The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, December 07, 1854, Image 4

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. Afroucznito maao or Popenr' -
_ .
In digging out the ruins of Pompeii,
Daihi , 1. - $6.00.
every turn i i
of the spade brings up s e „.si• c dd y
..... :::3.00. Wakly, ' *.tt2.00.
come relic of the ancient life, some - AL Ir.i IS IN ADVA...:CE.
Witness of imperial luxury. For far .-=---
nnu ".CRIBUNE cominences
the greater part, the relics have a its xlVth aal volume with the month of
merely curious interest ; they belong :September—commences it whit a circulation
to archwology, and find appropriate (115000) larger than was ever before accorded
resting places r
circulation has been gradually and laboriously
But there are some exceptions. attuned by concentrating upon THE Tilt-
Here, for instance, the excavator BUM: the best efforts of ortny editors and
drops, an uninvited guest, upon a ban- i correspondent's and by a greater iiberality of
ontlny in . each deparduent than wa, prohably
duet ; there he unexpectedly obtrudes
ever •betore risked on any journtif. It has
himself into a tomb. In one place he
Veen :at:lined, not bysrli;ing SlDOthlz!V in the
finds a miser cowering on his heap ; current of Opinion I - ••efore the wind trud bask
another shows him boneS of dancing Mg in the smiles of majorit . i . e , , but
,by an ear
girls and broken instruments of music nest. fearless devotion to ./ rutli and Progress
a: above all partisan e: , .igencies. all temporary
l yi ngvion the marble floor. In the
interests, all momentary itite:Mms of popular
midst of the painted chambers, baths, ity :aid success. Its thorough advocacy of
halls, columns, fountains, among the Temperance mid Liquor Prohibition, of) us:-
ice to the despi;ed awl doe. mtrodden, and of
splendid evidences of material wealth,
the equal and inalientlbl.• .P.kdtts o r t h e flit.
lie sometimes stumbles on a simple i man Itace, irrespective of S ' ex or Creed or
incident, a touching human story, such Color. have from woe tO time repelled many
as strikes the imagination and sub* •tinshine friends, whote pi teoldices or scsin
gests the mournful interests of the c
ing interests were thereby on•raycned ' Mt'
IlaV e co - Illlyined - to ' form a . cls'irtic . • cm v. Illeli it .
great disaster, as the sudden sight of v, in endeavor to main sin and assign it a iinsi
a rionnded soldier conjures up the non amorg J outddsl ' I
iv . l:e . l w e tee, that i t mill
horrors of a field of battle. lee henceforth a ,111• , e,s not to impair.
Such, to our mind, is the latest dis- F . 1 - te . • i " din g id '" it, wh . li ". l T il t; T i t / -
BC _Nil, ts devoted tiny be brushy set tor.h tii
tovery of the excavators in
.this mel- follows: 1. rum:met h to-do n - Immver is es
ancholy field. It is a group of skele- - sentiaity right—not alone for whim Atneri
e. n-, or Ang.o Saxons, or Caucasians even—
ions in the act of flit - Ott, accompanied
by a dog. There are three human 1: ,.t :11 furo i,iti t i , i i i l l a u ce in t i tt d dt/ ., . i t: , r , t , t i i i i i ti r e i n , l . i e c. i l i t t e . r
u t 1 . 17
beings, one of them a Young E!iii,- with bondage—but for eVery Race and Nailon,;,n ' d
gold rings and jewels still - on her ;.(111.1 ra•..11.11 - luntian twin:. Tins
I , :reciont is righ:fmly a!)-ii.ut e m :iii_t lir() .il
fingers: The fugitives Lad a bag - of
uomain i.f o r .. .id in% o'.ves time eq ual
gold and silver with them, snatched and imp - er.,6%e righ to Po i.ical i'r tu - tires:
up, no doubt, in haste anti darkness. i! (m ut ii, or the twee-an. right (tribe legs
But the fiery flood was on their track, indiewed ni . ,ority to in erdm: in :lie sphere
and vain their wealth, their flii,ht—the of ae:iou all pmcoces v% !licit i: deems demur
aiizimr therefore pre . ndicial to the common
age of one, the youth of the other ! '!. ,! '
eitt; 0. "ENtrici:NcE, or the utsiloni mid
The horning lava rolled above them policy of emp.o.••
. i ing lime resources and credit
and beyond, and die faithful dog
~ of the conununiiy to accomp.ish iv or s of
general and unquestioned it. !My to iv dell
mined Lack to share the fortunes of
ind.vidnal we .tic are inadequam or v. !Leh.
the mistress, dying at her feet. . • thou:ill oionwiLiv conduck eto the puh.ic
Seen by the light of such an good, do no: promise to re'imburse by do: r
dent, how vividly, that night of hor- : direct income the outlay required lid-:heir
tors looms upon the sense;! Dues' con c . ritc,ion . : .1. Itcou , •rmAt. DE% ut.oeut.v r.
