nuormity Ems. MY CH.LRLES SWAfI Let to-morrow take care of to-morrow ; . Leave things of the future to fate; .What's the use to anticipate sorrows Life's trottb:es come never too latU; If to hope overmuch be an error, 'Tis one !hit the wise have preferred; And ho« often have hearts been in terror evils never occurred! Have faith—and thy faith shall sustain thee— , Permit not suspicion an I car•: invi,ill!e bonds to enchain thee, But bear what God gives thee to beat'. By hi r. 3 spirit supporced and gladdened, lie ne . er by "forebodings" deterred, But think ofhow hearts have been saddened By fear of what never occurred! Let to-morrow take care of to-morrow; short ;,nd dark ai our life may appear, We make i; still larker by sorrow, Stil, e.her,er by folly and fear! Half our trouh:es are half our invention; And of. eu from b:essings conferred Have we t.hrunk with a wtid apprehension Of evils that never occurred! . From the Pittsburgh Daily Gazette THE OHIO 'MOW-SOMETHINGS. EDITORS GAZETTE answer to bumerous inquiries from your State touching the new Order of Know- Somethings, the Grand Council has di rected that the platform of the Order, with certain explanations and direc tions, be made public. 'rive fundamen tal object of the Order is, to induce "Sant" to discard his alliance with Slaveholders and put his trust in Free dom, to purge his platform of proscrip tion of Protestant adopted citizens, and to make opposition to the despotism of Slavery as prominent as that to Popery. Will you please insert the above and the following in the Daily and Weekly. editions of your paper? Platform of Principles of the Basal:tossAgri:L. Ist. Opposition to all forma of ty ranny over the mind and:body Of many 2d. Neither Natute, nor the ponati tution of our Country, recognizes'the right of man to property in man,/ Z3d. Principles and. cbaracter—npt biztbplacc—are the- trtie standard of qualification for citizenship: 4th. No adherent of any Foreign polvvr. either political or politico ccic-:•instic, should be eligible to naturlli7;:tion. fah. There should' be neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude, ex cept lor the punishment of crime, in any of the Territories, nor should any more Sl.ive States be added' to the I:uion./ Gtb; Candidates for political offices, should- be men of undoubted integrity and robriety, and known to. be in favor of rc,isting, by all lawful and constitu tionul means, the aggressions of Popery and Slavery. 7th, The people are the rightful stiorce of political power, and - all (a ebrs ..I:nuld, as far as practicable, be thoscii by a direct vote of the People. • Thorn persons, legal voters, who ap- - prove cf the above principles, and are clesir.,us of uniting with such an organ ization. can meet in their respecti-re localiiies, and organize temporarily, by choo ing a President and Secretary. and, laving pledged an honorable se (re su! scribe their names to the Platform, and authorize their Secre ary add C3S Box No. 733,Postolfice, Cleveland, 0., (post-paid) when an initiating Deputy will be sent to per fect their organization at the earliest prc)cticable moment. In the meantime the enrolment of additional names may be contintted until the Deputy shall ar'ive. It is desirable to have a corn plete roll of all who approve of these principles by the 4th day of July next. Members of other secret organiaa tiSns who are resolved to vote only. for Men possessing the qualifications men tioned in the 6th Article of the above platform can consistently unite with 128, as the Order . is not a political party ?or the elevation ofits own members, tlit for the pt emotion of good and true inen wherever found, and it is ready i•fy co-operate with all who maintain tliese principles of. whateVer political tame. I#Y AUTHORITY. A FRIEND from the country, on tell ing Foote of an extensive funeral of 'a bcrtaiu attorney,•the wit replied:: ;'•Do you bury your attorneys'!" "'Yes, to be sure we do—how else l" "0, we never do that in Londo.n." I :Don't," said the other, much sur in-ised, "how do you manage 7" "When the patient happens to die, ive lay him out in a room over night, throw open the sash, and in the morn lug he is entirely off." .