lainws , mANNsgol,lMlN! .1.%•.i.a. • Lewis' Maau :IS at home again, in the storo opposite the North-west corner of the Court HouS4- 45eitilrboind Is receiving from New York - mid, l'hihidelphia,inot a" mammoth stock" of cter dry goods,, but sufficient to supply the trandi . ttf this-community; and of such variety so , 'to snit all testes. 'Having had considerable • itt supplying the people of this , section ..f the (roomy with Prints and Dress -floods, nud Juicing selected his assortment 'from I%‘ 0 cities, he, flatters himself that 'his present stock. -is a ittle! ahead of any ever. .vtleivid fors:sale in Coudersport. He Would theren•re say to his old customers, Step in' • trial csamiue for yon rselves—and ,to the peo • ple generally that his goods are for sale—that .-he "till he happy to make his visiters feel ut Give him a call. CouderFport t Oct. 18, 1855. /pH E Ladies will find at Mann's store JVCoclaceo Washinaton, Alerricnack, Philips, Sans', and 'tither choice variei ies of Triuts, warranted by the subscriber not to fed._. • AL" Wool de I l ainps at Mann's. Al iniens, Paranoias, umd Foolish and Frenell rritlues, at G ENG-HAM'S, a good assortment, at AIASN'S. gut 'Dress Trimmings at . QIIA.VILS of various patterns and ,Ins Mies also ',site's' and Children's 1 ainpus, at MANN'S. SAM (jltl , Bishop Lawns, Victu- Njcnt Limns, Cap Luce, Crure, Barred Mu... 'bud, Lturu liuunkerchiel., ialibruider , l du., Muslin Edging., Cutiun du., Litien do., Ludic.' burro utiu Curs, to be tumid ut AN 1 quantity of Hosiery at MANN'S I F you want warm Stockings for ar t wicket', cull ut VItOADCLOTLIS, Cassimeres, Sat.- yeas, and J vans, a good wmuiltuuut at MANN S. WISH it distinctly understood that tl rriutti sold ut the store ut the subscriber n. utie alnllmg leer yard, are watrauted nui to L. MANN. Z . AITER Boots, Buskins, and a Vl b %Lately et . Shoes, cau be feuutt at MANN'S. BOY'S' and Youths' Boots at 11. E N'S Q in IiUTINOS and Shirtings, a good ),.,7t.mty,ut biANA S. ZUGARS, Teas, Coffee, Ginger, Pep er, Spice, Starch, awl Salcraius, a tall Itiply always on hiutd at Gamma 1 31. k N N S IF you want'Axes, Hatchets, Ham ner; Mill Semis, Cross-cut du., Hand do., &loco:, Augers, Auger Bits, Nixes (Wall kinds, Squares, Iron do, cat! at LEWIS MANN kdcps cstantly di) !mud zihuve:s, Spades, and Manure 1' uths. T Duor Handles, I3,utts, and 4.jscrew s of all sizes and varieties, at MANN'S. IDOOKET Knives, Table du., the best assortment ever offered for sale in Coudersport, at MANN'S. BRIER Scythes, warranted, at 31ANN'S. XF A iLS, c,s.sorted sizes, constantly on hated at MANN'S. tat ra lii sive satisfaction, by ALL persons knowing themselves be over tw eke months in arrears %vial Lew,: Mann, are very respectfully asked to cat at his store in Coudersport, as he is in Wan of t:ttWis to pay his debts in the city ; and . mil who are is account with him, are respect , fully reminded that the summer season is clos ing,and with it ought to be closed their money pr.:pun% W . A E NT I p ge at (Lewis ood Ma or gs, o un's s ats, toic oru, flu 14 wheat, Millet, Rye, Wheal, Hides, Sheep ;744; I,: t a i g,s. Old Trott; and even Cash will ;tut rertt;cd. Coudersport, Oct. 18, 185'5. Stationery A T Wholesale and Retail at Tailoring! . Tailoring! ! V. HAISDING ,TaiIor. All work' -titrctsted to his care will be dune 44.. - 7.4"tieatirietsi . coinfort, ptl durability. •I i,;" Shop over Lewis Mauu's store. G-3Z RESI3 Puruing Fluid aud Gan/I/Um at LP. th et" DIW mid iluoK-S 1 tt EL. Clothing, Clot,bi g place to buy wett•made . Clothing at ..Cirlow price (a large stock to select trout OLMS'VED'S. A. B. GOODSELI,,, ItiSMlTll,Coddersport, Pa.' Fire, Arms ILA ninufaetnred and repaired at his shop, on btu efynice. • MOO 3,1848. litrison's Columbian Inks. pack', Japan, Copyink, Mark lug ' Green, Black, Blue, Ind ell ible, • - -lied, Carmine. Theme'lnks flow freely from the pen and give a stronger, and more durable n6lor 'than any other. f?reale, wholesale and retail, by TYLER. & JONES.