The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, November 15, 1855, Image 4

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    4 Bel* T sfratiOaP r r r
A •
*4:111C la hereby Div appliiatiin
a li -trill beam:le-a7-tite-aext-Lehitlauire of
Xraarykraaia for a chkrter of a b ank of Alla
gen. at; depitile iaaiie; to be located ' iu' I
Are bortnto of Coudersport . Pater county,
Ya, to be. culled THE:NORTHERN DANA"
ecvsn,rAm...l; witu a 'capital of
. Lay I §-tilt'.
Tim 314vtioiiei,iii•Mit.: Mows.
Life of Sam Houston, -
"North and South. ,
Jai& Downing.
Our World. -
,School .Books, Blank Books;
"Wes, Ststisne,iy; D'old'ind Silver Pens.
- -fileg.aines•forJune:' ,
4 4 1:11r Also, a Gandhi. Assortment of NEW
ARcsups for ttle Spring Trade, just teceivod,
Ord for aids very toys, at the • - ••• •• •-•
Coudersport, May ;11, 1845.•-- -
---- Estate of Decedents.
MICE is hereby iii'et,.g r iat
atOrs' of the Eitute of Juries
;!.ceased, have bled their accdunti 'in the
Jteiriwer's'olEce Jt ittell‘zultp , tif Potter, and
• o alaitstlies salvo with bb • presented for cioutirma-
Aou at the Orphans' Court of said couuty, to
"be held at die Borough of Coudersport on the
• 1 di, day of Septeinuer, 1855, when all Per
ji9sid'ititerestril may atteud if they think
• A. JACKSON, Register.
wotcerspor, Aug. 23, 1855: 14-4 t
'ik.) 11 New Cash .
. .
, Rither, Ye Hungry. .-
,rl f- 8: JONES takes this method to inform
fa, the people of Coudersport and the pub
4ie generally, that he has just opened a tiro
odiy. and Provision store, where he will keep
liiessniptlrevairything an the line of " tate- 1
1:011i,"•tind which he wall sell as reasonable as
pp be dewed. The "substantiate" can be
o fethaci here et all taros, such as FLOUR and
futt.ii, While the appetites of the most
Ala iFyeanalso be eats abed. - Therpfore,shouid
,A. etitiltdanjihing of the kind; please call
/0d examine before purchasing elsewhere
" ' d if As' cannot cattily you, your case 'must
f i,
tiasperato. You will alwayi find a full
ortntent of Gfoceries, corunsting of Su
to, 'leas, Coffee, Saleratus, Spices, Ginger,
ains, Candy, Crackers, Cranberries,
;Codfish, Mackerel, Dine 'Fisk, Rice,
tilapsos; Syruh &c. Also, at all times,
• iirk; }'lour, rd, Cheese, Butter, (roll and
km,) bait, Hams, etc. e:c.
`-Grain and all other kinds of Produce taken
i i p'iiiliange 19r goads at the cash price.
-6-331 f C. S. JONES.
77: - -
, BAIIAM'S and Putnam's Magazines,
tack wood's, Edinburgh iStaglatne, and
a E.'dialatargit and 'Westunuater Koslow'', at
People's Cash Store,
7,4 •8e'
Poinething New. ..and Something
irTWE subscribers, having entered into part.
' .A.'nership arrangements under the ltrAtt Or
!!.161AYX/IRD de %11Lcus, will be happy to lie
pill cd friends, and all new friends,' calling
tWa7 after day, and continually, at "The Peo-
I Cub Store" in Coudersport, inquiring
ki all Ilia ditch - ass variety of irCiefis WhiCh
Ue Peciple_ want,. and
_out have. And the
pubscribcrs will sell to their customers, old or
ow, Tor the 'Cofsh, a; other Ready-Pay, the
',Very best bargains to be bad in Noribiru
pinnsylrsaia. -
Good •ow April IV 185.1..
cy SALT at the
UPERIOR Sperm and Tallow pandles a
VILENCH MUSTARD—A new thing en
i t: airily, for tale at C. S. JONES'.
n.?w Books! New Nusic
fir ANSAS and Nebraska.
s pa... Ladies Guido in Needlework.
Oook of Varior Games.
ii_. urf“%ie's l'•tuo Forte Primer,
iirkingman's Way in the World.
`.;tin Montgomery's Book Shelf:
srssenden's Neil American Gardener.
urhine on Daily Paths, Dickens. '
tVilline of Graystone,
_E.I. May.
lements orCharacter, Margaret Chandler.
iitip . ef Past and Present, engwitter.
