The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, June 21, 1855, Image 4

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    sMists Or isz inns.
Th'e.nifi , rs.bitought by the steamer
Atlantic, Which reached , her wharf in
Ibis city a few hours since, shows a
turn of fortune in favor of the Allies.
Instead• of the series of ineffectual
operations and actual disasters, such
as hasie fallen to the lot of the
besiegers of Sebastopol ever since the
French and English troops sat down'
"befoie its entrenchments, we have
Dow one brilliant success folloWing
another. A new station formed by
the besieged has beer attacked and
carried with great loss to the troops
of the Czar; the posts' on the river
Tchernaya have been attacked by the
Allies and precipitately abandoned by
the Russians; the Sea of Azoff has
been entered by the French and
English naval forces, where they have
now fourteen steamers afloat, and the
port and fortifications of Kertsch have
fallen into their hands. The forts of
Arabat, on that sea, have been bom
barded and destroyed. At Yenikale,
the quarantine station for the Sea of
Azoff—a port well known to the com
mercial world for its exportation of
corn—the Allies have established a
garrison. The capture of Kertsch
has been attended with serious losses
to the Russians—a foundry of cannon
destroyed by the enemy, war steam
ers and merchant ships burned, pow
der magazines blown up, and stores
of corn thrown into the sea by the
Russians themselves, to say nothing
of the spoil won by the allied forces.
The expedition to Kertsch appears to
be the consummation of the mysteri
ous movement made not long before
from Kamiesch.
The ease with which the Russians
were dislodged from their posts on
the Tchernaya, and the town and for
tifications of Kertsch were captured,
ssem to indicate that the principal
attention of the Russians had been
given to strengthening the defence of
Sebastopol. There they regard them
selves as impregnable, and secure in
the shelter of their massive intrench
tnents, to which the world can hardly
furnish any parallel, defy the utmost
efforts of their adversary. The rev
enue of kingdoms has been wasted in
keeping up the fiery shower on this
stronghold, and it still holds out al
most undamaged. The attack bf the
Allies on this new station, though suc
cessful, was most vigorously resisted,
and the Russians only yielded after a
loss which Gortchakoff himself ac
knowledges w have amounted to 2500
men. But when the Russian position
On the Tchernaya was attacked, the
defenders abandoned it with slight
resistance. Thefortifications ofKertsch
were deserted without an' effort to
hold them against the enemy, and the
possession of the sea of Azoff passed
into the hands of the Allies as soon as
they showed themselves in its waters
The success with which these en
terprises wore attended, will proba
bly encourage the Allies to under
take others of the same kind. Instead
of dashing their armies to peices
against the rocks of Sebastopol, in
stead of attacking Russia where she
has concentrated her means of de
fence, they will now . naturally think
of striking where she is more exposed.
Sebastopol is, we suppose, at this mo
ment, the strongest point of. the Rus
sian empire; and after the experience
which the Allies have had, it would
seem the extreme of folly to carry on
the siege as it has hitherto been con'.
ducted. The Russian forces are now
annihilated by sea, and :the narrow
entrance by land to the Crimea will
be henceforth commanded by the Al
lies. They can either shut up the
Russian troops in the Peninsula with
out supplies of ammunition, or force
them to • seek an engagement in the
open field, where the contending
forces will meet on- terms of. equal
advantage.—Ere. Post.
A letter from Salt Lake City, states that as
• party of officers of the United States, were
lately riding out, accompanied by some ladies,
they were insuited by a body of young Mor
mons, and in the grossest manlier. He adds:
"As the officers wished to proceed lawfully,.
instead of putting a few bullets through the
chief actors in this disgraceful affair, the case
Wis represented to the Mayor. A mock
trill was gone through, and though the con
duct of the mob was in direct violatioa of the
city ordinances, it was discovered that the
individuals stood too high in the church to be
punished ; the case was dismissed and the
costs of the court, amounting to an almost
fabulous sum, were thrown upon the plaintiffs.
