Si 'Wer Pip", la firing:No?dersigned baying purchased, the IL Tiler, in the' Drug' and businesN purpose t combine theiestock iiibtattualo iturne.rons* kiands 'With the iamb varmsy of goods as hiretoford, ittiaie vies by this ar,raneglent NigiihAi l ittritili expenses it least ion per cent isisdlre'dillPoSe'a l to give our custemers • the 'hisesi- of the change, fur ready" pay rylyirig ihM'esied 'Sales, for our stock will semprisik all articles found under the general loid 'of fig Goods, grbbbrieland ProVisiods, lata . llardwt g . • - "A full stock of Drugs, Aiellicineg, Paints, Oils, Cemplieue,Fluid.nd 1/yti Stud's, 'kept constantly on hind together with sta.. " L ttouery, fattfy articles, Watchei and JewelrY. Ter the truth - of the `above promises we yupeetfully Irlyite . au examinatioa of Sur IPS*. • S3lllll 3: JONES. - . . • Coudersport, July 3,1856. _ _ _ _ _ • NOTfCE • IS hereby given that the Notes end Accounts oftfielate ftrat'ofTyler Rod' Jociei have flan trzuasferrod,v9 South & /ones and Will Joe touted niihbiehabds for - c.ollectioti. 'rhos° indebted to the late firm of Tyfer and Jone;, 'will please settle tbe 'same with the under: signed iuirwidiately. SMITH & JONES. . Coudersport, July 3,11354. WHOSE indebted to C. Smith either by • Itote or liCcouut are earnestly requested lj eettle'the same immediately, Mr! am deter piled to Collect what is . wy due us soon as ; for money must be had and dehts bat bi paid. . • . C. SSIITII. • Coudersport, July 3,1856. • TpTICT _ . . I 1 herpby given that the town orders, here. lit:after described were illegally drawn; that p township has reed no consider:Wen for thini aid they will not be paid. 7 he urdera are drawn on this Treasurer of Oswiyo Township, and signed by G. F. Row ley and Isaac Pierce, us Commissioiters. itp number , date, amount, and payee, arias Nimes; 'viz; Payable to E. palrymple Oct. 2.1, 1854 3 1 1*. " a q$ 1 0 3 ,15 24 96,139 qy 1' " Dep. 30, 1854 50,00 • 30 M 60,00 ;i :a !. a S 3 • 34 ! • gs • 36 • 37 r • 35 0. Win. SHATTOCI TOWlllhip B. ll• Lucius Auditurd. io P. F. Wltnsodt, Town ark. . .. =I pswayo, hip. 23d, 1856' Notricg Ts ilereby given, that agreeably to the law; 4.. of this' Culutu.nivealth, the undeisigned 'lemma of Putter county, Pa., 'will make ap plication to the next L:egislature, fur u Batik •f Issue'and Deposit, with a capital of one ituudred thousand dollars, entitled Tux Susi- Bexa, to be located at Coudersport Put Ipr purity, Pennsylvania. F. W. KNOX J. W. smimi C. S..JONES .C. S ITI - 1 ARCH. F. JONES .311. SCHOOMAKEB. U., W. C. JAMES A. JACKSON . A. ROUNSVILLE Coudersport, June 12, 1t36. LAND AGENCY. undersigned having been entrusted iqtji the care of several large tracts of }ad *in this' county, bas made himself ac; esinted with the lauds and laud titles of the sonsay, and Nfill give 'immediate attention to yr business of this nature that may be en krested to him. J. S. MANN. ttention! J? eßnsaqueuce of tho opening of the Cat. tawAssa, Williamsport, and Lanira R. 1., whereby direct *railroid communication Aowraitablished with Philadelphia, WISE, P USE Y, & WIRE, 6olotalo'cleulers in Foreign nod Domestie Pi tiotlds.'N. E. coiner Fail; and Markit St PHILADELP /CIA, t r u t ei rzr u p ts rep t il o re t t to N off r e t L er e n xtra f ? e r i d iii in s ar v y a l tride,.tO visit theiC ! cit;to 'mate spring pur *bases. luvlddition to the low prices they sPlfur they will aldo guirotee to ship all goods p „ phased of theiti, at the same rates as goo an shipped from 'New York. Their coo peesista of all the usual varieties of PRINTS, OINerHA.MS, pH4MRRAYS, • LAWNS, T : 14 . 