(8,0i411 Correspcntersce of the Journal. 1111C8&li6R—FIUMOIST• TEMPERANCE goTEL, N. Y. June 23d, 1856. Zama OF Tut JOURNAL 8111C0 I ar rived in New York last Friday night: I have had very good opportunitie3 of feeling the popalarpulse on the fever which just now rages here when el ther,of thP vanaes at the head of this letter are mentioned. I will therefore submit to your reader.; my impression ofteeir respective chances iu Novem ber- Since the announcement of the phil idelphia nominations, the opposition presses have searched' all the records in, vain for a flaw or flaws in the pub lic life of Mr. Fremont. They have ginally found one, and they think it must be his political death blow, It is the monstrous fact that Col. John C. Fremont is only FORTY THREE YBARS OLD ! This astounding fact that the Republican candidate is yet in his infancy, has been played on all the opposition organs, on several notes of the scale, generally commencing on Col. F. sharp and so descending to. Mr. James B. flat, (juke a new tune in the "music of the Union." In ransacking the records they have found in the public documents Washington several things which they• wouid rather not have seen, as f: 1r ex ample, a lengthy ettlogium of W. L. Marcy when Secoy. of War, on the public services of Mt. Fremont. Also the fact that he is a Democrat, was sent to the United states Senate as such, is still a Democrat, and only dif fers from Buchanan in the fact that he is opposed to Fillilmsteristn, and Buchanan is not; he is opposed to the extension and perpetuation of Slavery, and Buchanan is not; he is opposed to making Kansas a Slave State, and Bu chanan Is not. Timing from Fremont to the nega tive assertions just made in relation to Buchanan, it may seem fit to justify these assertions by facts. It is well known that Air. Buchanan, probably in the imbeeility of old age, advocated the mad sentiments of the Ostend cir cular, which in effect are theprinciples of the Birder Ituffl ins, and mean this: Cuba by purchase if we can—by armed and irresponsible mobs it we meat." I challenge Hun kerism to put a different construction en this than thu one first written.-- And James Buchanan is . the Ostend sible author of the Circular. The second anti third asset tions abuve, are so nearly connected, that to }move, one is to prove both. I theref,re refer you to Buchanan's letter accepting the Cincinnati nomination. If that is nut sufficient proof, pray what is ? The New York Herald (its ac-' -ter needs no comment) which always had the faculty of finding out the strong side has already declared, vir• tually, that Buchanan is a doomed inaa :—puliticilly - dooniad. In the mean lime it stands open fur a bid, and in one week it will advocate Mr. Buchan an if the Treasury of the secret' order of famany Democrats is not dr:y.— Nil k at a hot rible thing, by the way, is this midnight order of Know Nothings to the daylight Democracy ! But it is a curious fact that Secret Tamany never attracted sach 4orrible attention. Why'? Because the dear Irish brogue, .and the dearer Iridi yote, hayt , been used by the secret Order of Tarpany Democracy fur ;he last fifteen years at least. to uphold the purse of sLavery. Hence a blow at this corruption is made a bugbear of, to frighten the Irish, and Tamany machinery is brought nut with all its corruption and rowdyism to effect the same object—. the leaves and fishes. I have met many intelligent Irishmen who are tired of this, and will support John C. • Fremont, although the National Democrat has found mot that James Buehauan'a great grand mother's aunt or something, was an Irishman. I an; assured by Dr. Egan of Chicago, a Douglas man formerly, but now a Re publican, that half the Irish in that city will vote for Fremont. The murder of the Irishman Keating, by Herbert, and the refusal of the Pro glavery Cincinnati Convention, to hear D'Arcy I+4cG•ee's letter on the