During the trial, the ladies, who were present
as witnesses, were grossly insulted by a low
fellow, a witness for the defence. The great
est excitement prevailed during the trial—
nearly two hundred armed Mormons being
collected in and about the Mayor's office."
It may be feared that there is trouble ahead
for the Mormons. They are every day gath
ening new srength, and manifesting fresh
insolence. Governor Young appears to pos.
sea all power, spiritual as well as temporal.
Tee rains of the last week, which
have reached far and wide and deep,
have been most opportune, coming in
fact just in critical time in many sec
tions of the country. The value is
not to benamed in dollars, for millions
would fail to represent it. We think
that with this lift the early crops may
be considered pretty much beyond
the reach of drouth.
MinT ainCit...-auty of our country friends
do not-know what a luxury they deprivis
themselves of when they eat lamb, either
boiled or baked, without mint ; sauce, Set , a
few roots of spearmint in one- corner of the
garden, and they will soon furnish an abund
ant supply. Strip off the leaves and chop
them fine, edam equal amount of sugar, and
cover the whole with vinegar. A small tea
cupfull of the mixture is sufficient for a large.
family. Try this, and see if it is not prefer
able to greasy graviea.—Ohio Cidtirator.
It is said that one of the incidental
results of the Japan expedition is the
discovery that the Zodiacal light is a
belt extending entirely around the
earth, after the manner of Saturn's
rings. The matter has excited a good
deal of interest among the astrono-
mers, and Prof. Pierce of Cambridge,
considers the fact established by the
observations taken.
"It is a very solemn thing to get
married," said Aunt Bethany. "Yes;
but it's a great deal more solemn not
to be," said her niece.,
AN autograph letter of George
Washington was recently sold at auc
tion, in London, for fifty pounds ster
New Goeds for the Summer Trade.
TN NV. SPENCER would respectfnlly in-
L • form the inhabitants of Coudersport
and vicinity that he is now receiving a FRESH
which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest.
He would also return heartfelt thanks to his
old customers and friends for their past patron
age, and would be glad to show them any
goods which he has, and will try to save them
at least 10 per cent. by calling and examining
before purchasing elsewhere.
• Roe T HERE take the lib
,r Rll S , :...Lerty to inform the peo
.ple of Coudersport and
Potter county that I am sttll at my new stand
opposite the north side of the public square,
where may be found GROCERIES of all kinds
constantly on hand,_ such as Tea, Sugar, Cof
fee, Saleratus, Ginger, Mustard, Tobacco,
Snuff, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, confectionery,
.41:c., &c.
My motto fs, "The nimble sixpence in pre
ference to the slow shilling."
Drugs, Medicines,
I. Turpentine, Camphine, Burning Fluid,
Soap,' Candles, for sale low at'
OAP, Letter, and Note Paper, all kinds of
V./Stationery, Steel-pen Holders Wafers,
Sealing Wax, Sand, Ink, Pocket-Books, En
velopes, Visiting. Cards, Jewelry, Fine Cut
lery, and a variety of Fancy Articles, together
with Silk and Thread, etc., at
GRAIN, Butter, Lard, Eggs, Rags, Shin
gles taken for goods at their cash value
Cash not refused. D. W. SPENCER.
UTTER and Lard of a superior quality
for sale at SPENCEIt's.
ANY' one desirous of a good quality of
Syrup of Molasses will do well to call at
COUNTY ORDERS taken for Goods at
BABBIT'S Yeast Powder for sale by
XTEW TylNG.—Pure Ground Coffee
-11 great thing for the ladies. SPENCER.
LITHONTRIPTIC, Cod Liver Oil, and
wavy other popular Medicines for sale by
PULVERIZED Corn Starch, for food, for
sale at SPENCER's.
SODA, Cream Tartar, Magneala, Allum,
Chalk, Salta, and Glue, for sale at thn
-- • -
GOPEL and coach Varnish can be had at
Spencer's on very reasonable terms.