13.EpE DELAINE§, rALPACAS & DEpgp-g,- *HITE GOODS IN ALL THEIR VARIETY, pROCIIE 4•I3LANKETiSI - lAWLS, 141.5 H LINENS br. TABLE DIAPERS, . OLQT4S dy CASSINERES, SAT/NETS & JEANS,- - VELurs & VELVET CORDS, DUCKS piiiiatriO-S, SILK S. SATIN vgsTiNqs, 844.c4 DREss COLORED OAAIBRICS, RED & WHITE FLANNELS, TiCgli s igts STP-IPES, pLEAC if ED & BROWN MUSLINS, &c. 4Fr —ALSO-- A full aisortna!mt ofCarpatiart. EMI wag. PUSF4Y, *belittle Dealers in ready-made Clothing I. E.Cotner sth and Market eta., Philadelphia - will: bay, constantly on hand an eztensiv xtissortinint of Men's& Boys' Clothing of every :grtde end Aptality . adapted to the country *ids. All Ca nn !Os warranted of the newest yleiand best workmanship. 7bilsdelphia , • . 1941101 p ;Melodeons, and I JW:11 t i c , TUE - CASEI SYSTEM ADOPTED : ?rice; Greatly Redueeti YORACtI WITERS,, No. 333 Bioadway, N. Y. AGENT FOR THE BEST BOSTON AND ,/y. .y.-Eirs7"l?,ola4ll.7W. THE Largest Assortment ofPinnos, 31elddeous,.11,1tisical 'lnstruments; and Musical Merchandise of all kinds, iu the U. S. Plana front Ten different ISlanufactories, comprising those of cvery variety of style, limn the plaid. neat and substantial 6.4 oc taves, in:Wahlut or Rosewood Cases, from $l5O to $2OO, to ilia° of the most elegant finish up to Ono Thousand Dollars. No house Mtge Union can 'compete with the above in the number, variety, and Celebrity of its strut/tents, nor in the Extremely Low Prices at which thtii are sold. • itOR,4,VE WATERS' MODERN- IMPROVED PIANOS, With or without Iron Frames . possessing in their improve9euts of ovepstrings and action, a length of /3 cale, and compass of tone equal to the Grand Piano, united with the beauty and durithility . ef structure of the square Piano.— They are jtistlYpronounced by the Press aid by the first Musical Masters, to be .equal to those of any other manufacturer. They are. Guilt of the best and must thoroughly season -1 material, and guaranteed to stand the ac tion of every climate. Each instrument guaranteed to give satis faction, purchase-money refunded. SEC, OAT-HAND ?Loos AT.GBEAT BAR . GAP'S, Coustiiutly la store, price trout $3O to $l4O, gon,AvE WATERS' melodeons. Superior Instruments iu tone, touch and dm ratnlity of make. (Tuned the equal tempera. went.) l‘lelodeous of all other styles and makes. Price $45, $6O $73, $lOll, $125, $l4O, double Reeds aud two bunks of Keys, $2OO. Less a liberal discouut.' Clergymen aud Churches, au extra discount. ~.7 • MARTIN'S GUITARS; BROWN'S HARPS, . FLUTES, . FLUTINAS, ACCORDEONS, VIOLINS, and Musical lustruinents of all kinds, at lower 1 prices than ever beforo uttered to the- puttlic. A large discoutis to Teachers and Schools.— Thy trade supplied ou the most liberal terms. 50,00 50,00 511,00 50,00 100,00 ]UO,OO 100,90 117,91 MUSIC One M e ttle largest bud best Selected cata Josue' of Musicimwd publi s h e d, complicit's many orate choice au mo s t popular unit ut the day, and will be sold a t G e e -third o from the regular prices. Music sent by mail to all parts of the coun try; post pant. Vertu:Mar and personal alum tion veld to all orders received by mail, Solt islitction guaranteed iu every instance, l'iatuns and Mehmeons fur rent, and rent allowed on purchase. Planta and Melodeons for sale on Monthly payments. Secoud.hand Naomi ta ken in e3:enauge cur new: Clencral aud select Qatalogucs and Sclieuale of prices forwarded to all parts of the country by mail. tar: GREAT iNueut,ii;NTs OFFERED To AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OF I IIE COUNT NY, to senate.' Hemet:4lom' 1 ' nos Illoludeous, and Catalogue of Music.' DlUftj'S RUHAL NEW-1011lik;11. Is the leading American weekly Agricultural Literary and lamily Newspi,iper. This is no vain EINSIIIIPtiOn, but fully sustained by its high reputation, great popularity, and exteu- SIV 1: cuculatatm. It embraces more Agr.cul