_ . '•TRE DISIMONIST 01;701=10 LFiE J42Fll_ R. N.A. I ovd Garlisun, the pnav - rll2ozpicous•disintiouist llholitjonist lin.lAse Nation, - has alicar tztpv3seo,ti Ater ' , nil men, and in ?.I.;4,eititsiit„ito 4ititi. the sw.cess in; rs . t:ba n% to pi Inout toithefitioa-wixg:tvasen as stag in sle Boston I Liberry4 4 1 . dui from the sentinn - Aivide the Urn •••• . bow'—for It is. tri . •,. ntat growing !aroner evt ;ill undoubtgly be Teal cti 4- • eni the . tr:iwliph in the -person Gf Jam ar.,. There Li. igrong grow $.l Jae be the last tr k if ply United States, in Va, the jtibilee is ns.t far dis -1..n; •' {it c h i, illeposition of the Pitunio '..j...tz.: - The'disunion pro-slavery 5r.i. 1 0.4v the same position. rr ,, tni.,ent . slave holdprs o' the ,• im've tor years avowed disunion .55 . IV giVe - afeiv * oTtbe many that rered froM time to time. hcmrt• %%11 gaTct voice to the follow ; u.ro: ak supportiti• Jarpps By :=:;ii,t6r Brawn, ofalisiissippi. • ** Wilmot Proviso-is adopted, i• e.a btOrni that will sweep and I pint. God dc .,: crl, t t wi'd do so," lfy '.N' . 4 :4a19 . r Sulu, 91 Florida. . . tp,‘ part, lam re . ll4y to prp. cc, 2 one rpe l lseves, even to the . (Itsiuivtion the - Union." By Me. Iloree, - o,f Louisiana. Th. Southern man who will stand p. rind pay that be is fur the Union, i • 11./W ;:int forever," is mole danger , thi; nvot,lo, he represents tbati ho ;.;,.i in open hostility'. Califm tramlped with air earehlu Lterltiring tin; ten itory now free, I em 'silliug to dissolve the Union, -s:tilutQlr, of Tennetfee. q•M' tilp• Wilmot Proviso is 1 and the South aro ready to svulk out of the By ....motor Thalsr,of South Carolina. ut.t not make the salvation of the Visi.m the paramount question." By &tutor Mason, of Virginia. " It I, time the yoke waa thtown off gest', the tinet,tioo taettleil. By if. Colock. of Georgia. 't It Om , Wilmot Proviao tumult] page in any form, l will introduce tt, bill fur tilic - t.lihsolotion of the Union.". By Mr. geaci, of Virgigia, " . If you cxrlude us, I am nut willing to kubinit. • We We intend to have the.lund, peacc4Ny if we Fon ;Jorcibly if tve mu Dy Xr,pl;etlie, qf 51ississippi. Toe pe,iple of the South know their right•, and will maintain them at nil Jinz:ii di, even should disunion re-,, •nit. • • The South must de: fri 4 ,l their rights at the expense of Thr..tilluwing resolution was adopt s d it, a Congressional caycus of Suuth• rn Dee , m atR, held in Washington, in Jaurgary ISI9 ; lir.co/rid, That the dissolution of the I 'ohm i.; proti;rable to the submission J.. the South to the Wilmot Proviso. The following toasts were dra tit at a f t.onocratie Fourth of July celebration t e. 4,lolison city, in Kansas .'l):suNtox—lly secession or other ‘l.!v7- a benefit; of hope to an o r pressed ;ilia the surest remedy for :••••utherti wrongs." (Enthus'c cheers.) Tilt CITY or ATCHISON—May she, ~ofre the close of the year '57, be the I '41 , 4:11 . of ;he Southern Repub4c." . . POSTING THE BOOBS Our readers will doubtless inquire svfly we ate so confident of the election r.f Fremont and Dayton. Let us an : wee by the statement of a few facts. itst, r,q tin.? side. of the Republican nididates, we find the four great daily wvapers of America, the • Tribune. 'l'jynce, Herold aild Pdit. Beside - • far as the political press is concern /A; the journals having-the greatest in tluenco and circulation threnhout the - rountry, such patters for instance as the runrier (ad Enquirer, tlie"Eeening ,ilurnal, the Chicago Tribune, the /Yu ...total Era, and the Ohio State Journ,Vz short, a very great majority of the 'ding dailies and weeklies in the , 'nifty are itafor their support. The iirrmatt press of the country is also ..t.v generaly on the side of Freedom, . iTt tier Fremont and Dayton. The „.ti g intig 'fres ? : also of the country, yry generally `casts its influence on .at side. The'''New York /adepen ,/ot for instance, ;tliA 'mnst widely (misted, atql' influential religious OA hind is' out distinctly in oPthe Republican candidates. the pnets - of the country; such sets as •Whittier,Tierrint, and Bry-• Are . writing fur ,"Freedom and i'reiint,” , The . pulpit of the coun -1:y is alcu very gepeial, Almost MI the same Aide. - 'We know ~t but 'o6o' clergymarkwithin the limits our. arquuU4auce who advocates i 1 3 4ctianati, and he is loth a disgrace to the profession, and sham to litotanity.