The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, June 21, 1855, Image 3

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    From the Tribune. •
r4r. ir e ling Convention in Plrlatitiphia.
PtItLADELPHIA, lune 14, 1Et15.-
w rejecting the northern
to 92, and following that
=' i . :3r i ng all the middling propo
•:„...l;3yuer's by 44 yeas to 97
.I, e v came direct to the main
being the adoption of the
1: - .. 70 .flavery resolutions of the
1.. ; of the committee. These
.. i ,:licd—yeas SO; nays 59; and
ir k Power, in secret midnight
was triumphant..
l eaders may realize fully
of this action of the
I repeat the propositions
i t 3CTI.I I , 51 trAs, 92 NAAS.
`e That the repeal of the
.;Compromise was an infrac
•' plighted faith of the nation,
should ho restored; and if
end shall fail, Congress
to admit any State tol-
:„• . ,, er y, which shall be formed
portion of the territory
that institution was ex-
:at comprormse.
;•.:0 ; N VI'S 59
J. That the American party,
.E.:l anon the ruins and spite
:old democratic parties,
!Alt' i n any manner respon
,;, tlte obnoxious acts and via
,f either ; that the
of the slavery clues
parties bus elevated sec
i:ity into a positive element
[ li ! wer, and brought our
into peril. It has there
tie imperative duty of
as party to' interpose, for
• of giving peace to the
. ... perpetuity to the 'Union ;
.pezience has shown it is
to- reconcile opinions so
those which separate the
, and as there can be no
is submitting to the laws,
council has deemed it the
of common justice and
, _ace to abide by and main
:::c\i,tin2 laws upon the sub-
:very. L . V.: a final and conclu-
oCthat subject in spirit
3. TT: the
. e _ nat regarding it as the
avow. these opinions
so important, in di,- I
..7.1 h. equivocal terms, it is here-
ti:;!. sense of this Na-
that Coug,ress possesses
7,e: nr.dcr the constitution to
:he subject of slavery
••;r to exclude any state
nt the Union because
tstutica does or does not rec.
i%•titution of slavery as a
;• systeni ; and ex
, ,2:eunitting any expression
Li 00 the power of Con
isil prohibit slavery
7 :ies, it is the sense of this
e that Con otrzlit
ar on the subject of
terri:orics of the United
.; any interference by
• with slavery, as it exists in
• .•! of Columbia, would be a
the spirit and intention of
act hy which the state of
ceded the I)i..trict to the I
statei, and a breach of the
•eders from the convention,
v. 3 acre Guvernor Gardner
Wilson, a.:sembled yes
mi!Pz at eight o'clock at the
-11 4e, and, puttim senator
:lie chair, appointed Mr.
cretarv. Mr. J. W. Fos
'. ".t—actimetts, presented the
platf'orin of political doc
was read, and received
:.11 es of the members present.
in the Philadelphia pa-
• Prople tif the United States:
• unde.tsigned, citizens of the
, tates, assembled at Philadel
lin: 14th day of June, 1655,
:.slroined, under the existing
•:Aiirs, to affirm the following
'—The unconditional restore
timehonored compromise
a , the Missouri Prohibition,
ws.; destroyed in utter disre
popular will—a wrung no
6: time can palliate, and no plea
c ,, ntinuatice can justify; and
•e will use all constitutional
to maintain the positive guar-
t f. :its compact, until the object
uh it was enacted has been
; • ••:.:11ated by the admission of •
- ..%d Nebraska as a free states.
