats, per bo..hel.
Back Irarat
Potatoes. ".
Eggs, per - doz.,
4 ,1 4 , I TO1?,.
E. IV. Bishop vs. c N.L. Dika SS.
V. Dickinson .i. C. Cavanungb,
11. K. Caswell " Stayse,
S. 11 , , Carpenter "- Esl6err carpenter,
H. W. May It. W. Mclntyre,
M. Mat:eau:l Phineas Goodinan,
W. A. 1 ,. ..70net ' S. li. Hunt,
R. Harman " ..Asa Gibbs, et.
D. \V. Seeley " EL Martin,
It. Stoat. " Owen Bock,
C. P. Dike " Amos French et. al.
G. W M. Deicer ." 11. W. Mclntyre,
Warren Smith " I'. Brooks, •
E. M. Fesseuden t
tisane .t..) man,
1;44 of F'. Lebtuan S
Cut& of Penn. " County of Potter,
M. %Vilkinson , "r.
L. D. Williams " Forgus Gee,
Siciiheu . . Horton " H. W. May.
rateruoitnr.4.nt's OFFICE,
Coudersport, Nov. l , 1856.
. Notice.
WHEREAS Letters of Adminis
trgoon on the estate of William Lyon
deceasea,' late of Sweden township, Potter
Co., Pa., have been granted to the undersign
ed, all perions indebted to said estate, are here
by notified that an immediate settlement shorted
be Made, and those having claims against the
same, are reques.ed to ptesent them properly
J. HENDRICK, Administrator.
Coudersport, Oct. 99, 1E5543.
QonrtProc ai tion.
TNTHERAS.thellaii. White, Pres-
V TT t ident Judge and the 111411. a A J..e%vis
and Joseph Mann, Esqs ; Associate Judges of
the Courts, of Oyer. and Terminer • and Gene
. Delivery,. Quarter Sessions of the
_Pence, Orphan's Cain and 'Court of Common
Pleas for the County Of • Potter,
have :issued
their precept, beariog date ihe 2200 .day of
Oct., in. the year of our Lor.l one 'thousand
eight hundred and filty.s.i.:„ and to .me direc
ted., tier holding a.Court of Oyer, and Terminer
and Genaral fail Delivery, Qunrter Se:Shins
of the Peace. Oreban's Court, and. Conn of
Common Pleas, in 1112 Borough of Couders -
port, on 'MONDAY, the nth day of Dec.,
Alexi, and to ern.tanie one week.
Notice •is therefore hersby given to 111 C
Coroners, Justices of the Peace, initt Cont;tl.•
; hies within the coutft2. - , that they b, then and
II ere 11l their proper peraous. at 10 o'clock.
A. Jl. ,of . l.aid day, with their rolls. vocords,
inquisitions, exa irtinatiens. and other reineni.
branres, to do those thing, Nvbiell toiheir tAlieeN
appertain to be done. And • those w h o n.f•••
bound by their ri_cognizances to im•secute
ngainst the prisoners utat ne or . i.he l lie in
the jail of the said enttnty of Potter are to lie
ihen and there to pre,ce,lo...e against titcut rui
will (Jujus?.
Datrd ut Comlersport, June 19th, 1616, mid
the SO:11 your of the Independence of ti:e
United States of Anteriett.
R H VR.III\;GON, itavirtz
g:tget.l the II =low in SchoolnaLer
Jackson', &ore, will carry on the.
there. Watch and Jewelry carefully re
pairell; in the style, and on tha shortest
notice. LITAII work waran'ed.
