111 "Fitto , ree!to meet. them. - In dense- Atettce ofkhis reporttbe prisoners, who bad been kept in tents, strictly guard od;:iverennthe night before the fourth ramrod 'to Lecompton for greater Alas being entertained that Lane nittlit attempt their rescue. He did not however make his appearance. The-flurry having blown over, the pris oners were yesterday returned to their tents. I have not seen Gaitss since he was arrested. You know I cannot leave the children while Ann is with him. I expect her home this evening. Through all the bitttir trials we have thus - far passed, she has acted the part of a-true hearted woman and faithfill wife. She has never left her husband except to make us a flying visit to see her children, and then return again to his side to cheer him In his long con flaw:lent: God alone knows when our troubles are to have an end. We must ?have assistance soon or be compelled te•lexce the country. Many acts of liwleas violence era 'committed. They are of daily occur rence. As Most of these "do not find 'their way time the papers, you can •know little of the actual state of affairs. Many of these outrages are so atro cious in their nature that the sacking of !Lawrence-was mere children's 'play in • comparison. Mon "'have been found 'hanging from the limbs of 'trees, and 'from temporary beams pat np for the .occasion—all of them free state men. •A gentleman of our scqttaintance re turning to town a sheet Aim since in his wagon, was waylaid by . a Tarty .of -armed ruffians, taken from his .weeot , his arms pinioned behind him. gagged and firmly bound to a tree robbed of 'his money and other valuables, togeth er `With hi horse and veliithle. He was forted by some friends, and imme diately released. -He was nearly ex banstea, and his month se badly swol len that be could not speak- And this Is only mit. case of torture among many, that would &grate savages. In no instance have the so-called author ities arrested or interfered with the perpetrators. Are you in the east doing any thing for us I or are you looking quietly on? Has nor the story of robbery and mur der yet touched you t Does it require yet further deed's of darkness, that shall eclipse all the rest, and make your blood run cold in your veins as it has in outs already, before you will arouse to a sense of our wrongs, and not ours alone, but yours, and all who wish for freedom in Kansas It amounts to nothing tosend mon in conspauies of forty or fifty. They are mot at almost every landing on the Missouri by hoides of ruffians, and robbed of their arms, and often of their money, and , turned hack. This does no good, but is a positive injury. If Tree state men would come to us, they intould come by thousands ; sufficient to.overawe and repulse any and every attempt to keep them out of the coun try ; for it is our common heritage, and we of the north, have as much right here as those who are striving to drive us out, and we ought, by all we hold sacred, to maintain it to the last. Dear friends, how did you spend the fourth t We of Lawrence are not a very independent people. Howev er, we got up a Sunday School celebra tion, and the time passed off very pleasantly, considering there were few gentlemen present The most of them %sere at Topeka. Rost. OPEN THE CAMPAIGN, ED. Jonax.i.t. : Please announce the tams of W. H. Hydorn as a candidate for Treasurer. HEBRON. Tracy Scott of Ulysses will be a candidate for the office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Repub. licait , C aunty Convention. Allegany Township suggests the name of J. C. Bishop as a candidate for County Commissioner. Allegany also suggests the name of R. W. Benton, as a candidatu for the office of County Auditor. HARRISON, June 29, 1856. JosiN S. MANN, Esq., Dear Sir: would suggest the name of Zalmon F. Robinson, as one of the candidates for. associate Judge of this County, to be elected at the coming fall election. 1 believe, if elected, he would make a good one. GEORGE K. ERVAE. =WIZ .1.113 T FOll EEPTEMBER•TE R5l, 1856. E. F. Carrier ,e. I Goa. N. Smith &N. shut Binghamikh. Dia% " C. C. Crum, Adrn'tr. S R. W. Mclntyre & 2f37 .. C. Ellison, M. B. Freeman " H. F. Sizer, S. N. Heath " D. N. 