'----That the rights of settlers
rice to the free undisturbed
t of the elective franchise
to them by the laws under
tev are organized, should be
protected 'by the national
a whenever violated or
and that we cannot con
,-°7•:-usly act with those who will
us in the correction of those
:1,41 wrongs, and will not even per
,' I L(Jir fair consideration and full
"1-I, ird—We further declare our con
and unalterable determination
t' °'e all honorable efforts to secure
e a a modification of the naturaliza
c'''Yaws, preserve the true interests
nation, and shall guarantee
principles of a republican
: ern tnetit—spirtue freedom and free
sc hools—thereby promoting the
great.wolk ,of. Ank
Fourth—That well:make . the arm of
legislation to arrest that growing evil,
the depertation by foreign authorities
of paupeis and convicts to our shdres;
and lhai, as our national constitution
requires the chief executive of our
country to be of native birth, we deem
it equally necessary and important
that our diplomatic representatives
abroad should also possess no foreign
prejndices to bias their judgment or
to influence their official action.
piirrEa covirnr
This county, through the firmness of
Judge White, seconded we doubt not
by the citizens, is fast working out the
demonstration that the sale of liquors
by the small in public houses is not
necessary to their respectability or
maintenance, This gentleman laid.
down the doctrine in 1852, that the
Court ha'd a discretion in • the matter
of licensing, so far as to refuse the
granting of anyto sell liquor, and that
such a license could not be claimed as
a - right. • Acting upon this doctrine no
licenses of such a character have been
granted for more than three years,
and recent-intelligence has come to
hand "hv' which we learn that the cotin
ty lias had better houses Since 1852
than ever befOre.- liere is practical
evidence. Should the people of Ches
ter county, have misgivings as to the
working of prohibition, we hope they
will have patience ; and shoUld any be
disposed to prophecy evil things of it
let them wait until thorohgh exPeri-•
once and time shall have filled up the
gaping voids that appear- so largely
to their view in the breaking down of
a long established system. Time will
heal all griefs, even the thirst and
longings for rum. Taverns with rum
have given us a long and bitter experi
ence. Their fruits are well known,
we need; not pretend to enumerate
them. We have in operation the ex
periment, in our own county, of Tav
erns without rum. A few years will
present the .contrast sufficiently clear
to the public view. Should that con
trast be unfavorable to temperance
nothing is more easy than a -, return to
the ancient reginte. It is easier to
slide back to error than to make sacri
fices and practice self denial for the
truth's sake—easier to learn forty
oaths than one prayer. We, feel no
apprehension of the eventual triumph
of, temperance, despite evil forebod
ings, self interest, or the strong de
mands of appetite. We are proud to
hail the white flag of Potter county
and of good old. Chester. Such men
as Rob't G. -White and Townsend
Haines stand as the bulwark of those
great principles which mark the en
lightenment of this age, and which are
destined yet to 'develop the highest
moral and intellectual energies of the
nation.— Wtst Chester Herald.
—"Last spring,," says C. Q., in the
Michigan Farmer. "I tried an eXperi
ment with the 'varmints, which I re
late for the benefit. of win an it may
concern."- lie planted his corn on a
clover sod ploughed in the. spring,—
While planting he found plenty of the
small grubs. The corn Was planted
about the 20th of May, and as soon as
it came up they commenced their mis
chief. Knowing no reliable or certain
way of saving the corn,_ he concluded
to trap them.
Fur this purpose he took a round
stick, three or four feet long and about
two inches in diameter, and making
one end sharp, and taking tow rows at
a time, he made from two to four
holes, four or five inches, deep, in or
close by every hill. After fixing
several examination he found that al
most every had one or more worms in
it, In one hole he counted as many
as six. Ho then went over thh whOle
field in the same way, and the result
was that hardly a hill of corn was de
stroyed after the holes were made,
while his'neighbor's corn jbst over the
fence, which was on ground ploughed
very early, was more than half cut off
with the worms.
"It might be supposed," says C. Q.,
"that when the fellows fell into the
traps they would bore into the side
and escape ; but on watching them I
found they would.try to climb up the
side, but the sides being smooth they
always fell back again, Nyhen about
twenty-four hours of sunshine and
starvation would put - an end to them.
They usually commit their depreda
tions in the night, and while crawling
round.tu find the corn t hey . tumble
An additional recommendation of this
method is, that the birds will not pull
up l the corn, when they find plenty of
grub already provided for them."