as the corner-stone of a true mid benignant
not the imagination picture the little anoniii 1 , 0.0. v, coon it g the wituralmation
group in their own houses, by the side ,of a new sod valuab'e On or product (dill,
of their evening ibuntain, lavuidlv son it , more imporiant twit the acipfisi.itocof
chattering over the day's events, and ", I L re ' h 1 '"` 1 "",: e " r
, i '" 1 " 1. "',." 1 e Pu '':.. " i ' l ' i '''
- tm: tc , rt ou it,. spocre of ..,:Liolo,: ,oneorn
the unusual heat l Does it nut hear is '' , .1' -
am. ~ a , ow:, eimr, : 5. Pi kr:„. :I- •• • .
with them the troubled swell of the ' (
waters in the bar; see, as they do, '
how the night comes down in sudden
strangeness, how the Sky opens over
and flinnes break out, while
scoria.; sand, and molten rocks come
pouring down? What movemcatit,
.ernotien, what surprise ! The
scene grows darker every instant ; the
hollow monotony of the bay is lifted
intoe yells anti shrieks; the air grows
thick and hot with flames, and at the
mountain's foot is heard the roll of the
liquid lava. 'Jewels, household gods,
gold and silver coins, are snatched up
on the instant.- No time to say fare
we!l; darkness in front and lire, be
hind, they rush into the streets—
stfects choked with ildling houses and
ilyilig citizens. 1 low find the way
through passages which have no longer
~uilets ! Confusion, clanger, clark
n)iss, uproar, everywhere; the shouts
ins parted ft iends, the agony of men
struck down by falling columns : fear,
'nadnins,. and despair unchained ;
here, penury clutching gold it cannot .
keep—there gluttony feeding on its is, it 11,011:d nfil.;\e 11, maiiimm..l,,,,im: r o r
. I .inal meal, alt . I phrenzv striking in the the recHo' - ' r , r• Adv-r i''•/:;1. W.! humid 0
dark to for-stall death. 'cliromz.h all, ' li d t in .1.1 I 1: T l t l 11 1- N ll 1 ' r''''. l " l - 1 ' 11 "
_ . ltges- t :.rie.v amt eN en, of solid ;nformation
fancy heats the young girl's bererlMS ; etii;i•erning ilie (n 4 ,1 1,, of die tito iliiiil La ,
the fire is on I:er jeweled hand ! No been orM al he combined n id' , •\ - trimie the.:p
time for thought—no pause—the Mod ' ucs , ; and in :.hat ii:iii n e eimain iii ii to the
-offs en, and wisdom, beauty, age, and : I :,',,,",.'`',', l „ ): `' , .. r i e,g" rd ',':' /. , r "" d '"t 4 P" 6:1 " . We
youth, with all the stories of their i,' u '-' I"'' "r r .'" n ' s " rib ''''' '"i i t l ' "'"'-'
to in e it ty gamloin; . ; pn.spects of wouttn! ,
!me, their h,,pes, their rank, wealth, trio , or mansiens in a :Dien in which tielt•••
and greatness—all the once alilum.t e.s arc Inruisimil to . its 1).1,1 , )!! , , Plii;l:fly 111
• Ir , Ve:lng ; , _:•,a, to imporinne, reep.e in o
life, are gone forever.
j i t tttg it, and waste none of our room in dun-
WIK-`ll uneintlied, after many years, , Mit,s - imrsuh-erifiers fur pay. -
, , , -
'the nameless group has no other nu- I , l.ft:tl:, 01."1'll II WIA:li LY TR i111.".:5:P.,
nortance to mankind than as it luny I i'inTe "i' v. " le ~`'.'," -s: •I:1
i flute coi.:‘,. one i elr .. ; , ,,f,n
“ serve to point. a moral or adorn a , o•
A I% e eopic , , one vmr s PO
talc." ! 1 . , , n cr,i)ir• , , ono ,':ir 1., m.
' t: , •ll\ c,ipic-, t, ,i,r 116;;( SS ..... ;.!! , ,Oil
i And tiny huger number at theram of S3l
Ka eastern traveler, in a newly pub- l i ir . r t i , , ; ( l, ::; , :r r u i ) .; l ‘ ; , , ,, ,Lt , h c chits we cannel direct
Halted work, entitled ‘Notes of Travel,' -
r • •
relates the followingsin , ular fact
under h, nolnent adcnnce'
observation at tuna die paper i , ar'.ablv
Musrat : the expiration of the 16-•diCe
. to the harbor is better Monw. way lie c ' lli i:%d - f l o ". " "1"-- 1 •
•; • • •1
in !eller; at our rift; the r l; ' ::: b .'n e ir' ) ( l .7
s f
• xelr.orned by the natives than "plus
d p , :ace I.%llCrt, the is teal eiT shou.d
cat Tom." Thism
name has been given
description o
bills. its COlLems and kee t i
by sailors to a male fin-back whale a
which has made au habitual practice liis mw ,i ; 1 .• i!ls. • '
Hilted Si„t i g Inn!: in the
J., or Canada received at par for
(be forty years to enter, feed, and
frolic the cove several hours in suberiim '' .
