From the \Veils-born Agitator. • GOOD AND BAD 10:11I011..• i TEE NATIONAL RA. • . . Coudersport Academy. • . I THE LECTURES. . I pet crsioirg ( Va.) int,,,/i/,lrenecr, - .. There is no disposition, more Corn- : T 1 s - TIIIO3IAS STEIIVAIRDSON Jr.. .‘'ool - :2.1. contains the folloiying : The second the proposed -course - WASIIING TON, D. C. 1 T if E fill term of Ibis histitution will cola- 1 ot- .4- , I 1 . : -.rnpli : Os Lectures before the Institute, was Portable to .the person himself, or\ more I inence on Wedne:iday, October ....), 1,...,4, . G. BAILEY. T.111 . T011 AND P11019:11'.14, ' and continue ele'im l week'- attorlig.v at IL atu , . , . . • . i , • o'ft'en by l.r. C. L. Burleigh, on the agi:eeable to others, than good humor. . N. E. corner Oh and N% aloof-streets, `' - e- - 0 e 1' 1 '" :, l'aragrall l i - . • of , ~ i , J. G. WIIITTIER,CORIII. , I.ONDING ,'.1.11T011.. - -Telly's. - ~nr excli •11 ,, , , , o 4 -li - I isle: that that , evening use oth instant, at the Court It is to the 111/11t1 what good health is Elementary branelses--.-oriliograptiv, ' 741 41 I'LIILIDELPIIIi. to the body, putting - a mats in a cispac- The Ntztinnal Era is an uncom '" 1 •.• G ' )'' '.l ' -krill 1 o"ie PI "" 1 . ' $ 1 •Oil „,.. ,„,,_„, „1 . s , ~ :, oho goe• under House, and, we are happy to. sav, to prptntsing .y , ° rap . i). , . I 11, • , t)sio.oc, , ... --- - 11 , . of Ile , t. , I 1•10 - of Beecher, ; • T he lecturer hail _ its' of enjoying all that is agreeable in C. W. EL-LIS, orivonent a Slave! j• and the Slave !power; Iligher Antlinutic, Pint 11.,P,i,51111, in . .._,. , a laresat audience. ••ti a -inn ,t• ii..• itij mon h Chlirell. life, tuid if ' ces ' itsg every faculty with- an advocate or perstinal, civil, and rleligious Algebra, and English Gratimier 350 Mttorutp at Rain, ii , s us s_ -„,, . i, ~,.;,, .. -,„, ,„ ;1 „-. j„„ died his subject iii his usual able man- (:betty, widiont regard to race or creell; a fi t e Higher English branches. PhilosoOly, x ! . .- , :, . aii , l :ee'r bed :, 'I/ ..he \N rail' of ner, and to the, profit of all -N hoare out rhos* or Impediment. It disposes to all - secret comhiTstitions to con:rol tlie Bal. Astronomy, Aigeb...,, ,:,, c.. r", 00 evader:Tort, Pa. ~ 2 4 .,‘ . tliti- pooled .00 upon the heads willing to accept truth i n ~ha tex. e r to contentment with our 10t i , ,, t 1 to beret - - lo:-Box, whedier under the dir.en l tion of Higher :11athentaiies :I die I.:ol"uages, 14.00 - .. KNOX, tf ...i,„„„„, , e e r ell int- for •opporting the rruke and 1, ..1 . 1 knee 1.0 ail nien, to syns - •tl priests or laymen; a" friend or Tetooemoce, hp-ruction on the Forte. extra,...10.00 Jan. 19. 1 g;11 . . Iv t y ii norn -, ot:ver presentee. • the distressed. It presents every ols- the Ifonses,ead. and all reforms caltMla , ed to Use of instrnment ;1.00 ... 1 .•:, a •,•telinent, and left the ;We liaVe heard it 01,:',"cted to IP.- one• , / ject in the most favorable light, and secure to Labor it; just essnsidCranbn, rev- - Vocal nun free,of charge. Rttoritrv - at ?Lain, „.,,,„,,, 1„,,,,,, ~,,,,,,-. ~ mu,: mil) Ivy e or tivo enlv, wuirl', wtt i 1 is are unnec- ' ompeike. and poli•ical weight, and tdi 'frith., : :-.,,,-; Either higher class of studies will in , „ p 1 "1. dispost,s its to avoid giving' or taking (tousiersrort.ya. AN 111 reg ilail) attend the 11. l • ..1 . )1 , !di ~,• 1 1 a Zan...! Of (I" ids es-arilv seissitiye. It was f• 11 f • its - Natinad Freedom, in virme of whitili ec'ery chide ally "r all the Icoer "htte'e s • . -. . ~ (mints in rout r Co e,ly. . . a.401f :eh ,0,1 , 01-"er ii loon ai -halm • , ~, I, ~,.., ~,,;;;.„,,,t, 1 . , „nod arffie,d Ist; 1 u human natnre, \\islets the lee- ' o!rence• Tlisre is a disposttion oppo- tnan has a right to buy and sell in othateyer , The subscriber take , this occasion to ex turer thought capalde of a much better site to gotol husnor, Will e l .l NV c call bad manes he pleases. It be \ieve , ill the right press his ,lianks'to the people of Potter and :A. P. CONE, 1 ,„,•;„ d :sito the middle of the of indiv,dual jutbnitent imall 'meters, 'Ylte.lier of ollit'T sections Mr their liberal support - ppluxtintitiun to the Divine than it • . ~ humor, of winch the tendency - is ("4- of retigitin or poii•ics, and re; eets t t ie ) t d ogma during ,he past year, and to assure them that attol t ii c i) at - ?L a ku., , ill r,“tilar rectly contrary, and therefore it is of Pas - live - "Iled.ellee and , 11011-re'istflilee ill lle Pam , will he spared in the 'future th.ii inay Wel' o bormi.,ll. Tioga comity. Pa. ~, , ~,, L : , ,••;,t'Let should lie pre_ ha , vet tittainea. It hail for its basis both Church and -7 4 i:111`; holding C o n limo !nail .ly altelid th • t• cent Is" of I'mli•t;coutitv. - ,i . ~ ,• Viy ;1 H i:. steill litivt! 