C. Q. states further, that a portion
of this fieid of corn looked green, and
flourished luxuriantly, while - another
portion looked pale and yellow.. To
this former ho had applied (a table
spOonful to each hill) a mixture of two
parts lime with three parts of ashes.
The latter had no such application.
DENT..—The Dobuque (Iowa) Tribune
comes to us with the name of Wm. H.
SEWARD at its mast-head for President
of the United States. That paper
says lowa will cast her electoral vote
for the great champion of Freedom in
nigher Lot Dff trine 4 Virginia. I
It, is stated ifiatV. S.'S - Chatty Hunt
er,. 'd in
.4" recent stump
speech . at. Petershurg,, deeTared " that
"All Christian Churches and individu—
als believe tharthe allegiance which
they owe'to 'God ie thhn Inv"-
obligations to man, and that in a con
flict between,. human -and divine laws,
you must .serve God rather than man."
This is the time higher law doc
trine that Mr. Seward avowed in bis
speech in the U. S. Senate. It seems
to he getting popular South,
of grapes as an article of food is much
reccommended in. eases of -eonsump
tion. They contain • a large ~(luantity
of grape sugar, the kind • which most
nearly resemblei milk sugar in its
character and composition; which al
so is very useful for consumptives, it
having a great attraction. for oxygen,
and therefore,
_readily affording ma
terials for respiration: •
Gentr al Kniormation.
President—Franklin Pierce -
lice President—(de fa to)..Tesse D. Bright.
Secretary of State—AN m. L. Marcy.
Secretary of Interior Robert McClelland.
Secretary of Trea ry—James Guthrie.
Secretary of War—Jeirerson Dania.
Secretary of Nast'—James C. Dobbin..
Post Ma.qter . Generd—Jamcs Campbell.
Attorney General—Caleb Cushing.
Chief justice of CnitedStates—R. B. Taney:
Governor—James Pollock,
Secretary of State—Andrew G. Curtin.
Deputy Secretary of State—J. N. Sullivan,
Surveyor General—J. Porter Brawler.
Auditor General—Ephraim Banks.
Treasurer—Eli Slifer.
Supreme Court Judges—Ellis Lewis, W. B
Lowrie, G. W. WOoilw.ard, J. C. Knox; J.
County Officers, with Post Office Address.
President Judge, • •
ROBERT G. WHITE, Wellsburo,.Tiogo. CO.
Associate Judges, •
ORANGE A. LEWIS, Ulysses,. •
District Attorney, -
FRA:HELIN W. KNoX, Coudersport.
PIERRE A: STEBBINS, Coudersport.
Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts,
THOMAS B. TYLER, Coudersport.
- Register and Recorder, . •
ANDREW JACKSON, Coudersport.
. County Commissionrrs,
HARRISON ROSA, Whites Corners,
HENRY NELsos - ,lVharton.
Coo lag Auditors ,
HENRY L. Stmoss, Coudersport.
.ILinnls Lyst.ts, Roulette,
limEs IL WRIGHT, Sharon.
SAMUEL HAVENS, Coudersport.
Treasurer, •
• Iliu' Ews, Coudersport'.
County Surrryor,
Z. F. Roamoys. Harrison
Superintendent of Common Schools,
JOHN B. Prt.kor, Coudersport.
Bank Notice,
NOTICE hereby gtven that application
1.1 will be made to the next Legislature of
Pennsylvauie fur a charter of a bank of .dis
count, deposit and issue, to be located in the
borough of Coudersport, Potter county, Pa.;
to be called THE iVOII'IIERN BANK OF
PENNSYLVANIA. with a capital of One
Hundred Thousand Dollars,
THE subscriber would inform the
citizens of Coudersport and vicinity, that
he has established himself in the Butchering
business, and will be prepared to furnish
Beef, Veal,. Mutton, and Lamb, during the
season. lie has adopted the ready-pay system,
and will strictl.,iadnere to it.
June 7,1555
Dr. Lardner's Lectures on Science and Art
Gilfillatt's Literary Gallery.
