The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, January 11, 1855, Image 1

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    VOL: VII
Terms—lnvariably in Advance:
O'ae ON per annum, - , . ,
Village subscribers, , . •
•_ _ •
- TER .316 OF
squ'atc. 1:2 lines or le : is,l inserr.on,' so.rO
~g, 0 3 in,er.ions,
4o pviott gnbzegnent insertion, •
Rule and figure work, pnrsq.,.3 insertions;2.N.
I:" r , F .,:b....equen , :Insertion, •. 1 ,50;
1 ce.turi. one year, ;. , •
I culuout. mon ho, " 15.00,
Adrnini. ra or4' or Exec:l:ors' Notiets: -
Sq.e::. per tract, . .7. 1.50
Proce.iiont: Cards nu: .•xeeeding eight lines
in,cret l l'or annum.
t;? - '.11t le:tor, on bn<iue to - seure at
tra.inft, •be addres , ed .(potit paid) to
the Puh:i-Iler.
fly ILD mAsF,£.l%.4,
!leaven ha:1) IN erol% n of Stars, the Earth
Her a oti robe of .
Th , piing.— he ar :nd &.d womb
Tiei:r song.; and greening
The hisd z It ice bonnet, where leaves and
helti y wreath above;
h Ilg he rawoow,dre
A . nd we, Swee:'. we have love.
ivo'k nn: with the 'ewerd great;
II hex Love's dear name is sold;
we hoe wealth we wou:d tint give
For all their we 11111 of gold!
rot el no in corn-and
1 - e h .ve we from above
I ntine,,and we'd not pine: _
Do NI.: not ;km and love
!knew, dear heart, our ,
May minee' terms•and sorrow; •
Bat Icor': rich rainbow's baiit from tears
wnli to-robrrov.'
The from ofir sky -may die,
Tho greenne , s from Lire' s tree,
But ever 'mid the ‘varrinrfsrorm,
The ne , t shall she!tered be.
I ,:..ctt Ore Ararat orlire,
.. 4 01;lin_ the wave: above, I
Thee haik't me Victor in the strife, .
becken'st tn' on with lure.
The v , mid to .y never know. dear heart !
What I 11:..y n e found in thee ;
But though nought' to the world, dear heart!
Tlioa'rt ail the world to 'me.
Or, The Lost Found.'
It is a cold, dreary afternoon, and
c sky. widei has been overcast all
the morning, is now pouring forth tor
rents of ruin; but notwithstanding the
weather, the streets of our large
southern cities are well filled With
people, hurrying some one way and
enu another, loaded with bundles
oral Lashuts, Well :stocked with good
Clinzs for %unday's dinner.
Tu-ntorro..v•will be Christmas day!
to-morrow will be Chritmas day!"
Lammed alitight, merry clad of about
years of age, as she stood
. by the
p:ri r window of a handsome dwell
;it the many passers by,
ocr anon clapping.her hands, and
%Itering . s ume childlike remark, as - a
fa. , that she recognized rias - sed.alOng,
I.oked up and nodded kindly to her.
pu:A. Mary," :he • uddenly
d addressitig " a !;,kly of about
:ire-and-linty years of si'g'e, who was
.t:at,tl quietly before. the Pre, oc'ett
riid with her knitting—" there goe's
(res of Mr. Cole's • servants, and he is
carryieg the bio.gest turkey I ever
aunt smiled and replied, "Well,
you think, tlatt .Tacolo
wa. ; th e okl-nogro servant) will
ie al , ie to get as - l:i,g a ono . for our
('.inert ?" •
"Even ii he should," said the little
2m sure I could net
at it ail by myself, but I may give
'Tv' of it to some poor little fieggar
C . :ilfirof. may I not
t',ntalnly von may, my dear, and
we will tell pa down the
witibi‘v" exclaimed Miss' Vernon;
interrupting herself, for her
wllite the was • 'meting :these
ttords. had piact d bet se:f quickly
Lpon a chair, raised the
tretriii hut- t' What!
( I (l) . it tin rate added, as -a
immediately obeying her,apratigl
from her, seat and was•abutit to leave.i
14 room, • •
" Oh, num," replied the child, "there
I; a p,„, r boy on our•:.4oop, and L:want
tLII hint to come to : mei:l,w and get
tui i,e)• for.bis dinner.". . .
