The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, October 11, 1856, Image 4

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Tittoriai History of the World, FROM THE EAR
s olumes in one, comprising, nut 1, Ancient
History., Part 11, History of the Middle
Ages. Part 3, Modern history. By John
Frost, L. L 11., Author of Pictorial history
of the United I:gates, Pictorial Life of Wash
. ington,,& . c , &c, New Edition, with addi
tions and c irrections by the Author. Illus
trated With over tire hundred engravings,
from Drawings by Croome, Derereux, and
other distinguished artists. This work COIL
, tins over 11141 ::.:111,,er nu) al Octavo Pages.
and user 800 liner Illustrations than have
cs cr been engraved for any history in this
country; it is handsomelyand substantially
bound in embussed morocco, gilt back.
rat feints in Modern History. By John Frost.
Comprising. the Most Remarkable Discov
eres, Conquests, Revolutions, Great g a t.
ties, and other Thrilling incidents chiefly
iu I.urope and Anierice, Irma the com
mencement of the Sixteenth Century to the
present time. Embellished with over &oil
Imgravings by W. Crounte and other em
inent artists. It contains over t,01./ Royal
Octavo pages. and also a large colored Map
of the Worid 7di; cgs, with side m a ps o f
California, Oregon, Illingarv, Austrian
mipions &c. Lewd in cullwised morocco.
gilt liaak. Price
Panorama of the Old World and the 'New.
prising a view - of the present state of the
nations of the w °rid; their names, costonts,
and peculiarities, and their politmal, moral,
rocial, and It:Mistrial condition. Inter-
Epersed with historical sketches, and anec
dote:, by Willem! Pinnock, Author of the
history of Lnaland, Greece, and Route.
I:Marged, revised, and embellished ivitlt
EV:end hundred Engravings, inciuding mea
t/ linely colored plates, from designs of.
Crootne, Devereux, etd other distinguished
'ardits. It contains os er tiuu pages, bound
in embossed morocco, gilt back.
Ihril,ang Adventures Mona the Indians. By
Frost, L. L. D. Comprising the most
remarkable Personal Narratives of events
-in the early Indian Wars, as well as o.
Incidents in the recent Indt..n ilus;ilities in
1 1 %lesim and Texas. Illusirated with user
Engravings trout designs by W. Croome,
end other distinguished artists. It contains
pages octas o Bound 1111110fLICCo,
Vitack. Price *1.75.
Petals and Pleasures of a Hunter's Life. Witlt
fine colored p a ti, !urge EMto. 32t.; pages
'rice ;;,..1.1.10.
Cobtiests of theßible. ily Vincent W. M Es elite in . the lii
Tory of Christianity, from the time of our.
savior to the pre- , cat day. 3SG pa,ges.l".mo
Illustrated with MI we roll: , CHU
The most popular au:litir of the day, and are
tie , Inn-I sale:di:it book , ,pub;ishett, aud are
illustrated with tine ougra nig; : •
Sketches: of Life and Character. An omar o v ol
hoe ill or c.r -1111 1 page. beautifully illustra
ted, and bound in the best English muslin,
gilt back. Price
Lights and Shadows of Real Life. %Viilk au au
_ todiograpliy and portrait of the author.
Over 5110 page , octavo, with tine tinted
engravintrs. Bound in the best English
Intisdn, rill back.
Leaves front. the Book of Human Life. Largo
:;20 pages., NVilli illu-eratious and
s:eel plate.
6'Llden litains from Life's Harvest Field. 13o: o.
f 10 page 4. Bound in muslin, with a
Pe:1,1161111 mezzotint engraving. :•;::
TEil Rights in a Bar Room, and what I saw There.
• r.ituo. 2.1.1 page , . :$ 0 .75.
The Fireside Angel. tit page 4, mo., with 'an
engraving,. Bound in gilt edges.
Price *25.
Tile six following books aro bound in uni
form style, as "Auvitun's Currant: LIItHARV,"
1111 d are ,old in sets or sep irately, each %V.
!low being comp:ezu in it,eir Loch %online
k•.tntains over .2.0) page, large itt!mo , and is
.etrlheni-hed NVitil a lino mezzotint engraving
*4. ,:51•-,
rUSTS 05 nit; WAY OF LIFE,
4;t6tl VP Tilt ittol:,Etiut.D, .00
""111 of the above hooks are beautifully and
Substantially bound, printed oit tine white
p.ilwr, and the PulAsher would especially
call the attention of Agents to the Met that
they are not sold to Booksellers on any terms,
tiles lug agent the ads antage itt selling,
w Inch minnut be had in the ;sale of books
turn Shed from Bookstore.;, as each Agent has
the sole and exclusive control of the sale itt
any secduu of the country he twat' agree to
-!tit N:rth Fourth st., Philadelphia.