The May Flower; by Mrs. Stowe. _
Life of Saul Houston.
North and South.
Jack Downing.
Our World.. School Books, Blank Books,
Slates, Stationery, Gold and Silver Pens.
-.Magazines for June. ,
rr - r Also, a' Generat Assortment of NEW
GOODS for the Spring Trade, just received,
and for sale very low, at the
Coudersport, May 31, 1555.
Dissolution of Partnership.
NOTICE is hereby given to all concerned,
that the copartnerehip heretofore existing
between the undersigned, under the firm of
JACKSON & JONES, is this day dsssolved
by mutual consent. hose indebted to said
firm will make payment to William 'l'. Jones,
and those having claims against the same, will
be paid by him. W. T. JONES.
June 14,1E55. 3.3 t
HAS just received a new stock of Goods,
embracing all the varieties usually kept
in a Country Store, and selected with partic
ular reference to the wants of this market,
and purchased at the lowest figures that the
market affords, and will sell the same at as
small a profit as any one 'in this part of the
world. Try him. 7-3tf
For k ale.
ASMALL lot of Law Books, be . -
longing . to the' estate of W. C. Butter
wOrth,deed, which will be sold cheap.
.7-3 .Administratix..
• New Books,
LADIES and Gentlemen are invited to call
and examine the new books and other
goods just received and for sale at
Babbttls Yeast and Soap Pow
derc—Tilese superior articles are wai
panted to save time and money, and promote
peace and harmony -in families
For sale at
RENCH.MUSTARD—A new thing en
tirely, yfor sale at C. S. JONES'.
ASSORTED . Pickles in jars for sale by
Venders of Mdiehrtudiie.
AGREEABLY to an Act - of Assembly , ,
passed thriC 2 2d Afiril; - )18-16, enti
tled, " An act to provide,fiii the..reduction of
the Public' Debt;" the Iltlf section of which
requires that "Hereafter, all dealers in Goods,
Wares, and Merchandise, the growth, pro
duct, and manufacture of the .Uuitetl States, -
and every person who shall keep-a Store or
Warehresei for the purpose of -A Andipcand
disposing of Goods, Wares; undlifeichandise,
where such persrin is concerned or interested
i n the manufacture of such Goodt . Wares,
and Merchandise, shall be. classified in the
same manner, and required to pay the same
annual, tax and:liceuse fee as is prtivided Mad
reuuired in relation to dealers in foreign mer-,
chandise : Provided, That mechanics %Om
keep a store or Warehouse 'at their own shcip
or manufactory, for the purpose of vending
their own 'manufactures exclusively, shall
not be required to - take out any lieense,"_---the
undersigned, Mercantile Appraiser for Potter
County, has made the following Classification
and Appraisement :
Allegany.: -
L. D. Heth, 14 , • • .$ 7.00
N. L. Dike, . . 14 7.00
Bin:gittpn. - • '
Pierce & Luddington, 14 . 7.00
J. B. Jones, • • 14 . 7.00
J. B. Smith, . .13 10.00
Collins Smith, 13 .' 10.00
Leis .Mann, - . .13 lO.OO
C. S, Jones, 14 ' 7.00
J. W. Smith, ' 14 ' 7.00
D. E. Olmsted, • 14 7.00
Miles White, 14 ' 7.00
J. M. Judd, • 14 ' ' 7.00
L. F. Maynard, 14 . 7.00
I). W. Spencer, . 14 7.00
Isaac Bensen, 14 . 7.00
T. B. Tyler, 14 7.00
11. A. Nelson,
s. E. Darrow & Co., 14
Spencer Preston, • 14
• .11nr . rison.
Rosa &'White, 14. • 7.00
Win. R. Elder, Liquor, 11 • 10.50
Richard Goodman, 14 7.00
Chiles Howard, 14 7.00
Irebrcni. •
Lord & Dwight,.. _.. 14. . . 7.00
Os uulyo.
. .
