The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, December 21, 1854, Image 4

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    SENAlalettnisoN .ON /Wan
-Senator' dtcliisou on leaving home
fOr Wits6ington, made a speech, the
ptirpoie of which may be gathered
from an ektiatt :
ten. AtChison saidthat his mission
here was; if possible, to aWalen•
the people of-this county to the dan
ger ahead, and. to suggest the' means
to avoid it. The people of Kansas in
their_ fist elections would decide the
questl'on 'whether or not the slaxe
bolder was to be excluded, and it de
pended upon the majority of the votes
East at the: polls. Now if a set of
Fowles :and demagogues, a. thuitsand
lades off, could afford to advance their
lomiev, and exert every nerve to
vholitionize the Territory and exclude
the slaveholder, when they have not
the least personal interest, what is
your duty f When yon. reside within
a day's journey of the Territory, and
ivhen your peace, yotir quiet, anti:
.your properly" depend upon your ac
tion, you can, without an exertion,
rend five -hundred of your young men
ivho 'Ote in favor of your institu
Should each county in the State of
Missouri only do its duty, the ques
tion.will be decided quietly and peact : -'
abll at the ballot-box. If we ore
deeeated; Then and the other
-6unthern States will have shown
- theinseit•es recreant to their interests
.turd will deserve their ,fate. The
Abolitionists will have nothing- tie'
gain or lose.
Said be, if von burn tit‘' barn,- I sits
•tain a great loss, butyou gain nothing.
'Si) it is with the Colonization Socic
ties,,and the dupes they send• here to
Abolitionize Kirnsir.s.
If these 'Abolitionists sfeal all your
negioes,- they pin nothing. The ne
groes are injured, you• are ruined..
So much the greater is the motite for
activity on your part.
Fellow citizens, we should not bo
apathetic.when so
. much is involve&
We: should be up and doing.. He
:was fur meeting organization with
organization. lle was for meeting:
those philanthropicknaves peaceably,
at the ballot-box, and outvotingthem,•
If we' cannot do this, it is an omen.
that the institution of slavery is to fall
in this and the other Sonthern States
but it will fall after much. strife,. civil
war and. blot dhed. •
If Abolitionism, under its present
auspices, is established in Kansas;
there will lie constant strife and blood
' shed between Kansas and Missouri.
NegTO stealing will be a principle and
a vocation. It will be the policy of
pbilanthr6phic knaves until they force
the sluveholder to abandon Missouri—
'nor:Will it h..: long before it is :done.
Yon cannot watch your stables to
Jr:event thieves from stealing your
n , )rses cud mule , ; neither
. can: you
:;etch your negro quarters to prevent
your neisr,hhors front stducing away
and stealing. your negroe , ..
• ir Kat:sas ii abolitionizeJ, all men
who love peace and quiet will leave
us, and all t-migration to Missouri from
the'Slave States will cease.
`• In a hyl,:id State we cannot live;
rye ct.nnot be in a constant quarrel—
in a con ,taut state of suspicion of
our n-io p ld - ors. The feeling is enter
Pained by a large portion of mankind
Yet he said was willing,;notevi h
standing his pacific views, ,to hang
negro theives; he would net I.uaish
those who merely entertained ab. tract
opinioni; but negio tldeves,• and , ier
sons who stirred up insubordination
and insurrection among our slaves, he
believed it right 1. , ) putd-h, and they
could not be puni , hed too severely;
he . would not punish a - man who be
lieved that a rape, murder or larceny
was abstractly tiOtt ; yet he would
punish the man ',vitt, coinmitte - d, either.
Ile said that there were, a few inch
Olio entertained those opinions in the
vtestern pet t of the State of Missouri,
arid who no doubt practiced .upon
them; itud that, when full. evidence
!vas obtained, justice should be done
them. Convincing e‘idence must be
had. - He was opposed to violence—
indiscriminate violence, but let pun
ishment fall on the guilty.
Was it not strange to find, in a.
State so deeply interested in the
qbestien of slavery, a portion of the
press . denouncing such men as Doug
las, -Cass, Bright,. and others, and
exulting over victories lately obtained
by the Almlitionists in the Nbrthern
Slates? Yet it was so. As fo, slan
ders and abuse heaped upon himself,
he eared but -little. It was the- fate
of better Men. But, 'a day of reckon
ing would come.- There will be a
reaction in the Northern States: The
people - of the North cannot be in
pilot' of dissolving the If nion: .
The mad platforms upon which the
'recent fusion victories have been ob
kainedi -if can ied out; would inevitably
dissolve the Union.'