• • - ‘.lndeecl," said the other in amaze bent, "what becomes of him?" "Why, that we cannot tell; aR we know is, that there is a very strong smell of brimstone in the room -next knorning," " WIIAT is the meaning of a back biter ?" said a reverend old gentleman, luring an examination at a parochial school. This went down the class till it came to a simple little urchin, who t "P'r'aps it he a flea." Is the boy that got flogged tor tel ing a fib the sane "trembling lyre that the poet speaks of'? Are tinder sausages meet for tonsidetation ? Tbe, Virgini a election takes place bn the fourth Thuraday of May next. Coudersport, Pa Jai. IS. 1850. F. W. EIsTOX, glittern - tp at 71.a15, Coudersport,. Pa, will regularly attend t e courts in Potter county. 3-40tf A. Pa CONE, • - .atteirntp at Rata, Wellsborough, Tioga county, Pu, will regular ly attend the courts of l'utter county. June 3, 1848. . . THE umlersigned having been' entrusted with the cure of several large tracts of and in this county, has. made himself ac , quaiuted with the lauds and land titles of the county, and will give immediate attention to any busiuess of this nature that may be en trusted to him: J. S. MANN. M. R. GAGE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON—WouId re spectfully inform the citizens of Couders port and Potter county, that he has located perinanently among them, and will attend to all calls in his profession: Office.:-T. B Tyler's Drug and Book Store. ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office, East side of the public square, Coudersport, Pa. By arrangement the professional ser vices of S. P. Jonssos, Esq., mar be engaged through him in all cases in. which he N not previously concerned. N. 13.—A1l claims duo and payable to the undersigned, personally and professionally, may be found in ,he 'hands of Isaac Benson, Esq., fur adjustment.. S. P. Joassas. March 1-2tl JOHN S. 41.4..NN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW will attend the several Courts iu Pune and M'Keau counties. All business eutruste to his care will receive prinupt attention, Office on Main -street, opposite the Cout House, Coudersport, Pa. Sax's NEritr,w 41i.TECOM,_ G. OLIVLSTED,. 13-A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW will attend to all business entrusted t ins care with promptness and tidelity. *Office—in the Temperance Block, up stair; blaimstreet, Coudersport, l'a. 7-1 attorittp &Counselor at Rain, of the coat t house square, The I'Luple's Gush &aria,' up stair's. 3-47 FRANK .JOHNSON;. Cabinet natter. COUDESPORT, POTTER COUNTY PA, Wishes to inform the c,tizens of Coudersport and he surrounding country, that he exe cute all orders in his line of business at shor notice and reasonable prices. • Place of business near the Presbyter la Church. .7 ly. DB. BROWN would give notice to the .. public that he is prepared, ut his Foun dry in Coudersport, to do ail manner of CAST.-, make and finish to order ull kinds" of Machu:cry, Mill Gearing. Board r and Log Cars, Sleigh-Shoes of all sizes, and every:. article needed by a Lumbering community. And to farmeze he would say, that• he has procured sonic of the best Plow patterns in use, both Flat Land and Side Hill, and keeps hem'constantly wh harm'. And will make to order Field Rollers, Harrows, Cunizators, and every article used by them in his line of busi ness. He is prepared also to du id! kinds of BLACKS MITRING. And from his long experience in the above business,he feels confident, of giving satisfuc tion to those who may give him a call. N. B.—Qld iron bough?, or taken its 'en change fur work. . 7-27 y THE long repose of Europe is about to be disturbed 4.ty the bugle's note end the reville of the drum, calling its slumber ing millions to arms in the defense of their. fittsides and their' country. England and France are calling for men and means, and rending forward their armies to battle against she. aggressions of the Russian Bear; but while the Old World is convulsed by revolu- Sitstntss C. W. ELLIS, ettarneg at Lain, LAND AGENCY. ISAAC BENSON T F. MAYNARD, FOUNDRY. War Declared at Last. tton,tinusual peace and plenty reign in the New. In the peaceful and quiet pnr'Suit of our business we have formed a copartnership under the name and style of N. S. BUTLER & CO., and have taken the store in Empire Block, in the village of Olean, formerly occu pied by Thing .