have no t • I'
eding :gents. Any one
each day, always leaving before night. I% :11111g 10 • e
Sortetimes a smaller member of hi s be 7. e:
t ;:e r d,
tribe, supposed to be a female, ac-H
it necesslry tor hitu to do i , \yr' P
a ICI:Pr 111 as 11..%‘ : words as pOSSII/ - e,
companied hint. His length ma not the: money and write tit el thttne of the
less than seventy feet, and that of -coher web the Pe: , tt
htect -,ttanty and
CoMpanion fifty feet. Since his sr-
: State, 7111(11111W: IIIC
rival signalizes the departure of the GRULEV
Tribune ()dice, Ntiw-York.
sharks which infest the' harbor to
the prevention' of sea bathing by
"in:s " Imre ,nails
the natives, the most titre:mons, ca
itt examine are
don is observed not to interfere with
as the cheape , t paper, alt s' ti . i . 'n, : , , r l s N. L. ' :o r ii7OL r i ' • i ed it ,
his pursuits and diversions. Ile shows pub:l;lied in die Uuned State;
no fear of - such 'vessels as trespass
Upon his watery field. One day as
he tame rolfing leisurely and jollily
ideingside of a vessel at anchor in
the harbor, and on board of which
I was, one of the crew threw with
considerable impetus a stick of wood
into his open mouth, as he raised his
head out of the water. This breach
of good treatment Which he had been
'wont to receive, did not draw any
sighs of displeasure from his whale
ship; although more than one male
diailm was bestowed upon the impru
dent tar by the exasperated natives
Who had observed his censurable con
LAvitze.—.A learned gentleman who res.
hues your estato from the gnerny and keeps it
(futon et . trait l'reirre—, LI Lc elteri-hotl In'
the la , . ;111‘.011 , , S.litly to pre-er
ns ;is -xi: are prune to re,itt;re
for et ery tt,.rettit, %let 11C% er a 111 . ....1:r1'0:11:07"Vil
eNcept at , ille C of Litter: v.
Sitelt are the eltiLf le; 11, (itch '1111:
TnllirNl: direct , it , etetr,:e. •
lii a eurtll portion of THE TRHIT-NE
eurrent.:: -- hred
a. light re.tding: hut rt.viev, - - ;if Nay, Boo . ks,
ol'decid. ere , :', t iiL ViPliec eVraC:S li:11,-
tratiNg their quaii:y, are fre . e:y it en. ‘t. hi:e
the great body of our Ir,per i. devoted to . a
lucid and c irefid of die Ne%\ rd . the
Day, %%hit EditoritdCl,lllllleid , Hereon. IVe
ha \ r reliake torreliondeni, er
of ;he globe, and in nea,riy ail the pritieiptd
chip, of Europe and America, and letters
tciil aid our readers lo a extirer undorstand
ing of die eau-e , which are •1111 W
eonvert,ng die D'Al NV orld into one gig ttdie
aryl!, for die - dea.h- , rirlg!e of rival in
jue—ion, and anilti,ion,.
THE contr.:n: r,por:s
or the .Thirker , . Our (*aide
::re •.% or:h more thin the price or ,Ite
purr to tho-e who ere tn:10.g.41 in rai,iiz
our It r•lsiv and could 1,..• ar
ford,ului ?Jo! pri,,
co;ill'ee:10111V1.11;!1).,i'y, nor con:d our .11:6iy
pr:it o wi.hopt .111,! ;:iki (A . our
(Thninry our vireu::uiun
Sing'r copy, one year
Two ropies t
Fit e copies,
Postage on the Daily Trib. one year is -$1.7,6
Postage on the Weekly Trib. for one rear .t 4,
Postage on the Seini-Weekly fir one year 5'2
I'ayab.o gulrer:y in advaice, at the office
where the paper is received.
Tribune Office, New-York.
Aloninistratrix Notice.
mill:. undersigned, having been appointed
Administratrix of the estate of Wales C. No ice,t
, Butterworth, deceased, late of Sinnmit town- I rumE Governor of the State of NrW-York
ship, Potter Co., Pa., requests all persons hay- IL has appointed the subscriber a Commis
ing claims against the said estate to make sioner for the State of New-York, to take the
known the smie to her wi.bout delay, and all acknowledgment of Deeds and other instrn
to make immediate payment to her at her meuts, mid to administer oaths pursuant to an
residence in the townahip aforesaid., act of the Legislature of the said State.
Summit', Now. 2,1854, 24-6 c Coudersport, Dec. 12,1e51.
Tis reporicd that Nebraska Bill is in town
IL and by callin g at the Hardware Store o
James on ,Main street, von can
find for sale—cheap for cash or exchange, a
better assortment of
Cooking, Box& Parlor Stoves,
All Varieties and Sizes ;
Tin ,Copper and Sheet Iron Ware ;
aaci v, cut saws, Hoop-inn, Nails and Chains;
Carpentcr's Tools and Files, Iseu
lt.= and Luvils ;
Godd varlets of buitding Hardware ; where
il!SO lirly be found a general as , ortinent of
ga.p.pamin Ellarr •,
Tots To PLEAsr. 'nu: Burs;
tnge. her with a good variety of
such as
ILI ND and
than can be
found etsewhe re itt this coun , y. And I 'mould
can especial attention of the-0 ..rho
.ivi,ll to
purchase, to my :ttrge and well stdec:ed stock of
s ir ELT Ctippl:n
ali nuide of good Juicer:al and by a slihiful
•mit coot; I. en: worlttuan. AU 111-k is for you
to eith and ,ce un good , , price thew, and I
ha% e no doubt t•ou %yid be ,itti , lied %%hit the
price and goo(14.