• Co'Wen L4DIES. that Pomade also Rose id for mho at the old .tand by ' • • D. W. SPENCER, Agent. - ftIFY BONDAGF,&..N.IY_F.REEDO3I. By -1-TXF:rect Doug lass. - Janiirey to Ce - utral A : frica.• Baybid'TaYlot; Ida Norman, by Airs:Lincoln Phelps, Giltillatem - Third Gallery of.Portralas; Father Clark, thePipneer . Preacher, The Escai ed Nun, , The . flidden'Path, • ' Fables for Critics, • `Together :with a general stock of Standard .and Miscellaneous Works; good booksfor roitpg People; I,Vall 'paper, Stationery. .at Who,esale & Retail; :Rotes, Pens, , Pencils, ks--in short everything in our line of busi 'llse, in the greatest variety. Our stock .of Drugs, Medicines, Fancy goods, Watches &Jewelry, has been greatly enlaged to meet the increasing demands. . We cordially invite the public to examine our goods. TILER &JONES. - Coudersport, November, 1,1855. . EANIL NOTICE. • • N o ‘ T vrib E e n is ia l d ic e re to by ti tiv n en ex „ t i L ba c t application of Peuuqlvanid for a charter of u bunk of dig count, deposite and issue, to be located in the borough of Coudersport. Potter county, Pa., to be called THE NORTHERN BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA, with a capital of Ore ll undred nuusuuti Dollars. mylG-thn., NEW BOOKS. The May Flower, by Mrs. Stowe. Life of Sam Houston. North and South. Jack Downing. Our World. School Books, Blank Books Slates, Stationery, Gold and silver Pens. MANN'S Magazines for. June. • Also, a General Assortment of NEW MOODS for the Spring Trade, just received and for sale very low, at the DRUG & BOOK STORE. Coudersport, May 31, 1655. Estate of Decedents. T OTIC is hereby given, that the Admitt.- istrators ut the bstate ot J1.11.13C8 MCDOW deceased, have tiled their accounts in the Register's office in the county of Potter, and that'the same will be presented fur confirm:t hou at the Orphans' Court of said county, to be held at the emrough of Itoutlersport on the lib day ot Stlpteutber, 1855, when all [Tr ues iffietesicti may ahead it they think. ptupr. A. JACKSON, Register. LeuderSport. Aug. i 3, 18.35. 14-4 t MANN• GROCERY AND PROVISION sToB.u. /Emu, Ye _Hungry. S-. JOAO m takes this e.hod to inforn - C • the people of Coudersport and the pub lic generally, that he .has Just opened a Gro cery and Provisuni store, where he will keep constanuy everything in the line of "eata bles,'' and wham he will sell as reasonable as can be desired. The " substantiais" cau he found here at all times, such as FLOUR and PORK, while the appemes of the most daiutY Call be sat islied. Therefiire, should you wish for anything of the kind, please call and • examine before purchasing tusti+A here and if iic count L.:Ili:1y you, your case must be desperate. Yott win am hys find a full assortment of Groceries, .conststing of Su gars, Teas, Coiree, Satermus, Spices, Ginger, Raisms, Cattily, Cracker's, Crauberties, aala mon, Codfish, Mackerel, Blue Visit, Rice, Molasses; Syrup, &c.- Also, at all times, Pork, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Butter, (roll and I lirkin,) Salt, Mons, etc. etc. Grain and ail miter kmds of Produce taken in exchange fur goods at the cash price. 643:.itf C. S. JONES. . _ i G RAHAM'S and Putnam's Magazines, Blackwood's, Ldinbargh Magazine, and the Edinburgh and 11 esiumister Reviews, at the JUCILSAIASUOR.-ZiTORE. MANN'S The People's Cash Store. AT LuLDERSI'utCT. Something riCAV, and Something iti antetl. subscribers, having entered into part ner:ship arrangetheins under the firm of - ".