subiect, bas opened the eyes of many to the fact that the poor working Irishman regarded by Sham Democracy in the same light as the working negro Alava, and their lives, except on the flay of election, equally valuable or valueless. Last night, Sunday night as it was, cannons' were fired for half an hour in the park because Mr. Filmore had ar rived. I have no objection to offer to this, only that I was asleep when it commenced and dream 4 of the de struction of. Loy rence on a grander scale .than ii witnosSed that chivalric on-et. Perhaps this denionstralion was due to an eminent statesman—an ex-President at that; perhaps it would have been better to wait till Mon day morning. • ..Premont Clubs" are being formed here by the young men of almost every ward, as you will doubtless have learned by the papers. I have seen few. Buchanan men, probably be cause my mission does not bring me in their way. The feeling here is that Fremont will he elected with ur with out Pennsylvania. A. company of settlers started fur Kansas from this city this morning. Sao. : I want to give you and the readers of the Journal a short ac count of,a visit to Spencer, Tioga Co, N. y., which I made on the 9th, 10th & .11th days of the present month,. and also the rare privilege I enjoyed at a Baptist Association held in that place at that time, The distance from this place is about 30 miles, and in a north east - direction. Bros. \V. H. H. Dw;er and S. Niles were my traveling com panions who beguiled the tedium of the way by a number of discussions on moral and political subjects. We arrived at S— about sunset the 9th, Lind were welcomed to the hospitality of Rey, W. H. Spencer, Pastor Oldie Baptist Church in the place, where, notwithstandin g a different purpose on my part, I was, compelled to regard my hornedurieg my stay. We arose ear ly, the morning Of the 10th and went three miles to drink of a mineral spring, and returned in time to hear en able sermon at 'll o'clock by Rev. Win. King of Owego. In the P. M. we listened to Rev. Mr. Cole of Maine Broome Co., who preached a sermon fur the times, bearing heavily against evils in high places, and not at all complimentary of American Slavery. The rest of the P. M. was devoted to those items usually receiv ing the attention of such bodies. The evening, from 7.3 ; till about 11 o'clock was devoted to a free conference dis cussion' of " the legitim itq relation of the church to [ntempet ante and Ameri can Slavery." And though the speak. ens were confined to 10 minutes, yet I never witnessed greater skill and promptitude on any occasion. They were all full. iif anti-slavery fire and feeling, and some of them dealt heavy blows against the o.ig,areey. But nothing did the speakers seem to' love to hate. so intensely as American Slavery, that thing, as one of them said " which unmans humanity." The President of the meeting ,;said, after defining the church and intemperance and American Slavery, that." there was no legitimate relation' existing between them; there was a relation, but it was an illegiti'Mate one, and the church of God ought to be ashamed to acknowl eclga the bastardy." But I will net attempt a report. Suffice it to say that about a dozen spoke on the occasion, and all with a heartiness and enthusi asm which constrained me to believe that the spirit of Liberty is not, yet crushed to death, but lives still in no ble- hearts, tp prompt to noble deeds. On the A. M. of Wednesday, - six res olutions were presented to the Associ ation far its acceptr.nce or rejection. The sth which read as follows, elicited a warm discussion but was ,fieally un animously passed as were all the rest. " Resolved, That the- church north, is in a great measure, responsible for the present condition of American Slave ry." Ie conclusion I would. remark that when the number of those present at these meetings (ranging from 500 to 700) is taken into