01L OF TAR, Merchant's Gargling Oil, to
be had at SPLNGER's.
-- •
SHOT AND LEAD at lower figures than
down town at SPEISCER's.
ABETTER selection of Coffee not found
in the county than at SPENCER'S
T EA by the chest or pound for sale by
PLUG TOBACCO—Fine Cut, Chewing,
and Smoking, by the pound, at
N EW arrival of Pure Ground Coffee at
'I Come to bring you Life and Health."
DR. CURTES' HVGENIA, or Inhaling
LlHygean Vapor and Cherry Syrup, for the
cure of Puhnonau Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Lnng and
Liver complaints. A new method of Inhala
tion for the cure of the above named diseases.
For sale by I). W. SPENCER.
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
I.W. HARDING, Tailor.. All work
entrusted to his care will be done
%ma, neatness, comfort, and durability.
Er Shop over Lewis Mann's store. 6-37
MESH urning Fluid and Camphine at
1: the DRUG and 1300 K-STORE.
• Music.
lIUNTEN'S celebrated Instructions
for the Piano-Forte;
BurrOwes' Piano-Forte Primmer;
Union Glee Book ;
A new supply of Sheet Music;
For sale by T. B, TYLER.
A NEW• supply of Fluid and Cam
pGine Lamps—some new and beautiln
patterns just received and for sale low at
Clothing, Clothing. •
THE place to buywell-made Clothing at
a low price (a large stock to select front
Drafting pastiuments,
Water Colors, Drawing Paper, Pencils, and
Brushes, just received at TYLER'S.
NEW &trivia of Ayres', at
liiiiiiiiii . if iiiri..
c.,W. ELLIS,
ff,tt'Ef,extk- it Eit
1 .Couder3port, Pa
, .
Condersport; . :Pa,.Avill reiulatly : .attend ilia
.attsvntg at ILain,
*ellaborougli, - Tioga county, Pa, will regular
ly attend thestourts of Potter county.
June 3, 1848. ' '
THE 'undersigned having been entiusted .
with . the care of several large 'Tracts of
and in this county, 'bait made hiniself ac
.quainted with the lands and land titles of the
county, and will give immediate attention to
any business of this nature that may be en,
trusted to him. J. S. MANN. -
ATTORNEY" AT LAW.—Office, , East aide
of the public square, .Condersport. Pa.
By special arrangement the, professional set ,
vices of S. P. Joussos, Esq . ., may be engaged
through him in all cases in which he is not
previously concerned.
N. B.—All claims due and payable to the
undersigned, personally and professionally,
may be found in the hands of.lsaac Benison,
Esq., for adjustment. S. P. JOHNSON.
March 3, 1848. 172tf
will attand the several Courts in Pone
and Al'Eean counties. All business entruste
to his care will receive prompt attention.
Office on Alain : street, opposite the Cout
House, Ceuderspoit, Pa.
attend to all business entrusted
his care with promptneis and fidelity.
Office—in the Temperance Block, up Stairs
Maimstreet, Coudersport, ra. 7-1
Xttorneg &Counselor at ?Lam,
Coudersport, Pa. Office—north of the cour t
house square, at " The People's Cash Store,'
up stairs. 3-47
• eabinct platur.
Wishes to inform the citizens Of Coudersport
and the surrounding country, that he will eze
cute all orders in his line of business at shor
notice and reasonable prices.
Place of business near the Presbyter is
Church. 7 12 ly.
W. K. KING,-
.Surtitgor, Draftsman, anti
smethport, M'Kean Co., Pa.,
Will attend to business for non-resident land
holders, upon reasonable terms. References
given if required.