ILour rrociamalion.
WHEREAS, the Hon. Robert G. White,
V President Judge, and the lion. U. A.
and Mann, lisqq., A sso ci a te
Judi,rs M . the Court,: of Oyer and 'Terminer
air! G •neral Jail Deli% ery 7 (Inartfir So.Nions
of the' Peace, Orphan's Court and Court of
Corn 11101) Pleas Ibr the County of Potter,.
. ;:•t , is , ited their precept, bearing date the
Oa- of September, in the year of our
i.-Ati - Vne thousand e;ght hundred and filly
finzr, and to rue directed, for holding a Court
of Dyer and Terminer and Denerat Jail De
livery., quarter Si --ions of the Peace, Orphans'
Ccurt, and Court of (2011)111011 Pleas, in the
Doroutzli of Coudersport, on NitiNDAY, the
)7th day of September next, and to continue
or•.e u,•ek.
• -Nc.tice is therefore hereny given to the Cm;
0n:44, Justices of the Peace, and Con:tab:es
the county, that tltey be then and there
tn heir proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
f said day, sent their rolls, records, inquisi , '
Cons, examinations, and other remembrances.
to do .1‘0:e thirgs which to their offices ap
pertain be done. And those who arc bound
by b it reeognizances 'to prosecute against
the premners that are or shad be in limpid of
the said county of Potter, are to be then and
:there •0 prosecute against the In as will be just.
Dated dt Coudersport, May 25th 16•7,5, and
the ;.o.h year of the Independence of the
Utmed ,rates of America.
A. STEBBINS, Sheriff.
Drafting instruments,
w t‹r uokus, Diawing Paper, Pencils, and
rakl6llV:k t
,lust received at
NEIV supply of Fluid ana Cam-'
new and beautiful
pm:, rig.. Just recencd and fur sale low-at
New Good.
T ii. TYLER bus juet returned from th
hmt is now prepared to show t It
/ nd belt ituck of Drugs, Medicine -
I'm tits, Oils, BA, Sta:iouery. raper Ha a
und Fancy Goods in the county.
tie is also prepared to sell towr tlia
e anti as 101 l es any other establiah
in Coudersport.
Aprills. 1853.
1%,1 , ,•r, fens, vtc.,i)f every kind iuquired
fur m this part ut the country, just received
and for nnfe ut the
tterurn _at 7/ ais ,
Coudersport, Pa, will re4ularly attend the
ousts iu Potter county. 3-4Ctf
attoturp at Raiti p
Wellsborough, Tioga county, Pa, will regular
ly atteud tile courts of Potter county.
Juiio 3, ISIS.
MILE undersigned having Lylea .entrusted
with the care of several large tracts of
and in this county, has wade himself ac
quainted v‘ ith the lands anal land titles of this
county, anti will give iunnediute attention to
•any business of t is nature that may_ be en
trusted to hint. J. S. 31ANN.
attend to all business entrusted to
his care with promptuess - and fidelity.
o:lice—in the Temperaure Bleck, up stairs
Main -street, Coudersport, l'a.
A rro.R.N LI: AT LAWt , —Ottico, East side
of the public square, Coudersport,
By specad arrangement the professional ser
vice of r. J WIN sos, Esq., may be engaget
through hint in all cases in which he is no
previously concerned.
N. B.—All claims due and payable to the
undersigned, persbnaliy and
tiny be found ni the hands of Isaac Benson,
Esq., for adjustment. S. r. JOHNSON.
:Burch 3, 16.1z . :'. 1-thf
uttpod the several Courts in Voile:.
and .3.l'Kean counties. All business cull - listed
to his Cure will receive prompt attention.
(Mice on Alain,treot, oppoiite the Coutt.
w. )3: 7 KING,
s.zurbrgor, Eicaftmman, atcb
Keen Co., Pa,
Will attend to business for non•rosident land
hoiden+, upon reasonable terms. References
given if required.
I'. S. Maps of any part of the County made
to order. ' 7-33
B, BROWN would giN e notice to the
• public that he is prepared, at his Foun
dry in Coudersport, to do all manner of C•ST
IMI —will make and finish to order all kinds
of Muckintry, Mill Gearing. Board and Log
Cars ; Sleigh-Shous of a-al every
article needed by a Lumbering community.
