THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. .rsn. S. MANN. Entrons ADDISON AVERY. S FIDELITY TO TIM PEOPLE. COUDERSPORT, PA.: THURSDAY MORNING, :\ OFFICIL OF TIIF. G. W. S G. 1.. of the I. O. of G. T. of Pa. Wetlstoro, Pu., or. '23, •.-^-^ The Annual Se'. ion of the Grand Seal. Lodge I. 0. of G. T. of Peon4viva e ilia will be he'd at Troy, Bradford Co., commencing on the 19,h day of Decem ber next, at L n cock A M. MARY C. EMERY, G. W. S. a' . caß attention of all dele- gates to the Grand Lodge of G. T. to the above notice. We wi , h we had received it sootier, for we think there Aloud be a full attendance at this. and all other meetings called for the pur pose of advancing the cause of Tem perance. We trust there will be a i.trong delegation this county at Troy nu the 19th of December. A man iiimMVOS t h e y chief part of his wealth to his will; and her estate, sneers at ironian's rights with rather an 111 grace. 1 Our friends will see by Mr, Brown's adverti , ement, that he has attached a Blacksmith shop to his Foundry, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in that line. ar We publish in another column the latest foreijn nen s, by which it will he seen that Sevastopol holds out yet, but that the town is in . ruins. This Eastern war is likely to be tine of terrible magnitude and severity, L Those of our readers who would like to read the book from which we make an extract tin- the outside of this paper, can purchase it at the Journal Book Store. his 1‘1.41 , it: highly spoken of by good jtr4es. w r 7" It gives u. pleasure to announce that Bishop Putter, of Philadelphia, will deliVer an educational lecture at the Covet Hou:e in. this place on Monday evening of next Court, being December IS. Bishop Potter is one l of the ahle-t scholars and hest lectur es in Pennsylvania ; hence we hunk for a full hou , e of attentive listct:ers oa tho 11/ If his lecture M'-Tife Literary Association in well sustaizted. There %vas a fn2 turn out on Tuesday evening last, and the discussion Will courteous, dignified, and profitable. at least to the speakers. -Next Tuesrlly evening there will be-a lecture by our poetical friend, Hugh Young, and we bespeak for him a full house, After the lecture the Portfolio will be read, and ‘ve suspect, no one. will go to sleep during the reading. rap.wiw., it becanic pretty ascertained that Mrnmv Maim( was Gavernor ,eleet of the Empire State. our Maine 1.9. w boys brought out the little " baby wuker," and_ made the hills resound with the of his thunder. Twenty-one rounds were fired, and as the booming sOund rever berate.l from hill to hill: every Tem perance heart sent up glad thanks for the glorious triutnylt. We wish the editor of the if *can Citizca had been near enough to hear it, for he, pi or eotil, don't seem to know that Tem perance has triutryhed at any of the Sate elections. I We arc requested by Rev. S. E. Smith to say that the new Metho dist Church will be dedicated about the- first of January next, at ; which time- able mini tors from abroad will be in.attendence; and it is expected that religious .meetings of great inter-. est will he held. We add on our own responsibility, that Mr. Smith absent in Western New-York, eel lecting funds to pay Mr. Eli Rees and others for their labor in erecting this neat and substantial place of worship. "Pay what = thou owest," is just as im perative as any other comMand, and therefore we trust that all p ersona irkterested in this Church will attend its dedication prepared to di. , charge their duty in the premises, Notice of the, precise time 011 be given as soon asclitained. Imo'"The sou), con.tidered abstractly from its passions, is of a remiss and Eedentary nature, slow in its resolves, end languishing in its executions. Tbo use, therefore, of the passions, is, to stir it up, and put it upon action ; to awaken understanding ; to enforce the will ; and to make the whole man more viproui and attentive in the propecution of his designs." THE WORLD DOES NOVI FORWARD The Rev. Orville Dewey, D. D., is one of the most prominent - Union saving Divines in . the nation. His eflOrts to aid the • South in corrupting the public sentiment of the North to the support of Slavery, were so zeal ous that lie won a very unenviable reputation. And now there is such a pressure of public opinion against his pro-slavery course, that even he feels it necessary to explain. This is en couraging, and leads us to hope that the day is not distant when no man•in the free States can be fmind to assist in returning a fugitive slave. In a lee ture delivered at Boston, Monday evening, Nov. ;?.O. Mr. Dewey said: In the future, individtiali , m and tol eration will prevail, urea will he more indifferent as to what their neighbors think m wear, they will wear hats or caps. coats or blouses, and live on. beaus or beef, as they please. There will he also a great increase of the spirit of toleration and humanity among men to men, and there will be also a growing regard fin. the treat meet of animals. Nothing moved his indignation more than to see a man cruelly heat a dumb creature which cannot resist. Pei sonal liberty must expand and grow with the future civilization. "It Is amazing' to me," said he, " that anybody with a man's heart in him, that anybody who com munes for one moment with his own heart, can believe that human slavery can be perpetuated, Human Slavery! Put the words together and they fly asunder as by a thousand expansive ; forces. We may consider circum stances; we may plead for modera tion; we may watch with patriotic care and 'with filial tenderness over national honor that it be not bruised nor broken ; we may deprecate reck less haste; but tl:e old; settled, fixed, everlasting horror at human slavery we can mover get over; it is bred in our blood and bones. The selling of a man, the putting of a man upon the auction block and saying to men around, "how much for this being," I should flee from such, a spectacle as I would from any sight of horror or of crime. No, no;. let nobody try to .reconcile us to this. ,01'. 30, 18:4 The ()pillion that is groWing up am dug som e Southern men that Slavery is a good arid righteous institution, manifestly complicates the difficulties that surround this terrible subject. But those difficulties, be they what they may, must and shall he overcome; human slavery must cease on this con tinent. Sooner than believe that it will be perpetual, I would believe thg continent itself will sink, engulfed in the ocean deeps." Gentlemen, six years ago _I ad dressed you on this subject, and I said nothing then at variance with what I say now. But ever since that time 1 have been traduced by certain persons, with the charge of saying that I would consign my most venerable relative to slavery to save the liciion—or, as they sai/, to sustain the present . fUgitive slave bill—a bill of which I did not say anything ; and I am perfectly at liberty, in consistence with my own declarations, to detest this fugitive slave bill, and all other fugitive slave bills—which I heartily do. When the Rev. Orville Dewey feels : I compelled to say that he "detests this fugitire stare bill," we think its days are about numbered, and the race of doughfaces nearly extinct. As to this denial of the charge made against him, We think with the Tribune of the 22d, that his explanation does not mend the matter: ' The Rev. Orville Dewey, D. D., in . the course of a lecture dclivered . before the Boston Mercantile - Library Asso ciation, on Monday evening, took oc casion` to brand as a "calumny" and a lie" the story, extensively circulated and believed, that, in a lecture before the same body six years ago, he - maid he would consign his mother to slavery save the Union. Notwithstanding hi, indignan t and vehement disclaimer, (which, it seems to us, would have come with a -better grace at an earlier day,) the Doctor admits that he did say, on the occasion referred to, " would consent that My own brother, my , own son, should go 'into slavery : --ten times rather would I go myself ;.than that this Union should perish for me or mine." W e think it would require • a