.... . •-•- • 7.C? ete Ftl e titi 4 '• • r 4 =I EI Fr ME undersigned- Itarilw pure:based the /J. :lateral oil . . lryTer, in the Drrig ihd 14 0 tk RFPclte&xcqutb,ittie.tit4rit,ock Sonttuuc t? fu.l44.4 l Pk.FAlg!9 o 4.friOt/ds :vitn_the U same .vamy_of &Otte! hertofor.t, *47; Wo.iro ifteengliy-thia. at:tale-went curt4l expenses II least ten percent tar customers the tif fur ready 'pxy • ra lying 'iates; - for . our, stock' will ic'oriaPi all articles' (maid under the gimesas luVisdrcifOry*G oas, Groceries and Pinvisiotra, - .ituf-lia.rdwara: • ' ' -: • 3 . 11f2,13:.. A fall stock. ofDrugs,.Medicines;,. 'Peinti;Oilii,esasphene,fluid:tud Dye-Stuffs, - lava cildstantly nu hand - together with sta. ,Tionery. fancranicles,. Watches and Jewelry. For the trut h .of the 'above promises we .respectfulik examinatitin of our roods. SrillTH it JONES. -;;,...tcolutortipart, July 3,1856.. 'Z. • NtITICE hereby giveluttiatthe Ntitos ar:d•Aocounts LAP ofihn late firm of Tyler •and4hdeir.have afalsitittrunsferred to South. & Janes, and veitl be :mind to their hands fur collet:num . :Pilots: - indebted . to the lino firm •or Tyler and: Jones; milttpleale shttle - the'eume .with the - under signed immediately. • • SAIVELL & JONES. • :$ • ,Lt Coudersport. July 3; 1856. • • T • - NOTICE. utistindebiereck - c: either by note oreecount are eaunestir :requested to settle the /LIMO inurtetHittell, - as - f atn deter ! onined.to,collect what is my due as soon as possib'.ol , - fora:l:Mini must be land. and. debts atter:be Coudersport, luly 3,1856. NoTic.g. • - HE Firm - ' lir - Tyler & Jones, is lliis day dissirlsed by mutuM consent. ,ICou4rmport, May 5, :1856. • . •• . T. B. TYLER. A-JONES:. NOTICE TS hereby givehl'aint the town orders, here. after desctibed illegatlYdrawn, that ebe.town.hip bfia•rec'd 110 consideration For them and they will 'not ~ • • , The orders are drawn ou the Treaenrer of OAWIIVO Township, and.signed by G. F...ltovz. lex one Isaac. Riorce,r.us. Commissionera.— , - .Tbe suuthrri date; - ainount; and payee, are as "fidlows,Ariz: . • • ". "Payable to E. Dal6mple Oct. 21,1854 .272 • " 'v, 24 " 2') aa• N 36 11 41 ` 3f 44 :t2 " " • lL 34 46 • 4.4.• 35 4% a. 36 41 . 37 41 04 3 44 Wm. SHATTUCK ,TM411111.41 ,D..D.•:Dotnrz Andirons,. P. C. IV:meson, Town Clerk. OM Oiwayo,...thno 23d; 1856 Fenders. o£ Merchandise Take - . 4 14 0 , t : 0 fit " • AGRE,PaIILE'to - un - actrofAssttnbly passed • the 22altday 0f....A.pril 1846, entitled 'an AC:4 to'prokide4er the reduction of the Pub lic Debt,".• the undersigned,. Mercantile Ap preiter" fur Potter Comity. has made the fol lowing classification and appraistoeut for the: year 18a6. . • . Dealers, Allerany2 Robinson Nilson, Dike,- • Bingham 1. 13. J9nes, • Coudersport. smith•&-Dixon, Smith & Jones, Jones, Mann, & Jones, Jl. •W. Cheney 4.ljlmatod, CammmAtirAt L. E.Alaynardo , I• • • • " Zgalia 11. A. Zieloort, Genesee El. E. Darrow, • IV= Berry &Co, - • •••- . • '''Harrison 11. Rout, • itielign.l Goodman, Chnrlra 4oward, " O:wayo. W za- McDougall, r U.l Aqui moni, Sharon Mann do Nichols, - • • 14 aid Camptield, 14 flitrco*ailort, . Coq 4.yman, . J. &R. W.• Chapel, P.. Biker, • • • I' . Jektisk.o.Horton, Ulysses: • 14. 14 14 IV . hargn ft. W. 3fclntire, Hopkins & JOllOB. N. V.,Jackson,. • C. R. Skinner, • • ;.. • IS'tewarclson. lletry Arulrasori;' • ' 7,00 'AVaphicaritill be held at the bout t Hduie in Coudersport, -on; Sattirclay the 12th, day of 17- Jitilyin4.o,'betWeerihe hour's . of 10 .o'clock & 3 o'clock P. -If.; for all those' itho may; feel themselves•a,,,ciieved by the. forego. p. .ingetaasilicatiori and - Appraisment.'" . ' •E. 0; AUSTIN. Merealitile Appraiser, May 26th, 185d. 4 - •-••• • ME BOOT - 8 - I:tEttit - nolEc.t7 HE.usserther wobld respectfully inform the inhabitants of Ulysses