'he LON" Isl . l"i'o ,, reilni- a law which malignant as that of the other is sale- be ref to 131,,ke ilti• school an imeinition who swears to sumo''' . the ConsYi i tnion of worthy of the cif contidenee and support • June :3, IS.I .1. • • ' ' :e. :to , / Lee Mud, lIIs COlno t.,, be .pretty generally ac- tare. Bad humor alone is :,ullicient the, United ::-itate: m u t d e lib e rately y i piate hi, of tilt who :t •011101 11111:011.!11•Zil 8, %%VII ' __ . ._ - - --- ;.; ~•• ~ t . oll'Ir . : • I liLWAVli.. ll ged I/V illti.`lligerit men in all to make a man unhappy ;it 'tinges Oven Seidel ctinVielitutt Of it: me - anidg v , , Oh- as a Ilt"rmigh mathematical turd cl as s ical ' du- ' LAND AGENCY. • • , „,.„ j„.r nuts part- lir tile CiNiliZed WOrld. L every object \\nth it 4 own sli,4intil color, opt incurrin . g the "tilt of perjury, alld ,II:II 110 1,11101/. . ' 'rili I E iityl, t• !.eed has site J, t , eit entrusted : • J. BI.t.mMINGDALE. Principal. !lit* citizen can obey a human enacttnedt which - and like a juirt that is galled, is hurt _ te.1,1 L., (-se ,d.. sce, tal I 1.1• , ,.. tracts a , ~,,,.. ~ ,i,,, ..,. ...I.,„ii 1,,. , cool rary to the predictions of the everything, that touches it. It r i, e i t i t n t i t ( i ) r r e a l ity lsins to coninist injustice, 1 wii.hout .The undersigned Officers and Trost ees or i„„,1 in ii ,;,. ‘ ,„,„, ba , , „,.„ 1 :. 1• ~• If a „,H „„,.;, „ „,,- ii.„ to th e . fisisit-lieatted. the lectures have paid l'Y I L 'llle Collller - Tor , ,Acatfeitiv are muted bra :., , , , , , ,, . , ,i , , i , y17 „: ,,, , i , , ;, , , , , ‘ ,, [ifi i ii ',.. ii ,t i ,, ,,, ,",,, , i .., 1i , : , , ,, , i , , , i i . • „ , ,,, j , , i , 1, :,:,:,,:,:. , , ,i 1 t ,.,.,. , , , ,, , 1 , E er : takes ofd( ice ivh'ere none iVas meant, it 11,. ~ •, t . ,ty,r sustiow•ru- tlieir teen - •sts far; and there is encour-regards Slavery, and the is,uie, i n volt ot i sense of olliend aid per•oind duty, to call ilte ;„.,•,, until h e agettletil in the fact, that the receipts aril disposes to discontent, jeitlotisy, in it, as fintning the great Potitical Queslion -atten ion Of llie - pitime, and of the people of attic d a y; ta k ing ; h e groun d, ' b at 1,..,1,,,-,-, 0111" conmy .in par.icular. to t tlie rising ,11,1 . t i l i o ; ‘ ,.. - 1 1 , 0 ,, i i , 1, 1::tis ti s ,i , , , t; this mttnie that 1. 11 . - r,, A ),„ 1 - A l N ,e x e . e. envy, and tit general to malevolence. , ~• . ......noloth to gilt( oldie second lecture exceeded those from its necessi,ies, ins.incts and Inibits, is useful character rlo , iti:ootoon of !earning. , _ - ~ 1„,,,,,,. trill , I i of the lit by a handsome • sntn. We , perpetually an:a , onistie to . Ereedoin and • \\loll iVc HIS red th,pre , eto w.q.tliv Trott( 1 M. R. GAGE, M. D., : 1,1,11 .-11,01 Lace ;d1 along bellie‘ . ed that this cunt- lits submits to be seen through a Free Uthor. and 'lnch:ire:ably ag r ires;i) e..; Pal t" the tort he "emil"e`•"" I'm" th e Aead that ii• workings can he eounteractedl only by eillY del're"ed and deuai'M'g". • NVe s tilmthled P.1:,',.,':',',.'„', 1 ,-;,5,„,, -. .'„:`,„':,':„';','V'z'',:,:','7.,..`.‘(...',1.:,',1,r,.",: . ..,,,•.: ,;.,.,.,„:,•,6_,ii,es.,- (could yield a livin, nations- microscope who suffors himself,: to 1 t a permanent system of measures: ;that the its organizmion and other mos'' Onerous atlairs c-t• :- :1'...i J''':.....lttet 3 for ago to an enterprise or this kind, be caught. in a fit or passin.-1.(1 cater lk 1 ; • ... •1.1,. , . nod Denmeratic rardes, nut • hay in, , to his di-ere:ion -and loam , ginue in ; and our 1 nit and l'oiter eminty, that he has I,,cated ~, 1 t i e , )1,1 I L e „j e j„ ii , i s its statitlard of literary tasta • ...------T---------it. beep formed wish a View to the issit'es; rai•e'd experience eilyb,es us with increased multi- p. rinitnently ult 0111 Z 111:‘111, and still '.:71.. na .:,..: ~.. _s.. •:,•:,,cv. ,1 1 :ill Imie is fur ttbove the ordinary average ill ' • From Ca Nuir York Daily :Fillies. It the Sia‘ e Imert, but being heallin-ihrall lend: to assure 'parents and 'gtitirtliatis that he I " "U rally t" his l'e" 1 . ''tr-il ,11 • (Mice- T• 13 - ~ . .by it, so fu - from pres,„Lim ing atiV res.4.ance to 'felt proved faithful, ellbcent, and practical- .1. fee's Itli-etz and Itol'h sloe.' •- - • 6-1; . ~. 4; ti co:,l;tion worthy Of N . i . 11Z1 , 4"0, OI its .:17.C.! and adVil'lt.'l , LS ' r.vit.kLATioN. -- - •,-. - it, ex.tetioo , , torord r,,Ciii,it , Mr tatintreing just such an in-Ante:or •as ibis community --- •-•''-----=- Y : then , licil a para- lf ....1,.. leterest, •already awakened con- ' Sus: Souse moms: since. while stifferinn• them; and that one or bosh ' Must 4 broken need - - • I ISAAC .BED.TSON , ~;.