Wm. 31'llougall, • 14 • 7.00
Charles Simmons, 14 7.00
Sharon. '
Mann & els, 14 - 7.00
Ballard & Cornfield, 14 7.011
Corey & Lyman,. - 14 . '7.00
I). J. & E. W. Chapel 14 7.00
S. W. Monroe & co., -14 . ' 7 7.00
Dan. Baker, , 14 7.00
Alonzo Horton, 14 . 7.00
- TVharton. •
It. W. 31'Intire, 14 7.00
Jackson & Jones - 13 10,00
Barclay & Brainard, 14 . 7.00
Steugnison. : "
Julius Johnson, 14 , 7.00
An appeal will be held at the Court house
in Coudersport on Monday the 2d day of July
next, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. 31.,
and 4 o'clock, P. M., for all those who may
feel thetuselyes aggrieved by the foregoing
Classification and Appraieetneut. •
Mercann:o Appraiser.
May 30, 155. 2.-1 t
Very Important Information.
CIP . of the most relebrated iphy.
ski:ills in New-York, writes as follows: -
Dr. Cu RI - is—Mar Sir —1 lav lug witnessed
the excellent effects of your 'heti:ANA UR IN
in a case of chronic. Brembilis, and being
much in favor of counter-irritation in affec
tions of the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs,
I can therefore cheerfully recommend your
:Medicated Apparatus. as bein.s the most con
venient and effectual mode of applying any
thing of the kind I have ever seen. No doubt
thousands of persons may be relieved, and
many cured, by using your remedies.
You arc at liberty to use This in any way
you may think proper.
Respectfully, yours, &e.,
C..1011N5, M. 1).,
No. SlO9 Houston street, New-los*.
Prof. S. CENTER wriicx as follows :
GENTLEMES,-I haNe recently had occasion
to test your Cherry Syrup and ilygean Vapor
in the case of chronic sort throat, that had. re
fused to yield to other forms of treatment. and
the result has satisfied me, that, whatever may
be the composition of yoUr preparation, it is
no imposition; hnt an excellent remedy. I
wish, tor the sake of the afflicted, that it might
be brought within the reach of all.
Rev. Doctor Ca Ek: VER. writes:
N ttv-Y atm', Nov.- 15, 1854. .
Dear Sir :—I think highly of Dr. Curtis's
Hygeana, as a remedy . in diseases of the
throat and lungs. Hiving had some oppor
tunity to test its efficacy, 1 am convinced that
it is a most -excellent medicine, both the
Syrup and the inhaling 'application to the chest;
The flygeana is fur sale by D. W. SPENCER,
Coudersport. 7.37 Gm
- Dr. J. B. Wilson
OFFERS his services to the citizens of
Coudersport and vicinity. Office over
the store of 'f. B. Tyler. - 7.52
',REtt'S Broom and Chocolate—delicious
drinks,d at _ TYLER'S.
Magazines for May.
HARPER, Godcy, Graham, and Putnam,
just received and for sale at 25 cents per
number, by TYLER.
CASH PAID for Butter and Eggs, at A»
June 30, 1854
Papers. New stud beautiful pat.
terns itt TY LE ICS.
AFULL assortment, of Groceries,
at low figures; constantly on hand. Yard
wide Lawns, from 6i cents; upwards, at
Harrison's Columbian Inks;
Black, Japan, Copying, Marking.,
Green, Black, Blue, Indellible,
These Inks flow freely from the pen and
give trstronffer and ,more durable colorthan
any other. .I.or sale, wholesale and retail, by
e would say to the
public that he is now receiving a stock of
Goods, which he will be happy to show to al
who may favor him with a call. You can find
by calling ou Lillie good assortment of Lawns
Poplins, Bareges„Barege DeLaines, De Be^es,
Silks, &e., Also, Prints, Gingliams, Do
mestics of all kinds, Groceries, Crockery, and
a large stock of Boots and Shoes; all of which
will be sold us low us they can
.be bough
14 7.00
Scarlet, Red, • Carmine
Plitnamrs Monthly.