\ & 11 it.cox, will be. happy to see all old friends, and all new friends, calling day alter day, and continually, at The Peu tile's Cash Store" in Coudenport, inquiring for DRY GOODS, .11.4 I? D 11',11? E, G !WC' ER • RE. Dl-MA DE CLOTHIND, and all the endless variety of articles which the People want, and most have. And the subscribers will sett to their customers, old or new, for the Cush, or miter Ready-Pay, the very best bargains to be had iu Northern Pennsylvania. • _ L MANN MAY NA RD & WILCOX Coudersport April 5, lc:)5. - TACKS OF SALT at the ►J NEW PROVISION STORE SUPERIOR Sperm mid Tallow Camlalse C. S. JONES' I'POVISION STOR4:. pRENCII MUSTARD—A new thing en titely, for sale at C. S. JONL6'. ALL the most popular Patent Medicines on hand which wtit be sold at whole sale or retail, also staple articles in the Drug, Medi cate and Dyestutiline,for sale on the must rea tionable terms. D. W. SPENC El:, Agent. New Books New Music ANSAS and Nebraska - . 41.1.zd,es Guide.iu Needlework. Look of Parlor Gatnert. Burruwe's Piano l'urte Primer. Workingman's IVay in the World. Llleu Montgomery's Book Shelf. • Fessenden's Nev. American Gardenor. Sunshine on Daily Paths, Dickens. - Sunshine-of Graystune, E. J. May. Elements of Character, Margaret Chamfer Europe; Past and Present, Lngwitter. ‘!aige's Commentary on the iNew Testa TYLER'S went. Endless Amusement, or Entertaining Ex periments in various sciences. Pc:erson's Familiar Science. Liebig's Agricultural Chemistry. 4 , o ,Accerdeon Instructor, etc., at the JOURNAL BOOK STORE. Coudersport Sept.. It -5 5. ' 643 Drafting Instruments, %Ito. colors, Urawittg raper, fella ilk, sind Brushia, just rcceived at TILER &JONES'''. ANEW supply of &Iwo!. 13OoKs Duper, Pens, ete.,ol every kind.. inquire ler au this 11 4 -.0. catriary, just received and for telett the JOURNAL BOOK—STORE. BRICK, • 7c - ow ready for sale 100,000 BUICK. of su perior quality. Atha Want of Brick can be supplied by calling at the store of • • .1:13. SMITH. Coudersport, Aug. 23, 18:$5: New Cash F. W; • KNOX, , t t or gxv." Arr. - No* c the Courtsi P,otter 1". tfo'r At 'IL a tt; WeJlsborough, Tioga county, Pa,,willregt,ll4l lrattend the'codits or Potter county: Jlthe 1848; . ; " • . . LAND AgENOV. TIIE undersigned - havinibeen entrusted with the care of several large tracti of and in this county, has made himself ac quainted with the lands and land titles of the county, and will give immtkliate • attention - to any business of this nature that may be en trusted to him. _ J. S. MANN. • r • ARTHUR G. OLMSTED, . • A TTORNEY. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW 19 kill attend to all business entrusted to his care with promptness and fidelity. - Office—in the Temperance Block up stairs Main-street, Coudersport, Pa. ISAAC BENSON _ CI TTOJINEY AT LAW,—Otlice, East side of the public square, Coudersport, Pa By special arrangement the professional ser. vices of S. P.JonNsos, Esq., may be engage. through him in all cases in which he is no previously concerned. N. B.—All claims due and payable to the. undersigned, personally and professionally, May be found in the hands of Isaac Benson, Esq., for adjustment. S. r. JOHNSON.. .Alarch 3, 1648. • • JOHN S. MANN , A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Dill attend the several Courts in Potter and Waal' counties. All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Office on MaiMstreet,'opposito the Couit House, Coudersport, Pa. W. K. KING, Amin - Nor, Draftisman, ant Coribepantry, Siltrthport, M'Keait Co., Pa., • Will attend to business for non-resident land holders, upon reasonable terms. References given if retptire - d. ' P. S: flaps of any part of the County tirade to order. 