THE FEGI.TIVE LAW IN olllo.—Some time since three fugitive slaves were arrested in Sandusky,. Ohio, without . warrant or authority, and taken before an officer. An attorney named Sloan, who was employed as their counsel, advised theM that, as they had been arrested 'without legal warrant there Was no power to detain them, arid they were at liberty to depart if they says , tit.. They did depart, and es caped to-Canada; and suit was subse quently brought against Mr. Sloan to recover the penalty of _-'lOOO for each slave, as prescribed in the fugi tive law, for aiding slaves to escape. The case came on for trial. before Judge Leavitt, at Columbus, week beibre last, and he instructed the Jury to mulct Mr. Sloan in the penalty, which they did. It was proven satis factorily that Mr. Sloan was an. attor ney, and that he did nothing but give his opinion, as an attorney, on a legal point raised by the manner of arrest ing the fugitives; but notwithstanding this plain feature of the case Judge Leavitt charged adversely to Mr. Sloan, and the result is as we have stated it—a verdict of .3.3,000 and costs against him. • Who is this Judge Leavitt? We Were under the impression that Penn sylvania possessed the true, genuine American embodiment of i e n'ries ; but if we understand this Ohio case aright the questionable hoi:or belongs to our sister State. Such a subver sion of law and reason to please' the oligarchy entitles the Judge enga , ed in it to dispute, at least, with his Pennsylvania cotemporary, the pos session of a name more expressive than flattei Mg. 'l'h© fact that this law, otherwise . sufficiently infani.,u,. is thus abused to insult the popul:o: sentinieut of the North, furni,he, aNt tiler most pow erful reasuU for it, early repeal.— Pittilirrg The Canvass cf irarals There ha never hefore been an election in nthis xvinerein fraud and corruption were so wide-spread and pervading as in • that just closed. In the first place, the enormous con tributions of the Distillers, Brewers, and Lhinor livaiers, without distinc tion of party, cannn.nt have amounted to less than two hundred thousand dollars. Current report names that sum as•raised in this city, and twelve thousand at Buffalo, with corresp end-. ingtlibtirality among other members of the trade in other cities and villages. With this large ag7re , rate neutral and B ronsun presses were bought up, new outs ,tatted, and r„nin and on freely distributed whenever anything would be gained by such tnnetics., The last week was the most drunken which this City has ever kaosvn, and the lurid fires thus kindled in the brains of thonspods will 'miry ninny to their findl•account. It will he long ere cur City- reccvors from the terrible de bauch of election week in November, ISS I. T4hdirc. NA'Mow Ese.tvu.—Old Mr. Fuddle fell down in a puddle, just as a run away horse and a shay carne slashing, and splashing, and tearing that way. In helpless plight, he roared with fright; the horse came quick—all ffal lOP and. kick ; tk;ben the ()Id man raised his great oak stick. The horse the: shied a little aside, for sticks were ho friends to his well-fed hide. Within a f;)ot of Fuddle's toes, within awinch of his ruby nose, the wheel came whizzing, and on it goes. I_Tp rose Fuddle from (hit f the puddle, and stands on the road with a swag gering pride ; then wheeling away from the scene of the fray, ilourislies his stick with a hero's pride. A Romtsu Prat: r. REI'MILWAN IS3I.