P. S. Maps of any part of the County made
to order. 7-33
B. BROWN would give notice to the
• public that he is prepared, at his Fowl
dry in Coudersport, to do all manner of Ossr
tso,—will make and finish to order all kinds
of Machinery, MW Gearing. Board and Log
Cars, Sleigh-Shoes of all sizes, 'and every
article needed by a Lumbering community.,
And to farmeas 'he would say, that he has
procured some of the best Plow patterns in
use, both Flat -Land and Side Hill, and keeps
Item constantly on hand. And will make to
order Field Rollers, Ilarrotcs, Cultivators, and
every article used by them in his line of busi
ness. He is prepared also to do all kinds of
And from his long experience in the above
business, he feels confident of giving satisfac
tion to-those who may give him a call.
N. B.—Old iron bought; or taken in ex
change for work.
War: Declared 'at Last,
THE long repose of Europe is about
to be disturbed by the bugle's note and
the reville of the drum, calling its slumber
ing millions to arms in the delense of their
fitesicles and their country. England and
France are calling for men and, means, and
rending -forward theirarmies to battle'against
she aggressions of the Russian Bear; but
while the Old World is convulsed by revolu
tion,unusual peace and plenty reign in the
In the peaceful and quiet pursuit of our
business we have formed - a copartnership
under the name and style of N. S. BUTLER
& CO., and htive taken the store in Empire'
Black, in the village of Olean, formerly men
pied by Thing & Brother, and are now re
ceiving a splendid new stock of goods adapted
to the season and wants of the community,
which we intend to sell exclusively for cash
down, at prices that will cause consternation
and 'dismay in the ranks of old fogyism. that
has been so long established in this section.
Our stock will consist in part of the follow
ing Goods:
Hardware, Crockery, Boots & Shoes,
.Hats,Caps, Carpets, ,
Oil loths,. Drugs, Medicines, •
Dye Stuffs, Glass, Paints & Oils,
Sash, Putty, Chairs,
Bedsteads, Mattresses, Feathers
Stone and Wooden Ware,
And we mean to keep such an assortment of
the above goods that persons from a distance
can be assured of finding everything they
usually want at prices that will du them good
Call and see for yourselves.
Olean. May 5,1854 ; 6-51
THE Governor of the State of New-York
•1l has appointed the subscriber a Commis
sioner for the State of New-York, to take the
acknowledgment of Deeds and' other instru
ments, and to administer oaths pursuant to an
act of the Legislature of the said State.
Conderspoit, Dec. 12,1'851.
B. TYLER has just returned from the
1 :city, and is now prepared to show the
largest and best Stock of : Drugs, Medicines,.
Paints, Oils, Books, Stationery. Paper Hang
ings, and Fancy Goods in the .county.
He is also prepared to sell lower than at
Wellsville. and as low as any other establish
ment in Coudersport.
April 15, 1855. .
AT Wholesale and Retailat
r. 51. JONES'.
New . Goods.
filzGE ANA
Votight Home" to the Door of thi
A';'Weanzarin. DiscovEßy "has recently
been made by Dr. Curtis, of this, city, in the
treatment of Consumption, Asthma, 'and .all
diseases of the Lung.., We refer to ".Dr. Cur
tis' Hygeana, or Inhaling Hygean Vapor and
Cherry Pyrirp." 'With this new Method Dr:
C: fide restored many afflicted odes to pe . rfdet
health.; as an evidence of which he has num:.
merable certificates. Speaking,of the treat
ment p physician says ; It is evident • that in
bonne—constantly breathing . , agreeable,
healing vapor, the medicinal 'properties'mnst
come in direct contact withthe • whole of. the
dial cavity of the lungs, and tuns escape , the',
many and varied. changes produCed upon
them when introduced into the stomah, and
snbjected icrthe process of digestion. The
Hygena is: for sale at the druggists' through
out the country. . .
.Y. Dulehinteri; Jan: 14.
The Inhaler is worn on the breast udder the
linen without the least inconvenience—the
heat of the body being adherent to eraponde
the fluid.
Hundreds of cases of curealiks the follow
ing 'might be named. One .package of the
Hygena has 'cured me of the Asthma of. six
years standing.. . . ,
Jas. F. Keesberry; B. :M., Duncan:m, Pa.