and surrounding onuntth !has he hits recently es tabushed.hrtnsdlf in, itin , nialinefetiture end sale 1 of:Boots arld.Shoes,.ond bas - the' larg,eilt and e bast astortmentof work titer offered , in Ibis market. The subseriber 'has beetfiery'etioice to his selection , or city• work And. letalaes, h'ich is of ibsibest finality-fat tags ehd work , acionship. Re is not to be beat west of N. Turk -14 Ridei and itailitaienii4change fax weak ty "cincildn brs e . Teafetcciat" - Will ben:MA-for to peretuttok -Will. do ttr calf 'and esittnitta los . th . eipsajrea bey fersiliiiihising 'eke Bitsimsst ilisati - a •-siiltlernifrtet'of Ch.ipiieliciry,loodsootm,tash . . •, i• ?,'/:*siiiillts; Hsieh 17th 1856' S. HULL . Tit N Offereata aittl Music. ME RORKE WATERS, " " No. " .133 Broatay: N V". AGENT FOE. TUE. BEST BOSTON AND ' N.' . Y. INS TitUMENTS. . . • • --, H , Largest ,Assortment . of -tatios, Al elodeonsi AfuSical:Matitinients ' .. and A usical Merchandise of all kinds, iu ;he 1.3: • S. Pianos front Ten different. Altutufaiwries, .comprising ttiosis of e:tory..villtety of style, frOm the plaid, neat and. substantial 6A oc taves, in Walnut or koseivaca.Cases,- - ,frout $l5O to $290, to . thdse of the ratio - elegant tinish nyilol'Ono Thousand Dollars. Pia house in the Union can compete wiih the tibiive iu .the number, variety, and "celebrity of its in struments, nor . iti the Eatieinely Lew Prices at which they are sold - . • f - ". •• ':' '' With or without Iron • Frames', posiessing . in their improvements of over -strings andiction, a length of scale, and compass of tone eqinil to the Grand Piatio,;uuited with the beauty and durability orstrlichire orth . e square rialto.— They are justly pronuuuced by the Press and by the first Aldan:al Masters, to be equal to those of any other manufacturer. They are built of the best and roost thoroughly season uud gaarautced to stand the ac tion utevery Each Instrument gaarauteed to give satis faction, or purchasemaurney refunded: SEC-• OND-HAND PIANOS AT OIiEA'E ISAR GAINS, constautly to store, prieb from car C. SMITH. . . Superior Instruments in tone; touch and du r4klity of make. (Tuned ; the equal' . tdinperu: meut.) Melodeona aa"other styles and makes. Price $45, $6O $75, el,OO, sl‘2s, $140; double !Leeds and two hanks of Keys, $2OO. Less a. liberal discount,: ' Clergyineu and Churches, au extra discount. •r.; DEE 96 1 69 " • Dec. 30, 1854 50,00 60,00 60,00 50,00 50,00 00,00 10,00 100;00 100,00 117191 IEI Clues 14 7,00 14 7,00 7,00 17,00 •7,00. 12 50 7,00 7,00 7,00 10,00 7,0(1 7,00 MB 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 7.00 7,00 7,00 7.00 7 ,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 7.00 7,00 10,00 7,00 Hector 7,00 TM VASIL SYSTEM'ADOPTED P4ces Greatly . Rednoed. 110114 CE *WATERS' 'lawnyrig riThlovtri PIANOS„ 11044VE WATERS' latetodeonii. MARTIN'SI GUITARS, HARPS, - I FLUTES, FLUTINAS, ACCORDEONS, VIOL INS; and Musical Irustrunieuts'of all kinds+, at lower priced than everbeture utitlred to.the ' A large discount to Teachers and Schools.— The trade auppried on the most liberal terana. MUSIC. One oilut la4est flud best selected cata logue's of .Musicuuwd publisltetl, comprising . tunny et the choice au mo s t r upulux tars of the gay, and will be solti - iit ou . e -third oil the teguiur prices. blunt, sitt by mail to ail paigs of the coon try post path.. Particular uud personal Eaten, non paid to all orders received.by mail. Sat isfaction guaranteed ittevery instance. Timms and Meludeunifor rent, and rent allowed on putcbuse. Pianos and Melodeons for sale on ruouthly payments. Second-baud Pianos l a : "f/ to eicnauge for new. General and select Catalogues auu Schedule of prices forwarded wall paste of the country by mail-. • La " GREAT 'INDUCRMENTS