f .,.~... Weir' Firm, El NNE 7 HE nolersigned• kitting . p - nrchaseti the 1 ...interest 01% 8 T m yler, the Drug s and ekbasittees, puiPosi to combine thaie stock .heed itkitnl2.lo7supplitheiritunieitiuti friends 'with tfteAtitip • titi,;‘)ACCoolls,ata heretofera, lueep t Bade. believing py thii arrangement + rev *s44ll 4 ettlrtail ehtpitieui - itt lout ten per ,cent 'and ase•disposed to give oar customers tits -impute/ost the change; fur ready pay - rolya% :tan in4riased Wes, • for ogr ;stock, win •sempriraillutiblee found under the general head oßlDry . G clads, Grocenes and Provisions, sad Hardware. • • , ..... • PiT: IL-A full stock of Drug!, Ar.edioines, rain* Oits, Clunphenei Fltild,and Dye Stuffs, %kept cotutantlron laa.nd together .with .sta.. %lonely, fumy articles, Watches and Jewelry. .Tar the -.truth 'of the t above promises we assputfulli 'invite an' examinstion of our leads.. ' • -BHII.I dr. JONES. , CAnderaport, July 3, 1856. • . ...1- , :- - -.-z.-:-.--.%7-. - . - - IN ()TICE . . . illi i . . hereby gieeh that tfie Notes and Accounts I * Ogle late firmer Tyler •anct•Jonesi . have - in transferred to South & Jones, and will N bound at their hands for collection.- Those Indebted to the late firm of Tyler and Janes, swill please settle the- same with the under signed immediately. -. • • - ••• .. • ••• • •-• .' SiIIITH & JONES. Coudersport, July 3, 1858; • • zonyg. THOSE indebted to * Smith either by mete or recount era genteelly requested 310114rute , the same immediately, ea I am deter- .;mined toioliect what 4 -my .due aa soon as Iposaibla ; for money must bo had and dens 4past bo paid. 3,1856. Coeur' NOTICE II ►arsby given dud tit, town orders, here. tnatisr described wets illekady.dnm rr, that s township has recd no consideration for Ikon ending , will not be paid. • liworders are drawn on the Treasurer of airway° Ybwn►bip, and signed by 6. F.-Row :s ley and Isaacs Pierce, as Cilcumissioners.- 1.310 nutnbLr, date, amount, and payee, lire as fellows, viz: • - Fayable to E. Dalrymple Oct. 21, 1854 X4ll. V. 4 • . *103,15 .110 24 - 96,69 't Dos. 30, 18.54 su,uu 4. - - I 6U,uu ia WOO 111 60,U0 os 54.0,1JU . lumu luit,uo bi lUo,oo , u, 117,91 Win. SKATTOCIL Township - ii. - U. L Losses i Auditors. F. C. Wisiutios, Town CI rk., • 5r9 • • si 11 33 • 33 • 3 4 1 ✓ Si se ip • 37 " I • si • CM 9swayo, June 23d,.1856 NOTI9E< a • IS hereby given, that agreeably to the laws or this. ilosnmonwealth, the. undeisigned ilitiventy of Pottei county, Pa., will make ap plication to: the' next Legiilsture, fur a Bank• of Lure* and IjePitsit, with a capital of one hinSdre'd thousand dollars, entitled THE SOH. Urt %my, to be located at Coudersport, Pot tier scanty, Pennsylvania. S M. MILL'S • F. W. KNOX J. W. S*Ti'Ll C. S. JONES C. SMITH '• ARCH. F. "JONES Vs. SCHOOMAKEE Dt.W: C. JAMES al.; JACKSON' • A. HouNsylu4 Coudersport, Juno 12, ItiSli. • • • LAND] AGENCY. LIB ttinlirsighed . shivit g' bieli entrusted with the carp of several large tracts of iu this county, has made itimkeir ac= initiated with the landS and land titles of the lioauty, and will give immediate atiention to 'lazy business of tide nature that May be en Vested to him. ''' '' ' J. 8. MANN. filtf - f4tiop , f Me IN sonsequence of the opening of the Cat tawissa, 'Williamsport, nod Llinira R. Et., hereby direct railroad communication sow established with Philadelphiii, . . . WISE, PUSEY, & WISE, Wholesale deaiefsidi Foreign . ;sod Domestic fly Goods. E. corner Fifth and Market St • • - • 1 3 HI s. 1 SiELPIII•, are novrpOpured - to offer extraordinary in .to the Northern Pepnarianis trade,•to visit their city to make 'spring pur- Oases. • • .