• v 11: 1,,,•, , ,, , . , • zi , ., atilispia - ttlue s t" increase as we think it must, from an ;wee ion of• .lie tongs, I oas indileetr,- up,.tind the erne friends of Liberty lit suited, ; 11. IL-DENT. President.: ? • A rri i 1:N 111 .Y . V . 1..111 . .-t Mice, East aide 1: : th,, /ie. , ' e ia,lz• l ti,,t,, the foundation of a null e • extendt:d, al the •-ligge- lon !1,1 a Inedlr.ll fiienti. ,o pe'- wi•limit reg trd ,o o.d ',toe: or prejtidiyes, 011 : nil or. ift•N rim - book on Inh,tot , ton. and ..a l'' ro - of Creedoin, as a necessar) t , preinti- 'r:_it• Tv I•Ilit , : 4, c , . I ) 11. J. 0 I.)GSTED, Treas 4 ( 'Eruslees. Elk of the pub:ie squ , re, Conder•port. Pa. Ity spec al t.rrangenient the, proles4ional t.i-- . 11 1 , le, et,-,,•j..:p i ctturse of lectures next \\tinter, svili \,.„, ~,, c,,,,,,t,,, ~,,nr , ,,.,1 ~,,t, d i ., c -" - 1 force mare 10 er.lirOw of the Sho. el Power, - t r .. r r .. t , ,t i lg „ . i i .,l, e i.hi l u ti er ti.. d e uses At \SAWA .11:..IS RIO. ----- i \ tee, or :-.,. 1....1005,0.. r,u., 10 ‘N lie engaged ~ , 1000 BOoli AGENTS • IIVANTEI), }, 1 has II ', ili • - . i , ,, ~ ,,I,:d, ~,,aw,-.....Hire he laid. This is certainly a very of his re istnimg th.„ I unwed a elv conot,,ed ti tiiererore gives ,its earnest su l ppo Ito the i , , I hint in my (tom e.tse. l'or none Ai tti a yeyr Repot ican Movement, st, far tt , i s policy TO earn ass for the best :aid most saleyole I t: tiv 10; tile di -lance desirable thing; for it not ()Div opens ii ,. , cuu ,,, I ~, , ,,j , juvjujd ~n d hi , ye , 1 ,,, c ,„ (1 ,,,,, ,01 „,. 1 _„, movem ,, l i ~ , i , -,, , it . Books pulnished. "'hey! are oritten I.) 1 , N. 11.-.111 ,ildint , (Mu and pa).:l,'e to the ...„:1 h n \-„•• j rneL •h•,l f rom lyide the way to knoivledge and iin- 1 ,, c io " - ") ~ suss trine. , ,"- , - . , flat, einp,o) e„ a„ ,he itstnti We :11s 0. re,le.., promees 10 i'6P , , lICII a 1111 . 1011. 1. Ille , ity, , , Authors of the day. in- ' undersigned, per-onali) n tot profe:sionaliv, •,•,,i i i ,,, 1 ,,, , ,, t ,L 1y , ;oh: v. tt , prttventent to all, 1 / 1 1t.. OVIOCIICes to the e y e ., c o spend l e , a o i i l l the We..:, Ind ies , , " Th., N,..i..,„,i I - .: ra. „. 1 6,,,,„„ p ,..,;, a (1 ,,... ~ Jilding. among others. T, :-..,-. _kicrii,utc. of urn he fonlid in ;he 11.111di of kme Ile t ison, , cided posi ion in Politics, has 'anip, - ). - Vrovided olio-e last great (fork. ; ; I of other place.s,the intelligence without oh,a1111112; more •11•11 c ery temporary ~,... Esti.. foratl,tis , incitt. "S. P.Jotissos. . , beneli,. Alite.l. ,Itree" man lis't have e,,tpsed i n 4., llisce;lany and News Depart- . - -•- TEN N tf;irr: 4 iN A GAR. Itt 1031, " 1 larili 3. I , I-. • - 1-2tf , t.tittl prugressive*spirit ill our mast. ___ siso,.. I ti o. rs, wale .riat of Inhalation, and I mem Mr the varions wan, of ilit# Family. “;' lllll , l tullles hive been ' cl t i l" iti" a mauth Anil till: one c.onsideration is worth 1, ~.„ , I „,,, lo .l,eshnnee in ill,. I have t•areful abstracts ill 1 11e!li , e1lee, Doitiesrie u l . ,P, a '''' c '` l ," ta ; (n ' t v , : i t i o y •• , : ii. ilitiitio:is swiftare i l i i l e i ::: l i i til i l l . i m i u l l y ure i t l i his p t l r , :i t t::t t l ; ' isi T T ° it x El A „. 1 , tc ()!• N ...: E IA i t, : A T .1, Aw . JOAN S. MANN, . ❑ (16;11,1:.! the actual expenditure of the s ob.ained wre.o honetit from Or. lI.U:s /1..1t . i and Foring.n. are - given (;) ) I.. ‘, , l t c. .l i i iii i . i , i re... i .s s , (chili' cour,e, to thls, and neighboring - tre.onsen , . I having g.ion - ed stx pounds of flesh eohnnn:; -,.hir.on. .. \ •.1 . 11 t0tt:..,,1 the \ ~., rd ( . ...u . ;. in Potter rillic4es in ;.iikv ‘ iew taken o i- t h e mat _ in the ,ast i t v. ctn....) ;oaf tee, that it is sny speriatllllPlll,oli I , devo,ed to itS mei eIIMIL-, and are . 1 i'llt ed and hound in !he best manner. •-• , • din% to bury all prolesslon.,l settisline-s and mid it let' s,• ,- 1 -•. r - r I ,\ , etit.- .., it, lied a p'e • Ati mod p -'ie I, • ' ll ' d ' I hc "" ` • "" itth '- Ail I m• me ' i - "in"ted ter. .11 laity who crowd into the sitroat •- • • • •-' ' ' ' '-`-`-"•e(- the '''''' tees ') 'mat ', lle ' ' - ''''' ' '"' i '', t. i :„. -• . , :,, ;. :, •-• •• ~D d e :Mil gr.teltuty lender him lb:- public most dis ileolislied IL erary wri,ee,s of the entp.,,)111•.111 111 their tat ' ion. l'or par- ' t •",.` a t' '''.