Ail kinds of produce tv..ken for. goods. I
also luty per ton lof o:(1 . iron.
Comte;Tor:, Ju'y 7,
War Beclared at Last,
rgifiE lung; repo 1 , of Etingie is about ,
Ito (i'.- ,- ttn'oc,, Lt - the Int:.:!,:s note
the reviile the drum, e3.1:1:1:4 its
nii;ii.ous to arms in the - d0),•/..O,•
fir( ll.t it o•untry.
j:. , are c:lli4:rz for nit-n ;!nd
triaiing 11..jr;.firj. s too I , a;de
tl.e Lat
(CA \Verlil is coos ty recap:-
lit Ilte rwact•fal alt , t cputA or our
Luce itaawal a Cfp:rin, r,1,111.
imint• ;Intl iT.N. 5. Li:Tl.Ett
in iLe t i :I C I,f 01( 411. 1 . 1,1•111(.1.1v cecti
pica ilv I.l:4licr. and ur trots r t ._
tic•N f;:ock - of L2 , ,(.11.::11:1111,1
1,, ill.. i.t•:t. , oti. a:1,1 of 111. 1 c,ii,innujiy:'
It v. - ‘• ~ . 11 3;c:R-ivcly I.r c;111
( I ,..‘va, at pri. cs ca.tartla tuition
, .
.•,;;;; , :•.-1, , .1 in 111.-.
Uur stn(.;; in part of :lic
I “1 C PrifitS t SIIC( 8,
C.Ol/` , , I)1•111: , , ' 5,
\\*,,, , ,H1 V, ❑i,
And Inv:in of
::1-,41\-(• /1 .1:1 a aiNt.Hic...
ran It.• a•=•u'.vl !i1:11111_ I2Vt thcy
u•n:aly wa!lt . that will do 'het!' good
Cail - and
. L•ce for )/J1..!',11%(
UL•an,Alav 1F3:11. : G-51
e t Ye Ilaltzzrq
( 1 S. JUNES ine hod to inforn
• ;he orl'olider.port and he pelt
lie L:..IH.T•Iny, 111 11:1 , ju-t (jr{).
ccrc and Provi..:;on s!oro. toiler. he viii keep
eon , •.:ooly ers.iltin at the line of
v.hieli he will se!! f! , ft.:NI:i1:11'.0
c:11) lee di-- red. The' —,uhr.:,:intin! ,— ran be
found here :0. a!! -uelt Wit and
of the m0...t.
v Therefore. slion! , l
eit v.i.-1! fur ;171 . 1'1h:11
. T of kind. }):pa...i.
;,:1 before purcluNaig e'ewv,liere;
it v.u.e muqt
Lc o,..,!;ence. Vol; \N
iti eutt-:;:•ing Z.:A
-tn.:. Tu;:s. !'offer. t'eraluu.
;quo. Cothi-11. j•kh., Il „,
A! ;it - all
Pori:. Flour, I , :.rd, ( Au'u-u, 1311 :tf'r,
tirl::t.) : 4 3h: v•e.
and 411 i.: ud or t'rr :111(q. taken
ill ,•‘, for good: at the
List of
For Trial in ille Court of t'dnil:IIIII I'li a.; of
i , ,,iii i . i 'amity, at Mee hoin r•Ti ro:, 1 - ; i:. .:
.Tatno: C. C tutiq vs. 1 - .!r-to, Dick:n-:on.
Je--e Losim tee. or A..; 5 John :\!. Kii horn.
Bruner • -
ZL •
:010 • ~ . :?.tie.
0,,..8. Goorlntr n use „_s sa ,„ 6. .
of A. Brnr ,q.
111!r:let I. '.',r+ •,," W. Roos.k Sarah Ross
J. O. \% ill' as wife" Harriette 1.0,ey.
John J. i.hl , :ewoy . " I'o:ter Re., nohls.
Jo-zeph A: rhirl: " Chart, \V. Johnson.
:- , ainr.ol . Porter 0 , 1! of „ Sallillel Gibb , , Jr.
IV. T. Joni , ,„`L Bro.
lir me I furiburt . " •Mratha 11w:hurt.
.1. Joine , on & Co. il , 'e ,t A. T. Los,.
of J. 1-. ('rosier (
Silo: N. Howard " Richard Goodin:ln
Tinw:hv I've , , et, al., " ti Horton.
Emily kit-eil " \V. T. Jones ,N.:. Byo
.Ir. J. OLMSTED, f'roth'y PrurrnoNcrr%ar!, I /your.