tpral, llorticultural, Methanical, acieutitic, kalueationai, Literary and iNews-Matter, inter spersed with numerous and catitly engravings, than any other Journal in the Ullloll—/Clltlef iug it unequalled in variety and uselitiness of contents, Au actual increase of nearly seven thou.saud subscribers during the past year, stimulates and enables us to melte the fifth Volume, for Itbh — , superiox to its predecessors, With a corps of six able Editors, and every facility fur publishing in the best style, we are detrernuned that the ItUItAL . shall excel iu both contents and appearance. its hip Literary and moral tone, interest• rug var,ety, and enure freedom frtiM trash and vu,gartty, render it a safe and desirable com panion for the young—a choice paper fur the faintly circle. Taaes.—s2 a year; 61 for sia advance, iireat reduction to agents and clubs. ar Specimen - numbers sent free; give us your address. Subscription money, properly enclosed at our risk, if addressed to • e T. L. MOLME, Koch ester, N.Y The Journal Book-Store /METERS to the public a good variety or Nsfmost readable books, cheap for cash of family necessities. - All the newest books value are kept on band, or immediately pro cored for customers, and we hope to receive such patronage as faithful attemion ,to busi ness,. and au earnest desire to oblige, may deserve. New books received at short inter vals, . school l)oults, stationery of all kinds materials for Paper rlowors, etc., constantly ou "hand. Music, Maps, Mathematical lastru 11:1011t5. Please call and examine for yourselves 1145 JO tni.NAL .1100 K—STORE. Tile People's Cash Store, AT COUDERSPORT. qinethling NOW. and Something Wanted. THE subscribers, having entered into part nership arrangements under the firm of • Ara:Wm plc vriLcoz, will he happy to ape all old friends, and all now friends, calling day after day, end continually, at "The Peo ple's Cash Store" in 'C'ouclareport, inquiring let DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, and all the endless variety of artfole.; Which the People want, and must have. And the subscribers will , sell tp their oustomers,-e/r1 or sew, for the Cash, or other Ready-Pay, the very best hargcns3 to 1:*0 ila4 in Northern , Pennsylvania. • . MAYNARD & WILCOX. - piridoroport April IP,' /MS,. : • • JOURNAL BOOK STORE. NEW AItitAN.GEIENT. HE yndertigned kayin purchased:the entire Stock of Books iiiely oWned . by. Tyler 4tints,and comp:aim:l her as sortment by nevi pdtchasps iu the city, offers s;to,l t e li c e d u s h t i ac , k the i;f' est variety and best, a HISTORICAL, ?pSCELLANEO,IJS BIOGRAPHICAL, and CLASSICAL Books over presented for sale in tkiissOPutY Allthe new bOoks of any 'value arc - kept constantly ou hand, or procured: by expreis for customers who may desire them. lt. is believed that a faithful attention to business,. and an earnest desire to oblige all who may deal with bar, Will secure a liberal amount..of patronage. * School Books, Stationery of all kinds, ma:. tarsals for Paper Flowers, etc., constantly on hand; also Music, Maps, Mathematical liastru- Mews. Please call and examine foryourselves. M. W. MANN. Coudersport, May 14,1836. • . Y BONDAGE & 111 Y "FkLEEDOM. By . J.L,IL Fre , Douglass, Journey to Central Africa. Bayard Taylor GiLtillti's Third Gallery of Puritans, - - Father Clark, the Pioneer PreaCher, The Hidden Path, . . • Fables for Critics, Together with a. general stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Works;' goad books for Young People; Stauontry at Wholesale, & Retail; Slates, Pens, Pencils, Inks—in short; everything in the greatest variety - usually kept in a monk Store. - ATETHODIST Hymn Books of various 3.j. Sizes just is and fur sale at the • JOURNAL BUtni 110 e. HILES, English