—lVelleville !.-or JNO. S. MANN, EDITOR. CpUDERSPORT, P. Tl}t►rs4ay litorntng Sept stfSs6, Republican Nominations. FOR PRESIDENT JOHN C. FREMONT, OF CALIFORNIA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT WILICIAriI L. DAYTON, E=l STATE NONIINAT lONS ]OR C 4 AI C1343119 . 410NER. Thomas E. CoOhtani of ICOft% CMJNIT: • , FOR +UDITOR pr:sErt4E. ? Darwin Phels, =I Tort 2 URVEYOR GLNER%L. Bartholomew Laporte, OF ORA DFoltD Ctl. COUNTY NOMINATIONS FOR CONGRESS, OL MST ED. peo DoTreq, Subjklet to d e cj,i o n or p 9) C, ferees, FOR ASSEM BLS, ISAAC BENSON, OF POTTER, Subject to decisimi of the Legislittivo Conforoos For Associate Judges,l JOSE MAII/f, , , " G. G . ,OLYIN. For Sheriff. A. C. TAGGART. For Treasurer, \V. 11. Ilynons. For Commissioner, S. S. RASCOL. For Auditor, -11. F. SIZER. For Coroner, Dn. AND. STOUT For Candy Surveyor, Z. F. ItonissoN. I The Freniont elqb yf c,"ouders port has made arangements to hoki A MASS MEETING a this. place, on Wednesday; Septem ber 17th.. _Eminent speakers, will be present, and the different Township Clubs aro invited to attend iu such force as will indicate their attachment to the cause. rp The free State men • of Kann.% are at the mercy of the border ru ffyans. On Saturday last, the army bill passed without the proviso, to- save freedom in Kansas. Eery Thlchanan naemb , n of Congress voted wit!' the Slave hold ers agaihst the .proviso. What's the uso.of again asserting that the party is In favor Jul freedom' in Kansas. Con gress adjourned on s Satprqay last, Aug. 40. GrL, F.- Maynard Esq., and Capt. N. J. Mills, will attend the next !libel ing of the Sharon Fremont Club to be held at the L e Boy School House, hear Lewi l Woocrs, o . n Saturday Sopt. 13th, at g o'clock. Boys, it is said you sometimes “shriek for freedom." Let there be a sample of it on the Oth. tar The reported rescue of Govern or ItubinSon and his associate State -prisciners in Kansas; was a border ruffian falsehood started for some pur pniQ of their own. Several Border It fflaii fortified camps have been bro ken up, by the free State men, but no attempt has been made to rescusßob inson. See our Kansas letter fur par titulars. rir We ask attention to the extract on the first page, frO:n a speech - of lion, ..ruhn- Q. Pearce on the Slavery question, It contains some statistics of great interest, acid is otherwise • full of interest to every' friend of freedom. Mr. Pearce hai Made a faithful' and efficient nierriber, and is entitled to the . hearty commendation of lds ctoustitu ents. When you hear a 'Buchanan man talking about Fremont's sympathy• with the disunion abolitionist just challenge ihenfto name a single dig . unionist, Borth or who supports the ite . tigtilican . nominee, and then re fer him to the support 'which James Buchanan is reeelving crOm'the d ~,L.:..teii onists oftho South. • See a few of - their • expressions %nether column. 7 - 7.ErSS 111,11450 N TOOEUM, '4l r, The:isfational'Adminiitriition - found . SP ditultrin lug Sumner fle c(rftimaiidei'4f the Milted States army in Is nsas, tit dispers'e a peacea:: l l ble asserribly ofmnarmed citizens, who ivic4:7;i`p — ey,Taop,ll47keii":4l/14;rd dress of grievanaci. _ can find no ayth.roity fir pr.!! testing free state roan em; their way. ta 4.3313;13 UP' the 11i33ouri tyor ; and :the Buchanan speakers and' pagers, have no word of Candemnation for the ty raanicil dispersion cf the Topeka as: sembly; no . b for the Blocked.: of ti e 3lissouri'rivcrbyanarme,lmob.. And yet they have the assurance to saythat Kansas will ho a free State if the Ci ncinnati platform is'elected. What.eci nce is there of such' an event. 