Gen erN. "lection. Proclamation
DURSUANT to an A( t of the Gen
eral Ac- , emb!y of tbe Coniuminve3lth of
Penn , :ylvania, entitled 'Au Act relating to the
cm, : m. v rawc-,h..,, , - approved
ate second d ty of.luiv, A. D. one - .thottsand
eight hintdred and t hirty-tene, I, Pi
STEnolvs, Sheriff of the coon:} of Potter,
Pentt:ylvenia, do Iterehi make known and
give notice to the elee:ors of !lie county afore
said, a Ganeral Election will toil Id in
s l 'deot: tyof Potter on the second
t!;e 4th day of :\ ovember next, being 6. the
Tuesday next tiler the tirst M MAl:ty Of 'S:tid
mouth," in the several dis:ricts wi:hin the said
county, to-wit:
For the towtiship of sl,tho't.. at li, nonce of
F. B. ; Welt:, iti s.tid ;
For the tow.ishp Aileg tity, at the school i
-homi.o near Ches!ttrAedrett s its.iid township. )
. For thc te.wiiship of en, et the house I
of A. It. s :id towehhip " -
For the towliship of Chia, at the school
hens°, totrueltip.
For the towaship of Ettlitlia, at the Court 1:
on=e, in the Borough of Coudersi on.
For - the loWitship of Genes , ce, ;It the house
ofJ. C. Vs.ivattatigh, is s ,id tow. ship, - •
For the towi.slud of Ii trrison, ut the house
of hit Bartholantew. tit said t ‘o w ii si i i i i•
For the township of Ilebrom nt benooll/01/F•C
NO, 5, tte Ir llenTc 1.:4% - ih Ito e,
For the towi.shid cl at the house of
:keep s townshio.
For the tow, Aldo of floater, et the house of
Jdllll.lti E. Quimby, in s :id mwas
re, the towitshlit of tts:r tyo, at the house 1
ofJolto Welles, in sid tow.l.shiu. ' I
For 14C 10:%"1/r.431s of k'ilitravd J• cltson. at
hr use of Elij.,ll Joh ;,0 l'tke tow, shit.
Fqr - the tot.;..s:ri;r of Pie s tut I. the
school 1,0 i. 413 I!! a tiel Mu: th . y.
Fo r the towi-shid of Po, tage, nt the house
of 11l am F. Size r. i t said tow-ship,
For the towtiship of I,lo4leite, at the school
house, tic ir George 'Weimer's, i s tone- I
For the towl.slC,l, of Fh iroa. -t the 'sehoul
house near Joh.] Von. hoes. shiir.
It the 11011911
Ur Aseruoli ,rt, In s.otl
For the tow..shi, of S:ery dioa. at the
house of Johu 1. 4 Clark; io s.i.l tun -hilt.
For ;he tow• ship of t.. 4 ittnati;, ;I: the house of
Cel Cook, i.l still tow!.?.hip.
Fo r die towdship . ol Ulysses, at the rc-use of
4tlas said
For the towitshh. or 14 e4l Brai , ch, zit the
hou,,e I..emttel II ittioto.l.l, itt s towushp.
• For the tow,shii, of 11'11 nun, ~t the house
efJoseph L. Nelso.i, slid tosvG , ltip.
For the Hot ouch of (:olitle.son . t, at the
Com., H vase 117:4 lid Bo:.oitg•h.
The ofileeri to he elected at ;he time, and
place afercstid are Twerits.,::eveit iterstet4 :et
r.,;; 10c l'r...:;;;lent anti Vice i'resitlettt ui
the I.'llited Stags.. •
It is ihniter d.recteil tint the meeting of the
return judges et the Court I loese in Couders
port to in ihe out the ge.irr sh tll he
od the tirst Vritl ty succeeding. the ge,
election, which witt he the 7th (lay of or eel
bet. •
3.5 u
2 "O.