He had always had great confidence
inthe intelligence and virtue of the
liettrei but he acknowledged that
this 'ciitifidence had been somewhat
t;hafteu in late yeare.
He again told the. -audience that to
Aliedeed in . .111' Kansas a slave
Territory; it was not sufficient for the
Mouth to_ talk,-hut to act; to go peaca
.Find inhabit the Territory,' and
peacably to tote arid settle the ques
tion according to the principles of the
bour!liii bill:
There - is no lesson more important
for the young, than that which incul-.
cates promptness and punctuality,
not only in all monetary dealings, but
in every transaction' of life:- .Never
theless; it is a' common
. error with
Many to disregard both qualities, , and
thus to impair .confidence, destroy
credit,_ and weaken character: Only
let . it once be understood that an
individual is reliable and may be,
depended upon, and the character of
that man will he established upon a
rock of adamant. This is 'one great
secret,- not'enly of success in trade,
but of confidence.-esteem,.and.respect
among friends and. neighbors. It
forms the soul and. source of an en-
Verged credit. Iteliatility is indeed'
not only a great virtue, but it is abso- -
lutely essential in our dealings with
one . anether, and in every phase and
condition Of4ife. Never make a prom
ise that you do not intend to pertbrm,
and be especially careful to avoid
entering into an engagement that you
knew it will be almost impossible to
fulfill, The consequence of such an
error must be to impair confidence,
induce caution, and excite distrust
War Declared at Last,
HE long repose of Europe is about Tto be disturbed by the bugle's note and
the recille of ,the drum, calling its slumber
ing millions to arms in the defense of .their
firesides and their country, England and
France are Calling for men,and means,
senditigferward their ininiecto'blit tfe'figainst
the aggressions of the Ilassian Bear.;:• but
while the Old World is convulsed by revolu
tion, unusual peace and plenty reign in the
In the peaceful and 'quiet pursuit of our
business- we have funned tr. copartnership
Maier , the name and style of. N. S,-.LICTLE.R
& CO:, 'indium, t4ten the store at Empire
Block. in.the \ ill:1;e of Olean, formerly occu
pied by Thing & Brother, and are now re
ceiving a splendid new stock of goods adapted
to the season and wants:of the community,
which we intend to sell exclusively for. cash
down,At prices that will cause consternation
and dismay in the ranks of old fogyism that
has been so long established in this .section.
•Our stock will consist impart ot •the follow
ing Goods:
ilardwure, Crockery, Bouts & Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Carpets,
Oil Cloths Wit gs, Medicines,
Dye Stuffs, Glass, faints & Oils, '
Sash, , Putty, ' Chairs,
Bedsteads, Matt asses, Feathers
Stone and Wooden Ware,
And we mean to keep such an assortment of"
the alltive goods that persons from a distance
call• fie assured of finding tweithing they
usually want at pi ices that will do them good
Call and seefor.yaurselvcs.
N. S. BLTI.EIf & Co.
Olean, May 5, IS3I. a-51
Vow Cash .
Miller, re lietngril
ri S. JONES takes this me.hod to inform
ki • the people of Coudersport and the pub
lie generally, that he has 'jnst, opened a Gro
cery and Proviiien store, wimre he will keep
constantly everything in the ;line, of " eata
" and which he will sell as' reasonable as
can be desired. The "substantials" can be
found here at all times, such us - FLOUR and
PORK, • the appetite.; of the most
dainty can abto be satisfied. Therefore, , hould
) on wish for of the kind, • p!ease call
and examine before purchasing, elsewhere,
and if he cannot satisfy you, your case...must
be desperate. You will always find a full
assortmcm of Groceres, cons.s:ing of Sit
oars, Teas, Coffee. Cmger,
Raisins, Candy, Crackers, Cranberries, Sal
mon, Codfish, Mackerel, Blue Fi h, R.ce,
Molasses, Syrup, &c. Also, at all times,
Pork, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Butter, (r6ll and
firkin,) Salt. Hants, etc: e - c.
Grain and all other kinds of Produce taken
in exchange for goods at the cash price.
6-33tf C. - 6. JONES.
List of Causes
For Trial is the Court of Common Pleas of
Potter County, at Dacinter Tcrnt, 154.
Jumls C. Curtis vs. Verse) Dickinson.
Jesse Locke use of .1. „
Joint M. Kilborn
0. B. Goodman use
of A. Bruner - )
Martha J. Avrei ." W. Ross&Saia Roes
J. 0. Williams will; Harriette Lose %
John J. Ridzeway " roster Reynolds.
Joseph A: Clark- " Charles W. Johnson.
Samuel Porter use of „ Samuel Gibbs, Jr.