the acconnt, and the additional fact that at the sessien of the same body last year, .a moderate resolution on the subject of Slavery failed to be passed, 'we have reason to hope that God now, as anciently, is making the wrath of man to praise him, and th it the means resorted to by the slave oligarchy to win Kansas to its foul embrace, shall be the onlynote sufficient to wake the north from her slumbers, and to lead her forth in the strength of her political rights against the stupendous sin of American Slave ry. • R. L. STILWELL. East Smithfield, June 17, 1856. Milt undersigned having purchased the inlerest of r. B Tyler, in the Drug and Book business, purpose to combine thOir stock -and con:lune .0 supply their numerous friends with .he same var.e.y of goods us herei.ofori, .excep Books. L•edeving by this arrangement we shall curtail expenses at least ten per cent and are disposed .o give our customers the bonefi- of die change, fur ready pay r.,lying on in. reused sa.es, for. our s.uck wilt comprise all ..r.ic.es found under the general head of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, and Hardware. N. 13. A foil stock of Dings, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Camphene, Btuid. and Oye kept coustauay oil h ind toge.hcr with sta tionery, fancy ardc.es, Waicties and Jewelry. For the tru.h of the above promises we r,spec-fuily iuvias an elm:mutton 'of. our goods. SMITH Jr. JONES. Coudersport,. July :I, 1856. PIO VICE ZS hereby given that the Notes and Accounts of the late firm of Tytor and Jones have been transferred to Smith & Jones , and will be mend their heeds for collection. Those indebted to the late firm of Tyler and Ames, will please settle the .settle with the under signed 'immediately. • SNIITiI & JONES Couduraport, July 3, 1856. NOrICE, • THOSE indebted to C, Smith either by .41.. note or account aro earnestly requested to settle the same immediately, as I am deter mined to collect what is my due us soon as possible; for money must be had and debts must be paid. C. SMITH. Couders, ort, July 3, 1856, H. Y. For the Journey NOTICI. Firn of Tyler & Jones, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Coudersport, May 5, 1656; T. B. TYLER. E. A. JONES. S hereby given that town orders, here. I iu after described were illegallyprawn, that the town,hip has - rec'd no . consideration for them and they will not be paid. The orders are drawn ou the Treasurer of ostvoyo 'fyvvoship, and signed by G. F. Row ley and Isaac Pierce, as Commissioners,—.; The numb , r, date, amount, and payee, are as follows, viz; Payable . to E. Dalrymple Oct. 21, 1854 No. 22 " 5. , $103,15 21 " 0 , 96,69 " 20 " " Dec. 3), 1554 50,00 5. 30 11 11. 50,00 la 3 1 41 50,00 14 32 55 .5 50,00 55 3 3 .5 50,00 55 34 ti 50,00 II 35 la" 100,00 " 36 IA " ' 100,00 51 37 .5 1 .5 100,00 45 3.3 55 55 - 117,91 /Vest Wm. SHATTUCK ~ TOWIIShip B. "1). -- -D o Lit k: E ' Auditors. P. C. WusErsom, TOwn Clerk. • Oswayo, June 2nd, 1856 en t - r at Ettiormatiou. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT President—Franklin Pierce. , Vice President—(de facto) Jesse D. Brigut Secretary of State—Win. L. Illarey. Secretary of Intcriar—R.oberiMcClelland. Secretary of Treasury—lames , Secretary of tier—Jeditrson Davis. Secretary if Nary—James C. Dobbin. Post Master Gcnerat—Jaines Campbell. *Wiley General—Caleb Cushing. Chief Justice of United States—ft. B. Mane) STATE COVE REIMS. 7'. Govern ff—James Secretary of Stale—Andrew G. Curtin. Deputy zyecrctary of 6tutc—J. 11. Sudtvan S.urrey-Fr General—J. Por.er Brawley. riuttior Gencrat---Ephratin Banks. Treasurer— r:ti Suprems Grata Judges—Ellis Lewis, W. 13 Lowrie, IVouthvard, J. C. Knox, J. S 13.aek. County Officers, with Post Office Address. ' President Judge, lionEttr G. 'Nal rs, Tioga Co . .IssJciate Judges, On.sso.E- A. LEwis, L n lysses JOSEPH MANS, District Attornay, FRANKLIN W. K.ox, Cdudersport.' Sheri fj, ' PIERRE A. STEBBINS, Coudersport. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts . THOMAS B. TYLER, Coudersport. Register and Recorder, ANDREW JACKSON, Coudersport. • County Commissioners, DUICK WHIPPLE, Gips-es Center. liAnnisos Ross, Wilkes Corners, HENRY NELSON, Wharton. County .eluditors,l WILLIaM 13. Litt,trEs, Clara Helms LYMAN, Itolliello. 4 H. L. Sixoss, Allegany. Commissimers Sa'utnei Ilark , ns, Coudersport, Z. F. Robinson, Harriaon Valley Superintendent of Common SChOOl9 J. B. Prodt, Coudersport. NEW rTHE subscriber has just received a genet ipso/uncut of fall and winter goods consisting of PITY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, GROCERIES & CROCKERY, and almost every article needed in • the town and vicinity, which he pledges himself to sell as low as the His old customers and friends and the puil licgeneully are invited o call tend eimmint, for themselves, WE, 01MSTF,D, Coudersport Oct. 4th, 1.855 LADZES and Gentlemen are invited to call and examine the new books. and other geode just mewed and for sale by • M. W. MANN Aim Firm. NOTICE Treasurer, Henry Ellis, Coudersport Cuatity Surrepr, GOODS. LOW.EST, steam - Grist Mill THE subscribe/slaving purchased the in— terra atilt other puruea heretofore con• ceruediu the abore establishment, are now prepared to du all kinds of ...omit work is their Niue, us we believe in a workmanlike_ manner; and hope by a diligent attention to lausimi,s, to tuerit and receive a ...per.. Abaft) of pair, nage. rezious wishidz to have wheat. or buckwheat thairett Mr market, can at all Imes be accutuntoduted on short NOTICE. . . .For the quality of the work done at our mill we refer to A. Coiey. Esq.. Lewisville, G. • G. Colvin, Esq., Bingham. cud Maj. 8. M Mills, John S Maio, Esq., and Mr. Jam e Locke, Coudersport. ELIJAH GRIDLEY 0. A. LEWIS. Lewisville, Dec. 2111 z, 1855. . . . LAND AGENCY. THE undersigned haring been entrusted with the care of several large tracts of and in this county,, has made himself ac quainted with the lauds and land titles of the county, uud will "ire i nituediute attention to any business of this nature that may be en trusted to him. ' J. S. MANN. Bounty Land. riilE co ..I , 3r.ii; ned will give partic attou tion to the procuring of Ifou Land for all those entitled thereto under. late or any prtvious Act of Congress. A. G. OLMSTED C lorspart. Marcit Auditor's Notioe. Christopher Evelio In the Court of Corn. vs. tnon Pteas ofPutter Co:, C. W. Johnson. '2,1 , Cie pt. Term. 1854. The undersigned having been appointed by the Court an Auditor to distribum the 'mon yea arising from the sale on execution of the real estate of the clet in the suit, will attend to the duties of hts appointment at the office of the Prothenotary• to Coudersport, on the seventh ofJune, 1856, at t 2 o'clock. when all persons interested may attend .if they think proper. J NO. S. DIANN, Auditor. April 30, 1856. attention: I= TN consequence of the opening of the Cat tawissa, NVilliainsport, and Elmira R. B. whereby direct • railroad communication now established with Philadelphia, WISE. P USET, & WISE; ' • Wholesale dealers in Forel.n and Domestle Dry Goods. N. E. corner Fifth and Market St. PHILADELPHIA, are now prepared-to offer extraordinary in ducetnents, to the Northern Pennsylvania trade, to visit their city to make spring pur chases. • In addition to the low prices they sell at, they will also guarntee to ship :zll goods par chased of them, at the s.nte rates as goods are shipped from New York. Their stook consists of all the usu .1 varieties of PRINTS, GINGHA CHAMRRAYS, LAWNS, BAREGE D ELAINE'S,. ALPAr.:!_I9: DEBEQ- 0, WHITE GOODS IN ALL THEIR VARIETY, • BItOCHE & BLANKET SHAWLS, IRISH LINENS & TABLE • DIAPERS, . CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, SATINETS .