I also make known a-d gird notice.; as in and
by the .R.t.h • e oldie aforesaid act I alit di-
Ted:Cll, tit it every - perm•l et cepting Junkies
of the Peace, who Muds any office of impoint
meat of profit or 'roc under iii 'Government ;
of the I t a lted States or of this State, or of ally
ity or incorporate:) ffstriet, whether a coin
missio.led officer or oiherivisii, a sithordimite
efficer or agent, who is or shall be employed
limier the legislaifre, judiciary; or executivo ;
department of this st ite or United Slates, or I
of any city. or incorporadd dis riot, mid also 1
that ()very 'member u . t . Congress and -of the I
sime Legislature, and of ihe selcet and coin I
mon council (Wiley city, or commissioners of I
incorportted district, is by law inc ipalde
of holding or exercising at the saute time the
office or appointment or Judge. Inspector. or i f
Clerk of any.clectiot in tint Cominimweatih,
and that no Immemor or Judge, or other tnlicer
of . any Such eiection shall be ctigibto to any 1
office then to be voted for.
Also. that itt the fourili section of the Act of
II- I:
L' 7,4
8,0 f)
Assembly, entided "An Act rela:ing to exec,
'ions and f.r o:her purposes, " approved
April Pith I`-td, it is emc:ed th_it tlre aforesaid
]Sill section shill tot be so cons - rtied as to pre
veut any tuidtary officer or liermigh officer
from serving as Judge, Inspector, or Ciers of
any gedcral or speetai is the Coin
Pursuant to the. provisiOns of the. Gls! sec
tion fetid act , "every genertl and special
e'.ectiou-shall - :t;e opened between the hours
of 8 cud .10 in the fornoon ; and shall continue
without interruption or adjoaroment until 7
o'clock in the °venal!, when the polli shall
be closed.
Giro under my hand at Coudersport, this
4th d,ty•of Uetober, A. D. I`.";t3, ,thd in the
tilst v' it of the' lodepen.lance of thy
States. A. S fEBBINS, Sheriff.
Oct. 4,185 G
TIRED, A tale of the Dismal Swamp.. For
Li! pit at the JOURNAL BOOK SfOKE.
pUTNAM'S, Grahatn . s, frark Leslie s
Blackwood's,Knickerbocker, and House
hold Words, for sale at the
A. STEL'BINS. Sh,ritT.
m HE snbscriber has just 'teemed a goner
at as.3ortment of 'fall and winter goods
eondsting of
DRY GOODS, 7 1 •
,•• HATS & CAPS, .
mid abnot every artiee • needed in - the town
and vicinity, which he pledges himself to sell
as low as the
his wistowers and friends and the pub
lie gen.mdly.are call and exatutne
for themtalves.
CondeNnort Oat. Ith, Nns
THE timit.,r,iglied havingpurchased
the entire Sock of Books lively owned 1
by Tyler & Joues, and emrpleted her as-
eorment by new purchases iu the ei:y, Wren
to the pubic, the greatest variety and .hest
selected Stock of
• -
MISC ULAN 110153
Books ever presented fur Kite M this county.
All the new books of any :value are kept
.constMtly on hind, or procured by • xpre•s
for en•itoiners who may desire them. It is
be.ieved it a faithful attentiol to bo , iness,
and an .earne4t desire to oblige all who may
deal wits her, will secure a liberal amount or
Sehoul Book 4, Stationery ofall kinds, ma
, tsrals fur Paper Flovers eie., constantly on
I 1.1 ; also Music, Ala p 6, Ins•ru
mems. Please call and examine for vouNeives.
M. W. 11:11 \.
Coudersport, May 14,
'5 - 7" H. OLIN & CO., 1)1 . the Yates
V • Dmi,tv Nurseries, ILIVO for ante a
lanze mat v eat ta FRUIT TREES
of itcorirtics alally Tiles,•Tree.l
u n. yonng and of TIP! (1 , 1111-
411:e.the Muni. chtlie, kwAva, Nlnrs
ran't•ii zraniar, Al.,ala k of 011.VA
iresi or.ters to C. 1.34AL;11, P,a
littes Co.. N. V.
6 ,to. 31. 1...356.--:?.atoc
Agents Wanted,
into I:SI'ON:SII3LE Local and Travelog In-
W:lilted to operate for a
perm mem Company, to %vital) vocl induct:-
me - IJ, , will be o:feral.