_size s Commentary on the New Testa
.' - meat.
Fedless Amusement, or Entertaining Ex
' perimenta in various sciences.
r erson's Familiar tScience,-
sbig's Agricuitural Chemistry.
'lief - dean instructor, inc. at dip
Condon. ort Sept.. 1855, . . 16-19
;_artliti WA; T,iy,irn'ent7
pp Apt Liniment ifs the Tfrorld /
Prepared by. A. Mtesarrive, M. D.
Frbis article may 'be relied upon as being a
i' clue for sprains, Bruises, Crainps,
!lallifsgs, Itheuivatum, Frozen Limbs, Uon-
..1041 of the Muscles; CiiMpf qminsy.
rilLiOiains, Aftections of the Spine, Nervous
Ipkwases, Week,ness, and for Burns if applied
=lately, fr.'2Uptious of the Skin, Chapped
Cur bores, and 'effectitaliy eoun
previa anyWammtation.
iged an effectual remedy for Horses 'and
fat;is is the cure of the following diseases,
viol Sprains, Bruises, Swellings,' Spam's,
Itistglsoues, Fresh Wounds, Sweeney, Wind.
to. Lameness, Cracked noels '
z, and Galls of all kinds occasioneil
by the kelproes.
• r*z lai• by
New Books.
&MAY, by Mary lingdou.
itysrd Taylor's.Cantral Africa, .
Laiias of the aracen, and
/ fetus of the Orient.
army Fern's last, " Ruth' Hall."
Lite of P. T. Barnum.
Ir. Rutherford's Children, by the author
of The Wide, Wide World.
nary Howitt's Tales, for children.
¶be Young American's Library, eonsining
Of the urea of Wualungtun, LanlYette,
Franklin, Murton, and eight others in
•ne Lett.
Leaves from the Tree Igdrasyl, by Alartha
T•riscopiea--Dr. Elder.. • .• i
' Bertha and •Lily, by Mrs, E.• Oakes Smith.
Vt'ebs:er and hts Master Pieces—TetlL
•onuy •Alemories of Foreign Lands, by
.Ira. H. B. Stowe,—&c.,
stet reidived and for sate at the
e•adsrsport, Dec. 7, 1854. 7-2.1 •
••ty on hand st•tbs
VW Ilk**liEnt
Dr. josgs, one octtie niossc - — elehruted phy
siciaus ns follows :
Dr. Cu "•- witnessed
the effects of your Brak:ANA, oft Di.
LiAl.fttO 1 - IYotAli VAZOiCiliD . Gnsair
ti' caitc of .:bionic Bronchitis; 'ri n d' bah &
much in favor; of counter-irritation iu
bout of the:throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs,
I can therefore cheerfully' recommend' your
SleilienteriAppaintas 'as-being the most con
venient aud'etlectral triode• of applying any
thing of the kind - I have bier.seen. .No doubt
thonsanchrof •perrides"inny be• relieved, and
many cured, by usinr, your remedies. " •
You ate its-111)61.V so use this in anyway
you suarthink proper.
liespectiolly, yours, Sze.,
• C. JOHNS, IA: D.,
No. GO9 Ilouiton street, New-York.
Prof. 8. Ott'ian writes as follows 1 '
GiNvt.sar.s,•---zI hate ricently bad occasion
to test , our Cherry
. Syrup and Hy eau Vapor
in the case ofthiontc - sure thiroat, that had re
fused to yield to Caber fonniof -treatment, and
tha.result has satisfies/ me; that, whatever may
.be the composition of your .- preparation, it zs
no ImpositiO, but an excellent remedy. /-
wish, for the sake of the afflicted, that it might
bo brought within the reach of all.
hey. Doctor CUREVES writes: - .
" • • Naw-Yona, Nov. 15, 1854.
Dear Sir:--I think highly of Dr. Curtis ' s
fly gonna, as a remedy in diseases of the
throat and., lungs. Having hail some oppor
tunity to tesrits efficacy, I am convinced that
it is a most excellent medicine, both the
Ityrup'and the inhaling application to the chest.
The Hygeani is for sale by D. V. Set:coati,
Cooderspcirt. 7-37 6ru
The Largest, Cheapest, 'and Best Beteicg
Paper in the World.
The Philadelphia Weekly
Only one dollar a year. containing forty.
eight columns of reading twitter, printed on a
double sheet. It is put to press at a late• hour
on Friday, and sent MI by the first mails, so
that all subscribers within two hundred ruilt;s,
will receive the. WEICKLY SW( on Saturday
night containing the latest telegraphic news
from every section of this country and Europe.