`, t .: `-' '"" l' i ' he r l ''•e l it' l '',. - , clues to -ttiend the low , cold Nvintttr • k '' I .., - ~ -. de sno.,\,,,.gellielll. . c0,,,Hr,.. • tieatars itildre“ i po-t paid I.: . i I lioet ., 01i , l-,11 , I, 01 . , i'0.:::: the ......I 'alt 1111,111.115, III) SI) because of the superior !t mu g...ii to seeallat on ever) hand the TheNintli Volume will comine4c on the ' _ „.) ,„, 3 , 55 - • BRADLEY, II ,u,e, comi,l,pmt, l'a. prole--ion are: begtinung to ;Muni the merits Ist , I,lan't,t try eitsillng. i I'll ,fisher. AI . ITI - lUR G.. OLMSTED, advantages afforded in such neighbor- to oninety s it oe•tie It in be sent in at on ce to >,Sittleteriptions should '''' ' . No."4:a North toms}( strdes, Philadelph a. 1t„.n.1- , I . ,ir mental culture. But - since of inh3 l i't"'"l' Mid I I . - - '' . .. At, Frio', NFY csnCOUNSEI 4 ill Yr LA‘ .. Ine itiVoic it tournt.s. , A lye -Veit eIIONI Or G. II 11 IFY Ine;hin ,, tote D r .‘IPOETSAIEN willtinti PoWiler. Shut, Ileatt, 1 1 ',l'' 1 • • ,", ,••' ' ! - , I( ' :Nortmler 1 , 5 . 4 .. -• ' ' 7. l' .. • ' the lecturing - system has gone into Dr. li r , , sii - s prae lee to know dui i, is ;it_ _l_ Y. anew, tit ao eiet.,,,,'entrte,tett t• L. 1.111,1 ev, r) ihnty. Mille line of Ammunition, Barr frith . : • ",. , , his operation, a great many ft - unifies and t on doi wi.,lt c‘ ,raortlinary succrss. and pos- TEitms. . and Fitating Tackle of :the best otiality aittl at Celle,. -in the'f't to wrain /..elo . . .I; Op Stair/ people iillt , i-tire, to escape the ex- .. e ....,.... the highest claims to pubde ;I:mtvion. Single copy one year ! ...,:•'. ' low prices at ! TV:A.:WS. ‘i ,• , .... ~ ~ , I, .; „. • ' _ ' ..lo r , 1 e t 1,2,tti11411.,11 . 1 .1. _ t .. -L --7 -- trayagance of citti 'life, have picked Three ropICS Anie year 1 -„. - ti - - • 1 • 4 10N% - i IX - A . l'll k111.0 . N and other sitai:ar re-tutt- niss - - . 1 nut, liotN eN er.. 1/e expected ii hiliyiy , ton 01 the hantl- ot milers o 1,,, Ten copie-one year , • 'l5 I L. F. VIAYNARD, out a refit rd country village, - where I , ' ''''' ,I , • • t - IS .,. x, elmitt pr,•partuous Mt clealeing and - Lin t• oat 1111,e Or 110 eXperlenee in the ;moon- Sing:J. , copy .ix nimelts t i • lattr-II:liC 1,1 &7 • Q.'... , ottltrclor at Rah), the chiof intellectual tittractions of I,iradoll Or 111rdie . 1111' , 111 :his in timer. In- ri) e copies six ition.lis ;• - 5 . al•cutilving the I 1. 1 ,1 11, II:1*,alc• la TYLER'S., •_-___: cat life could be enjoyed at- a less dyed, it is so be feared that injutheions exper- 'l'en copies. six mon,lis I_ 8 , I'E RSONS about to Imild (n.. repair, \\ ill fold. Cololt rsdo rt. Ett. I 01 - 0 , -nerill t.I Ili,. court' . intent , old leatl„in 111;01 \* ill::":111 , e , , 10 111311:y Pai'lllell. , lll , Says in tltiValleC. j . • a complete stock it \\ indow Stisli. Glass, Putty. Ilml'e :al",,re, af t "f 'o• Pooplo • C , :1,11 -Store,' expense• and di-,ippoiimilent. rtelier than imileth for, V o lumary agelits tire entitled to :rotgoo' no railitt, and Oils, for sal,: at fitir prices by -' 'lll' 'stlths• :1-47 .1.1 llitiugh the lectures have paid si :sp . ., ;is - this pr,ietice is. it reqlllla'S a degree cents counni--son on ~ telt yearly ana •L 3 trots .T. It. TYI;ER _--- - - - --- their way so far, it will require a 'still or experience and di-erintina toll oh eh. On- on each seini-yearly, f itubseriber - ;extiet - rt iit'll ' ie more liberal patronageto sustain them ho..un n a tei, the geeral practitioner can cast! of ('yttbs. . , , nirt•t) an,tlll. A cud, °Clive subscribers, at tg::', Will elMtle u sccessfully and pavingiv tut - Imo - 1i the C • - - • on-idering that Consumption bas held its 1 the person inakim , it 'up i to a clips' for six entire course. We have, little fear f tat career liirotigh a I pn•cciling centuries, 111011 Ills ; a Club of .nit, at Nl5, to a! cope fur but that this increased Patronage \will and .lit 111 the modes oftreatnient proposed on e yea . ., •Wheu a Club - of.stilise i ribeis has to I be realized. ,j„; 1 .. „.,,,,t Luse .ign ilk' 11l ed, to what been forwarded, - additions mac' be nurse to it. Call the IIIV:1101 look sor health, ilnot io 1 nlia- 01 1 ,1110 same terms. It is out neces•ary that the lecture of Mrs. Smith on Mon ! , . _ lalion !To sue, this seems the only. hope 'Tubers of a Club ,110111t1 reeelVi! their pa -O.IV eVelilll , WaS eXecredin,lv welt serene; and 111111111ility Base 10 offer. Till' per. a. ,lie • cue 1.1,1 office. - . attended, and we believe gave very d _a ea-e .N\ ill net (be 0111 01 . 11 s Ot.. II accord; : ":) Money inav h e f orwar d e d 1,, ma n , II general satisfaction. She handled her metliemes.adminis:ered by ,he stomach can- we 1"i 1.. Large amounts !WIN' be rejoined in lr r1im.:14.• ~.. t, li.- dr.: 4. ,- on ceroti,.., ..., or deposit, .0 , subject skillfully, and urged the rights ' 0 1 "" 1.11 it. ". 1111 . •el"'"g e I .