Addreis 1). S. LIJSS, 112 l'or'd, P.
. 6
riTARIES and Almanacs for 1856
Case;, Card Cases,
Thermo:nu er , ,
CIO ;( or the Ilo;iLloys,
Cho“ Moo,. Dratrillg piper,
Httard,„)lonochrornatie Board,
II dirpathie. Encyctoyedia, by Dr. Trail,
Fatots PhyLticiati—Dr. :Thew,
Penplior "'open+, at the
v•HoNDA , _; EgEEDO3I 4 By.
J f", Fred. Dotigk,;,..
Jonrnev to Can:ral .1 fri ea . Bavat d Taylor
Third Gal,cri of Por,rati:g,
Fathyr.C;ark, the Pioneer Preacher,
The Ilidden Path,
laWei for Criiic-t..
Tore, her wi:h a general stock of Standard
and lli,tcellatteott: 11 - drks; good books for
ri iiln.4 . People; Stat i onery at Woolestfle &
Re'lit: Slake, Nils; Pcneits,
everything ut the , greatest variety usually
kept in a Book Store.'
LATES. Yencil.s, AVriting Hooks
K.JDrawiti:_r 11001:s, Acewintaild :I,•tilt-azl.l
Class Boolzs. Nk. Paper Chalk, Criy:
So . ;11111g Wax: Drawill.
awl r). , 4611.: Po.irds,
alai nirte-Motinuics
Call and examine a:
t •
ROCIIT-ziTER. will visit Cot:-
131.1tsportr, o.l . Ttte3lay, October, 22, 1456,
fur the ;dur.use. of re:uleri•lg medie it aul to
those aftEczed With CultuNic com,.l.:i4ts. such
THE LiviAt, DYSPEPSIA 0 , ,d miI
FENIA ;A1 COM PLArs . r,
cANL7EN... 4 . TUMOR,S, UL
EYE, DisEAsEs or, THE
:NIAN S Y ST I:31.
1113,1'1` . .-tf.
-s , lliscr:bers take method of in
forming their frictuk th rt they are in re
ceipt of, and arc no.: opening, a choice and
deiirable stoch of
to wh;ch they invite thu attentiun of all who
desire to make purchases. Onrstock is large,
has been selected with great pare, and is par
ticularly ad ipted to the wank of this section
of the country. Oor stock of Dry Good,con
sists of
llayss GooDs. Tansstsc.s, Itissoss, Em
u:lt-um:lllEs, PARASOLS, CLOTHS, CAS
6.IIIRTISGS, 4.1,S ENS, Plusis t
lio,:u.rev, SHAWLS, •
and a varie,y of - wher articles, too numerous
to mention. We:have also a complete assort
ment of
all of which will he sold uncommonly cheap
for ready pay. and for approved credit au as
reasonablo terms as any other establishtnent.
milloqvt, Aug: 11,1356.—J:13:ff
TIRAFTINty Lutruments, WaterCulorA
Drawing Paper, Peacila, and Bruehea,
jnat received by
11E- IV -.: F I R ;'!: .
Tundersignoti having formed co
pdrnerahrp under the name and titia of
for the pitrpoce'of extending their ttsenditeas
in the Ae,camiie bismema, have purchased
the eiviro szock of C. S. Jonci, .1.e;,% is Mann
and .deneq, whieh with the largo ad
didoes,mrs being made to the consondated
Stock, by duly arrivaNfrimt New York aid
Philade!ph:a, enables. them to Mier to twit
Pubic and each of their fernier ctutotners.