OFFERED To AG RiNTS LN ALL PARTS OF PHE COON IRA, to sell the Horace Waters' 1' nos Melodeons, and Catalogue of Music. • ' MORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER. is the lbuding'Ain . bricadireekry Agricultural Literary and r aunty Newspaper. This is no vain annul/Tama, but fully sustained by its high reputation, great populunty, anti exten sile circulation. It embraces wore Agncuf tura!, horticultural, illethauicaf, ScientitiC, Ltiucational; Literary and News-Matter, inter spersed with numerous and costly.engrav brigs, Man any other J ournal in the Unionrender leg it uneqwalied iu variety and usefulness of cements. An actual increase of nearly seven thousand subscribers during the past year, stumnates and . enables • us'to- make the rtlih V 'mune, for superioa to its predecessors: With a cures of six able I:Mitors, and every facility for pubtishing in the best style, we are de,rermined mat the 11,1.).KAL shall excel in both contents. anti. appearance. • its Literary anti moral tone, interest ing variety,aind enure freedom front trash and vir.g-arny,.render it a safe and desirable com panion tor the young—a choice paper for the lamity circle. . • • ••• Ti.nass.—s2 a year; (4r six trm:iths- 7 4.n adiance. dreat Deauctiou to agents and clubs. Spectmen 'lumbers sent free; give us your adurews.• Substriptiou money, properly enciosed at our risk, it addressed to T. 1). MOORE, Ruch ester, N. Y The Journal Book-Store • OFFERS to - the vublit a good i - arlety or most readable• - books,. cheap' for ca'sh Of family necessities. Alt.the newest' hboks of rata& nre kept on hand, or ionnkdiately pro cured for customers, and we hope to receive Such patronage as thitlaful atteution.to net's, • and an earnest desire to oblige, may deserve. New books received at short - inter vals. School Books, Stationery of all kinds. materials for Paper Flowers, etc., constantly on hand. • Music, Maps, Mathematical Instru meats. "Please call and" examine, for .•'ourselves Le ' ;01.YRNALi.1300K—STORE. The. People's Cash Byre. AT COUDERSPORT. omethlng New. and . o ethlng Wanted. MHE subscribers; having entered into part nership •arrangements under the Erm or ' MAYNARD & Wri.cox, be • happy to see all old •frieuds, and all new friends, calling day Mier day, and continually, at ‘‘_ The Peo ple's Cash Store" in Coudersport, inquiring for DRY GOODS,- • ~t r ,•1 tr r • HARDIVARA c4OCKretW, : • READY,-MODE . Cf, 0 DZONO, in 4 the en - dices Intripiy 6f. articles which Pieisle•iyangell tt}eatlit4,e.:' !And - itte - euElicrlbere wiltiell'i'' theti olOtetuers: old. or new, sfor,the cti,•Other:Ready-E'ay, the "leattv"ft . ite.t orthern `Peuneirtia — tnia. ' • i . ' • . • tALKYli.lAjtir dr: ivittoic. COudersliort b, - ; 165_5, . •: .• • ,TOMINA Bcpr:wroc-' ►mod NEW. ARR,&NOEhiENT. HE-irnderisigned having purchasett theintire Stock of Itdoka liftefr -Arne& Jontkand •`iiimpleteif her. as sortment by new purchases, in the city, offers to the publie,tho grantent variety and; kest ieliFeied Stoelkif • ••- HISTORICAL, MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL; and PLAYA-CAL; Books ever presented for sale in thi.4 county • -All the new books. of any value are kept constantly on hand, or procured by express -for customers who may -desire them.. It" is believed that a within' attention to business, and un earnest desire to oblige all who may deal with her, Will secure a liberal amount of p4.trona&e: • ' • • . • • • • • Scheid Books,. Statiouory-of all kinds, ma. tenets for Papereon:caddy hand.; also Music, Maps, katilematical liastrd 'Maxus. Please cad and examine for yourselv we, M. W. MANN. Coudersport, May 14;1856. AXY BONDAGE & MY Fazr.Dom. By I.l.ll.Predl• Douglass." • — Journey to Central ,Africa. Baytitd Taylor Giltitluuls Third:Gallery of Portraits, , Pathos Clark, the Pioneer Preacher, The Hidden:Path; • ••• " • ••• • • rabies for Critieit,, Together, with a general stoek of Standard and Miscellatteous Work 'good. booka. Tot 'Young - People; Stationery in Wholesale & itdihn; Slater, Pens, Pencils, Short, everything in the greatest variety usually kept ilia Book Store. BTHODIS - 'r Hymn Books of curious M'Sizes just iu mid, for &stem the * , • - :40.1JRNAL BOOK. STORE. 