Is rtsauming the. publication of •I'Orssat's ,
Mosrut.r;, it is only necessary for : us to refer :
to the special notice issued, with our hearty
approval, upon - the first•hf April;by the 'late
Publishers. The Magazine will aim at greater
excellence' in the : direction hitherto. pursued;
and, without being, a partisan, hold de-
tided opinions, and will treat ull public ques-
tions from a humane and truly - national 'point
of view. . . • .
In all the, other varied departments of a
Monthly Magazine, it will - hope to, amuse,
instruct. and-benefit; to criticise generously
but justly ; and to attract to its pages; as it has
already done. the contribetious of able men
in every walk of Literature. Science, and Art.
The past. roltimes are the best , assurance
that nothing offensive to the purest morality,
and no wanton attack upon honest couviutiou,
will ever find a placein the Magazine.
All communications slaiuldlre addressed to
Atx & EDWARDS, Publishers of Putnam's
iffentidy,lo.Park Place, Nuw York. :
The Last Word of Geology.
Oliver Dasselin.
The Compensation- Office.
The Alp&
The_ Dailies of Virginia. .
The Two Hundred Yours A g o
The Nieht Chase,
Only a 'Debbl6.
The Count De Cagliostro.
The Challene.
The Notional Academy of Design.
The Birth-place of Mozart.
A cruise in the Flying Dutchman.
The Beasts of tharrairies... . '
America for the Americails.
Twice Married (Continued.)
Editorial Notes.
I..Literuture-1. American.
2. Reprints.
TT. Find Arts.
TH. Music.
IV. Drama.
Twenty-five cents per unmbet, or $ . 3 per
annum. Clubs, of five or - mote, supplied at
$2. Specimen numbers furnished, and libe
ral terms given itiagents and canvassers.
10 Park Plane.
"For Truth—our Country, and the Slave."
603 Paps, 13n0.,10 Illustrations, Price $125
THAT this excitirtg story should
t.ottlze the
is natural and obvious—it relates to
which so deeply engrosses the rffinls and
hearts of all our people. Its character, inei
.dents, and scenes, are all
It is vividly and effectively written; and the
Truth of History and the Charms of Romance
render its pages at once
It shows the wrongs and cruelties inflicted
and the bondage in
,which the Slave-power
attempts to hold
- I , List of Causes
For Thal in the Court of Common Pleas of Potter
-"As a literary work, it is superior to Uncle County at June Term, 1855.
Torn'i Cabin: It will excite, first, attention; nulls is. Dickitison..
and therildiniration throughout the country, • Admirest'r of Adams, " Butts.
and take its place at the head of alt recentty llarrison use of Garrett Dail.
published books." [Buffalo Express. , A we , -- Be!].
•••We have never -read a fictitious story , "ferry " Hill and Iii!!.
which so completely engrossed one's atten- , c„„„„ - Johnson.
tint from commencement to close:" . ' Brown & Co. use of I. ~ i t 00 k s.
[Boston Evening Gazette: - 'E----Siumsun, S
... -- e For sale by till Booksellers. • i_ALby - Bronson and Steele.
"* Copies sent by Mail, Postage Prepaid, j,,,,,5. " Jones.
on receipt of price.
- ''',LIZIO. , S_• " Jordan.
MILLER, ORToN, & MYLLI(.AN, PUb ' iSIICL•, , Willki111:4 " Reaut.
%.27, Park Row, New York, Benson " Carrier, et. al.
and lu7 Genesee 7 st., Auburn.. l'orAiliniffst'r of Eux, - " Dwight.
Cady . " Dickinson. •
THOS. B. TYLER, Proth'y.
Coudersport, April :26, 1t.33.
TAKE NOTICE, that I intend ti
apply to Ili,: Excellency, Gov : Pollock,
for the pardon of toy Noll,ll'lll. Alonzo Crosby,
who was eont•ic:ed of
. Forgery in this county
al the last ...zeptetruber session.
Condeupor-, Pa., April 2:3, •16;7.)5.
