1tE1.101.073 DZSITITITION - TICE 'SOUTH. Some months since we had a dis cussion with a distinguished writer at Mobile, on the relative prosperity . of Religion, North and .South, growing out oldie assertioa made down there that they had a majority. per capita, of the churches. We ventured to dis sent limn so bold, though so charac teristic an assertion, and went into some detail to show the contrary, instancing among ether things the existence of the Southern Aid Society in this City. then recently created, to supply tl:c spiritual destitution of that regien. are•ag tin reminded of the subject by the Anniversasy of the Southern Aid Siciety, which took place in the Mercer-:t. Presbyterian Church on dnesday evening. This Society ii a pet of The Jourral Goinin , _Yee, Mr. Gerard Hallock being one o f it's 1/lenders, as well as its Treasurer; and the elaborate state ments put forth in the official report of the ucicty, as read by the Rev. Dr; Stiles and published in that jour- Ual, tnay doubtless lie relied upon. The Repot set; out by informing its that " within the limits of the nited States religions destitutioa lies comparatively at th_, South and Southwest ;" and that "from the first settlement of the country the North has preserved a decided religious su ptfriority over the South, e s pecially in three important pat ticulars—in an ample supply of Chi i flan titutions,. exten ive supply of Christian - truth, and thorough Chi istizin regimen, both in the Church and in the community." It is likewi.e asserted in this Report, that. 'while the Southwestern States h v . e always needed a stronger aim of the Chri than mi:d try to rai , e them towaad a Chri -vim equality with tl.eir No: t' cr.: f redo en, their supply in .this tes e:t ha; always been de cidedly iilcidor " The italics are not ours, and the emphasis of this prime ayd!ol ity -on the wretched cm diti. in" of reliitliel at The South, lIVIICt - forward re der Sint.;ern write s muse modest iri the way of as-ertiag their spiiitud advantages. Why this infe riority should exist at the South it would be expecting t to much of the 13.12 V. Dr. Stiles to state; but we may help him out of the scrape by savim , that the worst possible. ha is for Christianity is the stealing of men and women, both enslaving the triginal firtieles and all their de:cendants, and making lice:itieus hart:l-int-se by the whites with the black; alnnet as com mon in the South as marri •ge. We propose this as an emendation to a report at a second anniversary, this one of which we are trt;ating belt g the first. We are further informed that the Southern mi -try is ii.f.lior to the Northern, both in numbers, in strengtl , in labor, in acce:ls to the field. He. e we aro at la,t—Tarse populatb becau , e , b7-rer-nlabtatio-s r ven ingconceLt tion and its ight . Cn tier the first'ne.lo of the icy() t. we ate informed that while at t:iti North there is simething.like one rniiii,ter to ev. , rry 900 soul, at. the South there is oidy Mu' mi, istcr to every 1,300 souls:. What the report means by sour is not clear—whether it means nigger-.h - iVers. pure and simple, or inclucLis the nigger s, " one remove üb9ve the brute "—i , a point that , hbuld be el, ared by The Journal of Com in erce. Next, we are let into the secret that the Northern clergy are a regularly tired set of men, but the. Southern have hat dlv ‘• " of their num ber "brought up within their pale."' The old joke about the Southern di vine who apologized for the defi rienees of his education by saying, "Mammy reads, but 1 'spoutids and 'srilains," might have been added .efFeetivelv as a note t? this rot of the Report. hider the hea'd of the "labor" .If the ministry, we learn from the .krument in question that the clergy wen of the North are exclusively deVoted to their calling, but "you. .lould starve a host of Southern min isters if von debarred them from :eking additional means of support t(r their families by worldly