VOL. Vii TEEM PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. PUBLISHED F:YEItY THURSDAY :HORNING, BY ADDISON AVERY.. Terms—lnvariably in Advance: One copy per annum, -.: $l.OO Village subscribers, 125 TE1t31::: OF ADVERTIF-ING. 1 square. of I. Ent•: or 10--..1 insertion, C 411.30 .. ' •• '• .; 111 , 0t*.illipa, J.:-.AI „ ,„ . . en - ..., i !,:e.retit insertion, or- Rule and figure work. 1..• r -q., t.; itt:crtions, ti.oll Ever) s ol,,, i aLlit at-c:::oil, .50 1 Co;tvnti. I,n• . ‘t• 'r. "5. 1 , , i1 1 cohloin. •:•: 1:1,t1 , 1:•. 15.Pq Adinini•artito: or Executor,' Notices, t.1.t10 tiberiti% `:Cc , . per true! . 1.50 p r ,, l l,—leit.: I ':.ld. 11•.: 11• , .4:. ..ding eight Flues in,trt , • , l for :::” ~. , er ann11;:o. ii7r. AP, 1,;:l.T: o:: irt•;1:1•--. to , eetire at tention. ,ipol:.1 be addressed (poi.: pCtid) .to the Publi,her. IiVP;TErt. Wirnre 111.•;1. -NMI thy (11fro,.1r01 'not From :t ~ kit fro;:t And ttarrn %%11;.re • For :ige!-. 4;11', h All b 'Ate ni;:y er 1 Than 11:-1 ri_. (if en c I rc.gn ge-nt:c breezes Inv o. ,ream! of ire And -no..‘• 1,: , -11 fri.7, n n-:ture There is f , - naw:ll' can ;•,.t. v.liere I, 11"nh loot of ice, and ii i1;1 -nut\ - .1eT.1 laden. th-re Tien why tve tiv re:t!m4. Wil . ch to 1.• I): a p to come Tu 11;11711VV ' e , 1:::(` l'ere.ve need thee not. and MI For th•. th _ 31as . o.lr ••rn l licery. and our forest; OEM In rirh. nor:tried fo!imze, which. erne! tvrate, robbed :htun of: for we are weary Of th% of I:14:d ar.d darkne , s, and Thy' -an'e— h . ch ha% euo beam v. Go To :h% i, e•Te !',;:::,,Tdoan for we want awe Nor !;% - t! thee. and know why Thou c:ne—t. • i; for , Tich tholi An4ll to .lac : by ;hind= are, nor ti,nrunir A 7. o'lr it.:. ;i•Z , h • . 1' :or th-re A c h I •.1 mi!l.l Ca:al Sa'n n tlw *l,Ol 1:•r1.7.,...:vn FEE . (f M. • ,tent 110•;k!.. l!r• ts.l lrr.2 ! \ P.ll .1 !.i 11.1111 ( .t t W r MEM That I iin:tr.,!ly: 1 hive ,11.:v.n the, ra,? 'Aith. , 3l utc .:rr not known. an.! t el my BIM 1 , . ;hat l auk , en: Ile •' of c , ;ir,f .r. - 11‘.1 need . ,‘ ; Tli.-% 'All; 'it 111 ' If z • hr.... ! IVh tc t. , -, food scafttv. Ana r u: :1 c-ut live C:zh• !c, An:'o 1110 IMMENIIIIN M t% •:. - 11 t.., lir :h :11-Itt MEMEME= M:l%. no. ttr.,-,vrp2 •n ,3‘.. "It is not. Take a I • 4 .,a h rr :::t1 or j0:;011 , . and !bon ,0 1•' , 1 . ...1'•". , r:i: !Id Tr:ln , or4 , l ou - a bI??:?STEIt•S I'D'ECEASE. 31% lAN • 1 s A,• ;1 1 ! 11:1\-1- .;i)r Fait. kai , l I! yard %vi:P.t.: tli a I.ov. ' l e d v- zr.lv :DI ar.4l loone,l Vt•,. arc all \Ve Lave eXCelq a r , 111:U2" 11...tt durCt think you'll liar. ha. 1, ati the Llack. ti:,. v Ili hstler l , r,,e,•:ded. to it;'.;; 1.,• IN: and twit:the,. a - ,, .a11. : r• - aianr.l, wie.se I deedia ,, • - :I. ..;:a `• ~ n t--: :,;1,..: . i t•:11 .i!. , ;:t. II:e yn:d, aid hcarr,l ti:a.l.- :I; ~,, ~,, that she had I,c-r dilati;, 4 no-tril. tia:iiing eye, zod, been tunaorctidiv treated. She .1-,,a i INd - :he o-tler's run o, ! timid bound. were very pretty to see, Itandli mz %Nit:, spirit, : -1 - 11 1 •- I -:e did not : or ‘,-Guld have been. in any but a min- . l g,k v ic,,, ; ,. inc,.:, was iio• fiery . ist.•l's hone. The In'un - deacon was gl ea m of I L,. e\ •,.. I,„ t elri l ie er „,. trai ..,.. , :mily t!ied' abOui • it. ': He had • been F.,pleading uxitre„:„ m , as if cxpo , tl 7 l _ ' one of ?tlr. Hale-'s w;-)rmest friend's F.:Mtg with the c,,ar.e ,•, e ,, t „ i • e ., w - h t : but how could' he cOuntenance•such g•o,ing her a 1 .1 .;11,•.