The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, November 30, 1854, Image 3

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    -,...,....- ....- .-- -
From trio Boston Telegraph. SHERIFF'S SALES.
THE ELECTION 110pY virtne of sundry writs of LeYari Facial,
' The result of the elertion has stir- -i-Pri. Fa., Ms. Fi. Fn., Vend. Ex. Als. Vend.
;wised ON•erybody, not the Daily Ad- Ex., Pls. Vend. Px., ; issited out of :he Court of
Common . o f Po tter county and
. to Inc.
f'•cr tiser alone, which would not be
directed, I will exp se to sate, by
.. v o n-
rievc there was going to be much o f a due or outcry, at the Court House in Couders
freshet, but even the most devout port, on Monday, the le , th day of December,
believers in the omnipotence of the
in one o'ciock P. M. of said wi day, the
g described real estate, to t.:
Know -Nothings. .
Situate in Hebron township, Potter county,
In considering this remarkable revo-
Pa., bounded on the nor h by unseated limas
j u tion, which, sweeping away the late of Fox I state, eas, by NVes.on's lands, Mt. No.
patties into the .r.t., and McDougall and Matto lands; south
leaders of political
things log forever, has given by Jo-et d ihSt d one'r
1 1 . t . inds i , lot s o u l
k 9 wee by
limbo of
to the meml)ers of the late Free Soil
unseated l and s
" and . .13:3—C on'!;:ineiiig k nown
n li:t i t s id i r o e ' d s
: tv it maicritV in both branches of
par • • and thirty-hree and three -. en lis acres, on
t he Leislatui•e, a large acid 1 esolute which is one board shinty. Seized, taken in
Maine Law majority also, and a Maine execution, crud ,r) be s u ed as - the pro; env of
Henry Ingraham . , at .he suit of Iyin. Melion-
L a w a nd Nalthern Rights Governor,
g ili and M. Ma. mon.
tw ,, things strike us as.having mainly ALSO—Certain reol estate, situate in Gen-
Colltliblltt'd to this result. I csce 10W1141111, Potter county, State of Pa.
First, the general feeling that the bounded oia.he itor.h by , he New-York and
Petinsy.vanta Su, c .toe, on the east by lands
old party Issue: were di.spo,ed of, and
or Gannon and Ch dithers, south by Bingham
4)11 and a rerirgant- • i„„,k ,
that desire for fit i and West by land: of C. Le,tch—con
zarion of patties, which indult:tans mining two hundred and seven y acres, on
had (-(-tutted to gratify. That which ~h,cii is :,bini, _weii.y. , ix ; ere: improx ed, and
. tog hunk ::ud I. ern thereon. r)inzed,- e, ken
nature (-raves will be accomplidted i n
in execed .
um, and en be sod as' .he property
, h i lt , i ,f all efforts to rrevent it. As of P.eerick Burke, a. lie suit of Chas. Leach.
1 1,.,, IVI,I, le;:jers wound not consent. ALSO— re ei estate, s t ile in Pike
1 a lleitownslnp. Potter county, Pa., bounded as foe
„ dn, at the head of which they
lows: on elle nor li I); rd. No.sla, on the east
' ' I NI ion
linglit thins lia,vc been, a by lo t s Nos. 14, .......:,. nil •••..-.. on the south by at
ha , Lien brought aren't throng - 1i the \o. 't :Aid by unlit of lands of the.Bingliam
decisix e energy of lr.tiarditter, (who Esiate, on .be we:. by unse .•ed lands and by
ha, had the salacity to take advantage
lots Nos. 13 and 'ori, b eing .0.... Nos : II and 1•2
of the sub-d s tsion o f the ,:mil. of the Bing”
of the llinitl-tide.) and by . tha sponta- limn I sea.° in Pike township—containing one
11 .-ntett movement of the people, by h un d re d an d ilf.y.fiye acres, with about fifty
which the late impel ink's: Wleitz lead- ac. - es improved, on wh ch is erec eel liree
fr.:lne houses, two frame !tarns, and one saw
ers hit. 1(.11 high and dry int the beach,
mil,; also with some fruit ,tees then-on
'with no hope of ever floating agata at Am.°, Lot No. :;li, ire township, sat e, and
lead in that capacity. liti(le;r the in- colony aforesaid, bounded on elle north and
iinenec of shit leviiiirr, three-liftlis of east by lot No. 14, on the sou h by lot No. LI
t'ue• late Whirz,-; and about the same and by time.,ed t. rid, ;did ai ti n the wes, by tins
seated lands and by lie.. No. I..—coneamaig
preeleirttelli of the late I)oilioerats have one hundred and four acres. wi.h ;thou. four
Mrinod the wen' party. . acres imitroved, and a tog 111 - RFC erected
. Second, of the late free soil party thereon. Se zed, taketi o itae i ‘ec i tutio l , n ; : nd ii , u t
not less than live-sixths have gone into l '" s".ar; the Property
... . 1- 1 I P ! i I • °", '
the suit of L. D. 1\ imams, in part use o f
tile wets' org . i iii zitt ion . T Ili,: milt Myron H. Mills.