occupa-- Lion," indeed, there are twenty-one Ministers in the Presbytery of Tennes see who only get 52.50 apiece. Like produces like, and so we find in the Novel of Joseph Andrews, written at tits early part of the last century, -then the field-laborers of England were about as low as those of Tentl csee now, that Parson Adams (lined with the squire's coachman—glad enangh to get a little something to eat in the seivants' hall. Other authori ties inform us that the clergy in Eng iatid also blacked boots at a pinch, The difficulty of access to the field tar preaching in the South is described in the Report as so great that one person here goes fur two South. It is not necessary to go through all the particulars of the Report, our object being achieved in arraying so Indisputable an authority as this Soci ety and its pro-Slavery officers to tes tify to the spiritual destitution of the tiouth i which needs Religion in the . same proportion that it needs Lib erty, Justice and Education'. We fear, however, that nothing efficient ran be ,dene toward supplying these great needs so long-as Slavery is re tained as the basis of the whole social - Y.. Tribune. Sir John Pni . Whi•ProligAii IMievery of the emains of hie Party. MONTREAL, OCT. 21, 1 1e54. The herald of this morning has tho " Iu our extra of yesterday even ing, we informed the public that a rumor Was current in .town,. that the remains of Sir John Franklin and of his crew and their ship had been dis covered. We immOdiately dispatched a special messenger to the Hud , on Bay Company's House, at Lachine,' and through the kindness of the Go vernor, Sir George Simpson, are en abled to liy before our readers the tbllowit g outlines of a dispatch . re ceived by him yesterday from Dr. Rae." Dr. Rae has been absent on the coast since the first of the month' of June, 155 . 3, and returned to York Factory on the 2Sth of August last, from whence he forwarded letters by epress to Sir George Simpson, 'via the Red River Settlement." After briefly noticing the result of his own explorations, and the difiicul- - ties with which he had to contend, he proceeded to state that from the Es cluimaux he had obtained certain in fi.nnation of 'the fate- of Sir . John Franklin, who had been starved •to death, after the loss of their ships, which were crushed in the ice, and While making their Way South to the great Fish - ‘River of line*, near . the outlet of which a party of whites died,. leaving accounts or their sufferings in the mutilated corpses of . -, tne, which had evidently furnished fu ,d to their nafin•tuunte companions. This information, although not de rived from the Esquimaux, who had cotamunicated with the whites, and who had found their remain ,, , but from another baud who - obtained the details rice race, may yet be reli e d No doubt is left of the truth of the .report, as the natives had in their pos ses,ion various atticleS of European manufactme, which had been in pos session of the whites. Among these are several silver spoons_ finks, etc., on one of which - engraved Sir John Frani:dn. K. C 8., while the others'. have crests and Litials - on them which identify the owners a , having belonged to the ill-fated. expedition. Drawing, of some of these have Lein sent down. This fearful tragedy must have oc eurred'as - long ago as- the Spring of Tile foregoing embraces _all the par ticulars as yet ktiown. Awful Murder in Pittsburg—more of Bum's Doings. • • On Tuesday afternoon we had an other evidence of the results of the I unchecked. ibrlV of lager beer and whisky. A Gel man 1/Ullll d John lii e; flier, who tiirmerly resided in Bir-H, nti•t,ham, but more recently in the Not Ward, came to wink last week as, mister teazer at the glass-works of Mr. Agnew, in that ward. He con tinued at work until Friday night, when lie quit of his own accord. He called on Mr. :John Agnew, at the gh.ss house,-on Tuesday morning for a settlement, and was sent to the ware house down town, where,he