And to fanners he would say, - that he has
procured sonic of the . Lo 4 Plsw patterns in
use, both Flat Laud and Side Hill, and keeps
them constantly on hand. Aud will make to
order Field Rollers, Ilarriars, caltiraforr,aud
es ery article used by tht 111 in his line or busi
ness. lle is prepared also to du all kinds of
And front his long experience in the above
business, lie feels confident of giving satisfac
tion to tilos° who may give him it call.
B.—Old iron bought, or taken in ex
' change for work. 7.27 y
BIBLES, Eng - lis II and Germ an,varioety
styles and sizes, at the Journal Bo ok Store
Pocket Bibles, flymrißooks, Prayer Book,
Webster's Dictionary, nnubriclged-, octave
high school and common School 'editions
• Harper's Ettiv.ersal Gazetteer,
Crialea's Concordance. Testaments,
Putuain's Magazine, bound,
Bayard Taylor's Works, 5 vols., -
Poets rend Poetry of America, `
Poets and Poetry of Eugla ad,
Layard's Nineveh and Babylon,
Willis's Poerns,
Goldsmith's, Gray's, Otsian's, Cook's, and
Tennyson's Poems,
Paradise Lost. Lady of the Lake,
Prescott's Histories. Mexico and Peru,
Thiess' French Revolution; •
Josephus. Rollin, •
'Winthrop's New-England.
blacauley's England. Dickens' England,
The Spectator, 8. vols., Bvo.,
Children's Books—and Toys.
Selicol Books, every kind called for in
Lida, French, and German School Books,
Levcrett's Latin Lexicon,
Drawing Paper, Books, and Cards,
Drawing Pencils—Crayon's, Toy Paints,
Colors for oil painting. Music.
8r181101 ,, , Chalk, Pens, Quills, Paper of every
variety called -for. Wafers, Wax, &c.
Materials Ihr Paper Flowers.
Harrison's Couing-Ink—Davids' Blue Ink.
Indelible ink, several kinds. Hovey's Ink
Many Phrenological and Hydropathic
FeWler and Wells' publications.
Blank Books. Meals. and Diaries.
Teacher and Parent.
Theory and Practice of Teaching.
Life of Horace Greeley.
Star Papers ..H. W. Beecher:
Works of Theodore Parker.
Shakspeare &c., &c .,
Fur sale cheap at the
And• 1555
New Goods.
TA W. SPENCER has just returned from
..11-7• the city with a large stock of Groce
ries, Drugs and Medicines, and a general as
sortment of Fancy Article; and many other
things - too numerous to mention, which . will
be sold lOw for cash or ready-pay.
"I Come to bring you Life and Health."
DR. CURTIS' HYGEANA, or Inhaling
Ilygean Vapor and Cherry Syrup, fOr tbri
cure at Pulmonary Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Cough 4, Colds, and all Lung and
Liver complaints. A new method of 'Mth
tam for the cure of the above named.diseases
For cafe by 1). W, SPENCER.
Dr. Larduer's Lectures on Science and Ar
Gilfillan's Literary Gallery.
• The May Flower, by Mrs. Stowe.
Life of Sam Houston.
North and South.
Jack Downing.
Our World.'
School Books, Blank Books,
Slates, Stationery, Gold and Silver Pens.
Magazines for June.
Usr Also, a General Assortment of NEW
GOODS for the Spring Trade, just received.
and for sale very low, at the-
Coudersport, May 31, 1555.
JL — Merchants and Pedlars will be supplied
with all kinds of Patent Medicines at :Manu
facturers' wholesale prices by
EA S, fresh and cheap, at
Coudersport Academy,
mHE Summer Term °Cads institution will
.1 - commence on Wednesday; dune 20, 1P35,
and continue eleven week:.
Elementary branches—Orthography,
Geography, Arithmetic, Physiology, $3.00
higher Arithmetic, First Lessons in
Algebra, and Englisit Grtmmar,.......3.50
IlighexEnglish branches, Philosophy,
' Astronomy Algebra, &e.. C
Higher gathematics and the Languages, 6.00
'Drawing, extra, 1.50
Instruction on the Piano Forte,extra,...lo.oo
Use of instrument. 3 00
Vocal musicfree of charge.
Pre-paymeitt of all bills strictly required.
Either higher class of studies will in
elnde any_or all the lower classes.
The subscriber takes this occasion to ex
press his thanks to the people, of Putter 4nd
of other sections for tbetr liter l support
during the past year, and to assure them that
no pains will be spared in the future that may
be required to make this - school an institution
worthy of the entire confidence and support
of all who desire a sound rudimental as well
as a thorough mathematical end classical
The undersigned Officers and Trustees of
the Coudersport Academy are moved by a
sense of official and personal dffiv, to call the
attention of the public, and of the
.. people .of
our county' in particular, to the rising and
useful character, of this institution of learning.