W. T. Jones & Bro.
Henry llMiburt " Martha Hurllntrt:e.
A. Johnson & Co. use ~ S A. T.
of 3. F. Crosier
Silas N. Ilov. - aid " Richard G00(1111311;
Timothy I ye 4, ot. al., " S:cphen)lorton—
Emily Russell ". W. T. Jones &. Bra
li. J. OLMSTED,' Proth'y
Coudersport, November 2,
_ 2_, • would say to the
public that he is now receiving'a stock of
GoOds, which he will lie happy to Otow to all
who may favor him with a call. Yon can tied
by ealliug oft hini a good assortment of Lawns.
l'nl tins. l3areges, Darege DeLaines. De loges,
Silks, &c., &c. Also, Prints, Clitighams,
mcrtics of all kinds, GroCeries,Crockery, and
a large stock of Bootsund Shoes; all of which
will be sold as low •as they cats be bought
DAKEK'S Rroma tend Chocolate—deliciou
Ddrinks,- at • • TYLER'S.
Magazines. for November.
la &RFT. Gudey, Graham, and Putnam,
just recaii:ed andjatiale at 25 cents per
uaiabi.!r, by . TYLER.
CASH PAID fur Nutter awl Eggs, cit the
June 30, 195.1
URENCH MUSTARD—A new thing •en
.l: tirely, for sale at C. S; JONES'.
ASSORTED Pickles in jars for sale by
TATALL rapers: - New•and _ beautiful pat
terns at , TYLER'S.
Notice, •
MHE Governor of the State of New-York
1 has appointed the subscriber a Commis.
sioner for the State of-NeW-York, to take the
acknowledgine - nt of Deeds and otber.instra
meats, and to administer paths .pursuant to an
act of the Legislature of the - said State.
Coudersport, Dee. 12,1851.•
poc LET Knives, Table do. Call at
MANN'S Store
v3:i-iatvi•r7vOitir trn - 13 - trlr.4E.
. . . ,
Daily, - $6.00.: '••
S ei ni-11ech1y,.....:;, , ,'3.00.• • /Teddy, " $2.00
THE.WEEkLY PUNE commences
its annual volumee-With the month of
September—commences it with a circulation
(115,000) larger than was ever before accorded
to any general newspaper Whatever,: This
circulation has been gradually and laboemusly
attained by concentrating. upon !THE
BUNI: the best efforts of many :editor:it and
correspondents and by a greater liberality or.
outlay in each department than was probably
ever before risked on any- journal. It •has
h'een attained, not by sailing smoothly in - the
current of Opinion before the wind and bask
ing in the of majorities, but by an ear
nest, fearless devotion to Truth and Progress
as ahovirall part•san exigencies, all temporary
interests; all momentary illusions of popular-
ity 'and success. Its thorough advocacy of
Temperance and Liquor Prohibition, 'of 31 - ist-•.
ice to the despised and down-trodden, and of
the equal and inalienable Rights of the !In
man Race,' irrespective of Sex or Creed or
Color, have from lime to thee repelled many
sunshine friends, iyhose ejndices, or seem-.!
ing interests were thereby contravened, hut '
hare combined to form a character which it
will endeavor to main ain and-:assign it a posi
tion among journals which we feel that it w ill
be hencelhith a success not to impair.
- The leading ideas to which. THE TRI
BUNE is devoted may be briefly set forth as
follows: 1. Fityrium, to do whatever is es
sentially right—not alone for white Am eri- ,
cans, or Angie Suxuns, or Caucasians even— '
nut for one Race to determine whether they '
will or will not -hold another Race in abject
bondage—but for every Raceund•Nation, and.
every adult rutional human being. - This
Ere.edom is rightfully absolute in the - broad
domain of Opinion and .involves - the equal
and itnpenttite right to Political FranChises;
2, Orman, or the necessary right oldie legally
indicated majority to interdict in the sphere
of action all practices which-it deems denier
:llll634, therefore prejudicial to the comment
weal; 3. IlEsiricEson, or the wisdom and
policy of employing the resources and credit
of the community to accomplish wori.s of
general. and-tinquestioned utility to ..which
individual means -are 'inadeqn - a.e or which,
though eminently conducive to the public
good,- do. not promise to reimburse by their
direct income the outlay required for their
consiruction: 4. IN'TWSTRIAI. DEVELOPMEVT,
as the corner-stone - of a true and benignant
National Policy, conning the 'naturalization .