was set tled with, appal curly satisfactorily, for the time he had win ked. When lie' called on Mr. Agnew, he was accom panied by two others, and had in his hand a dirk knife with which lie was either whittling or paring his nails. Between fOur and five o'clock Tues day afternoon, Kremer came to the glass-house and demanded pay for home trilling extra work, "heating up a pot.'' As this was not usually char ged for, some hard words passed be 'tween him and Terence Clark, fore man.of the pothouse, when the latter ordered him about his business. The man, who seemed under the influence. of liquor, said lie would go out if Clark would accompany him ;, they went out a few steps to the pate, but Clark instantly returned, and on being asked what was the matter, replied. " that fellow has cut me !" and ex pired, having been stabbed to the heart. Mr. Clark had been engaged for a year. and until recently, in the ware house as a clerk---- , and was well known fbr mane• years. as a quiet, inoffen.-ive man, and a very ingenious workman in the business. He leaves several sisters and we believe a family, to de plore his sudden death.—Pittsbug Dis patch: EFFECT OF THE MAINE ILAW.—The Prohibitory Law of Connecticut went into operation on the of August. Now look at the effect in the city of New-Haven. In that city the commit inent3 for drunkenness and offenses re,ulting therefrom, during the month of July, were To the County Jail 50 To ,he City Watch House, 73 Total, 123 Commitments for like offenses during , the mouth Of August: To •ho Coun y Jail, IC To the City Much House, 15 Total, The difference between the last month of licenses and the first of pro hibition is just ninety-two. None more impatiently suffer injuries than those who are, the most forward in inflicting them. iirviott-SfrOULti'T.ARE - VOITR.:I-147.., —Young man, •ti. word. We -want to tell you when you . should take yoirr, hat, and be WE., And mind what we • offer—it is When .you are ,a,s_kes,l to take a .When you•find yourself in doubtful company. • „ . When you discover that your ex; penseS rum ahead of your income . . When you. are abusing the confi.- . dence of your friends. .V/lien you think you area great deal wiser than people older and more exrienced than yourself. When you feel like getting. trustea fol. : a snit of ,clothes because you. have • not the money .to pay for them. " What is the chief use of bread ?" asked an examiner at - a-recent school exhibition. -The chief use of bread !" answered the urchin apparently aston 7 iOted at the simplicity of theinquiry, " the chief u ,, ,e of bread is to spread butter and lasseS on it." • . Whi!e Daniel Webster wns Secretaty of State, he was .present at a ball when a fop said to him, " Don't you dance, Mr. l'ith ster ? I never see- you &liming." "No," said he, " I never had the capacity to learn how, sir." Lewis Mann again home, in he store oppreite the North e.t.a corner of lie pubdc sugare. mid is re: ceiv . ng direct from New-vork - city—Mit "mmtino.h stock" of winter ffoods, but suffi cient to lid .: up the o d store; ts " biell goodi are now offered for inspec.ion and ex , mination. Ile wood therefore say. to the old ciedome, step in and see his assortment and to the peop'e generally, that all, his goods are for sale— he wid he happy to receive "calls." P fool at 31,:nit's store Coeh. e , NV.ishington,Merrimack,Phiiip,Aheit & ❑od o'ber choice varieties of !'riot.., wrrewed by the soleatriber NOT TO FADE. A .1.1.