& Brother, end are now re ceiving a splendid new stock of goods adopted to the season and wants, of the community, which we intend to sell exclusively for cash down # at prices that will cause consternation and dismay iu the ranks of old fogyism that has been so long established in this section. Our stock will consist in part of the follow ing Goods: Hardware, Crockery, Boots & Shoes, Hats Caps, Carpets, Oil Hats, Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Glass, Paints & Oils, Sash, Putty, Chairs, Bedsteads, Muttrasses, Feathers Stone and Wooden Ware, And we mean to keep such au assortment of the above goods that persons from a distance Can be assured of finding everything they -usually want at prices that will do them good Call and sea for yourselves. 1N: S. BUTLER dr. CO. Olean. May 5, 1859. 6-51 Notice, THE Governor of the State of Ner-York has appointed the subscriber a Commis sioner for the State of New-York, to take the acknowledgment of Deeds and other instru ments' and to administer oaths pursuant to an act ofthe Legislature of the said State. ISAAC DENSON; Coudersport, Dec. 12,1551. New Goods, TB. TYLER hos just returned from the •city. and is now prepared to show the largest,and best stock of Drugs, Medicines, Points, Oils, Books, Stationcry..Paper Hang ings, and Fancy Goods in the county. He is also prepared to sell lou-et than at Wellsville. and as low as any other establish meat iu Coudersport. April 15,1855. THE best three nilling teabund 6d sugar is at OLMSTEWs. fONEY.—A good quality of honey for sale at • C. SNITII's. BAS,fresh and cheap, at • ICYGEOTA, Brought ROMs to the Iloor of the . Million. A liroxorataut. Discurtur has ••eceutly keen made by Dr. Curtis. of this city, iu the treatment- of Consumption, Asthma, and all diseases of the Lung. We refer to " Dr. Cur tis' Hygeana, or Inhaling Hygeun Vapor and Cherry Syrup." With this new tnethod Dr C: has restored many afflicted ones to perfect health ; as an evidence of which he has innu merable certificates. Speaking of the treat : , went a physician says: It is evident that in haling—constantly breathing an agreeab!e,- healing vapor, the medicinal properties must coma in direct contact with fhe whole of the axial cavity of the lungs, and tuns escape the many- and varied ' changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, and subjected to the process of digestion. The Hygena is for sale at the druggists' through out the country. The Inhaler is worn on-the breast under the linen without the least inconvenienee-the heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate the fluid. Hundreds of cases of cures like the follow ing might be named. One package of the Hygena has cured me of the Asthma of six years standing. Jas. F. heesberry, P. M., Duncannon, Pa. I am cured of the Asthma of 10 years stand ing. by Dr. Curtis' Hygeana. Margarkt Eastman, Brooklyn, ?.V. Y. Mrs. Paul of No. 5 Matutnond st., N.Y., was cured of a severe case of Bronchitis by the Hygeana. My sister had been cured of a distressing cough of several years standing, and decided' to be incurable by her physicians. She was anted in one month by the Hygeana. J. H. Gaubert, P. M., Richmond, Me. . Price Three Dollars a Package.—Sold by cuitTis & PERKINS & BOYD & PAUL, No. 149 pilaip4rs st., N. Y.-4 Packages sent free by express to any part of the United States for Ten Dollars. • . N. B.