—We learn from the Hickman (Kentucky) Timer, that a Roman Cath olic priest living in that. County, preach ed a sermon near Wilburn a few days since, in which lie attempted to prove that ,- a Republican Government was wrong in principle, in practice, and in . Morals ; that it was contrary to the laws of God and of Nature—ruinous to _the interests of the true church, (the Roman Catholic,) and that all Who were menthers of that Church, should do everythile: in their pOwer to break down anddestroy any such government. Mfr. Jones, have you a match V Yes,sir—amatelt for the devil—there she is minim , dough.' Mr. .Tones pointe ‘ d to hi , . I\ ire, and .then pointed for the front vs. d. The last we saw of him he NV a putting down the road, closely pursued by his offended lady Wish a cistern pole. (Hour are ye, Smith ?' Smith pretended not to know him, and replied, hesitatingly : „4 Sir, you have the advantage ' Yes, I s'pose •so ; everybody has that's got common sense. _ smith looks unhappy. It is stated that in the western por tion of Indiana, the best quality of Irish potatoes can be purchased for. 25 cents per bushel. There is nothing of so great impor tance, to us as the good qualities of the tone Ao whom we join ourselves for life. tEIV. MANN'S, COLUMN. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. $6.00. . I,l"cekly,. $2.00. Semi-11"Fthly,.. ALW_II'S IN ADVANCE. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE commences its XIVIII aunts Ll VoIIIIIIC with the month of September—commences it kith a circulation (115,000) larger than was ever beforeaccorded to any .general newspaper whatever. Tbie circulation has been gradually-end laboriously attained try concentrating upon' THE TM BUS E the , best efforts of many editors and correspondents and by a greater liberality 6( outlav iu each department than was probably ever belbre risked on any journal. It has been attained, not liv sailing smoothly in the current of Opinion he litre the wind and bask ing in the smi!es of majorifie4, btu be an ear nest, fearlesi; devotion to Truth and Progress as above all partisan exigencies, all temporary interests, all momentary ilinshins . of popnlar ity and success. Its thorough advocacy of Temperance 'and Liquor Prohibition, of J ust- ice to the despised and down-trodden, and of the equal and inalienable Hiatus of dm Hu man Race, irrespective of Sex or Creed or Color, have front time to time repelled imtur sunshine friend , , whose ptejndices or set- ,, jug interests were thereby contravened,,hits hay a 6inthined to ram a chancier which it will endea'r Or to maintain and assign it a posi tion among journals. which we feel that it will be helfeetbr,ll a success no; to impair. The• leading ideas to .which THE TRI BUNE is devoted may be briefly set Ibrilt as follows : 1. Fummom, to do whatever i es sentia,:y rich:—not alone for white Ameri- can-, or Angto Saxons, or Caucasians even— not for one Race to determine whether ditty will or will not hold another Race in ab j ect bondage—hut for every Race and Nation, and every adtut raitonal, lonnati being. This Ereedom is rightfaily absolute in the broad domain of Opinion and involves the equal and imperative right to Political Franchises; 2. OunER, or the necessary right of the legally indicated majority to interdict in the sphere of action all practices which it deems demor alizing, thereMre premlicial to the common weat;triCcar F., or the wisdom and policy of empty ing . the resources and credit of the comnoinny accompdsh worts of general and moptesiioned utility to which indtvidual nieths are inadequate or which, though eminently conducive e t the , public good, do no. promise to reMthurse by dies direct• income the on requtred for their cons rue ion: 1. INntits - ruityt. DE% - eI.OIIII.VT, as Jo• noir-slime of a true and benignant _Natitthal coup i. g the n of a new tool m amid) e art or product of ale soil as noire important than the it ciptisiiion of a fresh ; rot ince or is.and, out equalty withth the tegitim,te sphere - of \a lonal concern and :.attonal ch url ; J. PnscE, as a vial con dition of true Progreis, to be cherished by the most anxmits, assiduous study to proffer as readily as we are prone to require redress for every- wrong, and never to be surrendered except at the c alt of endangered Liberty. Such are the chief landmarks