_ When we invited the present worthy Princi
pal to the post he occupies, we found the Acad
emy depressed and declining. We submitted
its organization and other most onerous atlairs
to his discretion and management; and our
experience enables us with increased confi
dence to assure parents and guardians. hat he
has proved faithful, efficient, and prv.tital--
just such au instr..;etor as tins community'
H. 11. DENT, President,
11. J. 0 L3ISTED, Treati„ Trueteos
'l'. B. TYLER, See'y, S
MEN. •
Xundersigned, agent for the Patentee
X in Potter and the adjoining counties of
Pennsylvania and New-I.ork, would respect
fully call the attention of Lutharmen and
others to this labor-sal ing machine, patented
Nov., ]ts], and now in, successful operithon
in various parts- of the United States. This
nnichine will rive and shave from one to two
thousand shingles per hutir. and will work
hemlock equally as well as nine, the practical
working of which can be seen at GenCsee
Fork, where one is now in operation. Any
information respecting the saute will be given
by addressing the subscriber,
Ellisburg, Pa. March:l:2
‘,.ILATES, Pencils, Writing Books,
13 Drawl Lig Books, Accouutund Memorandum
Books, Tracts, Sunday School Question and
Glass Books. duk, Caper sand,, Chalk, Cray
ons; 't; caiing Wax, Tissue, Tracing, Brewing,
and Glazed roper; blotting Boards,
rated73Jards, Curt-Folios, and rune-Mummies.
Call and examine at the
-DRY, established in 1t 4 13,
.has now on
hand, ready for immcdiiitc ddicery, in (*toms to
suit purchasers,
JUO,OOO lb. Roman Type of new cut,
511,000. " Fancy '1) pe,
10,000 " Scripts of various styles.
5.00 " 61,11:111111A,
5;000 " Ornaments in ;great variety,
5,000 " Borders,
30,000 feet Brass and Type Metal Rules, and
all the nOvelties in the business. -
All the above Types are cast by steam
power, of the new metal peculiar to this
dry, and which is coraimy superior td- tut . v
ever used liefore - iu any part - ftt . the worni,
The unequalled rapidity in the process of
casting, enables mu to sell these more durab!e.
types at the prices of ordinary types, either
on credit or for cash.
Presses, Wood Type, and all other Printiolr.
Materials,. ext opt paper and Cards; (which
InWe no fixed quality or price,) furnished at
in.inufacmrers . prices.
The latest Specimen Book . of the Foundry:
is freely given to allprito Mg offices, on the re
peipt of filly cents to prepay postage.
Printers of newspapers who choose to
publish this advertisement, inc!udiwr this note,
three times before the first day of July, 1t5.7),
and forward me one of the papers, will be
allowed their hills at the time of purchasing
ivo times the amount: of my • manufactureS.
NewNork, F 1555.
Address, GEO. BRUCE, '
1:3 Chambers-st.,
War Declared at Last.
TILE lona, repose ofiittrope is about.,
to be disturbed by the bugle's note and
the reville of the drain, calling its xitunber
ing millions to arms in the defense of their
lirzsides . and their country. England and
France arc calling fur inert and means, and.
rending Cut•}card their armies to battle against
the aggressions of the liussiiht Bear; but
while the Old World is convulsed by revolu
troll,unusual peace and plenty reign in the
In the peaceful and . quiet pursuit of our
business we have•'formed a copartnership
under the name and style of N. S. BUTLER
& CO., and have taken the store in Eminre
Block, in the village of Olean, formerly occu
pied by 'Thing & Brother, and are DOW re
ceiving a splendid new stuck of pods adapted
to the season . and wants of the community,
which we intend to sell exclusively .fin cash
down, at prices that will cause consternation
and dismay in the ranks of old fogyism that
has been so long established in this section.
Our stock will consist in part of the follow
ing Goods ;
linedvs - are, Crockery, Boots & Shoes,
-Hats, - Caps, Carpets,
Oil Cloths, Drugs, Medicines,
Dye Stud's, Glass, Paints & Oils,
Sash, • Putty, . Chairs,
Bedsteads, - Mattrasses, Feathers
• Stone uud Wooden Ware,
And we mean to keep such au assortment of
the above goods that persons. from a distance
can be assured of finding everything: they
usually want at prices that will do them good
Cull and see for yourselves.
N. S. BUTLER & Co.
Olean, clay 5,1854. 6-51
ONEY.—A good qnglity of honey for
JO- sale at' C. SMITH's
Bounty Land.