I am cured of the Atithma of 10 years stand
itia by: Di: Ctjriis' dna. • • .
• • • Margaret Eastman, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. Paul of No. 5 ?Hammond st., N.Y., was
cured of a' severe ease of BrOnthetis by the
My sister had been cured of a distiessing
cough of several years standing, and decided
to be incurable by her physicians. She was
cured in one month by the Hyena.
J. Id. Gaubert, P. M., Richmond, Me.
Price Three Dollars a Package.—Sold by
No.' 149 Chambeis st., N. Y.-4 Packages
sent free by express to any part of the United
1 States for Ten Dollars.
N. B.—Dr . Curtis' Hygeana is the original
and only genuine article, and all others are
base imitations or vile and injurious counter.
feits. Shun them as you would poison..
sold by Ruisell & Scott, N 0.138 Market
street, Philadelphia. who will sell by the
dozen at the Proprietors' rates.
• New Book's.
IDA MAY, by Mary Langdon.
The Newsboy.
Baynrd Taylor's Central Africa,
Lands of the Saracen, and
Puems of the Orient..
Fanny Fern's last, "Ruth Hall."
Life of P. I'. Barium.
Mr. Rutherford's Children, by the author
. of The Wide, Wide World. .
Mary Ho witt's Tales, for children.
The _Young American's Library, consisting
of the lives of Washington,_ LaFayette,
Franklin, Marion, and eight . others in
one sett. .
Leaves from the Tree Igdrasyl, by Martha
Russell. ,
Periscopics—Dr. Eldest. •
Bertha and Lily, by Mis. E. Oakes Smith.
Webster and his Master Pieces—Tel% '
Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, by
Mrs. H. B. Stowe,—&c.,
Just received and for sale at the
Coudersport, Dec, 7, 1854. 7.29
The Journal Book-Store
OFFERS to the public a good -variety of
most readable books, cheap for cash or
family necessities. All the newest books of
value are kept on hand, or immediately pro
cured for customers, and we hope to receive
such patronage as faithful attention to busi
ness, and an earnest desire to oblige, may
deserve. New books received at short inter
vals. School Books, Stationery of all kinds,
materials for Paper Flowers, etc., constantly
on hand. Music, Maps, Mathematical Instru
Please call and examine for yourselves at
he JOURNAL Boolt-sToRE.
GRAHAM'S and Putnam's Magazines,
131ackwood's, Edinburgh'Magazine, and
the Edinburgh and Westminster Reviews, at
ITIO canvass for the best and most saleable
JL Books . published.. They are written by
the most popular Authors .of the day, in
cluding, among others, T. S. ARTHUR, of
whose last great work,
10,000 copies have been sold within a month
of publication.
These books are beautifully illustrated,.
(many of them with finely colored .plates;)
and are printed and bound in the best manner.
Agents will find a pleasant and profitable
employment in .their circulation. For par
ticulars address (post paid)
7-19 31 Publisher, .
No. 48 North Fourth street, Philadelph:a.
SPORTSM E N (find l'owder, Shot, Lead
and everything in the line of Ammunition
and Fishing Tackle of the best quality and a
low prices at TILER'S.
excellent preparations for cleansing and
abcutifying the Hain, forsale at TYLER'S.
PERSONS about to build or repair, will find,
a complete stock of W indovv Sash, cilass,Patty,
Paints and Oils, fur sale at fair prices by
NEW. BOOKS just received at the
Sept. 1,1854. 7-16 .
CHEST. HANDLES, Drawer do., Bolts,
Retches, Halter Snaps, Wardrobe Hooke,
Barn Door Hinges kept for sale, by
Scilool, Eoiverlity, Octavo, and Quarto
editions,for solo by TYLER.
VIOLIN Strings at
• Drug and Book Store
partnershiplieretOfore existing be
tween W - . T.JOnes Bro. is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. The debt's due
said firm will be found in the hands of W. T
Jones, and all claims against said firm - are to
be presented to him for payment.