of a new and valuable art or product or the
soil Ss more important than the acquisition of
a fresh province or island, and etpially within I LI'ABDW A.RE.— Spites tiedltloatbs, of
the legitimate sphere of National eoilrern JLiplitterns long tried and found to be good,
and National effort ; 5. PrixcE, as a vital .con-, Rifles tote Rub-stones, Styx-mill Files, Door
dition of true • Progress, to he cherished by needle . s, Latches, Mineral Kin's (white and
the most anxious, assiduous study to prelim. broWn,) - Locks, Wrought Butts for
as readily as we - are %prone to require redress I Doors, of all sir, Cutlery, Knives of good
for every wrong, and never to he surrendered timidity for the t,.:,:•.and for the potlet, at the
except at the call of endangered Liberty. I'EOPLE • S GASH-STORE.• ,
Such are the chief landmarks by which TIITE
TRIBUNE three.' e. Tin and Hardware.
threats its eours-
But a small portion of THE TRIBUNE
is allotted to what is currently distimmOied T HE undersigned has connected with
as light reading; but reviews of New Books his Tin, -Sheet Iron, Copper, and Stove
- of decided interest, with choice extracts inns- Business, that of HARDWARE and - CIA).
atoning their quality, are freely given, while LELIA—so That ill addition to the business
the greut body of our' paper is devoted to a heretofore conducted by him,:he is now ready
lucid- and careful digest of the News of the to supply the public with almost every variety
Day, with Editorial comments thereon. We of litoware. I%lin end Cross-Cut Saws, Houp
have reliable Correspondents-in each quarter Iron, Nails,Cable and- Ox Chains, Carpenters'
cif the globe, and in'nearly principal Adzes fint Broadaxes, Manilla Rope for Cu
cities of Europe and America, and their letter; Id e s: gene ! ral assortment of Clocks, du
will aid- our readers to ac en rer understand- panned Ware, Toys of every description ; and
Mg of the catiseS which • are now gradually to short; he designs to keep. all such things as
converting the OA World into one gig- !vie . the public wauts in his line, which he will
area, for die deft- h-s.rugg.e otrivai interests. se ll, o u t for toss than cost,'_ but for u wear
pas-ions and ;oar - ions. • snail, profit indeed, and liOpes by a strict
THE TRIBUNE contains reliable reports attention to his business tot receive. t liberal
of the Marke - s. Our Cat to Mark-et re, ens s hare of public ludronage. •
alone are- worth more iii it the price of ,he !All kinds of Produce [eked its excliange for
paper to. those s he are engagod in raising. Goods; at the highest marketpriees also, $llO
and tel Came. per ton paid far old iron. _
two pal er invoicing so great no expense as: 6-12 ly
our NA eekly and Senn-Weekly could he al -
forded at ,he price of these shee s except in ZINC PAINTS.
comection w i h a Dads', nor con d our Daily
be sus.ained ds price i 11011' aid of otir ONE-TIIIRDI CHEAPER THAN WHITE
Country edi• ions. Large. as tour circu anon - SONoUS QUALITIES.
is, it us anti oiye us in ruinous toss be.: for •
the receipts for Adver:is tie. We bedeve 'lke l'ew.Jerscy Zinc-Company
'that in THE TRIBUNE is fee ized the it ae j og egreatly enlarged their works, and
large-;, variety awl ex, en of solid :rain-m.OMo improved the - quality of their products, area
concerning dm events of the die -which has prepared to execute orders for their SUPE
been or cidi be combined irdh ex.reme cheap- ndoll PAINTS, dry, and -ground in oil, in
ness; and' in that we commend it to the asso rted packages of from ..!5 to 500 pounds;
favorth:e regard of the reading : pubic. We also, Dry. in Marvels; of 200 pounds each.,
offer no premiums forsubscriliens, tempt none NN, HITE ZINC, which is sold dry,, or
to mike it by g"mbl'og Prllsl)"ci,' of winnin g ground in oil, is warranted Pure Mid uusim
farms or mansions iii a
. lottery in which tick. p asse d f o r boils- and unifurin whiteness.
e.s are furnished to rs patrons, einp;cry no I A method it preparation' huts recently been
trdv edng Lgents to importune peoplc imo - di s cover e d, which euebles: the Company, to
taking it. and was aIIOIIV of our romo in dun- warrant their paints to•keeP fresh and soft ill
ning our subscribers for pay. . the ke-s fur any reasonable• time. 11l this
THU'S OF THE WEEKLY TRIBuNE• respecttheir paints will be superior to ally
t-ing e copy, one yea. 't?1, 01 ) other in the market. !-
Three copies, one year Their BROWN ZING PAINT, which is
Fi% e collies, one tear ' sill° I sold at a low price, and 4an only be 'made
Ten copies, one year
1.4 , 11 !) n front the Zinc ores from Newnlersey, is now
en copies. to aim addres.... _20,01 well known for its proilective qualities whet'
• And ;tuy larger number at the rate tart til applied to iron or other meallic surfaces. .
per annum, it STONE-COLOR PAINT possesses
flee price if the 'SI-•20 Clubs ire cauwd direct all the qmilities of the Brewm and is_ of tin
the pu l ar h: tech cittecri;,r. egrecabie color for painting Cottages, Depots,
Subscripdons may commanoe at any time. Out-buildings. Bridges, etc l.-
Payment in advance is required in ell case:t,.