ami . German, a variety of styles and sizes, at the JOarlitil Book blore. Pocket Bibies, liyunt Books, Prayer Bouks, NVebszer's Dictionary, unauridged, octavo, high school and common school editions, Harper's Universal Gazetteer, Cruden's Concordance. Testaments, Putnam's Magazine, bound, Bayard Taylor's W urks, vols., Poets and Poetry of 'America, Poets and Poetry of Logi:aid, Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, . W l'oetus, Goldsmith's, Gray's, Ossian's, Cook's, and Tenuyson's Poems, Paradise Lust. Lady of the Lake, - prescoit's Histories. Mexico and Peru, Thiers' French 14:volution, J oseptitt s.` Rohm, Winthrop's Aew-England, Macauley's Lug.aud. Dickens' England, The Spectator, o vole., cvo.,. Children's Books—.iud Toys. School Books, every kiuu called for in this dounnuulty. Latin, French, and German School Books, Leteratt's Latin Lexicon, Drawing Paper, Books, and Cards, Drawing l'encits—Crayons, Toy Paints, - -Colors fur Mr painting. Music. :Brushes, Chalk, Pens,i..l,nibi, Paper of every - variety caned fir. w niers, ax, &c. Materials fir Paper Flowers. Harrison's Copy og-Ink—Llavids' Blue Ink, lndetibie ink, several kinds, Huvay'S liflany Phrenological and Hydropathic IN rks. Fowlers und Wells' publications. Blank Books, blunts. and Diaries. -- Teacher and Parent. Theory . and Practice of Teaching. Life of Horace Greeley. Star i'apers..H. W. Beecher. %Yorks of Theodore Parker, Shakspeare, c., - For sale cheap at too it-WAINAL-1100K-STORE, !VARIES and Almanacs for 1856, iliotting Cases, Card Cases, Thermometers, Chddree's 'Souks for the Holidays, Chess Men, Drawing paper, Bris.ol Board, Monoemuinatie Beard, - Dydropattne Lecycluyedta, by Dr. Trail, k awn) , Physician—Dr. . Family Dentist, Podphar Papers, at the - JulailNiAl. BOOK STOKE, VETEBSTER'S DICTIONARY Pocket, V V &kook, Uukversity, uctaw, and Quarto oakum's, lur sale L>y dl , W, M, - - - r\RAITING Itt.ltruments, Wawr Colors, Urawitig Taper, runcils, and Brusbeb, ual, receive(' by SLATES, Pencils, Writing Books Orawing Books, Accouutand Memorandum -Books, Tracts, Sunday School question uud Glass Books. Ink, Paper-suud, Chalk, Cray ons, Sealing, Wax., Tissue, Tracing, !)cawing. and Glazed Paper; Blotting Boards, Perlo nged Boards, auu forte-Mounaies Call and examine at the 4uppi4t, THE Oythara, tue Lute of :I l ion, 4. and Boys and Girls' Singing Book, at the JOUBNAL BOO& sTuitE. • New BOOka. 4 1 34Bricen Agitators 'and' Reformers, By Bartlett Life of %VIII. IL Seward, his Speech- . es, Unt.tious, and. Writings, 1,01. Life and Beaunpe of Feuny Life of Ilorace Lireeley, (uew supply& Stanhope Burteigh, or the Jesuusitt our 'lonics, (new supply,) .. N EW Nasic received every fe . ; days ANSAS and - Nebraska. • JAA- Ladies Guide in Needlework; • ` Book of Parlor Gaines. • . Ihirrowe's Piano Forte Primer, Workingman's Way in the World. Ellen Montgomery's Book Shelf: Fessenden's Neu American Gardener, Sunshine on Daily Paths, Dickens Sunshine of Untystone, E. J. May, Elements of Character, Margaret Chandler Europe; Past and Presdnt, Ungewitter. Paige's Commentary ou the New Testa mem. • ' • Eodless .I.muiement, or Entertaining Ea peritneuts in Various sciences. Peterson's-Familiar Science. Liebig'sAgrietiltrual Chemistry; Aecokdeon Instnietor, Inc., at the • JOURNAL 8004 STORE. Candersport t - May, 184. - • - MAGAZI4.I3S. DUTNAM'S, • Grajtaitils, Prat* •Leslie Blackwooci?s,Kuickerbocker, cud 1-1 ous hold Words, for isle at the ' -• • jOURNAL•POOKST tsc,it li EtSit'. o"it ..':-:,_.:- iCAVEIIIL 91HE T.rustees,i:of this Institution take plea 800 in . announcing to the Public hat they have engaged the services of the- /ler: J. HEM/Rita, as Principal. This gentle- man comes to us well recommended as being able, talented, and