'ls there a single Buchanan paper in all the free states, which is exacting au influence in favor of opening theNils semi river to eattern emigrants, or.of protecting the Irate state rush of Kan sas in their rights. . ,It is this stite of things that has in duced Lieut. Givernor ft )berts, C. Holliday and other rid line democrats of Kansas to take the stump fur Pre - mont. We presume very few men in this county who care whether liansas is priltected oc, not, will - vote for James auchanao, hut there are , a few oppsnents of Slavery extension inclined that way, we shall endeavor to show that they are in a very inc.m., sistent position, and with a:nage corn -around. How many of Bachant.ti man of your accrtain- Witco, even in this free eO4lOl, dare a fig whether Slavery is extended or notl Then look at the papers %Odell support him, and see if you can fi 1 , 1 a single one, that reads as if it desired to secure to Kansas, those froo cz4titu tions that have made Ohio, Michigan and other North western States, &Uri . - ous, great, and happy. We dont ItSit you to take our opinion ofyour compa ny, or the tone of your papers. But we do ask you to enquire of yourselves. how it comes that you, who desire to prevent Slavery extension, propose to vote -for the same man, with S. A. Douglas, D. R.Atehison, Rowel Cobb, J. W. Forney, and a'l the other vio lent advocates of Slavery e'xtensi m. 17" The folio Ah:i; d_;:n )- crafs of Penii3ylvaoi:t are stamping the State f)r From )3t: • \V. V. ROI:MITTS, formerly or Fi.;yettc county, but now Lieut. G•iverner elect ofKatisas,Col.C. El. Li ILLIDAT of Craw ford Co., C. K. JouNsos, the Diumore shoemaker of Laricrister county. .AAtos R. B reit, al., of Leb anon county, ;he Dronocratic candidate fir Congerssin that district two . years • ago. . Gen. Joitx N. Parvianco of Butla county; Auditor General orate State, for six years, and one oftlie m t.it impu• lttr democrats in western Pennsylvania. Hon. Q. B. Ctrt•rts, or Wa . rren late M. C. from that District. Han. ScoFIELD, for tw.) years M3lllber of Assembly from Warren. A. B: Rienmoto, of Meadville. , -M. 13. • I.A - way, of Elio. These are i'epresentative•men, and only an indicati'in of the popular feel - in which is carrying Sonn Citutt.Es Fnasiovr into the Pre'sidential chair. The Lebanan Cdurier, notices the bolt of 'gr. B 'tighter as folloWs Amos R. arrourca, E 3q., a life-long Democrat, and the D miocratic date for Congress two years ago in that district, .when his personal popu larity was shown by carrying. Lebanon county by a considerable niajoiity, made a speech at the Fremont 'Club, on .iaturclay evening last, in which he ceclared his clete,rmination to support. FueirsT ; and in a cairn and argumen tative way, gave hiv reasons for so 'do ing, which must have carried convic tion to other Democrat's present. He showed that the Buchanan men had departed from the ancient faith and policy of the Democi ado party, leav ing those Who consistently 'adhere to the true Democratic prinniples,no oth resort thah the support a NI. Fnmion, Who adhered to the true 4efferson.prin ciples. He the stated that when a delegate to the Democratic convention, two, years ago, which nominated Wm. 43tetka =for - Grovertier, lie was -one of Alm committee On l'esblUtions, and in .that committee resolutions were offer ed faiorahleto the . repeal of the Mia sohrt Compromise, but they were largely voted doWn—”one of the partic ular friohdsof doV. Brutus " For .Ged'a sake do chit load q's 'with the sins of this National AdrniniFira don !" Yet Ur. tineumisl is now 'loaded with those sins, and Den:toe:vs are now asked to support him. X ABins ; v3E A! :V ef riEl44Th ' f4t T E R tV I .1 -4he ule Fmk- tc.--;Sh . annon's #acti • i t 6tank94 repudiate:4 the bogus laws Tryz:Capt. —Shontivq,—.! .4pe_el.in..congfe.se : —.4Aotlteriurimien jAreatened-- , Gen. Cook,— --craw Cipmp . any 1c c . Ifc: -.- . - ) :: ' ' ... .. - LAiViIE.NaW. ( - K. T. . - - ' • 4ug9st 19,1356. -' - En. (ii . Joult.Y.ll....