I do hereby appoint A. F. Jones my agent
for the transnetiou and management of all in
any of my business, giving him full authority
and power in the same. W. T. JONES.
Coudersport, September 25,1854.
DIARIES for 1855 jnat received at
CLOVER. SEED, and all kinds of 'Garden
Seed, for sale at SPED,IICER'S.
THE best three nilling tea and 6d sugar is
HONEY.—A good quality of honey for
LA-sale at • C. 81111.Tifit
TE,IB, fresh and cheap, at
.TO":01770E - RS,. SOLDIERS, .
S. M. KNIGHT, Attorney .for GoVernment
• . - Claimants, Washington, D. C.,
NUES to give prompt and persona l
attention•ta the prosecution of Claims of
every i description against the Government, .
and particularly to those before the ; Treasury
Department, Pension and Bounty : Land 1311-
venue, Patent *and *Ganeral Land Offices;iind
Board of Claims. . •
An experiencef years, and a . familiarity
with the means o obtaining.,the .carfica and
most favorable . ction on Claims, with, his
facilities for the ispatch of business, justify
I (
him in assuring is CorrespoOdents; 'Claim.
ants, and the Public generally, that interests
intrusted to his keeping wall not be •neg
P/8310:1, BocsTE LAND, PAtENT, AND PtiliLlC
. . LAND •LA WS.
He iiais nearly ready, for-gratuitous distri,
butler' aniong his business Correspondents,
(and those who may become such,) a neat
pamphlet containing a synopsis of the existing
Pension, Bounty Land, Patent, and Public
Land. Laws, down to the end of the Into
Congress—including the s
under which all who have heretofore re
ceived less than 160 acres are now entitled to
additional ; said Act grants also 160 acres
to all Officers, Non-commissioned Officers,
Chaplains, Soldiers, Wagon Masters, Team
stars, and friendly Indians, of the Army, in
cluding State Troops, Volunteers, and Militia
—and all Officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen,
Marines,' Clerks, and Landsmen, of the Navy,
not: heretofore provided for, who have served
not, ess than fourteen days (unless in battle)
at any period since 1776; and to the widows
and minor children of all such persons enti
tled, and deceased. • • • •
This ,pamphlet contains " Forms of Appli
cation" more full and complete than. any else
where to be found; adapted to the wants of
every class of Claimants under the Act, with
copious decisions and instructions of the
Department, and practical suggestions `as to
the • course to be pursued- in suspended or.
rejected cases.
Pirtiesnot wishing to avail themselves of
the IScilities afforded by this Office in securing
prompt and personal superintendence of their
claims at the Departments, can obtain copies
of the
,above pamphlet by remitting thirty
cents in postage stamps.
Correspondents who prepare and forward
cases for management by this Agency will be
dealt with liberally; supplied Nigh all neces
sary blanks gratis, and kept constantly adi , ised
of the changes that from time to time occur
in the execution of the laws.
' It is within the subscriber's power to direct
his Correspondents to the locality of very
many persons entitled under the Act; and
having obtained several thousand Land War
rants under former laws, he is in possession
of data that will materially assist in securing
additional bounty.
Fees, below the usual rates—and contingent
upon the admission of Claims. •
• The highest cash prices given for Land
Warrants, Revolutionary Script, and Illinois
Land Patents
Tin and Hardware.
THE undersigned has connected with
his Tiu, Sheet Iron, Copper, and Stove
Business, that of HARDWARE and CUT
LERY—so that in addition to the business
heretofore conducted by him, he id now ready
to supply the public with almost every variety
of Hudware, Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, Hoop
Iron, Nails, Cable and. Ox Chains, Carpenters'
Adzes and Broadaxes, Manilla Rope for Ca
bles. A general assortment - of Clucks, Ja
sanned Ware, Toys of every deist i aim ; and
in - short, he designs to keep all 811 C r as.
the public wants in his line, whit will
sell, not for less than cost, but for a vial ,
SKALL profit indeed, and- hopes by a strict
attention to his business to receive ',liberal
share of public patronage.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for
Goods, at the highest market prices; also, $2O
per ton phid for old iron.