• - .. - • . , • lac% upon vs Inch too inzinv human hopes liac e (...,. BAILEY., 'll‘ts'wieton, I). C. .1 surd ditties of \ - ottlan, earnestly and „. • 1 i • 1 • . :row., so•en -ter met.. _ Frsrc.+E ANA. • , .. ! feat lessly. We were sorry that an The, liistort of the pa , : is but a .record or - - , . ! tmo-i. to el2.ct a lady president ftriled, fruitless exper saen -; . lid ,bons Isegt [ming to - Brought 11,0110 to {hr. Door if the Million. " i m not one pug,' wltieli our art can ..c'.lo , e l it (would taco been gratifVl no" .f.'ll,'llere , I lu - .n . 111 , 1iy e.allll as ,i, tie 11. hat . 1... , 1101 11111101 ,, e.1 . A IVoNDERI-1:1. DisCOVERV has recently . to the speaker, and more appropriate wi h the seal of .om' _feelings and been made by 1)r. Curtis, of this city, in the to the twit tsion. One thing is cet - sin hopes is ,ee become so pe'ritiedhy ~ li .:.,pioom. treatment of Conmnimion. Asthma. and all -when Woman approximates to Mrs. inent and fti',lire,lllat 110‘‘' i! requires a strong (Ike ises of the Lung. 11 - e refer to:. tin. C or : eltort of the will to tic to - tic e !011011 the ti:. Ilyge . .,na, 4i , r , hilt:ding Ilyge in Vapor and North's ideal of t true Womaithood , r me dy f ~ m . „„, ~,:a d y is b e fore us. Many (_ herry syrui,. y‘ ski this new method .Dr. the world %Yin be measurably better. will trait ton their frtend ! - experiMice with- C. has restored inany alllic:ed ones; to perfect Her lecture to-iiiirlit (Tuesday) will ant acting or ex en thinking, -it would seem, health: as an evidence of which he has Omit-- Alas'. such are doomed to merable cernticates. Speaking of the treat , lie unn:;nally interesting-enibraciurr I ' 4- Ilt"'," - l' I t v " s • learn their (mu folly in 'their own rite. .inent a physician stir: jt . is evident that. !li the history or the tv.imen of the \V bile waiting tor milers to lie cured, they hating-consiantly breathing an agreeable. I'," curet Revolution.- 11 - ciishoro - 1 g - 10-e the precious tittle that would have sac ell heating vapor. the medicinal properties most ifatui.i thenkeic es. come ID curer( contact . cONICL frith the ti ho,e of the 1 It eI: ol 1 . :, to dullars in ';- ' I Although long since proposed, it k only arias "cavity of the hmgs. and mos:escape the.. „„, r t h at i n i m i at t,,,, eau b e sa id t o h a ye be e n many and varied ell Aiges, produced upon ',II ,•cr , , I, 11 10 Ilic Nti- . AGRICULTURE IN VIRGINIA: — We are reduced to a system of practice adapted to . them us 111.11 introduced into the stounteli, and ~ ,I I::: i ira. ;1- ti surf, contribution plettsed to learn that an awa kened the Many plia,e- of pulmonary disease; and 1-411).,ected to the process of digestion. The eet ,t• uf ft e.. di-, us ioll, ecru • none can deny that to the Judgment, experi- ,II gees is Mr sale at the druggists' through- , interest is htul in Vircrinia upon the tlot , :_ , ls the j;:q1:.1" il,ell . (;tiled Ili ex- ence; and able ad) ocaey of Dr. RonEitr Mx- ', out the cduniry. N. Y. Dutchman, Jan. 14. Ult.- te" . , s, Ittitrunls. , sub j ect (4' ag ric '" lt '"'' il Pr ° , ^ress • • A Tkn, this treatment is indebted for its introdue: I ' : friend writes us fr on Clat State : " 1 tion iota the Untied states, and for the high : The Inhaler is worn on the breast under the ! ' . :'.6. , nt, r.r. , ,5.:: i:: nu ...ilitor as; , well recently came through Petersburo-, and deserved popnlariiy, boils with the pro- linen without the least incouvenienee-the r.- lit a 4.:,, , .:,. , ,•••• • Wall. 1.1111 - 1 \VI 11',(1 laV P 1e , , , 1011 and die public,ll has already anailled 'leaf Of the Ludy being sutlie.ent -to evaporate , and passed a day in attendance at tile ant ,Itt•.t.; to 1,,....j, y . t 1 ^, tiff' It \MU . • Iltyncultural fair of the Virer;nia and . • byl . its success. A 11.M'' years hence itwill be the - fluid. ..."- regarded as equal to the briglhes: discoveries ! Hundreds of cas eS of cures like :he 6sitow -1:• N,•l' \,',•;11. I 1 , 4 ,11. ,12;II:I, 4,111.. 4 ten sect -- 01 . t • . jug might. be named. One package of the N tit • Czirolina Agricultural SoCiety. ! of Medical science. i• r t. ,• ni.:-\..• \..1.1.-11 star kept volt 'the : Ilygena has of the Asthma of six tvvo States did very well with If I have waitten earne:4lly,it is because 1:1;,\j,,, j - late,:: 1 l„;;;,,,, An i:ol,..Telitient , their exhibition of stock, implements • judgment, what I hav e observed in others, : years statnling. Jas. I . -liresbrrry, P. :IL, Duncannon, Pa. r.O-- ~•.', rm. ~'.it ‘O,. I :,.\- entlitt•ot Lail , , owl what I have experienced on my own tx.c. About fifteen thousand strangers : I l ain cured of the Asthma of ft) stuns stand -11,, i . ‘.1,- , . , .nt . e \\ i'.1. 1 .0 111 V 1..