& JEANS, • VELVETS & VELVET CORDS, LINEN'S, DUCKS & DRILLINGS, SILK & SATIN VESTINGS, - BLACK DRESS SILKS,' COLORED CAMBRIC§, ICED & WHITE FLANNELS, TICKINGS &STRIPES, BLEACHED &BROWN MUSLINS, &c. &C. &c. —A L S 0-- A full assortment of Carpetings WISE, PUSEY, & WISE, Wholes de Dealers in ra ide Clothing N. E. corner iith and Market Sts., Phili , detithia will hive constantly on b Ind an eicteivic assortment of Meu's,& Boys' Clothing of every .?Mde and quality ad:ipted to the country (rode. All g.irinents w..rninted of the newest s!yle3 and best Workinmship. Philadelphia, Feb. 10th 1836. • . KANSAS AND - FREEDOIVI • The undersigned having lost a large stun of triouerin running his szages, and be anxious to pay his respee,s to the Border Ruffians of Missouri, propose to raise the wind by SELLING A FARM. And therefore he offers for sate one of the best farms in the county of Pinter, situated one and a half milesnorth of Coudersport, and adjoining that ofNoison Clark, containingone hundred acres of land, forty of which is under improveuient,well fenced, and watered equal to any in the nation. The Allegank river runs through it and numerous springs cowl froM it, one of which is the admiration of all persons who travel the Wellsville road.: There are two frame barns and one frame house. There aro one hundred and twenty live thrifty apple trees, twenty-five of which are bearing trees. The plow land has been highly =mired for two years and is in fine condition for the best possible farming. Terms of sale will be reasonable. Five years time will be given, with a small sum in band, For particulars inquire at ibis office or of the subscriber at Colesburg, J. M. MILLS. Coudersport, May 20, 1t354. Harrison's Oolnmbian Inks. Black, Japan, Copying; Marking Green, Black, Blue, In& Scarlet, Red, Carmine. These Inks flow freely from the pea and give a stronger and inure durable color than any other. For safe, wholesale aed retail, by S.11(114 Se JONES. 4.114).GAZ1.0LE. • DIJTNAM'S, Graham's'Frank Leslie's Blackwood% Knickerb ocker, and Elonse. hold Words, for sale at the JOURNAL BOOE. STORE LOST •1101: ., . • 360. egad eighteen e n Aaft. his father's hones in Allegany Township; Palter Co., Ps., on ,Sundry eveuiug, the ist doy of J ann. Brume is - heteb,y sivew %hat I will pay ,tio - bills which his way wikelbitheard, trave.ing expenses. sr for any other pu!pose. John ut a sieuder boy, light', couw.oxion, light blue eyes, light whored .bair, and about n feet el /Hews in height. Wtt r rstt PIET. GOiesbUrg, Potter Cat,..Pli. --011,10 V • IS hereby given, tint agrepably tia the laws of this toutatuativreacti, the undersigned citizens,4 Potter coaany, Pa., will nuke ap piicadon to the nest Legislature, tirt a Dank of Issue and veliesit, with a capital of DUO hundred &hut/sand donors, entitled 'Fite Son- Mir BAAS, to be located at Coudersport, Pot ter county, reunsywitnia. S M. MILLS F. W. KNOX J. W. SAILA{ C. S. JuNLS C. 8.111111 MICH. F. •JONES N. SjiitIOMAKER 1). W. C. JAMES A. JA.CKSCANi A. ROI/NSW/4LE Coudersport, June 164 It V.AL • Venders of Merchandise Take Notice. AGI3EEABL,IB to au act ofAssembly passe , I the 2ild day of April 1819, eutttied .'•au Aut to provide for the reduction of the Pub lic Debt," the uudersigued, hler,:autile Ap praiker for Potter (iouuty, has tuade the tut lovitu,•4 classificatiou and apprehiraeut fur the )oar ,tBJO. Dealers, • Allegany. 'Robinson Nelson, " 14 . € 7,09 N, 4, Dike, 14 1,911 Bingham. J. 13, Jones, 14 - 7,00 Coudersport. . ' smith & Dixon, 13 17,00 ti:.t'.•.h 4t. Jones. 14 7,00 Junes, Mann, & 'noes, 12 12;50 J. ~.Y. damn, , 14 7,0 U IL W. t3litmoy ' li 7,00 1). 11,. 01luntml, 14 7,UU Schootnuker Sz Jackson, 13 - 10,00 L. F. -litayunrd. 