'hicks, V. Dickinson , " J. C. Cavanaugh, I. W. Carpenter Esther Carpenter, V. Dickinson B. Haven, A. B. Gibbs •• R. Harrison, et. al. W.T.Jones,& Bro. " E. Johnston. • Al. W. May, W. Mclntyre. Amos French' ii Joseph Lent, 3V. T. jonts & tes aP. Hunt, A. F. /Mies D. %V. Sit* "B. H. Martin, • R. Sloat " 0. Rock, G. W. M. Relater. " IL W. Mclntyre,- V )Y, Smith " FP. Brooks.. THOB: B. TYLEk. Prottey. Pkontommuit's Orricz. Coutkriport July 30. 1556. a NotLte. Henry Suydam. Jr., Almet Reed do Daniel R. Buptim, firm of No. 191 Sept. Teni; Suydam, Reed, &Co. 1854. Charles W. Johnson . • The undersigned, tut Atditor appointed by the Court of Commom Pleas of Potter County, to thstribate moneys arrisiiag from' Sheriff's sale areal estate in this else, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Coudersport, on Monday, ttui let claT of Sept. next, between the hours of 1 & 4 o clock, P. M., of said day. Parties iniereeted in the aforesaid distribution, can attend if ;hey think proper. . A. G. OLMSTED, Auditor. 'July 28, 1856. - NEW GOODS. TE subscriber has just recnived a gener al assortment of fall and winter goods consisting of - DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, • BOOTS & SHOES, HATS.& CAPS, • BONNETS, • • RIBBONS, GROCERIES. & CROCKERY, an almost every article needed in the town and vicinity, which be pledges himself to sell as low as the LOWEST. • • -0--- His old customers and friends and the pub lic generally are invited o call and examine fur themselves, D. E. OLMSTED. Coudersport Oct. 4th, 1855 - A. H. Butterworth . WILL furnish the People with fresh Base and Morro:s, on Tuesdays and Fridays during the season. 'Cash will be paid for been cattle at all times. Coudersport, July 17, 1856. NEW - BOOKS. LiNCHANTEp BEAUTY, by Dr. Elder, Lives of Atrocious Judges, by liildre:h, Progress of Religious ideas, by L 31 Child, Bryard Taylor's Travels, The Soug of Hiawatha—Longfellow, Caspar, by Amy Lathrop, • Just received and for sale at the - JOURNAL BOOK STORE NOTICE. By the death ofJohn Keating, Esq., /ate of the city of Philadelphia, the title of the Keat ing & Co. lands.becomes vested id William V. Keating, - Adolphe E. Boric:, & James. M. Wilcox, by wit .m deeds will be granted. The charge of the company's landed interest in Pennsylvania has devoived upon the subscri ber who hereby informs the settlers on Keat ing & Co. lauds, that Messrs.. John King, Junu S. iSlatut, &. Byron D. Hatnliu, still con= tinue our authorized agents in Potter & Mc- Keau Counties. All persons indebted to the company are earnestly requested to come forward and settle their accouids without further delay. • WILLIAM V. KEATING. Philadelphia, May 31at, .1.8543. PORTRAIT OF COL. FREMONT. Mr. W. SCHAUS, Print Publisher, &29 Broad way, New York, bag favored us Willi a copy oft niagnific.ent Portrait .olthe People's Can didate. It is executed in the highest style of the lithographic art, by C. Creheu, after Root's famous Photograph. The artist has presented us the outer man as he is, with.the inner mau evidently at home. As a LIKb:NCSS, as well as a work of Aitr, it cannot be surpass ed. The print measures 24 by 30 inches, and as the price is oulpOne Dollar per copy, we can safely say to all our friends, " Get this picture. You will always be proud of it." Schaus will send a copy. by mail carefully packed on a roller, and prepaid; on the receipt of one dollar. NOTICE Is hereby given, that agreeably to the laws of this Comm , nwealLh, the undersigned citizens of Potter county, Pa., will make ap. plication to the next Legislature, fur a Bank of Issue and Deposit, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, entitled Tile St a g. NIT BASK, to be located at Coudersport, Pot ter county, Pennsylvania. S M. MILLS F. W. KNOX J. W. SMITH C. S. JONES C.. SMITH ARCH. F. JONES N. SCHOOMAKER D. W. C. JAMES A. JACKSON A. ROUNSVILIst Coudersport, June 12, 1856. .)Vew Firm. THE undersigned having purchased the . interest oil. B. Tyler, in the Drug and Beok business, purpose to combine' their stock and continue to supply their numerous friends with the Lune variety of doods us heretofore, except Books. Believing by this arrangement we shill curtail expenses at least ton per cent and are disposed to give our customers The benefit of the change, fur ready pay ralying on increased sales, for our stock will comprise all