-IVOC )1, lie!nitie , at 31. nit's. A!pac- I'vramet!a:, rrimeh Meri ',lAN MEE G iNuilAms-u good assortment nt MANN'S C.? I LAS and liress Trimmings at MANN'S HAWLS of vzlritiii, pattern. , and (in:ill:les; 01.,:idias' and Clti.dreti s II oods, ;;t OA NI Eft Bishop Ea %rns,Vic; orb: Lawns, Cap 1.,-me, Rils'd 3111 , in, Linnen iadkif , , Embroidered do., Al its'in Idgings, CON on dm, Litmen do., Emlies' Col!ars, V rists Enders ee v es, Ladies skirts, do., Caps„ to to lie foimil at . MAN N's.. AL Large jot of hosiery at F' 'you want warm S!orkings for the chiht -R ern, you wii: fiud theta at elAYrEll 1100'I S, 1111.ksins, and the other y of :Shoes, cmi be found at MANN'S B O VS' I . Dull? limns at -a- ATS,-ClesComforier., AVrappers, Draw ers, Buck G.or es, dn., Jfiaens, lierdn- Lined G;()1. e., Carpe: Bags, Sa , cheig , , Suspend -111:1.N N'm Cr.. • Ca:i ,Q . Batts, antl Cotton V. , rn . MANN's. Uti ARS, Tea's, Cosier, Rice, Ginger, Yep- per, Spice, Starch, Sa'eratw, con>L'nth• on hand at MAN N.;*. 111101.D.i Tobacco, Fine-Cut do„ Chewing and Smoking at 111 A ri 'IT von wan! ANr.... Ilroche's, Hammen., Mill -11-Sziw9, Cros-cnt do., Hand do., thi,els, An: gars, Anger Bits, Files of all kinds, Steel Squares, Iron do., Try do., call at .T 1:11" IS MANN keep conslnnl/y on hand 11 Shovels, - Squares, 31.tnure Lorlis, Virg MEE TothiS, Doors Handles, Screws,. 4 .1 Locks—all sizes—:Shoe Na-,le Finishing do., for sale et L. MANN'S POCLET Knit7es, Table do.' Call at MANN'S Store T - p vls MANN has for sale Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, &c OLMSTED • would say to the public that he to to'2w retaking - a stock of Goods, which he will be happy• to show to all who may favor hint with a call. You cat find by calling no hint at good ie‘sortuent of l.aw•uS. Poplins, Bitruges, Barege DeLaioes. De Beges, Si.ks, &c., &c. Also, Friths, (litighains, Do mestics of ull kinds, Groceries; Crockery, and a large clock of Boots aid Shoes; all of which will lie sold as low as they can be bought else where•. DR co DAKELCS Rrouiuuud Chojulat , —tit.liciou 111.11-inks; nt TYLER'S. .litiagazines for September. T_T hr ER. Godyy, Graham. and Putnam, jnst r. ceived and bir sate at 25 CelllA per tattnbtx, by War Declared at Lasts THE long repose of Europe is about .1 to be disturbed by the bugle's note and the rev ille of the drum, calling its slumbei iug millions to arms in the• defense of their firesides and their country. England and France are calling h)r melt and means, and sending forward their Armies to bank against the. aggressions of , the Russian 'Bear; tun while the Old World is convulsed by revolu tion, unusual peace and plenty reign in the New. In the peaceful and quiet pursuit of our business we have formed a copartnership under the name and style of N. S. BUTLEB. & CO., and have taken the store in Empire Block, in the villqe of Olean, formerly occu pied by Thing & Brother, and arc now re ceiving a splen'aid new stock of goods adapted to the season and wants of the community, which we intend to sell exclusively,for cash down, at prices that will cause consternatfon and dismay in the ranks of old fogyism that has been so long established in this section. Unr stock will consist in part of the follow ing Goods t Hardware, Crockery, Boots & Shoes, . - Hats, Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Gluss, - Points & Oils, .. _. —. . Sash, Putty. :Chairs, . Bedsteads, Mattresses, Feathers Stone and Wooden Ware, And we mean to keep such an assortment of the above goods that persons from a distance can be assured of finding everything they usually want at prices that will do them good Cull and see for yourselves. N. S. BUTLER & CO. Olean, May 3, 1834. 0-31 ' Tfie `People's-Gash Store, AT - COUREiiSPORT Something New. and Something Wanted. THE subscriber hasjost reorived front, the city of new-York; and Opeited at the . store tlynterly occupied by Hoskin 8: Sniiih, on.the north side of the Court Boost. Square, a ,selected assortment -of New Goods, •Com prising Dry Goods, , Groceries, Crockery,. and Hardware. The- motto, of business—adopted—is, "the sure . and the lively.sixpenee " The above Goods will therefore be sold excin. sisely for either cash or ready-pay in liand, and upon such terms that - the purchaser can not, he otherwise than satisfied that he hini made a good bargain—received a quid pro quo —something for something in 'value for his money. Au exelninge gladly be made with the Farmer.. for his - Proditce: BMter. Cheest - , Begs. Grain in any quantity, and with it,. the mars Cash the-better. • The sitlisctiln , r will at, all times take pleasure in exhibiting his Ginids to- the enstomer, that eprality and prices may be examined. L. F. MAYNARD: Coudersport, July 15. 