"jaci)h," said. her, aura to the.nld.
c' rcu man,..wliu_ .ep.teres.Lthe apart
at this mumult,.l"jnst,
!treet door, and sec abut that little
child, that *Mice r wants Ito
;IriTt• her turke.'with."
May I not .go too, aunt I" inquited
"Tett may jut go `to ;the do4,lif
}on want to, 'hut c o not. e ou
is th e rain, Jacob,' sditl
t urning to the old man.
" Oh, no, 1 1 1iiirsig;-1. - will not let . my
tosebud get The leti6t bk•
replied, as Alice;r:cla:Ting,. one of
ilic.large black: hanils' with , het small,'
delicate tinge'rii.drevjitini:imliatieutit
fro m t h e Tee th: • -: •
" 17 ;5u:litiVe" inet. 'very" big '!utt. ,-
haven't you, unclo' , Jatbbßu
- -----,--•••••+,••++
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etiquired,whea they reached ' . the hail
. ) , es,-I(llss:,4l.lipe," hp replie.d,,
" but you' wOli:t.,he eat all of
vOurself.". . •
"I knoW,tliat;' h . .ut'Aeri there ,
:be:iniwe'fOr 7 qtbers ; and even as big
turkey,7 she cciutintted,'' as Mr. Cole's
,wnuldii!t'. feed • all the little beggar:,
.The o4l.nian the tear
,wifich . .had : been ,glitenin s g : his,eye;
rolled . thirin his•.'ark face, and as he
giied upon the fait. little form. by
.whe,"se — C;fieeks were rosy. With
health and 'youth, and whose bright .
eyes, clanCed-With.pleauree thought.
' thi's" Lis little flower Was Abe loveliest
I that ever -blonined. • . ,
,now opened the street door,
and there seated upon the, cold marble
steps was.a t,0 . y.. of about ten years
age.- His .cro - thes were. vety thin, And
covered with,
.reany darnsT heShad . no
cap upon his head,., and_ • hair,
which was dtiPping yet, hungdoWn
over his.face, as he. rested . his .664
upon_his hand.
" Irittle boy, little boy," atclaimed.
.Alice i T, as Jacoh, leaving her at.the,top:
of tree. stairs, :went" "down . to the child
and touched him upon the arm,
deavored, to, arouse hint. The boy
looked up. There at his side was a
strange negro; .telling him that his .
young mist res . wanted him, and Point
ing towards the house. Mechanically
the child arose, hastened .tip the steps,
and soon stood, in the doorway. before,
" Come in, come in;" she exclaim - ca,
taking him
.. by the hand; and "ende,ii•- .
ming. to draw him in the hall. liut - he
drew hastily back, Muisaid, while he
brushed the hair Tr • Oin off his face—
" Thank you*, As, but I Must go
home to my mother."
Where does. your mother life ?"
enquired Jacob, caking an earnest
glance at the boy.
- .
Chi the . corner of Charles and
Smith streets," replied the little fellov
"Chat hare yon . been' doing ' all
day ?" asked Alice.
" I loft home early this morning,"
he replied in trembling tones, " to try
to get some work to do, so that I could
make a little money, and. then my
mother would have something to eat;
but," he continued, bursting into tears,
" I have not made a cent, and now she
must starve.. I was just thinking that
I would beg," he• exclaimed, passion
atel.l, hastily wiping his eyes. The
tears were now rolling down Alice's
face, which the little fellow observing,
took her baud affectionately in his, itud•
begged her not to cry.for him.
" No," said -Alice, " I won't cry. I
will do something better than that;
and you won't beg, will you ?" .•she
enquired, • the color deepening upon
her cheek; but. you will come and
aFk me for everything that i your mother
wants ?" ••
The boy.smiled, looked earnestly at
her, and seemed as if almost about to
say,." Yes." . .
Uncle Jacob," continued. Alice,
gayly, has bought me a piee s , oig
turkey,for my Christmas dipner„and.