articles found under the general head of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, and Hardware. N. B. A fall stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Camphene, Fluid. and Dye Stutfs, kept conatautly on had together with ata. .tionery, fancy articles ' Watches and Jewelry. For the truth of .the above promises we respectfully invite an elimination of our goods. SMITH B. JONES. Coudersport, July 3, 1856. NOTICE IS hereby given that the Notes and Accounts of the late firm of Tyler. and Jones have 'been transferred to Smith & Jones, and will be tpund in their hands for collection: Those indebted to the late firm of Tyler and Jones, will please settle the same with the under signed immediately. • SMITH &JONES Coudersport. July 3,1856. . . • NOTICE. • TOSE'indebted to C. Smith either by note or account aro earnestly requested to settle the same immediately, as I am deter mined to collect what is my due as soon as possible; for money must be had and debts must be paid.. C. SMITH. Coudersport, July 3,1856; ' • • MAGAZINES. PUTNAN'S, Graham's, Frank Leslie's Slaeltwood's,Noickechoeker, and Muse held Words, for sale at the jOURNAL BOOK STORE.. lt7e,i:_fi -- 14::1 - 17 - 4.4t. Proposing Anien4nc.ints to the Conetitution of the Com - Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre ! eentativesofthe Cuvitonteca/th of Pennsylva nia in General assembly met, That the follow tug amendments are proposed to the constitu tion of the commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof. FIRST •SIENDNEST There shall be an additional article to said constitution • to be designated as articlo 'ler. en, as follows: _ • ARTIOLZ xI. OF PUBLIC DEBTS Sze, 1. The state may contract debts, to supely casual deficas or ;allures in revenues; or to meet expenses not otherwise provitied for; but the aggregate amount of such debts direct uud contingent, whether contracted by virtue of ono or more acts of the general as sembly, or en ddierentporiods of time, shall nev er exceed seven It uudred und fitlythodsand dol lars, and the money arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was ohtaiited, or to repay the debts so contracted, and w no other purpose whatever. SEC. 2. In addition' to the abcive limited power the state-may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, defend the state in war, or to redeem the - present out standing indebtedness of the state; but the money arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which irwas raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. Six. 3. Lacept the debts above specified, in sectionsone and two or this article,'no debt whatever shall be created by, or on ehalf of the state. SEC. 4. - To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additioual debt con tracted as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first session, alter the adoption of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sutra nut less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; which sulking fund span consist of the net annual income of the . public works, tiont time to tune owned by the s.ate, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part thereel, and of the income or proceeds of sale oistocks owned by the sane, together with °doter funds, or resources, that may be designated by law.— The said sinking t tutut may be increased, from time to time, by assigning to it uuy part of the taxes, ur other revenues of the state, not re quired for the ordinary and current expenses ofgovermuent, and unless in case of war, invasion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund shalt be used or applied other wise than in extinguishment of • the public debt, umil the amount ofsuch debt is reduced below the sum 'alive millions of dottais. Sc.E 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall not in ally unioner, or event, be pledged or loaned to, any individual, company, curcu ration, or association; nor shall sue common wealth bereatler become 'a joint owner, or stockholder, in ally company, association, or corporation. Sim. 6. The cotnmouwealth shall not as sume the debt, orally - part thereof, of any county, city, borough, or township; or any corporation, or association; unless such deut shall have been contracted to enable