large amount of the casuistry which many of our popular divines are so final of employing in their discussions of the slavery question, to define the essential difference, in the light ofGod's law of love, between consenting to the enslavement of one's brother and con signing his mother to the same fate and how the one can 'be regarded as - an honorable and a Christian act, while the othet' is admitted to he ir reverent and •inhuman, passes our comprehension. The Doctor mistakes the ground upon which the sentiment attributed to him has been so widely reprobated. It was not so much that he was understood to have exprossed, a willingness to enslave his mother, as that he, a minister Of the (lospel -of Christ, was willing to entdave anybody, and that he could even dream that it } was within the limits of possibility-1 nay, that it was not a positive _affront to God and a hideous impiety to sup pose that the foundations an Govent mein could he made se cure by an act of such flagrant injustice and inhu manity. BON AND HUNKER DENOCBACY That.the slavery influence and the liquOr influence are in close alliance, is plain to . every unprejudiced ob server. We .have shown this to be so with such proof as cannot be con tradicted. But as one or two men in this county are reckless enough to assert the .contrary, and to a.sert further that Seymour is a Free Soiler, we publish the . fcllowing from the Ine4h;ngton ./.7non for the edification of all persons Who are green enough to he fooled Iw such talk: WU her he news of Governor Seymour's election is .rue or no ,(and a., he intim oions lead us i o lie let e ha. 1, is roe) he foe. .hat he has received a vote sullicten.iy .args to overthrow .he hopes of Unman ..nd of Bron son, .aud posstb.y the abo ition puny of Seward, is a good indic.o on .0 a democrat, in the midst of the-wide sea of disas.erwhich has for the time overWhe met( Se demo erotic par.y, Governor Seymour h.s been suppor.ed by :he democra.ic p.r .y of :sew York—for we _presume h no democrat is wilting to t.dinit .ha. he h s vo ed for the condida eof he Know-so hing., -Mr. 1:1-- loan, or for the end eof .he s, Mr. Ciark., he roe for Judge Bronson for Governor shows 414. he democracy of New York have no. hesi.a.ed ,o - discard the pre : udices :,nd b, d p scions of -cer.ain leading po inci us, and h. Ye reso,ved ul on fu,ure'union and coucer Ilence is is hat we fee. i..obe n ac of b re us ice .o rec ognize ..nd o pp .ud n eircums auce which prt.res Gal the dent entry f the State f Ned. Yark is .nee ni,re a unit, :.nd aa the- days of 'hands' and 's,..fts . arc aver.. The above attjelij. shows that Sey mour was the Ranker Democratic candidate fur Governor, and the fol lowing from the Cleveland Leader :haws who else supported'him: In ha. mora! and en igh ened precinct of Go h in, known as, he 1 ive l'o ns, .he vo c for (Jot ernor was fb..ows: Seymour and bad rum, ..41 , v0 es: Bronson, good rum, Ili : C.ark, no rum, U. man, Know-ho king, 7 vo es. C. rriages were .o in vo ers all day ; the horses an: died .o which were covered over wi h gre. grin ed re.M ing 'Democracy, Seymour, Rum and V imory.' Can't our hunker friends give an other kick or two on this suhjecrt? The facts are a]] against them, but then hard wozds and big lies may save them. Quite a number of our friends have said that a mote vigorous effort to sustain the Journal nitut be made. It is gratiflyit;g to hear such encourag ing words, but we trust our friends will bear in mind that talk will nut pay for paper nor !maid the printers, We paid out of our .own pocket last spring lio to buy new type, and we have paid various such items since the Journal was started, not one cent of which do we desire to have returned; but we do d^-ire that those Men. who say the Journal ought to be -well sus tained,' will go to work to increase its circulation, and w49k as if they meant something. This saying that a paper ought to be sustained, and then suffer it to drag along without doing any. thing to encourage the printer, is unbecoming the advocates' of a-goud can e. The Journal might and ought to have 600 advance;pay • subscribets. Next Court week will be a favorable time fbr the' Republicans of this county to say how mua they feel -filr the success of the Journal. J. s. sr. How TO DO Cr SMUT B4OSOMS.