1853. 6-7tf NtING many other articles for the .11-of hoax and rich north. will befonnd at the Proi;e's Cash Store. fine Worked Col lars. of different designs and-patterns. LEACHED Sheeting andSLirtiug.. Brown _Ode., Caudle IA ick, Suipuler Cloth t ill 1111TAI ' S w•ear. Fled Ticking.. Toweling, ble Liolieu, While do.. a' slip, rior article of Darino-k. all " pure flax, 'ruble Spreods. • Au exult:illation • will r, rotLnaend tai n, I , e?ter flow inivilliug else. • • AT ••Tite ople's Cash Smre ' nasty be 141 Ind - 11. 11.11. English, French, ma: American Goods, quality and prices agr. ting admirably. - Please calf anti 688E2 B . LACIt. tool Green Teti4, of Y;cetient fin . or, and at thest reasonably priei Su -I.:a re, Irhitt, and Brown do.. NKr. Lace° in :ill its surit 2 .-. to pl, asp who foe* ib c weed, and r of - Coffey that caiiimi Lul to pi , ase all th , - Dwelt am) sotueOf the Vank , ....8. at the o Pe.'CiPLE'S CASII STORE ed 0 %:7ric.ly, that will cue eye Uri fir,t Pi OPLE'S CASII STORE. TTA ID 1% ARE:— Sytheit tool Swabs, ..of term,. long trit and found tolie good, Rifles aut• linh-stoto s, Filvs, Door liandlett, Latches, ,literal Knob:, (white told brown,) 31ortiee Wrought Butts Mr DOll/li, of all sizes, Clttietc,• littives,' of good quality fur the talde, and for the pocket, at the PEOPLE'S CASU—STORE. MANN'S Tin and - Hardwaret. THE undersigned has cunnecA with .1111 s Tin, Sheet iron, Copper. ;toil Sawn Business. that of HARDWARE and CeT LERY—so that in addition to the' business hartofere conducted by him, be is now ready to Flipply the public with almost every variety of Ilucwarr..l%lill and Cross-Cut Saws, Hoop Cabin and Ox Chains, Carpenters' Adzts and Broadaxes, Manilla Ripe for Ca bit 6. A general asscrttnent of Clocks, Ja paned Ware. Toys of every nt and to shurt, he designs to keep all such things Its the public wants in his liar, which he Will sell, not for less than cost, but for' nMA at. , profit ilidet and •hoirrs 1w is strict attention to his hitshwss to' ri.ceive t liberal share of public patronage. All ldnds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at the hie:hest market prices also; VO per toll paid for old iron. l-l 2 ly JAS. W. SMITH. MANX'S MANVg ONE-TIMM CHEAPER THAN, WHITE LEAD, AND FLIEE FUOM ALL POI SONUUS QUALITIES. . The New-Jeisey Zinc Company litiN lag greatly enlarged their Workt, and improved the quality of their .pnatucts, are pre pared to execute orders, for their 6UPE 111011,PAVNTS. dry, and ground - in oil, in amorted packages of from in . to SQO pound also, Dry, in h.: rrels, ob 200 pot/ ads ,each. Their 11111 TE ZINC,' - whick is said dry, or ground in oil, is warranted Pure and unsur passed fur body and uniform whiteness. A method of preparation has rect.htly been discos ,red. wind' enaLles• the Company to warrant their paints to keep fresleand soft io the kegs fur any rexsrnablt Bute. lu this respect their patios will Go superior to any other in the market. MANN' Their 111JW_N ZING PAINT. which is ,sold ut a low price, laid can only fit-: made front the Zinc ores from New-Jersey, is now well known for its protective qualities whirr applied to iron ar other metallic i,itt faces. Their siu . A E—COLOR .possesses all the finalities of the Bros% n. aial is of tin agrf eabie color fur painting Cottages, Depots, Out-bililifings. Bridges, etc. Dealers supplied on liberal ternis 1)y their Agents. itEiNGD 11 . holcsale Paint Dealers anit,luiporters, N. W. cur. of 10th &Alarkersip, 6ni ltii - Premium Fanning Mills. mp orlwa 10 Farmek.s mid Mechanics. rrilE subscriber has .puiebasiA of J: _L-Bamborough the right to use in Potter and M'Kean counties his