• and a hiek. to -make doings S'Illle":1' Old Dr. Pow, under leer show (dr, b rouLrht her up with a w , imse preaching - he, was converted,, Jerk ,f the halter, that' allut-,st broke urove a horse who never forgot the: her slemkr m•ck. ' ,iimiil v of ler statient, so - far as to w 2 . v ,, „la finer tl - r i ter 1,„.... had h: , r , exeeed a faSt walk. on any ea:casion, returned," said the ,- 2 .1 0 ,,mau. ~,,the - ,,, end he could not-help.feeling smith: gentle as a lamb unless she gets her ! lived at such an innovation on the old temper up, then she's a regu i ar d ev il , i customs. . , and 1,0- all she's so =mall, • 1 -I"'s strong : So touch was his mind exerch:sed and fierce as a lion '.:hen site's roused.: upon the subject, he felt it to be his I ;tie,: fill "liinith 'II have her, - and ;- dut y to e7;postulate with his pastor. he'll hreak her temper or her neck." Mr. Hale heard him - with: a ciniet Cluing up to her Mr. Hale spoke i smile and endeavored to soften his kindly, patted her neck which was t 11111112" US to Pour: Psyche, .by telling . !till quiveri with -.Fain frost the i hi mr m of her docility and gentleness, pres-ar e of the halter. passed his hand '-but to no purpose.- • He left - him, not . ca re „i n t; ,l yu- r+ bur nose, and flung in anger' but with a lengthened visage, bark the heavy mm. that was tete_cled 1 and a sorrowful shake of the head. l''nd knotted ahout her eve.% T 1 ' :e ; The rfood.deacuu lived just below ;7., - pour r creature see me d to know at ;Inc parsonage in an old-,red farm once ) that he Ns-a, of a di` Brent nature hoti , e, whose projecting roof' where from her (dd t4;rinentors, and with a tl: .wallows colonized, wide stone etle vlintiv. laid her head con- 1 floored porch, and a large yard shaded !, fidiml • •,,. on his shoulder, while her lby Lombardy poplars, gave it a veu- . ._. , . . , . . . ' — .7 ""'"r., . . . . S . 1 TI T '• • 111. . . - , . . . . . 7 .. v; . 1 . . . . . . ... ~ . . . . . , .• I 1 9 .....5. H . . . .. . 4. ... ... .. . O.J. . i.. . , .. . _ • . _ .... r. .... ..s. .„, . . . . . r...... . ... . . . ..;_ ... , . .. ...„. . cret ;0 1 ij. L' large hazle eyes filled with something enable, patriarchal aspect.ea m - e. 'Vi ith all possible speed, he -- si . • The yard, with -it carpet of ewer- was at the water's side, where. he - very like tears. • • She was not ouch a horse : as he aid turf was the play :ground of the We are s, rrry to see the South again found Mary l'.ing as one dead, and 'wtinted,—ber spirkt seemed broken, deacon's grandson; a' ittle black eyed in peril... It is 'marvellous what' slight caught sight of Willy., as the ru , hino• except when engaged, and she .had fellow, whose ?hther having gone to waters bore him over the smooth 3111--. causes disturb its peace and fill it Witt! been! abused and neglected 'till she the limd of gold, had.placed his wife face of the rock!, into the lake benetith. alarm. -. Its vigilant guardians are eon- WaS anything but a beauty, -still her and.year old boy in his father's house stantly .detecting" signs of conspit•acv. It i:.3 impossible to give any idea or the head was well termed- and her eyes for safety and protection. The child or footprints of the incendiary. W terrific cries with ;Ilia Dennis filled e ahuost human in their expression. If . was 'the idol of his grandparents -and the air, as he ratelike one frantic aloria• all recollect what a narrow escape the could coat euld be made smooth she the pet of the. vihage. Mr.the shore. . n.