Its leading features are American Biogra
phy, our Petunia! History, Interesting Fiction,
Agncultural matter, Arts and Sciences, Inci
dents of 'Pravel, Wit and Humor. Temperance
Reform, Domestic News, Sabbath Reading,
Old World Matters, Choice Miscellany.
Tun Oss lJuLLin WIALICLI Sut will give
full liars t:niers of every event that transpires
in this Great Country. We brag of our size,
our quantity of reading . matter, and our best
selections of all that interests the reading
world. It may truly be called "The Cheap-
I est Paper in the World!"
Sobscriptions received at the Sus Office,
Philadelphia, South Third Street, opposite
Duck,aul next to the Girurd Bank.
To Postmasters and other Agents, a dis
count ut 9.0 per cent is given for all clubs of
five toad over; or six copies sent for five
dollars. •
Upon these !various subjects, the matter,
both original and selected, is carefully pre
pared, and when it is obtained for wily one
dollar a year, we invite the attention of the
public to this paper, with the confident belief
that when' its merits are known, it will corn.
Mind au unequalled circulation,
Publishers, Philadelphia.
The Scientific American.
lICTOnth Year.
The Eleventh Annual Volume of this use
fulpublication commences on the 17th day o
September next:
Illustrated Periodical, devoted chiefly to the
promulgation of information relating to the
various Mechanic and Chernic Arts, Indus
trial Manufactures, Agriculture, Patents, In
ventions, Engineering, Millwork. and all in.
terests which the light of practical science is
calculated to advance.
Reports of U. S. Patents granted are also
published every week, including Official Cop
tea of all the Patent Claims, together with
news and informution upon thousands of other
Thu Contributors io the SCIESTITIC AMER
ICYN tiro among the most eminent Scientific.
and practical men of the times. The Edito
rial Department is universally acknowledged
to be conducted with great ability, and to be
distinguisbed,.not only for the excellence and
truthfulness of its discussions, butfor the fear
lessness with which error is combated any
alsa theories are exploded.
Mechanics, Inventors, 4ogineers, Chemists,
Manufacturers, Agriculturists,. and people o
every profession in life, will find the Scars
TIYIC Amsnicsa to be of great value in thei
respective clangs. Its counsels and suggett-
Lions will save them hundreds of dollars annu
ally, besides affording them a continual source
of k.uvvoledge,ibe experience of which is be
yea pecuniary estimate. •
once a week; every number contains eight
large quarto pages, forming annually a com
plete and splendid.' volume, illustrated with
several hundred original engravings.
larS upeelinen copies sent GRATIS.
re—rettms.—Siuglo Subscriptions, $2 a
year, or $1 for .six mouths. 'Five copies, for
six months, $4; for a year, $B.
For further Club rates and for statement of
the fourteen large Cash Prizes, offered by the publishers, see Scientific American, •
Southern, Western, and Canada, money, or
Post Lace Stamps, taken at par for subscrip.
Le . should 14e directed (post paid) to
MUNN & Co..
128 Fulton it. N. Y
Mr:deist% Muse & Co„ have been, for
many years, e ztensively engaged in procur
ing patents for new inventions, and will ad
vise inventors, without charge, in regard to
the novelty of their unproyements,
Mill Owners will always find supply of
Oil for machinery at satisfactory prices, and
in any quantity,at
Prayer Books
Fanny Gray, •
The Oracle of Flowers, and a new cup
ply of Scnoor. Boots,
Just recetred at the
OFFERS to the public a good variety of
most readable books, cheap for cash or
family• All - the newest 'books of
value are kept 'on hand,, or immediately pros.
cured.for customers , and we hope to receive
such patronage as faithful attention to busi
ness, and an earnest desire • to oblige, may
deserve; New books'-received at short inter
vals, School Books, Stationery of all kinds,
materials for Paper Flowers, etc., constantly
on hand. Music, Map., Mathematical Instills
meats.• •
Please call and examine for yourselves itt
p 6 crmri
•TYI.E&'S Drug Store.
The Journal Book-Store
otttlin tat_ust.
a" Itatai
Rltternen . at- a*,
Coudersport, Pa t *Will regularly attend. the
Cotirta in Potter county.
tternea at.nain,"
Welleborough, Tioga county, Pa, willregular
ly-attetd the courta of Potter county.
• June 3, 1848.