• - Irraiddition to the low prices they sell tbarwill also guat`ateii•to'ship all goods - Or 'bleed of them, at — the same rates as goo are shipped (rota New York. Their stock *mow of all the usnal varieties of • • yrtiNTs, pINGHAMS, CHAIthtIAYS, "LAWNS, 14AREGE ISakINES.- ALP.A.CAS'itb.E:BECrt, FHITEOC, O DS IN ALL THEIR VARIETY', BROCHE &8LA.144.ET SHAWLS, MrSH. TABLE DIAPERS, pr,,qpiiaCASSIAIERFA . . SATINETS & JEANS, VELVET'S & vF,LATFr CORDS, LINENS, DUCKS & SILK & SATIN Vi,'STINGS,. BLACK DRESS SILKS; ' COLORED CAMBRICq, D'.& WHITE FLANNELS, • TICKINGS & STRIPES, " FLEA.cEttpzogROWN bIII4I.INS, &c.. &c. • i Irs (4- 7 . A full hasoruneitt of Co!potiin. _WISE. 'eusEy, & W/SEir Viiolesale'Dialirs in' ready-made Clothing )4. g. corner Oth'and. Market bts4 Philadelphia will have •constantly on hand an ex tensnr ,gis wai „ sa t of Alen'eos Boys' Clothing of every and quality ! adapted •to • the country de. All l°. wtax.Mted of the newest e. and best workmanship: - • 1 biladi4 his 2ii* Atelodefms, and talfi ifj 8 C • THE : CASH 'FASTEN AHOPtED Yrices Oree.tly Reduced. HORACE WATERS' No. 333 .8r0.4-azoify; AGENT FOR THI3 REST BOSTON AND • - I.Y. Y EVST,RU4I.4 . NTS. HE Largest 4;l3or.tment oiPianas, T 3telotteous, Masicaf instruments; nud Musical Merchandise of all kiiids, in the U. b. Pianos from Teti different Manufactorieil, comprising those of every variety of - style, from the plain, neat and aubstantial oc taves, in Waltint or ROBOWOOd. Cases, from $l5O to $2OO, to tlioie of the Most elegant finish up to One Thousand Dollars. No house in the Union catreompSte with the aboys" in the number, variety, and celebrity of `Us in struments, narin the Extremely Low*Prices at which they are sold. VMS' PIANOS, With Of without iron' Frames, possessing in their improvements of over.striugs cud action, a length of scale, and compass of tone equal to the Grand rialto; united with the beauty and durability of structure of the square View).— They are justlYpreuounced by the Pre.a and by the first Musical.Mastera, to be equal to those of any other Mauulucturer: They are built of the best and most thoroughly season- I material, and. gaarenteed to stand the ac tion of every climate. Each lustrumeut guaranteed to give satis faction, or purchase-nieuek refunded. SEC OND-HAND PIANOS AT GREAT EAR ,GA !NS, COLISCUIrdi 14 store, price from $3O to $l4O. C. SMITH g01t4.c4 winlguN9 ~i eiodeo az et Superior instruments in tone, touch and du- ridulity of make. (Tuued the equal tquiperar ment.) bleltaleous of all other. sty/eir stud makes. Trice $45, $6O $75, $lOO. $125, $1411; double Keene aid two banks of Keys, S2OU. Less a liberal discount. Clergymen matt Churches, uu extra discount. - MARTIN'S GUITARS, BROWN'S . 4ARPS, . FLUTINAS, ACCORDEONS, and Musical idstruments of all kinds, at Lower prics than ever before 'tittered 1.4) the public. A large discount to Teachers and Schools.— The'trade supplied on the most liberal terms. One Wine largest and best :elected eats. logues of Musicuowd published, comprising many of the; choice au me a t, popular airs Nt the nay. and will be sold at aue -third utf from the regular prices. Music sett: by wail to all parts of the coun try; post paid l'arneular and personal atten dun paid to all orders received by mail, dat istactiou guaranteed ip every instance. Piados and Melodeons for rent, and rent allowed ou purchase. Pianos and Melodeons tor sale on monthly paynieuts. Second-hand Piaitus ta keu iu eactlauge for new. (lcuerul and select Catalogues anti Schedule of prices forwarded io all parts of the country by mail. Kir 011 EAT INDUOBINIENTS OFFERED To AGENIS DI ALL rAUTS Of THE COUNTRY, to scathe Horace Waters' P LOS Meludeous, and Catalogue of Music. 1401111'S RCHAL NEIY•YORILER. 