by which T11 : E T7tlß UNE directs its course. But a*sniall portion of THE TRIBUNE is allotted to what is currently distinguished ns tight reading; bit, remits of New Books of decided in.erest, with choice extracts thus traiing their quality, are freeiy given, while the great body of our paper is devoted to a lucid and ea - refill digest of the News of the Day, with Editoriat comments thereon. We have reliable Corre,pondems in each quarter of the - globe. and in nearly all the principal cities ofintrope and America, and their letters Witt aid our readers to a c carer understand; ing of the craw, which are now gradually converting.the old V. °rid into one gigtothe arena for the der • 11-struggle of rim, al MA:rests, passions and itnibitrns. THE TRIBUNE contains reli:Ve reports •of the Mitrkets. Our Castle .Varket reports alone are worth more than the price of the paper, to those multi) are engt.ged in raising and setting Cattle. No pal er in vu' ing so great an eypeuse our Weekly and Setui-V. eekly could be alt ' forded a, ;he price of these sheets exCept in con •ection wish a Daily. nor coo d our Daily be sus.ained at its price without he tt id of our Country editions. Large ;is our circulation is, it is ouid involve us in ruinous loos liti , for the receipts for Adver is gig. - We believe that in THE- TRIBUNE is realized the largest variety and ex.ent of solid inittrintition 'concerning 'the events of the day which has been or can be combined with extreme cheap ness; and in that faith we comine'nd it to the favorabte regard of the-reading We offer no premiums forimbscribers, tempt none to take it . by gambling prospects of winnim , films or nittlisiOnS in a lottery in which tick ets are furnished to its "nitrous, employ no traveling agents to himportune people into taking it, and waste none of our room in dun ning our subscribers fbr pay. TERMS OF E W EEKLY TRIBUNE. Single copy, one year it) Three copies, one year Five copies, one year Ten copies, one year - - 1.2,110 . To, en .e copies, tt, bill' address •20,:10 And any larger number at the rate of per annum. At the price if lire $. 20 Clubs we canna direct the pape r to rack subscriter. •Subscripdons may cummonce at any time. Pay :nem m ads nice is required in all cases, and the paper is invariably, discontinued at the expiration of ihe advance payment. Money may be remitted fur subscriptions in letters at our ; but the Postmaster at the 'Lace where .he letter is inaited should tia made acquainted with its contents. and keep a description of the bills. Bins of ally specie-paying bank in the United States or Canada received at par for subscriptions. We have no travelling agents. Any one wishing to receive Tug TninUNE 'need not wait to be called upori for his subscription. All that is necessary for him to do 'is to write a letter in as few words ti possible, inclose the money and write the name of the sub scriber • with the Post-Oliice, County . and State, and direct ilie ietter to GREELEY & McELItATII, Tribune thlive, New-York. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Persons residing at points where mails arrive oftener than once a week are requested to examine lie Seini-Weeklv. We regard. it as the cheapest' paper, ail things considered; published in the !.'lined Slides. TERMS. Single copy, oue year $3,00 Two copies, 5,00 Five cop;cs, 11,00 POSTAGE ON THE TRIBUNE. Postage on the Daily Trib. one year is $1,56 Postage on ihe Weekly Trib. for one year '2B Postage on :he Semi-Weekly for one year 52 Payable Indrierly in advance, at the office where :he paper is received. GRk:IiLEY 31cELRATH Tribune Office, New-York. Akministratrix - Notice. FlpflE undersigned, having been appointed Admiuistratrix of the estate of Wales C. Butterworth, deceased, late of Summit town ship, Potter Co., Pa., requests all persons hay ing ciaans against the said estat, to milka known he s:nue to her without delay, and all to mike immediate payment to her at her residence in the town.thip aforesaid. • JANE W. 111.iT'rERWORTII. • • summit, The People's Cash Store, AT COUDERSPORT. Something New. and Something Wanted. TTILE subscriber has just received from the city -of New. York, and opened at the store formerly oe.