Denims supplied on terms by their
and the paper is invariably discontinued at Agents, ! FRENCH •,F,/, RICHARDS,
the expiraiion of the advance payment. holesale Paint Deal
,i•s and Importers,
Money may be remitted fur subscriptions N. W. nor. of 10th &J' urket-sts,
in letters arour risk; hut the Pos.mits,er at -6m Philadelphia!
,the place where the letter is mai.ed shoats be
made acquainted with its - contents and keep I -
a description of the bills.
Bid s of any specie-paying bank in the
United gates or Canada received at par for
We have no travelling agents. Any one
wi.hing to receive Tile THIBUYE 'l7' ed not
wait to be called upon for hts
All that is neces.sary for him to do is to write
a letter in as few words as possible, inclose
the money and write the name of the.sub
scriber with the - 'Post-Office, 'County and
State, and direct Melo:ter to •
Tribune Offiett,..New-York. -
Persons residing at points where mails
arrive oftener than once a week are requested
to examine the Semi-Weekly. We regard it
as the cheapest paper, 'all things considered,
published in the United States.
TERNS, • •
Sing:e copy, one year--
I%yo copies, .
Five comes.,
Postage on the Daily Trib. one .year is *;;.1,56
Poitage on the Weekly Trib. for one year :28
Pos.age on the Semi-Weekiy for one year 52
Payable . quarterly in advance, at the office
where the paper is received.
.Tribune Office, .New-York
Aknainistratrix Notice.
undersigned, having been appointed
Adtinistratrix - of the .estato of Wales C.
Bfittenyortli, deceased, late of Summit town
ship, Potter Co., Pa., reqUests all persons hav
ing claims' against the said estate to make
known the same to her, without delay, and all
to' make' immediate pay-Mein •io. her at hor
residence in the townahip aforesaid. • •
Satzkrait, Nov. 2,1854. . •/-1-ft
The Peeple's CashiStorel_
• qOUDERSPpRT. ,•••
SoMething New. and Something
• Wanted- .;
TTHEsubscriber has Just received ft'om.tbe
city Of 'New-York, ' opened at Hie
store formerly occupied by-Raskin & Smith;
on the north side of the Court House Square,
a selected assortment - of New 'Good's, .com 4
prising Dry. Goods, Groteries, Crockery; dud
Hardware. • '
The _motto of fbuSiness;—aditptedis, "the .
sure shilling and the liitely sixpence " The
above Geo& 'will therefore be sold (richt.
sivcly for either 'cash or ready:pay in band,
and upon such tct•nts that, il; purchaser can
not • be otherwfse than satisfied that he lias
made a good bargain—received a 'quid pro quo
—something for something in - value for his
money. An exelia l nge• will gladly be 'made
with the Farmer.. tin• his Produce Butter,
Cheese, Eggs. Grain in any quantity, and With
it, the more Cash the better. The subscriber
will at all times tafie pleasure eibilriting
his Goods to the customer, that ,quality and
prices maybe examined. ' '
Coudersport, July 15, 1853. . 6:7tf
AMC/NG tunny Other articles for the ladies.
_of fancy and Irich worth, will be found
at the People's Cash Store. tine \Sorkcd'Col•
lars. of ditlerent desigusltntl patterns.•- 1
IQ)LEACIIED,Sbeeting and Shirting, Brown
Candle Seutniner path fur
child] C 1 1 .6 wear, Bed. Ticking, Toweling, Ta
ble Linnen, Brown, White da., a superior
article of • Dantaslc. all run; flax,—Table
Spreads. An examination will repantnend
theni boter than hilt +,;; rLc. .
T "61.1t0 "Ca,ll mre" may he
found a seleCted lot of Prints, of 'English,
French, and AMerican Goods, quality and
prices ugrcoin; admirably. Please: 'call and
Fre us.