vititear soineW:tat 'surpri -jug, consid- ; ..YLSO—Cer.aiti real estate, situate - in the
i•rilg the liberality of feeling towards • town of Ai•ega"`:, l' co., Pte., bounded
• n the nor It by is ox ls bv
faraiguers hitherto expressed by
that • l and{ 1 1 :00 of Henn% Weil ,an sell h oss
by an L o ud:or Fox
patty. This liberality. however, was and Ito , e, and west he lands of Fox and Ross,
ritimatei v edant•; reel with the antip- being lot number 11S, known as .lie Be
nth', (it' iiii• Fret.' 7 . .....iiiers so slavery ; Lo.—containing .hree Iniodred and een .:nd
aaj the lute open ,idi , ir4 vv:tli t he four -ten lis i ac l re . ..l, :• 11011
l l , %%e i n t.. y .e ' ic c d res •L r ie wlilell
s l e vel„elelers extilliiteel in the Burns t s „ i f, t . i s Pr X r e .e r i ,., m ".ll a "'g
(-2 , 0 itv tile' bulk of t Iti• fOreign '-popti- Aiam, aan --. !lime in :he Borough of Couriers
lati•en of this eit e. Ira: had a po ,... er f i d you , bounded on the nor li by and: of Bing-,
hum I.s.ate, east by Luther Strong,h
sout by
letielaney to turn t lie current of their
Timothy - Ives, and west by lands el . .he Bing
leelitt'zs 11l an opposite direction. The ham Estate,- being lot number al—containing
aerial alien 4)1 northern sentiment on fifty-six acres .It.ste, two vittage to sin I
I YON'S KA Tll A IRON and other
Ow pall. ibf Mt. Gardiner, and the the Boning!' of Couderspor..,.c i oun y aforesaid, I xcelleuel pr. pan:noes f..i ele tedsiitt Altai.
; eledeedlvitte the HAIR. 10r salt ar TYLER' S.'
bounded on the north by l• il. i- s urer, eat:t by decei,,cd, „ . „ e ,
i;tearalit v t•iwatal anti-lavery men
to numbers 191 tend 194 and 1 ono by Ives, . " Jesse Johnson, I PERSONS about tee build or repair. willfind
exiiiial•••l in the K•tritr-N ithin; norni- scab by lot number 15. 4 ,- occupied by 1/oct. 14 " Le w:s Warren, a complcdt• stock 0111 itielete.• Sash. Wass. Platy.
11:111011,, e.llel/I . l . eth With this di- , lou t at Erench, west by Main-s.ree , on which is hive tied their accounts in the Register's p a d ilt "„,l oil,. f ur ~,k, at fi i i r pr j,,.„ by. . I
tar co ilm . t of our foreign population erected a dive '111,,- , home .ind nu barns splice of the county of Potter, and :hat she • 'F. di. TYLER 1
m a to. in th e said ' , bilge of Coudersport, same with lie presented for confirmation to the
la e•erit .. v the Free "oilers low t h e NEW ROOKS lust received at the
leuein:led on the north liv Secittl-iiree., east Or tit,' of the sand to be he'd
K , :•,w...N.,rni:ig . c:lnip. by Eas -stree., stimit let - . 'limo by Ives, ;did a• :lie Borough of .Coudersport on the third _.. •_ •
Ovellict the influence of these two its;. he Tiolliily Ives, tieing alk number I - 47', NI 0111 lay of Lertenthi-r next, is hen all persons . Sept. • i , I 'N- 4 . ,tlO • .
o n ‘yl k .,el is h s.ore ~nd dt‘ house, taut in.eiested may tie end iik
. if they di .pro.per.
euttse , s. ;tied tliertrnevils to account for 01IFST HANDLVS, Dreyer 'd9., Bolts.
soine fluid roes Seized aken in re:coition. ILI. 01.315T1.D, N..../ Re! cites, Ha! er Snaps, Wardrobe,Hooks,
Ili ' . i ' - ' iill " i. liii ' e l c etii " lint il city and . .0 be so el as the, propeny or David 'l'. f REGISTER'S OFEICk., Z- _ . Bern Door Hinges kept for sn'e le: '
en:ale:ate uiletwelcs. f,,r the operation Hall, at the in of N. L. Dike ; Coudersport, Nov. 17, lit.'s4. $ tlislt I.I'VVIS "1.111. •
telt 2.iJii - -; I)i:teary or of illiberal ALSO —Certudi tea: es:the, sialwe in Rote - -
le; town-hip, Piater county, Pa., bounded on HYGE ANA. .
..,:,:itidlill' 1.1 c•irei ., ices inerelv as such. - FRANK JOI-risrsorg,
•ilec north by unsea.ed land. east by .and of l Brintlrht flame to the Door of the .3filli,in. " eabinct.Sliattrr.
J;t. es Still van, son hby land in possession of
A 16isoritilui. DISCO; ETIV has recently • COUDESPORT, POTTER COUNTY PA, ,
Win. M. Lar.,aud on the west by I. 11,.! ofJohn
TIE Rll3 -- Y.llJTallia CONVENTION. been male by Dr. Curtis. of this city: in .he - Wishes to inform the r 'l7ell- , of Coudersport
Lynden.—conmening .t t.cres. of %%theta about
teen-tt len' or C onslfu tiOn MihllEl ••
alland • surrounding • . •1 • liewill
Ciscers.e.Ti. Friday, Nov. 21, ISS-1. two acres is ini t . rayed, on which is a rave . ' ' ' P. • - • . and . _ . the coindry, t let wi rue
deseases of the Lung. .At "e refer to " I.r. Cur- cute all orders in his line of business at short
b ini and an :wine orelitird.thereon, and being
It i-• noelt•rste ee eel the Knnw-Nothing • tilt Hvgertna, or !Mulling Ifygem Vapor and ; • notieedind reasonable prices.
' warran. number :E/41. ;".•e:zed, fa
t' c.yetitiem, which has hetm in secret i a ke l o a in e e t xeculion, and tei be so - d 11:: Ale prop- Cherry Syrup." With this new me .hod Dr. I'lace of - business near the Presbyterian
~ , . •i:t a here for the lag two weeks, ery of John Leman, Jr., at the su tof Hiram C. has restored many stoke ed ones TO perfect Church. 712 ly.
heath : as au evidence of which he has Inuit- • ---
mill ailj'eurn to -nliirretw. The attend- Pre ch rd. .
inerab e cereitliudes. Speaking of the treat
he frillowino• described biii dine -
a . ...c. , iris lem vory large, and each - A L '• ... ', l) .‘ T : . . men: a physician says; Ii is evalen; that .in
to'i s . ( 111,51W-1111 6'
51...,te i'l 1 , 0 IThi•T:l h.l, 110e11 filth' rep- ::, i i s ... m e . d on ce r h,„ '" :„; i r i i7 - '• ) i r ' ' .• -
, i f -4 11, 04. ." hating—cOn , ,itittly breathing an agreet.lee,
. side Oi i C _ V: , yo 1 . c .