(•ifieler-lwr:, No% ereber '2, IF=7‘l. S.
g ry._.s __ o( — ...,..—,----
.. •
Inihar IWO lio :Imo i• vi‘ siock
he ;10..v to oil
v. 119 tiloy f.ciair hiw v. - nil a r tail. -1 . 011 C/111 lied
Lc on 1./INVIIR,
1;,:i•cL••• Itt 1)1.•
C., Lc. A'.. , i. friar , , (lit2ll :111F. l } -
nu all (Irtlel Ili Is, Cl ' Of is yy. and
it IIII•IZt• SIOUIZ Of 1 1 0.1:I:Old i s q:111,; all Of tt 1111 h
NVIILIW soill as low it tiny can lie 1111 light
-S.7PAKEirS anti Clnicellite—delici‘in
at 11 LEICS.
Magazines for November.'
ir - FAHrEtt, thniev, G and
- 1 1-11-ju4 z CiTecivcd salt! at `.15 pt
utni;lwr, :IA ',Elf.
PAIL for Bolter :m(1 dir
Inne 30, 185.1
1:11{ENCII wnv thing en
_ll2tireh,for .tle at C. S. JONi.:•i'.•
`SORTED Pick:es in jars for tole
AL L l'apeys, N CV, and Iwiollitlll pat
terns at TYLER'S.
Pails, and
.~.. ..i ~.i.
JA:Ot:;:i W. SMITIT-
New Cash
The Poop's Cash Store,
Sorrepthling N and-Something
, anted.
THE subscriber has just received from the
city of New-N'ork, and Opened at the
store forme' rly orOpied by -Laskin & Smith,
on the north side o r f the Court lionise Square,
a selt•cttnli assortment 0f:.7 , 1ew Goods, corn- -
prising Dry Goods Groceiies, Crockery, and
IlardsS.are. i
The motto of I)lsiness-adoptcd—is, "fhe
titre shilling and he beoly sixpence." The .
above' Goods will therefo)! bl 2 sold c:;ciu.
Si Ve /Y for either cash or i n -ay-pay in hand,
and upon sinch terms that 'the purchaser erie.
opt he otherwise than .atisdied, that he has
made a good burgain—rec'eived a quid pro quo
somethirig inn vain): lor•his
money. et:change will gladly he made
with the Penner. for his Produce: Butter.
Cht•ese, Eggs, Crain iu arty qnantiti% and with
it, the more Cash the bett;:r.
will at all tithes take pleasure in' exhiliitim:
his Goods to . the customer, that finality and
prices may he examined.: •
L.l. .IIAYNARri.
Curlt-rspoo, July 15, 1 s.i3. •
ii.\:iONG many oilior articles for the ladies: :
..Z.Lof fancy. and rich worth. will he found
at the Poonk.'s Cnsh Stotie, fine Worked Col
kirs. of liiiercut designs and pattfirns. •
LE 1C II ED Shottiii_antial ioing, Brown
eto:Elio Statino Cloth for
thiiiit ‘lonr,.ll( El Thlthig. "foxy( liiig,tTo
hie I.ioneo, I:rowh, Whitt! Elo.,it
nvticlo of Dainit,h, liir intro flax,—'fable,
~prttoli% AD t•N:.I.I.111:01.1:1 W kt . CUIIIIIIC/Itl
ni !wit, r
AT - The. PE ()plt's Sturc-" mar
- , _!a‘fund..nscl,•(l,(l lot ()I' Print of tat:lit:lt.
;:ad Amorienn Goods, gnality and
inlet-.+ aaccting zahniridity: cull and
BLACK .ild cr c en.Tuas,
vor. am! at Rust .reasonahle price , .
;:ors, - hi:e and Ilrown
r, Nninit•l2s,,); in ail it, varit.ty,l to piczn:e thos4. %%ll
love 111'2 L arliLlt• of Coffee
that caftliot Cal to p:, a , t• all the Ihitch•and
sut..e trw .
• •1••• . 4 0 Cleri A., I) 6,;:5 . 8
variety, that will please:
L 111; eye oh the iir:tv ilullectton, 41. Lno.
;;Iliok , , ut
A.,Trattcni, 1 tri,•;l 111(1 I , mila to 14 , 2 piml,
1; Dom.
/11;1 . 1,, (4% hit- Rhti
;jct. Dutt , far
s.•Ctf:li ly, . us uf
quality fur thu a: ;he
Tin and Hardvrare,
underianed has cunnuctt:d
_I Tin, Slp•Lt S. - ove
1;11-ii:,-.s. that of 11Alt.D1i ARE; and CUT
iliat in. wiiiitio:l to
lit rt•le:ti re cr.litimi.ecl by Lila, lit is nev: ren.iy
li,raiitly WI Voriel.y
Ad:as ;intl for Ca
blr . A nurril f
.1t.,•, Toys i,l ;
uI ,liurt. 1 - 1(. kcep i s
Which ill
fin. lt.;“ for p.l
ittt:ted, I,.)pes,. 1 , " a:r . e s'q
altel,lieft to hi, It)
Fit ioli.L•••. 1
.!;ill,l. ul Protli,e ttliicu in for
th, zi”,rkt•: al,o. $.20
per in:: fur ua:
.7A5i, %V. ,',M11.11.•
LE.II). ANTI 11:1:1.: .\
The "lieix-Jersey 2:116C C'o2l/a)allly
;:roittly oni:,rgod ir
iloproN( t: the' quality of ihiit ;ne
luol^ifo,l to xou , tto oFII rs for :heir
fli i 1 I',\lN'l S, (IfT, ;:ronn.l in oil; in
1/1 fowl 25 to
nio. Dry. in if :2110 1 ormr..;
in it \V HITE 'LI:\ (2, dry, (.r ih iil,
l'otti`: :I!id
A na•lhoil '4,1 pit pal oao•ii11y
v.111.1i th-Goolp.ioy to
to fjap ;t a ll suit in
the I , . amatalir.L. lime... IN thi,
c 7 111.4 paha, AN, .INpi,aiur to any
otlo.r in the h.a1 . 1.14.