I invite ! yon tp dine :with : me,,
row. If -Yin' are anything ,of :a gen 7;
4man," she radded, laughing,. you.,
cettainly.will net refuse such aiadr
like request." As she, uttered. these
last words,.she placed her hand in her
pocket, nnd a gold 1,11ar„
gave it to the astonished child, saying,
" Take that,. and, buy your mother:
some supper,"
At.the sound of the word mother, he
started, threw himself on: his• knees
before Alice, and pressing- her little
hands to his. while- the tears
again streamed forth, exclaimed-,-'
" Thank you! , thank- you ! .Oh,: you
have made Me so .happy! Audi.
come to-morrow and dine-With you-, if
mother trill.' let me.". Then :rising:
, t hastily, ho• Tau down - the:steps, and
before Jaeoli,,:who Eecnied about to.
address Mtn, could utter a bi nglomcirtk
he was outor sight.: --The negrolooked
up the street, ruhhed Ids wooley head,
and murmured—" It is strange, very
strange !--But, the - -limy - was 4o like
Massa Charles Horiard,- zuust-,speak
to, Massa ~ Yernott ,wheu. : be ;conies
home. 2 ! : • ; •, -,•,, , :
une . Uf upper-rooms of.a.poe4'
miserable looking ; dwelling { : is seated:
by a table, on which ‘stande-at.lovr,
flickering light, tall, :slefider woman,
heading • earnestly .
Thu ap a ruueu t is, damp i tied gold,loF,
one: the•• paces:
broken; and the and -_raie . ,bave ,
Irac admittauce.there.-,! "11;.is strauge,
Charles 'aloes net; • Tettign ;slte-,mur n .
murw'risu4 and looking.aexiee44Ret.
flt,ct the tareet. ate:, , afraid.s.olueu
thing•bati • happened: to ;him;
she : added., clappiug . her ,113.4d4„pmfl
raising eyes! towards r dails;
cleticly`..skyy ~cold rain. fun
upon Tier: pale fats.::: ":F#eyu,:uli , klPl:4)
relieyetht,l;te . ,father,lepe:ana the.w,iduly!i
iluire Ja. -. qvick step..-upon.
1" EVOTED flierTHE TRtNCIi ) £13f06 RA Cl", AN • DiiS4'.IIINXiIoNVF" ;UTE
, cotrDtitOonTr''Porrtt: cativrirr j I.Srt , R."V IS" •
• :•:.
the .. The ,methe'r.'.o cans has
caught the—sound ;: she turns irtickli7,
closes the windevi,:andt
instant the "door , ofilie roonris tlirriivn
opetii:aud,thq P9 0 11?°Y. , ./ o *.Nybot4
littleAliceJm been *so kind,, enters.,
His arms e Sin all'
bundles ha:s tetirrneif - benne'
loaded With.: go - ird things.: He ':nriens
the packages.-eagerly beforo: : bis ,Eas
tonishe.d. mother s eyes. - :One._coutains{,
a, nice tender :
,sicak,,ariothe'i: - seine
fresh" bnifer,'''atmiherl - a' loaf 'Cif ;hot'
bread; and - another a few candleii• then
he -places: in lier. •Bead about. three'
. in-,change, and . completely ;
overcome, , bursts
~into tears.. • The .
mother gazes anxiously
,at' her or.:
HOw, she:Thinks, can lie hiive'coniell,"
so much-money 7 mid his •teart—he;
whom she would .sofull., busted,,
surely cannot have been led, p,erhaps.
for her sake, to commit theft. -
- ""'Chaiiie 1" She exclaims, SOnieWhlt '
sternly, - " - hoW ebttimßl
these ;things 7" : i .•
The 'boy- taised,his eyes, clooltecl
earnestly in her face, and said, "Dear,
mother, you •do not think - I''WOUld
steal 1".
• " I cotild•hardly
she replied, with I( trembling yoke,
as she.drewhim affectionately towards
her.. • . •
And F. did not beg o either; mother,".
he said; in' a:few moments; raising, his ,
'fluShed cheek lder on
which it 1-uld• rested, f!: ht'it. I. bought :
all this with sommoner_ that was
giv.en me:by.a betutticul,little.girl, and
She asked me to eimie - -andeat dinner
with her- to-morrow, and. I may •go,
can't 11" • . „
see; nip bis
.niother. • • • • •" • •
:He then' related to 'her, word for
word, all that .had happened:to.him.
And yvhen he told her that the little,
girl called the negr6 t . ncie Saceb, his
mOther . . Started;
. ;_4iglied deeply,
inquired particularly about the Old.
man's appearance. . .