-WC often hear ladies expressing a wish to know by what process the gloss on new linens, shirt bosoms, ctc.,, is pro duced, and in" order to gratify them we subjoin the following receipe : " Take two ounces of fine white gum arabie powder—put it into a pitcher, and pour on a pint or more of boiling water, according to the strength you desire—and then having covered it, let it stand all night ; in the morning pour it carefully from the dregs into a clean bottle, cork it and keep it for use. A table-spoonfill of gam water stirred into a pint of starch made in the usual manner, will give to lawn, either white or printed, a look of newness, when nothing -else can restore them after they have been ' washed."- M P " Men of public spirit differ rather in their circumstances than their virtue; and the man who does all he Can, in a low station, more a hero than he who omits a worthy action be is able to accomplish in ti great one." A PARTY WAr:TEn:-.—A s singu lar as it may seem, it is nevertheless true, that had the electors who did not vote at the recent election in this State, went to the pills arid voted for an Indedendent candidate for Gov ernor, 'he would have been elected. What better evidence is needed _that the people desire to get rid of existing politiCal organizations l--Bird. Stan. -- FROM EUROPE. TEE WAS. AlthonA in telligenee fry ») yal ions sources. with regard to the commence ment end progress of the seige, had been receLved.up to the 29th of Octo ber, the official dispatches of Admiral Dundas, Gen. Canrobert, and Admi ral Hamelin, detailing the operatb,ns of the allies on the 17th ult., the first day of the bombardment. were only publi.hed on the 6th inst. Admiral / Hamelin in his _dispatch st ates that if the • Russians had not -cosed the entrance to the harbor by sinking their ships the allied squad rons after the first' fire' could have successfully run in and placed' them-• selves in communication with the land forces without perhaps a greater loss . than they have now actually: suffered. The hiss on ship-hoard was tw6 lientenant , —Cluve and Madden —L-killed, and sixteen officers wounded. In all, 44 men killed and 266,-Wonud ed. The ships . were considerably damaged by shot end shells. ' The French loss was 30 killed and 186 wounded. On the evening of the 26th (the day succeeding the engagement of Balalt• lava, the account of which was received per last steamer,) the Russians, 8,000 strong, made a sortie from-the town of Sevastopol, as well as from the direction of Balaklava, but Were re pulsthl with great slaughter. one, thou sand-men, it is stated, - being left dead upon the field. According to the latest telegraphic advices, although the attack upon the fortifications from the sea :had not been renewed, the bombardment from the heights was vigorously continued, and forts Quarantine and Constantine had been razed, while the southern tower and other forts had been de molished. • The town, it is Ftated, wa.4 also on fire in three different pipces. It was evident that Sevastopol could not hold out much Ito.ger - ; and, according to one account, the assault would be made on the 2d or 3d of November. The Monlteur publi,Ves the follow ing : " The minister .4 war has re ceived from General Canrohert, Com mander-in-Chief of he unify in the East, the iullo;•ring report„ dated at headquarters Derma: Srvssrpror., Oct:, 18, 1854 Moxserr. Le. MAnten tt.;:` Yester day at sunrise we opened fire in con , cert with the English army, and mat ters were g ling on well, when the explo -ion of a powder manazine be-' longing, to a battery, which, unhap--. pily was a large one, created - some di,trubance to our attack. This ex plo ion had more - effect, as our bat teries were accumulated rOund the spit where it ter k plaCe. The enemy took advantage ',fit to i:letlL.a , e their lire, and after