patent in tho.cunstruction of Fanning Mills Eie has also, at great ex- Leese, commenced the manufacture 01 a PRE-, MIUNI MILL. which will clean from 100 to '2OO bushe a per hour. This Mill was pate ted March :20, 18-17, since ws , ich has stood at the head *of the list at ail the State and ceuu tv societies, where it has been ex hibited, and is a universal favorite with i.. 11 ariners Who hare tried it. It took the pre mien, at -the first. Agricultural :Fair held at Harrisburg. Oct. 31st, 1851, when theta were 30,004 people present; and at the- great State Agricultural Fair at New-York, held at Roch ester Sept. 16-19, 1851, this Fanning Mill received the highest honors. Flaying met with uniform success wherever tried, I confidently. invite the fartners_of Potter and M'Kean counties to call at my shop in Coudersport and examia efor themseyts. A supply always on hand, to be sold on rea, sonable terms. G-37tf JOHN RECKHOW. THE sulmcribei hereby Sires notice to the public that haviug given PETER Slit:Tie his note fol . eightydollurs, bearing date tear the lust of March, 1854, payable .Septernber, 1556, and • haiing never received any value therefor, he will refuse to phy the saute; therefore he warns any person from buying the said note with and expectation of his pay : ing, it. 1651] CONSIDER:STEARNS. - Pdaolline Oi.t.' ' ,• Mill Owners will always -find supply - cif Oil for machinery at satisfactory prices, and in any' qaantiry, at ' " . TYLER'S Dre l l Stare. : Teas. AND Gy . ps Ware. ill ZINC PAINTS. D. W.. 81!E NCratS• COLIIIYIN. . _ . . Kele .Geods Tor. Me _summer Trade - . W.. : SPENtER respectfrilly . in'. 15 • form the inhabitants of Conderspeirt and vicinity that he is now receiving a FRESH and LARGE: ASSORTMENT of Goods, which will be Sot& as cheap as the, cheapest. He would hiso return heartfelt thankS to :his old customers and frietuti for thelr past patron age, and would be g;ad to show them .any goods which he has, and will try to save them ..at least 10 per. cent. ky calling and examining before.pnrchasing elsewhere. . T HEIM take the I jibe of Coudersport and Potter county that I am still at my new. stand opposite the north side of the pub!iu square, Where may be foand GnocEntEs of all kinds constantly on hand, such as Tea, Sugar,'Cof tee., Saler:arts, Ginger, Mustard, Tobacco, Snuff, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Confectionery, &c., &c. . My motto is ; "The nimble sixpence in pre ftrence to the 'slow shilling." I): w. SPENCER Drugs, Medicine; 1-ATENT MEDICINES, Oils, Spirits of Turpentine, Caniphine, Burning Fluid, Soap, Candles, for sale low at RPENCER'S.- - _• CAP' Letter, end 'Note Paper, all kinds or Stationery, Steel-peek Holders Wafers, Sealing Wax, Sand, ink, Pocket-Books, En velopes, Visiting Cards, Jewe'ry, Fine. Cut.- lerv, and a variety of Toney Articles, together wiih Silk and Thread, etc., at SPENCER'S. VRAIN, Butter, Lard, Eggs, Raga, Shin gles. taken for g00t1.4 at their etudi value. Cash not refused. D. W. SPLNCL.R. BUTTFR and Lard of a superior quality 11ff sale at SPENCLICs. - - - - ANY one desirous of a good quality of Syrup'of Molasses will do well to call at County Orders Taken at Par Folt" IiOODS, T i AINT'S, if you want a nice Bonnet, von will do well to call on SPENellft. R 3 LBBIT'S Yeast Powder for sa!e by :!.:PENCTIZ T ENV VTlNc;.—Pure Ground, Colree -111 great tlyng TITIIONTRIPTIC, Cod Liver Oil, nod 4 Many oilaer . pepelar 31etLeale4 f e r,ul t , by SPENCLit -" Halloo ! Halloo ! Halloo 1. Pi. XC ER is in town! Mountains of 101tr.ADY—mmn: currittNG for altruist no Ming. 1- have bought this neat, this vest, and hese pants—ain't broke, either! All the b'lltivs shall 6,- rte of PESCEICS COMS! Ilnrrah ! lint, to be_ candid, fr cud's, there noihmg like it in all the couwliry. Just go over there, and for a little o' he 'ti ve a r g that, though ye 're the big gest rascal above ground, will make ye as fair as a prai4t to look at ; though ye liant