7.33 FOUNDRY. r% B. BROWN would giVe notice. to the • public that he is prepared, at his Foun- dry in Coudersport, to do all manner of CAST make and 'finish to order all kinds of Machinery, Mill Gearing. Board and Log Cars,cSleigh-Shocs of all sizes, and every nrticlt needed by' n Lumbering community. And . o lm iners lie would say, that he has procured tome of the best Plow patterns itt use,-both Flat Land and Side Hill, and keeps them constantly on hand. And will make 'to order Geld Bailers, harrows, Cultirators, and ev . ery-article used by them in his'line of buti ne'ss. He is prepared also to do All kinds of BL A CKSMIT'IIING. And front his long experience in the above business, he feels confident of giviug satisfac, tion to those who may give hint a call. 11.—Uld iron bought, or taken in ex change for work, JOURNAL BOOK-STORE IBLES, English and German, a variety o JLPstyles and sizes, at the Joornal Book Store. Pocket Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Webster's Dictionary, unabridged, octavo; high school and common school editions. Harper's Universal Gazetteer, Cruden's Concordance. • Testaments, • Putnam's Magazine, bound, • Bayard Taylor's Works, 5 vols., Poets and Poetry of America, Poets and Poetry of England, Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, Willis's Poems, Goldsmith's, Gray's, O.ssiai'-s, Cook's, and Tennyson's Foetus, Paradise Lost. Lady of the Lake, Prescott's Histories. Mexico- and Peru, Thiers' French Revolution, Josephus. Rollin,• Winthrop's New-England. Mioati!ey's England. DiLkens' England, The Spectator, 8 vols.,'Bvo., .• Children's Books—and Toys. School Books, every kind called for is comthunity. Latin, French, and German School Books, Leverett's Latin Lexicon, Drawing Paper, Books, and CardN, . Drawing Pencils—Crayon's, Toy Paints; Colors fur oil painting. Music. Brushes, Chalk, Pens, Quills,Paper of every variety called fear. Wafers,. Wax, &c.' Materials for Paper Flowers. liarrison's Colving-Ink—Davids' Blue Ink. Indelible ink, several kinds. Hovey's Many Phrenological and Ilydropathic Works. Fowlers and Wells' publications. Blank Books. Mews. and Diaries. • Teacher and Parent. Theory and Practice of Teaching. Life of Horace Greeley. Star Papers—ll. W. Beecher. Works of Thebdore Parker. Shakspeare, &c., &c., For sale cheap at the JOURNAL BOOK—STORE. Atig• 1.955. New Books. American Agitators and Reformers, Ilc Bart!att Life of %Vol. 11. Seward, his Speech " es, Orations, and Writing s 1,00 Life and Ileantiei of FannyFern,.'...l,2s Life of Horace Coce.ley i (new supply,) 1,25 Stanhope Burleigh, or the Jesuits in .our Homes, (new supply,) "IX For sale at T. D. TYLER'S May 31.1855. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC IHE Books. Notes, and Accounts of D. \V.. SPENCER having beeit as signed to me, all persons interested areltere by notified that 1 have appointed the said D. W. Spencer my Agent for the collection of said claims, and I hereby authorize hint to take all necessary measures for the collection of the same, and to give receipts in my name for any sums due on any of the accounts or notes so assigned. All those indebted, by book account or otherwise, are requested to settle the same soon. 8-15 EMILY K. SPENCER. AGENrs! ti.o Ea vs! .4.i4tlii PERSONS accustomed to procure sub scribers for Books, Magazines, &c., or get u clubs for newspapers are requested to send us their names and address, and we will Air ward them, free of charge, a specimen num ber of a publication for which they will find ready sale ; and we will allow them a com mission of 50 per cent. for their services. J. BRADFORD & BROTHER, 110.2 CouTtlind' et., Now lork. _ . P9nclls; Writipg Books SDiatying Books; Account and Meta oranduni, Bo'eks., - Tract - s,' Sunday S'ehool Qa6tinii Class Books. Ink - , Paper-sand, Chalk, Cray ons, Belding Wax. TissueiTraeing,Drayring-, and Glar.ed Paper; Blotting .Boards, Perfo rated Boards, Port-Folios, and Porte-Alatfuides Call and examine at the . JOURNAL BOOK-STORE. . TO PRINTERS. D RUCE'S - NEW-YORK TYPE POEN; I.IIDRY,-estublished in 1813, has now on hand, ready for iiitniediate