BLACK end Green Teas, of ms - cellMit fla;
vor, and at most reasonable ~P rices.'' SM.
gars, IVhite• and. Brown .do...Tiee; Ginger„
Spice, Pepper,,;N:unnegs, Cassia,.Raisins, Ta
baceo in all itsd variety, - to please those who
love tho weeit. e niel c .4aperim article of Coffee
that eanaot cod; io. pleme •Ml :the Dutch and
sonic of the I nakin s, at the
7,Tyji. AND Clanss:Wom, in
y~zvariety, that.will.please
ruu ey ' e nit.the fiist inspectton,.itt, tne -
Premium Fanning Mills.
mportant to Tormers•and. ItJechanics.
subscriber has liuichased of J.
Ilambiirough the rightito use in Potter and
M'Kean counties his patent in the construction
of Fanning Mills. Ho lads .also, at great ox
bense, commenced the ImMufacture ot a PRE
11111J1t1 MILL which 11 clean from 100 to
200 hour. TI Mi . & was pate .ted
March 20, 1847, since which tune q has stood
at the head of the list at MI the State and ceun
ty agticidturul societies where it has been ex-
Minted. and is a univelial favorite . with. ell
antlers who have tried i . It took .the pre
mium at the first Agrireltural..Fair held. at
'Flarrisburg, Oct. 31st, 1651, when -.there were
30,00') people present' 4141 at the great State
Agricultural Fair. at NeW}York, held at Roch
ester Sept.. 16-10, 1851 1 : this Fanning Mill
received the highest honors.
Having met with. uniform , success wherever
tried, I confidently invite the farmers of Potter
and IFl'Kerui counties .to cell at my shop in
Coudersport and examia .for themselves.
A supply always on ha d, to be sold on rea
sonable terms. . •
• 6-371 f • HN RECKHOW.
5,11 U
!THE subscribe' her . y- gives notice to the
Al:ptiblic that Navin ' Elycil PiTEli. SHIIT7S
his note for eightydol aiss, bearing: date Lear
the last of March, 'lB Ipayable September,
1856, and haying neve received any Value
therefor, he will refits to pay the same;
therefore he warns any' person from buying
the Said note with laid qxpectation: of his pay
ing it, [6513 CONSIDER STEARNS.
. - . .
, . . ,
. Mill Owners will at -4. fi,u4. supply of.
Oil for machinery:at s tiafactory .prices, and
in any quantily,at . N - , •
• " r• 'TAR'S Drug Store.
I Teas.
e Oil.
Nett Goods for the Sudsmer Tride:
'-'it3MNCER -would reipectfrdly in
-IJ'fort* .the • inhabitants •of .Coudersport
and Cieinny that he is note receiving a FRESH
which will be sold as cheap ns the cheapest.
He.,w.ouldi also return' heartfelt thanks to his
old. customers, and friett& - for tHeir paA patron
age and glad to show .them any.
goods ichich he has, and will try to save them
at least per: cent. by calling and examining
beforeptutchasing elsewhere. •
• , ,
HERE mite the lib
to inform the Peo,
' ph) of. Coudersport and
Potter county that I aimstill at. my new Stand
, rippashe the north - side of the public - square,
where why be found Gnoccnits - of all klitds
einistantlY on hand, such as Tea; Sugar, Cof-
I tee,. • Saleratas, Ginger, Mustard, TobaCto - ,
Snuff, - Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, confectionery,
:11y motto is, "The nimble sixpence iii Pre
ference to the don- • i
• Drugs, Medicines, 1
MEDICINES, Oils, SpiritS• of
Turpentine,Camphine, Burning Fluid,
Soap, Candles , role low at
CAP 'Letter, and , Noto Paper, all kinds of
Stationery, Steel-pen Holders NV4ers,
Sealing Wax, Sand, Ink, Pocket-Books,i En
velope=,", Visiting Cards, Jewelry, Fine, iCut
lery,' and a variety of Fancy Articles, together
with Silk and.Thmad, etc., at
(ry RAIN, • Butter, Lard, Eggs, Raki, Shin
g!es taken for goods at their ca.dt
Gash not refused. 1). W. SPENCER__
8 ,----
ER' and Lard of It superior quality l7l7l;
for Anle at SPENCI4t:.s.
ANV one desirosli of a good (violin; of
Syrup of Atolas4ei.will.tlo well to call at
County Orders Taken at.. Par
Olt-GOODS, at
LDIES, if you ‘vaut uirt- you
will tlo. well to cell on • SI'ENCER..
B- VBBIT S YentA P3wder forsa!o by]
SPEN 11.31
N - PSHuNG.—Pore Groinol. Coffee—
.lll great thing for the ladies: sPENcirt.