/THE inidersigned'haVing' been entrusted
A- with the cure of several large tracts of
and in this county, has made himself. ac
quainted with the lands and land titles of the
couuti, and will give immediate attention to
any business of this nature that may be en
trusted to him. ' J. S. MANN.
.111..wi1l attend to all business entrusted to
his care with promptness and
Otlice•—in the Temperance Block, up stairs
blain-street, Coudersport, Fa.
ATTORNEY AT LAW.-office,East side
of the public square, Coudersport, Pa .
By spec:al arrangement the professional ser
vices of _ -S. P.Joussos, Esq., - may be engage
through—him in all cases in which lie,ts no
previously concerned.
N. B.—All claims due and payable to the
undersigned, personally and professionally,
may be found in the hands of Isaac Benson,
FA+, for ad j ustment. S. P. Joussos.
March 3,16 Id. 1-21
will attend the several Courts in Potter
utitt AlTeun counties. All busiuess entrusted
to his cure will receive prompt atteution.
Office os Aluimstieet, opposite the Corut
House, Coudersport, Pa.
W. K. KING .
AurbeNor, Draftsman, sill!
• snothport, Id'Kean Co., Pa:,
Will attend to business for non-resident land
holders, upon reasonable terms. References
given if required.
--I'. S. Maps of any part of the County made
to order.
DB. BROWN would give notice to the
• public that he is prepared, at his Foun
dry in Coudersport, to do all manner of
ING —will make and finish to order all kinds
of Machin/4.y, Mill Georiag. Board and Log
Cars,eSteigh-Shoes of all sizes, aid' every
articlt needed by a Lumbering' community.
And o, farmers he would say, that he has
procured some of the best . Plow patterns iu
use, both Flat Land and Side Ha and keeps
them constmaly on hand. And will make to
order . Field Rollers, Harrows, CultiMT : and
every article used by them in his line o busi
ness. Ho is prepared also to de all kings of
Aud from his lung experience in the above
business. he feels confident of giving satisfac
tion to those who may give him a cull..
N. B.—Old iron bought, or -taken in ex
change for work. 7-27 y
BHILES, English and German, a variety o
styles and sizes, at the Journul Book Store.
Pocket Bibles, Hymn Books; Prayer Books,
\Vebster's Dictionary, unabridged, octavo,
high school and common school editions.
Harper's Universal Gazetteer s
Cruden's Concordance. Testaments;
Putnam's tAagazine, bound,
Bayard Taylor's Works, 5 vols.,
Poets and Poetry of America,
Poets and Poetry of England,
Layerd's Nivevelt.and Babylon,
Willis's Poems,
Goldsmith's, Gray's, Ossian's, Cook's, and
Tennyson's Poems,
Paradise Lost. Lady of the Lake, •
Prescott's Histories. Mexico and Peru,
Thiers' French Revolution,
Joseplius. Rollin,
Winthrop's New-England. -
Macauley's England. Dickens' England,
The Spectator, 8 vols., Bvo.,
. Children's Books—and• Toys. '
School Books, every kind called for in
Latin, French, and German School Books,
Leverett's Latin Lexicon,
Drawing Paper, Books, and. Cards,
Drawing Pencits--Crayon's, Toy Paints,
Colors for oil painting. Music.
Brushes, Chalk, Pens, auills,Paper•of every
. variety called for. Wafers, Wax, &c.
Materials for Paper Flowers.
Harrison's Coppug : lnk—Davids' Blue Ink.
Indedb:e ink, several kinds. Hovey's Ink
Many Phrenological and Hydropathic
Fowlers and Wells' publiCations.
Blank Books. Mems. and Diaries.
Teacher . and Parent.
Theory and Practice of Teaching.
Lifts of Horace Greeley.
Star Papers.. H. W. Beecher.
Works of Theodore Parker.
• Shakspeare, &c. ! &e., -
Far sale cheala at the
Aug' 1855.
Nevi Book&
American Agiuttors and Reformers,
.By Barwett ....$1,25
Life of Wm. H. Seward, his Speech
es, Orations, and Writings, 1,00
Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern,....1,25
Life of Horace Greeley, (new supply,) 1,25
Stanhope Burleigh, or the-Jesuits In
• oui Han*, (new suPplyp) - -1125
For sale at T. B. TYLER'S,
/tray 3L 1855, "
rpriE Books, Notes, and Accounts
of D, W. SPENCER. having been as
signed to me, all persons interested are here
by notified that I have appointed the said
D. W. Spencer my Agent for this'oollectson
of laid claims, and I hereby authorize hint to
take all necessary measures for the collection
of the same, and to give receipts in my name
for any sums due on any of the accounts or
notes so assigned. .