° gallant State of Mississippi bad from . might pos.ibly "pass without .exciting I _Hale often Walked down to, the gate I Men at Work in the fieldS listered a Smellee, the terrible Yankee' school remark. Mr: Hale "liked to drive a to caress him, and sometimes• lifted moment, ) and feeling that - somethinrr master, who ?ergot, in his letters to ( i. ~,id leekini:e animal as - well as any him ever, and set him upon Psyche's Unusual muse be the cause, dropped' home folk, to "speak in courteous tenn is one. and lie he: itated for seine time, back, who seemed to know that with hoe aril spade, and liatened in the of the peculiar institution. But there such a precious burden, she must be • direction from whence they came. • is a later ...horror" than this. We but ho could not• resist tier pleading look, to be taken item . her brutal very gentle, and paced sh(wly about, ! Hi)usewives with uncovered head.. learn from the semi-weekly Crude, of, owners. • now and then looking back, as if to and bared arms, darted from . ever 4; "N 4 ew-Orleans, thrnt the fears of our . " I thi!:k I Will take her. - he said see that he Wa-, .I-C . curely seated. ' . house, and children of all ;ores swelled eouthern friends are just now excited ~t . h a ,.. 5 .e,, •• n will ~,,a f,,, Ler rid , : A feW rod. , ai),)ve the par:amaze ir. the! flyingecrowd. • .. by the . fact that the African Methodist afterahon, - -and paying the price rif , i , y, brawling liro6k midtes its war - 1 - 1 Deacon Saunders, 'Who NVas • setting Episcopal Conference bas a church or asked. which was not large, he lett • over a hug,: boulder of granite, and vi-heat iii his rrrainerv, recogniZe.d- two under its care in New-Orleans, thtyard, :011owed by the imploriug fern), a put,d at its base, that covers Dennis's voice, and with an undefined and that there is some talk of estab gaze of the•po ,r be i 4, NV h , cDr fillet llea.llY r!.n acre ,of ground. In the li:est:min - le:it that it was somethinrri lislring one in 'Mobile. The African real nny 1 cc, ~.r j::, a hi- hi ,d ne ...., an d sUllitner it dWindles into . an insiguifi- which he had a deep interest, ran•a u s i Methodist Episcopal Church was or humanity. 1,,, aid mit compcollend e•' • •tream and a small pool of muddy fast as his old limbs would allow; in gatized a great many: year; ago, is that he eel :to be her inture niaster.. Water:- but in the-spring, when swoi- the direction all Were takincr • Methodist in creed, forms, and govern- It was mil" aii:ii Wilic: (LI k that it'il by . the Melting snows, it runs with But had Willy's szifety ! - depended • meth, but people of color compose its Mr. H. 1;)• di-paiehed hi.- it i:_li boy I;,r a swill - . current, avid in some places - upon humzin aid, he woull never have ' ' membersmp. h, „„,,. p „„.1,,,„, „„ a ii , l : ~.„,,i , l . the lake is quite deep. A patch is sm il e d u p on le • 1 1 -, ( re 1 ~ - • . '‘For four or five years," says the is on gran eat le.• again. wool:-- Se„ was a ll owe d to remain . laid out around it, and is - flight of yile Pvsche. who had been turned out Creole "a branch of it has been in side of tly in the- :table. steps, up to the side of the rock, leads to rill in ti)e soul and refresh her'self operation here, numberings half dozen ! D miler. this • time. Dennis worked to a shady walk above, much. fie- by a nibble frem tly• read-ide, was preacherseand several hundred mem asshill).MAy under Mr. Hale'. direc- quented py the villagers on summer „;,,,-1. ~: • - - bens. It has been quietly .. n, Lei). fir: to near cries. ietly yet indus _ thin, in cleating the knots from her eve'l"g l- !