inir 1:1:L1VN ZING I'AINT. v:Ili;:11 is
at n IN:: pliee, anki van o:::' lit. made
trout the Zia.. arcs 110 W
INCH known fur its protectiv, qualiitus isheu
;:ppi,tl to trim uflier ra•taliicqatl:oa-s•
all the dualities of thiT, :Jilt
iy,:renabi.: color hit i+aintiNg Deputs,
1),•;111:1S :,11111 , r1C11 tcrws hy their
Agcnt.. FI:ENC;11 ,l HICII.IP.US,
hulosnle ;plc' Importer.,
N. IV, cue. of 10th &..I.turllch::.•.-s,
Premium Fanning Mills
mp orlon! to
. l'arniers
.iltul 31cchanics.
subscriber has puichased of J.
Ilatul,orotteli the right:to use in Potter and
counties his patent in the construction
if l' tihin~ Milk. Ile has alsO, atgreat ea-
tense, commenced the manufacture of a PIIE
:MUM MILL which will clean front ltld to
sp. r hour. This :Null teas pate ,ted
:tlarth al, I"' IT, since Nvhich tittle it has stood
at the head of the list at all the State coin
ty agliculturtil societies v. here if has been ex
hibited. and is . a universal favorite with ;AI
antlers who have tried it. It took the pre
mium at the first Agrictilttuar Fair held at
I hit ri , ltityg. Oct. Ilst, It-ri I , when there were
:111,1;tylpeople present ; and at the great State
itgi Walt mai Fair at. Ne w- York, held tit Itoch
c,ter Sept. 111-19, this ,l'anning ,dill
1444 eivrd the 11igh44:44 honors
lls Alio tv;th unili rui sliceess wherever
tiled, I conll4!ently invite 11144 fanners of totter
nod "eutinties to toll ul . niy shop in
t..',4oideit.pert ;oil' extoilia (for thetin•elv(s.
A blipply always on linnd, to be sold on rea
tonnblc tennis
rum; sUbserilict here by gives notice to the
Jl_ rubric that liaVi/P4 5111711'3
his note for eh:litydolfars, laatring date
the last of March, 1851, payable September,
18:d, and having never received any value
tlo . tfor, be will refuse to pay toe 'seine;
therefore he warns arty person front buying
the Raid note with and expectation of - his pay
ing it. [1351] CONSIDER' S:f EARNS.
Machine Oil
Mill Owners will always find supply of
Oil for machinery at satisfactory prices, and
in any quantity, at •
TILER'S Drug Store.
XrEr OnS f
New Goods for - the Summer .Trade.
- gm W. SPENCER would respectfnlly in- D 'BTLESS there are many person ! in
Coudersport and vicinity who have never
• form the inhabitants of Coudersport
visited the famous BOSTON STORE at the
and vicinity that he is now receiving a FRESH
.of Goods, fast- ,, rowing village. of Wellsville. The No
of this store which number is Over the .
which will be sold as cheap its the cheapest. ,
He?would also return heartfelt thanks to -his
old customers and friends for their past patron
age, and wou:d g'ad to show them any
goOds which he has, and will try to save thew
at least' it) per cell!. by calling and examining
before purchasing elsewhere.
HERE take the ll
erty to inform the peo
ple of Coudersport and
Potter county that I lint still at my new stand
opposite the north Side of the pubic square,
where may be found Gitociinit:s of all kinds
constantly on hand, such as Tea, Sugar, Cof
fee, 'Sab;ratn-i, Gin g er, Mustard, Tobacco,
Swill; Nutmegs, Mace, Cloi, es, Confectionery,
My motto is, '" The nimble sixpence in pie
ference to the slow shilling."
Drugs, Medicines, m
IopiTENT ErliciNEE.4, Oils, Spirits of
-11 Ttirpeznine. Cann , hint-, Burning Fluid.
Soap, Candles, for sale low at
r t.vp, Letter, and Note Paper, all kin& of
tationery, Steel-ften Holders Wafers,
Sett in„ Wax, Sand, Ink, Poeke,.l3ofik4, E n .
ve,ope , , Vi-iting Cartl4, Jewe:ry, Fine Cut
lery, and a variety of Pettey Artlit'e-t, together
with rink and Thread, etc., at
With a very. , evtrnqivr ktnek of TarKS,
. •
L'lntrr, Lard, Fft:,;s, Rag., YALL'irS, and c.utt'rr rho:e 4
taken for good: at their cash cants. lllark and Colored Dress ee.ilks, .111:aCa.