consulting the. General .commanding the artilery, l,deenwd it ad.isable to suspend our fire, to repair err damage, and complete on our right, by new' batteties nearer the •English line, our syten - 1 of attack. This delay certainly is much to be regretted; but it cannot •be helped, and I am -taking every means .to ren der it tu: short as pos,ible.: . The 'city has withstood the fire much better than was expected. On Ow 27th our troops took pussv,..ion of . q:e plateau situated in the front of. the point of attack. called the -Mast Bastion, and now occury it. This evening we cone truct there a Masked battery of twelve guns, and if pos-ible a second battery at the extreme fi-ght. ,above the.declivity. All- our means ,pfattack . ..are col centrated on this .bastion, and. • will, I hope, soon clear it; with the as istance of 'the Eng-li it batteries, which take it in the left flank. Yes terday. about 10- A. the allied ! fleets attacked the exterior batteries of the place, but I lilive not yet received the report so as to enable me to give an account of the results .of that attack. The English batteries are in the best possible condition; they - have received nine new Mortars, which will have great ell'ect. Yester day, in the battery which surrounds the tower, situated on •the left , of the tower, an immense explos'ion . took place, which. must have., done great injury to the enemy, for since then the fire of that ; battery has . been very' slack and this morning Only. a -few guni were able to fire from it. I have no precise news from the Rus sian at my. There is nothing to iuGi cute that it has- modified the .eosit-ion in whackit awaits re4inflircements. have received nearly all the infantry reenftircements I expected from Gal lipsili arte Yarns. Gen. Le Vaillant .has just arrived with cltat, Major, which increases to five divisions of infantry the army I command. The health of the troops is .very satisfac tory, their moral condition excellent, and we are full of confidence. A Wommv Ilemoino FROM opprci.— Mr:l. Sarah E. Noell, Post-Mistres at Chelsea, Massachusetts,' has been re moved, and a Gideon W. Yotit4ap-. pointed in her place. Mrs. Noell is represented as a lady :of- talent and amiability, and a gengral fayorite with. the people of Chelsea. We preStime the administration is so weak m 4-. that it can make war only upon ivan2,en ! . 7 -Tenn. Telegraph, He censures God who quarrels with the imperfection. of men. BUM'S DOINGS. Coroner Lowry, yesterday, held an inquest upon the body of . George Ilvghee., found dead in &stable. - Verdie:—Cante to his death by excessive use of ..crong drink. - We transfer this from our local column of yesterday. That makes the . third verdict to the same effect, in as many days,' upon the bodies of what . 1 ' once were men, in this city. Turn where you will, your eye •is 'pained, • and your heart is sickened by the "walking ruins" that stagger abroad to make day hideous. Alas ! poor human nature.,: Those wlio are net '.yet dead from the accursed stuff, are almost worse than dead. No longer ago than ye-telday, we saw what had duce b:•en a good looking man, of fine athletic • frame,. leaning impotently against a p.O . st, and surrounded hy,a , score of boys, punching him with sticks, pelting him With stones, pulling his hair and blacking his face ; while ' he was loading, the air with the bitter est curses, smiting with an useless fist • at nothing, and rolling his bloodshot eye4in vain rage. - ‘1, 7 17at a sight! We hope that the boys who made this vic tim of rum and ararice their cruel sport, may never be in a like plight. There are no sadder pictures in this life—none More human would it have been in them to have led him out or sight. He will soon leave a void in the world, and no doubt a fond, kind heart of mother, wife, or sister will' bleed with anguish over the sad, sad wreck. Nhere are none so lost but Some heart l in the• wide world cares for. them'. You see the same ruins, turn where you will. J11:4 see what the New- York Criminal Courts have Lees abaut for the last five or six weeks. if we remember-aright, nine successive cases of murder have been tried, in which rum had made the man an assassin. The criminals and the victims were of all classes. ‘Ve saw the hdluwing a few moments since in the St. Louis 2\e ICJ : DEvountn in Ilocs.