-anied by Hoskin &. Smith, on the north 'side e' lite Court lipase Square, a selectett assortment of New Goods, com prising Dry Gor•Lb•-,. Groceriei, Crockery, and Hardwaire. • • The motto i•T busiuess-,adopted—is, ",the sure shilling Illld tilt! lively sixpence." The aliove Goods will therefore be sold exClu. lively for either cash or ready-pity • indiand,: and upon such terms that the purchaser caU- • not be otherwise than satisfied that.he has nnule n good bargain—received n quid pro quo —something for something iu value fur his money. An exchange • will gladly be made with the Farmer. fur his Produce: "hitter, Cheese, Eggs, Grain in any quantity, and with it, the more Cash the better. The subscriber: will'at all times take pleasure iu.exhibiting his Goods to the customer, that „quality uud, prices may be examined. L. F. MAYNARD.) Coudersport,, 1853. ; 8-7tf A I(.iNG ninny other articles fof the ladies.ilk_of fumy anti rich worth. will be finind at the People's Cash Store, flue Worked Col lars. of different designs and patterns. ill LEACHED Sheeting and Shirting , Mown -"do., Candle 11 ick, Summer Cl ii for chit'd! cies wear, Bed Ticking, Tdwcling, Ta ble hinnem Brown, White do., a superior article-of Daniabk, all pure flax,—Table Spreads. An examination will recommend them heti than anything else. AT. "The P 9 ~M's Cash Store" may be found a selec;ed lot of rriots; of English, French, and American Graids. quality .and prices iigreeing admirably. Please call and DEEM Teas BLACK and Green Teas, of 'excellent fla vor, and at most reaspnable'. prices. Su gars, 11 hits and Brown do., Rice, Ginger, Spice, Pepper, Nutmegs, Cassia,. 1 - klisins,; bacco is all its variety, to please those who love tly.i weed, and 1: ..taperiot article of Coffee that cannot to 'mase all the Dutch and some of the Yankees. at the PEOPLE'S GASH STORE. r;;; ; G C ;qr . ' y AND Glass Tar . e, in variety. that will please cne eye or, the iirst inspecttini. a, .no CASO 'STORE. - LTA It DWARE.-7 Sythcs nod Suaths, of patterns long tried and found to be good, ane Hub-stones, Satv-tuill Files. IJoor Handles. Latches, Mineral lute and brown,),lllortice Locks, Wrought Butts for Doers, of all Cu :I VI y Knives of good quality fur the table,and for the pocket, at the I'EOPLE:B GAS,kI—STORE. Tin and Hardware, THE undersigned has connected with hi s Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, ;old Stove Business. that of HARDWARE and CUT LERY—so that in addition to the business' lic•retol'ore conducted by b im:liejs now ready to supplV the public with almost every variety of 11l (INN al re. Mill and Cross-Cat Saws, Ifoop Iron; Nails, Cable and (ix Claims, Carpenters Adz, 's and Broadaxes, Manilla Rope flit Caj bits. A :4( neral ast,ortmunt of Clocks, Ja.! panned Ware, Toys of every description ;.and: in short, he designs to keep all 'such things ns' the public wants in hi,. line. whidi ho ‘vill sell, not for less • than cost, lint f ur a profit indeed, and hopes by a :Ilia, Mit:ntion to his Laciness to ri“..ive t share of public patromme. All kinds of Produce taken in .exchange for G00,'.. 11 the hh4hest ket priers; nisi:), $:24.i per sou 1 .