1"-!nilell. c ity' eer the ropresentatives - ereek, 4)11 he wa er, hereof, ii he •ownship • . teami l , vapor,. i :he me di ci t n i ei l lirop i e ( r ;L ies of ini i i i s e t
m -rt.: Messr-s. John M. (la vten, of of ()sway!) en the (man yof ~d '.....z..e.e ctnrintl ) ceniurinnr.":fi•
thec('n,ttaiLn'o-‘;‘: with
l id :I ' m ' s '. e l se:'pe the - •
o f p enn ,.., N r tll , WI ~ certain '.O. of 'and in . 101 INS ant! flutes just tree it thi ley
Dai.t . a . .11 . ...; rliman, of of York; many and varied ch - .ltges produced upon
posses-ion of S. P. 1-yin n &
.Co., bounded 'FY I . Ell
lil,ott ;10, Of Perei •ylva•til ; Lion . .ilett. , i
en he et es. by and; in possession of Ninth •
them when in•rodeiced in u ;he s,oinitch, and
side ec ed to he process of digest.on. The:
of New I Irlerias ; and Major Con. ad; and Thom ,s • Cri-entlen, he sid buildin g,, 11 ~ e tta is for sate at die draggists' through
of Philmiolphia. The now) -t baron,,_ being , ixty tee an ''"; h rid six ,-e.: g h le-
out coati rv.
iti width: and the al; or ! lire of ground and .
iiv is said Id have prevailea• amine* N. I'. Dutchman, .fan.l 4.
t .,
cur 1.. geappur en u ,ostted b ut thug. sinned , ;
The Inlider is worn on the bre as: under .he
then). 1 in:e•ei 1 ant - change.; h a v e leers taken in execution, and a he Sod :Ls .he
1111141 we hoer the incoitt enience—the
nri.l- in their can •t it ' atie in, a new prtiper,y or S. P. I.yin m ..V . Co., .h. .he suit of
, , heat of the body being softie tint to evaporate
rtt. :al tieleepteel. ;mil their passwords,'Morns lie sey.
• i . t the fluid.
't 1---t ero . n rea' es tete, si tit e m ..x. e- ;
•:4:1.,...1.t:e., leave telela•ro . •ene a entripiele Hitudredsof cases of eures like the follow
g A I±." (e.vii hi; , Po et c ' wen ' v, Pa , .1.. 011111- '•
ing :nigh. lie named. One in el: ge of the
a:tm - ati.m. 'Pie ire. aion with refet'- bar l)
.Sir, co 4 ademing one handred - ' and .wo •
II vo•enu has cared me of the Asthina of six
't• I • rie-i•l."11; 0 etealiilates was .ea le , aefe•-. .01 number ..., con ;lining one - n .
reors s.arildinss.
11-d lere.te . 4'.ll ale.—_\ y. TrifrOrc. hanet.ed and lwo-en Ils.leCeS, .ud .0 number -
Jas. F. Zers'o-rrt , P. M., Duncana , :n, Pa.
.4.-.•, coed:name ewe!) y -limn . nil lises,en lei
I 1111 cured of .he •1s len col 1.• year, stand
- in warrant I .....-. , bounded on he north ; .
s id - Dr Curtis' II vee - n ' e
.. -
• by eands itf- aicorge Beßilee, and Daniel Cor
' 31,1 r ,-, a rei lasrotaa * Brool - lt n, N. Y.
win, e s by unsea ed ands or % in. Hi ick
Mrs. Pant of No, ...Ma ' mond.: j ,
N. Y., w's
and Zacclieus Pearce,and on he wes by ands
ich curedof a ,t.% ere (aide of l I 0.0. ILA:, by the
of.l. C. (.'ay totem anti J . IL ... wit' , au wii
, II ve , eturt. -
0 , 5 . 0 fi at ... h ol ; e s, one aig barn, one shan y' •.,.-,
..; . hi . d . • . .... .., . .
my s st e t li .d b een cured . of a d , lessen,
house and urn oda few a, p.e . recs. Seized,
coue , li of set eral years sadielints, and decided
atkeu in ex cu ion,. nil .o be so il as he pro o -
t, ~ incur b e 1 .•
l • h ..... e 'n
• She was
ibe incur i by leer py. ici . s.
er y or Joint i've, Jr., and :tl,-r AI Ryan, at
• cured in ()tie month by the Ilygeau 1.
the slid of Aaron it.ce. , . .1. 11. Gait".ert, P. ,11., Rtehmund, Mc.
ALSO—Ler.. en reit es ;tee, si ila e in the
Price 'Th ree Dthears ;m Packa"e.—SO (1 bY
Borough of Couiterspor , Po er court y, .
ci:it'Fis & PERKINS &. 1101 's id & PACL,
Peini.—v iz. Lo No. ..rti, on square number
- 0 149 Ch embers Si , N. —i Packages
Ye of the p ti. (if he II rough of Coudersport,
sent free by expres s ' ei any ;art - of the Cui n .ed
on wheelie is erec.ed a eavern house, frame
4 e.ii, ' es for 'fen Mi:t:rte. . I.
barn and u hur.ou houses.... ALso, a piece -
N. I.l.—Dr. Curds' urge •na is .he original
or p: roe of land ad
; pining -he above, in he
and ()WY ' , ermine uric e, and a'l 0 hers . are
Borough of Coudorspor ,bennided as 10...0w5:
li se nn iiiiiis or rite •ind inmrloos coon er-
On the north by 'Hurd-s.ree , on .he eas by
fees - Shun 'hem 2 (itt w 'l ' -•
OWL. polSoll.