1s the leading American weekly Agricultural Literary and r anuly Newspaper. This is no vain ass= piton, but fully sustained by its repuimion, great popularity, and eaten enu It embracei more Agricul tural, at 'articular*, illeChanical, Scientific, k.ducationiti, Lttemry and .News-Matter, inter spersed with numerous and costly engravings, Luau any o.her Journal in the Union—render ing it uummailea in variety and usefulness of comenis. 'An actual increase of nearly seven thousand subscribers during the past year, summates and enables us to make the Volume, for lti,rli, superior tcl its predecessors. With a corps of six able Editors, and every fatuity for publishing in the best styleowe are deirertnined that the RURAL shall excel in bolt cou.ents and appearance.' its high Literary and moral tone, interest , tug v urmty, and enure freedom from trash and vulgarity, render it a safe and desirable coin ' palmist lot the yuung--a.choice paper far the Lundy circle. Texas.—s 2 a year; $1 for six months—in advance. aireat reduction to agents and clubs. - Specimen numbers sent free; give us your address. Subscription money, properly enclosed at our risk, it addressed to 'l'. 1). :51001tE, Koch ester, N. ' The Journal Boar -Store OFFERS to the public a goq4 variety of N..../most readable books, 'cheap for casu o fainiy necessities. All the newest books tit value dre kept on hand, or immediately pro misee fur customers, uud we hope to receive such patronage us faithful attention to busi ness, and an earnest desire to oblige, may tieserve. New books received at short infer vials. School Books, Stationery of all kin& irlateriabi for Paper flowers, etc., constantly on hand. Music, Maps, Mi:thetOaticil Initru menu. Please call and examine. for yourselves the lqpipm. BOOK—STORE. The People's Qa,sh St?arc. AT- (diIbERSPOBT. omethLn New, and Sqlpie4long Wanted. HE subscribers. having 9 • 7 " • Tntered into par nership arrangements under the' anti' or 'tlarseito & WiLeos, will be happy to see all aid friends, and all new friends, calling day after day, and continually, at "The Peo•• plc's Cash Store" in Coudersport, inquiring fer DRY GOODS, ' •-• • . • HARDWARE, • CROCKER'', READY-MADE CLOTHING, and all the endless throity of anklet; which the People •wantiauct must have. And the subscribers will telt to their cuitomers, old or is*, for the Cash, or other Ready-Pay, the very best bargains to be had in Northern Pennsylvania. • • • • • MAYNARD & WI,Cox. ffeilerspert Arra 165 0. • • ' 51. US IC, JOtilital 'BOOK STORE• o-=-_' ;NEW ARRANGEMENT. THE undersigned lacing purchased the entire Sttick ))113cioks lately Ostia by. Tyler da' Tories, ind - cbtr.pleted her as 501t:tent by new purchases iu the thy, offers to the pubitc, the greatest variety and best @sleeted Stock of • -' HISTORICAL, MISCELLANEOUS . • BIOGRAPHICAL, and CLASSICAL Books over presented for sale in this county AS thitnew books' of apy la/us are kept constantly on hand, or procured' by expiess for customers who may desire therm It is believed that u lhithfut attention business, 11.0 d an earnest desire to oblige all who may deal with her, will secure a liberal amount of patronage. School Books, Stationery ofall kinds, na terials for Paper flowets,'etc., constantly on hand ;" also Ai tisic, Slaps, Mathematical I mart •mohts. Please call and examine for-yourselves. M, W. MANN. . Coudersport, May 14,1836. ftlY BONDAGE & MY FREEDOM. By Fred• 'Douglass: • •-• ' Journey to Central Africa. Bayatd Taylor GiJulian's Third tiallery of Portraits, Father Clark, the Pioneer Preacher, The Hidden Path, • Fables for Critics, Together with a general stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Winks; good books for Young People; Stationery at Wholesale & lima; States, Pens, Pencils, inks—in