THE uudcrsigned will give partieu
lec attention to the procuring of Bounty
Land for all those entitled thereto under the
late or any previous Act of Congress.
A. C. 01.111:STED.
Coudersport, Pa., March 15,1853. z. 43 gin
HA RPE R., Godey, Graham, and 'Putnam
jastreceived and for sale at 25 cents !awe
ntuber, by TYLER & JONES
RIME WA. • • • .
Brought Home to the Door of the Million
A WONDERM thscovrmy has recently
bcerimade by Dr. Curtis, of this 'city, in the
treatment of Consatraptkm, Asthma, and all
diseases of the Lung. We refer to " Dr. Cur
ti' or Inhaling Ilygean Vapor and
Cherry Syrup." With this new method Dr.
C. has restored many afflicted ones to perfect
health ; as an evidence of which he has innu
merable tertilicates. Speaking of the treat
ment a physician says : it is evident that in
haling—con,tantly breathing an agreeable,
sealing vapor, the medicinal properties must
come in, direct contact with the whole of the
axial cavity of the lungs, and tnus escape the
many and varied changes produced upon
them when introduced into the stomach, and
subjeCted to the process of digestion. The
llyg.ena. is for-sale at the druggists' through
out the cottuttv.
Ni T. Dutchman, Jan. 1 4
The Inhaler is worn on the breast under the
linen without the least inconveuience:--the
heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate
the fluid.
Hundreds of cases of cureslike the follow
ing might be named. One package of the
Ilygemi has cured me of the Asthma of six
years standing. .
Jas. F. Kcesherry;P. 1 T., Duncannon, Pa.
I am cured of the Asthma of 10 years stand
ing by Dr. Curtis' Ilygemia.
irdrgaret Eastman, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. Paul of No. 5 Mammond st., N.Y., was
cured of a severe case of lironclictis by the
IIY sister had . been cured of a Aistressing
cough of several years slanding, and decided
to he incurable dry her physicians , - She was
cured in one month by the Hvgeana.
J. IL-Gaubert, P. 1 L,'Richmo n d, Me.
Price Three Dollars a Package.—Sold by
No. 149 Chambers .st., N. 1.-1 Packages
s.ent.Tree by express to any part of the United
States for '.fen Dollars.
N. B.—Dr. Ctivis' Hygenna is the original
and only genuine artie.e, and all others are
base imitation.: or vile and injurious counter
feits. Shun thew as you would poison.
Sold by Bus-ell & Scott, No. J 3 Market
street, Philadelphia. who kill sell by the
dozen at the Proprietors' rates.
New Books,'
TDA MAY, by Mary Langdon.
..ILThe Newsboy.
Bayard Taylor's Central Africa,
Lands of thiu Saracen, and
Poems of the Orient.
Fanny Fern's. last, "Ruth Hall."
Life 'l'. Barnum.
Mr. Rutherford's Children, by the author
- olThe Wide, Wide World.
Mary 11,m itt's Tales, for children.
The Young Americm's Library, consisting
of the lives of %Vas:tin:non, Lat . :9 ette,
Franklin, Marion, and eight others in
elle sett.
Lem es front the Tree Jgdrasyl, by Martha
Periscopics—Dr. Elder.
Bertha and Lily, by Mrs- E. Oakes Smith.
Webster and his Master Pieces—Teti . %
unit Memories ol• Foreign Lazuli, by
Mrs. 11. B.
4.4 recce eti and lar sale at the
Coaders mit, Dee. 7, 1t'.74. •
rip° canvass fer the best and most L•aleaHe
Beaks published. They .are written by
the most popular Authors of the day, in
cluding, among. others, T. :S• Awrimm of
tt 110,01:1,4 grew:work,
TEN :Na(arri IN BAR R. 00.11,
RI,IwO Collie:, have been sidd within a month
of publication.
These hooka are bountifully illustrated,-
(many of them with finely colored l itat,,.)
and are primed and bound m the best Manner,
Agents will find a pleasant and protitab:e
employment in their eacniation. For par
ticulars address (post paid)
Z-19 31 Pilo fisher,
No. -I:i' North street, Philadelphia.
4,,,!-PuIt.TSMEN toil l Mid Powder, Shot, Lead,
Oaud everything in the line of Ammunition,
awl Fishing Tackle of the Lest quality and at
low prices at
TYoN's KATHAIRON and other
1 : xcel Lela preparations fur cleansing .and
beautifying the It Atu, for sale at TYLEit'S.