All those indebted, by book account or
otherwise, are requested to settle the same
I Conte to bring you Life and Health."
Dygean Vapor and Cherry Syrup, for the
curt') 01 Pulmonary Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Lung .and
Liver complaints. A new 'method of hands
tion fin the cure of the above named disease,'
Far isle by D. W. SPENCER. •
LATESOPetreilto WiitiiV:Hboks
I....7firiwing Books; A.ccounteral bleinorandura ,
Books, Tructa, Sunday School .Question end
Glass Books: Ink, Paper-sand; - Chalk, Crap'
ous, Sealing Wax; Tissue, Tracing, Drawing._
I and - Glazed Paper; Bit4ting Bliards, Porto
ratedlloards, Port-Folios, andPorw-Aloanaies.,
Call and examine at the
Pto.:4: 4 B , :illit 211*A
Pan li
DRY, established in 1813, has now on_
d, ready for immediate delivery, in fonts to
suit purchasers, - . .. •
100.900 lb. Roman Type of new cut,
50,000 " Fancy Type;
10,000 " - Scripts of various Styles.
6,000 " Germans, .
5,000 " Ornaments in grist variety,
5,000 " Borders,
30,000 feet Brass and Type Metal Rules, and
all the novelties in the business.
All the above Types are cast by steals
power, of the new metal peculiar to this foun
dry, and which is certainly superior to. any
ever used before iu any part of the world.
The unequailed rapidity in the process of
casting, enables me to sell these more durable
types at'the prices of ordinary types, tither
on credit or for cash.
Presses, Wood Type, and all other Printing
Materials, ext.ept paper and Cards, (which
have no fixed , quality or price,) furnished at
manufacturers' prices.
The latest Specimen Book of the Foundry
is freely given to all printing offices, on the re
ceipt of fifty cents to prepay postage. •
re. Printsrs of newspapers who choose to
publish this advertisement, including this note,
three times before the first day of July, 1e.55,
and forward me one of the papers, will be
altowed their bills at the time of purchasing
five times the amount of my manufactures.
Now-York, Feb. 1855.
Address, GEO. BRUCE, .
13 Chambers-st.,
War Declared at La,st.
HE knig repose. of Europe is about
A. to be disturbed by the bugle note and
the reville - ol the drum, culling its slumber
ing millions to arms in the defense of their
firesides and their country. England and
France are calling for men and means, and
rending forward their armies to battle against
the aggressions of the Russian - Bear; but
while the Old World is convulsed by recolu•
non,rniusuul peace and plenty reign in the
In the peaceful and quiet pursuit of our
business we have formed u cupartneohip
under the name and style of 'N. S. BUTLER
CO., and have taken the store -in Empire
Block, in the village of Olean, formerly occu
pied by Thing
.& Brother, and are now re
ceiving a splendid new stock of goods adapted
to the &yawn uud wants of the community,
which we intend to sell exclusively for cash
down, at prices that will cause consternation
and dismay in the reuka of old fogyism that
has been so long established in this section.
Our stock will consist in part oh the follow
ing Goods :
Hardware, Crockery, Booti & Shoes,
Huts, Ceps, Carpets, •
Oil Cloths, Drugs, Medicines,
Dye Stittlis, Glass, • Paints & Oils,
Saab, Putty, Chairs,
Bedsteads, Mattresses, Feathers
Stone and Wooden Ware,
And we mean to keep such an assortment of
the above goods that persons from a distance
can be assured of finding everythidg they
usually want at prices that will do them good
Call and see for yourselves. •
Olean, May .5,1854. C-51
ILIONEY.--A good quality of honey for
&J. sale nt . C. S3ILTH'o
Bounty. Land -
THE undersigned will gWi3 partica
lar atteu tion to the procuring of Bounty
Land for all theta entitled thereto under.the
late orany previous Act of Congress.
• A. .
Coudersport, Pa., March 15,1853. -43 sim
New Books.
LAWES and Gentlemen are invited to call
and examine the now books and other
goods just received and for sale at
D IARIES for 1855 just received at
SODA, Cream Tartar, Magnesia, Munk
Challt, Salts, and Giuc, for vale at the
PATENT PAILS, Bed Cords, Clothes]
Lines, Horse Cords, Curry Combs, Horse
Brushes, to ho sold at MANN'S.
Stationery .
AT Wholesale and Retail at
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
1 17 us .I te ir
to D las care G,Tai
will be i
Tailor. All work e ntr lie
wittfueatnese, comfort, and durability.