•• ' ; She AVL3 ,, :tech-tomcod •to all kind:: of ! triously rqierating, and now has two . luxiniant Mane, and brushing its full One bright l‘laY morning, not long ! ; 4 11444'e.' 4 . r..111111.3 1144 V,.. and 11,111111 V ' e k.. ior three posts in the city; the • main veives to shinin , gloss. Het rough after the deacon hag} urged Mr. Hale ' pected that he wa.: callin , her r(: par- ! one being a :large brick chapel, built coat yielded readily to bleb keeping! to sell Psyche, Mary :Sanders sat hi- take of ~,,,,e „welt.. when she heard 'by themselves, in the second district, ard care, givino, in its jetty blackness, diting a letter to her absent husband, bi ; ne i ee: n i pickily -, up lier eares:he ' near the corner of ikiaville a:id Clair a.,d silky -softness, -sine proof of good and she told him of the pleasant home • cantered toward): - the lake, whirl, she I T I'olle street. - They -make returns, blood: he had provided nir her in ins absence, ic a c h e d just as Will y rose fi,r the first ' and ate under the jurisdiction of the It was es id . ent. thtit lie had always and de'ealited 11 P'" l IV-filly's goodness.' time. . Indiana (1)1. 011ie) Conference, and been vit . :, d flu ough fear, but she was-- and beiluty ; she forebore to - tell him " With a low whinny - of recorrnitirei, receive preachers (free negroe-) from peculhirly su-ceptible to kindness, me i that the rogue had already upset an ' not unmixed with fear, the blTai•itiful Their-preachers living here go up Mr. Hale thonght what time he could i n k-t ee d upon Lei' snowy wrapper. - crtator , loWered her head; and a s be for ordinatien. .11,miVeVer, the .11ecor ', 1! I', Spare from ditty and t•tildV Well Spent , and now hung about her, distracting cr(tne to the surface terain, plumred in about eightinei uneitils!ago, coutidued i in teaching her to love and obey him-. • her mind by his childish questions. and swam with . vimn!oua strokes'. tn- a letter from Bishop polio' himself, t", ,1, - • • dated 101,7 wiitti:,r 'from lag-Oceans, He called lier Psyche, and the nanie ''- • 1 .-b"- to proceed W. 1.: ~.111, an „ v ,„.d, 1,;.„,. • seeniod r Very appropriate, f or h er ,i,.,,_ roved. she tied on his little straw hat, 1 .(t was sorra:thin) , more than instinct. in which he seems to have attended to der form and jetty blackness , turned' spot. scarf, and sent him oat into the it was an alrni•riev'' le)nd that directed ordaining ; deacons and elders on the with a anipricious , gi - aee rad ee n s , ma d e yard, Whel'e the grass teas just Spring e - • the noble Lea--i. and tita , :lit her care. spot. • The letter alludes to Mobile her much more beautiful than her lug, and the lilac trees bursting into ,ia strikiwr Ont.' with her ire% bonad also, and speaks en( o-iragiegly 1.)1 the master had ~,,icip:o.;:d. bloom. Cm:gni:alining herself that' h„,„in , s ;he neared Willv*, %.111(1 the c ''!"''' ' 1 the S e ath • .. W e ' 1 "'" 1 0 ,( 1 1 ; 1 -' t e tn ee n, h„d b een net ., i e den 4 „,,, t he wioild be safely amused l'or an : „,,,, Laird ~ rolided her. »s: puln , ine FOnle Sir2;:lifiC';lllt. Z•entences tram this, ' e.l (e).-1 e fret came laini - e. Ile had hour, she returned to her letter and : .her slender he:ad lieuraai'l, t h e „.,::,,, :bit it is not before us. An dx-Aider ,_. „, . , heasteil to e m • i ii ,iani n - a -i ne: h e ", of soon firraget tit: things else. 1 :she caurrlit the scar": that we as ' Man horr , ,wed it ((fit of our till e, and the ••spleedid creature" his ;nester Willy \vas vnry happy foh.a . v - hile, , his eeek, in her ti_ .,,, ci. and dre‘v his 1 has i(!)t returned it. One ot th e I 11sh in w-»tching the robills . who lien: irom i ups, in the L'aaor(7cr, 16th inst., callint4 Wd - : ahoOt to ptilcila-e. and ill • fir.-t head ahrOve the water, si_ne ef •• th e ne.i, I i a ] ; ,l en ite' a .. he limb to limb of the oie to ilers, and • The :CZIII \VP , a thick ccedunerreped. ~ for aid to the Ora-ap. uses this ••lan c,*,l;;.ti i..u- 1;: der hi- breath, had sorely. sl‘a!lf NV,. NV!!