TI 4 ITIIONTMPTIC, Cod Liver Oil, and
man) : other popular 34 , acine , for Lk by
is Halloo-,! Halloo ! Halloo !
ENC CF ,ft ig in town' Ifountgini of
S . .
OREADY-MADE for ialmost
nothing. 1 lure bought this coat, this vest,
andt hese pants—sin't broke, either! 11urrah! j
Ail the Who ys shall l'e one of 1.1. 1 ,S CE
coats! Hurrah! But, to be candid, trends,
thiere with itg like it in all the ceon'hry.
Jost go over there, and for a little o' nothing
he 'II sell ve a rig that, though ye 're lie
gest riescal abuve.ground, will make ye as fair
as a praist to look at ; th.ottelt ye paint a cint
in yer pockets, folks will bow and scrape to
ye as though ye were millionaires and 'real
gentletnaus.' Fashion! Great thing! Bet
ter dead Man out of it—mant au honeSt fellow
has been 'cut' because of the eat 1.1 his coat ;
but no danger if ye buy of Spencer,—his
olotg are just the fitshion2
TM; subseriber has just received a large
stock oT Heady-Made, Chilling, of t e latest
style and best-muolny, which are well made,
.and will he sttld low. 1). W. SI'ICEII.
100ELVERIZED Corn Starch, for l'ood, for
1 sale at' SPENqER's.
SODA, Crean' Tartar, Magne , iaj Arum,
,211alk, Salts, and Glue, for sale at the
OPEL aitd coach-.varnish can lie had at
'l,3peneer's on very reasonable terns.
OIL (1F TAR, Merchant's Gargl
be had at SPEN
QtroT AND LEAD at lowe
o r
1...7d0wn tcm n at . SPEN!
NTq:\V artic:c.of Summer 11.i i t. , 7t
AA B Err ER ,-eit•e:iott of Coffee not. found
in the county than at • SPEn ER'S
TEA hr- the chest or pound for sale by.
- New Goods.
W •
D - : SPENCER has just returned from
gate city with a lame slocklof Grace=
rie4, Clothing, Drugs and Medicines, and a
general assor.ment of Fancy . ArUcles, and
many other things too numerous to mention,
which will be soul low co!' cash or iready-pay.
Lti G' TOBACCO—Fine Cni, Ciwy:ing
..12 and :751 - nuking, by thp pound. at
"I Conic to bring ;ion Life and Health."
riot. CURTES' lIYGENIA, 4r Inhaling
"Jr Ilygean Vapor and Cherry Syrup, for the
cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Coughs, Cods, and all Lung and
Liver coinpiaints. A new method of Inhala
tion for the cure of the above named diseases:
For sale by I),W. SVENCLI.C.
- - Tailoring! Tailoring!‘
J. W. HARDING, Tailor. A 4 work
entrusted to his care. will be done
Witu noatness, comfort, and durability.
(_r ' Shop over Lewis iNianu's tore. 6-37
IRUSII Burning Fluid and damphine at
the . DRUG ituditOOK-STWIE.
1 110fUNTEN'S celebrated Instructions
.11..f0r the Piano-Foite;•
Borrows' Piano-Forte Primmer )
Union Glee Book ;
A new supply of Sheet Music ; •
For sale by T. TYLER.
A NEW supply of Fluiciand Cum
-OAm) Lamps—some new siid beautiful
patterns just received and fur sale
Clothing, Clothing.
T" place to bay well-mado•Clothing at
a low price (a large stock to select from
Drafting. Instruzzients,
..Water Cidors, Drawing Paper', Pencils, and
Brir,lies, just received at :TYLER'S.
. Stationery
AT Wholesale and Retail nt '
C, §. JONES'
T VAS,fre;lt and Omar, at
XEzie 00D S
DOUBTLESS there are ninny persons is
eoudersport and vicinity - Who have net t ,
visited the famous BOSTON STORE at the
fast4rowing village of Wellsville; The No.
of this store is 94, which number is over the
This establishment. is one of the largea
ING Depots in Allegany, county. Hurulieds
of customers frcim Potter county buy all the:r
Clothing, Boots anti Shoes, anti ogler fixing',
at this greatruart of business:. But !till there
are those who have- never happened to fall
into the path that leads, most assuredlz, to
economy, and wealth. That path. lea all
cash buyers straightway to the •
We have no enemies to punish, no friends
to reward. We sell for ready pay, and talcs
in exchange for 'Goods the following useful
articles, _
Cash TaliOw Venison Oats .