OP Shop over Lewie Munn's'store. 6.37
FRESH Burning Fluid and Ptituphine at
the ' DRUG and BOOK-STORE.
Clothing, Clothing
THE place to buy well•mada Clothing at
a low price (a large stock to select from
GUNSMlTH,Coudersport, Pa. Fire Arms
manufactured and repaired at his shop, on
short notice: ,
March 3, 148 . _ _ _
garrison's Columbian Inks.
.Black, Japan, Copying, Marking,
Greene, Black, Blue, Indcllible,
Scarlet, Red, Carmine
These Inks flow freely from the pen and
give a stronger and more durable, color thin
any other. For sale, iehatesate and: retail, by
NOW ready for sale 200,000 BRICK of stt.
perior quality. ..All in Isrunt.of Brick can
be supplied, by calling at toe store of
Coudersport, Aug. #3,1855.
Executor's Notice.
WHEREAS letters Testamentary on the'
estate of Jesse Lewis deceased, late of
the Township of Ulysses, Potter county, Pa.,
having been granted to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate are hereby
bodged that an iramediate'settlement should
us made, and those having claims against the
eme ere requested to present them for settle
meat. 0. A. LEWIS,
Ul am, Oct. 18 1865,
ipe LANKDEEDS,liatipgalay pyincoi to/
-LP male at the JOURriAL OFFIC
ikirsigh4.."Aniiil2; die Door of the "Ilfilliatt
A, WONDiTLItUL DISCOVERi re c ently.
been made by Dr. Curt is ;
. 9 th is city, ththe
treatment. of Consumption, Asthma; and all
diseases of the Lung. We refer to " Cur
tieHygoana, or Inhaling Higean Vapor raid
Cherry Syrup." With this new . method Dr.
C. has restored many afflicted ones to perfect
health; as un evidence of which,he has innu
merable certificates. Speaking of the treat
ment a physician says: It is evident th at in
haling—constantly breathing an, aireeable,
healing vapor, the medicinal prepermos must
come in direct contact with the whpie, of the
axial cavity,of.the lungs, and thus escape the
many. ,and varied . changes produce:ii upon
them when introdticed into the stomach, and
subjected to the process of digestion. The
Hygena is for sale at, the druggists' throUgh
out the country.
N. Y. Dutehman,Jan. 14.
The Inhaler is worn on the breast under the
linen without the least inconvenience—the
heat Of the body being sufficient to evaponite
the fluid. ,
Hundreds of cases of cures like the follow
ing might be named. One package of the
Hygena has cured me of the Asthma of six
years standing.' ,
• Jas. F. ICeesberry, P. M.,Duncannon, Pa.
I am cured of the Asthma of 10 years stand
ing by Dr. Curtis' Hygeinui. .
Margaret Eastman, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. Paul of No. 5 Alauntiond st., N.Y., was
cared of a severe case of Bronc.hetis by the
• bly sister had been cured of a distressing
cough of several years standing, and decided
to be incurable by her physicians.
...She was
cured in one month by the Hygeana.
.1.. If. Gaubert, P. M., Richmond, Mc.
• Price Three Dollars a Package.—Sold by
No. 149, Chambers st., N. Y.-4 Packages
sent free by express to any part of the United
Staths for Ten Dollars.
' N. B.—Dr. Curtis' Hygeana is the original
and only genuine artic.e, and, all others are
base imitations or vile and injurious counter
feits. Shun them as you would poison. •• •
Sold by Russell & Scott, No. 138 ' Market
street, Philadelphia. who will sell by tiro
dozen at the Proprietors' rates.
TO canvass for the best and most saleable
Books published. They are written by
the wrist popular Authors of the day, in
chiding, among others, T. • S. ARTHUR, of
whose last great work,
10,0M1 copies have been sold within a month
of publication.
These books are - beautifully illustrated,
.( 3 / a ny of them with finely conured plates,)
and are printed and bound in the best manner.
Agents-win find a pleasant and profitable
- employment in their circulation. For par
ticulars address (post paid)
. -J. W. BRADLEY, •
7-10 31
No. 48 North Fourth street, Philadelphia.
i.f.PORTSAIEN sv ill fiud poly der, Shot, Lead,
1.7 and everything inthe line of Ammunition,
and t iehiug Tackle of the best quality and ut
low rites at TILER'S.
- -
T yows KATHAIRON and other
j_JeXcelletit preparations for cleansing and
beautifying the Rata, for sale at TYLER'S.