- id fur übl iron. ly JAS. AV. SMITH. PAINTS. ONF r THIRD f;HEAPER THAN IVIIITE LEAD, AN! , FRP,F; FROM 'A lA, PUI - QUALITIES. • 'rho - Ne .;.;4:icsey Zinc : Company Having greatly enlarged their xvorks. and hiiproved the quality of their products, are . prepared to execute orders for their SUPE:. BLUR PAINTS. di -7., and g - round in oil, in assorted packages of .t in to 500 pounds; also, Dry, in ba , e•s. of i 2.00 pounds each. Their \V iIT Z INC, which'is sold dry, or ground in is wxeranted Pure and unsur passed Inc body awl uniform w hit eness. • A method of preparation has: recently .been disc,w eyed, which eimbles the Company to wiirraiit their paints to keep IreSh and soft, in the kegs Inc any reasonable time. In this respccubeir paints will be superior to any other i'ffthe market. Their BRUIN ZINO, PAINT, which is sold at a low price, and can..only be made from the Zinc ores protective New-Jersey, is no* well known . for its protective 'qualities when applied to iron ar other nietalliesairkiees. • Their STONE—CW.OR ill the qualities of the Brown. and is el au art•iiiible color for painting Cottages, Depot's, dui-buildings. Bridges, etc. I Dealers supplied on liberal terms- by their Agents. FRENGII & RICHARDS, - • As, holesale Paint Dealers and Importers, N. IV. cor. of lOtli& Market -.its, tine vii Philadelphia. Premium Panning .11!tills. orlanl lo Farmers and Mechanics. THE subscriber has . J. Baniborough the right t 6 use in Potter and APKeau counties his patent in the construction of Funning He has also, at great ex hence, commenced the manufacthre of a PRE MIUM AHLL which will clean from 100 to 200 bushe:s per hour. This Mill was pate ited March 20, 1847, since which time it has stood at the head of the list at all the State and cenn ty agriculturul societies where it has been ex- - hibited. and is a universal favorite with all ariners who have tried it. It took the pre , mium at the first Agricultural Fair held at fiartisbuLg!. Oct. 31st, 1851. When there were 30,009 people present; and at the great State Agricultural Fair at New-York, held at Roch ester Sept. 16-19, 1251, this Fanning Mill . received the highest lionor.i. Having Met with uniform success wherever tried, 1 confidently invite the farmers of Potter an.d M'Kean counties to call at my shop in Coudersport and examia efor themselves. - A supply . always on hand; to be sold . on rea sonable terms U-37tf rptlE subscribe' pert by' gives notice tmthe public. that having glyell rk:TElt. his note for eightydollars; bearing date rear the last of March, 1854, payable September, 1856,- and having never received any value therefor, he. will - refuse to pay. the same; therefore he warns any person from buying the said note with and expectation of his pay -iug it, [6sl] CONSIDER "I'EARNS.. Machine oil. Mill Owners will always find supply-, of Oil for machinery at satisfactory prices, and in any quautity,at' ' • • TX_LICWB Drug NT$. • D. W. SPENCER'S COLUMN. New .Goods.for Abe summer Trade. DW. SPENCER would respectfully in • form the inhabitants of Conder;port and vicinity that ho is now receiving a FRESH and- LARGE ASSORTMENT of . Goods, which.will ,he sold. as cheap as the cheapest. Ile would also-return heartfelt thanks to his Old customers and friends for their past patron age, and would be glad to show them any goods which he has, and will try to save them at least 10 per cent. by calling and examining. before purchasin.. elsewhere. '-ROO T HERE take the lib- ERIESI Xerty to infonn the leu . plc of Coudersport and Potter county that I am still at my new stand opposite the north side of the public square, where May be found Gnocmuns of all kinds constantly on hand, such as Tea, Sugar, Cof fee, Saleratus, Ginger, Mustard, -Tobacco, Snuff, Nutmegs, Mace; Cloves, Confectionery, My motto ig, The nimble sixpence in pre ference to the slow shilling." I). W. SPENCER. 10111.1 TENT MEDICINES, Oils, Spirits of -11- Turpentine, "Catuphine, Bunting Fluid, Soap, Candles, for sale low at 1.. P, Letter, and Note Paper, all kind: of 'Statimiery, Steel-pen Holders. .Wafer: - , Sealing Wax, Sand, Ink, -Pocket-Looks, En velopes, Visiting Card:, Jewelry, Fine Cut lery, and a variety of Fancy Articles, together with Silk and Thread, etc., at _ _ _ eißAlN,,Binter, Lard, Eggs, Rags, Shin , kJgles taken for goods at their ea,h value. '.Cash not reihsed. D. AV. SPENCER. BUTTER and Lard of a superior quality for sale at PENCER's. A NY one desirous of a good quality of ...tiSyrup-of .11olusses will do well to call at SPENCER's. County Orders Taken at Par FOR GOODS, at T A D1F,1•3, if von want a nice Bonnet. von I will do call on SPENCIAL B ABI3IT'S Yeast Powder for s•de Lr EW 'l'lllN(l.