delirery, in fonts to suit purchasers, 100.000 lb.. Roman Type of new cut, 50,000 " ' Fancy Type, 10,000 '" Scripts of various styles. • 5,000 • " Germans, ' - 5,000. "' Ornaments. in great variety, 5,000 " Borders,- 30,000 feet Brass and. Type Metal Rules, and all the novelties in the business. All the above Types are, cast by steam power, of the new metal peculiar to this foun dry, and which is certainly superior to any ever used before iu any part of the world: The unequalled rapidity in the process of ctesting, enables me to sell these more durable types at the prices of ordinary types, either on credit or for cash. Presses, Wood Type - , and all other Printing Materials, except paper and Cards, , (which have'no fixed quality or price,) furnished at manufitcturers' prices. The latest Specimen Book of the Foundry is freely given to all printing offices, on the re ceipt of fifty cents to prepay postage. Printers of newspapers who choose to publish this advertisement, including this note, three times helium the first day of July, 1855, awl forward me one of the papers, will he allowed their bills at the time of purchasing ' - ve times the 'amount of my manufactures. New-York, Feb. 12,1855, Address, GEO, BRUCE, 13 Chambers-st., New-York- MEI War. Declared at Last, THE long repose of Europe is about to be disturbed by the bugle's, note •and the reville of the drum, culling its slumber ing millions to arms iu the defense of their fir..sides and their country. Englund and France art- culling for -men and means, and rending forward their armies to battle against the aggressions of the Russian Bear; hut while the old World is convulsed by revolu tiou,unusual peace and plenty reign in the New. . In the peaceful and quiet pursuit of our business- we hat e formed a copartnership under the name and style of N. S. !HITLER & CO., and have taken the store in Empire Block, in the ville.6e. of Olean, formerly men pied by Thing & Brother, nod are no* re ceiving a splendid new stock or goods adapted to the season and wants of the - community. which we intend to sell exclusively fok cash down, at prices that will cause consternation and dismay in thejanks of old fogyism that has been so long (Val.:fished in this section. Our- stock will consist in part of the follow ing Goods: Hardware, . Crockery, Boots & Shoes, Hats Caps, Carpets., Oil Hats, Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stalls, Glass, Paints & Oils, Sash, Putty, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mattresses, leathers • Stobe and Wooden ‘Vure, And we incan to keep hitch an assortment of the above goods that persons from a distance can be assured of finding everything they usually- want at prices that will do them good Call and sue for yaurbelves. N. 8. BUTLER & Clean, May , 5,1.854: UZI EXONEY.—A good, quality of honey for sale at C. smrrit's Bounty . Land. . rii.HE undersigned will give particu lar attention to the procuring of Bounty Lund fur all those entitled thereto under the late or any precioua Act of Gongrehs. A. H. uI.MSTED. Coudersport. Pa., March 15,1855. yin Tr. IFF: OF' HORACE GREELEY, •J l'rayer Books - Funny Gr•iy, The Orac!e of Flowers, and a new imp ply of &alum. Boobs, - Just received at the , • JOURNAL BOOK-STORE. N EWl9Ont Letcie:at t lo v AiotK_s t )RE Sept. 1, 1 554 . 