6-42 ly JAS. W. SMITH.
Premium Panning Mills.
Impoitant to Farmers and Mechanics.
THE subscriber has purchased of J.
Bamborough the right to use in Potter and
M'Kean counties his patent in the construction
of Fanning Mills. He has also, at great ex
bense, commenced the manufacture of a PRE
MIUM MILL which will clean from 100 to
200 bushels per hour. This Mill was pateited
March 20, 1847, since which time it has stood
at the head of the at all the State and cella
ty agriculpirul societies where - it has been ex
hibited. and is a universal favorite with all
armers who have tried it. It took the pre
mium at the first Agricultural Fair held at
Harrisburg, Oct. 31st, 1851, when there were
30,004 people resent; and at the great State r
Agricultural I. air at New-York, held it Roch
ester Sept. 16-19, 1851, this Fanning Mill
received the , highest honors.
Paving - met with uniform 51100555 wherever
tried, I confidently invite the farmers of Potter
and M'Kean' counties to call at my shop in
Coudersport and examia dor themselves.
A supply always on hand, to be sold on rea
sonable terms
THE subscriber hereby gives notice to the
public that haiint, given I'ETER SIIOTTS
his note -for eightydollurs, bearing date near
the last of March, 1854, payable September,
1856, and having never received any value
tlierefor, he will refuse to pay the same;
therefore he warns any person from buying
the said unto with'and expectation of his pay
ing it. [6sl] CONSIDER STEARNS.
Machine Oil.
, Mill Owners will always find supply of
Oil for machinery at satisfactory prices, and
in any quantity, at
JUPrayer Books
Fanny Gray,
The Oracle of Flowers, and a now sup
Just received at the
The People's Cash Store.
Something New. and Something
HE subscribers, having entered into part
nership arrangements under the firm of
" MAYNARD & ILCOI will be happy to see
all' old friends, and all new friends, calling
day after day, and continually, at "The T'eo
ple's Cash Store" in Coudersport, inquiring
and all . the endless variety of articles Which
the l People want, and must have.,And the
stibscribers will sell to their customes, old oil
nCii, 'for the Cash, or other 'Ready-Pay,' the
ver y b e er 'bargains to' be had in Northern
Coudoriport!, April 5, 1855;
xmr GOO
11MOUBTLESS there are many persoi
Coudersport and vicinity who have
visited the famous BOSTON STORE
fait-growing village of Wellsville. The
of this store is - 94, which number is ever
This establishment is one .of the
. .
ING D6ptits in Allegany county. H i
of customers from Potter county buy
Clothing,'Bootsand Shoes, and other
at this great mart of business. But still
are those who have never happened to
into the path that leads, most asiur - e&,
economy and wealth. That path lea&
cash buyers straightway to the
We have no enemies to punish, no C
to reward. We sell fcir ready pay,a z
in exchange for Goods the following
articles, viz.:
Cash --Tallow Venison Oats
Beeswax Fur Beans Socks
Hides Wheat Yarn it, g;
Potatoes Wool . Butter ttc,
We are *now receiving front our shot
Rochester, about ten-cords of the bee Boa
and SHOES sold in the county.. kt
constantly on hand—
Men's India Rubber Boots ;
.tt " -Over-Shoes,
" Coats,
" ' 4 • " " Patio,
I. II 41 Caps.
With a very' extensive stock of TRU
Black and Colored Dress Silks. Alpaca,
laines, Whet Cloths, Prints, Gingham..
other Dress Goods—together with a get
variety of Dry Goods.
Shawls, Shawls.
In particulai,. we would call tloi atteatiot
the ladies to our great variety of .5/IA ffl
of• every possible - kind, altogether tea
morons to mention.