„ were briagilig, mud for held him : eeurely •; so Pysche, t (lenity, •-r7e-"re: 'Will T:qt J,Ur peOple come lip v,.N. ,i - e l m . B ut h e e „,,, b ecame •,„_ their ne•t , beneath the eave-:, but lie , iVitil he: preciou, burdt•n c:i,t. in . bur )to the work, and help us? Show that tere-ted ie her, and as she o . reW in soon tired of these, and leaning agilinst mouth, sw-am steadily tewards tile this little sheet finds its way, through ! beam v under hiehands. his pleasure gate,looked wistfully Ina into the shore. I,Viliv's rroldet; hair, and ~,,i, ~,rs kind Providence, to the yar . and pride knew no bounds. • . street. . • teouth. to tin e ereat joy and coral et . 'face. gave stiiking centrastebeside her : , - - .7.- r's- - 7 , ~ . • Sohn he espied the latch. It \vas a ' .. of .marly. precious souls . ‘‘• e -yubz.e 11.-.• v.-;.1,1:1 Billow' her with his eves, jet .black C , . , at. glistening With water, . has a pretty good circulation u,l this „ m,.. Thle , drove away, and flil iv - perfect mystery to him -how it was to ) which ran in streams from both. . . ) 4 . , be raper with delbrlit as after a owe unfastened; his little fingers 600 n pressed with . Phis is the sum andsubstance? . t. of th • bank, and feremost of them s till stood ' • la -bd carp c) Th.), With many a toss r ' sufficient force upon " " !the thriml»iece I • the deacon with clasped hands, his I gneva"ce• I No charge is made against oilier be,!utifhl head, she wculd spring to lift it, and the gate swung gently 1 these lininhAt ChriStians—no evil laid otli thr:iwin , the miles behind her it.l White hair streaming in the wind, and tine --:vie. _ open. Peeping out, ?list one side and every fierve stretehed to its utmost at their door. If they were not inn-I then the other,•to be sure 1:0 CtiWs fensive, well-behaved. peaceable, the He lea; red her many trick 3. She tension, as he Watched the gallant - i New-Orleans press would soon let"us ~,,,u l, l 1 ., ,1, , , , v him, and sveuld r: me at were near. and casting a furtive glance animal. . the' Lis the house as if he suspected knots the fact. What, flea, is, tne his (.ill. and ease d carry mid fetid: It was he who received from her he ‘171,1, outdoing. quite right, he vein objeetien ? • Let us hear the Crui 7 e: Isis coat e, - 11,•:: ~ g lared oile day month his darling pet, hut la.• 111 him i tuned out upon the Is - v sidewath• our to as ore himscif that his life i "OMr reasons re. stating these facts whew het movender had not been flit)! yellow- da • ridelions and the litight that 11ZIN'C necessarily c(anie under our !ginell he!' a- te-dal, to hi:,. great deli , ht ' was not ectieet, and. then ctinsigued king cups boohooed him on, as they l b e ;Loud her putieutiv tlig;(ine- - at ile him to hi: mother (who had recovered /I°6°l', are: peeped out from under the fence, ant. from hut-swoon) and a hundred hel l :ire:. ' "1. Wi) would not hindc•-r any that striree of the oat bine He Wa.- neVet he soon filled his hat with . their gay weer, of recounting her exploits to band-, that Were reirdily extet.chid for do good; but such. an organization blossoms, as be wandered on tots arils Iris 11!%•.:-I.C1'. N'..111 4 , for his part. found . the relief of the hairs eufrerer. ". ) must, in this ctannoulity, exert more the pond and the brook. which, still ' With streioniinr eves the good! dell l Of a s ocial than religious influence.. I. the ex'erci (• and excitement of ( T r i v ia,' swollen by the spring . rains, attracted "2. The - efrect upon other churches, hte.