—Dr. Curtis' Hygenna is the original and only genuine artic e, and all others are base imitations or vile and injurious counter feits. Shun them as you would poison. Sold by Russell & Scott, No. las Market street, Philade.plfa. who will sell by the dozen at the Pro ,rietors' rates'. New Books, IDA; MAY, by Mary Landon. -IThe Newsboy. Bayard Taylor's Central Africa, Lands of the Saracen, and Poems of the Orient. Fanny Fort's last, "Ruth• Hall." Life of P. T. Barnum. Mr.. Rutherford's Chi:dren, by the author of The Wide, Wide World. • Mary Ile wiu's Tales, for chi:dren. The mum Atneric..Ms. Library, consisting of the ,ices of Wash ng.on, Lafayette, Franklin, Marion, and eight others in • one sett. • Leaves from the Tree JgdrasYl, by Martha Rnsse:l. Periseopies—Dr. Elder. Bertha and Li.y, by Mrs. E. Oakes Smith. and his Maser Pieces—Tetil. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, by Mrs.- H. B. S.owe,—&c., Just received and for Sa.e at the JOURNAL DOORL-STORE. Coudersport, Dec. 7, 1t , 34. 7-'29 . The Journal Book-Store Orr gilts to the public a good variety - of most readable books, cheap for cash or family necessities. All the newest books of. value are kept on hand, or immediately pro cured for customers, and we hope to receive ue.h patronage as fai.hful attention to. hu.4- 11CSA, and an eernest desire to ob.ige, may deserve. New hooks received at short in:er vols. School Books, 6tadoncry of all kinds, materials for Paper Flowers, etc., constantly on hand. Music. Maps, Mathematical Instru. ntents. Please call and examine for yourselves at the JOURNAL BOOK-STORE. irIRAIAM'S and Puttran's Magazines, Blackwood's . , Ld.nburgh Mag. zinc, and the Edinburgh and Westminsier Itev,eli-s, at the JOURNAL BOOK-STORE. lUOD BOOK AGENTS WANTED, rro canvass for the best and most saleable -L Books pub,ished. They are written by the most popular Amhors of the day, in cluding, among milers, T. S. ARTHUR, •of whose last great work,. TEN NIGIITh IN A BAR ROOM, 10,000 copies have been .sold within a month of publication. These hooks are beautifully illustrated, (many of them with finely colored plates,) and are primed and hound in the best manner. Agents will find a ple..sant and profitable empioyment in their ,circuiation. For par ticulars address (post paid) _ J. \V. BRADLEY, 749 31 Publisher, No. 48 North Four:11 street, Philadelphia SPORTSMEN willfind Powder, Shot, Lead, and everything in the line of Aummuition, and Fishing Tackle of the best quality and at low prices at TYLER'S. T YON'S KATHAIRON and other Liexcellent preparations for cleansing and uheutifying the HAIR, fur sale at TYLER'S. PERSONS about to build or repair; will find a complete stuck of Window Sash. Glass, Putty. Paints and Oils, fur sale at fair prices by T. B. TYLER N EW BOOKS just received atthe JOURNAL BOOK—STORE Sept. 1,1854. 7-1(i • CHEST HANDLES; Drawer do., Bolts, Retches, Holier Snaps, Wardrobe Ilooks, Barn Door Hinges kept fur sale by • LEWIS MANN. WE I BSTER'S. DICTIONARY rocket' Scbool, Univcrsity, Octavo, and Quarto editions, - for sale by'. IYLEII. VIOLIN Strings at Drug and Book Store VIOLINS and Flutes just received by TYLER. V T"E partnership heretofore existing be tween W. T. Jones & Bro. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The debts due said firm will be found in the hands of W.'T Jones, and all claims against said firm are to be presented to him for payment,' I do hereby appoint A. F. Jones my agent for the transaction end management of an of any of my business; giving him full amhority and power in the same. W. T. JONES. • Conderspon, Sep . ember 25, i 4. DE. GUIST EG • would say to the punin; that he is now receiving a stock of Goods, which be will be happy to show to al who may favor him with a call. You can find by calling on him a good assortment of Lawns Poplins, Bareges, Barege DeLaines,De Br^es, Shim, Sze., &c. Also, Prints; Ginghams, Do mestics of all kinds, Groceries, Crockery, and a large stock of Boos and Shoes; all of which will he sold as low as they can be bough elsewhere. • DRY gOODS _~:.