experienced.. He has been _engaged in teaching a large Share of the time for lifieen years and from among the 'large number of his pupils, about SUU have gone .out front ender his instructions, as teachers in different parts of the country: It will be his object to make our Academy one of the most desirable schoolsiu the country, for those who wish to qualify abeinselves for teaching or for other responsible stations in life, and also for those who desire to prepare for college. THE WINTER .TERM Will cm:rime:lce on Monday. December 3.d, 1955. The Academic year will be divided in to Fdur Terms, of elevedweeks each term: Tim Spring Term will commence on Monday, February 25, .18.56; the Summer Term wilt commence on Monday, May Loth, 1656; and the Fall Term on Monday, 'the let. day Septeuther,lBs6, • • TERMS. Tuition per term of oleven weeks u follows: Primary studies—Reading; Spelling, - •Mental Arithmetic, &c., - - $2.00 -Common English brauches—Geogra phy, Orthography, Arithmetic, and Grammar, $3.00 Higher English Brauches--Natural . rnilosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, ' and First Lessons in Aigebra, - $OO Higher Mathematics—Algebra, Ge ometry, etc., $5.00 Latin, Greek, French, and German Languages, - Drawing extra, - Piano Music, do. . Use' of Instrument, av" Payment strictly in advance. . . . All scholars who can write legibly, will be required to present an original Composition once in two weeks; and an male scholars to declaim once in two weeks. -Though the Terms of tuition are consider ably lower than they have been heretofore yet it is designed that the instruction shall be thorough in all the brunches taught ; and those who desire to learn Mid are willing - study will find it a very- Pnonmat.r SCIWOL, SOBIESKI ROSS, President.) LEWIS MANN, 'Treasurer, • - (i. B. OVERTON, Secretary, ) Trustees. II.J. OLMSTED, - ELI REES,* Board can be obtained in private Falb ilies in the village, or rooms can he had in the Academy by applying to the Trustees. Coudersport, Nov. 22nd, I .855. WAGON & NLEiGHN 41. rill - IL subscribers, having rented the'wheetwright shop foriner• ly occup,ed by John Reckbow, respe.ctfu:y inform he CiiIZOCIS of Potter County and the rest of mankind, that they are prepared to tuake shti&hs of all deserietioas on rho NOTICE. And to lattild all kinds of wagons according to order. Prßepairinc , neatly and expoditonsly done Orders from a Sistancu . prunytly attFudod to J. REClplosv, 4 Z. J. rnohlraeht Coudersport, Jan. 10th, 1856, 1404 sale at the above shop, a new 61; ter. A LSO ONE SET tiro horse, light .Cll- BOBS, . L. F. 31.AYNARD, • Dealer in Dry.Gootl3, Groceries, CrockOry, Ready-made Clotkitp , , and Yankee,Notiions .Third street, Coudersport, THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. sALC, I I HE undersigned _lll_ offers for sale his farm situate on the Allegany River, about four miles west of Coudersport. The farm contains one huodred and fourteen acres—about fiftyilire of which is cleared. Theie is a good frame barn—a house frame roofed, with lumber sufficient to finish it. There aro twenty-five bearing apple trees, and one hundred young and thrifty trees not old tnough to bare. This property will he sold on liberal terms for particulars enquire of the subscriber or at this office. WILLIAM WAHL. Coudersport April 3d, 1d56. M. W. MANN H. Butterworth WILL furnish. the People with fresh BEI? and MuTrcs, on Tuesdays and 'Fridays - during the season. Cash will be paid for beet cattle at all times. • • - • Coudersport, July 17, 1856, • NEW BOOKS. NCHANTED BEAUTY, by Br, Elder, L 4 Liyes of Atrcicious Judges, by Hildreth, Progress of Religious ideas, by I, M Bryarcl Taylor's Travels, . The Song of Hiawatha—Longfellow, Caspar, by Amy Lothrop, Just received and for sale at the JOURNAL BOOK STORE M, W. M, - .TEW GOODS. ,HE subscriber has just received a genes.