short, everything in the greatest 'variety usually kept in a Hook Store. ivr ET HOM ST Hying Rooks of various T& Sizes just is and for sate at the JQUICNAL 13.004. STORE• BIBLES; English and German, a variety of styles and sizes, at the Journal Book store. Pocket Bibles, Hymn /souks, Prayer Books, ebsier's Dictionary, unabridged, octavo, high submit and common school editions, Uarper's Universal Gazetteer, Cruden's Concordance. Testaments, Putuam's Magazine, bound, Bayard Taytur's W mks, b vols.,' Poets and Poetry of America, Poets and Poetry of Englund, Layard's Nineveh and bubyton, Watis's Poems, tioldsmith's, Bray's, Ossian's, Cook's; and Tennyiou's Poems, Paradise Lust. Lady of the Lake, Prescott's Histories.. Mexico and Peru, 'piers' French Revolution, J osephus. Bolan, Viuttirop's New-Lngland. .Macauley's England. Dickens' England, The Spectator, a vole., Cvo., Children's Books—and Toys. School Books, every kind called for in this community. Lanni trench', and German' School Books, Leverett's Latin Lexicon, Drawing Paper, Books, and Cards, Drawing Pencils—Crayuns, Toy Paints, _ Colors for oil painting. Music. Brushes, Chalk, Pens, tJoints,Paperof every variety bailed fur. Wafers, Wax, 41. x. Materta,s Ibr Paper Flowers. Harrison's Copying-Ink--:Davids' Blue Ink, Indelible Ink, 'several kinds, Hovey's Ink, Many Phrenological and Hydropainic NV mks. Fhwiers and, Wells' publications, Blank Books. Meats. and Diaries, Teacher and Parent. Theory and Practice of Teaching. Life of Horace Greeley. Star Papers—lL W. Beecher, Works of Theodore Parker, Shakspcare, For sale cheap at the JOURNAL BOOK—STORE. TAIARIES and Almanacs for 1856, —Li Blotting Cases, Card Cases, - Tberruome.ers, Children's gooks for the Holidays, Chess Men, Drawing paper, Bristol gourd, Alonouttruinatic Board, Hydroputhic Lucycmyedta, by Dr. Trull, Family Physician-11r. 6itetvi • Fauiny Dentist ; l'otipuar rapers, at the JoUti.NAL. BOOK STORE, IEXTEBSTER'S DICTLONARY Pocket, ir bchuol, University, Octavo, and Quarto editions, for bale by M. %V. M. Instrynents, Water Colors, brawiug Paper, reueiLs, and brushes, just received by SLATES, Pencils, Writing Books llrawing Books, Account and Memorandum Books, Tracts, Sunday School questiou and Glass Books. Ink, Paper-sand, Chalk, Cray ons, Scaling Wax, Tissue, Tracing, Drawing, and Glazed Paper; Blotting Boards, Perfo rated Boards, Port-Folios, auu Porte-Monuaics Call and examine at the . JOURNAL BOOKTSTOWE. VII IHE Cythara, the Lute of Zion, 4, .3 .4 4 floss and Girls' Singing Beek, at the JOURNAL titin: STORE. NgW B iAmerican Aptators and Refortm By Haruett $1,25 Life of Wm. H, Seward, his Speech- • es, Orations, and Writings, " 1,01. Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern,....1,25 Life of Horace Greeley, (tteui sdpp Iy,) - Stanhope Ilurleigh, or theJestuts in oar Hoiues, (new sapply,) M.•W. N EW Music received every ft I:virally KANSAS and Nebraska. • Ladies Guide in Needlework.. Book of Parlor Games: • l3urrowe's Piano Forte Primer. • .Weikiugman's Way in the i•Vorld. • Ellen Alotitgemery's Look Shelf; Fessenden's New Ainerican Gardener. Sin:whine on . Daily Paths, Dickens Stinshine of Graystoue, E.J. May. Eleinents ofCharucter, Margaret Chandler. Eurcipo; Past and Prdioni, Ungewitter. vaige'S" Ugh/urinary oh the New Testa • 4tnent. Endliss 4trinsement, or Entertaining Ex perimenti in various sciences. Peterson's Familiar science. Liebig's Agricultural Chemistry. Aacorcleon 'fist:llolcm, etc., at the ' J 1 ' OURNAL sqQR STORE. o f uaenpqrt, May, leisG: *AGAZINES. - • Vir Ar NAB, Graham's; Frank' Lull. Blackwoid's, Knickerbocker, 'and Hogs hbld Wordi, for sate at the - g9URN AL 1100417. ~_ I tbuptilo - P . O . AT ..