a tint in ye 'r pockets, folks will bow and scrape to yo as •hinigh ye were millionaires, and • real gentwmans.'' Fashion! Great thing! ler de.iti ihatt nut of it—many an tionest - fellow has been • betlanse of the Tut of his coat; but no diinger if ye buy of Spencer,—his cloths. are just ;he fashion." The subscriber has just received a large dock of Re-tly-31:ole Cio ping, of the kte , t :4N-to and be:t alts th y, %Nitta are w ninde, az - J( I I 6N be sn:II IIMW. 11". SPENCER. DICISERIZI.I) Corn Starch, for food, for saie at SPENCEIn.. Cremn Tartar, :%Tagne,iia, Al um, tOCltallt, Salt,, and 011ie, for sale at :he GROCERY STORE. and co..ch varni-h clll be had at ‘....) . Spencer's on very reasonab:e (A IL OF TAR, Mereh Gargling. Oil, to ®IL had at tiPP.NCLW,. SIIOT AND 1.4:All at 'owlet. fignreg than ,down town at I'ENCLR's. N EW artie,e,of t•nrornerilats- at A t 3 ETTER ' , election of Coffee not found /16.. in the comity . than at SPENCER'S' T EA by the chest or 'pound for sa'e by 6PENCER. New Goods. W. SPENCER has just returned from • ihe city with tr krrgcr, stock of Groce ries, Clothing, Drugs amt Medicine., and a general assortment of Fancy Articles, and tmor olher things too numerous to mention, which will be soanow for cash or ready-pay. PLEG TOBACCO—Fine Cut, Chewing, aud Stocking, by the pound, at SPENCER'S. "1 Coi. to bin g you Lfr ond _Health." CCRTES' 111 - G ENIA, or Inhaling 1-111yge.diVapor and Cherry Syrup, for , Ife cure of Puhnow.ry Con , innio:on, As Nina, Bronchitis, Coughs, Co ds, and all Lnng and Li% e.r courp . a . ints. A new method of Inhala tion for he cure of the “bove named dice For sate by D. %V. SPLNCLR.. Tailoring I Tailoring! ! J. W. HARDING, Tailor. AU workli entrusted to his care will he douo WI b neatnet.s, comfort, tool durability, rr Shop over Lewis Nhtote3 more. 6.37 "VaESII. Burniiig fluid tuul C unpluuc at X the .1)11VG arid BOUK-STU4E. Music. UNTEN'S celebrated Instructions tor the Pinuu-Forte; Burrowes' Piano-Forte Primmer; Union Glo . e Book A new supply of Sheet Music: For sale by T. B. TYLER. ANa pinut pauerns ji W supply of Fluid and Cam- LLamps—name new and beautifill received anti for bale low ut TYLER'S. P P " Clothing, Clothi g. rpm place to buy well-matte Cioling at price (a largo stock to se.ec. from .Drafting Instrument; . Water Colors, Drawing Paper, Pencils, and Brushes, just r ecti veil at 'MEWS. Stationery AT end Retail at TYLER'S PICKLED CHERRIES at C. S. JONES' EAS,frealt and cheap, at TYLER'S 'YEW GOODS DOUBTLESS there are ninny nercona ja I.lCouderapOrt and vicinity who have never Rigited the' famous- BOSTON STORE at the faet-growing • vitrage of Wellsville. The No. of this store is 94, which number is over. the door— Thin — establishment in one of :the largest DRY GOODS and.READY4IIADECLOTLI4 INp:Di q its in Allegany, county.; Hundred. of cnetomere from Potter,countv htiv n'l their Clothing; Boots' and Shoes, and olter6 , 'og4, at tWs great Mart of Imninens, Nit still there are, those who: have:never happened to fall into ,the path that leads, most nw.ure i s w economy and wealth. That path' leads all cash buyers,sfraightlyay to the GRE AT BOSTON, • • We have no Jule:flies to punish, uo friends to reward. We sell for ready pay, and takti in exeliange for Goods the following. useful' articles, • Cash • Tallow . Venison Oats Beeswax Fur - Beans Socks If IVhent Yarn Bar Potatoes Wool • Butter ecc., Qc. We are now receiving from our shop at Rochester, about ten cords of the best BOOTS and sums sold in the county. We keer• constantly on hand— ..9144'i India Rubber 13n0t4, " Over-Shney, . " runts, . . 