,We will now leave these two happy. their unexpected supper,
and return to the dw,'elling of Colonel
Vernon. .
The fire in. the sitting 17001 p :IS burn-.
ing brightly, Ilid the large globe lamp .
on the - centre .table . - Sheds a*brilliant
light throughout the' apartment. . Tea
is nearly-reads, and , INfiss Mary Ver-:,
non, the COlonel's.Maiden. sister, has:
now laid aside her, knitting, and is as,.:
sitting. Jacob's wifelitt arranging. flie d
table: The (2010ne1,.a tall; fine-looking''
yinittir, man,' of' about thirty' years of
ageits seated in it large: easy :chair,:
reading: the newspapers,
"Ph, dear, papa, have you come.
bottle ?" exclaimed Alice,:ruShing into
the" . .room, and :sPringing into her
father's- lap,- - she: clasped het arms
affectionately- around: his neck, while -
he drew her towards hint, and pressed
kiss after liissuplM . her.resY lips, .. ,
Why; x'aere•lias rnylittle daughter .
been, that she did . noCknow'''When•
, papa came inj, ',Youwere not gat the
I. window watching for nte.". ,
.• ,
! " Ali, please lihin't: Mind;" site sand,
enti.6atingly, as she placed her'littlC
I half& . Upon. his - cheeks, 'and-looking
him ;full in the fade; added—'!l jus.t.
went:down stairs•to : get: Uncle Jacob
to show me the
.turkey that he bad
13;ni , hf for me, and. to tell You, aunt
1, - c;nisa.' she' - emitinued, turning 'to
wards the regress;- " tO :put•:another
plate on the table to,lnoutow, furl am
goingtohave company to dinner." .
.As the child uttered' these words,
' het father loOked at her in iisto.fioi
f nientiand the old' ciilored WOman Ox
! claimedL-" yhy, , . 1.. or lilesom; .who
are you goinvo invite - 1." ~, .. - ,
‘‘ have already ' invited niy.coin
ia4.' It is only a poorlittle
Flci futhei' said-:—“ At
any rate, we will-send your little boy
surne,,dintzer,", Thcat turning cowards
the t?egre,ss,,lie AUttt
idill ateenViO'it." . '
" No; papa, no; h6•i§ . :eiifoirit here
o-clitte,!! ,e:sclaimed qtl4t4
cited. ,Before,her fathe - r .Fo%tl4.,r;eniy,,
however, Jacokentered the apartmeut,
htct.iP 1)an4., : a.,ti43:rP(13/g§AO to §11134.11.'
few, mommite ahmo : .l3,;il4l,l4s.,mante,r.
Get the cartiageimmediaiely.;
cab; at:asp:4i can driverne,"! eizclaimed;
the: Coloael, ente - rinsi!the reom - ,aftet 4 .a .
fervtaomentsAtad:'elapsed, his iwhole
milliner'. bearing the Mark:v.lA ;great:
The horses are already before-the:
Carriage, ma .- ssa.j—Lionk—the liberty of
) I Prngs=ill'ther/ MfPi94 nc•+e 4 9 ,Y0u •
-.4/Wh . at. thd.rxiaiteil IYounld
Vernon; . T igrip in g• r..lier •
lirtither - anxibusly the arrii,
. . .
118: . q.affe Fo' b i g:6
hiAT '6:14 I . exitlirt tittiV je .
ifit'it ta; W . - et bfe•dif•
thel tiracklik otti'l'llettesi§tirill,ll' - " A1-..' , ".
.to beaveri itiVef-tetti-1
itifprayei thrail.yOft lio •iel , toOd
to' 1164
. rhight:be titiSWetedi and hliet'l'
. t.b' niy' h'c apt! 7- 1 '
At 41i0e!tv'vords iitrned'
pale 'fts`: death, while;- , her: lips , Inttr:
nitrreclLL , l y :itinay'at
and the two old. cOlored'serNhints,.*ho
lad :beett: -born, married; and wiltdd
die, they said, in the Vernon
steed near, : their—bands-joined and
their eves rair3edlti;Waril§hea.ten.
. .