- _ -► D IARIES for 1855jpst received at • T.YLER'S TYLIR'3; r. Dutchman, Jan. 14 Notice W. T. JONES A. F. JONES. TO OFFICERS, ,SOLDIERS, SEAMEN, &e., OF ALL WAR.St..TUE.Iit NVIDOWS, AND MINOR. CAILDREN. S. M. KNIGHT, Attorney for Government Claunauts, Washington, D. C.,. • - CONTINUES to give prompt and personal attention to the prosecution of Claims of every description., -against the Government, and particularly to those before the Treasury Department, Pension and Bounty-Land Bu reaus, Patent and General Land Offices, and Board of Claims. • • An experience of years, and a familiarity with the means of obtaining the ta'riicst and most favorable action: on Claim/4, with big. facilities for the &sluch of business, justify him in assuring his Correspondents, Claim ants, and the Public generally, that interests intrusted to his .keeping will not be neg.. lected. PsaisloN; BOUNTY LAND, PATENT, AN D PUBLIC. LAND LAWS He has nearly ready, for gratuitous distri bution among his business Correspondents; (and those who may become such,)' a neat pamphlet containing a synopsis of the existing Pension, Bounty Land, Patent, and Public Laud Laws, down to the end of the lato Congress—includ rig the • BOITITLY-LAND ACT OF MABCH 3, 1855, under which, ull who have heretofore re ceived less than 160 acres are now entitled to additional land; said Act grants also 16:i ucres to all Officers, Non-commiss.oned Officers,. _Cbaplains, Sold.ers, Wagon Masters, Team sters, and friendly Indians, of the Army, in cluding State Troops, Vo.unleers, and Militia —and all Officers,,Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Marines, Cierks, and Landsmen, of the Navy, not heretofore provided for, who ha ye served not less than foment) days (unless in battle) at any period since 1776; and to the -w.dows ' and minor children of all such persons enti tled, and deceased. This pamphlet contains "Forms of Appli cation" More full and cmiaplete than any e:se where to be. found ; adapted to the wams of every class of Claimants under the Act, copious decisions and ins,rumions of' the Department, and practical suggestions- as to the coarse to be pursued in suspended or rejected cases. -Parties not wishing to avail thethselves of the ficilities afforded by this Office in securing , 1 prompt and personal superintendence of their claims at the Departmems, can ob.ain copies of the above paint by remitting thirty cents in pos.age s.timps. INDUCEMENTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. - Corresp widen's who-prepare and forward cases for management by this Agency will be dealt wi.h liberany ; ttuppiicd wilt ail neces sary h.anksgratis, and kepi cous::utay advised of the ch nges tt from time to tame occulr in the execwian of :he lawsJ It is wi hin subscriber's poti-er to direct his Correspondems to the ;ocail y of very many persons en it:ed -under :he Ac! ; and having ob.ained several thousand s Land ‘Var ran s under former laws, lie ist„ in\ possession of data Ann will materially assist • in securing addi ional. bounty. Fees, be-ow the usual rates--and contingent upon ,he admission of Claims. The highest cash -. prices given for Land s, Revolutionary- script. and Illinois Land Pa.en:s. Address 1 ;16-3t Tin and Hardware, THE undersigned has connected :vith his Tim Sheet Iron. Colrain., mid Stove Business. that of 11ARDWAitE and CUT LERY—so that in addition to the business heretofore conducted by him, he is now ready to supply the public with almost every variety of lit:aware. Mill and CIOSS—CIit Saws, limp Iron, Nails, Cable and Ox Chains, Carpenters' Adzes and Broadaxes, Manilla liupe for Ca bles. A general assortment of Clucks, Ju .punned Ware, Toys of every description; and in short, he, designs to keep all Zu,ll things as the public wants in his line, which he will sell, not for less than cost, but for a (strict SMALL profit indeed, and hopes by a Istrict attention to his business to receive t.liberal share of public patronage. :All kinds of Produce bitten in exchange for Goods, at the highest market prices; also, $2O per ton paid fur old iron. • 64f2 Iy JAS. W. Premium Fanning Mills. Important to 'Farmers and I lllechanics. THE subscriber has purchased of J. - Baniborough the right to use iu Potter and M'Kean counties his patent in the construction of Fanning .Mills. He has also, at great ' bense, commenced the manufacture o 4 a Pak:- MUM MILL which will clean from NU to 200 bushels p. r hour. This Mill was pate .ted March 20, 1647, since