A.Nliw *supply of Sonora. Boo.Ks,
...Paper,-Pens, etc., of every kind enquired
fur in this part of the .country, just received
and for sale at the.
Bounty Land.
THE undersigned will give particu
lar attention to the procuring. of Bounty
Land for all those entitled thereto under the
late or auk• previous Act of Congress.
Coudersport, Pa., March 15, 1853. 7-43. Gin
New Books.
American Agitators and Reformers,
By Bartlett ..
Life of Win. H. Seward, his Speech-
es, Orations,-and Writings, 1,00
Life and Beauties of Fanny 1;25
Life of Horace Greeley, (new supply.) 1,15
,Stanhope Burleigh, or the Jesuits in .
our Ilomes,-Inew,snpply,) 1;25
For sale at - T.B. TYLER'S.
May 31. 1855.
Macarthus's Liniment.
The best Liniment in the •World !
Prepared by A. MAcAnTiturz, M. D.
- . •
This article may be retied upon as being a
sure cure for Sprains, Bruises, Cramps,
Swellings, Rheumatism, Frozen Limbs, Con
traction of the Muscles, Croup, Quinsy;
Chilblains, Affections of the Spine, Nervous
Diseases, Weakness, and for Burns if, applied
immediately, Eruptions of the Skin, Chapped
Hands, Cuts or sores, and effectually coun
teracts any Inflammation.
And an effectual. remedy for Horses and
Cattle, in the cure of the following diseases,
viz: Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Sprains,
Ringboues, Fresh Wounds,' Sweeney, Wind
galls, Lameness, Cracked Heels, Scratches,
or Grease, 'and Galls- of all kinds occasioned
by the hasness.
For sale by D. W. SPENCER.
Estates Of Decedents.
XroTicE is hereby given, hat the Adiniu
li istrators of the Estates of Decedents in
the following cases, to wit:
Adm'n'rs, of the' Estate of L. Warren, dec'd,
" IL Morley, "
have filed their accounts in the Register's
Office of the comity of Potter, and that the
same will be presented for confirmation to the
Orphans' Claurt or the said noway, to be held
at the Borough pf COuffersport on the WI
day of June, le - s§, when all persons can'at
tend if they think proper.
A. JACKSON, Register.
May 17,1E55. 52 4t.
. _
Coudersport .
- --
rpHE summer Term of this instjtption
commence on Wednesday, J tine '20;1955, •
and Continue eleven weeki: • i'•
' ' Terms. - • ' •
Elementary branches—Orthography, 1
eography, Arithmetic, Physiology,. $3.00
Higher Arithmetic; First Lessons in
Algebra, and English Grtirnmai;
Higher English branches, Philosophy,
Astronoinv r Alg,ebra, &c.;; • • • • 5.00
Higher Mathematics and the Lauglisge,, 0.00 t .
Drawing, extra, 1.50 ,
Instruction on the Piano Forte, extra,-...10.00
Use of instrument; -
Vocal ortnicfree of charge.
Pre-papoent of all bills strielly-r - cquired.:,
LIP Either higher chts of studie.i will in-.
chide any or all the lower classes: .
The subseriber takes this- occasion to in—'
press his . thauks to.the people of Potter arid: .
of other sections for them'. Idieral support,
during the past year; and to: assure them that . ,
no pains will be sparid in the future that'may
be required to make this school an inititutimr
worthy of the entire confidence and support;.
- of all who desire a sound rudancutal as well
ns a thorough mathematical and cla - ssiCal edu
, cation '
- The undersigned Officers and Trustees.-or,
the Coudersport Academy are moved by a•
seise of official and personal duty, to call the
attemion of the pub ir, and of the people of
our .county in particular, to the . rising and
useful character of this institution of learning.