thestate to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrec tion, defend itseif in inue of war, or. assist the state in ,the discharge of any portdou of its present indebtedness. Jet. 7. The legosiatute shall not authorize any county, city, borough, township, or in corporated d:strict, by virtue of a.vo.vi of its eitice:Li; or otherwise, to become a smcktiold er i n any cnal i;:...rty;assocution,'ur corporation or to obtain money tot loan its credit to, auy corporation, associaitoci or puny. SECOND AMENDMENT. There shall be au additional article to sa;t l constitution, to be designated as. article XII, as follows: ° ARTICLE 111. Of NEW COUNTIES No county shall be 'divided •by a line cut ting, Wl' over one-tenth of its population, (eith er to form anew county or otherwise.) with ou the express assent of such county, by a ♦.ne of the electors thereof; nor shill any new county be established, containing less than four hundred Square mile.S. =V -From section two of the first article of the Constitution, strike out the words, "of the city of Philadelphia, and of eaci county respective ly:" from section five, saws article, strike out the words, " of Philadelphia and of the several counties:" from' section seven, same article, strike Out the words, "neither the city of Philadelphia nor any," and insert in lieu thereof the words, "and no;" and strike out section four, same article, and in lieu thereof insert the following. "EEC. 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, an 4 in:every seventh year thereafter, representatives to the Lunn; ber of one hundred, shall be apportioned and distributed' equally, throughout the state, by distriCts, in proportion to the number of tax able inhabitants in the several parts thereof; except that any county couaining at least,- three thousand five hundred taxabies. may be allowed a separate representation; but no more than three counties shall be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the formation. of a district. Any city containing a sufficient 'number of taxables to entitle it to at least two representatives, shall have a separate repre sentation assigned it, and shall be divided in to convenient districts of contiguous territory of equal taxable population as near as may be, each of which districts shall elect one repre sentative." At the 'end ofsection seven, same article, insert these words, "the city of Philadelphia, shall be divided into single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as nearly • qua! in • tax aole population as possible; but as ward shall be divided in aeformation thereof." The legislature, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shill 'divide the icily of Philadelphia into senatorial and' rep resentative districts, iu the ufanVier'• above provided; such districts to remain - unchanged until the apportionment in the year one thou sand eight nundred and sixty-four. FOURTH AMENDMENT. To be section xxvz,..Artida 1 The legislature shill have the power to al• ter, revoke, or annul. any charter of incor poration hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to ,the citizens of the commonwealth; in such manner, however that no injustice shall be done to the eorpo raters. Is SeNA.T.E, April 21, 1856 Resolved, That this resolution •pass. •On iho first amendment, yeas 24, nays h. On the second amendment, yeas 19, nays G. Ou the third amendment, yeas 28, nays 1. On the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nave 4. • tract from the Jottrpal. " TllO5. A.- atAGuisz, ctok,. _ _ &lints or RtrittrlSTATlVlii 1- • .trpril2l; 4141 Br-solved, That this lesoltwori pluti. On the first amendment, yeas 72, nays ,24. On the second amendment, yeas 63, nays vr.c. On the third amendaieni, - yeati 64; nays 2L; arid on fourth amendment, yeas 69, nays 16. Extract front the Journal. WILLIAM JACK, Clerk.. ! ........... • SECItiTARY'SOFFICS, A. G. CURTIN . ; • Filed April 24, 1856. Secretary ot the Ceta .. 7! monutalth. ' SECRETARY'S OFFICE, i . " Harrisburg, June 27, I£4 Pomerania, ss: I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original "Reso lution -relative to an amendment of the Con stitution" as the same remains on file in this office. 3 "."