7716 °HEST HANDLES, Dra,‘%;er do., Bolts, ILctehes, halter Snaps, Wardrobe Hooks, Barn Door Hinges kept for sale by LEWIS MANN. OILS and nt A. F: JONES UNTEN'S celebrated . destructions 11_ for the Pianc-Forte; Burrowes' Biano.forte Prinnner; Union filet Book; - A. new supply of Sheet Music; for sale by TYLER & JONES. CIRAIN and Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Moods at this storo. wEBSTER'S- DICTIONARY Pocket, School, University;Octavo i and Qtiarto ditiow, for sale by 7.YLER. PENCER, R. J. CHENEY'S Agent, ha. 1 , ,J got sotneAff the best tobacco out. All loy ers of tlr weed-can find it there I will guaran Macarthur's Liniment • The best Liniment_ in the IVorld ! This by A. MActranon, M. B. This article may be relied upon as being a sure cure fur Sprains, Bruises, Cramps_ Swellings, Rheuinatism, Frozen Limbs, Con traction of the Muscles, Croup, Quinsy Chilblains, Affections of the Spine, Nervous Di.eases, Weakness, and for Burns if applied immediately, Eruptioni of the Skin, Chapped Hands,. Cuts or Sores; and effectually. coun teracts any Inflammation. And an effectual remedy fox-Horses and Cattle, in the cure of the following diseases, viz: Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Sprains, Ringbones, Fresh Wounds, Sweeney, IVind.. galls, Lameness, Cracked Heels, Scratches, or Grease, and Galls of all kinds occasiune by the hasness, For sale by NEW IYIUSI-0. Tor BOONS, CLASP BIBLES, ILLPSTRATED kIYDROPATHIC ENCYCLOPEDIA .PORT FOLIOS, PORT MONNAIES, ELOCUTION & ORATORY, AMERICAN • DEBATER, WIDE, WIDE WORLD. New snpply Harrier's Universal Gazetter School Books, French, German, &. Latin. JOURNAL BOOK STORE. Coudersport, Nov. 2.911,18v5. • • e 1000 Book agents Virante d. .mo canvass for -the , beSt analmoir, salon*. Books , published... They . are 'Written by the most , popular : AptltOrs of the 'tidy," In' turiong .othe,' T. S: : An•rii4; IC, ' - whdie last great work ; : - . • :ZEN NIGHTS 1N •A -BAR ROOM, 10,000 copies have been sold within a month of 'publication. These books are hentifolly: iflnitirate d (many of them 'with finely' colored' iihites,), and are printed and bound in the best - Manner. Agents will find a pleasant and profipble employnient in their circulation. For par ticulars address (post paid) -- • , J. W. BRADLEY,.' 7-19 31 • . ' Publisher. . No. 48 North Fourth street, Philadelplna PORTSMEN will find Powder, Shot. Lei' and• everything in the line of 'Ainninaitio and i:lshiug Tackle of the hest quality nod low rices at • TYLER'S: Music. C. S. JONES D. W. SPENCER LYON'S, KATHAIRON • and other excellent preparations for cleansing. and beautifying the HAM, for sale at TYLER'S. PERSONS about to build or repair, will find complete stock of Window Sash, Glass, Paints and Oils, fur sale at fair prices by • • T. B. TYLER ZINC and Mineral Paints, with direction for using, at • TYLER & JONES'S patztit's yeast and soap Vow lid Clll4.—These 'superior articles are war ranted to gave time ala money, and promote peaco and harmony in families. TYIER &JONES'S. A NY quantity Of SHAWLS of vurions .11-styles and qualities—Wool. Cashmere, nod Do Luine, at A. F. JONES'. IiTEAVY nod Fine Shoetings and Shirting and - as tine a lot of Bleached Going the place affords, sale by A. F. JONES Lewisville Steam Mill Com , Pant• 11/Essns Eorrons We had designed to ad; Venice our mill in your paper, but your time ly notice has saved us the trouble, since which we lure been crowded with grinding. • Now, whether our mill takes the preference over any other mill in this vicinity, or not, is not for its to say ; and whether we have been to much or little expense-in fitting it up, is of no consequence. Such NS it is, it will be in ope ration at all seasonable hours, unless out of repair, or we get too indolent to furnish wood, as it is no: hindered by loer water. Accompanying this notice we send you a specimen of flout." of our own manufacture, and we appoint 1%.1r5. Mann our judge. E. WUDLEI & CO, Ulysees, Oct. 11, The. Journaß 0 ok-Store OFFERS to the public a good variety of most readable books, cheap for cash or family neces,kieS. All the newest books of value arekept on hand, or immediately - pro cured for customersond we hope to receive such patronage as •faithtid attention to busi ness, and an earnest de-ire to oblige, may deserve.' New books received at short inter