- al assortment of fall and winter gonds consisting of DRY GOODS, • CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, - HATS & CAPS, • • BONNETS, • • RIBBONS, GROCERIES CROCKERY; and almost every article needed in the. town and vicinity, wlimithe pledges himself to as low as the - • L 0 S T" -0--- - His old ehstomers and 'friends and the pub lie generally. are invited o cell and .eXamine for themselves, . . . D. LOLDISTR. Coudersport Qpt..4th,* 1155 rpINNS:. {USXCE, the latest editio n 'AO • the JetfigifAl; BOOK ST WIZ. CBE -0.- 4•;50 • • - 43.00 412.00 BOO' ikeitidE StOitE. rr HE subscriber *ould. 'reSp'o,trulijr. 41„ inform the inhabitputs 'Cr Ulisses' and suirounding country, _that he hits recently es•; tablished himself in the `snatitifacturd and sale of BOots and Shoes, and has the largest and best assortment of work ever offered iu this market. Th'eSubseriber tuts been very choice , in rjuselection of city 'work and leather whiehls'orthe best quality for style zthdrwork atinship: lie is not to be beat west of N. York Terms - ready pay.- • • • -' • . . Hides anti gra' . n tak en lu eichange for work a reduction of sievOii per cent Will be Wide for, cash, all persons wishing to perchase will do well to call and eianiine for themselves be fore purchasing else where. Business place a little north of Chappels dry goods store, cash paidfor Lewfsville, March 17th, 1856. - • . S. HULL FJJNI)RY; D.ll. WN would give notice tb' the . public al it is prepared, at his I;.cmart dry in Coudea port, to do all manner Cssr tse, .will a.d finish to order all kinds of Machinery, Atilt Gearing. Board and Log Cars,eSleigh-Shoes of all sizes, and every articit needed by 4 Lumbering community. And o farmers .he would say, that he has procured some•of the best Plow pattern; in use; both Flat Laud and Side llill, and keeps them constantly on hand. And will make to order.fidd Hollers, Harrows; Cultivators, and every article used by them iu his line of busil news. He is prepared also to du all kinds of BLACK.BIIIITIIIYG. And from .hie long • experience in. the above business; lie feels confident of giving satisfac tion to those who may give him a call. . N. B.—Old iron bought; or taken in cx change for work. 7,9.7 • Bounty Land, THE utidersigned. will give panic lar utten !ion to the procuring of ltou Lund for all those entitled thereto under late or any previous Act of Congress. A. G. ULNISTED Coudersport, March KAY & BRJTEIER LAW BOOK SELLERS EEO PUBLI . SHERS, Nos. tir & 19 South sth St. East side FIRST. VTORE ♦EOVE CEIESTBUT ST. Iphia, Kill' & BROTHER PUBLISH THE 10110 ID tng National Law Books. Wharton's American Crimaal Law, 3d ed Just Published. • Whartou's American Precedents of Indict =Lag. Wharton on the American Law of Ilomi cide. Just ptibi'd. N luirton & Stille's American Medical Jurisprudence, 1 vol royal Bvo. Just Pubiishel. NVharton's LaW Dic.iouary. Troubat ou Litni:cd Purt,,ership. Morris ou Replevin, • Baldwin un the Co,siitution. • . Debates in the Cou:S.utional Convention of l'eatisylvania 011837, 14 cols. Marshall's U. S. Circuit Court Decisions, 2 vols. • Baldwin's U. S. Circuit Cburt Reports, Isol Daniell's Ch theory Practice, 3 cols. WeWord's Equity Ple,dings. V • • tirealey's Equity . - Evidence. Ilildyard on .I.l.mile Insurance. Hindintrch on Patents. Binctrort Partnership Till Joint Stock Com pantos. Finhison's Leading C'1.903 on Pleading. Blackbtirn on the Co. tract °Naha. Pritchard's Admirality Digest. LibTary of Law and Equity, tat series, 15 vols. iu 14. Library of.J.,aw and Equity, 2d series, 14 • vols. in 12. . library of Law find Equity, 3d genies, 13 vols, iu 11. Library of Law and Equi!y, 4th serios, 10 vols. ht d. Equity Library—Practiee; Pleading and Evidence, 5 vols. 1 Penusylvanisr Law nook& Sergosnt and R.twle's Reports, 17 vols. Penrose and Watts' Reports, 3 vole. Watts' Reports, l 0 Watts aucl•Sergoiut's Reports, 9 vols. Brightly's Reports, 1 vol. Harris's Pennsylvania State Reports, 10 vole Miles's Reports, •2 vols. .Troubat and Ilaly's Practice, 2 vols. Purdon's.Digest-1700 to 1855. 