±11•-1111,1.anc:•, per•on, all unite to make me feel that the inn, by Dr. Curtis' Ilygeana, were in Petersburg the day I Was hopes attic consumptive are in lultalation, 11•Itil \ ..,11 1•1,.,111re I I iie Era; and I and that none ought to despair of recovery 21.1argarrt Eastman, Brooklyn, N. I'. there. -But Richmond beat'ihem the , 11 - 1;! ncet'e \\ 1 : 1; I. ': 4 l in\ 111 V paner,' while • ' • in untried. ;qrs. l'aul of No. 5 3lammond st., N. V., was ;., l , " ittllym'ing week. Their fair Was at- , while. the means rem "- • • I It I can add anvibing for information to cured of a severe case Of Bronchetis by the . .,,,o e,, t diet t e ty, write ukc a I . reelnall ; . tended 11V 1t crowd variously estimated.; (what 1 have writtin, either personally or by Ily,•geana.. . • . -1, to-1 , ... , to Cla ‘o• Ile o'lll , g - ed on ' • • • I from lortv to eighty thousand._ These letter, it kill afford me happiness to do so. My sister had been cured of a distressing :ant "stil , it CI of 11111)11C curet I"n' . cough of several years standing, and decided annual exhibitions give an impetus to . I am, Str, your obedient servant, 1 J. W. BEATTY, M. D., td be iticural.he, by her physicians. She was ir; agricultural and 1 d , , ',: t 1.1 5 . 1 :::; \ ; v :::, ' , i ' . " li `: ,, I. 1 .11(' N‘ , 1 1 1 1 e 1-\ 11 . s. 7 , P u in , i ,i w i . l . : t ' 1 I., manufacturing I Nov. 6,16'54. - No2o White-st., New York. cured in one month by the llygeana. interests which it is bard to estimate. i 'ma -vmseieono-Aaca"......=.".="'':"' . ,J, If. Gan& rt, P. M., Ifichmontl, Me. alter Volll' rotifer an 1.0 a-lilne 'what,Price .Three Dollars u Packa ,, e.-Sold by .The cities where they are held, take '. or 1. 0 \\-. o r \ \1 1 ,•11 1.,, V, rite. Ill(• einitlaet • New Books, CUItTIS & PERKINS & BOID & PAUL, , in an immense amount of money-not No. 140 Chambers st., N. Y.-4 Packages ht.,l•.•,::cu es will . 11(.; ille/1•10. - (lirc•tllvea. ; ' only that spent necessarily in attend- , sent free by express to ally part of the United "r-, trtkiv. \\-:'" li. SIIINN:• lug, but also in the way of the sales of States for Ten Dollars. The Era d,'-ewes all the credit N. 8.-Dr. Ctirtis' llygeana is the original ~ goods for. the fall and winter trade in given it in this letter fist (hotness :Intl the country." Our Southern friends ruid only genuine artie.e, and all others are base mutations or vile . aod injurious counter t•lurage, for it abate , hi, jot in the should send delegations from their felts. ,Shun them as you would poison. zeal of its oppo.ition to that narrow, o Societies to look at some of the New- Noy. 16. 7-26 ly . policy whit It would deny the rioitt. of ; 77:_ir For sale at retail by D. NY. Spencer, ..." i England agricultural festivals' in Sep . - citizenship to a mats on 'account a his Coudersport, I'a. tetnber and October of each Year.- 1. . religious (I eed.-.E/tc. Pug. I .I3ostGn Telegraph. SWEET MORSEL 1 , ; ,, .~ ~,, MIME Eli ME DE =II Mil holr I,rts-entl.tp_z. ME • 0: (If tit /,, .01 , 1 .• pz-.1 N,, , 11,,r thin; I t • • p•c-ent I e =I void 0,2 of cm' - •- „! •!.! P:••••,•11,1. - 11,11)( in rc.p..ct. In Ic- I -0:1,1 Irdck at Nvilll L'. .r L,an I':d occur- 1:.;°. - o• 00.1 Ho° Lot . the lib T.:!cratitrn 1)1 . opui r.:;:‘, ncyil Hiq fear t - c,•• ;r,,, 1 ., 11' vi-it =MEI tt A 7,IDdLI Lv.t_i to an Editor • t . ,.••11 Era, e are It eraan n or MIMI ,1 ',II a nil-- =I 1,1•rk , •. - c th, It • In- i•I;; II(hi• ;iirnt uic (If tilt rn L (~ .~.. 1~1. :1)1' pniv. Tl.O ,t-vcnti zy. r- lei'viVt'd iii to 11,i , r.•l, c,,py it here: I. Secretary cf the Commonwealth In compliance with the urgent so liritations of many of the most ardent supporters of the incoming Adminis tration, have just been intirrmed that Gov: Pollock has tendered the above position to Col. A. G. Curtin, of Centre county, and that he has acc(-pted the office. in our opinion, a mor e judicious and advantageous app)intinent could not have been made. his integrity and capacity are unquestionable; and we confidently predict that the selection will justify the confidence placed in the judgment of Gov. Pollock by the people of Pennsylvania. One informant tells us that the friends of Col. Curtin will still present his claims to the Legislature as candi date for United ',.'.,*tates.Sentitor. nl iu~lti;~~, 1%, h =I , t:1)- :-(0s:e The Herald says, selling liquor is not a crime. If the sellers of liquor did not know the effects of the use of the poison they sell, we might believe the Herald; 'hut there is not a man in the traffic that does not know that jails, prisons and pauper houses are created by that traffic. and that ten times ten thousand widows and or phans- are made every year by the same business; i e. on the principle of cause and effect. Wherever you find a grog shop, there you find poor ! houses, prisons and human misery. These are wanting where. there are no groggeries. If this is correct, then there is no greater crime than rum selling.