PERSONS about to build or repair,-will find
a complete stuck of 41 iudow Sash. Glass, fatty,
Paints and Oils, for sale at fair prices by
IN LW BOOKS - jt:st received at tLe
Sept. 1, 7-16
eiIIEST HANDLES, Drawer do.,
‘..lVetches, Baiter Snaps, Wardrobe hooks,
Barn Door llingis kept for sale by
School, Viliversity. Octavo, awl Quarto
eaitions, fur sale by
Strin&s at •
Drag and Book Store
A/ RAINS :nt Flutes just received by
A Word to my Friends.
DSPENCERovouId respectfully in
• form his friends .and customers that he
is Gellin g 7, out his stock of GROCERIES,
DRUGS & MEDICINES &c., cheap fur
Gash or Ready-Pay.
Come one, come all. Now is the time to
make good bargains.
A choice lot of PATENT MEDICINES
on hand. 645
New Books.
American Agitators and Reformers,
By Bartfeu: 71;:5
Life of Wm. H. Sewtird, his Speech
c,; Orations, and Writings, 1,00
Life and 'Beauties of Fanny - Fern,....:1,15
Life of Horace Greeley, (new supply,) 145
Stanhope Burleigh, or the Jesuits in
Our Homes, (new supply,) ..1,`3.5
For sale at ' T. B. TYLER'S.
May 31. 1855.
M.carthus's T. ment.
The &it. Liniment in the World I
Prepared by A. M. CART M. D.
This ankle may be relied upon, as beir k g
sure cure for Sprains, Bnuses, Cramps,
Swellings, Itheutuatistn, Frozen Limbs; Con
traction of the Muscles, Croup, Quinsy,
Chilblains, Affections of the Spine, Nervous
Diseascs, Weakness, and for Bunts if, applied
immediately; Eruptions of the Skin, Chapped
Hands, Cuts or Sores, and effectually cowl ?
teracts any Inflammation.
And au effectual remedy for Horses and
Cattle, in the cure of the following diseases,
Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Spavins,
Ringboues, Fresh Wounds, Sweeney, Wind
galls, Lameness, Cracked Ileels, Scratches,
or Grease; and Galls of all kinds occasioned
by the hasness
- For sale by
GRAHAM'S and Putnam's Magazines,
I3lackwond's, Edinburgh Magazine, arkd
the Edinburgh and Westminster Reviews, at
the JounsAt. BOOK-STORE.
IFW . 7M - 9 I
S. M. KNIGHT, Attorney for Government
Claimants, Washiniton, D. C..,
C ONTINUES to give prompt and personalattention to the prosecution of Claims • of
every description against the Government,
and particularly to those before the Treasury
Department,' Pension and Bounty-Land Bu
reaus, Patent and Ganeral ,Land Offices, and
• Board of Claims.
An experience of years, awl a familiarity
with the means of obtaining the carlicst and
most favorable action on Claims, with his
facilities for the dispatch of business, justify
him in assuring his Correspondents,. Claim
ants, And the Public gilnerally, that- interests
intrusted to his keeping, will not be neg
He has nearly ready, for ,gratuitous distri
bution among his business Correspondents,
(and those who may become such,) a neat
pamphlet containing a synopsis of the existing
Pension, Bounty Laud, Patent, and Public
Land Laws, down to the end of the lute
Congress—inchnling the
.BOUNTY-LAND. ACT Or Mild/ 3, 1855,
under which all who have heretofore to
ceived less than 160 acres are now entitled to
additional land; said Act grants also 160 acres
to all Officers,Non-commissioned Officers,
Chaplains, Soldiers, Wagon Masters, Team
sters; and -friendly Indians, of the Army, in
cluding State Troops, Volunteers, and Slilitia
—and all-Officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen,
Mariws, Clerks, and Landsmen, of the Navy,
not heretofore provided for, n Ito have served
not less than -fourteen - days (unless in battle)
at any period since 1116 . ; and to the widows
and Minor children of all inch persons enti
tled, and deceased,' •
- This pamphlet cqutains "Forms of Appli
cation" more full and complete than any else
where to be found t adapted to . the wauts of
every class of Claimants under the Act, with,
copious decisions and instructions of the
Department, and practical suggestions as to
the course to be pursued in suspended or
rejected cases.
Parties not wishing to avail themselves of
the facilities afforded by this Office in securing
prompt inttl personal suprrinterulcocc of their
claims at the Departments, can copies
of the abode pamphlet by remitting thirty
cents in postage stamps.
Correspondents %rho prepare and forward
cases for management by this Agency will be
df.ialt with liberally; supplied with all neces
sary blanksgratts, and kept constantly advis f ;d
.orti l e changes-that from time to time occur
in the execution of the laws..