the hir4e:i, hest and - most extensive assort ;
men: m goods ever brungh: into 1'0;4
To accommodate themio:re3 and their coo
totarA..ltry have remode`ed the Store form
erly u. e c ,ted by C. S. Jones, where they
rmy at all times ready and .willing
to 'e.:l; :t i c.:ll all who may . extend to theta
their p . fotutge... Their Stuck cot:m . l.lp o
Llry Goods,
Xails , CT
, • 9 1 ` . ..;
C. S. JONES,' L. MANN'. A. JO E 3
Coudersport March,-20th,
Are now receiving a large lot el the boo
Style Prints j consisting of Cochcco, Merl'
mark, PhAips Allen &Sons-, Briggs, Sprague
& Co. Warranted • fast colors, also a lul
of Cheap Prints. Call & Esatnine.
would oil the attention of those who are id
want of Cloths to their Stock, which they tti_
continually tvplenishing consisting of -
Broad . Clotho,
Cassitner6s oaf ell g,ratle4 and - styles, Sattino
JE4yIXS 4.e.
N NTE have now on hand several
1Y of Fanner Satio, which ie warrants!
to give szitisfnqiun, Try n.
‘...1 and exainine their a.sortment of Sheet'
logs, Shirting, Dentin., Tick., Alamein
Stripei and Check.. They are just receiving
a hindsoine lot 'of Bleached goods, whlel
they are deiirous of haviug their cols:oaten
OLD fashioned Minify for sale nt
AV El 2 ehlas3°rm o
have notions,which Ne.trewilling
to cell at reasonah;e profit, Linen thread,
Cotton • do. (spool strain:) Linen and
Cotton Floes, French Working Cotton
Knitting do. Needles, Yin 3, with ahnost every
thing belong:ng to thl4 depart:nut f - Trade,
. JONES, KANN & JoNcs.
ALL who are in want or Boots or Shoes
will please call and o
Which 14 the largett ever opened in th
county. and we feel confident that we es
Fai ISly the critical. Vie have also it
connection with thi,; 1%...ne1t of our business
Boot r Shoe
c , l -cM iri 3 -
0- a • 0
Where ‘va c:to order any hind of work: atvi
lie;ieve that oor Ibme irafte work is sd i
perior to that which is broaght from abroad
•I, F: A. T II E It
of the It'elt quniitc , and of all the dirfori
kind+, ',tool fi Shoe finding s A
JONES. MANN t.V-.197.;E5.
TENS (Ellack and qroco) from twemty-fiva
cts. to a dollar, constaniiv on hand ai
JONES, - 111Vir& JONC.S.
OUR Sine): of Grncero.4 e.Tered to •titt
insi,e.e.„ oll of the Pithi:c with the fat
belief it 1,3- the be4t in the Connty. . We
itrend th it this triPpaKinent of our busitm
shall alsva)s be ke;n in • readiness to sopplj
the Iratt:3 of this coannuttio•.:
TUNES MANY & JONES, have certain
the be,t scoot or Ifa rd ware or*
kept in place, and they. in:end to keel
every thing in this lino, and we feel COOifiel
that we eau do a, Well by the reepie of Lk
County as will be, done by theat at Wel)griNo
Alamo Stock of Crockery
,to !cleat from
1;1 - TANTE° it.iust>, \Ns it jowg
WW v %%rh e a% Rye, Back .vhaat Cern 01:2,
Potato; 8,
. .
Or anything the Farmers have re ,sj
can find ready sale for at onr,Stera.
W E are keeping a geed 115jOrtv.!1. of
from which we will sspply tk e Tnick-Sni ha
of this section, as fvorably as they lob
dealt with at, .
. -JONES, MANN 4- TONT - .7.5:,
WOULD Respectlitlly e.k the Tax ferns
of this county to extnine the Advan
tages, oderod them in this place, for the ex
changing of their farm produce for cash or
Merchandise, almost all kinds of grain, and
in fact, every kind the fanner has to Jell ; bears
a more advanced figure in Coudersport, than
at ray of the Northern markets, wh:lu this
good. of tho Merchant, , are about the cams
price, excepting the heavy articles, which,
hare Transportation added.
Marsh 4th, MG,