—Eve. Telegraph. Moderation is the silken string running through the pearl chain . of all the virtues. • What is Crime} T ADIES and Gentlemen are invited to call 1.-Imd examine the new hooks and other goods just received and for sale at TYLER'S. Babb i is Yeast anal goap Pow:. ders.—These superior articles arc Ica panted to save tilue and money, [tad promo reuce and LUVIDDIIy in families. For sale at TYLER'S Harrison's Columbian Inks. Black, Japan, Copying, Illarking, Green, Black, Blue, Indellitle, . Scarlet, lied, Carmine: These Inks flow freely from the pen, and gii - e a stronger and more durable color than any other. For sale, wholesale and retail, by THOMAS 11. TYLER, Coudersport. • . ' DAKEtt'S Ithana unit Chocolate—deliciou I,ll.lrinks, at TYLER':: • Magazines for January'. TA. - ARPE tt, Godey, Graham, and Putnam, just received and for sale at 25 cents per number, by TYLER. CASH. PAID fur Butter and Eggs, at the . PROVISION STORE. 'June 30, 1834. IPRENCII MUSTARD—A neiv thing en tirely, for sale at C. S. JONES'. ASSORTED Pickles in jars C for JON sale by . S. ES WALL l'aperti. New and beautiful pat terns at .TYLER'S. • Notice TIiI • • partnership heretofore existing be tween W. T. Jones & Broris this day dissolved by mutual 'Consent. The debts due said firm will be found in the ]rands of W. T. Jones, and all claims against said firm are to be presented to him for payment. W. T. JONES. Ido hereby appoint A. F. Jones my agent for the transaction and management of all or any of my business, giving him litli authority and power in the same. W. T. JUNES; Coudersport, SeMember 25, W 54. 011"--y 1 - 1 E. OLINISTED JJF would say to.the public that he is now receiving a stock of Goods, which he will be happy to show to.all who may favor him with a call. You can find by calling on him a good assortment of Lawns, Poplins, Bareges, Barege DeLaines, Deßeges, Silks, &c.,&c. Also, Prints, Ginghams, Do mestics ull kinds, Groceries, Crockery, and a large stock of Boots and Shoes; all of which will be sold as low as they can be bought elsewhere. D IARIES for 1655 just received at • TYLER'S , ~ FRANK ,T,OHNSON, %.- Ely_ . 13.()()K:s juo, reovii eil at i he i (r..- ai;izt\tt - Paattr.r. IN JouitNAL I.lyOK-STOItE. ! • r.'n•lit 1 1- . ::1 7-Iti . COUDESPOT,T, POTTER COUNTY PA, . , . ~ , NVi-iii.• to inforia the i , ,iii.i.ti , of (.'ffilorsport I Ci, ll:: ''', F 11 ,A, N 1)11:: " , I ) ..r" v " du. , ,B ull ' , and the si4roittlibmi . e...ih:rs, tit he w.ill ex,•- ..tteteite. , , .11 aher Symp.' , War!lrnbi. hooks, , „.,:;,, :ill ordr, - - in li•-• !in. , ,If bil-111 , ., at short Baru Door Iliii::]-, kept bid sao• by ii•i:ier am! 11..,,m;11)1 , . privo:. • 1.1.:1V1 MANN. _____ , I':..r of liii,ine hen - the Pre-byterii.n , IATEDSTEICS DIUTI , :;:\ Ala. Pocket, : Clout-11. 7 P..!. I). 1 , V zi,lo].], Coiver,ity, lktio.o, and Quart]] I' ----- •editiolls, 61r sale by - . 1 '1 Y LEH. N; C. S3l rm. . I,ratcr lit 0r 12 ez noiiEi , . Creccrias and Previs'Aias ; ' , A V TRAINS Sad Flutes ,just received byk rt. 'Hardware, Crt,ekt•ry and (liars Ware ; • - • - 1 Tvi. • Boots !dr.. Shoes, Hats & Caps. The Journal- Bonk-Store stun," and II - widen Iran' : ell V lIMS to the public 11 good y.inety of e iii mm In short, alum , ' evrvthally kept in a N.:Yinost re itlable books, cheap fiir ca-h or 4: ,.., ',: , t .a 1. 1 1 ,.. ‘ ,E 5 ,.. : i tr ,, , ..! . . pr .-I , : r f or , a , l i ti e rh p,, l .. l:: utters fu: lanfry nec e-itie,'•.. Ad the', lie. , est b00t..-of • raiur arc kept on hind. or ‘itninetha.ely pro- . l' l':;:ee of I,a , ine-- corner of .Ifaill and see cared thr eus,onter , , and we: , hope to reeew e mid . r , tre , •. , , (lend rs olt•port wind ,at the o:d and Of such patronage as failinti anetnion to hu-i- W. T. Junes, ..s.s. 11,. July 7, I :,1.-- 7-t•tif ne-s, and an earnest de- , irc to ob•igc, may. i. de,erve. New hook° re -cited at shot:: imer -11 FOUNDRY, 1. aIS. SCIIOOI li(101: , , :Nil.lollerV Of aii 1:111(1 , , I materials Mr l' l aper Flowers, cif., catty TA 8..13R0WN would give notice to the on hand. Musie, Map-, 3latlieniatical IM-tru- • • public thm lie -is prepared, at' his mein-. I Foundry litCoudersport, to do all manner of Please call ail examine for yourselves at Castin ' —it ill make and lini:11 to order all the JOURNAL li_inik-STOR E. - kinds o ' l Jim-Murry. Mill-Gearing. hoard and New Books, . Log Cars. S:eigh-Shoe= of all sire-'. and every trace needed by a Lumbering community., 1- DA -MAY. by Mary L. ngdon. And to Farmers he %%mild