:0, Or „lithos Johnson,. on the sou h by Sec-.
Nov.. lit 7-2 . 0 a s iv Y I
_ - •
and-s reef, .end on he w it s , by mots numbers
Wit?' Fur save at retail by D. W. Spencer, :
41 ,', 2.111, and ..t.'r, being a strip of :and
The latest by telegraph (-radish as ' Couriers eon., Pa. -
rutineng from Second di 'Eliertl-s ree s, and
Nimes 1 • hi p here
it6l--t-t-g-;---, -.. _ s . -..--:_._.•TIIE copartners .
forty fee di wid h, on which is erec ed one -
'clic native Kinow-Nothing lodge of hauksini li shop and shed. S izoll, taken in Court Proclamation. I g.. - - - ., -Y-- 1 .---t_LTAQlOtofore exiseng between
' Edwin Haskell and Add son Avery is this day
Paducah, Ky., lints expelled two Mem- eiem.ion, ;aid abe so. d . as he property of WHEREAS., the Hon. Robert C. 'Whiie, . dissolved by mutual consent,- All person: in-
C.• tl '. Johnson a , the sui. of C. Lee n Jr. President Judge, rend the Hon. 0. A.
Lets for wearing mow • inches, because . ' • ' deb ed to the late firm of Haskell & Artiry
ALSO—Ce . rtalti
. re i ; esiiie, s.itt..:it in he Lewis and. Joseph Mann, Lsos , Associate will find eheir • accounts in the hands of Mr.
lnev look f•.i , 1 Whew talk (f . '
oiL (~ 1. / trying town:bip of salmon ,10. er county, Pa., and Judges of the Coons of Oyer and Terminer . A very E. HASKELL.
others fm• wearing Irisht linen. descrihed as .0 ows: Beginning in he west and Cenerai - Jad De ix ery, guar er Seasions ; for settlement, .
' A E now. Nothing of Somerset, who
Lae of warrant imbiber._ cr. , being one hm : of the Pe ece, Orph . :Ws
e.nd Court f
o- 1 Coudersport, Aug. 14, 15.:54.
druid .-titt one rods sou li of he nor tra est. Common P ea.s for .he Conn y of Potter, , --- -----
f.. 11 into the water , refused to be rtes of . ea
'' ' •
corner wart n ; hence e.ts one bun- have. issued heir precein, bearing- dire lie 'Harrison's Columbian Inks.
rued bv an II islonati, and was drowned. dyed and two rod
-SOs 1 0 • !Leine South •)-
. . 1 . . , „,.)d (II of Seiecinber, in .he year of our - Dar k , J apan, c„„ .i/ j.„ . 3l ar ki n „ .
eighty rods to a post; thence west. one bun- Lord onevhous.ind e:ght hundred and fi fty- i .-,, z-..- ,
decd :did ten rods o a post in west nine of four, and In me direc ed, for ho•ding a Conti Green, Black; Blue, In dell ible,
W'llenever you find yourself in corn- •d • hen ce . rods :h' . ' - General - -
bdl V 6 .rraii ; north .. e igh y :o • of Over and Terminer ; , nd Jail De- . Scarlet, Red,. Ca rinr'ne.
patty with a man who is constantly lance o f h e .si to o ng _ con , a n ting htly-tive acres, fiverviquar.ers ssions of he l'eace,Orpnans' Those Inks flew free'y from the pen, and
askittg vou to treat, the best tiring • you be ng r are. of warrau niiinberzi9•:, with thou; Court, and Court of Common Peas, in the give a stronger and „more - durable color than
two acres improved, I:) eecres chopped, wi 11
can d u is to retreat. Borough of Coudersport, on MONDAY, the any other. For sit:i; whelesale and Mai!, by
; a fr.mte house erec ed thereon. Seized, . ISth day of December next, and to continue - ' THOMAS B. TyLLR,
taken in execution, and to be so. m
.d us
. .he one week. -
At present ;here are said to b seven m
property of (Amor(' Raskin, at the - s. of Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor- -
handl oil and fifty paper mills in the John Mahan. ' oiler:, Jusices of the Pe .ce, and Constab' ei
_tilted States, computed to make •
ALSO—Certain real estate;situate in AP•o- wi.h n .he county, their .hey be then and there t '
heady three hundred milli • f
()us° pounds - tur d gam . towns h ip, Potter couney, Pa., bounded in their proher persons, at 1,1 o'c:ock, A. M., '
an d escribed a• fottows: On he nor,h,south, of said d my, yeah their rolls, records, inewsi- •
o f paper annually. • east and west by unsert,ed rands of the Bang- tions, examinations, and :.her remembrances, •
...1 field of •
ham Lsta.e, .ud being tots numbers 127 and !tido hose things which to their offices tip-
St% eet potatoes in Scott la-' of the stitedix - asion of the Bingham• d
ain s per sin obe done. And those•wbo are bound
county, lowa, yields 700 bushels to in stud township—containing one hundred:lnd by 'heir recogniianees tre prosecute against
the acre. ninety-eigh. and five-tell hs :.eres, of which the pr'soners are or shad-be in .he t ail of
there is about forty acres improved, with one the said coati yof Potter, are to be then and
NN 'ho wasthe (1 f •
st man that intt 0- frame house, two .og houses, and .xvo: mg t h ere to prosectde against them as witi be just.
aticed salt provi-ions into the Navy I barns, and a few Intuit rees thereon. Seized, -Da ed at Coudersport, Oct. 3 ih, .185-I, and
Noah, when be took Ham
aboard the taken in executiou; and to he sold as the prop- the 79th year of the Independence of the
ark, erty of James B. Hill and Wiltiam Hill, at'
United States of America.
i the suit of William Perry. P. A. STEBBINS, Sheriff r
. .