We have the largest stock of the
kinds of Mattresses in Western Nh‘.Y
Hotel keepers can be supplied on rear
Three Cheerk for the contemplated
from Wellsville to Rochester; and h
that the Plank Road will be continued
Coudersport clarity , '
the coining sprint
that the sons and daughters of bent!
Potter may be more frequently seen m
yaung city:
• We remain your ob't serv'ts,
Wellsville, Jan. 13, I>?;i4.
3 , I. ACKEREL, Salmon, and Blue
SUPERIOR Spenn and Tallow Caurl',,
1-stantly on hand at the
G RAIN and Produt e of all kind, take exchange for Goods at this store. -
Washington, D. C
HCMS ;it'd Shoulders—a nets a , ormi
at C. S. JONES
QACKS OF sAur at the
the quart or bush . 6l, at C. S. JUNI.:,
Carriage and Sleigh-Matrr.
MHE subscriber reltectinlly ;ice•.
1 that he is prepared-to de till the b:•.t.
in the above line, at the shortest nen. e.
new shop, two deor:i we,t of the Ct,e6. - -,
Hotel. JOHN RECIffIoV.
GUNSMITII,CoIIderFport, Pa, Fire
tnantifiictnred and repaired at his
short notice. .
March 3, IdlB.
TON STORE, No. 94 mmx-ST.
NI AY be found constantly on hand
-Ltisale, an 'extensive variety of Z`IIPII , Cr
Granger's superb Jr.f TTRESSES, of eve
sort, kind, and price, from a $3.50 l';dar
tress to a super-En:4lkb hair Maitre , - at
Also, Lounges, llorstars, and rinse ,
which are offered to rrotel and lk.rdn
Ilouse keepers, and all•others who lune corn.
mon sense enough to know that a thy
feather bed, to make the best of it, :e
breeder of disease and a lifit-curni:en — e
lower prices than can be found at any chr
store in the county.
Sale Agents (in the county) for the 43!
the above goods.-tlal IT
Boston Store . , Wellsville, Jan; in, 1,....t
Academy Text 800
A FULL supply for sale low at
ZINC and - '3lineral Paints ' ticirlr
4-Afar using, at T. B. 'rYLI.I,*:,.
DATENT PAILS,Bed Cord:, Cr.3,:ti
I Lines, Horse Cors, Curry Comb.. lir
Brushas, to be sold at MANY'
New Goods.
DW. SPENCER has just retnmed tt
• the city with a large stoek of I ;EN
ries, Drugs and Medicines, and a peen!
sortment of Fancy Articles, and' innny 0:ho
things too runnerons to mention, wl.icit
be sold low for cash or ready-pay.
TYLER'S Drug Store
Hillier, Ye Hungry.
S. JONES takes this me:hod to ir.k's
V • the people of Coudersport and the
lic generally, that he has just opened a li" . "
eery and Provision store, where lie
constantly everything in the line of
bles " and which he will sell a s re:wn 2l ' ,
can ' be de s ired. The "substantials" 0.51
found here at all times, such as FLOUI:
PORK, while the appetites of the = ' 17. .
-dainty can also be satisfied. Therefore,,'-,
you wish for anything of the kind, piece f•
and examine before purchasing el,evib.t.
and if he cannot satisfy you, your caier'7
be 'desperate. You will always find
assortment of Groceries, consisting of
gars, Teas, Coffee, Saleratus,
Aaißins2. Candy, Crackers, Cranherno ,
moo, Codfish, Mtickcrel, Blue Fish, 11 '` e '
Molasses, Synip, &c. Also, at all Mal
Pork, Flour, Lard; • Cheese, Butter, (roll 311
firkin,)- Salt, Hams, etc. etc.
G rch il ln 4 ge fornd all
oth o el s k a i t n thea.
dlo c f i P h p red r o icr ce . ti kel
in e
6-.73tf C. S. JOSEF.
DATENT MEDICINES at 1170!t5ale ;
I !Merchants and l'edlnrs will
with all kinds of Patent Metiieinei
facturers' whole:ale prices by
New Cash