14 • '7,00 Eulalia 14 7,00 Genesee. IL A. Nelson, S. E. Darrow. Wm. l'erry & LI% Harrison. H. Rosa ' 14 -7,00 [:chard Goodman, 14 7,0 u. Charles 1lowart1; 14 7,00 • - O:wayo. Win. McDougall, C. Li. Ziiminuus, Sharon Mann & Nichols, 14 , 7,00 B4llurd and Campfield, • 14 • 7.00 Sampson Short, 14 7,00 • . Ulibrae.t. ' Cory & Lpilan, 14 D. J. & kl. IY., Chapel, 14 ' 7,00 D. Baker, A • 7,00 Alouzo Horton, IA ' 7,00 Wharton. R. N. Mclntire, kinpki»s &Jones, N. V. Jacksou, Hector C. 11. Skinner, Slezeardson. Henry Andrezun, Au appeal will ho held at the Coat t House in Cotter.sport, on 6atarday the 12th, day of July ue.V. between, the hours of 40 u'emeii A. M. 3 o'clock . P. M.; fur all those %vim may feel themselves agneved by ther—leregu hug diassilicalion and Appruisame.t. . E. u. AUSTIN. Mercantile Appraiser, May 26th, 1836. CHEAP EDITION Of AMOS LAWRENCE. First published Dtary and Correspondence of the tate AaIUS I.di.ed by his Sou, if. 1.-wrenee, M. D. rino emg at: s.ee. cagr.,viugs to 311104 ati4 Abb.): I,3.rreuee,auct ihnert,.ustru.ions, Itoydllteuto cso , b, C4t. 'The octavo edition of this work has had atl datum.. unexamp.ed &tie. Wi.hiu twelve weeks after t,s ors( pabucation, twe.ve, thou sand copies bavo been so;t1 without produc ing uuy sen...bm uttammetts of the deutind. Scarcely any other b.ographicat work has met with, equat success the same length of time. The success is due endrety to tae in trinsic'werits onhe work. lc is ,he .-ad.oulograptiy of a merchant who begau uusiuess 45z,.,„ and gave away during his itleThne, in I/AMC and private char ities, awe than seven uuudr,d thousual dol lars. As a book for young men, it has been pro nounced jot aluau.e. in this conviction, mer chants and business mon have largely pursttas ed it for presents to their clerks and emptoyc ors. In atus-ou, more thau e.gh t y inercantil houses have thus put upon it the wanup.tictheir appriatial, in some cases one hundred copies; others Lilly, forty, twetfiy-live, fifteen, &c., have been purchased by a singe fires.. Th.s exam:tote has been !Wowed in New York, rhimile.phia, and other thergymen, regarding, die book as a rare means of heaithlut influence - in community, hat e voMmarLy contr.buied to extend its ca. cutatton, by making it the basis of sermons and lectures, .and puma: assemblies. AdanntEr Ilter.cukrt STOWZ, in a letter to the tNew 4 ors. independent, volun:eers this emphatic counnunda.ion of the work: _ "We arc proud of this work. We are will ing to let it go forth to other lauds us a speci men .et what America cau produce. The good effect tvhtcn thiS lite may have iu de termimug the course of young men to tumor and virtue, ts invaiuub.e. ' do high is the estimation put upon thel book in ati quarters, that urgeut cud repeat ed demands Piave been made upon the pub lishers, by the press and by Malty 'dams, for a cheap'sr edttiou, notwithstanding the price of of the octavo edition is muchlieleer- what is usually charged for such's volume._ Yielding to this demand, :they. now otter to the public . a CH tat* ranTIUN. • " it is a large limo. volume, printed on thick, white paper, from the pones of the octavo edition, and is sold at the excreineiy low puce of One Dollar: All things con.sioerded, the publishers are confident that a cheaper hook will not be found in the market. ;a- To publishers ofnewspapers who shall give this advemsetneut (d.splayed la good style) three insertions, a copy of the work will be sew by null tree otexpeustis. The Octavo Ldttiou .wet, continue to be pubsished and for sate as heretofore, at One /Jolter and fifty ceuss. GOULD dc LINCOLN, 46 - IVashlngloa St. Boston. INDIAN MEAL add; BUCKWMEAT eon JLsland} on hand at the NEW PROVISION STORE. N THE undersigned having fumed a ea-- partnership under the risme- and titio of ITONES, MANN 81; SONE& for the purpose of extending their usefatmilw in the Mercantile business, have purchasikd the entire stock of C. :if Aortas; Lewis Mstlll, and A. Y. Jones,, which with the ' large' id tiiikia now being made to the consondmeti Stock, by dilly arrivals from Now York •nd Philadelphia, enables them to offer to the Pubic and each of their Comm easset serst r . the