If anything were wanting to
I elation .hip between vice and
hen, the returns of the New fork
e'l-rtion abundantly the fact; the
}Hs Five Point:,' being. the
trict the Sixth Ward, in
ti it v of 'New Yolk, voted as
IL um--Nothing
Clark, Whig and Maine Law, 6
Bronson, Hard Donmerat,
Seymour, Soft and Anti- Maine
I,n w, 3.11
[fiat. ening Mail
ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit: Situate- • ' '
in Hector township, Potter county, Pa. Be-
Hr. fall term of Ws institution will cotn
ginning at the sou.hwest corner of lot No. 37 Fr
of the allotment of Bingham :ands in IlecOr JL. mence on Wednesday, October 25, 1854;
township aforesaid, which said lot' No. 37 yeast and continue e:even weeks.. -
heretofore con raced to Abet Dickens, thence I - 'reruns. .
norh on thn western line thereof one bun- Elementary branches—Or lio. 's raphy,
dred and twenty rods t • a pos: on the southern Geography, Arithme•ic, Physioiogy, $3.00
'boundary of lot No. 34, conveyed to Abel Higher Arithmitic, nrst Lessons in
Dickens. thence west twenty-eight and one- Algebra, and En g lish Grammer,...1....3.50
tenth rods to a post on the caster , line of lot
Higher Eng.i46 branches, Philosophy,
No. 33, conveyed to Benjamin L. Wbber, . Astronomy, A,gebra, &c. 5.00
thence sou:h on said eastern line eight and higher Ma:hematies a d the L: nguages, 6.00
two-tenths rods to southeast corner o said .ot Ins nic.ion on the Piano For e, ex.r.t,...1mi.00 -
No. 33, thence west on the southern boundary Use of ins.rument, • ,-_ ..3.00
line of said lot number 33 ninety-five and live- Vocal music free of charge. . •
tenths rods to the nor.hwest corner thereof, ' l',. Either higher c:ass of studies will in
thence south one hundred and e:even and elude any or uli the lower c'asses. -
eigh.-ten hs rods to .he nor.hwest corner of The subscriber takes hit riccasion to ear=
lot number 4Y, corrrac:ed to Atbert Wi'ber, • press his thanks to the people of Potter and
thence east on the nor.hern line of said lot
alr '0i.. ,,
er sections for - heir liberal support
number , It one hundred .ind twenty-two and during the past veer, and to assure • hem .hat
no pains Will be spared i 'he future lilt may
one-:en.h rods to the p ace of beginning—con•
nt.ning sixty-two scres,, more. or Jess, and be required to m.,ke ,his Fchooi an institution
being .ot number 59 and he sou It part of lot wor•hv of mile en ire confidence and support
here:otiire .to Ca;eb Cushing Tnwhritl V. i n ' of all who a sound rod mental as well
warrant numbers 1397 'Luc] .17.6 of B,ngh :m as a thorough mathematical and classical edn
lands in ilec:or township. Seized, taken in. „„ 0 „ . •
execution, and to be sod as the property of
J. BLOOMINGDALF, Prine'pal.:
Ira F. lii born, At the suit of Jeremiah Bean The undersigned Officers and Trustees Of
and Samuel Enswor h.
... ~ the Coudersport Ac..demy are moved by:a
-_ .. ._
..._ _
ALSO—Certain real estate, situa7.ed in Pike sense of otliCial and per:mita; duty, to call the
township, Poker county, Pa., bounded on he :men ion of the pub.ic, and of fie 'leaple of
nor.ll by lands of II unsiker and (furock, e.,st our . coon.y in par. ;cum-, to .he rising and
by Ilmisiker and Gur.ock, south by sou.ii line usefu charac,er of his imaitution of .earning.
of warrant munber 5127; west by • lot number When we invited he present wor.hy Princi
t.:6, unsea.ed land of Ifunsiker and (Mr ock, pal M ;he post he, we found the Acad.
situated out warrant number 51z7, being mi etnv depressed and tlec ining. We submitted
windier 2, —containing one hundred and thir- its organization and other most onerousaffairs
tv-eigh. and four-.en lot c cres, wore or .ess, ou -to his discre.ion ;Md maMagement ; and caw
which is one saw-mill, three framehouses, one experience en bes us wi h increased con&
frame barn, one hoard sh,mty, about eight thence .0 assure parents snd guardians that he
acres harm ed, and some fruit trees thereon, hits i.roved fat hfui, efficient, and rack cal—
Seized, taken ofexecu ion, and to be so.d as jifst such an instructor as
the property of Cmvin Carrie., at the su,t of needs.
A.bert P. Cone. 11. H. DENT. President, )
FirNoth r e is herehy given, that an anima , 11, J, OLMSTED, Tre..s., }Trustees.
equal to the Casts trill he required to lie paid upot T. B. TYLER, Seev, )
each sale whenstruel: dorm to the bidate ; and --
ups): a failure to rbmply tritte this regulatiGn,
the tract of land trill again I.e afered far sale.
P. A- STLIIISINS, :....diernr. . i
Couderv - or,, Nov. zd, 1i 4 54. i
IkTOTICE is hereby given :hat- the Auditor
I appointed by ,he Conn to make distribu
tion of the proceeds of •he sa:e of tea. eit,a,e
in ;be case of John Stover VF. Thomp
son, •o. lia June ern), It , bl, win at•end to
the dories of his api oin meat at the (Mice of
A. Otms•ed, I- sq., in he Borough of Cott
derTsr, on he day of December next,
a, one de ock P. M.. wben a.l persons
es:ed ni,ty a. end if they •hink proper.
J. 01-ND,TI:D;
Nov. 23, 1?5•1, Audi:or.