—Near Kenosha, Wis consin, •as; week, a drunken in. n i.‘enoly devoured by hogs. ah e .ying .n a beas.;y scoe of in nick:J(lw His -houes ud a few rein.ims of his e.o hes on.v were foue.d. - Enough. The subject has so many horrors that it is too painful to con template. Of course, the person who sold that man ruin, until from, a man he became simply hogs' victuals, will have no twinge.; of conscience. If he hadn't sold him liquor, somebody el.,e would. There's a day coming when that argument stand.—Journal and listtor. NEGRO. PHOBIA, in a very violent icas attacked the St. Lt•ui-i Neu's. The people of Chi ca (, have wnfully provoked its bile gy suffering Fred Douglas to make a et speech in Metopo:itan The N E Ws say-:"he (D,mglass) may de.,ez alt the prai.-e. on him, and yet be inferior to a hundred white men in C izicag9, whom it wnuld not be quite so degrading - to listen to, There :ire plenty of negroe.3 in the countrv, we dare ray , (lizite as talented a; Iced Unt0.41.a; , .. and, Laming the education, quite as well woi tic listen ing to, When the people of enicago call on a black man fin- di,-:course:: and instriici ion, it is an apparent coffins situ) that they have no white orators in their city - competent to the ta.-k teaching them. and e" 1;1 eld to call in aid - frmn Africa." .:yrws. is mi. taken. It will find few white men in St. I,nui:;, Chi c z uv p, or ailysvinwre else, who will at all tnan part: in otatory with Fred Douglass ; calif while the Stephen A. Douglas and' Pierce Demoerati are endeavor ing to enslave Fred's race in IteW States, (Kansas and •Nebra.-ka) i s : it not most proper that an orator of the negro 'race should be heard in their behalf: Would. the ...Ye;rs muzzle sueh a speaker as Vredci irk Doligla,s, lest hey shame the oppressors who pretend that his race is E,/i•r;or, and therefore rightfully enslaved.—P:tis. Divatch, - POLLOCK" FOR PRESIDENT.—The Har risburg (Pa.) Telep;aph- and Journal placesihe name of Him. James Pol lock'at the head of its columns as a suitable person to be made President of the United States ; subject, we suppose, to the decision of the_people, without the.necessity of going through the form of a corrupt packed Con "vention to get him betiwe the masses.. We should rejoice to see an honorable, high-minded man at the head of our national . afiirs oncel more, and We know of an cue who would wear the honors of the positiit with more pro priety than Judge bullock. But we fear it will be a long time before such men manage the helm, of state. Not but that the people are willing, but the demagogues are not, and the latter manage our conventions in too many instances, especially those that -make Preid,ents.— Templar 4- Wigehman. KANSAS TERRITORY.—,OOV, Tinniel has authorized the °Kansas herald to rote that he will girder the election for. Delegate to Congress from that Territory, to take place on the 29th of Nov—inst.—A: Y. Times. Punch says that a deputation from the Peace' Society has waited on the Duke of Newcastle, to request that in concessitin to the requirements of hu manity, India Rubber balls, only shall be used against the Russjans. TEE JUDOICENT-NW YORE We felt when the Syracuse Con vention of. New York bad adjourned, that the .whigs there had behaved the people of New York, and of the W e :f; and feared that .they had hurt the cause of Freedom. . - Wit felt, as the contest adraticed, and as able Journals in .that State advocated "the party," rallyim, or trying to rally freemen, at that hour, upon the battle-cty of the past, and. the. ridiculous alarm peal of a con spiracy againmt the organization, as if they were playing false, and should fail, and so we..,;slid. we felt t h e w rit. H. Seward had not only btickle on his armor, and head the uprising people, eager to hear and to billow his hold word of