vals. Sarni! Books, Stationery of all .kinds, materials for Paper Flowers, etc., constantly on hand. Music-,Maps, Mathematical Bastru.. melts. Pi0:1F0 call and examine for youraelyes aI Lie JOURNAL BOOK—STORE. Something siren, Under the Sun. jTANING in view the neceAsities of the ueople of th;s county, the subscriber has porch.tsed and is now receiving at it hii store in Coudersport, THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES EVER RROUGHT TO Tins MARKET. Having prepared and set apart one-half of his salesroom for this buqine.. nn, siforta Le spared to supply eustotneei with articles MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. His stock consists, in part, of Gentlemen's fine and .coartm boots and shoes ofevery style ; Ladies' boots, bootees, gaiters and shoes of endless variety, including the Congress Gai ter—a new style ; children's boots and shoes of °Very description, size and price; together with a stock of rubber OVERSHOES, that cannot fail to suit the most particular in the style, finish, or price. In addition to the' stock purchased. in the city, the suhscrilxer is prepared to inanufac ure everything in the boot and shoe line.— Ile keeps on hand a full supply of the best mportcd leather, and has engaged "the ser vices of the best workman in the country ; therefore, is prepared to do custom-work on short notice In the best manner. I will add, in couLdulino, tit it toy supply of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS will not be diminished on accountof tb,ii now enterprise, but I will continue to sell Flour, 'fork, and everything in the grocery and pro vislon line to tiorsatisraction of buyers. Cull and aeo, and you will be satisfied. C. 9. JONES Coudersport, Sept. 10, 135 NEW GOODS. I=l THE subscriber has just received a goner• al assortment of full and winter goods consisting of DRY GOODS,' CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, ' BONNETS, RIBBONS, GROCERIES & CROCKERY, and almost every article needed in iho town nd vicinity, which ho pledges himself to sell a 3 low as tho LOWEST. His\ld customers and friends and the pug lie generally are invited o call and. examins for themselves. D. E. OLMSTED Couderaport Oot. dth. Xe itIIC(8 - IMIN • - TIE --AkETMAK BLOCK - mEI la undersigned • would: respectfully 4, form hia,old.friends .and the public seas ( rally, that ho has resuined the raerca n ia, business. He has plirchased as emirs • NEW STOCK OF DRY Crk*.)o which lie is now receiving,: Having s o ld geode in this community for. a series ofje u , he flatters himself that no has selected &stock, ofwiuterilry goods that will suit the tan s c i his old customers, and such new, ones si ma give him. a call.- He cannot undertake to enumerate the articles tthut inako up his ai. sortineut,.but he hasevery variety sad style of DRESS GOODS, ' BROAD CLOTHS, HATS &. CAPS, YANKEIINOTIONB,B,, that are-usually kept iu a country store, sr likely to suit the fancy of buyers. 110 also km a full supply 'of TEAS, COF? RE, RICE, - • ond other Groceries, also Hardware, Crockery, &c.", all of which he is anxious to exchange for cash or produce, oa favorable ter - route buyers.' Coll und• see at the store formerly occupied by Mile, Mute. . ARCH. F. JONES. Coudersport. Oct. 18, 1 f!...5.5. . . 