PERSONS about to build or repair, will find
a complete stock of Window Sash, Glass, Patty,
Paints aud, Oils, fur sale ut fair prices by
• T. B. TY L'Ell•
NEW BOOKS just received at the
Sept. 1, ISM. 746
CHEST HANDLES, Drawer do., Bolts,
ketches, Halter Swps,Wardrobe Hooks,
Barn Door Hinges kept.for sate by
NUNTEN'S celebrated InstructiOne
for the Piano-Forte;
Rurrowes' Pinno-FOrte Primmer;
Union Glee Book;
A new supply of Sheet Music ;
For sale by TYLER & JONES.
'BRAIN and Produce of all kinds taken in
kJieschangc for .loods ac this stare.
THE subscriber would inform the
citizens of Coudersport and vicinity, that
he has established himself in the Butchering
business, and will he prepared to furnish
Beef, Veal, Aluttottl and Lamb, during the
season. He has adopted the ready-pays/stem,
and yill strictly adhere to it.:
CASH paid fur Venison.
June 7,1855.
Drafting Instruments,
Water Colors, Drawing Paper, Pencils, and
Brushes, just received at
W supply at Fluid and Cam:
phine Lamps—some now and beautiful
patterns just received and for sale low at
-0.1-Fred. Douglass. •
Journey to Central Africa. Bayaid Taylor,
Ida Norman, by Mrs. Lincoln Phelps,
Gilfillan's Third Gallery of Portraits,
Father Clark, the Pioneer Preacher,
The Escaped Nun,
The Hidden Path,
Fables for Critics,
Together with a general stock of §tandard
and Miscellaneous Works; good books for
Young People; Wall paper,
Stationery at
Wholesale ,t. Retail; Slates, Pens, Pencils,
jnks—in'sbort everything in our line of busi-
MSS, in the greatest variety.
Our stack of Drugs, Medicines, Fancy
Goods, Watches &Jewelry,. has been greatly
enlarged to meet the increasing demands.
We cordially invite the public to examine
put goods.. TYLER & JONES.
Coudersport, Novemher,l, 1855:
Lewisville Steam Min Com-
Dimas Entrees; We had designed to ad
vertise our mill in your paper, but your time
ly notice has eased us the trouble, since which
we have beeii crowded wall grinding. N ow ,
whether our mill takes the preference over
any other mill in this vicinity, or not, is mot
for us to say;
,and,wbatiter we.huve
much or expense in fitting it up,,is of no
consequence. Such as it ie, it will be it ope
ration-at all, seasonable hours, unless out. of
repair, or we get too indolent to Cornish
wood, as it is not hindered by low water.
Accontpanying this notice we eond you , a
specimen of. flour of our own manufacture,
MA we appoint Dirs. Diann our judge.. ,
E. GE4DLEY dr.. CO..
thymic', Oct. 11,1855. ~„
.To the Inc the lodge .of the Cot of
'COntirt*Preirl'if i4e Colitti of Potter: -
Milk pCsiticiii 4 iiiislithitritanteor-th i ;
1 Township :Ortiarrisou,: .the County et'
Potter, and Commonwealth of P,ounsylyania,.
respectfullyahoweth, Abet whereas the mein:
hers of the - M1 . 46E Choral or Harrlioni Valley,
in-said tbictishili, wish tti iselitiorptinuedat
cording to the articles hereunto attached, they -
would reap ectruliy re.coroineud to your honor.
able Conrt to incorporate said Church accord'.
ingly, and your petitioners, as in duty bound,
&c. ' J; Titomrsos, • •
Si.- 5 I rtategg
Sec. 1, This Incorporation located in Her.•
rison to wnship, , Potter county, Pa., 'ball bi,
known by the name and style of the Baptist
Church of Harrison Whey.
2. S. S. Rosso, J. C. Thompson, and
tester Stevens, shall be Trustees of said So
ciety until. their successes are appointed.
according .to the rulei end regulations by
WhiCh said Society is governed. The said
Trustees, or their successors an office, shall
hive the care and management of the proper
ty real and personal, or mixed, belonging te
the said corporation, shall be metnbers there.
of, and shall bo accoxntable thereto for their
official conduct, and shall in all respects con
form to its instructions,proviLed that the same
are not inconsistent with the Constitution sr
laws'Of the United States or of this Common.
wealth, nor with the form of discipline by
which the corporation is governed as •IS <
3. Every person who shall he a regular a..
tendon[ ni.ou the services of said Church
Society or congregation, or who shall regu
larly contribute to the sapport of • the same,
shall be considered a member of said corpo
ration, and as such shall be entitled to the
privilege of speaking and voting at its meet
lags. .