say, diat he has The Newsleiy. . l procnred mote of the best Piozr patterns in Bayard TaylOr's Central Africa, o-r, holt Flat Land and Sid)... .3-1111, and keeps Lands of the Saracen, ami them eon-tautly 00 hand. And will make to Poems of die OrienC. . ! • order Fidd nullrrs, Ilarrotrs;\€Altirators, aml Fanny Fern's last, " Ruth Hall." _I every article used by them in hi , li ne of bust- Life of P. T. Barnum. • I lies. Ile is prepared tilso to do-all kinds of Mr. Itutherktrd's Children, by the author • of The Wide, \Vide W•orld. I; L A (..' KS if 11' II IY G. Mary Howitt's Tale , , for' l children. And from his long experience in the above The Young Americtas Library, consisting hu-iness. lie feel'- COntident 01 giving satisfac of the IIVeS of Waskiigton, LaFaveste, don to thme who may give him a call. Fratiklin, Marion, u ;d eight others in N. B.—Old iron bought, or taken in ex one sett. i change for work. . 7:27y• _ Leaves fr om the Tree dodrasvl, by Martha o, . - Russ!ell. t ' War 'Deelared at Last, Periscopics—Dr. Elder. i - rilllE long repose of Europe is about iterilia.aid Lily; by Mri.i E. Oakes Smith. 1 to be di•turbed•by the bugle's note and Webster and his- Master Pieces—"Reffr. j the reyille of the Irmo, calling its slumber . Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, by im_ millions to arms in the detense of their Mrs. 11. B. Stowe,-i&e., lit,:sitics and their country. England and Just received and for sale at the . France are calling for stem and means, and JOURNAL 800K -STORE. sending. forward their armies to battle against Coudersport, Dec. 7, ltilli I. 7-29 the m!„.. , ressions • at the Russian Bear; but while the Old World is convulsed by revolu tion, unusual peace and plenty reign in thu New. TR) LIN Strintt , Drnu. rind Book Store. and. Pturnim's Magazines, VI Blackwood's, Edinburgh 31agazine, and the Edinburgh and Westnnnster Reviews, at the J 0un.10.1. MOOS-STORE. AFEW pieces of new Music; Music procured to Order: also, Tem perance and other Tracts, or .any periodicals desired. Lir Scnoot. Boosts constantly on hand, with paper, pens; slates, and every thing needed for going to sc hool! .6-33tf M. W. MANN. GROCERY AND PROYISION STORE. • Hither, Ye Hungry. . - el S. JONES takes this me.hod to 'inform • the people of Coudersport and the pub lie generally, that he has just opened u Gro cery and Provision store,,where he will keep constantly - everything in, the line of " cam " Ides and which-he will fell as reasonable as can ' be desired. The " substantials" can be found here at all times, such as FLOUR and °PORK, while the appetites of the most dainty can also be satisfied. Therefore, should you wish for anything of the kind, please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, and if he cannot satisfy !you, your case must be desperate. You will always find a full assortment of Groceries, cons - ::mg of Su , gars,Teas, Coffee, Saleratus, Spices, Ginger, Rais ins, Candy, Crackers, Cranberries, Sal mon, Codfish, • Mackerel, Blue Fish, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, &c. ;Also, at all times, Pork, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Butter, (roll and firkin,) Silt, Hams, etc. etc. Grain and all other kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods at the cash price. 6.3311 C. S. JONES. A. F. JONES New Cash 13 itzfntso In the peaceful and quiet. pursuit of our business we have foraried a copaitnership wider the name and style, of N. S. BUTLER &, CO., and have takeii tile store in Empire Block, in the v i illage of Olean, formerly occu pied by Thing% ,!VT. Brother, and. are now re ceiving a splendid ileSl stock of goods adapted to the season and wants of the community, which we intuit to sell exclusively for cash dews. at prices that will cause - consternation .and dismay in the •ranks of old fogyism that has been so long established in this section.. Our stock will consist in part of the follow- in Gooils : Ilarikvare, Ciockery, Boots & Shoes , Huts, Curs, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stull's, Glair, Paints & Oils, Sa,h. l'utty, - " Chairs, Betlhtends, - Alattrasses, Feathers Stone and Wooden Ware, And we mean to keep such an assortment of the Alive goods that persons from a distance , can be assured of finding everything they usually Want at'priees that will do them Call and see for yourselves. N. S.-BUTLER & CO. 5,1854. 6-51 Olean, Ma Notice. TIIE Goverrior,of the State of New-York has appointed the subscriber a Commis sioner for the State of New-York, to take.the acknowledgment of Deeds and other instru ments, and to administer oaths pursuant to bas act of the Legislature of the said State. ISAAC BENSON, Coudersport, Dec. 12,1831,