Cash not refit-ed. D. \V. SPENCLII. Pr:aits, Ginginow...ked
-- other Dr, - •-• Good--together with a gturra.l
1 - 11PTTIT. and -Lard of a superior qualily vanoty of Dr: t ;nods.,
lit~ sale at SPENCLICs.
Shawls, Shawls.
-NY One dc - iirou, of a good rontlitt- of • In paridnlar, we would sal! the attention fol
Syrup of Mo!usse, will do tt vii To call at • the ladies to our great caner - of Sll.ll/1.5,
SPENCEft'. S . of mere h:And, altogether teu no -
Inerot, to no2nt,on.
County Orders Taken at Par Mattresses.
Ire:e large-t stock of the d:f:::erPt,t
: • • It; n4l-: of .IfattrrFs,s in We,•tern New-ye:l-.
(loud keeper- can be sal pled on rt.:l-n:IW,,
4 ADITS, if ..vou tvont a nice flonnot. N'llll
will do veil to call on 61 - ::NC
'I timer Clo•er4 for the centemplated Cnt.l
13ABMT'S rea;•.. Powder for front :Wellsville to llorhester: and lirq. xi
that the Plank Itoad will he cont . :Hoed nto
- Conder.port &wing, the rotning spring, a-vd
7. 4 7F.NV:• oc. , !he . , 4,11' , and dan , ghters of bentgle o l
great thug for the •P,,•:cr war inorc.frequently seen i n ow
IT 1 1 ON11‘111'711:. Cod Liter oil, vataz il, e n d - •,
re:n:l.n on SOrr
g 1111:11y othtr for. le hr
Jan. Yd. 17-Z.,-1.
! ! ; .p - • AuKEP,EL, Salmon, and
C. S. JON iS'.
pE N j: ,in town! .7.loontainq of
Minot INtrit Sperm nd Tallow Cand'r.:r.'
no • PPOVIS I4
and :Ito-e pan' hrolse, v . !' her! Itirr..h! •tnel
.1 !V the I. hoy , "hall I, • ttflof PI all Ii ii a! the
coats! Itnrtili Pot, to lie candid. fr.end,.
.NENV STtlit
there', no It n.! I.iice It in all the entind.rv.
~r 1 over, and fir a little
he it ,ea ve o , r C th it, 'to !the
e ;:round, r 111 in ;Ise ye tt. fair
:I, ;I prai,t,o loot; at; thongli ye lytint a rill;
citt yc•r pockets, folk- wilt how and ,crape In
ve though ye v,-ere millionaire.. and • r.:11
. Great thing! Bet-
Iter , tle,nl on, of it—tidily au honest fellow
i been • rm . becot.e of the ent of Iii -coat;
hot no (huger If • VA. boy of Spencer,—hi,
lid lire jit,t the 1.: , hi0n.”
Thu ..ttliseCilier nto received a large
of ltel,ly-, , d.ide (ling, 'Ol the ho.est
s s:e citt.tll , y, %N 0..; lo:tik,
I and ~ 0.1 d I). 11. SPENCI:II
131 . 1_,V1:it!Zi.1) I;.r
('ream' Tar*Lr,
(;hn•. for,,:"
II) 'EI c:m In. 11241
‘.-IS/ellef . r . , MI very rrn,oin :erna,
0,11, 01' T.:lt,to
AND . LI:All at lower figure , : tlEtti
ISJ do\ v n toil' at SI'ENCEICs.
YEW art of ::iitucuer
BETTEu ss:•!ec ion or Col7e; , I): found
t in the cut thin ;it SPENCER'.•.i
TI:A the ch.t....“ or 'pound Cor 1. : ,.
rt i NV. SPI:NCER Itas jiizt re•nrneil from
I_, • Coe ('• \- , of lirocc
rie,, I)rtio-: at! trl .71
general or.mcnt of Fancy Article, and
ionic o:her tiling- Imo notiiiiron , to litelicien.
kill be ionil low for read.--icry.
n1.1 . G TOBACCO—ri, cut, chow7i,
Ja_ and ::•!Inuking. by tlu pound. ;tt
"I t'oilo: !lot/ 0. , 147
HIGENI.k, or Inlrt
liver iti Vapor and Cherry : 4 yrui), for 11,
cure -Cif Pulnion rc Cottennpt;on. Asinna,
Bronchitis. Coughs, Co d. 4, and ;di Lung and
Live: comp!iiitus. A to2iv inethod•td . Ila•
lion for .he cure. of the :Wove n oned
For sale ;' • 1). \ •
Tailoring! Tailoring! f
.1. W. 1 i.V:DIN G. Tai:er. A ikvt,ri: s l.A
,Wati,l,4 to his t x‘;ill).2
:ma citi:Wi;iiy.
7 .7;7' Shup ov,r Ltnvi. Malin% 1:.:37
_Et2ilu, 1)1:[(i ItuoK-S
31 1 11.1ic.