111' ISLES, English and German, a variety of stiles and srcesod'ale J'ufurtioi-Boole Store. rocket Bihles, liyuniisuukS;Prttyer Webster's'Diciionary, unabridged, ticiavo, • high school uniii common school editions. Harper's Universal Gazetteer; ' ' • Cruden's Concordance. Testaments, Putuum's Magazine, hound; ••••• •• Bayard' 'repot's orks; vols., Poets and t'oeiry of America, ' • Poets and Poetry of Englund, • Layard's Nunn eh and nauyton, NVAllii's Poems; -••• • • Goldsmith's, Way's,. Ossitn's, Cook's, and 'ftunyeoa's Poems, Nradi.se Lost. Lady of the Lake, PreAdoit's Disiones.. Mexico and*Peru, Tbiers''Frettch ltevolutiuti, " • • J tteph.tet. lioltin, ' • Wiuttirop's etv;Englatult_ • blaceutey's England. • Dickens' Engler:a t . The Spectator, o vols., deo., Children's Books—and Tivs. School Books, every kind called for in this • 'community: Latin; French, and German School Books, Ler.qrett's..Ltran Lexicon, • Drawing Paper, Books, and Cards, : Priming Penciis—Crayons, Toy - Faints, t7olori for oil painting. Music. Bruithes,Xhaik, Pens, quilts, Paper of every 'variety called for. Waters, &c. 'Materials for Paper Flowers. Harrison's Coplmg•lnk—Llavids' Blue Ink, Indelible ink, several kinds. Hovey's Ink, Many Phrenological and Hydropathic Works. Fowlers and Wells' publications. Blank Books. 'illews.•dnd thanes. 'teacher and - Parcnr.• Theory and . Practice of Teaching . . Life of Horace Greeley:. Star Papers.. H. W. Beecher. IVorks of Theodore Parker.'• Shakspeare, &c., &c., '• • For sale cheap at the • ' J OURNAL BOOK—STORE. DIARIES awl Almanacs for 1856. 1,,/ , l3linting'CaSe.'s:CartlCtist% Thernaommers, • ' -- Chndren's Books for the Holidays, Chess Mem•Dratving paper, Bristol Board, Monochromatic Board, Hydrepathic fnymoyedia, by Dr, Trail, Pantity. Physician—Dr. She w, Family Dentist, — l'otipaur Papers,. at the • JOURNAL BOOK STORE. TA7ELISTEIPS DICTNNARY Pocket, V T &lino', University, Octavo,sand 'Quarto ettitlons,-forsale by ' • • • • 31: DRAFTING Instrutnents, Water Colors, uniWing Paper, Pencils, and !trusties, jnat receiveu by `LATEST Pencils, Writing linolis LiSuks; Trdt;tB; Sunday School Qutistioa uud Class Books. luk, raper-sand,lk, Cray ons. Scaling Wax, Tissue, 'Tracing, lleawing, and Glazed l'aper; Blottiug 13uards,Pcrto rated Boards, furl-Folios, anti l'orte,Alonuaien Cull aud examine at the JoUItNAL BOOK—STORE. Uythara, the Lute of Zion, and Boys and Singing Bobk, iti the . JOIJItAAL .13uun.. - • New Baoire. American Agithiisrs and Reformers, By Dattiett • • • • 41,25 Life of %Yin. O. Seward, his Speech- tr,. es, Orations, and Writings, 'JAIL Life and Beauties of Fanny Life of Horne Oreeley, (new supply,) Stanhope Hurleigh,.or .the Jesuits in-- our Howes, (new supply,) . AL W. M. NEW bluvic received every few days 4y • • , W. no.' . • ANSAS and Nebraska. Guide NeedleWOrk. • hook of-Ilasior • Games. • •• .11urrowe's„Piauo Form.Frimer. - • Workingman's•W,ayin.the World. Ellen Montgomery's Book Shelf. . Fessenden's New American Ciardener. Sunshine on Daily Paths, Dickens Sunshine of Graystone," E. J. May. Eleinents of Character, Margaret Chandler. Enrope; Past and. Present, Ungewitter. '?aige's Commentary on the New Teeth . Meth. Endlesi+ Amusement, or Ente4aining . •• speriments to itarious 'sciences. • • Petersen's-Familiar Scit..noe.r- . 