which time it has stood at the head of the list at all the State and coun ty agricultural societies where it has been ex hibited, and 'is a universal favorite with 1.11 armers whO have tried it. It took the pre mium at the first Agricultural Fuir held at Harrisburg, Oct. 31st, 151, when there were 30,009 people present; and at the dreat State Agricultural Fair at New-York, held at Roch ester Sept. 16-19-, 1 1 351, this nailing Mill received the highest honors. Having met with uniform success wherever tried, I confidently invite the farmers of Potter and !!!'Kean counties to call at my shop in Coudersport and examiu. (for themselvts. A supply always on hand, to be sold on -rea sonable terms. . 6-3711 JOHN RECKHOW. THE subscribe' hereby gives notice to the public that having given PETER SHUTT'S 169 note 11 eightydollars, bearing date near the - last of March, 1854, payable September, 1856, and having never received any value therefor, he -will refuse to pay toe same; therefore he warns any person from_ buying the said note with and expectation of his pay fog it. [6sl] CONSIDER STEARNS. Machine Oil. Mill Owners will always find supply of Oil for machinery at satisfactory prices, and in any quantity, at • TYLER'S Drug Store. • T IFE OF IIORACE GREELEY, 4 • Prayer Books • Fanny Gray, The Oracle of Flowers, and a new sup ply of Senora. Booxs, Just received at the JOURNAL BOOK-STORE. The People's Cash Store. AT COUDERSPORI Something New. and Something. Wanted. THE subscribers, having entered - into part; nership arrangements under the firm of " Msyn.ttin & 1% mcox, will be happy to see all old friends, and all new friends, calling day after day, and continually, at "The Peo ple's Cash Store" in Coudersport, inquiring for DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, and all the endless variety of articles which the People want, and mast have. And the subscribers will sell nd their customers, old or stew, for the Cash, or other Ready-Pay, the very best bargains to be had in-Northern Pennsylvania. MAYNARD & WILCOX, Coudersport, April 5.1855. • D. W..SPENCER'S COLUMN• New •GeodL for the Summer Trade. - rj W. SPENCER would respectfully in . 1.1• form the inhabitants of Coudersport and vicinity that he is now receiving a FRESH and LARGE ASSORTMENT of Goods, which will:he sold as cheap as the cheapest. He would also return heartfelt thanks to his old customers and friends for their past patron" age, and would be glad to show them any goods which he has, and will try to szve them at - least lt) per cent. by calling.and examining before purchasing elsewhere. • Rn„.. . ir HERE take the lib- R I ES.' :Lefty to inform the peo ple of Coudersport and Potter county that I am still at tay new_ stand opposite the north side of the public square, where may be found - GROCER/PS of all kinds constantly on hand, such as Tea, Sugar, Col lee, Saleratus, Ginghr, Mustard, Tobacco, Snuff, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Confectionery, &c., &c. rlty motto is, "The nimble sixpence in pre ference to the.slow D. W. SPENCER. Drugs, Medicines, • PATENT MEDICINES, Oils, Spirits of Turpentine, Camphine, Burning Fluid, .Soap,,Candles,.for sale low at SPENCER'S. CAP, Letter, and Note Paper, all kinds of Stationery, Steel-pen Holders Wafers, Sealing Was, Sand, Ink, Pocket-Books, En velopes, Visiting Cards, Jewelry, Fine Cut lery, and a variety of Fancy Articles, together with Silk:. and Thread, etc., at • SPENCER's. GRAIN, Butter, Lard, Eggs, Rags, Shin gles taken for goods at their cash value. Cash not refused. D. W. SPENCER. BUTTER and Lard of a superior - quality for sale at • SPENCER's. A NY . one desirous of a good quality of -CS-Syrup of Molasses will do well to call at SPENCER!.s. County - Orders Taken at Par F OR GOODS, at • ADIES, if you want a nice Bonnet, you will do well to call on SPENCER. BABBIT'S Yeast Powder for save by - SPENCER. • TV - ENV TIIING.