• lad v .1 in ecru are - reel:tile and bent-- con turned to 'Pvsche; who stood with i Lim by its noise, as jt. fell *over the legitimate to the country, is evil. It Ilciej. alter the 'co - ierineht of the droc•pin!" head and panting sides, look- ; - , nicks. breeds disestuent, impracticaliiiity nf zunly, and for some time. the pleasure . . c , .. • - •ing very tired, but still very mech.: - at the end of an hour Mary Saun- •, , _ 1 ; 1 wholesome discipline, and restlessness intl: experieeced t: as miall,:yed.lure; an the rerilOrati , ni of her • , ) ' er- lead 4: ••i , l' 41 her letter, and 1 l• • 1 1 :he followed with ! for ministerial_ orders whe,re it would it::: te .,1.1, was i new i e n f ur - p sv _ •d , ""•• "-. . • - 'placing ' owe nieno, Wilolll c • ..,.. w i l., t, , rcl , av ti,, ,, hi ;ci -- , , c....s milll€ ; T. , her writing. nnterdds iu a rosewood) , her eV es till he was borne out of A z ht. ibe inexredient to confer them. , (1)•-e. lier lind•and's last ieft.'h e tfilmeu , Tenderly. and raven: 11 •'1 deacon•' :.• ,le. I "3. Thi s society ,b - as established it liel-hot. put ea a th en-aria giro-eon • • with a bri)rht smile te the ..vindow too • ((' -• self . and is seeking extension in neigh air . a i .,i, a no, me d e , a d i e ) e , sir me ;a ~ e . . ' . • Wipe a ti,e Si 2.ter from her shining•coat, • • si , k7 iNT.;q . pretty - mischret _or . cunumg , and then without speaking, which Inc boring cities and villages, under the roan, ry \-) - iii-,- might 1 ..• inner. n Rlit , • bad not tion4.- -ince first stet fled; Ion: public" opinion-that it is in comicction "" Wi. ll Y *"..'l' in 'il-1 1 lt.• Th' gat'""'" labor bv Delleis•s :Nies, he led her tu ' Eal Church ~mie,aisly opee, zood catching her : . 1111 h i .! oivi ,! sta b le. ; South. "We give notice to all, (long • hereet. she darted into the :street. - ! arro the authorities: Late been notified,) Mt'. Hale had been absent all this Willy. Willy," she celled, but no time. and k new nothing of this zicCi ; ! treat the 'Methodist Episcopal Church , S i • • . ----- connected nu war with, nor . dent, until, on coming in sight of die.: ' mr--1 is add red farm house, what was his sur- I is.it reaponsible. ter this exotic. The prise to see Py)che . standing ifi the ) Methodist Church South enjoys - the vat(], covered with one of M rs , 's ta ,,_ i coufidence of the country.. Her mis der,' often colored 1;:..1 putT,,- ma kil„ g ! :Arms to the-slav'eS have been carefully a very ludicrous figure with liclr.,;blalck ; cotrfideCi to safe men, and hence this: bead atttl flowing tail in bohireliel- at ' confidence: -Their sole function hat either (Jed. . • • . I been to. preach the Gospel to bond ' - • God bless Von, Mr. Hale said' I and free; not meddling with their re:- the 44.- .,, c0n, as Ile vcrudg his pastor's i latious, but leaving. film - where the hand, "for not .minding the VvOrds Of fd3ible leaves therm Over 150,000 cob: a iladish man. Had ! you sold-P.:is-Coe, , ()red people arc - tinder yellgio us in niy boy had NOW been a corpee." .'-l r :struction. This confidence,-, o neces sary to the moral welfare ofthousanchn , is periled by having this questionable organizatiotr operating under cover of herarame. .31ellewl;sta- they call them selves, and as such they pass—few pei:sons taking the trouble to inquire -further." l'or the Jourual from a ;and -ire the 'Fell 1,1 , tir.?-try SEAM 2' 1,,1, =lll EIII z.s .1 MEM DEVOTEE/ TO 'TIM PRINCIPLES,OF-DEMOCItACY,,AND THE DISSEMINATION OF MORALITIt:LITERAT,URE,-AND NEWS EOM L i : d H k; ii \e; :Alla 1, 7,1 L. =OE 11 , t: t.. LI pi COUliEßspoter, POTTER.'COUNTY, , PA:, NOVEMBER-. 