largest, best: and most extensive moon= meat of goods ever brought into this To accommodate thetoselves and their cue tomenii the . ) , have remodeled the Store form erly ( copied by C. S. Jones, where they tu.ty ti found at all times ready load willing to nit upon all who may extend to them the i patronage, Their stock consisto - ef Dry Goods, .. - HARD WARE, Provisions, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, Iron, .IVails, 4.c. C. S. /ONES, . L. MANN, A. F. JONES. Couder3por► March, 211t6, JOVE'S, MANN' 4. JONES, Are ndn , receiving a !ergs lot of the bin Style Prints consisting of Cooheco; Men muck, Philips Allen & Sons, Briggs, Sprigue, &. Co. Warranted fast colors, also visa of Cheap Prints. Call & Examine. JONES, MANN .10.NE3, Would call the attention of those who an is want of Clo:ha to their Stock, which they nu continually reirlenish;ug consisinig of . 14 7,00 14 7,00 Broad - Clot - Its,,: (BLACK & BLUE.) Cassia:toms of all grades %id styles, &aliases TWEEDS, eiEsIXS 446. 14 -7,ocr 14 7,0 U VirE have now on band several gaelidea of Fanners dein, which is warrauLe4 v V to give satisfaction. Try it. • JONES, MANN, 4; JONES. • - CALL AT JONES, MANN, 4.17.. JONES and examine their assonment. of She, - ingdt dhirting, Ticks, Marramet Stripes and Checks. They are just receiving a h.oxdsothe lot of Bleached goods, whion they aro desirous of having their custonacr• examine. 14 7,00 13 10,00 11 7,00 14 ' 7,00 OLD fashioned Dimity for sale at 4UNES, MANS & ...lONE3 7,00 WE have on hand - a good assortment or Yankee uthions, which we are grilling to sell ut reasona'ale profit, _Linen, thread, Cotton do. (spool & skain;) Lineu tom CoLion Floss, French Working Cones. Knitting do. :Needles, Pins, With almost aver, thing belonging to this deparimunt of Trade. JONES, 31A.NN & JONES. LL who are in *ant of Boots or Shoos. _tiL: will please call and examine tho stock mi JONES, MANN & JONES, Which is the largest ever opened in this county. and we fee/ confident that WO Ca • sausfy the most critical. We havo also tr connection with this 13ranch of our business A. "loot & Shoe .8 1 0 P s Where we can order any kind of work; awl we believe that our Home Afirds work is PS perior to that which is brought crop abretot LEATHER of the best quality, and of all the differing kinds. with Boot & shoe findings at JONES. MANX & JONES. - T'"(Mack and Green) from twanty-fire mi. to a dollar, constantly on baud at . JONES, MANN & JONES. imUR Stock of Groceries is offered to the, Cl inspection of the Public with the is . belief that it is-the best in. the County. N• intend that this department of ottr busineta shaft always he kept iu readiness to supply the wants of this community. JONES, MANN & JONEL • TONES MANN sr, JONES, have cer.thi..? the best. stock of liardwa r e •ver kept in this place, and they intend to kis,. every thing in this line, and we feel cohticle that we can do as well by the People of ter County as will be done by thew at 11‘ uasvillr - Margo Stock oferockenr teAttleit frau* at JONES, MANN &JONES,. ANTED at JONES, MANN & JONES V V Wheat, Rye, Buckwheat, Cote, Cho., Potatoes, Or isnything the Farmers hare for sate. they ctua find rcady safe (or at our Store. W E lire keeping a good insomnia of IRON from which we will supply the Blackanithe of this section, as favorably as they will dealt with at Wellsville. 'JONES, MANN 4--'JONES WOULD Respectfitlly ask the Ferment of this county to examine the Advan tages, offered them in this place, for the ex changing oftheirfarna produce for cask or Merchandise, almostt• all kinds of grain. and in fact, every kind the firmer has to sell, be..r a more advanced figure in Coudersport, than at a ny of the Northern markets, while , do goods of the Merchant, ate about the unist price excepting the heavy articles whisk have Transportation added. . JONES, MANN.* JONAS': Marsh 20th, 1606. • Jiarket. GROCERIES, Ifl