0 Scici uy Agents Only. :terlr...l.lL'zter:r of the World, from the earliest ag , -to the I resent time. Three volnines iu ori:.r ein;:r: , ing, Part 1. Ancient History. Part t.l. of the Midd'e Ages. Part . ...fri( rn I ti‘lory. By John I ro - 4, L. L. u:!. M . Pictorial History of United rata Pita riat Life of Wash - ingtou, &c., &e. lidcion, with addition , and car , (:tio:( h.• ilia author. Illustrated with er rit e I ,tadred engravinp, from draw ings ('n.i.me, Des ere I/X, and other dis tin:mt•llT4' : r.i-ts. This work c ntaius over 311.4soper al ne'avo pages, and over sflo :ions than hive ever been en ;lra. fist Hi-tory in this country: it and aniiallv bound in entlo--Tit mo . :iieco, gilt back. Price $13.75. ;teat Ever:, iz..7..Th?.cm His - tory. 13y J Int Frost. Compri-it::: the too=t re.n . ukable I)iscov• Iltvoitition-:, Great Bat iks. :41.1 (AT:Thrilling Mci.lents chiefly in Eutupi , ai,d ....mericJ, front :he rertillielire mew. of 1!:,- • i century to the pre-ent time. I.•ebel'i- bed with of er 300 engrav ing, by 11..1.7 . r00me and other eminent ar over Ttitti rot al occivo viz.—, mil .:1•.1 a large colored map of the Worlil 2,2 tai it ~: 411, :11:11;4 of Califor nia 1r0,. , 0n. iuig'rv, A.;-!ristn Dominion-, &c. ihonyi in embo-red unirocco, gift hark. Prier ;:3.W. LEI taoranta cf th*. Gld World and the rew. Com p :,••N of the pre-cut ...two of the nation. of :hr NN or:d, their cti-tomo , , crud c0.Y.1 it io-, t.tol the,r poli teal, tour:if, condition. Inter-per-ell and anocdtoo,... by an.ltor of the 111.-.01r% of Eng,land, Greel.l., and Rome. ed, re% z :.1.11 embelli-hod with ,everal hun dred en7r..v.i.;;-, inc . :tiding 2.1 finely colored lance , fr.on d0,1g0... of Croonte. Devereto., and o.hcr It contains . . 01,er ti ng p bd. in etttb. gilt hick. I Thrilling Aexttln:ts among the Indt . ms. John i t.i 1.. 1.. I). Compri:nig the tuo:t raniari. Narratii es of et cut: in the cari. I inJiatt IVar4, a: well a: of In cident: in •let recent 'urban llostilitie: in Mettivo ,and Iliti,tniteti aithater Int) ent2;rn inc. front de:ign; of W. r roomy. und other ch,ingui-lied arti:t:. It contain: over sta: (IC:a% o. BOUIId in Inorucco, gilt back. Price 61.75. rails and reltmles of a Heater's Life. With tine colorcd_p;ate.:, large l2nto. 396 pages. Price Conquests of the Bible. By Vincent W. Milner. Compri-ing iroporant even:s in the History of Chri:l , front the tittle of our ..zitt for to the pre etc clay. 336 pageq, Pluto. ll lu:trat ed w i.h uo nerou: ettgr %ntg,. tjil.oo. The following work. , , written by T. S. AR rucit, die ino-I popular author of !he day, and re t h e book. 'midi-lied, and:Are all i:lu,trd'i-d engraying-.. M===E=Cli tarn vo!tutie of over 4110 page., beautifully illti-4rdled, and bound in the best English LIGUT, min,:im b $•.!..044. 5•0 au.o nee, 01 Ltrv. Willi all aumbiegr •phy and portrait of the author. Over :44 4 •4 oeia o. with fine tinted engraMtig-. Bound' in the hot Li4vEs lan sj THE Booli 01 111 MAN LIFE. Large I . 2itiv. 3'2' page.. NI, ith 3 4 1 illus tration. :did :•.'eel plate. sl.ttn. GOLIIES (lAls , I I:0!.! 11.111. • : , 11.11:VLST rml.ll. r 21,10. *.M . / page-4. Bound iii inudim with t beautiful mezzotint engraNing. 4 4.75. Nmnrs to THIC. Bllt 1(004, A %1..) WIILT :SAN' T11..01. 11010. '24.1 i.m.75. • Tux rm.:A,: GI page., Jmu. with en e tugr ,vdtg. Bound in in md in, gilt edges. Price The i folinv. in Book.= are bound in uni form le, u • ••.' bur', Cottagt• I,ibiary,". and Are bold in imparateiy• k,.ieh volume being eioupie in it-elf. Each volume Con tains in tir '24lu rhigm., large told is ern bellished ~ .rge mezzotint engra% ing. Trig WAY It) Ptiot.l.l:lt, and other tale,. sit.so. THh.ll4,nic. Tnu 6. Ric ti NVeatill without NViiig , s( l :s( l I'yt , •Ert TIM \VII: or LIFE, $ . 