It is wiihitt the subscriber's power to direct
his Correspondents to the locality of e ery
many persons entitled under the Act; and
having obtained several ,hensand Land War
rant: under fernier laws, be is ill posse..•ion
Of data that will materially assist in securing
additional bounty.
Fees, be:etv the moral rates—and Contingent
upon the admission of
'Fito highest cash prices given fur Land
WarrnutP, evolutionary Script, and
Land Patents.
Tin and Hardware,
riMIE undersigned has connected with
_this Tin, Shet,:t. Won, Copper, Lc.,d IStovg
Wittiness, fliat 11AUDWABE and VUT
LEItV----tm that in addition to the business
heretulhre conducted by hint, he is tIONV really
supply the path.; with almost every variety
of ilunware. Mill and Cress-out lloitp
Iron ;Nails '
Cable and Ox Chains, Carpenters'
Adzes and Broadaxes, Manilla Cope Mr Ca
bles. A general assortment of Clocks, Ja
panned B are, Toy; of ewery description; and
in short, he designs to keep all :omit things as.
the public Wants in his line, which he will
sell, nut for les.; Wan cost, but lit a yeas
SMALL profit indeed, and. , hopes by a - strict
attention to his business to reccivo ;liberal
share of puhlia p4t,amage.
All kinds of Broduciltaken in eTchange for.
Goods, at slur highest market prices; also, tnn
per ton paid for old iron.
ly JAS. W. smrni.
Premium Fanning
Important to Farmers and Mechanics.
9 1 .1 - 1 E subscriber has purchased of J.
Bamborough the -right to.use in Potter and
M'Kean counties his patent in the construction
of Fanning Mills: He has also, at ;real .ex
bense, commenced the manufacture 01 a PRE
MIUM NIIEL which will clean from 100 to
200 bushels per heat.: This Mill w.s nate. ited
March 20, 18.17, since which time it hiss stood
at the head of the list at all the State and coun
ty agric;aharul societies where it has been ex-
Whited,. and is a universal favorite with all
antlers who have tried it. It took the pre
miuni at the first Agricultural Fair held at
Harrisburg, Oct. 31st, 1851, when there were
30,009 people present ; and at the great State
Agricultural Fair at New-York, held at Roch
ester Sept, 16-19, 1851, this Fanning Mill
received the highest honors.
Having met with uniform success wherever
tried, I confidently invite the farmers of Potter
and AFRean counties to call at my shop in
Coudersport and examin efor themselvi.s.
A supply always on hand, to be sold on rea
sonable tern's
rrillE subscribe' here by gives notice to thu
public that havin s - PETER
his note for eigloydollars, bearing date near
the last of March, 1851, payable 'September'
1856, and buying never received any vital':
Thersfor, he will refuse to pay me Same;
therefore he warns any person from buying
the said note %sill' and expectation of his pay
jug it. [6s:l} CUNSWEIL sTEA.RN3.
Mill Owners will always find supply of
Oil fir machinery at satisfactory prices, and
in any quantity at
TYLER'S Dru ,, Store. `
Prayer Books
Fanny Gray,
The Oracle of Flowers, and a new snp
ply of School. Boors,
Just received at the
The People's Cash Store,
Something New. and Something
THE subscriber?, 'having entered into part
nership arrangements under the firm of
" MAYNARD & tS lI,COX, Will be happy to see
all old friends, and all new friends, calling
day after day, and coMinually, at "The Peo
ple's Cash store"- in Coudersport, inquiring
for DRY GOODS, •
and,rlll the endless variety or articles which,
the. People. want, and must have. And the
subscribers will sell to their customers, old or
nem, for the Cash, or other Ready-Pay, the
very best bargains to be had in Nerlein
IGishins,l , pn, D. 1."
Machine Oil,
Couiloreport April 5, 1863.
New Casi
Hither, Ye Hungry. .
CS. JONES takes this method to inform
• the people of Coudersport and the pub.
lic generally, that he has just opened a Gs°.
eery and Provision store, where he will keep
constantly everything irr the line of "Mese
tiles," and which he will sell as reasons:rade
can be desired. The 4 ' substatitials" can bt
found here at all times, such as FLOUR and
PORK, while the appetites of the most
dainty can also be satisfied. Therefore, should:
you wish for anything of the kind, please call
and examine before purchasing elsewhere
and if he cannot satisfy you, your case must
be desperate. You will always find a fall
assortment of Groceries, consisting or Eitt
g•Jrs, Teas. Coffee,. Saleratus, Spices, Ginger,
Raisins, Candy, Crackers, Cranberries, Sal
nun, Codfish, Mackerel, Blue Fish, Rice,
.Molasses, Syrup, &c . Also, at all times,
'Pork, Flour, Lard,• Cheese, Butter, (roll and
firkin,) Salt, Hams, etc. etc.