6 ' Liebig'.s AgrieulticralChomistry.' Accerdeon Instrumin.,,etc.l, al the •• • ...JOURNAL BOOK. STORE. Cenderiniirt; Mey, 11356. - •• . • ' • MAGAZINES. TlUTN4lll l .S,:•Eritthatit's.' , :fratar: Ktinackvvciodls,,KoitkerbOckeretrid 41oruiei hidd Words, for saltrat tho ••! JOUXNALtiIOOK STORE IZu r-AftAi ' ' A'e'on yfoirliiiid:at the • - • NEW PROVISION- STORE. p #11:D. El R.P I 4`ItT - ' ACIDEML ... • EMII TE Trastees of this Institution taTur plea sure in announcing to the 'Public hat they balls:Tr:gaged the - servieas of. the r:HENDHICK, ar-Priticipht mar comes twos Will rabourinended art li s eiitg able; talented, and experienced.. He has been eirg,ftged in teething a large,abare of the'lifire for fifteen years; and from among the large lixtrabhr-Uf Ills pupitil, hhitut" . 500 g'ortie out from.under his instructions, as teachers in different parts -orthe country. It will be his 'objeetto-xttake our Academy one of the. Most desirable s'oltoolain the cotintry, for those who Visit to"qdallfy ihemierves'fcir. triashiniorlor other responsible - sail - mai and also for those 'who desire kb Prepare ii4.ollege. THE WINTER TERM Will commence on Monday. December 3d, 18. 1 '35.. - The A4de`midke'at-Will be divided in ta• Foto Terrie r of eleven Weeki' each :Om. The Spring Term will commence on Mandl:l'i', February 25, 1856; the Bmutner Term commence on Monday, May 26th,.1856; and the Fall Term on Monday, the' Ist. • day' . September, 1856. • , TERMS. Tuition. per term of eleven. week' ea follti‘Ve ". ," • Primary studies-43104g; Spslliw • Mental Arithmetic, - - V,OO Common English branches—Geogra phy, Orthography, Arithmetic, arid Orasimiar,- - $3.00 Higher Eiiglish. BranChes—Natural • tmilosophy, Asircinchuy, and firm. Les.ious - $4.00 Higher MaihemaiicsAlgelira, Ge tnnetry,'&c., •- ' 7 -• 7 7 - • - $5.00 Loin, Greek, Frei.Mh; and , German Languages, -• • 45.00 Drawing ' $2,50 Piuno Music,. do. - .$6.00 - - Dse of lus:rumeut,s2.oo . . ltab Payment strictly in advance. . All wbo Cat write legibly, will be required 'to present an original-Votumition buce iu two weeks; Mei an male scholars to declaim once week. " • ... , . Though the Terms of tuitten•aro ctipsiderr ably lower than thdy have figezi . heieitifore yet it is designed • that" the instruction 'shall lie thorough. in all the branches - taughl; and those who desire' to learn and are rdining study will tied It it very Paortrseti. SCHOOL. SOI3IESKI ROSS, President. LEWIS MANN, Treasurer, I G. B. OVEKTON, Secretary,.? Trustees. H.J. OLMS'fEII,. ELI REFS, Cr. Board can be.obtained4l private fam ilies in the village, or rooms can be had in tha Academy by applying to the Trtaimi's. Coudersport, , Nov. 22nd, 11855. WAGONN t ISLEIGON Am. T HE subscribers, haring rented the wheelwright shop former ly occupied by John Reckhow, respectful) , ialbnti the citizeho of Potter County. and the test of mankind, that they are prepared •o make sleighs of all descriptious ou ,sho NOTICE• and to build all kinds of wagons according to 'order: "' (o=ltepairing neatly and expeditously . done Orders frotu'a ktistauce pxOnyety attended to 7. n c > xoic, t Z.. 1 TIIO3IP,SON Coudersport, Jan. lUth, 1856. ' • F OR sale at the above shop, a new u A L II% B . SE horse, ugh BINNS' JUSTICE, the latest . editioa, at the JOURNAL BOOK STOLLE. ' NEW BO9XS. FI"ANCHANTED BEAUTY; by Dr. Elder, Livds V Atrocious Judges; by Hildreth, Frog,res.3 of neli&cous ideas, by Lld,, Bryara Taylor's,Travel, ' The Song of Hiawatha-Longfallosa, Caspar, by Amy Lothrop, - Instxeceived and for sate at the JOURNAL BOOK STORE FA it SALE. . TrTr HE undersigned offers for sale his farm is. II e i A sintaib the Allegany " River, taiout (Mir miles - . • West of Coudersport. The faun coutains.o4 , 2 hundred and fourteen actes--about Arly:fitfe of which is