23,1854.. MEMO she espied hi , tiny track, in the sOll catth. witside the a•-•;, and w: -hbeating ;heart the saw the: led toward , the pond. : • With new fear"she almost dew on, the, little footprints still tending to •ward.the water. The flower., he had picked the found .scatterCd• by. Cho margin - of the pond, and • on the .steps his hat. etill holding a few of its gaudy treasures. Mary's strength wassearce .ly sufficient to make ascent, and on reachiior the top, what . was her horror iO•see staudinß in the middle of the ttream,*on a lame flat rock, USA jtist• showed _itseli above the: stream for more than In its width.. The. water . beneath it was deep, and ran with a t.7:vift •cUrrent, iiito which he was throwing the last of the flowers, and watching with much. glee their rapid progress towards the fall. Poor Mary was no heroine. - With one piercing shriek, she fell senselesS to the earth.. Willy, hearing, the cry •and seeing his mother, instead • of — going back to the bank, took one :.tep towards her, and plunged beneath the swift running stream. Mary's cry had reached the ears of Dennis, - who was . at vork in a field near by, and Willy's screams; the cold water closed 'over him, 'con vinced him from which direction it At the time of. the great introduc %ion " uhivers'al salvation" inyiNew.: 'Enkla pious deacon . at - a Confer ence merting in a town about thirty 'Miles north of Boston, .addresSed his anciience•one Slibbath nuirning . a . s •• friends, there is a new doctrine miing about•now-a-days.. We are told that all.inonkind are going to heaven but, ry dear brothers acid sisters, we liopef;:r better things." . A NEP.R SI::A*IT SHOT.—.T.H.Lane t a Nebrii4:a member of.the present ,Congress from Indiana, who- . has just been defeated, undertook to revenge himself by Caning one of hi§ constit uents, at Lawrenceburg, and; got a pistol ball planted in his side for his amiable-intention... The wound . is not considered THE SOUTH AGAIN IN PERIL. These objections resolve themselves simply into this: an independent church of free'colored people, with its own .bishops, elders, and deacons, itti own property and discipline, may nurture li?elings of self-respect ant .habits of self-reliance 'in that clasS of our-population. and the example may be, Mischievous by quickening in the slaves the latent. idea of. manhood. Therefore, it is questionable, in fact, dangerous, and Must be put down! The • Cao7e,inflmms us that it con denses the 'facts: just stated from an editorial in the New -Orleans Chtiat ia IMPREAMII ERNI Adrorate of the 30th September,'. and that. the 'grave subject has' already been presented to the local, authorities! The Adrocatl 4 , prestnne, i ; one of the organs of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, which doubtless is anx ious to exclude the black I3i,:hop Quinn frotn the South; and gather together his colored flock . intee its own •shecp fold, under White shepherds. • What a 'commentary i, this whole affair upon the; manhood and religion of the Slaveholding Caste! Would I3ishop Quinn, "with his four or five hundred harmless disciples, wor:hip ping God in their own :Ample way, throw any community into .a panic, not conscious of maintainim , an .inqi tution at war with human nature and the laws of God !--,.:Vail(l/1(11 Era. THE YEAR DYING " awninz broad of many I.,sa Above me bend• L. on f ilore -pieml.d Bright «•iih the deitili of die A; in the Aun-b,r.v's shade melts like nvt:zie him And purple, green, and-, Will carmine b:eM, have gorf,,mi, mule October's Slag nnrolied. If Spring is representative •of. the re-urrectien of man, then these glori ous autuninki days must be repre: mita five of his. decay and death. lint such decay and death we do not often wit- • 11e5.5 %MOWi men that Wilk': , taking place all around us in nature. The gorgeous and ever-changing 1,u.