—fore Grotind Coffee— .L.l great thing for the liube , . rrIIONTRIPTIC, Cod Liver Oil, and j R !natty other hupui it Medadne , for sale by SPENCER, " - Halloo ! Halloo ! Halloo ! SP EN CER is in town ! Mountains of READY—MADE CLOTHING for almost nothing. I hive bought this coat, this vest, and these pants—ain't broke, either! I lurrah ! All the b'hoys ;hall hr' of eof IP FIN . O Ele.S coats! Hurrah ! But, to be candid, friends, there's nothing like it in all the counthry. Just go over there, and for a little o' nothing he 'II sell ye a rig-th•it, though ye !re the big gest rascal above ground, win niche ye as litir as a praist to look at; though ye letint a tint iu ve'r pockets, folks will how and scrape to ye as though ye - were millionaires, and ' real gentlemans.' Fashion! Great . thing! Bet ter dead than out of it—many an holiest fellow lets been ctn . became of the tint of his coat ; but nn danger it' ve buy of Spencer,—his 'cloths are jukt the f;shion." The sub-crlber has . lost received a large stock of Ready-Made Clo:hing, of the latest style and best quality, which are well made, and will he sold low. D. W. SPENCER. "DULVERULD Corn :., 4 turelt, lor food, for sale at O1).\, Cream Tartar, Nldgtie.4ia, Chalk, Salt,:, and - Glee, for =ale at the GROCERY STORE. CIOPEL ;Lnit . eoaeli varni,ll can be lARI at /Spencer's.on ery re:iNonal);e teptH. (A FIL O 'FAR, Merehant . :: Gotgling Oil, to 'kJ be had at SPLNCER's. Q HOT AND LEAD at lower 11 2 mre, than tOdown town at SPENCER''. NTEW article of Summer I tats at SPENCER'S. BETTER - selection of Coffee not found in the conntv-tlidn at SPENCER'S- T EA by the chest or pound fir salt. hy AV. SPENCER has just s returned from • tho city with a" large stock of Groce rie:, Clothing,. Drugs and Medicine:, and a general a::oriinent of Fancy Article:, and many other thing: too minierons to mention, which will be sold low for ca,ll or ready-pay. 1131 LUG TOBACCO—Fine Cut, Chewing, and Smoking, by the pound. at SPENCER'S. Collie to, bring you Life and Health. " CURTES" HYGENIA, or lithaling Ilygoap Vapor and Cherry Syrup, for the cure of Pulmonary ComantiptUm, Al and 11011rding flue-e keeper, and all others who ha% e cow; mon enough to know that a tilthy jatLer bed, to wake lie best of it, bin a brooder of di•wa-e :did a, life-curtailer.—at lower price than can be found at any other store ill the county. LANCEY Fille.iigent, (in the county) for the -a!e the above good=. by 11o.ton More. \cells\ ille, Jan. 13, 1-:A. AcadenlY TeXt. Rooks A F L'LL supply for sr. ale low n _ 'F Y I.l:lt'S IV INC and llincral Paintii, with dirinitieng AE4 for using, at T. B. 'FYLEICS.. IDATENT PAILS., Bed Cond, Clothes L Lines, I.liir,e. Cord-, Curry (70ailei, Homo Brieia. , , to be MANN'S. I. FUILIAN, Horse and rattle Dotter, nfi sre:peetfolly infbrite , the, public that he has located in Itehron too ti,lt.p (at J o-eph Stolle's) where he is prepared to at to calk in his profes , ion., lie is of long v‘perienee in the bus.ness, turd hopes by his superior skill and assiduity to seeure the patrOnage of the pub lic. 6-19 21n, ICiITENT MEDICINES at 117wrtsarc. -I- Merchants and Pedlars will - be &applied .with till kinds of Patent Mialicines nt Vann! facturerh' wholublde prices by 411,E11". beSt three nilliug tea and Gd sugar if j -at OL3ISTEII's. AFULL zu*.ortment of Groceries , t low tizoi-eb,constantly on baud. Yard wide Lawns, from G scuts upwards, at 01.3ISTELYS. HONEY.7---A good quality of honey for 11 sale at - C. 63f1rir, Over-rilioeq, " " Pants,