'Robot:tea Digest of British Statutes. Smith and Reed's 1.,-tws reausylvani,a 1.0 vole. Pamphlet Laws ofPelneylvania (1801 to 1855) . Civil Code of Pennsylvania, -flood oa Executors. Brightly on the 1 0 Lw of Costs, I.3inns' Justice, 6th pd.-1855. Brightly's Equity Jurisprudence, 1 vol. royal Bvo. Just publ'd. Brightly's Purdon's Dignsf' fur 1854 , 5 , price 50 cents. Graydon's . Forms of Coavoyaucing and Vractico. 'Wright's. CoustuMe's Manual. • Pennsylvania Magistrate's Law . Library, 3 vols. or 7 vols. Sergeant's Laud Laws of Pennsylvania; _ Sergeant on Foreign Attachment. Duane on the . LAW of Landiord and Tenant. Duane) rut the Read Laws. ' Press, Eurton's Compendium of the Law of nos Property,.with copious Americatt Annota tions, by Charles Gann, Esq. 1 vol. royal Bvo A New Digest of the Ltws of the United States, oft the plou of Purdon's Digest of • 1853, I vol imperial tiro. Sergesnt's lllech.ustic's Lien Ltrr,New Edi- Lion. • • The Pennsylvania Form Book . . 14inu i s Ansiytiell Tudor` of Parallel Re . ference•to the Penasylvania. Repot to. NOTICE. By the death.ofJohn: Keating, Esq., late of the city of PhilidelPhia, the title of the Keat ing & Co. lands becomes •vested In • William y. K.eating,,..Adolphe E Borie , & James M. Wilcox, by whom deeds will be granted. Thel ichazgardahe vatspany's landed interest in, .dbuttelyleariivlialzdevolved upon the subscri ber who.herehy informs the settlers on Keat ing Ca. land, that Messrs. John King, John S, Mann; & Byron I). Mullin, still con tinue our authorized Agents in Potter & Igq heau Coqutipt, ••-: • ,•-•. • ... Ah.petsoni company . aro - e - aroestly revoked to edam fortvard'and settle thelripcomita without further delay. ' • .Wi1L1 4 431 • Phili'delPhia,'MaY 31st,, 1856. • HURRAH HURRAH - 0 HC Watir Anicemie at laic, and 111;444 I. wish to halm their grinding done is th. VERY 2/ E . S.t 9F O.7tDEX: inst. bring_ your grain to the toshingvilla Grist Mitt and thole yciu Hot• ten, giving entire satisfietiOn to. Yoe who doubt give him a call, and you'll' not be sorry. N. B. Wheat and•-Buckwheat Soured tar market, OD tho shortost notice. Cushingville, April 12th; 18Ut. • CL()TI - 1 DRESSING: . ALL persons having cloth to color and dress, by , leaving. the nine at the store of J. M. Judd in 'Coudersport, 'will be' forwarded to the works of the subscriber finished in good order and returned, payment, for dressing can be made to J. 111: Judd oa delivery oldie cloth. Mark the pieces plainly with name and directions. O. H. PERRY. Genesee Fork Sept. 19th, 1655.. Lewisville steam Grist, AUL ..-o : lIE aubsdribers liaviug purchaied the 41— 1. . .tereat of all other parties heretofore COO. ceruediu thu atiovo estubliaftweut,' •isra nor prepared to du all kinds of custuut work is weir Hue, us we beht.tve in a wurkutauhke manner; and hope by a diliscut atteltiou LO bailees, to merit nod receive a .juer. share putrcuage. - rersous %%fulling, to haveqyttitsat„ or , Luckwocat ',loured tar tuurstut, cam at all lulus be accounnudatctl uu isburt NOTICE. For the quality of the work done at our mill we icier to A. Corey, Esq., .Lewirrille, G. ti. (;utrin, E . sq., Ittughau, end Attu. J, John S. Mauo, Esq., cud air. Jamie Lucke, Uuudersvurt. ELUAH GRIDLEY u. A. LaNsisville,Dec. 27th, 1833 KANSAS