- ::-A0A.DE)fy,...._,...:' ,f HE Truste . esof this Institution talcs play X. sure hi announcing to tiro' Publie 'hat they have engaged'the' setvites of the Net". J. HENDRICK, as Principal. This' gentle man comes‘to us well xecotimaended as being able, talented, and experienced. He haibeen engaged - in teaching a large share of the time for.ftt:.esiff years; and from amour , the large 'number Of his pupils, about Wit have Lone out from under his instructions, as teachers in different parts of the country. Itwilf be . his 'object to make-our Academy-one of the most desirable schools in the, country, for those who wish to qualify themselves for teaching or for othbr responsible stationi iri life, and also for those who desire to prepare fir college. THE WINTER. TERM Will commence on' Monday. December 2d, IK6. - The Aciidemic year will 'be divided M u Four Terms, of eleven weeks each term. The Spring Term will commence on Monday, February 25, 1856; the Summer Term will commence on Monday, May 26th, 1856; and the Fall Term on Monday, the Ist. day .. Septemlau, 1856. TERMS. Tuition per term of eleven weeks as fnllows; Primary etudies—Reading, Spelling, Mental Arithmetic, - - $2.00 Common English branches—Geogra phy, Orthography, Arithmetic, and Grammar, - - ----- $3.00 Higher English Branches—Natural rnilo'sophy,Astronomy,Chemistry, - and First Lessons in Algebra, - - $4.00 Higher Mathematics—Algebra, Ge. ouietry, dcc., - - - - - $5.00 Latin, Greek, French, and German Languages, - $3.00 Drawing extra, $2,50 Piano Music, dco„ • - . $B.OO Use of lostruntettt. - $2.00 Payment strictly in advance. AU scholars who cart write legibly, will be required to present an original Uoutposition once in two weeks; and all tunic schufars to declaim once in two weeps, Though the Terms of tuition are consider ably . lower than•they have been heretofore yet at is designed that the instruction shall be-thorough in all the branches taught ; and those who desire to learn and are willing study will find it a very PROFITABLE_ SCHOOL. SOBIESKI ROSS, President.l LEWIS MANN, Treasurer, I G. B. OVERTON, Secretary, Trastees, H.J. OLMSTED, • ELI REES, la'. Board can be obtained in private Fam ilies in the village, or rooms can be had in the Academy by applyuicr"to the Trustees. Coudersport, Nov. 2nd, 1835. WAGON &NLEiGH.Ss ''44k4Tfit Subscribers having rented • the wheelwright shop former ly occupied by John Rockhow, respeetfuly inform the gauntly of Potter County and the rest of inaukiad, that they are . prepared , o make sleighs of all de:seriptious oil mho N T/0 E• And to build all kinds of wagoul according to order. Vit'Repairing neatly and expeditously done Orders from a distance promptly. attended to J. RECKHOW, • 2..1. Titomrso4 Coudersport, Jan. 10th, 1856. 1. 4 101 t sale at the above shop, a new Cut ter. A LSO ONE, SET two horse; light .-C2-BOBS. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Ready-made Ciothing, and Yankee Notiions —Third street, Coudersport, - THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. FAKI.V.I. let) E 4 SALE.. - 'll HE ttnderigned . A - 17ek t 112,' 4 'offers for sale his farm tog I ll t':: - at situate on the Allegany • - .Z...: , River, about four miles . . ... west of Coudersport, The form contains one hundred and fourteen acres—about Afty ; fiee of which is cleared. There is a good frame barn—a house frame roofed, with lumber sudicientito finish it. There are twenty-fire bearing apple trees, and one hundred young and thrifty trees out old enough to bare. This property will be sold on liberal terms for particulars enquire of the subscriber or at this (Alice. \ " WILLIAM. WAHL. CondersMt April 34, 183:3, M. W. MANN . Ng* BOOKS. - NCHANTED BEAUTY, by Dr. Elder, Lives-o,t Atrocious Judges, by Hildreth, Progross of .Reli c ;7ious ideas, by - f. Child, Bryard Taylor's Travels, The SOng of Hiawatha-,Longfollow - , .Caspar, by Any Lotbrop, Just -received and for sate at tho JOURNAL BOOK STORE: Harrison's Columbian, Inks, Black, Japan, .Copying, ltilarking arm, Black, Blue, Indellible, Scarlet, Red, Carnane. These Inks flow freely from the pen and give a stronger and more durable color than any other. .For sale, wholesale and retail, by & JONES. Nr4W GOOD. THE subscriber has just received a 'genet. 