command, but had slunk um of tiui contest a< rf he 'scorned the dust and heat an.l sweat with which a Chant pi, in of Freedo m glories to be covercd. We felt, too, as if' H rice Ordeley, and the Tribune, through a mistaken fear , ir° delicacy of feeling towards Mr. Raymond, had wavered at tin) very boric when the man and the Journal should have spoken out fur the people. demanding a Repul,lican more in their name, and etablishin,g, it, as they mi,ght-have dune through the people—fur they were ripe for it. Well , ---the contest is ;,vet'; the re sult bethre us ; .. and with that result a LEsso:v. The people _said to Wm. 11. Seward-, and the leaders of the organ ization, "you do not trust us, and we will not trust you—hut we will do our duty: New Vi )1 - k trill , ZiVe Illihrfikeil voice for Freedom in the .CoUlleik and you I,ent youtt crime, if you e.:cap e punishment for it." They we . ,.e ns good as their word. With . eves and open arms they had said to Wm. 11. :1;c-ward, arid (hose leader:, "march tin - ward; bury party;. speak now as you have' acted heretoti,r e . fir the •whole country and a above all party"—and when the 6endtor and his companions failed lir see them, and halted, the lim" ,, ht out their battle, on thuir hunk, and won it glori o n•d v . Whe t an error !hit of the distirui , ltd Statesman ! • Vet let us rejoice at it, since the result of it has proved, as IM other filet in our day has proved it, the ir,tehio•ence, virtue, and manline,s of tIT. pee - ple, a::d. that they who is an upon and tr ust in them in any hour of peril to the - Republic, and they oar should or c.tx Tmumell.—('/cct. NORrfiEBN ILLINOIS--TRE DOUCLLS, 132,- BuKr.--cuicAgo TRIBUNE. Ifmr almiwi,i:,gd ie Itreczo it e”rne. lull arid fre-ii over the . t-ie..; mitt rhe i•eliuke tyre,' the nit - lull. ll , ingla,! Ai/ Fret Hier, 11,4 who int e well ut:tl aNitt,,ry flu. !mummify, In Cl:leago,. Dt.n! , lais nett bad yr of a l i,ree. man rtt,e' uh tu. ddi int hint. Even: tilt! F,tlet (dike IttAtter. ectwitred, iin a is„; and the deli:ilk flatter:Nl, retreated, Ite;;.re the tni:ci:t v ;tad et 10x:4: ion in .1, in. rallying uhflvr a (lead (II uat,izati,on, 41 41cra ourat,, willing but at - "aid to the ttea,:on 4.r the trnit.,r, ev-arreil tile Illetpliblicatirnov v; bet the ti:or:ry of it, 'viii, and tiler Inil..Tht of IN I),,ever, ove•r; then t, ithd• i.•d 0:e111, ;IS Lf titey ' y."(•!eiaft;M:CV UI it Nifto lim.e; :111, Sti kill it 1)...! ey \V( lead tipuii the Prionn. TRUNT 1;1 tile Tigivh,, tht• C'hicrwo ar.(l raH , q.c.;-worket:4! They faltered v,(4, z wd 1!“...y have conque t ed. They flirt the ht e, overbettrintr and br,av be:ting errn ; beurdtd Erin 11.421.0, Lacked ho tvai by the. v. rule power of the Feder:ll and ._talc attd : , Wei,l all It7aVillg ottlr st,ine :cvett reqiort (if:.;) to endorze yillainy, by the bolthie,s of their tn , :,ault,. and the tiuthfulne,s of their position. Is not this a triumph ? Will it not make the eye Midi and the heal t burn, wherever Freemen hear of it Daly think of it ! At Dougla,' home there were lour caliilidates for . Coneie,3; a Nelha,ka Douglas Demo crat, an . anti-Nubia:l:a Democrat, a Republican—and the People rauied the latter orer all by Marisa/ult.— Clem Leader. AVur.x 'Ullman was nominated fur Govermir, a wag among his v pponentg. after recounting how his numerous eflints to get office had always heal crowned With defeat, but how he had never minded it, fOretohl that his failure now would have no other re sult than to make him a candidate for Vice-President in lbfiti, and for Presi dent in 1860. . At the time not much thought was given to the prediction, but it now loOks like genuine proph . ecy. Ullman is apparently thedes tiny of the Know-NOthings and since he has explained [we don't - know where) how he wrote that "Calcutta, Bea' gat, A - sia" letters, they couldn't desire a (letter candidate. Clear the track fur Vice Pre , ident Ullman! °femme John M. Clayton will, head the ticket, unless Mr. (Armin should conclude to hasten matters a little, and run for both offices at once.—Tribune.