UN'PEN'S celebrated Instructions
1' . 1:1111: 1 1 . 1111 , :
lhnnt s' Pi;tllo.rol'lC
- Ctiittn Cb•t• Pa It
A tiuw supply of :-.Zlicet Mtt.tic:
A NEW Eupply
. 91 Fluid t - id Cam-
Lanip,—,onze in•w and beautiful
'alarms just receive 4 and for sale low at
JOHN ItE.C"llO%s,
Drafting Instruments,
Water Colors, Drawing Paper, Pencils, and
Ilrnshes.jnst received at TYLER S.
AT Wholesale anti Retail at
T EAS,fro3h nudcheap. at
New Goods
Clothing, Clothi: - g.
lli place to buy well-made at
a low price (a large ,tock to select from
Th's establishment is one of the largm
ING in Allegany county. Hundred '
of cuio.otners from Potter county buy all they
Boot., an d sh o e:, and other fixing:,
at Ill's great mart of business. But still there
are tho-e who Imre_ never happened to fall
into the path *that lead:, most assuredly, to
economy and -wealth: That path leads all
cash buyArs straightway -to the
We inpoil no enetn:es to Enini9h, no friend.
to reward. We <el for ready pay, and take
in exchan,7e for ComLi the following rueful
ap't!c , , viz.:
Ctish Tallow 'Venison Oats
Beeswax Fur Mans Socks
Hide- Wheat Yarn -Rags
Pommes Wool hotter &c., c :
We are now receiving from our shop at
Roehrster, about ten cords of the best Borrr B
and :••110ES sold, in the count'. We keep
C011,1fIllth" nn hand—
Men's Ind.a Ittilthr3r Boots.
" Over-Shoes,
•• 'Coats.
1 11.1 I N and Product• of all 1,ind,1:11,f111
f•ir 4.1; 00,6 itt.
TA .VAIS ant! : 4 bott:der,--a Wl\ a'....rdlie
r. S. Ji
4!lClii.'S OF 5.1.1:1' 'at the
4, —)the puln or bu-Lel, at C. S. JI
'arriage and Sivigli-Maker.
rpitr. rl,-revlinly Or, : v a:i c
1 1, : o ri,p a rod to (!o all Ow
in the abovp tio• •hortro noticP,
neW ',hop. two door, r. r.t of 1111,('onflers , :s
JOHN 1:1:1:11101V.
es ("NS MlTll.ColidPrin , r..P.,, I ,r-r.r
at:tl Evnaire,l at hi-
The Clothing Department
AT " THE "7"1.01•1.17.. rt.if
1)1::11)\ - -)1.‘1)1:
...I' , t:o;tly nn 11:11111 11v the , 111::or;:lo'r.
twoi , .1:1: , ••InT•11 by the Le-t
the 0b;,.,•: Jiro t t , otppiv
%r id: a; ,, v.hivh he • i
To lon cir.-.• 7-, - /•;/
. 11:::1 in an,.• all
gornl 1 , ,r a r ,
rr,;l- , of }•••.nL7
L. F. )1:11N.111D.
.1 - 4 it il("A".r.1) iI!NGIIANS - in v.,r1,-y.
I ‘.._ipr',•• to o`tt:t. " L.
IN W1;1.1.,' , 1:11.1.1'.,.V1 . VII: :of r. , , T CO
T()N ST011;:, No.
00n•tati'lv ,in Irind and I
an -0 Sin•neor
or e:p
Puri. l,uul. and prieo. i'rolll 31
tre , , to;. Alattrv. , at
1101-::q=. ;dui
\\ hich m.O to IIii:01 at rl 110:¢d.
llon. l /1:001 , 0r. - , ; nil all idior , IN - lio e
;111!rr j ,ii•I' • C 101igh to 'MOWt h rta
1. r , Oit a'. to 600 Of it, is Lit
In-00(10r of cl •0f . 0 , 0 %lid a lifv-enr;a:ler.
rri.o: than r,iti he any int
s:ore iii tin. coun..v.
LANCF.I - Cu..
Sali , (in the cuttutu fur tin• al
thu ;:buve r.70 , n14• t fu: , .7;
11“ , tim Story, Jan. 1:;,
Academy Text Rooks.
A FULL supply for sa!e low at
/ZINC a n d Mineral Painis, wi:li
IPLIfor u-ing, tt T. B. TYLER'.
I L PAll,s, Bed Cord-, C;o:1
Ilor , p Cord., Corry C0m114.410
to he sold at
T I. Horse :ind (.•attle 1)or
•respeeluly infirm , the publi c that hie
lo —tied in I I ebron townsit.p (at Joseph :-:ton ,
IN here lie is prepared to at.end. to calls in
profession. Ile is of long experience in
b u s and hopes by his superior shill
assiduity to secure the patronage of the p
N TENT EDICIN ES at Illolesalf.
1 - 3
M , iel,ints and Pedlar, will 60 billy
with all I;tttd of late nt :11,licita.s at :11;
whole,alt• iaices I • TYLE
11 - 1111: best three nilling - tea and 6d sug
-/- at 01,116'rED
A FULL as, , ortment of Grocer
.1 - lat low ti 4 .trc:, constantly on baud:.
wide Lawns, from li j cents upwards, nt
ONEI . .—A good quality of honoy
1. sale At C. SMITH
" 1.:1111.4.
Cap ,