AND FIEEDOZ The undersigued haviug lost a large sum of money in running Gls rage;, and betu c ; auziout to pay his respeeLs to the border ICutlians of .34tssottri, proposes to raise the wind by SELLING A FARM And therefore he offers for Vale one of the best farms in the county of Potter, situated one and a haif uniei uordsolCuudersport, and adjoining that of Ne.sou Clark, commuting gas hundred acres of land, luny of which is under improvemeni,well lenceu,und watered egtial to any in the natiott., Thu Attegitny river runs and numeruiis springs come front it; one of which is the adui.ratiou of all persons who travel the tY e.isvh.e road. There are two frame barns and (Ate frame house.. There are one hundred and twenty. live thrifty apple trees, of winch are bearing trees. The plow land has been highly matured for two years and is in tine condition for - ths best possible farming. 'Perms of sale win bd reasouali.e. Fire years tune %VIA CD, WWI a Salad sum is nand. For partiettiars impure at this oast or of the subscriber at Co,estiurg, S. .11. MILLS. Coudersport, May 20, 1d54. GritEval rnformatfon. • UNITE D ST.iTES GO VERNMEN.7 President—i• . rafitino Pierce. Vice President—(cle facto) Jessii D. Drigal Secretary f Stale—W m. L. Marcy ' Secretary uf interiort--ltobert Ste/vary of Treasury --=James Guthrie. • Secritary of War—J e dorsal' Davis. Secretary vf . Nary—James C. Dobbin. Peat Master General—James Campbell. . Attorney General—Caleb Cushing. Chief Justice uf United Slates—lL 13. Tansy STATE GOVERNMENT. . Gorernor—Jaiues Pollock. Secretary of State—Aud . rew G. Curtin. Deputy ~ecretary of. Statc—J. M. Sullivan Surveyor General—J. Putter Itrawlay. Atulitur Gt./renal—Ephraim Banks. . Treasurer—iiii M iter. Supreme Court Judges—Ellis Lewis, W.l Lowrie, W. 1V oothvird, J. C. Knox, J. I Black. County Officers, with Post Office Address. _ President Judge,. - Rouzur G. WHI(E, tiOri Ce issotiateJudgca, . . ORAN GE A. LEWIS, Ulysses . " JOSEPH 31ass,31illpurt. . District Attorney, FRANKLIN W. KNOX, Cout!craven. Sberill, • • PiErtng A: STaitutss, Coudersport, Prothonothry and Clerk of the Courts Tuum.ts B. TYLER, Coudersport, • /:cgister and Recorder, ANDREW JACKSON, Coudersport. - County Commissioner; ' •DOIOK WHIPPLE, Ulysses Center. - lismusositosa, win,e.. corner., HENRY N6t.sos,lVharton. County:Asuiito . rs, R V iz.t. Im. 0. GRAV ES, Clara HARRIS LYMAN, Itoulatte , ' • II: L. Sitio:ts, Allegauy. Commissioners. Samuel Ifavens, Coudersporj, Trcasurer, henry F,:lis, Coudersport. County Surveyor, Z. F, Robinson, llarrison- Superintendent of Common Sehoe le J. B. Pradt, Cottdersport F=lsfile74Stall (,) NOTICE is hereby given that proposals will 1.. ,be. received - at atlo.olfico-ot-thb &nue and Town Council,: for. the , building of the Bridge amp the Ailogant on Second ■trsst, until 3 r. K. on Saturday, th• 19th day ofJuly instant, Specifications of the above bridge may be mewl at the office of the Barges'. - S, STORRS, Sec'. of Town Ceeneil • Condeterport, Jelyl4, ]d56.. . rORTRAIT OF COL FREMONT . Mr. W.Scitacis, Print Publisher, 6..4 Broad. way, New l'orh, has favored. cts with a copy cif it -magnificent Portrait orate People's Can. didate. - It is executed in the highest style of the lithographic art, by.C. I.:ahem lifts! Roues fatuous Thotogr.tpli. The artist has Presented us the outer uranishe is, With the inner Mau evidently at Mime. 'As - a wick:aim as well as ai'wOrk ofifur, it canticit he surpdir Cd. Thu print uieasiuts 24 by 40 inches, and as the price iX Oniy Otte Dollar per copy, wi can saltily say to all our friends, '" Got! picture. ' You will always be proud of it.' Mr. dchnus will send a copy,by mail carefully packed on a roller, and prepdid, on the rtiesiiA of one dollar. •