Grain awl all other kinds of Produce takes
in exchange for goods ut the cash price.
t;4l:itf C. S. JONES.
11ACKEREL, Salmon, and Bluefish, et
11 C. S. JONES'
CPERIOR Speip and Tallow Condit. at
JLstantivon hand at th•
GRAIN and Prodneo of all kinds taken if
orcliange for u'uods at thia.stors.
llai and - Shoulders—a new assownveu
‘.../ the gnat( or 1)114101, at C. S. eliN KS'.
gritUNSMlTll,Coudergport, Pa. - Firs Arras
tuannfictnred and repaired at hi. alioNG,a
:Imo notice.
Iftich 3, 16.18.
DATI:NT PAILS, - Bed Cords, Cloihni
Lilies; Worse Cords, Curry Combo, Ilarbe
Brushes, tole sold at MANN'S.
A T Wholesale. and Retail at
• Tailoring! Tailoring! !
li' J . W. liA R.DIN G, Tvilur. All work.l
, entrusted to his care will-be.clone.
.v. I. I/ 111 . :11 tiess, ounlert, and du r ability., -
Li r' :3 Lop oi'ur LrWIS Matue.i store. 6-37'
nurniug sad CampLiao av
j - 2 thu DRUG and BOOK-STORM.
Clothing, Clothin g
THE placo to buy w•11-cuado Clotbing al
u low vise .43.1arge stock to Putect from
STEW arrival of Ayres' Pectoral at •
Drugs, Medicines,
3IEDICINES, Spirits el
Turpentine, Camphine, Burning Fluid,
Candles, fur sale low at
ODA, Cream Tartar, Magnesia, Al:um
►JClialk, Salts, and Glue, formal+, at tha.•
utto,cr.RY STORE
irt(iPEL and coach varnish can be had ik
. ../Spencer's on very reasonable terms.
dA llr. OF TAR, Merchant's Gargling Oil, tt
'ki r LC, k:tcl at SPENC Ea's,
QIIOT AND LEAD at lower tignre. that'
I,7down town at SPENCEItIc
A BETTER selectiou of Cot Too not found
_itithe county titan at SPENCER'S
F r EA by' the chest or pound for !e b•
101.1.7(C TOBACCO—Fin° Cnt, Ch eyeing,
and Smoking, by th 9 pound, at
N EW arrival of Pure Ground Coffee at
A NY one dc,iruns of a good qualits et
ti.Syrty of Molasses will do well to ss•tll ; •
AULVERIZED Corn Starch, for food, for
sale at ' . SPENCER's.
riAP, Letter, and Note Paper, 411 mind+ of
•k_lStationory, Steel-pen Holders. Wafer!,
Sc.aling Wax, Sand, Ink, Pocket-Books, lin
velope4, Visiting Cards, Jon e!rv, rine Cat
ion., and a variety of Fancy Article-i,toge4iar.
tviik Silk and Thread, etc., at
IUTTErt and Lard of a superior. quality
1.2 for sale at st,ENCTIrs.
The Journal Book-Store
OF'F'ERS to tn the public a good variety of
most readable books ; cheap for cagh e,c
family necessities. All the newest books of
rahte are kept on hand, or immediately pro..
cored-for customers, and we hope to receive
such patronage as faithful attention to Last*
tae's , , and at, earnest desire to oblige, may
deserve. New books received at short inter
vals. School Books, Stationery of all kinds,
materials for Paper Flowers, etc., constantly
on hand. Music, Maps, Mathematical lustre.
Please call and examine for yourselves st
MBE partnership. heretofore existing be
tween W. 'l'. Jones &, Bro. is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. The dace due
said firm will be found in the hands of 1 411
Jones, and all claims against seid firm are to
be presented to him fax payment.
• W. T. JON ES
Ido hereby appoint A. F. Jimei my ■gent
for the transaction and management of ah or
any of my businesA, giving him full authority
and power in the same. NV. T. JONES.
'Coudersport, September 25, 1854. •
New. Books,
TADIES and Gentlemen are invited to eaR
land examirre the new books and ether
goods just received and for sa'el.t.
Academy Text Books.
A FULL supply for sale low at
ZINC and Mineral Paints, with dirue,tics
4-4 for using, at TYLER & JO,NEWS—
D IARIES for 3855 just recaivad at -
LQVEII, SEED, nad all kincls.of Garden
../Seed, for sale at SPENCER'S.
: -