' Where ate ) - c,u. going, .papa I', ex
clalmed Alice, as her 'lather,-having
ha's'tily 'dri.i•iii 'on his "ove . rceilt, N , " as
prepai leg lii. le`a•e't.lle' apaninerit. ' • ' ..
am going, my- little: one;
t,toopik;g down, and kissing her,,
to. hi ing • 3. 1 (.9 Rerhaps, a little
boy to din:- Ivith yOu
b 6.Outi let . :laimed the
child,• thero wil LL enotigh for
both boye-.7. .; • .
won't, promise : lll's ,ypu cap
have more
hatid•imlihtiently a«-aylanfi liiiuted he
little lip, won't eat, chimer with you
little-boy, you.won't , at.dinuer with
mine.' ' , .
The: widox , acid hei''ion'lidre' flit
ished suriper . ;• and she
is .1 trying-. tii persuade 'himEr- -to
tire to his; bed, foile hoi dust be
fatigued, she_i-says,.] after 'bting ou
all day; bin ho .plead i s so hird, that
lie is not 'very tired,-.arid. ,would just
like to.-sit a little..while; to enjoy
the Dice fire; which ; he !has heel] help
ing.her to .build, that cubnot re
fitse him. , • Anclthefelli!e:titm sit. He,
on :asloW stool .at.her :reet, his: . hea, ,\up(M ;her lap,lWhilii he 'holds-,
one of herthin,White bands in his,.and
thinks. how .he will
. worik. lbr her, and
she shall. never - sew. again.. Then die
looks •at; the , broken: - pane of : glass, i
through which the - wind Lind •rain - ,en-1
ter, and he almost think that itcannotl
, be very cold out, fir he does-,not feel
, the: air much, 'but he .gaZeS toWard :the
1 warm:fire, ;',and thou knows whyl he'
does not feel the c01d... (Still gazing at
tlie . • bright coals; so ,1101: of pictured•
images,- he 'Tails !asleep,' dreaming
bright,happy dreaMs. Sleep on peace=
fully, sweet 'bey, mid may you awake
not till they can ho realized: '• .. [ •
And the Mother, as , lhe sits thered.
sends her thoughts back to. the fit . r.
l past. - She. dreams that she iss - again a..
happy child, , roaming:the woods:of her ,
rfathelr's Condtry-seat foil, wild flowers,'
aceeMpanied by her 1 darling. ' twin
brother; Who was ever bet. , cOmpaniqn
add protector •in all; '.her- , rambles..
I; They have .gathered. their ltasket.full,.,
anti they now' are Seated by the side'
of a ripplinir. brook, while atwinimf in I
her golden locks , the .most :beautiful:
bud; he kisses her and tells ':her IoW
he loves her:... Again, the -cold waters
rush Oyerber; the ,leas' fallen,in. cii-_
de.avoring to reach a beautiful,. flower
on the edge''of'lle•bank; into yonder
dark' •strearri:lut - when just sinkitigi
she - nrm around ber, it•bears
her riprsher: is . saVed; and While .al triost
fainting'.. •eanied lip to the opposite'
bank.; .Then A whenshelad recovered,.:
both ran gifickly- horne,lthat . she• may
not take eoldoget in by theback deer,
and she,is semi iniier:,own little bed,
room. where:aunt r ;
Lauisa,:he - nurse
is immediately sent by ier brother to
her: assistance. Then, while the. good.
' colored woman rubs her till .she ii. in;
a :perfect glow, and dre4ses her in• dry
clothes, 'she plaees.her little fathands
1 against those ebony-cheeks, and kissing
them again and ..again, , makes .her
promise'that:she will not: let 'l•other
Detudth and her; go to. gather flowers
ever again..,, - . --:'• . , ,-; , '• •, :i." .
Her thoughts 'come dOwn ;to later
Years: r It ts.a.'cold--Deeeniber.night';
and the WikLwitids. are raging -around.
her; father',,i mansion c hiut ; there is one
whosfearsnot ' the, storm; and he ,has
conic) to claiin her for his.bride: There:
is 'a liOrSernaa;•bell . eiliii , th e _wr i o,„,t,....
he, SoUnds •telond:'Whistle; rwhich - z she
bear.l far- 'abtive. thef.:_teitipest,.and -si
lently, yet: sadly, itrthe dark nightiishe,
leavesher.stero:father!a dwelliugiAMl
becomes tile wife of Charles Howard.