-os In testimony whereof I have here- L.S. unto set my hand and caused to be ..., Axed the seal of the Secretary's Office, the day and year above written. • - A. G. CURTIN, • Secretary of the Commonwealth. . . . IN SENATE, April 21, ISM. Resolution proposing amendments to the Colutitution of the Commonwealth, being un der consideration, On the question, ' Will the Senate agree to the first amend ment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the. Constitution,, : and were as fol jow, viz: Yeas—Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, . Cress well, Evans, Ferguson, r lenniken, Hoge, In gram, Jamison, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Mc- Clintock, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Taggart; Walton, Welsh, Wher:y, Wilkins, and - Piatt, Speaker-24. Nays—Messrs. Crabh, Gregg, Jordan, Mel linger and Pratt-5. So the question was determined in• the affirmative. . On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second ameudmo. The . nays were taken agreeably to the provisiou,s of the Constitution ,and were as follow, viz • Ye_s—Messrs. BiownO, Buekalew, Cress well, Kvans, Hoge, Ingram, Jamison; Knox, Labauch, Lewis, M'Ctintock, Sellers, Shu nt:in, Souther, Straub, Walton,'Welsh, Wher ry and Wilkins-19; • Nays—Messrs. Cribb, Ferguson, Gregg, Pratt, Price and Piatt, Speaker-5. So the question was determined in, the affirmative- On the question, • Will the Senate agree to the third amend. went ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follow, viz:. -Yeas—Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, Crabb, Croswell, livaus, - Ferguson, Fiennihen, Hoge, Ingrain ' Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Lau babn, Lewis, Relintock, Mellinger, Pratt, Price, :Sellers, Shuman, Souther; Straub, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry. Wilkins and t'iatt, Speaker—J . Nays—Mr. Gregg-1. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment 7 . • The yeas and nayswere taken agreoatOy to the Constitution, and wero as foliow, viz: Yeas—Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, Cress well, Evans, Flenniken, tinge; Ingrain; Jami son Jordan, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, M'Clin torc, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Walton, NVelsh, IVberry, Wilkins and Piatt, Speaker-23. Nays—Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Mellinger and Pratt—l. • , So the" question was deterinined in the affirmative. • Journal of the House of. Representatives, April 21, The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and on the first proposed amendment, were as follows, viz Yeas—Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Baldwin, Beck, (Lycoming.) Beck, (York,) Bern hard,pail' Boyt.l, Boyer, Brown, Brush, Buchanin Caldwell. Campbell, Carty, Craig, Crawford, Dowdall, Edinger, FauSold, Foster, Getz, Haines,. Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Hillegas, Holcomb, Huusecker" Lw brie, Ingham, Inimis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Laporte, Lebo, Longd!ser, Lovett, M'Calmont, M'Carthy, Mangle, Meiling, Miller Montgomery. Moorhead, . f i ar n;ttniacher, Orr, Pearson, Phelps, Purcell, tininsiy, tided , Iteiu" hold. Riddle, Roberts, Shenk,.l llo 7, gheny,)Sinith,(Canibrin,)Smit,(Wyoulin,) Strouse, Thohipson, Vail, %Vhalton, Wright, .(llauphin,) Wright, (Luzerne,) Zimmerman and Wright, Spcaker-72. Nays—Messrs. Augustine. Barry, Clover, CoburtiP Dock, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, ,Gib boney, Hamilton, Hancock, Housekeeper, Huueker, Leiseuring, Magee, Manley, Morris, -Mumma, Patterson, Salisbury,: Solidi, (Phil adelphia) Walter, IVintrode and Yearsley-24. •So the question was determined in the af- - &rotative. - On the question, " Will the douse agree to the second amend ment ? The yeas and nays were taken, and. were as follows, yiz: YLlS—Messrs. Anderson; Backus, Bald win, Ball; Beck, [Lycoining,] Beck,[York,] Bernhard, Boyd, Brown, brush, Buchanan, Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig. Fansold, Foster, Getz, Haines, Hamel, Harper, Heim, Hibbs, Hill,' Hihegas, nipple, Holcenib, Hunsecker, Imbrie,-• Ingham, Iniiis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Laporte, Lebo, Lougaker,, Lovett, M Calmout, M' Carthy, M Comb, Mangle, Menear, Miller, Montgoinery, Moor