4- al • assortment of fall 1W winter goods consisting of • DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS & SHOE'S, Tuts & CAT'S, . 4113 BONS, GROCERIES & CROCKERY, and almost every article needed in the town and vicinity, which he Adzes himself to sell as low as the . - LOWEST,. —o , His old customers and friends anti the plth lic generally are invited o call and aim:tun for t4tinteelVell• • • D. E. OLMSTED. Coudersport Oct. 4th, 1855 INNS' JUSTICE, the latest edition, -14 the JOURNAL BOOK STO -0 L. F. .51A,.Y.NARD, " . 1‘ ' Ito() 13110 - sToRE: liE subscriber would rosPectfully AIL likonn the 'inhatiitatiti of Ulysses and scurounding.couillry, that hebas recently es• tablished himself in the manufatium and sale of Boots and Shoes;ind,has the largest. and fiest Ussartmerii of *work ev e r offered •in this Market. The subscriber his heen very choice in n.!a selection of chy work . tuul, leather which is of the best quality.lbrityldand work-. Ho is slot to be beat west orN': York . Terms ready-pay. • Hides and grain taken in exchange for work a reduction . Ol seven percent will be itimrti (Cr cash, all persons wishing to perchase will do well to nail and examine for' themselves be foie ptirchasing else where. Business place a little north of Chappels dry goods stora. cash paid for Hides. Lewisville, Much 17th, 1856. - S. HULL FOUNDRY. • DB. BRCWS would giro notice to the • public hitt le is prepared, at his Foun•i% dry in ()outlet: port, to deidl manner Of CAST e a al finish to order all kinds of Machinery, awl Gearing. Board and Log Cars,eSleigh-Shoes of all sizes, u-+d every articlt needed by a Lumbering community. And o' farmers ho would say, that, he has procared.some- of the best Plow patterns in. use, both Flat Land and Side Hill, and keeps them constantly on baud. And will make to order Field Rollers, Harrows, Cultivators, and every article used by theta in his line of busi ness. 'Ho is prepared also to do all kinds of B L ..A. CIC S 11, IT Il N G And froth his long eiperieilce' in the above business, he feels confident of giving satisfac- Lion to those who may give bite a call. N. B.—Old iron bought, or "tuke,t) in ei change for work. - Bounty Land. - 9[ll-1:E. uudersig;ned will give pude _ll.. law attention the procuring of ko2 Lund for ell those entitled thereto under late or any prerious Act of Congrexs. A. G. 00113 TED • CCAId tri Tort, 2tlrrcti - KAY& BR, is ft - Eit Lvw BoOK FELLERS Exci PUBLISHE'RS, N 05.17 /4,19 South sth St. East side VIRST STORE ABOVE CHESTNUT S?. Piglade Iphia. BAT & _BROTHER PUBLISH THE Following National Law Books, Wharton's American Crimaal Law, 3d ed Juan Published. Wharton's. American Precedents of Indict ments, Wharton on the American Law of Homi cide. Just publ'd. Wharton ,& Stine's. American Medical Jurisprudence, 1 vol. royal Just ,Published. Wharton's Law Dic:ionary., Troubat on Limeed Partnership. • --..