Estates of Decedents
OTICE is heieby given that the Achnini--
trators of the estates of decedents in the
fo';mving.cagei, to wd.:
Administrators of the estate of Francis Keyes,
ATTO4NEY . AT LAW.—Ocoee, East side
of he pub is situ se, Conderspor., Pa. i
By spec a. arraugemen :he prole‘sitril ser- ,
- - - '-: vices of S. P,Joussos, Ilsq., ni v be engaged I
1000 BOOK A GEM,. WANTED,' through hint in all cases in which he .s not
TO canvass 11)r he best and most sa e,:hle previous y concerned.
Books pub:ished. 'they are wri. en by - N. 11.—A.. c. int: doe and payali:e to the
the ~:oit; popn,ar An.hor t of •he day, in- undersigned, persona y and professionally.
&tiding, •atnong o hers, T. S. Aitynce," of in !v be fonnd in he h .ntis id ls lac Benson,
whose last great work, . .z - I•:sq., for :Atnsonen.." S. I'. July:sus.
TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR. ROOM, :- ! :March ;, 161? : 1 • • "' 1-211
1 1 ,'Iia copies It ye been sold. within a mouth -
of pub ic :lion.
These hooks are beantiful!y ilhu:trated, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW.
(many of :hem wi h tine .y co.oretl p;a:es,) " liwili attaud Ow hey. r.d Courts in Potter
:id ,re rin ed and bound in he lies. to.unier. m„ 1. AENcan et:mules. All busnuiss,entrubted
Agents will lied a p'e s,nt and protimb:e to his care will receive prompt attention. ,
emp-oyincn: in .heir &rett.ation. For - par- Unice' on, opposite the Commit
ticuiars address (post paid) . ' :.11ous.. Couthi,pert, l'a.
Po :i.her,
No. -1? North Fourth sirce•„ a.
7-19 31
I'OLTSME \wil i lino l'owot r. Stn.', ta•ad, .11-will attend to nil bit, cntrusted to
I.3aial e‘, I . r illing in , In• line of Aininunitioa, his care wi , .11 prompt la 55 and fidelity.
and Fishing Tacith• la - the bust quality and at 011iev—in the T,-tupvratice Bio.k, up stairs.
• low price, a , 'rY I.l;;lt'S', Main-street, Ci.ialersport, l'a. 7-1
) 7 TEI I :q ER'S I ) iCT b2.N . A in: -Pocket.
V Sul Ll.ivursily, Octavo. oed l~utu to
t•oli , i1111.. for ,olt• lov
VIOLIN S:ronn , at
Drin , nnil 11,.01; Stnn4
The Buok-Stote •
ChFr FRS to the
.ptiblir a good rm. my of
N.Yinost re - dab c books, the p for cash or
family neee.tsitiet , . All the newest books of
ralue are kept nn h nd. or inuned:a my pro
cured for cost omers, and we hope receive
such patronage as fai hful attemion to busi
ness, and an ettrne:t desire to oh ige, may
deserve. New books received at short inter- .
vals. School Books; t-tationery of all kinds.,
materials for Paper Howe N, etc:, constantly
on hand. Music, Maps, Mathematical Instru
Please call and examite for yourselves at
For Trial. in Mr Court if Comn i goa Ph aj pf
Putir! County, at Deccialir Term,l I -54. '
James C . Curtis vs. Versed Dickinson.
3 ' - '''''' L"eke use 61. A' " t Jr.lin M.. Kilb6ro
Same Same.
0. B. Goodman 11F0 „ i
of A. Bruner ) Same. •
• Martha J. A rem - " \V. Res:&Sarah Roo
J. 11. AV Mimi's & wife" Harriette Losey.
John J. Ridgeway " Foster Reynolds.
Joseph /A. Clark " Charles 1c . .J0hn...0n.
Samuel Boner iv,. of ,
- , Foreign' Attachment. • , S a muel Gibbs. Jr.
IV. T. Jones i. 5... Bro.
POTTLIt CO. :•s:i. . • I Henry thulium " 31..trtha Ilurlburt.
, , ----- 1 -- 1 The Coniniontrialtli• of Painsylranhi
, x . I i . k: e _
S sent. `e tot& Sheriff of said County, Greet- • . ;A i! .1 11 . 1 171 ' :ro-ii;; I' . e " A. T. Losey
1 ~...-.4.., ) hilt:.
SII4S N. Howard
We command von that you attach Silas
• . Thno:lwives et. al
Smhei,and, late of your - county, by all - and
~ E "
mily Russell '
singular his good: arid ch it.e:s, ant& and ten- . -
emeMs, in whose hand: or possession soever -
-the same to ty he, so th it he be and appear
before .he Judges of our Court of Common
'Pleas at Coudersport, at a Coutry Court of
Common P.e ;s there to le he , d for the said
county on the .bird 'Monday of December,'
next; their and there to answer Matthew S.
Ennis, \Vnii. Ennis, and Joseph B. AVe:ch of
a p ea .of Assumpsit, itot. exceeding live hut- ;
dred' dollars ; and also that you summon the
person or persons in whose h-aids or posession
the proper y• of .he said Sdas Su . her and, nyly
be Aland, so that .hey be and appear before
our Said Court at the said time and place, to
answer what may he ph eeted against them,
i and idi de ihe judgment of the Court therein—
audit .ve yOu then and there this writ.
1 Wimess the lion. Robert G. AVhite, Presi
-1 denr , Judge of our said Court at Coudersport,..
this2iAth day of ()ember, 1554.
11. J. OLMSTED, Proth'y.
1 ,
By virtue of the above described writ, I
have attached the fmiowing descriljed piece
or parcel of ,and, sit nine in Sharott township,
Potter county, PennsyiYania, bounded and
.described as follows, to wit: Beginning. at
the nor.hwest corner of warrant 2176, thence ,
by the north line of said warrant east 44 rods
- • ..