head, Nuunemacher, Orr. - Pearson, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith,• [Allegany,] Serowe,' Vail, %Vhallon, Wright, [Luzerue,] Zinimerman and Wright, Speaker—W. • :NAYS—Messrs. Augustine, Barry, 'Clover,- Edinger, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibbony, Hamilton, Hancock, Huneker, • Letsenring, Magee,- Stanley, Morris, Mumma, Patterson, Phelps, Salisbury, Smith (Cambria,) Thomp son Walter, Withrode, Wright, [gauping and Yearstey— , 3s. So the question was determined in the af firmative. - On the question, • Will the House agree to the third amend ment 7 The yeas and nays were taken,, * and were as follow, viz : YEAS—Messra. Anderson, Backus, Bald win, Ball, Beck, [Lycousteg,] Beck, [York,] Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, drown, Buchanan, Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Crawford, Edinger, Fausold, Foster,Fry, Get% Haines, Hamel, Harper, Heins, H ibbs, Hill, Getz, , Hipple, Holcomb, Housekeeper,' hubrie, Ingham, Innis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson.. La porte,. Lebo,'Lonelier, Lovett, M ' Celmot, .11' Comb, Vanilla, Menear, ..Miller, Mont gomery, Plunnemacher, Orr, Pearson, Phelps, rumen, Ramsey, Reed, Riddle, Shenk, Smith, (Allegheuy,) Smith, (Cambra,) Smith; (Wy oming,) Thompion.•Whallon, Wright, (Dau phin) Wright, (Luzern,) and Zinunerumn -641 • NAYS—Magsrs. Barry, Clover, Cobourn Dock, Dowdall, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboney Hamilton, Hancock, Huneker, Leisetuilg M (.arty, Magee, Manley, Moorhead, Moms, Walter, Wintrode, Yearsly as I '4 l E. Speaker-4G. . • , So the I" . r.stievrai 4tetettujine4 it; tke affix- •ttuueation, Will therAoase agree to Au,. fiJurtli Alma* meant The yeas and nays were talon,. and were as fellow, viz • YEAS—Messrs, Anderson, Bickts, Boll,Reck, [York,] Beck, [Lyooming,] Bernard, Boyd, Brush, Buchanan, Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Crawford, Dowdall; Edinger, remold, Foster, Fry,. Getz, 'Hamel, Harper; Hems, Hibbs, Hill, Hillegus, Hipple,Holconlb;HOnse keeper, Hunsecker, Imbne, Innis, Irvin, John son, Laporte, Lebo, Longaker, Loved, IWCal wont, M'Curtey, ivPCumb , Mangle, slenear, Miler, Montgomery, Moorhead, Nunnema cher, On, Pearson, Phelps,. Purcell; Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, [Catnbria.] Smith, [Wyoming]Ehomp son, Vai I, %Foliar, bVhallon, Wright,[Luzerne] Yearsley, Vmuterman brown, Boyer, and iVright, Speaka-69. Nars—Messrs:. .Barry, Clover, Cobourn, Fulton, Gibbonuy, us, Ilao.coes, Huneker, Ingham, Leiseuring, Magee, anley, Morris, Patterson, Salisbury, and Win:rode-16 So the question was determined ha affir mative. - StORYTARY'S OPTIC • RarrisbuT ...fuss 27, • Pennsylvania, ss: I do certify that the labove lit/ feregoini iic a true 'and-correct copy' orate " Yeas" and " Nays" taken on the Resolution proposing atnencluieths - to the COnstitiniciif Of the Cem monvvealth, as the same appears on the Jour-' nals of the two Houses Assem bly of this Commonwealth for the sessions of 18513. 3 ......... -. Witness' my hand and the se a l of L.S. said office, this twenty-seventh day of .ON. June, one thousand eight' hundred and fitly-sii. A. G. GUHTIN, . Secretary of delCumenonirealth. • July 17, 1856. Agents Wanted. ESPONSIBLE Local and Traveling In ilLsurance Agents wanted to operate for a permanent Company, to whom good induce. rJerits will be °tiered. Address D. S. BOSS, 142 York, Pa. • 601•.. • - • 1 . , ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. BY virtue .of ati order of the Orphan's 'loon of Putter county will be exposed to pub lic sale ou the premises at the house occupied by Jared Davis hi Pike township, ou Thurs• day the _lst day of August at 11 o'clock A. M. of said day. the following described tracts of laud, to wit: , . The undivided two-third part of a tract of land in Pike tc,vuship, Putter couuty, begin ning ut a black ask in the west lino bf Tioga county, thence west 836 perches to a white pine, thence 'Muth 611 perches to a post and stones, thence east 110 perches to a post and stonesolience ntrth 212 perches to a pins knot and stones, thence east about 150 rods to a post, thence smith 390 perches to a, post; thence east 170 Perches to a hemlock suit east 8-1 perches to the west hue