—Pure Ground Coffee -LI great thing for the ladies. SPENCER " Halloo ! Halloo ! Halloo ! SPENCER is in town! Mountains o. HEADY—MAUL CLOTHING for almost no,, I have bought this coat, this vest, and these pants—ain't broke, either! I furrah ! Ali the'b - hoys shat) f - ;• of 50 - Eyggit's coats!, Hurrah ! But, to be candid, fr.ends, there 's like it in :ill the counshry. Just go over There, and for a little o' nothing he sell ye a rig that, though ye 're the big gest rascal above ground, wan make ye as fur as a praist to look at; though ye Taunt a chit in ye'r pockets, links win bow and serape to ye as though ye were millionaires, and 'real gentiemaus: Fashion! Great thing! Bet ter dead than out of it—many an honest fellow has been cut' because of the cut of his coat: but no danger if ye buy of Spencer,—his cloths are just the fashion." S. M. K:NIGIIT, Washington. Lk C .The subscriber has just received a large stock of heady-Made Clo.hing, of the latest style and best quality, which are wed made, audwiii be soul:low., D. W. SPENCER. MOULVERIZED Corn Starch, for food, for r sale at SPENCER'?. SODA, Cream Tartar, Magnesia, Allum, Chalk, Salts, and Glue, for sale at the GROCERY STORE. COPEL and coach varnish can be had at Speneer's on yet i ): reasonable terms. OIL 01"rAR, Mere' . nt's, ,, Oil, to I)e•had at SPC..NCER's. `HOT" AND LEAD, at lower figure; than tlty.3n•town•at SPE.S:CLR's. N EW article of Summer Eats at SPENCER'S. . A BETTER seleetiou of Co:Yee not found IlLin the county than at SPENCER'S T EA by the chest or pound Ibr sale by SPENCER W. SPENCER has just nrtnrne , l from . she city with a large sock of Groce ries, Clothing, Drugs and Medicines, and a general assoranent of Fancy Articles, anti maily other things too nnmerons to mention, which will be sold low for cash or ready-pay. PUG 7 . 6BACCO—Fine Cut,. Chewing, and Smoking, by the pound, at SPENCER'S. N E W arrival of Pure Ground Coffee at I). W. SPLNCER'S ITHOSTRIPTIC, Cod Liver Oil, and litany other popular Medicines for safe by :SPENCLIt. New Goods. Come to bring you Lift and Health." DR. CURTES' HYGENIA, or Inhaling Hygean Vapor and Cherry, .Syrup, for the cure 01 Pulmonary Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,. and all Lnng and Liver complaints. A new method of Inhala tion for ihe cure of the above named diseases. For sale by( D. NV. SPENCER. Tailoring! Tailoring!-- 11. J. . HARDING, Tailor. All work entrusted to his care will be done witti neatness, comfort, and durability. Shop over Lewis Mann's store. 6-37 FRESH urning Fluid and Camphine at the DRUG and BOOK-STORE.' • Music. • fIUNTEN'S celebrated Instructions for the Phuto-Forte; Burrowes' Kano-Forte Primmer; . . Union Glee Book ; A - pew supply of Sheet. Music ; For sale by - T. B. TYLER. A NEW supply of Fluid and Cam 411...phine Lamps—some new and beautiful patterns just received and for sale low at . TYLER'S. Clothing,. Clothi, rpm: pace to buy well-made Clothing a 3- a low price (a large stock to se eat from Drafting Instruments, Water Colors. Drawing Paper, Pencils; and Brushes, just received at TYLER S. Stationery AT Wholesale and Retail at TYLER'S PICKLED CHERRIES at C. S. JONES' - xEir GOO DOUBTLESS theta are many pe Coudersport and v,c-Mity who hay visited the famous BOSTON STOR fast-growing village of Wellsville. ' of "this store is 94, which number is door— • BOSTON STORE, 0 9 IR THE DOOR. This establishment is one of tht DRY GOODS and READY-MADE( LNG Dkpeds in - Allegany county, Il or customers from Potter Countybuy Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and othe at this great mart of bus:ne.o.. But st ere those who have never hanpene• into the path that leads, most assn economy and 'wealth. That path cash buyers straightway to the GREAT BOSTON We have no enemies to pitnsh, nr to reward. We sell for ready pay, in exchange for Goods the f►lowit articles, Cash Tallow Venison Beeswax Fur Beans Hides Wheat Yarn Potatoes Wool Butter We are now receiving from of Rochester, anout ten cord's of the best al and SHOES sold in the county constantly on hand— Men's India Rubber Boots. 