cleared. There is a -good . t.fnalue barn—a house frame roared, .with'-limiliiir sufficient to finish it. There tire twenty-live bearing applmtrees, and ono hundred young and thrifty trees not old enough to: bare. This property will be sold on libezat 'terms for particulars enquire of the'subscribec 6.t dt this office. WILLIAM WAHL. .'Goudersport April 3d, 1856. M. W. MANN 11 B. BR AN would give notice to• the • publidthAtteis prepared, at his Foull y it* Coudeisport, Ledo all manner of Cesr t~a,—will make to order all kinds of Machinery, Mill Gearing: . linard and Log Cars, etlleigh-Shott of siz and every articlt needed by a Lumberiug"community. And o farmers' he would , say, that' he"has procured somitof thii best Plow paUerns in use, both Flat Lund and Sidet.Hill, , itud themtcustaralron hand: • And will make (6 citcler'reelddifeffirrr,lidtrows,'. Cultivaters, add every article tused'by thein'in lie' of. busi nells. is prepared also to do all kinds of - SL'A`C.K_SIST--7-TI 11VG . And from his longexperielgoeln lhe \alieSze lnuthreil, he feeiccon . a.hpit . .of ,givlit satisfac tion to those 'i2Vla4 ve. blur a c4; . ` N. 13.--Qlchilitt'llon i glit; or tak* in ex chan e fer*wcirle. l ' ' " V-tr LAND AGENCY. THE undersigned having, been'entruated 1 with the - bare of leyeral . lar.'oe WU:4a of aitd this ''county,' has innclethimiell quainted With tho lands and'ittad titles•ofilhe DMIntY, tttettitacti, any business orthis . haute - thit dia.s o l4) pn itaateti to him. • •••• "J:l3. MANN:- -- et()T11 - 1111tr o Si61 . 11 - ti - : - -- A LL persons having cloth to color and A - dress, by leaving the 'setae 'ot • die asoie,af.J.. bi.3ndd.in leofickinspert'' will bai forwarded to the works orthe"stibscribei faiisheilln.gOdd order and . returned, piayment for,dreissing.iiiin"be: , made' icrlt..hl4 judd" on ,delivnry of the t.loth•PAlark ate pleceisPlainly iritll name directions. ~. • P. . 2 ' j - Gplrsle.Foylc:Sep;. 19th, 1850. • •• • .•••:••• FOUNDRY. virr Br,, B R TfUE R lELI4It,I •_A N D • 1.109:14.&19 40ithafir.StIEFiathrde MST STO4S ALBOVE,CkIiSTNI7T BT. Pti iladelpiti a, ; Kay # BROTHER epal t ra# TOE Following . National Law Books. Whartou's AmeriCie Crinival Ldw,'3l:- ed. hit Whartou's American Precedents of Indict ments' Whartou on the American Law of flonair Just' publ'd. Wharton tcr,.. Stifle's American Medical Jurispnidenee, I vol. ... • • royal Bye.. Juit Published. Wharton's Law Dictionary. • noobat oil Limited Partnership. 'Morris on Replevin. Baldwin on the Constitution. DAhatee in the Ciinstitutioutil 'Coilventlon Peuniylvaniii of 1837,14 vols. Marshall's U. S. Circuit Court Decisions 2 - vols. Baldwin's U. S. Circuit Court Reports, Ivol. Daniell's Cheater.) , Practi ce, 3 vols. Welford's Equity Pleading.. 43resley's'Equity Evidence. - Ilildyard'ou Marine Insurance. Hindinarch ou Patents. Bisset on Partnership audJoiut Stock Contr . finlatiqu'a-Lpadi% Cases ou Pleading. - I Bluelsburn'eil the Contract . ofSale. Pri,chard's AdmiralitY Digest. Library of Law' and Equity, Ist series,, 15 • ' vols. in• 14. Library of Law' and 'Equity,. 2d series,. 11; • -• ' vols. in 12. Library of. Law and Equity, 3d series, 13 . • ' vols. iu-11- Library of Law and' Equity, 4th series, 10 • vols. ne 8. Equity LibraFy - Practice; Pleading and • ' 'Evidence, 5 voLs. Pennsylvania Lass p04V1.4t ,• • Sergeant and Rat le's Reports, 17 vols Pearese and %Vatts' Reports, 3 milt.' ‘Vatts? Reports;lu vols. Watts and Sergeant's Reiuruh 9 vole .13rightly's Roports, 1 vol. • Peiliss , ,vd.oia'S tote Iteports, 10 vols . Mi;es's Rbirot te, 9 Vols. TroutrjUund-11:tty's'Praci:pe,':4 91q. - Piiidon's I)igest-4700 t 0,1835. Roberts's Digest of British Staitttes. Smith tthd Reed's L.Avs of l'edosylvuoia 10 vols. Pamphlet Lowe of Pennsylvania (1801 to 1855) 