'Two years — breit' - irane - d. llsa iir.
she; •bends•-ovd f-her - loreil ., liuskind's
Ocklied. tTbnt; ten iltle.sottthornfeSter;' l
which •PanYf;Jla§
,can sae
ybilti left globe' iii this
cold world. '1 She; h o - fi eti; sine.;:hpr
marriage, written home to her father,
lint hit idetteiv_ have' Aiwa b fe
tnrnedl ) I .1-; , '•
rociiitt plaeo;iind: 3;3 , 14:1a5h ; resetureei:
has resolvecr'tertomiii.litil Vaienrgiiqwd
lwr§cl.f.,qll:l4o.r... , kitege,,beffire, d
ilnp~ul'.C•hi}l}.ntj east to ti ur;dcr Lis,
vroteefionter sou; ter miry cLihl. • •
, . st- • 41.
It ,is a,b e e fivly
, The'
1 `110 1. 11g.i':
'bed, an d ; :ifii 'o 0'47 4o' ad
mit_the cooling, brf.eze,....l 7 l)4„§ili.P
riqld; his youn't c
ratisr'S parched lips.- , rfrhe
dying matt-gtters,
all bend, eagerly 49tw0r51 7 ,•„.P . e, his l
last words,forgixepess , •• ,
There is 'a 010 - faCe gazing. in the
open - Wirah - NV at the'icene - tetbre' heir;
but they het" not:o.Noric. listen!
more eagerly .than . sbe on • bearing : her.
,pronounce,,. her
words are; fAtice, I have ,
her let her panic
, bletfed
cope memories !' ; These sounds enter
her. brain, she feels as if she:would -, go.l
.mad,,and eta:Tit - I . oler, child,tightly tni
her . heart, she turps ay.rand hurries;
do*n wilich.tig i).4th toliitii'd:; - a deep
stream." On tbe•barcic - slikatids - nS if
in: 'the' act.! of :sPritigibgi but mow.,
thoughts come over liertot her brother
Who ,saved her from those very water,
and'sinling'On tier lineesfslid:prdvs—,i
she acfinewteilde's her own - titterw'eak.;
'and - implores fur - - strength frain}
above to support - her'dnder her trials.
4 -*' 4 The v,i(l6 - w" - star6.
The fire - bag burned - low; so tbar . it '
sends but an*unertain light thrhugh
ont the apartinenr, her, s!on'S bead
stillre . 4S in ileepupon'.her wit, tvhilc
she has• been passing,
again through those Beetles of her sad
" •
The (Mot-, Of the aparpment, opens,
a hand is laid 'gently ori s ,hei . arin,• and
• ad 'old, familiar v4;ice whi
4i, eils in her
ear, SisterAli6e l' • She: and
1 is cl&spedin bet...hit - Aber 'Donald's
arm's, while old Yaeob - • thieW
at' her - , 'ane. ; Pressing - her hand
his lips, sheds 'tears of
Christrnas . day has cope, snd happy
I.isithe'party . asembled around Colonel
Vernon's: Well !filled Ward. :Little
' Alice's Wonderfully` bigturkey;lcioins
on' the taller and Abe is, very
• well satisfied to share with the little
:boy papa h'ad hrou'glithoine:'
Before partaking of the
they bend their' heads, - while the
-Colonel thanks' the Gi's'er of all Good
for the Many bles. l sings he las shown
tbe.ip, add with heart-felt gratitude all
"The soldier of 'the Cross may fire
as Many blatik cartridges as liepleaes','
:with peter: co loud stnniming
report; r --may 6-en Shot the 'guns, pro
-alWays- be -fires at sonic pine
board with a 'painted 'it
• But let 'the shetted guns'.plity 'stitfigimi
:into some strong
. _citadel of 'sin, sinrie
gigantie - ' Wickedness 'fortified in The
. high places of pi - siver,-let smite dike
Indian•be hii,'and it is marVelou..: how
• soon there' is a -revival . of relig i on :in
Congress, and hoW' painfully devotit
our partyienrualS stmiddenly'lecOmb2 7 .