—My absence for a few days Fiona this pity must• be my nnly oxcuse for not writing my usual Meekly letter. .1 .m!glit wirer other apologio jar more w!.3iglgy 04n ilia, liut I will You will have heard beP:ra this Agra your city.papers, ofthe battle of F, ank lin, tha taking of Fort - Saunders, the battle tic Titus' Camp; the taking of Titus, the !naafi leader, With eightee.l of his gang ; the destruction of two pro slavery fortresses and the recovery of Free State arms stolen from Lawrence, all of which events have transpired here within the last week. ..fiesidgs these, theta. was another event of sonie importance, and that was nothing 100 than another. treaty With §hannon, the terms of whicn were as follows; The IP; e s State men agree to give up their prisoners- niueteenTimber—whet! the Pro-Slavery men represented by Shannon, shall have given up five pris peers held by them under the Bogus Laws; and :bhall have given - up the eannun taken at the sack . uf Lawrence. The treaty also hinds Shannon to drive out with the forces utokr his command, all. armed bodies coming. into the ter ritory f;ir ther than i mrp ries of peace. The five prisoners mentionad abort., are not the High Treason prisoners, but five men who were arrested charg ed with having bean in t.he Rattle of Franklin of %% hich . town they are e:ti zens. They were arrested under the. Bogus Code by Sheriff Pane, a deputy ofJtines.. Shannon, in giving them up virtually ignores the Codc—d,m'ehe ? Hence w t t see a great differ-enc . bd twe.en Shinmon ,diunls and Siiannon sober. You may ask, * what led to this sudden outbreak of war ? answer .is easily told, but mournfully had to toll. The outbreak originated this time in the brutal murder o 4 two of our best citizens Messrs. Hoyt, and Williams. The murder of Mr. :Hoyt,. was of such a savage nature that it WAS only second in atrocity to the _murder of Brown last winter who was chopped to pieces With hatchets. Mr. Hoyt's body c•rntained t eu bail hides, his throat was cut, one of his eye wds nut, and a plaster was put on his face to prevent being recognized by his friends; his pockets tvere turned inside ut, and lie was left to the ravens and wrlves • of the ,rrairie. He was formerly . of Boston, and is the sarri'e man st ho lost outs hundred rifles at Lexington last spring. He• was unarmed when Ins left here on the 13th. He was a per- sonal friend of my owo, a brave and true man, and the. whoio community heard of his murder with feelings of more than sorrow. Captain Snombra who recovered his body within half a mile of' F irt Saunders a border ruffian stronghod, on Thursday last, was itilled'on Saturday last in the•battle of 1 • • Titus' Camp. lie will be boried.vrith military honors. to -day, We have give' up all hopes of Con gress doing anything fot us, and so, , at all hazards we will do for ourselves. If the Constitution of the United States cannot protect us in our rights, Olen wo hayie nothing left but strong arms and stout heat is to du it. Two thousand men are reported - to be now on the march from Leaven , worth City, and eighteen hundred from 'Westport, Mo. for the purpose of"vvipiUg ou; Lawrence" fortho third and last t'imO;• Cren. COok who com mands the Free Stale forces is said to resemble very closely a gentleman named Lane who . made Dduglas "hick down at W 7 a4ninititil last winter. As I never saw -Lave before seeing Cook, I cannot tell hOw . close the - resemblance . ma y he. Our city is perfectly quiet now. Tho Chicar C .mpany who Mere sent down the liver tiy - the Missouriins ter being robbed, . have just =Jelled into town. They are noble looking fellows, but their Sunburnt faces, and torn clothes strongly remind one of. !olio days that tried - Mans souk" Y. •rficnd Bird, of Sweden, shall have . a 'hearing as soon as we can possibly find room for him. • -p. 1...1 - • . tl' l 6 - riticiudepee ofiri4l3l3l: i:': laolas&astplusit.', '.• ~..!.: v., , •-••••— I '.;V, t', IiAR Riiiiiiut!o,.44g., 2f liiisG. I'. . - i'' Eo. PEopt..is4uuasA!:', , , hdd thot pleas've lastlj - rening of Esrandhig one of.th9 largest_ and _most _p.uthtLsiastic I ever s3vituessed. Long -before the- tihte of opeititig. the, ciiitrlifouse here wat litet ullyi:pnated NU,- otitlzovetflatiiing. The fents"the aislep*- 7 ,* ,the :open :spaces iu• and arouncj fhe Ilar 7T even.thesa!allest nqqls was completely croWded. Not over half could obtain qyan.a si4ht at a . eat The if cm. _Siumn Cameron Arai called to the Chair and made a hricf, byt,a decidedly good and telling speech jn favor of Fr etnont and Dayton, which I need hardly say was loudly applauded. 