0 mins, " " " Calm Wiih a very extenßive stock' of TIll • KS:l; VALISFS, and CARPET BAGS, choltio• Black and Colored Dre , ts Sac. Alpaca, 1)o -laine4,:Thibctthc'Pr:nnt, Gingltantond other lire::: Good , —together with zieurral variety of I)ry In particular, Nye wolthi call the attention •f the ladies to our great Tarieh• of Si/AWLS. of every pr , .:hie kind, altogether too on mcrous tU ileVII;011. :31'ENCEIt's IVe have the Frg.....t .torli of the ditTereni It;mlg of 211 - htfrets , N in 'WeNT - ern New -lurk. Hotel keepers can be f•niipred on reamenWis SPENCER'S REM 'l'liree rheer4 for the et - wen - lid:o , d Canal front ‘Vell-% ire to Itttelieti-r; Lop"ng that :he PI: nk !toad will be continued ro t to Contlentitort &trims the routing .tprlttg, and that the on and daughters. 91' betitgliteti Pot:er may be hole frequently ectil in orir yannz ei:v. 11" e 'Villain your ob't Frrc'te, i.INCL Sz. I Vas% ille. Jan. J 3, I 645 6111 I 1 5.1CliElt EL. Salmon, and Blue ri•th, at 17.1 (.7. N. JO.Xl*.s'. QUPFIIIOIt Sperm aml Tallow Cann' U.S provlsloN sToRK. . . N DIAN 11i'.1.1,:ind BUCKNVllEA'reon :talt;y nu kind at time fIRAIN and Pr,nlmtre of all kin& taken in i•Nehan2e fir •:nod.; ;at thi•-”tore. r. S. JONES. I~acrs—,irn j a ( . , n t 4.-kclis or IiALT nt the - :NEW PRO-VtStON STORE CIRINBERIUIS! CRANBERRIES! by Ipmrt or loothel, at C. :••. JONES'. ,Carriage and Sleitrb-Maher.• suhseriber re-peetfuly give 4 metier' that he prepared to do all. the btodnes. in die above fine, at the d toricct notice, at hi. nest shop. two doot, we+t of the roodircport Ilo:ei. JOIIN RECIi11011". A. B. GOODSELL,. • ( - 117:Cr.;311111. emitter:port, Pa. Fire Arm% inantif.etnied and repair.d at hie ...hop, on short March :;. P44R. The Clothing Devartment AT "'rim sTier." p 1:A01 • -M.11/E CLOI'IIIND kept eon :gook on !rind by the subscr.ber, tap and iir:iinfac:tired by the be:t workmen, trout e'osh , se'ected for durability andquality, he obxet being riot. to. Nupply The en,toiner with a Aunthtttt article he nicy he in duced to liecitii , e it i. vo rery rbrap, lint Whirl' in .he end nrry drat; but tn.g:• hits it .he lira in-0...nm. an :init.:le tviiich will do hint liorte , t and gum' -en ice for a r(N111111• ake pr VV. All those de...iron! , of being nremoniothi'ett. call at "The People', `core."' L. F. MAYNARD. - - - - - (111E('KE1) GINCII.I3IS in variety, and to su it, L. I'. 3IA YNAIW: AT TILE GREAT BOS TON STORE; No. 91 MAIN-ST. 111 AY be found constantly on hand and for ITJl.4ide, an extens.ve variety of Spencer & Granger's superb M.I TTBESSES. of every sort, kind, and pricr„,front a s:trai r a h, M a t, tress to a supers: ngi sh ha r Mattress at $lO. A;-o, Lounges, Bols.ars, and l'i;lows.. All :of which are o:l'ered to llo.el and Bo'arding Hotete ket.t.cN, and all whery who have corns mon !sense enough to know that a filthy feather till, to make :he best of it, is but a. breeder of d cease alid a life-curneler,--at !owet pr.ces cut be 'found at any other store in the comm.. - • - LANCCY & Co., ' Sale Agents (in the eoutit) ) Sur the sale of the Aot e ,good;. E-35 ly •(lu:roa Store, Wellsville, Jan. 13, 'P.M. .:cadency exllookm. A FULL apply for sale low at - TYLER'S N and Mineral Nulls, will directions Z fNC for using, at T. -B. T.y Luc:4. 101.1 TENT PAILS, Bed Cords, Mite: II Lines, thirse - Cords, Curry Comb, Horse Brushas, to be sold at MANN'S. TI. I , RJIAN, Horse. and Cattle Doctor, stir erespec infonn the public that hp has located in Hebron ;own-di p(aiJoseph Stone's)• where he is prepared to at end. to calls in his profession. Ile is of :on; experience in the Lats.ness, and hopes by his superior skill and assiduity to secure the patrouage of the pub. lic. 049 --- OTENT NI EDWIN ES tit Ifhalesak. - JMerchants and Pedlars will be. supplied %%WI all kinds of Patent Medicines at 'Manu facturers' wholesale prices.by TYLER. OLMSTED'S B. TYLER Iris just returned from the 1 ',city, and is now prepared to show the hurst and hest stock of Drugs, Ileut...ll.es. Paws', Lids,- Bookg, Stationery, raper Dung :ng., and limey Gusts in the county. _ Ha is also prepared to sell lower than at Wellsville. a n t as law ati any othOr establish ment in Conde" sport. April 35, Ma, BOSTON STORE, 94 :(VER TUE DOOR. Shawls, Shawls. Mattresses JOHN RECKHOW, MATTRESSES New Goods. EMI