Wittily said, and with a truth and'
justice that gives:to irony its keenest'
point. 'f'o,4•ead: the . spe6ches of-some
of ciar public Men,' or the editorials - of
certain 'of atm partisan new4!apers,
• - tilmosr•lieiled to - think that
the sdutiesiimpd' of-the:
ministry' Vkiere but qmpeafectly : under-'
• stodd b • V'tlie_occimpants Of our pidpits,
• mid that . the -very then of all • othets: to
instruct • them thereiii, - are !political
1. gambler,'' - dernagogues,spoilsmen, and
oflice:•:seeltirs - generally. -' Strange,'
that their •disinterested, advice is not
more geberally•lmeeded by„,tbe partie
' for whern:. it ' is' designed! •The;:e
teachers of •ministry have a- pro
found reverence.' for - the fro - Frei, and
are greatly' xercised in ;behalf' of its
purity and integrity. !ESpecially aro
they apprehensive that it will in some
Ovay - be corrupted by the application
of 'its . .-principles. to time - .every day
busitiesS • !of !the t ;world around thern. -
They ilfslike anything' fromthe - pulpit
tliat lookiflike rebuke...of. the. sins
~,, i, h ich'tliefte - inclined! to,'? though
eery tolerant of any" minima - - of 'alp.,
sttictioniSM -upotti tit& subject 'of nirr
in•getierariliat thti!preacher:choesci
to indnige: They never '• - object•• to ,
el'oq'uent'; invectives: against the oid
•'bur • a mord':
hinting' those . !who; • Rd-day; • "di-wont'
widavi'S - houses,; and !for . :aiprctenSe
nuke leng, prayerS,'? ivilt be sure , t.o! 1
call down, KAM the offending Preneher.
the:inci - St.:'emp'hatie - objurgationsi: and
lte i mky - d~em=hiiitself a • fatting:6 - Man 1 ,
if•he 'doe4tiot;:heii...omitiolis :Lints: of
a ted cti On of •sal tfq, or his didm iss al , •
the: p at4Slit , % .
toletintrof the utterance vf
will;! Of !!Conitt; Ity:•!;vc:•alin;:
practical repudiation, from eveiyTerni•-iworthy, Vt•oceußY• •140 Pit , Ar
linStauty traerapprPii.PntilPP et a tiff tat.,,isi
involved: ia, fai tit litl - ,prvile4iligg.i44
goSpel, If ake 0r.t4.e.0;q447:
ian: r.eligina t(
. 1•1113 bur iuestit 0E
day coniluM , .twf wttil;Etsi tqAheir ; ibeli.o4
and'::qmMiconsi Aiken AO' qwri. l
excellent they may lie ror,the r next ;$.
i .., _ ~.
8 . „j .7.-
ities, and enter intrizthe..2.eYorydlyb
transactions_alife r —tlieir--
PiicAtiottYtckArhatefisi inteieEtal(Cr
I ?PcmPPli,:hq , ,Pri l 4gbet; ol, ;
int per ive'ilati,:Piljns - iu s AYl?ic: ll ,t, 4 0 1
fails to - preach
There_ is ini - dOnialu (Ali a mail .ittper
at-, 'or (if that
priaciples do Ina' reach: They ar'e
be.applied to. the , designs and
rrf'.pry tied and of gpvernment%t:yell
a 6 to the purprie and conduct of the
individual man. If the rum seller
pursues a traffic' rraught deadli
est evil to fellrisvmeii; the 'inieister
of the nfit• • litl'ep • back
God' . B;tgoilnony.,eguinst fie terrible .a
tyroff,;.--" W - o,unto him that .putterlt,
tiictioit`le't6 his neighbor's
the civil power cam: firms. the v;-'cor:::,
he may not
of Hai-en agalfittillose
unlighteOui, , detireelit: 't ' lf Priitiiiirii
league togethei: to sustain !it, thatifal
lii4obtig4on to fintai_
out in cplulginnation, of_ It,
faithful rebuke a all are iinlilt
catedqn its perpetration:
Yet:if he does thio, be iS zcrit.s,M
"preaching:_ :Vpry.
such accusatmujs a. c.e.i4ilicao ofLi
faithfulness as a miniqer of tl: c
The man who dries not i+ol
- in a-country . likg , 'ours; where .
all the machinery 'of 6.61 gnvernrernt ,,- .
and: all, the 'responsibility of enactirq . .