4 . cvmmittfe of three was then appoint ad to Go-operate with a limilar cp.rgi mittee to be appointed by the Pill more melt in securing a aeries of Union meetings throughout the county promote the success of the Union Sta!e. and County ticket: Soon after the H m. John A. Fisltcr, Shoemaker gig. and a person supposed to be the Hon. Anson P. .4uelineame was discovered pushing theii_Way through the dense crowd Awl such ctegritlg.and stamping will .4enpostr . ati(in4 of applause as shook !Apt old Court House would have dour you - good to As he took his seat upon. the speak ers stand the house fairly shook agnin. During the brief period which inter, veiled between this and the opening of his speech the mattifestationsof im portance and anxiety to hear the elo. quent pleader of human rights were intense in the extreme. The audience could hardly wait.. At length Mr. Burlingame was formally introd'wed by the Bresident and after the applause - had in a measure subsitieq, he !tilde o n e: of the most forcible and umlaut,- honsive speeches that it has'ever been my lot to hear.-- I wish I could give you even a faint idea of the irnpres4ive : ness of that speecit. Suffice it,to say that if a gond occasion, a good arra i.;e mem. of deeply interesting matter, a pleasing address, sparkling wit, good humor, k••en satire, happy Illustrations, unmistakable clitdoraild alMost match less eloquence comhitted, make a good speech, then welted it. For tw.• hours that dense crowd hung tyith admiration upon the burni , g words of the youth ful orator, and I believe two hours npre Would scarce have• we tried their pa 7 tience. Such pictures of the blighting evils of SlavM.y the blessings of Free .dom and of the device:Me wannen of Northern cbilighl:iceism a• the speak er exhibited to that audience would,. if displays l in Pouter county have wakened the echite s of her hills and val le) s and driven the reqviini traces ' ofitunkeri,in, yet tin -,reri.ig there, t , the owls anti bats that flit in many a desert ed of the old oppression -cursed dominion; An attempt Nris mt.l3 by some rowdy d-m.Vrface to break ui) the meet ing by raising an alarm of fire, but the Lilt did not 'take—it scarcely raised a ripple. N•avortheieas, rrk.:ati" a such an attempt may be , c )asidired, sric'i and kindred argq n'nti are th.). truly odes that can•bo employed against us h the prese:rtt campaign, Pennsylvania is sure for Fremont. Money, labor, influence and party ma r•hinery will be -j uriscrupulously used to prevent such a rcs4lt Iku,t they 4ayn• not succeed. The people have willed it•a,od so it must he. Thin first has 4one forth and it will nest bo reoallad. When the idea of November /knives the people ori eintheirsiren.th , and sall yi ng forth from hill top and valley,from the palade an . dthecoitage, from the marts of business and the retro)r is of pleasure, they will achieve a victory more glori. ous in its result than thut,ebtaitted by Wa:hingt m at Yorktown, or. Jackson at New Orleans. Such is my firm. be lief. I had the pleasure of .seoiog, at the depot last evoninq the e:nhltli nent the Cincinnati Platform. the livio; walking corpse of the late Jame{ 130 7. rlianan. I judged from his aged and, broken down appearance that ha. was amore subject to all the infirmities that we are, and oven more, for be will suffer a defeat as a candidate fur the 'residency this fall, an infirmity to which you and I are not likely ever to be exposed. The AuGli i ttniqa are t ► have a.intset ing here this evening at which thay,o4- pact to be addressed by Resh Frazer of . _ P..mr fellowa, th - iwill iss NOM?, of Voir 014 .issoci iitoMon thelturnp this fdlf They (thri Dadhanirers) made theta. cticity nn&itilation here yeitur.l\ty. 1. I understathl that - by nornintttiog . tw* fir have. :mange ltd. Alkitig,.s4.494-.,-- xtron; ticket. - 11 it it will ofixt , il44 J - i -,.Gov Ford of i s Juin 15 . 