42 ms. ' • Civil Code of Pennsylvania. Hood on - Exeou.ors. BrighoOn tho Law of, Costs. Mita dtisli4e:; 6th•etl;*-1n5.. I;trigltly'a Equity Jurigpnidifuice, J vol. royal - , • tivo. JUst-pubi'd. prightly's Purdon'il Annual Digpat for 188-5 - price 51) mita. . Graydon'.s; Forms of Conveyancing and , • :Practice.' Wright's Collinife's „Manual. Penneylyuniefilagiitrate's Law Library, 3 ♦ow. or 7 vole Sergeant's Laud. Laws of Pennsylvania Sergeant:on Foreign Attachment. • guano on the Law or Lai;dhird and Tenant Dedue Oa the Rod In Prews•.. Bartoh's.Cotn . peatliaat of the Law of; Ikea Propeity, with copious American Aabota-- [ions, by Charles Goner, Esq. 1 vol. royal 8v.o• A /New Digest of the L.lws of the Duke& States, oa the plaa of Partloa's Digest of 1853, L vol ituverial Sergeaut's Alech.ide's Lie,' Law, New Edi- • The Peumiylvania form Book. Litneg Amaytical • ludex or Parallel Re ference to the PenosylviMia Itevoris. NOTICE. By the death -of John Keating, Esq., late o the city' ofl'hilhdelphia, the title of the. Keat ing & Co'. lands beetnnes vested in 11 illiam V: Keating, Adoiplte E. Borie, & James 'M. Wilcox, by whomdeeds wilt be granted. The char& or the - crimpany's landed interest in k'enusylvanth has devolved upon the subscri ber who hereby informs the settlerkon Keat tiig CO. lands, that Alesqs. King, Jona S.. 51Man, & Byron D. Hamlin, still con tinue our umhorized agents id Potter& NU- Keats Counties. - • ." All persons indebted to, the company are earnestly requested to come forward and.settlo then UCCOUuIa without further deftly. ' ' . WILLIAM V. KLA.TING Philadelphia, 4uy'Sist,l3'&6. NiNw GOODS, THE subscriber has just received a gener ab'slarfitibm'Cf all and winter goods cc& sisting of ' ' DRY- GOODS, • "" • CLOTHING, • - .BOOTS '4V SHOES,. HATS S; CAPS, " • " BONNE.ITS; • • RrBI3ONS, GROCERIIE & CROCKnki, and almost every article . riegled in the , town and vicinity, which he plagss himself to sell as IoW as the LOWEST. His old customers and friends and the NA; lie &wally are invited o call and examine for thbmaelves. ' • " D. E. OLMSTED Coudersport Oct. 4th. 1x:55 Lew soil qteaul Grist Mill THE subscribers having purchased the terest of all other parties hdretelbre sea. edinedin their above'estublishtnent, --- aie tow iirePared tti do all kinds of "custom Work" hi theililitre, as Tie believe in a workmanlike tfiaineriand hope 'by a diligent gttentiod to lishaesis, to merit and receive a .iberal - share of patrriaage. Persons wishin;s , to have wheat, Or buckwheat floured for market, can at a ll iinee - he'accamtitodated.On chart • • • •• r • N-O•TICD. For the. gelidity of the Work. done at our_ mill we teferto • :Colvin,: :Esq., ...Bingham; and-;Ma'. B.' • - John"..S. , Dlianrr o , - fßul.i•-anii :Mr- • latrt Locke;"pouderapOrt.• •;. it " ' ' • ' ELIJAH GRIDLEY O. At..LEWIS. -.; • Lmiyieville;lDec.'27th;".lB.ss. : • • _ _ _ wsz a t t itt O r kilt 44 f , 011 . • • • • UNITED STATES I.IdVII4iVMEO Pre.tideq—Frunklin Pierce.. rice Preirident-46 'facto') ifsgaL Secretary of .StfitC-r.WM. Mow, 36erefary - of - bitirior'-u;RiAert. - SicCl.elfii.i4: Secretary of_' reasterit-.-.James Guthrie. Secretary of War=Jelrerson•Davis. Secretary of Nacr-James C. D Post. HasterGetteral--hunts Campbell.: Attorney Getterrialeli Cud tiug, , • , Chief Jusiiie of United States-4- W. 4 6. STATE 04EERN4f4'AI. Governor-4awes Pollock. Secreterryof State:-Atiditw' G. Curtin. Deputy Secretary of iii:ate-4. DI. Surveyor Gr tseral—.4 . Porter Dian-ley. /adieu: General—Ephrain“Sayks. Treasurer--Eli Supreme Court Judges—Ellis Lewis, Larrrie, Woopard, J. C; Knox, J. Black. kith Poet Ofqco 4tidreee. Pru 4 11 / I V9 fr/i k • itud ROJIRRT G. lit U s -rt; Wellsaorg,. Tioga • ' Associate JFdges . , . Osuie6iA. Liivzs, Ulysses' . 