Beeswax Fur . Beaus Nooks
Hides Wheat Yarn Rugs
Potatoes Wo ol Butter &C.,
We are now receiving_ from our shop it
Rochester, about ten cords orthebest ROOTS
and SHOES "sold in the county. We keep
constantly on hand
31en's India Rubber Boots,
41 64 " , Over• Shoes,
14 41 "
"o If
. • it . ai a Cnpa.
With a very- eitens;ve stock of TRUES,
Black and Colored Dres. Silks; Alpaca. De.
!aloes, Thibet •Clothi, Prints„ Gingham=,
other Dre4st- Good4--together with a geueral
variety of Dry Goode.
Shawl; .Shawls.
In particular, we would call the attention 11
the ladies to our great variety of SHAWLS,
of every possible kind, altogether too en
merous to mention.
We have the largest stock of the difi.•reut
kinds of 3141 tresses in W-estern Nehc•iark
lintel keepers can be supplied on reasonab't
Three Cheers for the contempinied ('ant
front Wellsville -to Rochester; and hoplil
that the Plank Road will be continued only
Coudersport during the coming spring, and
that the sous and daughters of
. horglged
Potter may be more frequently seen in ma
yaung Cllyr
We remain your oh% serv'ts
LArtexii, co.:
la, 16. - )4. (143: , t;i
MM.:KEREL, Salmon, and Blue ifith.l
C. S.
QUPERIOIt.Serin and Tallow Caud'es'il
tautly on hand at the
fIRAIN and Produce -of all kinds take_wi
kfi exchange for goods at this store.
AM and Shoulders—rt nov n—ortioc
C. S.
the quart or Ibto.tiel, it C.
Calwirtge and Sleigh-31alier,
subscriber respectfully gilt.% mei,.
1. that he is prepared to do all the bu•inr , .
in the above line, at the shortest notice. at 1:.;
new .hop, two doors nest of the Couderyor.
11o:el. JOHN- RI:CR.IIW%.
flUNS3TlTll.Condersport , P. Firs-Anc
k-A inanufactitred and repaired at his shyp.c
short notice.
ig, Oil, to
;iitrec tlyitt
March 3, 1
The Clothing Department
IF, MM . -MADE CLOTHING kept eon
-Ltstalltly on hand by the subserdwr, •m2l
up and manufactured by the be•t orinek•
from eloth: selected Cur durability. andtpo:e?,
the object being not to supply the ca•toater
with a humbug art irk which he snap be a
duced to purchase because it is se rery Owl?.
but ‘‘ hick in the end is rery deer; -bat U. pu!
him in the first in:mulce an article whicli
do him hour4t rend good service for a re'o , 7
ab:e price. All those desirous of being it
occommodatvd, cull at The Peop!r's
Storc. - L. P. 31.11-NAP.P.
Cuff:CM:l) GINGIRMS• in.varietr.
grierN to :mit: L. K. MAYNAItD.
TON STORE, No. 94 — MAI N.sT.
Ai AY be found , constantli on hand and 1t
I sale, an extensive varlets - of :;petio
Granger's snporb MATTRESSES, of ot!
sort, kind, and price; Irmo a $3.50 Palm 31.:-
tress to a super-English hair Mattress at
,Also, Lounges, Bol,tars, aid Pillows. AI:
which are, offered to llotel and Ernie:::
llonse keepers, and all others - who has c
mon sense enough to know that a f:
feather bed, to make the best of it,
breeder of disease and a lift-curtailer. — e'
lower prices than can be found at any o:i.e7
store in the county. .
Sale Agents (in the county) for the s3!e
the above goods. (,-35
Boston Store, Wellsville, Jan. 13,
Academy Text Book.*
A FULL itnpply for aile low at
ZINC and Mineral Paints, with direeer.l
for. using, at T. B. TYLER'S
J-ATENT PAILS, Bed .Cords, Clo.Lo
Lines, Horse Cords, Curry Cumb , ,
Ilrushas, to he sold at
JI. FURMAN, Home and Cattle
*respectfully informs the public that be
located in Hebron townsh:p (at J o"eph Stot.c:.
where he is prepared to attend to calls .n
profession.' lie is of king experience in T.•
bus{lness, and hives by his superior okill
assi' secure the patronage of the
lic. 6-19:2,1
- -- -- -----
1101111ATENT MEDICINES at Who/epee. ;
UNlcrehaphs and l'edlars will be l api o 7:
with all kinds of l'atent Medicines at
factures' wbolesale prices by Tyta
YPHE best three pilling tea and
..1L at OL.MSTEI)
AFULL assortment of Grocerie:
at low figures, constantly
wido Lawns, from GI cents upward+, at •
ILIONEY.—Agood qualityC. of honey.
.1l wile at