•:, the groves and forests, we have beard compared with the hectic ed precede- di-soluthm lit• tl,o one fiils; fur in nature they d t iiuli rate the presence of disease, but tit:.; cehtrarY rather. There is tile im,st of health where there is the me. .t 1)f . this alorinus beauty. There is a little glen thro..._ll which wesometime •str , ;11 . in medi , , itiyi• • through which wanders a brook that ceases its balddement lore be:',,re it i reaches the spot, and there spread.; • itself out into a clear, still like, as ii i pUrpli-e to drink the of:the scene. Close by it te e rinSlVcrt 7 P:l ) ,!1:11- i....t's description of a tree st , :ndi.e.; by the rivers of water; 3:Ir1 year they don . and doff their s'mum:•r glories. Thither Lb, yft: we wish to learn hy type ..d ti.;•ure how te live and he to Tii,•e two little maple's send out tb , ....1r to is tewai d the fertilizing-. ; aid -hut in by the Ivo: - Hls and they are the fir-t to unibld . their verdure. Ii tcittg completed their 'ernbleurttic life, they are am•,ng thb fiat. t , v,„to Aiow the - changes of the (he:Lying year. . \‘' went art hour agai to how it fare'l with our two fi reeds ; as soon as we entered the cleared. sire-, in the mith,t of which they staid alon,-; a scene of enehanter,l-nt br upen us; whieh'we have laid up ara eo. 11/0 brizinest treasures of memory. The dress of one of them had clia. , e . ed to - a gorgeous saffron c-lor in ; tleit the ether to a deep crimson, a min g led hu,---; ireld and they were flineing all around, clothing all the objects in the glen in a yellow and rosy light, giving their ti'kei the surface of the lake, and shl?wing themselves io the crystal depth Go there, anti yoti can have all tho hues of a sunset scene in the middle of the day, with more of it, ::stiliness and peace. , Even - the bird : i ti:zt flit through the golden boughs seem to know the Sabbath stillue;ss and Ildiuty, and trill their songs upon a ll:‘ver key. • And this, we, are to r - u - krtrind, the death of nature! death without disease, its last dolphin colors without the hectic Bush of the agony of decay. -And these enchanted tines - that inVest the place are • like "the peace the Christian dives to fir-,erner3 round his bed."- And the 'still and pure stream out of which they draw ! health mid life the year round, ij dike 'the living waters; even Cie eternal wind from which the Christian drinks, that he may never thirst And the: clear, liquid mirror into which tho waters form theinselves, that they may receive the sweet image of the. trees and give them back, : is that same Di vine Word again; as it forums it :elf ihto - a mirror, to show us te - ourselves and reflect back-upon-usall the charm es of our life, and let us knew when wo are ripening for the skids. So 'may we live and die like those two friends of ours-,:standing i y those peaceful waters, both drawing - life out Of them, and nettle same time seeing - themselves through all changes re flected from them, and at the tai t fill ing the . whole glen and all the auil,ieut air with a beauty •su sw t and - holy that the birds hardly dare fo'bitthe their wings in its mystic colors, or break into it with their Wei-eh:is - o song.— Che-ster Register. , WH is a tiewspapeT like a .to o.li•brii4h ?" flevati,e everp•one dionld !mit: 'one ol• 14 own, and not be borrowing his neighbor's: AO. 27.