0 . [hit „tatrt aro! we.' tolavw been here last evenitq, tholiglit that 13urlingsme-yra+enottgli for one ivening, so he was . detailed foe scFvice in ancitl•er locality. You•e.truly. U. • Thl N0.1.31av0 Hollers of the Swath Apirgto tigr ~ ' North to Salta* Formant. ' I?ave heretofore shown that the Ruchatuie party i 3 Parely. a sectiowil 4 being devotecl.to• the interest c4'• the Slave. holders of the South, w 4 their allies ii th e !forth. Thu ttbn-Sliive- holders". of tbs . -Shutt loge 'but slight opportunity of tusk ing their sentiments knewn, hut 'so fir g* th ay exprelts their eriniOn4litii al ways. on. the side'nfthe freedom . liotY • The Newport iitantucky 'NM, edi ted by- one of cli le a re - vie . -` , Ltit the late elections- hair' die .followiog, which ought tosiletteevrery dougllf4ea in the free States o Th e people tve say-are in . favor-or Freedom and-the fasts Itas been - estab, lished 'beyond the postithility, of suc cessful. cavil. They bly.e have. fought for it— . --they have•dled for it— and can they be expected' to• submit to. have it taken front them and althou 4i' in one part al the-A:4)4'1 7 they 1119 y. he permitted lo..show their elthi . t.iiastn more strongly thcm, anotheo , not those who, arte ry . ['post blessed i:i this ICA . p.iet forgettitat th ere. ate still warm hearts that beat pri - A - 31,7 and eyes that flash brightly when 11s sui'ed that there is yet lnipe. A clan which have been bound and gagged, and leant , now who. dare not speak thoir sFutirzients, are peciirig ime , the: dim, distant future, as they recognise: the star of Itepttblicanism . ; as it suies4 through the Storm, their crash e d and bleeling hearts throb aim e.t audibly with the hope that they pay yet he Free. This class is composted of the Noui-Tave holders of the South. They look to this party now - 15 their hooc. n otio•I of thorns in this State, using their mortd and political, ialinence for the parpose of ridding. tI e:nselves of the evil. 'Wok now firm• this party and expect them topesoent its estension. still larger - potion.. . with ryes—the •11. haring el-vises of the Li-dted :States— lok on arid implore you to prevent its. even.ion. A'lll Still another—poster:.• t : y _whose best iaterest.. nest to our G.on.try's goo,lshould first claim our attuuti tiPtir toterests alp. claim that you prevent its extotiii!m. Tho Xf:K-an Citizen, h'eret.orne , neutral, hai hoiited . tite Prein.mt nod Dayton Rag. Mr. Aliens edit wild. givia4 the re.as(ku los this change the ahlestand Ltest, which wa have noticed in any paper aver p,ohlshed in S nab pert. '1; tie Cifizsa will prove a:rery troportatit auxiliary 'malty good cause ; c i ad we hope the Reptl'olicans of Cntnty will ilgalie the subsCrip tiOn list of the Citizen 13,0foye . the first of oo.tilber next. t a general' our County papers are not sustained. with that gouerons- patronage which theldes , 2.rve. Our owa paper hasbire— ly a living support, whefeas o• oil ilk it deacrue: a 'very-different patronage.. At a. largo Buchanan mooting is aropklyn a few nights age' the Speak er says the R . venbeg Poi( "dealt prtn cipally in tionu t nciations of the Repub-.- licags. Air. Rose was especially. ex-• travagant,.denounciag the leading Re publicans by a 3 knaves, cam arc s and traitors." That 13 character- Bucha.tan. s !spatters we sus pect. Such at kast has been the.chail actor of the sposkial at the Goaoe Jury room in. this villa 40 for threw weeks past IC. Gowan of the. Warren lituk recoivnd the Republican nomination for Calk:ay Treasurer; at ; which . we re,k)ice. CmintrY Editors' have to work hard. the. year :round 'for very, poor ply.. It is . quite time there was . a, change of policy-in; their.ti-patment. We learn. ftioun the. P~iilaiirlpltl• Daily Tines, that Ann.Antst Eiq„ of Williatiispoit, and • leaain4 diirnocratoFf:;yconling-61unty is out forr,rern ont„ " • "‘ "Mr. Ueoenn‘rr, n 1046, 1 11 persoit;, ally frkandqy to Mr. RUCH tx.tx. cannot go the pro r sla,rer . y plank nt the Cie- . cinati platform. Tae i's enlisted . in our :,aura for the whn)e . campaign, !pll3 shall have a good reciFin. front 'J.aytora.v. n ing in Notember. ma 11