„lFlorris on Rep!evin. Raldwo on the Co istitution. Debates in the_...C.ensti.utional Convention of Pennsylvania of 1837,14 vols. Marshall's C. S. Circuit Court Decisions, 2 vols. Baldwin's t. S. Circuit Court Reports, No Daniell's Chancery Practice, 3 vols. Velford's Equity Pleadings. Gresley's Equity EvidenCe. .ldyard on nirine lusuranco. • Hindu:web on Patents. • Bisset on Partnership and Joint Stock Com pantos. Pinlasou'a Leading , C .SCS on Pleading. Blackhur.l on the Contract ofSalo. Pri:chard's Admir:tlity Digest. Library of Law and Equity, Ist series, 15 vols.. in 14. Library of Law and Equity, 2d series, 14 vo!s. in 12, Library of Law and Equiiy, 3d series, 13 • vols. iii 11 Library of Law and Equi!y, series, 10 vols. in d. • Equity Library—Practice, Pleading • and Evidence, 5.v015. • Pennsylvania Law Rocas. —a— Sergeant and 12. - Ivcle's Repc‘rts, 17 - vols, Peurcise and Watts' Report?, 3 vole. Watts' Reports, 10 vols. Watts and Serge int's Reports, 9 vols. . Brightly's Reports, 1 .vol. Harris's Pennsylvania State Reports, 10 vols Miles's Reports, 2 vols. Trottlr.it and Haty's Practice, 9 vols. Purdou's Digest-1700 to 1855, Roberts's Digest of British Statutes, Smith and Reed's I...tws Peansylvania ' . 10 vole. Pamphlet Laws ofPooneyivauli (101 to i 835) ) 42 vole. , • Civil Code of Pennsylvania. Bond on Executors. - Brightly on the Law of Costs;' Binus' Justice, 6th ed.—,1835. Brightly's Equity Jurisprudence, I vol, royal Bro. Jnst. publ'd. Brightly's Pnrdoq's Annual Digest. fur 1654:5 price 50 coats. Oraydon's Forms of Coavoyanoing and Practice. Wright's Constable's Manual: Penncylvanta litigistrate's Law Library, 3 , - vote. or 7 vols. Sergeant's Laud Laws of Pennsylvania.: Srgeant on 'Foreign Attachment. Duane on the-Law of Landlord 'and Tenant. Duane on the Road Laws. ID rems. Burton's Compendium at the LIN of Rea Property, with copious Amoricau Auuota tions, by Charles Guepp, Esq. 1 vol. royal Bvo A.New Digest of, the L-tw of the tJaitod &Mei, Cia the plan of Purdoa's Digest of 1853, 1 vol imperial bvo. . . Sergeant's Mach Liea I t aw i lslew Edi tieu. • The Peansylvanis Form Rook Aaalytiell lade.% of eirallel Re coreudo to the Pertasylvaula. Repur te. NOTICE. By . the death ofJ oh!! Kcating,.Esq., late o the cay,cif Philadelphia, thelitle of the Keats ing & Co. lands beeemes vested iu William V. Keating, Adolphe E. Borie,7r. James M. WilCorthy 'w hum deeds will be granted. The charge' ol the company's landed interest iu penusylvania has devolved upon the subscri ber who hereby , informs the settlers- oq Keat ing aQ C. lands, that Messrs: 'John King, J ohu S. Mann; & Byron D. Honalin, stil I con tinue our, authorized scants in Potter CMc- Counties. All petaotte indebted to the company are earnestly requested to come forward and settle their accouuts without further delay, • ' WILLIAM 'V. 'SEATING'. MaY3140856. - I'*itoioi,iii IXTlLLfurniait tile People with fre s h B FE7 tiimnifoiTos; on 'Kneader' and' Friday. during theiteason.. Cash will be paid' for "kw cattle at all times, • Couders'port, Inly 17, - IJ JRRAU ! ,IRIIIRM .►._! MHC Muir has come *atlas:, - all_ who ..11_ _wish to Imo their griziding dons !dthjt • VERY B — E'S T 'ORDE I It• lust bring 'your grain to . the Grist Mill end them you will find J. 111. ton, giving entire • satisfaction to all. You who doubt give hint a call, and ,you'll - not be sorry. • • • - N. B.. Wheat and Buckwheat ' flouied • far market, on the shortest notice. , Cushingville, April 12th, 1856. CLOTEI DRESSING. ALL pe ni o n s having .elotb to color. nil dress, by leaving- the same at. the *fora.ofJ. M. judd in, Coudersport, will be forwarded. to , the works . of the enbecribu finished in good orderand returned ? payment for dressing can be made to J. M. Judd op delivery oldie cloth. Mark tborpiemei plainly with name and directions. 