, to the west b•ink of the Oswayo creek, thence
Stray. •• ,• up the sou.h b ink of he creek and race (being 1
a . - lan dnyey
thenOnhorjuieh,gtaligh ihma4j o udo)toheeastlineogaid '
yellow YEARLING HEIFER. (A white land, thence sou h one hundred and two !
spot on the right side of the head.) The perches and lice-ten.loo a post, thence west I
owner is requested to prove property, pa y one. hundred and tily-"six' perches to a post in
charges, and take her away. Wesii tine of sa d warrant, thence by said tine
FREDERICK A. DEL'SCHFR. ' north two hundred and two perches and five.
Allegany township. Potter co., Pa.,. 27-3 t tendis of a perch to the place of beginning;
New Books, : cam:lining one hundred and 'sixty acres, of
' which about live acres are cm ;red.
TADIES and Gent'etnen are invi,ed to cull . . P. A. sTcAsatiNs, f : iheriff.
examine. :he new books and other' -- 7 ---
goods just received and for sale at 4 1 - AIARIES for 1835 j'ucit received at
TYLER'S. I -1--.! TYLER'S,
p . a Min 9 s Veast and Soap Pow
aders.—Th, .• t. superies• articles are wa
panted . to sac. , 11111 V and muse•, • . aml promo
rear , and harmony in tMoilics
ror sill'. at
'.% ()I Ice
Min; parmersbip heretofore existing, be
fl W. T. Jones & Bro. is this day
disso'ved by mutual consent. 'The debts due
said firm will he found in :he hands of W. T.
,li th cs, and all &aims cgainst said firm ore to
be presemed to him flit.. paymetr.
I do hereby appoint A. If. Jones my agent
fir the trans:min) • and management of ail or
any of my business, giving him Mil air 'flinty
and power in the same. W. T. JONES.
Coudersport, September 25,
• if T :
ttorneg at . a 111,
N. E. corner 6th cud Walutn-streets,
7-3 At .. • PuILADE:t.pinA.
.attorttep at
Jan. 1811350. .
3.tlotric7 at . "IL catu,-
Couders l uort. Pa. will regularly attend the
coartn ill halt r county. 3-404
4. P. CONE,
rit eD . at . 'IL a in ,
Wellsloictiuol. Tioga county. ra. Nv iI I regular
ly attrull !lit courts of Potter comity.
Jutte 3,. 1618.
THE nuders.geed having beeo entrnsted
with .the core of se'veral hog, tracts of
land in this county, has made himself 3w
(painted with the lands and land title s of the
tout! and will give iininediaie attention to
any busini•ss id this nature that inav be en
'irte.t.-d to him. . J. S. MANN.'
M. R. GAGE, M. D.,
- pH I . I•ACIAN AND SUI ! GEO:s:—MmIa
tpvetfolly inform the'ritizt•os of G.tlers.
port.und Potter..,county, that ue" hss located
pertuonently among them, told will attend
to all mills in his prof( ssioo. 011 ice—T. 11.
Tyler's [)rug and Book Store (1-6
Lt the peaceful and quiet pursuit of our
bio.itiess we have formed a coparint rship
under the name and stub' of N. S. BUTI.IIII
& (..0., and have take n the store in Bmpire •
libwk. in the villase of Cl:eatt, fornierly oven- -
pied by Tltin:4: l K, Brother, and are now ro
cid% Sat a splendid new Flock ~1. com l. ; l,, r , te d
:,, lit.: F.,a,,,ii and wants of the comnittnity,
which we hitcml to sxlleaclu.sively for cash
(10‘.vii, at prices that will CIIn9I . 61.1thrt . nlatiOn
and dismay in the ranks of old lo.7yistn that
has been so long ebtablislo il in ibis section.
(Jur stud; will couList in part of the folio:c
-hit; Ovals : ,' '
)Itirdware, Crockery, Boots . 1 : Shod,
Ital.:, • Caps, Carpets„
L. F. MAYNARD, I (-iii Cloths, Druo.
i Dre Stalls, .fi, Metlicincs,
Paints St..odis,
attortteg &,' ottitsclor. atiLatu, 1 sash. Putty. Chairs,
1 Bedsteads,' -:+atrassrs, Fentliers
Ctiudtrigtort. Pal. (itlico —1:1,1-11 or the court'
Stone and IVooden Ware:
bowie •sipiare, at " The l'cuptc's Gush S ore,' ; And
3 _ 17
I I n Wt! 112:e a:1 to keep such an assortment Air
up -stairs. 1 the above i;ocats that persons front a distance'
can he asrurcd •of finding. everything they
A FEW piPces of new Music ;
usually want at prices that will du them good.
Music proenred to order: also, Tent
, Call and sec fur yourselves.
perance :mil other Tracts, or any periodicals N. S. BUTLER Sc CO.
desired. L s en ouL_ eonsnunly on Nunn, Ninv 5.1:35 ( 4. 3-51'
hand, wilt pap , r, peek; shot s. and eve ry tiong ,
needed 1: a. Loping to scion!. New Cash
C: .SMIT il .- //Wei-. Ye //lego•rl ,
_c_i , S. JONES tvles thi , incliod to inform
Eltalrt: in 73r:» G'roobv, • die people of Coudersport and ihe pub.
, Groccrias and Provisions; i lie goner :11v, that he ha , iii-it opened a GiC.