1.51) SHAW/Y.5 l% SUNIII.AII,, A.561:.L. OF 7 HI: lita J. \l'.Bit .11/L1:1", Nor.ll Four,ll ',tree!, Phil..le!phia New Cash GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE Iti!!!!.i, Ie 11,,,,,gry ( - 1 S. JON null:oil to inform • 11113 13e11)1:e of Cotider,poi I and !lie pub lic generally. :t he has Just opened a Gro cer). and fret ,iore, where lie will keep cort.o.autly eN ilting iu the line of "calla-. bleat' and ‘,ltielt lie will •ell its reiv•itable as c:tn he tlii , :red. The "•iiib•-iiititials" can be found at all tune:, ,itch :is 11.01:It and the appetite , of the most d :no r.tn :CH , he •;.itistied. Therefore, i•illintld too for :in) thing of the kind, please call and before iintellasnig ekewliere, and if lie cannot ton, Sour care. must be de•perice. You 3%i1l 1111.% Ayr: 111111 a full a•sorelent of Grocerie4, con-ii•iing. of Su gars, 'retis, (Ai:Ate, Ginger, t Cranberries.• Sal mon, toilft-li, :11 .i.i.ere!, BAR! Fi•lr. Hire, i" . 1) cop, .1:••13, at all bore:, Pork, Flour, llu.tcr, (roil and fak.n.) 11 eie. and ad wher k nd , of Produce taken in c'ch tuze for good, at the c tAI price. 6-3311 . S. CASH PA 0 I:e, . ni the PEW . IS iv:\ I.....:TutzE. June 30, 18;1 VRENCII 311::7,71A1i11—A new thing en . tireiy, for s.;!e - at C. S. JONES'. A ssoRTED Piel.!es in jar• for r:de by C. ri.JONES WALL rye, h. New and beautiful lial V terns at . TYLEICS. New Books at Tyler's. AT I NNIR IIEIIMAN, new Temperance Tale—b , y Thurlow W. Brown. Conflict of Ages, by Beecher. Review of thu saute, Bahou. Moral Aspects of City Life Chapin. barred Streams, Chetwer. I;amplighter. Spirit M:tnin.statiens Examined and Explained, Dods The Old Brewery, by ladies of the Miss;on ilistmy of the French Protestat Befugees, by The Iligher Law, by Life on the Plains and in the diggings, Of'cluprdiaof Entertaining Knowledge e d Life of Christ and his Apestles. Fleetwood ruetical Works of the Davidson Sisters. American Fruit Culturist, Th unias The American Farmer, Blake America!' Lady's Cook Book Dairyman's Manual, Collier's Shabspenre, 8 vols. A Popular Cyclopedia of Modern Domestic Medicines, comprising every rveent improve- Mem in Medical knowledge, with a plain account of the Nledicines in common use—by KEITH Immix, M. D.; to which are prefixed by the American editor, popular treatises on Anatomy, l'hysiolortv, Surgery, Dietics; and the management aAm sick. Designed for on use. UUEillitSs Carlro. T 1 0311SSTIEW.4.110SON, Jr., tto•rncg►.at Rain, N. E. corner Gth and Waltiat-streets, 7-3 it C. W. ELLIS, fa ttorneg dt?LAW, Coudertport, l'a. Jan. 18. 1359. if F. W. IC.NOX, Rttorittn at 71a.133, Coudersport, Pa, wilt re6.lll,ltly attend the courts iu Potter county. 3-40tf A. P. CONE, ffttaritt at ?Laic,. weli,b.rough, Tioga couuty, Pa, will regular ly attend the courta of Putter comity. June 3, 1543. LAND AGNCY. THE having been entrusted with the care of several large tracts of Mod iu this county, has made himself ac= quainted %sill! the lands and land titles Of the ,inuty.:wd sCill giV(.l 1111111elliatt: utteutiuu to any husiut ss of this nature that may ho mi tt-a:deal to him. J S. MANN. H. S. HEATH, Dozician an F.....urgroit, l'evi will attend to all calk for itssktance with protuptite. , s and fidelity. mike on the west .ate llf becolid dour above the Journal (Alice. 3. 47 N. R. GAGE, M. D., IDIIVSICIAS AND SCHGEON—WouId re >pinfortn the citixotai of G 114111 and Potter county, that he has incited permanently ainong thew, and will attend to all calls in his profession. Office— T. B. T)ler l et and Book Store 6-6 ISAAC BENSON ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office, East side of Ole imbiic square, Couderliort, Pa. By spemal arrangement the professional ser vices of S. P. J 01INSON, Esq.; may be engaged through him in all cases 41 which he is not pre% iously concerned. N. B.—All claims due and payable to the undersigned, persona:ly and professionally, may be timid in the baud, of Isaac Beii: , ott, Esq., fur adjustinem. S. P. Jutt.r sum. March 3, Ir-l". 