0. H. PERRY. Genesee Fork Sept. 19th, 1855.. . Lewisville steam Giist bill .:-o-: : THE subscribershaving purchased the lam terest of all other parties heretofore eon. ceraetlie the above establishment, are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work is their Line; as we believe in a workinaulike untuner; and hope by a diligent atteatiou to bush:era, to merit and receive a .Mer.t. share of patrt nage. Persons wishing to have wheat, or buckwavat tluurett tur market, call at all imeche accouamodutea on short NOTICE. For the quality of the work done st. ow mill we refer to A. Corey, Esq., Lewisville ' , G. G. M Colvin, Esq., Biughaw, aud, aj.B. .Mi:ls, John 8. Maau, Esq., aud Mr. Jani.s. Locke, Coudersport. ELIJAH GIIIDLEE 0. A, LEWIS. Lowisville,Etec. '27th, 1355. KANSAS AND- FREEDOM The undersigned having lost a large sum of money in running Ins ',ages, and bens,: ALLII to pay his respect to tbil Border Um:Ewa of Missouri, proposes to raise the wind by SELLING A FARM And therefore he offers Gar sale one of Gs hest farms in the county of Potter, situates one and a half miles north of Coudersport, sal adjoining that of Nelson Clark, containing ass hundred acres of land., forty of which is omit: iruprovement,well fenced; and watered equal to any in the nation. The Altegany ru et runs through it and numerous springs come from it, one of which is the aduitratiort of iii Persons who travel the Wellsville road. There are two triune harms and one frame house. There- are one hmulfed and twenty' live thrifty apple trees, twenty-live of winch are bearing treed. '11;e plow land has been high y manured for two years and is in tine condition. for the best possible farming. 'Fermi of salo will be rea.scumb.e. Fin years time. will be given, with &small sum is baud. For particulars inquire at ibis otfito or of the subscriber at Coicsburg, Coudersport, May_ 20, 1854 Ornerat Xntozutation. UNITED STATES DOVER—VIE:O . President-1' ranktin Pierce. Vice President—(de facto) Jesse D. Briget Secretary of State—W tn. L. Marcy: Secretary if latecior—Robort McClelland Secretary of Treasury—James . (iNtiris. - Secretary of War—Jetrersorf Dat is. Secretary of Navy—James C. Dobbin, Pos,t Master General—James CaMpbell. Attorney General—Caleb Cushing. Chief Justice of -Uttited States-118. Taney STATE _GOVERNMENT. goTornor—Jarues Sccretanjef State:—.lndrew G. Cur:in. Peputy :Seer e.:ary of State—J. 3L Sullivan. SuiT4ur_Cientral—J: Porter Brawley. . • Auditor General—Ephraim Banks. q'reasurer—Eli Stilt r. Supreme Court Judges—,Ellis Lewis, W. Lowrto, G. Ny. Woociyard,, J, C. Knox, J.ll Black: County Offing & with Post plikeldroes. President judge, P i oDERT G. Wurtz . , Ravi Cs .Issactate J.4dgec, • - ORANGE A. LziviS, :Aylmer ' JUSEPII District Attorney, FRANKLIN W. KIM, Coudersport. • • Sheri! I, PIERRE A. Sirsains, Coudersport. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courte Tuomes B. TYLER, Coudersport.. . Registercetui Recorder, AN AR EiviACKSoN, Coudersport. County Cozornisaiypers, Dotog WttiPPt,ly, Ulyales Center. HARRISON Rose, ‘ithilis Cornell, . Hauitt Netsos,Wharton. • • County Auditors, WILLIA3I B. Guavas, Clara - .I - Tennis Ltmas,.Roukitte,•.. 'IL L. Stmoss, Allegauy. CommissionersLClerk; Saltine! Ilarieui, Coudersport Flenry Ellis, Coucl t. , oripor - County Suiveyor, Z. F. Robinson, garrison' Valley. Superintendent of Common Scheele; J. B. Pradt,Coudersport. KiRIDGE NOTICE. NOTIOE is hereby giyen that proposals 1 1 be received at the office: of the Bar& and Town Council, for the building of 0 . Bridge across the Allegany on Second Era. ,until 3 r. it. on' Saturday, the 19th day orgi instant. • - - SpeCiftcationi gf the above bridge ml l4 seen at the-qtrlce of the Burgess. S. H. STORRS, See. of Town Coosa 14, 1556. qindenport:Jul NOTICE ?THE Firm of Tyler Se-Jonetill _l_ this day dissolved by tadtitel comsat I.:oudersport, May 6, 1656. • T. "B. ilin• E. A. JONa S. k. micas