- eery and Plan - boon store. tvliere he will kier
Hardivare, Crockery and Gla , s Ware ~
C , 111. , 1a1/t,v eVerv:hing in .he line of '• eats
- . Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps. ble , ," and which lie will sell as reasonable nit
, can be des red. The ' ,üb:Ltn,ia,s . can Le
:Stone and 11'ooden I 1 - ake :
- . frond hereat all tquas, such n: FLOUR - and
In short, almost cverphirm usually kept in a FOUR, whi c the of the, most
Conniry .S,ore. Ali of which he oilers for dtisinv ran a •.) obe sail-lied. Therefore.should
• .
salc at yen - iow price: for she paw. , volt wi:h tor 0
rin‘.ll, of the kind, please cars
1' ace of business corner of \l tin s and Sec- and examate before pnrcha , ing elsewhere,
ond Stree s, Conderspor,, at the osil smnd of and if /ic eanllM . Sall4V you, your case mast
R'. T.4one•:, & Br. Jury 7, le-'il. 7-Qtf ibe des-pera.c. You will a,way4 find a full
nssormien, 'of frroreV.VA, con , .:•ing of Su
g ITS. Teas, (~lm. e, Ssiseratipi, Spires. Ginger,
H.a. - edn , .. randy, Crsteke N. Cr.wherries, sa
Mad:to - 4 - 4 Blue Fish, Race,
Mma,,,! , ,. 0 Syrup, &c. Also. at all limes.
Pork; r.or, 'l.a rd, ('lice -•e, Butter, (roll and
firk ii.) Salt, II on-, c..c. e , c. I
Crain and all o her k lab , of Prodocc take.
in exchsaige for goods at die cash price.
ti-:Batt C. S. JONES.
'I 1 I.Ell
- 1 - 1 B. BROWN would give notice to the
pith is tint. he is pre ared, at' his
Foundry in CoiMerlon-, 10 do all to ,liner of
Casting,—At e and finish to order all
kinthi :Of Machinery, Mill-G«trinn, Board and
Log Oars. S•eigh-shoes of all si •iis;and every
a nic:e: neededin
a Limthering counnthi,
And to Farmers. - he. wett.(l sav, that he has-i
procured some of the best Plow patterns in
use. bi, h Flat Land and Side Hill, and keeps
them constantly on h And Will make to
orderTiehl ,N,;llcrs, Harrows, Cultirators, and
every, at-licie used by them in his line of limi
ness. j Ile is prepared also to do all kinds of
I 3 •L; ACKS 31 - TIIIA" G. -
And from his long experience in the above
boslu'ess, he feels confiden, of giving satisfac
tion to those who may give him a call.
1. It.-0:d iron Nought, or taken in ex
change for work. •
IT reported that Nebraska Bill is in town
and by calling at the Hardware Storo o
Jamey W. Smi , h, on Main creel, you can
find for We—cheap for cash or - exchange, a
better a4sorinen; of
Cooking, Box & Parlor Stove;
All Varieties and Sizes ;
Tin ,Copper and Sheet Iron Ware ;
Milland cut Sawa, Hooreiron, Nails and chins;
Carpenter's Tools and Files, Iron- .
Bare add Anvils;
A Good variety of building Hardware; where
eso may be * found a genera: asior,ment of
eiocto, ,Dappanna /Elm;
toge her with a good variety of •
HAND and
such as
Tubs a c., te.,—
than can be
found e :•ewhere in this county. Anti I would
cu e , peciat atten.ion of those who wish to
purcha.:e, to my large and welt selec:edcock pf
Likewise that my
is all m .de of good ma "crial and by a skillful
and compe en , workman.- All I ask is for you
to call and see my goods, price them, and. I
have no &tub. von will be ga.istied with the
price ..nd gootis.
Au kinds of produce taken for goods. I
also pay t<, At per ton for old iron.
Cenderavort, July 7, les-1.
War Declared at Last.
rilllE long repast. of Europe_ is about
to be dihturbed by the bugle's num and
the reville of the drtum cnllitm its slumber
ing millions to armat in the tOentte of their
lirc,.idea Mid their 'country. Etntlitlnl and•
Fiance are calling ftir men coil tneav, and .
sending foraarti trieirarmi , to battle ttgrtittat
the tig,..res . ritett4 of the Itwhian Bear: hot
%%bile- tile 0111 World it eon% ttketi by.revolm
tum, notnuial peace and plenty reign in the
List of Causes
" Richard Goodman
" Slcidieu 1101 ton.
" w. T. Jciic,i &Jiro.
D. J. OLMSTED, Proth'y
Coudersport, Novemlwr 1F6.1
. DRY GOOl,--5
11 - 1 E. QI..SISTED
• would say to the
poti.te 'hut he Is wow reveisiiig a stuck of
Goods. which he will lu lisp]i; to show to all
who may fisor hint With ar. 11. Volt can find
be calling I/11 I/11:13 it:Mr:1111:mi of Late net.
Bart c;, It. rege s. Ito BPgna,
Also, Ginglemos, Do.
1111,1)CM of tilt kiwis, Crockery, and
0 krge stock of likpg. and Z 4 ht,es; all of which
will Ito sold as low
. as ti,Ly Coll ho bought
elt, ce. •
1 - 11.1KEti'S llrmna au,( (Muck)lati•--dtlicion.
19 nt • Ty LF:ivs.
Magazines for November.
Al,ll:lt,G inky, Grukint, and Putnam;
re•ceivt.d and for E:1 1 .._ at 25 cents per
CI A'S I I'A II) for Ituttt.r mid Eggi, at th•
Julie 30, 1851
T o It ENCII MUS_TAIW—,I . new thill(erifr
-1.. tirelv, for vale at - C. 6. JO NES'.
. A SSOIi.TED Pickles in jarfo
s e . n. J l 4 l ) %b it T — s..
ALI. l'apera. New and beautiful-pit.
Y terns at - TYLEIVB.
TILE Governor of the Slate of New-York
• hats oppoitted the subscriber a Commie.
sinner for ilie Stale of New-York, to take the
.aeknow.eciginent of Deeds and — other ina m.
n te nt.t, and to administer oaths pursuant to ars
act of the Legisiatnre of the said State.
Conderaport, Dec. 1%1851,
Pails, and