- 4. The said corporation shall have power
to make and use one common seal with such
device or inscription the reon
. as they may
deem proper, and the :rime co break, alter, or
renew at pleasure : and also to enact and en
force such by laws and ordinances from time
to time as they may , deem expedient for the
prosperity and good government of the said
corporation, provided the lame shall not be
inconsistent with the Constitution or laws of
the United States, nor of this State, nor with
the form of discipline by which said Church
is governed.
In matter of the application of J. C. Thomp
sou and others, iu the Common Pjeas of Put
ter county, September term, 1'et:,47..--And now,
to wit: Sap.embr,Gt, the CourOaving perused
"and examined the_instrunient of writing here
to -anoexed, and the objects, articles, and con
ditions thereof appearing, to be lawfuandnot
in'tir.ims to the community, it is ordered that
the same be fli ed in the oliica of the Pro.hon
otary of said Court, and that notice be ia
serried in one newspaper pruned at mild court
' t4of Potter, for at least three weeks, setting
intik that application has been made to said
Court to grant to said applicants a charter
of uteorpopation for the purposes specified i
said instrument, under the name and style •
the Baptist Church of Benison Valley.
By the Court.
October 25, 1855:
To the Honorable the Judges
of the Court of Quarter Sessions
For the &linty of Pow, Patna
THE undersigned citizens of Harrison hay
lug associated • themselves together for
rel i g i ous p u iposes and no other, do respect
fully ask your honorable - body to grim id
them a charter of incorporation to enable
them to build a Meeting house in the town .
of 'Lamson, Potter Cu. Pa., for the use of the
First Society of the Meiliodisr Episcopal
Church in Harrison. --
The lot towti.g are the articles of association:
Article 1. The name of the association shalt
be the First, Society' of the Methodist Episco
pal Church in Harrison.
Article 2. The .mutes of , the first trosteas
shall be Thomas Statham. Edwin Statham,
Henry Clark, Merrill Socket, end 1 4 ;eisoit
Gill, said trustees, to consist of three crosses.
Class No. 1. to go out Of office one year from
the act of incorporation, Class No. 2. to go
out of office in two years front said net, Class
No. 3. to go out of office in three.years from
said act, and forever afierwards one Class to
be olee . ..ed every year in rotation.
Article'3. The . .ertmees to he elected in ae
cordance with the Methodist Episcopal Disci
pline as far as that harinuniaes with the laws
. of the State.
Article 4. The Board of Trustees will be re
sponsible to the Quarterly Conference of this
Circuit, or station, in the conniy in which the
property is located, and shall be required to
present a yearly report of as acts .to said
Article 5. The amount of property .ownrat
by this association, shall not be greater than
to t ie,d a yearly income of two tboacarat
At a court of Common Pleas held in and
for the cutzwy of Potter, commencing oo
the 17th, ofSept 31.253, in matter of the hpplie
cation of Thomas Statham and others for
charter of incorporation:
And now, to wit, Sept. 22ndi - 15, the court
having perused and _examined the within in
strument of writing, and ther - .4ects, articles,
and contlitionsaherein set forth and contained
appearing to be laWful and not injuriqux . to
the community, it is ordered that said writing
be tiled itt the office of the Prothonotary of
said court, and that notice he inserted in coas
newspaper printed in said County, for at le*
three weeks, setting forth that aPViCaI
has been made to said' court to grant to si
st pplicauts a charter of incorporation fo tlitt
purposes specified, under the name and styls
or the First Society of the Methodist Episiord.
Church in Harrison.
By the Court. • ' •
Oct. 113th,• .1.8"65. 44m.
ZINC and Mineral Paints, with dircetioa
for using, at TYLER iSs JONES'S
Mdadill's Yeast and Soap row.
ere.—These superior article% are war'
mutes to Bare tim' and money ~aud. promote
peace and harmony iu families.
Foe tale at TYLE tt &JONES'S.
Y quantity • of am mns of various
Myles and qualities—Wool. Cashmere,
and Do I. l aue, at- A. F. JONES'.
. .
. .
Lir Ee3YY
to Aheitings atui Sirnr,
-I—IL and' as fina a liat - Bleached Goads
phice affords, for sale by
• A: Ir. JONES
A FULL assortment of Grocerie s
.LllLat low figures, constantly on hand.
at Yard
Wide LaWns, from cents upwanis;