1-2tf • JOHN S. MANN, • A TTORN EY A N D COUNSELOWAT LANS', .11ts ill :tumid the several Courts in Potter and Nl'Kenn counties. All businesa entrusted to cure will receive ptompt attention; Office ou NlaileStreld, opposites the Coml. liou , e, Coudersport, ARTHUR G. OLMSTED, 1"1 OW\ EN AND CAJUN:4EI.OU AT LAW, will 'Attend t all liu,itte: , s entrusted to I,tre With pouttpiness and fidelity. Otlice—itt the Tetoper:ince Block, up stairs. Main-Meet, CootleNtart, l'a. 7-1 L. F. MAYNARD, • attorno) &7T,ounsclor at ?Latu, Glitiurrpt.ll. ra. ()like—north or the court' hem.e..• rapture, at. "The I'Lople's Cubit Store,' u stair,. 3-47 JAMES M. BASSETT, Cabinet-Maker & vpholsterer, COUDERSPORT, PA., .Kill execute all orders in his line of hm.mess w ith neatness and tit-spot:h. Plate of Inn-ine, , ,--the :\lannfactury formerly owned by (4. %N . ... Strong—two doors above \Vim Cro,by's CtiiproNed the building and tna •binerc, mid emploet•di good , A•orkinen, he is trt•it.o.od to do work as well as thn best, and ru :Anal notice. (i-i3Utf IME FE \V pieces of new Nlusic; A M11 , ..ic pio,lol,i to order: also, Tern - permit, and 1011.4 ^ ,Tracts,. or ally periodicals desire d. [IV Shaw. BooKs constantly on Laud, %%ill' paper, pens, slate , , and every thing needed for going to btllo6l. M. IV. INIAINN. C. S3IITIL Ocairr in Dray Grocerias and Provisions; • liardwo re, Crockery atld Glass Ware ; Boots & Shoes,Hats &. Caps. .Stunt and Ilinnlen : ..hurt, almost everything usually kept in a Country Store. All of which he. oilers for sale at very low prices' for ,he pay. Place of business corner of Main and Sec ond Streets, Coudersport, at the old stand of V. T Jones, & Br. July 7, 15.54. 7-Stf ITONEY.—A gooequality of 'limey for - 1 - sale at C. SMEFIrs. HARDWARE AND TIN. rriratcd tint Nebra , lra Bill is in tow n and by cilling at the ilardwitre Store o James \V. Sufi 11, on Main s•reet, you can find thr sa.e—clitiap for cash or exchange, a better assoritnen: of Cooking, Box & Parlor Stoves, All Varieties and Sizes • _ CUTLERY ; Tin ,Coppei and Sheet Iron Ware ; Mill and >4 cut Saws, Hoop-iron, Nails and Chains; CaiTenter's Tooli and Files, Iron- Bars and Anvils; A nod variety of building Hardware; whore also may be Inlaid a general asi•onnnnt of 3iappannal Marc; . TOYS TO PLcAsE BO IS j togelheFwith a good variety of WOOD-EN_ AVAAE, !MEI Hi ND and Tube &e., &e.,— hart can be feund elsewhere in thin county. And I would call especial attention of those who wish to purchase, to my largo and well selected 'stock o STOV LS. Likewise that my Tug, Snrcc IRON, •NU Coi . Prit WAItZ is all made-of good material and by a. skillful and competent workman. All I ask is for you to call and see my goods, price them, and I have no doubt you will be satisfied with the price and goods. All kinds of produce taken for goods: I also pay $2O per ton for old iron. JAMES W. SMITH- Coudersport, July 7, 154. Weiss. liuswer ME TIIE best three flitting tea and Gd sugar is at OLIISTED's. A FULL assortment ,of Groceries, ut low figures, constantly on hand. Yard arida Ewan. from 64 owe upwards, at " OLMSTED* TS again home, in the store opposite the North -Least corner of the Public sugare, and is re ceiving direct from New-cork city—not a "mammoth stock" of winter.goods, but suffix cient to fill up the old store; which goods are now offered for. inspection and examination. He would therefore say to the-old customes, step in and see his assortment: and to the people generally, that all his goods are for sale—he will be happy to receive "calls." PUMA DEL.PH!A Tlll5 Ladieswill find at Mann's store Coch -1 eco, Washington, Mcrrimack,Philip, Allen & Son's, and other choice varieties of Prints, waren'ed by the subscriber NOT TO FAD}. - ALL -WOOL Delaines at Mann's. Alpae as, Tarantellas, English and French Meri nos at 'MANN'S. G INGHAMS-a good as.,ortment at . MANN'S ILKS and Dress Trinnnings at J. . • • MANN'S