of a lot sur veyed by the Trustees ul William Bingham to David Kilborn, thence south 1 degree - west 117.9 perches, thence south 89 degrees, east Ma, thence south i degrees west'66.6, thence north 704 degrees east, 56.5 Perches, thence south 83 degrees east 119.4 perches, thence north i degree east 49 perches, thence east 38 perches, thence notch 7 degrees east 6.8 perches, thence east 18.8 perches, thence north 80 degrees east 22 perches, thence north 1,1 perches, thence north 78 -degrees . west 26.7 perches, thence north 3 . degrees went 14.3 pert.hes, thence south 81 degrees west 23.1 . perches, thence north 80 perches, tifeuce west 67.3 perches, thence north 41 per ches, lience east 104 perches, thence north by the Tioga enmity line 475 . perches to the place of begin/neg.,. containing about three thousand eight -hominid acres.. more or leis, with about one hundred and thirty acres im proved, a Saw Mill, five Dwelling, Houses, a School House, two Barns, Store and Black smith-shop, and some other small out buildings thereon. - . ALSO—The undivided two-thirds part of a lot in Pike township, Potter county, bounded on the north b ,. laud late . of Abraham Bruner and 0 . B. Goodman, and on the east south and west by laud of the Bingham Estate, contain; ing fifty acres—with about, two acres improv. ed, and a lug house thereon. „ ALSO—The undivided two-thirds part of a tract of laud in Pike township, Potter county, , beginning at a hemlock the north-east corner of 1 wufz , .. , ,ut No. 4653, thence south 640 perches to a hemlock - , the south-east corner of warrant No. 465-i. thence wNt 262 . i perches to a sugar maple, thence t north 640 mirches to a beech, , and thence' east 262,1 perches to the place of beginning—containing 990 acres, be72o the east part of warrants Nos. 4653 and 4654.' ALSO—By ,virtue of au order of the Or phan's Court of Tioga county, will be exposed to public sale at the house of Horace C. Ver milyea, in Gaines township in said comity, on Thursday, the 21st day of August next at 2 o'clock I'. M. of said day, the following de scribed tract of land to win: Tho undivided two-thirds part of a tract of land iu Gaines township, Tioga county, begin uing at a hemlock iu the west lint of Tioga county, the south-west corner' of- warrant No. 2308, theuccr south by the west .line of Tioga county, three hundred and seventee.o perches to a post; theuce south eighty-nine degrees east sixty-two perches to a post ; thence south one. degree west ' seventy-six porches to a beech stump;- thence south eighty-vino de grees east fifteen perches to a hemlock ; thence south three degrees east twelve porches; thence south thirty degrees east fourteen and a,hall perches to a forked hemlock; thence by the Plicenix Creek road,. south* thirteen porches to the State road ; thence by the State road, westerly, seventeen perches to the ,southeast corner of lot forriterly of Daniel Barnheart, thence south seventy-oue degrees east, 02 perches; thence south 45 degrees east 8 perches; thence south 24 degrees east 2 perch %es ;thence south 10 degrees east 8 perches; thence south 8 degrees west 6perches' • thence south 22 degrees west 8 perches, south ' 39 de grees west 6 perches, smith 58 degrees' west ID perches, south 69, degrees west 11 - perches to' a butternut, thence south tu:ross Pine Creek 10 perelietto south bank of Pine Creek, thence down. said Creek in a direction : north of east. 50-pereheti; thence' north 36 degrees west across Pine Creek. 14 perches, north 21 de grees west 7 perches, north 33 degrees - .west 8 perches, north.l2 degrees west 6 perches, north 52 degrees - west 4 perches,,north -15 de grees east 27 perches, north 7 degrees; east 14 perches, to a white oak, north 96 perches to a post; - thence south 89 degrees east 141 perches to a post; thence north. la de,giees, west 297 perches to the place ef beginning. Containing about fire hundred and forty-four acres, with about 8 acres 'improved, a frame house, shop, and bath thereon. 7• Kgr' TEUMS made known no the dayofamie. JAMES BARBER, , . CHESTER ROBINSON, Executors. • • ~ • • . WelLsboro, July 17 t '1856. ' • - - . Bs' LU :•hf 'T.., I. luk• • Jauav aTaa&. tp - • . • . mite undeirinined hafizit'fbtnied- 4. partnetsbip under the mime tug Gtk MANN Ai - ATONEBi.