aud'executing law aye cipvolvpd upouy - ,
the peOple, lioulil uever . e . tatcr put : -
pit; not—deliulelimi
iielf . thr."141, - ja"
that be is qualified. td lead ucPir
struct his fellow-rden—for either the
'intelligence that aptirelieiiiii: clot;-, orthe'faithfuluess thlat; tlkuliarg ! !s It •
in the . serene confidence that .;od
take care of Itlie-ConEequences . ,
his case; wanting: 13uf perhaps'scinfi':
one wiltask, " you mean
`the phrase !preaching polities f'",,-;1'
'Exactly what those nimistcrs . of the., •
gospel mean by it, whe are accused
of doing so—Viz : 11{c . jiiitZfal a l'J j qi
c«tiim of Bildt. 'privciplc's• to all' Oar •
political actiiiiti6. r.lfa :nitd, :in his
business transactions -with .bis. fellow, 1,
where only comparatively
trilling iii
terests are iiiyelved; erecting none,:
but the partiesi-minediately crincerned; -
is hound to' obey •the Moral :
obligation to do so.caneertainly,
leps, in matters that inrebre ! the,
lic interest,'and.have a most import i , .
ant hearing upon the'pliblic 'morality.
Law educates ' the- Teeple' :into just
',that kind of morillity:which • it:reprc—'
scuts. If it sanctions : a wicked traffic>
that debas'es and :demoralizes men
'it • educates Whole communities into ..
false inoriilities if itCendeinns the
wrong and -sustains the right,' - '11:0•""
'"lieComing a terror to eiil-deers.-aial;
' rai:e to them that do
- of •
"a minister, God ,for good." )to•••,-, ;;
absurd, 'then, the idea that the
' , has nothing to_ do with the morals or
politicsor-that the minister •of ;the •
gospel departs from the line of
.dory - :
'when he claims that God's • jurisdictitlal
extends evcr the ballot:box, and that
rotes are'iicts; and'as Snell tire to' bit
• test6d "..hyrtheHtinc•liangring
of morality! '. Tci ranipt •ri tother tcryi.
riiin,,or to plunge hini : into
of,infaniy, • through the operatio , i' of
law, is .no le:fs a crime a , ..-,rainst Clod ry
and hunianity',-tlian the '1
without the sanction of the . State;.:.
upon • one's imlividual rebtionsihility.
The-principles 'which should
all our actions, public or privatti; are
proper subJeCt. for pulp it'disc ession
as are the moral qualifictitions of
lersi. and .the moral character of laws.
; The fact • that: thelli'e is. not -Pent -
upon these topics, but contains spe
cific instiuetiiins' refcrenco
thern;isd6inonstration -that •:
they come within the provinee - of :the
pulpit. .•„. ...r ;.
tit e areglad'tliat - we can ai1 ( 1,,t,1 4 t
humb'eils; it not .tlionstrids', - i f if clei
mei) ' ' thlS State gas's air^ct!ca(l';
coniniittdd=tlieroAelves to :thislratiouli
• and. Scriptural . Oetv,of the subjcvt,,...4y.:-
• a faitl)M
of,Cliirstiantty to, ,the laws lice;ln'lrlg,.i
the . liVuor traffii.!':' :In another pertitin,
of.our Papel'Weli6•e' c ,r , ii . etrn speciineff'
of-what-we Understand hp!' preaehi eg
41:ex;PActei. fr1. 3111 .:134V!,Tir! I
Cheeyer's Temperance
presiline that not less than a'tl:ou and
niniilar alt6ranes
therptilpits :during;';tho'
• pendeney.p:ofe.our. 4 .-recent...i•lectioneit-,kr.
\Vho will, venture to afilrin .that uclp.
teachnigs, are
,not,,Scriptural,.pr. that
alits.medinarvv.busitess•-transaetionst ,
bO.ll - IRII .
ri:i :h : ; •••)
e• - nt
• lne ikiOnnons ai.c . aliouf to. establisn their'
churches and colon'es in thc.priniipal;:cliesi
oldie Union. --AllLainpecultar customs, Of
'N'geittenviii`asiteti'd effir`Mtiojt'il'hoWouit'
Ake , *'.pinch. uFulnuffP) N&; f: retplied
Markey, very respectfully, "me tank. you.
iPomp's nose not hungry:"
` T
I4R( 1
TA:.I .L r:J
1:4-1,7.42:1:“.::iou ,
i t_,r ;f~Sll'r
• sar,,,,ftx.r.
, M