13 tioAueurri s, Cassis-nuns, suti ri , %, . and Tweeds, can be bought of the under. Signed as cheap as at any other establish:l,a county. A I'. /ONES, NEW FIRM, I=== Tip OBT. J. CHENEY would any to the pen: it plu of l'otter county that he luia Focht the building owned by Emily K. Spencer, anti formerly occupied by D. W. Spencer, and Commenced the mercantile bulimia and has appointed D. W. Spencer, agent. .1 hank adopted the CASII OR READY-PAT SY,STEM Thom) desiring goods low, please favor uss with a call. Grain, and all other kinda . of pre• duce takeu iu exchange fur goods at the sash OM ROBT. J. CHENZT D. W. SPENCER desires - to expreis his se. knowledements to his friends and to the pub. lie for the patronage he has received in . yesrs past, and will mule trot-to merit the mundane] tufo! . °lbis old and many new friends is his, new station. Geniersport, Sept. `2oth, 1855. li HO ! YE HUNGRY. rrIlE subscriber would inform the :1- citizen.: of Coudersport and vicinity, that Ite'hati established him+elf in .t he Butebarim business, and will be prepared is furniak Beef, Veal, Mutton, and Lamb, during the .season. Ile has adopted the readylay and will strictly adhere to Fir CASH paid fur Venison. Juno 7,1M55. DIARIES and Almanacs for 15,56,, Blotting Cases, Card Cases, Thermometers, Children's Books for the Holidays, - - Chess Men, Drawing paper, Biistol Bond, Monochromatic Bond, Ify . dropathic Encycloy•dia; by Dr. Trail, Family Physician—Dr. Shew, Family Dentist, Potipbar Papers, at the JOURNAL BOOIC Machine Oil. Hill Ownert will always- find supply tis Oil firr machinery at satisfactory ',nem sad in say quantity,at TYLEWSDriIa• litorss NEWk: — iUpply 01 Fluid and Cern: phiue Latilipe.—some new and beast& pattLrus just rcceired rind for aide low at TYLER & J 3311111 New Books. T ADZES and Gentlemen are invited to eel I .ind ex:tuft - tie the neve booLs and claer goods just received and for ads at TYLER & JONES'S D IARIES Ter juet received at TYLER'S - - Cream Tartar Magnesia, Alius Chalk, it.lalts and ('rite. foils:float the GRA TCEJAN STORE, Come to bring you Life and Health." DR. CURTIS' HYGEANA, or Inhaling llygcap Vapor and Cherry Syrar, for the cure of Pulmonary Conietruption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughp, Cottle, :tint all Lung and Liver comitlaints. A new method of lnhala [ion for the. cure of the above named dimeer For sale by 1). W. SPENCER. A.ATENT PAILS, Bed Cords, Clothes Lines, Horse Cords, CurriCombs, llone Bruilos, to be sold at MANX'S. K i LIN Slrine.3 at • Dryg and Book &tors. ORPHAN'S' COURT SALE. POTTER COUNTY, SS. At an Orphan's Court held at Coudersport in and for the County aforesaid, on the 15th, day of September 1555, before the Hon. R. G. White and his associate Justices of said Court, on peiition of 11. C. Leach and Nelly. Leach, his wife late Nelly Johnson, widow and Administratrix of all and singular the goods and.chattele, lands and tenements, which wore of Jesse Johnson, late of the Township of !lector in said County - , deceas ed, setting forth, that the said intestate left issue two children, to wit : Louisa and Nuts . , minors, That the personal estate of said intestate is institient for the support of said children, and that , the said intestate, at the tune of his death, had the right of posses sion to n certain messuage or lot of land ituate in said Township, coutaining eighty nine (z.'9) acres, eight acres of which was enclosed. Said lot is-bounded on the North by unseated land, on the East by lot in posses sion of Cornelius Loucks, on the South by unseated land,.and ou, the West .by lot in 11ms - session of Lemuel Harris. Your petition ors, therefore pray your Honor:+ to grant them au order to make sale of said lot for the purpose of maintaining said children. The Court, therefore, order and decree that the said H. C. Leach and Nelly Leach expose thd said premises to public sale on Monday, the 17th day of December, A. D. Kss. ut the Court llouse unsaid Cpunty, and I sell the same for the best price tlrat can be had therefore, with power to ad:in - in front time to time : giving due public' and timely notice of the time and place ofsale, and make report of their proceedings herein at. the next stated Orphan's:Court: In testimony wherdof 1 have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Court, this 7th day of November, A. D. 1P55. T. B. TY By the Court. LE,I4