4. " Over-Shoes, " Coats, " Pants, l 6 Cap,. With a very extensive stock of TRIIB,. VALISES, and CARPET BAGS ; chi t , Black and . Colored Dress Silks, Alpaca, De. laines, Thibet Cloths, Pr:ins, 4ioghama »t 1 other Dre,s Gooch—together with a general variety of Dry Goods. Shawls Shawls. In particular, we would call the attention rat the ladies to our treat variety of SHAWLS, of every possible kind, altogether too no merous to mention. Mattresses. We have the largest stock of the tlifrereitt kinds of Mattresses in 'Western New-York. hotel keepers can be stippled on reasombli terms SPENCER's Three Omen for the contemplated Curti from \Wellsville to Rochester; and hoPag that the Plank Road will be continued onto Coudersport during the coining spring. ac That the sons and daughter; of bet' &tad Potter may be more frequently' seemin tru yaung city. Wc.reina;ii your ob't serv'ts, 11.4111.:LIE & CO,. Wel!svil!c, Jan. 13, 1634. 6-336© ATACKEREL, Salmon; and Bkie l'ish, 41 _ C. J ONES'. itiPEP,IOII; Sperm and Tallow Candies it C. S. JONLS' PPOVISION STORE ;:td Produce'of all kmLs taken exchange for ,3cn.11 at chi , ;tore. S. JONES. A3IS and Sliouldersa ne‘s a...ntueia JE•tt C. 8. JONES. -WKS OF S ILT at tirc NEI% PROVISION STORE. grIRANBERRIES! CRANBERRIES! Ty N.._Ythe quart or bushel, at . C. S. JONES'. Carriage aR d- Sleigh -11-31alier. THE subscriber respeetfoily gives natio, that he is prepared to do all the basinest in the above line, at the shortest notice, at hit new shop, two doors west of the Conderspte, Hotel. JOHN RECKHOW A. B.- GOODSELL, GUNS.MITII, Coudersport, Pa. Fire Aris inantifictured and repaired, at his shop,o2 short notice. March 3, IF 18. IN WELLSVILLE, AT THE GREAT 80. TON STORE, No. 94 MAIN-ST. AY be found con-dandy on hand and for Itlsale, an extensive variety of Spencer & Granger's snperb MA Till USES. of every sort, kind, and price. from a s3.:*o Palm- Mat tre,,s to a super-English hair Mattre-s at•slo - Lounges, 801-tars, and Pillows. All of which are offered to . Ilo:el and Boardn House keepers, and all odo-r4 who have care mon sen-e enough to know that a filmy featlo lord, to make thy best of it, but a breeder of disease and a life-curtailer,—at lower prices than can be folind at any oilier store in the county. LANCE\ & CO., Sale Agents (in the county) for the sale of the above goods. - 1;41-1 ly Boston . ..,:tore, Wellsville, Jan. Ft - Academy Text Rooks. A FULL snpply fo'r sale low at TYLER'S ZINC and Mineral Paints, with directiow for using, at B. TYLER'S. ATENT PAILS, Bed Cords, Clo:hei I- Lines, Horse Cords, Curry Combs, Hum Brusha., to be sold at MANN'S. JI. FURMAN, Ilorse and Cattle Deem. •respectfully inforins the public that he hu located in Hebron towns!' p ( at J oseph Stone'll where he is prepared to ;wend to calli in to profes.ion. Ile is of long experience in the bielness, and hopes by his superior skill and assiduity to secure the patronage of - the put , - lie. 6-19 '2lll DATENT MEDICINES at Wholesale. 1 Merchants and Pedlars will be t•upplied with all kind:, of Patent Medicine! , at Mang facturers' wholesale prices by. TYLER. New Cash GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE' Ilitk,,er, Ye - 0 S. JONES takes this me . hod to infer V • the people-of Coudersport and the pub ,lie generally, that he has just opened a"Gro• eery and Provision store, where he will ker? constantly. everything In the line of "e ,3 " bles," and which he will sell as reaquatb:e can be The " subs,autta:s" cart be found here at al( times, such as FLOUR and PORK, while the appe.itei. of the roo t dainty can also be satisfied. Therefore, should you wisli . for of the kind, p!ease 0311 and examine before eisewhere. and if he cannot satisfy you, your c .se Inn' t be desperate. You will always find a fedl. assortment of Grocer:e9, cons.sting of gars, Teas, Coffee, Saterams, Spices, 6,0 g Stl. er. Raisins, Candy, Crackers, Cranberries , mon, Codfish, Mackerel, Bltie Fish, iLe e ' Molasses; Syrup, &c. Also, ut all timer. Pork, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Butter, (rol l firkin,) Salt, llama, etc. etc. Grain and all other k,nda of Produce taken in exchange-for goods at the cash price. 6-33tf C. S. JONES. OL3ISTED'S IUM1:1 .AL and BUCKWIILATeor and at the • NEW PROVISION STORL JOHN RECKHOW, MATTRESSS