' When we . invited the preient worthy Princ i - .
pal to the post he occupies, we found the Acad
emy depressed and declining. We submitted
i:s organization and other most onerous:di:dm
to his discretion and nimutgenteut; and our
experience enables us withincreased con&
denee to assure parent :Ind guardians that he
has proved finthful, efficient, old rmictical— . .
just such an instructor as this community
11. 11. DENT, President,
IL .1. 61.31STEIL 'Preas., >Trusteea
'l'. L. TYLER, See'y, •
Court Proclarnattoti.
WIHIR LAS, the Hon. Robert
President Judge, and the Hon. O. A.
Lewis and Joseph Mann, list's., Associate
Jud. , e-: of the Couro; of Over- and Terminer
and Genera; Jail Deli% en, Quarter Sessions
of the Peace; Orphan's "Court and 'Court of
Common Pleas for the County of Potter,
have issued their precept; bearing date tho
*J:Id day of September, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and filly
four, and to me directed, Mr holding a Conit.
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail lie.
livery, Quaver &salons ofthe Peace, Orpnans'
Court, and Court of Common Pleas, in the
borough of . Condenport, on MONDAY, the
It.!th day of Juno next, and to continue one
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor
oners, Justices of the Peace. and Citusiables
within the county, that they be then and there
in their proper persons, at lb o'clock, A. M.;
of said day, with their rolls, records, inqui;i
nom,. exanfuenions, and other remembrances,
to do tho.. , e things which to their offices' ap
pertain to he done. And those who are bound
by their recognizances to prosecute against
time pnt•Orier, that are or that' be in the jail of
the ,uiti ctionly of Potter, are• to be then and
there to prosecute against them as will be just.
Diced at Conder4port, Feb. '2.lth, and
the 79th year of the Independence of the
United States of America.
rpHE undersigned, agent for the Patentee
-I- in Potter and the adjoining counties of
Pennsylvania and New:l ork, would respect
fully call the attention of Lumbermen and
()hers to tins rabor-saving machine, patented
Nov.. .V. 51, and now •in smicessful operation
iu various parts of the United States. This
machine will rive and shave front one to two .
thon , aud shingles per hour, and will work
hemlock equally as well as pine, the practical
working of which can be seen at lienesee
Fork, %ylicre one is now in operation; Any
information respecting the smie will be given
by addressing the subscriber,
Ellisburg, I'a., March 22, 1t55.
LATES, Pencils, - Writing Books,
Ura lug !looks, Account auti :11 innorandata
books, Tracts, Sunday School Question and
Class Books. - l'apersand, Chalk, Cray
uns, s IVax, Tissue, 'Tracing, Thawing,.
and Glazed Paper; 131(.4.611g Boards,
rated Boards, l'ort-Folios, auu Porte-Mona:des.
Cull and exandne at the '
DRY, established in 1z1.3, 'has now on
Land, ready for immediate dditery, in fonts to
snit purchasers,
iimfeud lb. Roman Type of new cut,
5(1,00(1 " Fancy Type,
10,01)0 " Scripts of various styles,
5,000 " Germans,
5,000 "" Ornaments in great variety,
5,000 " Borders,
30,0)5) feet Brass and Type Metal Rules, and
all the novelties in the business.
All the above Types arc .casi by steam
power, ofthe new metal peculiar to this foun
dry, and which is certainly superior to any
ever used before in any part of the world.
The unequalled rapidity in the process of
enables me to sell these more durable
types at the prices of ordinary types, 'either
on credit or for cash.
Presses, Wood Type, and all other Printing
Materials, except paper and duds, (which
have no fixed quality or price,) furnished at
manufacturers' prices.
The livest.tipecimen•Book of the Foundry
is freely given to all printing oilices,on
,the re
ceipt of fifty cons to prepay postage. ,
Prin of new-papers who choose to
publish this advertisement, including this note
three times before the first day .of July, lttr3.s:
and forward the one of the papers, wilt Ile
allowed their bills at the time of purchasing
fiVe times the amount of my manuftictures.
New-fork, Feb. 12,1655.
Address, GEO. BRUCE,'
13 Chatilbens-st.,
:3.50` •
I'. A. 51'E.B1.11NS, Sheriff.