4osEru illass,3llllport. • District Attorney, FRANRLIN W. Ksiox; - Condersport, aitereft, . PIERRE A. STEBBINS, Coudersport. • Prothonotary and Clerk of . 0e Court, Tnostas v...Tfi,Ei:Cendersport. Regiskrenyi Recorder, . AsuraztvJacicso:s;Couderepqrt County Commissioners, HOICK WHIPPLE, UIyELSCS HARRISON Rosa, Whites Coruer : A ! 11c,qty Nris.sox, Wharton. County Anditors,j WILLIAM 13. GaavEs; Clara Hanrus LYMAN, Roulette. ; • • IL L: SluoNs, Allegany. • Commissioners Clerk, 44nNel flN'ertir r Couderspor t Trcapaer, !into Conciersport. County .s;qrvept; Z. F. Robiluou, Harrison yallv. Werinicode!!t of Common 4r.ttoot4 J. B. riadt, ConcjorAport. ohlttentiont • peqlsequence of the opening of the Cat tawissa,'NVilliannsport, and Elmira ft....a k s; hereby dtrpc:t communication now cstab,lislicd with•Philade:phia, • IFI.IF, FUSEI', & Whples3le 140,tlers it! Foretgq and D o urest c, tlry Good. N. E..cortier Firal and INtaket SE PHIC.-ADELrit!•I, •• are now prepared to offer extrdorditutry in ducements, to the Northern- Pennsylvania tknao.,:to visit their pity to make spring pm- OiteA. te1.:J(1514410 to the low _prices they sell at, they will also guarotee to ship nil goods pur chased oc them, at the - sine rates as goods aryl shipped. frclu New Y4k. Their IGoek consists..ollall-the pso a v , ..rieties - P4INTS, . GINGIIAMS, cHANIRRAys i . BAREGE D,E;ISAiNES,. . • ALPACAS & AEBEGE, WHITE GOODS IN ALL, THEIR . yAR,LETy,. BROOK E a B LANIC,Eqc SHAWLS, • 'iRISI-1, LINENS . TABLE . WAPER,Sr-- CLOTHS-45_ °ASS I MERE'S,. SATINETS'-6z. JEANS, VELVETS & VELVET CORDS, LINENS, DUCKS & DRILLINGS, SI:LK & SATIN VESTINGS,, BLACK DRESS SILKS;, COLORED CAMBRICS, RED & WHITE FLANNELS; TICKINGS &'STRIPES, BLEACHED &BROWN 4USLIN.S; -A L S 0-- A full assortment of Carpeting, WISE.. ppsEy, & WISE• Whole . sala Dealers in re ,dy-made Clothing E!corner and Market sts., Philadelphia will. hive conStailily fui hand an (tummy as..%ornitaig. Of Men's &110) ' Clothing of ovary „rude and qualify adapted - tti the country trade. All garments iVailantntr of'lbe newest styles and best Worktuanselli. " Feb, lOtl> 1856. \--fr KANSAS AND — YR - I — OW 'the undersigned having lost altrgC;urnef. money in running his'stages, add being.anxicni l to; pay his respec,s to the Border Ruffian! of Missouri,, proposes to raise the . wind bx: SELLING. A FARM. And therefore he otters For sale one of the. best firm's in the county I)/ Petter, 'situated due lind'a half milei north. oiCoudersport; and' adjoiitidg that of Nelson Clark, containing one • hundred ncres of land, forty of which is under itriProvemeni,Welrferieed, and watered equal' tn,'ltnY in lila nation: The Aliegtiny rwei • rims thrdligh irlind 'numerous iipzipgii. come f 7012 it", dde Of which is the admiration of all . peesensWho travel the Wrillsvilfe.coad. • ' T.iielire two Irma- ban:ism:ad one grime house. T 1 ro are one hundred and twenty five thrifty bpple: frees, - twenty-five of Which • are bearing tret:it. The plow land has been' highly matured for two years and is in fine • condition for the best Pbssible firming. • • Terms of sale wit be reasonable.. Five. years time will be given, with a smallsum in. hand. For particulars inquire 'at this. office or of the subscriber at Colesburg, - S. M. MILLS. Coudersport, May 20, 1854. . '' •• • • Hion's: Colunabiam.lnks. ,Tapan, . ' Green, Mack, Llue;. 17ec41143.4,; - ; ' • &aria, Red,. Carmine. -= These Inti tow freely from thl3:pen ind give a stronger &al &ore • Aerobia' corer-tan any other. For idle, wholesale and rditililiy SMITH & JONES. unty:Landi T HE. audersig td wil! Pico panic tar atte t km' to the" piece na p of Wry 'Land' for ali .theke twitled , tblakets/tniwiii , late ot liny.OeviinsActof Collfrekir. ll ."- • • Ai G,OLSISTSD • :Cbuderapprt, • - &larch • )- - -