-, for the pogrom p 1 extentng their Austfalnete iu the biercaotilp business" . have' ph:id:tailed! the entiits do* Of V. 3. Jones, - Lewis Man; and A. F. Jones, which with the large,hi}, ditions noW being trade . to the consolidte( Stock, by daily arrivals from New York anti Philadelphia, ..eilahles tlieto• to offer to thi Public and each of their !Omer ensloworl: the largest, best and Apst extensive a"616- went of goods ever brought intcr this, . Market. - • To steepen:nal:El themselves and their'elle. toners, they have remodeled the Store forms erly occupied by C. 8. Jones,• where they may be found at all times, ready and willing to wait upon all who mai 'extend to . _ then their patrortige. Their . liteak• coMiel4 Of HARDWARE; • - GROCERIES, • -•.- Provistons, BATS & . CAPS. BOOTS & 'SiIEiQESL irmi, straits 4* • 9 C. S. JOKE 4, L. MAN 3, A. F. JONUI Coudersport March, 29th, 1856. • TONES, 4 JONES, Are now reeeiving . a large Ipt of tfie•'bilit Style Prints counsting -of Cocheco; Mari. mach, Philips Allen & SOW; Briggs, Sprague. & Co. Warranted fast colors,-ilso •,-let 'of Cheap Prints. Call & Examine. i• • JONES, MANN "11 JDNES,. Would call the attention of those whO :are t! want of Cloths to their Stockewhich they ars continually replenishing consisting of Broad ClatiO, (BLACK & BLUE,) Cassitneres of all grades and styles, ilattirobs TWEEDS, JE4.11 11 8 46c. NATE have now on hand several cnalities of Farmers Satin, which is wsrrsntsd to give satisfaction. Try it. • JONES, MANN, & JONES. 0 ALL AT/NES, MANN, & JONES V and cram' le their assortment of Sheet. ings, Deuain.s, Ticks, Manias& Stripes antt Checks. They are justreceivine a handsome luL of Bleached goods,, v,vlkiek they, are desirous of having died.. custoi4erk ' . lA LD fashioned Dimity for sale at V • ' JONES, MANN & JONES WE have on baud agood We meni or Yankee notions, w hich We are Witting to soli at reasonabh profit, :Linen thread, Cotton du. (spinq & skein* Linen and Ccitton • Flo,nt, french •Woriting • Cotten, Knitting do. Needles, Pins, with aimost•every thing belong;n: , to this departmert. of Tr;tde. JONES, MANN & JONEd. A LL who are in want'of Roots or Shoes, 11 will please call and examine iho ogl 4 of JONES, 'NUN, & JONES, Which is the largest ever opened in this county. and we feel confident that wo satisfy the Most critical. We have also- in connection with this Branch of our business a: i poot ki .: s l lioe . - 8 1 : .0 P 1 i Where we can order any kind of work; lila we believe that our Moine Mails work Li Ape perior to that whichis brought from abroad , L F, A T ..' • of the beet quality, and of all the - different kinds, with Root & Shoe findings at • JONES. MANN & JONES: . - PEAS (Black and Green) from twenty4l.• 1 cu. to a dollar, constantly on 'hand at JONES, MANN dr, JONES. fl int Stock of Groceries is offered to ~a V inspection of the Public with the tst,t belief tint it is:the best in the County.. .W. intend thai . this department of .our business shun always be kept in readiness to auppiy the wants of this community. JONES, MANN & JONES.. TONES MANN &JONES, have certainty the . best stock of Hardware *set kept in this place,: and •they intend to keep every thing in this line, and we . feel confides t that we can do as well by the l'eJp!e of tli:a County as will be done . by thew at Wellsville Alarge Stock ofTrockery to select from • JONES, MANN Si JONES. WANTED at JON ES, MANN At:JONES Wheat, Rye, Buckwheat, Core, Oate;: • Potatoes., o . r Tanyt in - the Farmers have for uie, cart-find Yearly sate-for at on.il3tore.. . """7" — * • • J WE . ire keeping i rod aiitortsial apr y " , • . • I • 01• N . 9 from Illick-Slitko of this seetion;.as favorably :as, they. bar dealt with at Wellsville: JONES; MANN 4 JONES, - AVOULD Respectfully, ask. the Farmers VV - of this coital) , to examine the Advan tages, offered them in this place, fur the. ex chaugingpf their farm ~, produce .. for, cash or Merchandise, ahnoet kiddsref arra in fact, every kind the Winer :hae to sefi, bear. a more advanced figure in Coudersport. than at any of the Northern market*, whtie;_thas goods of the Merchant, axe about, the so& price excepting the • heavy arthalea. wk's - kaTeTeansportation added. • g.' ' JONES, MANN. i../031 4 3 /WA aOth.lB - 66. . . .•. J.( MB MEM