SA WLS of various patterns and qualities, Ladias and Children's Hoods, at . CAM BRIGS, Bishop Lawns,Vietoria Lawns, Cap -Lien, Crape, Rus'd Limier Hadkils, Embroidered do., Muslin Edgings, Colton do;, Linnen do., Ladies' Collars, Wrist lets, Undersloeves, Ladies skirts, do., Caps,, o to be found at MANN's. A Large lot of Hosiery at \ypn want ncarm Sjocknigs for the child ern. you will find them at MANN'tt. GAITER BOOTS, Busksins, and the other variety of Shoes, can he found at Ir_TATS, p's Comforters; Wrappers, Draw _tiers, Buck Gloves, do., 31 inens, Berlin- Lined Gloves, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Suspend ers. Call at - MANN'S B OYS' Youths' Bouts at C.: lIIATING, Shirting, I.3attN, and Cotton Yarn at !MAN L uGARs, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Ginger, Yep ►l7Jper', Spice, Starch, Saleratus, constantly on hand at 31.1 X \y'. PLUG Tobacco, Fine-Cut do., Chewing and Smokiw , at MANIVa. you . wantAxes, Hatchets, Hammers, Mill Saws, Cros n cut do., Hand do., Chisels, Au gurs, Anger Bits, Files of all kinds, Steel Squares, Iron do., Try do., call at TEWIS MANN keeps constantly on hand J Shovels, squares, Manure Eorks, lire DEE 4 OCKS,-Doors Handles, Butts, Scrawl; 1 Locks—all sizes—Shoe Nales, Finishing do., far sale at PULLET Knives, Table do, Call at MANN'S Store TEIVIS MANN has for sate Shot, Lead, i T Powder, Flasks, &c. DR G o=4 D. E °'NISTED would say to the public that lie is now receiving a stock of Goods, which lie will lie happy to show to all who may favor him with a call. You can find by calling on him a good assorunent of Lawns. Poplins. liareges, Harege DeLaines, Dc lieges, _Silks. tic., &c. Also, Plinfs, Ginghanis, Do mestics of all kinds, Groceries, Crockery, and a large stock of Boots and Shoes; all of which .will be. sold.ss low as they can be bought else.where. PAKEtrS Hrurnu and Chuculed•—dcliciuu :it • - TYLER'S. PICKLED CHERRIES at .C. S. JONES' . . • ____ Tailoring! Tailoring!! ,1 \V. HARDING, Tailor. All work entrusted to his core will be dour. IA all nuatntss, comfort, and duribility, t ar Shop over Lewis Nlatan's btore. t3 - -,37 . FESII Burning Fluid and G.iniphitie at the DRUG and BOOK-STOItEI., Magazines for September. T.TA.RPER, Gudey, Graham, and Putnam, received and Mr sale at 25 cents per number, by . TYLER. • HORSE RAKEI, Broom, Pails, and Lewis Mann War Declared at Last. HE long repose of Europe is about to be disturbed by the Lu4le's note aild reville of the drum, culling its slumber- ing millions to arms in the delouse• of their firesides and their country. England and France - are calling for men and means, and sending forward their armies to battle against the aggressions of the Russian Hear; Litt while the 04 World.is convulsed by revolu tion, unusual peace and plenty reign in the New. In the peaceful and quiet purstrit of our business we have formed a copartnership. under the name and style of N. S. BUTLER & CO.. and have taken the store in Empire Block. in the pillage ofOlean, formerly occu pied by Thing" & Brother, and are now re-' ceiving a splendid new stock I,f goods adapted to the season and wants of the community, which -we intend to sell exclusively for cash down, at prices- that will cause consternation and dismay in the ta n ks of obi fogyism that has been so long established in this section. Our stock will consist in part of the follow . ing Goods: • Hardware, Crockery, Boots & Shoes, Buts, Cap, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Drugs, Medicines, Dye Studs, Glass, Paints & Oils, Sash, l'utty, Chairs, Bedsteads ; Mattrasses, -Feathers ' • Stone and-Wooden Ware, And we mean to keep such Mt assortment of the above goods that personti limn a distance can he assured of . thaling everything they usually Vidal at prices that.will,do them good Cull :Lod see for yourselves. N. S. BUTLER & CO. Olean, May 5,1854.. 6.51 • New Books, FANNY FERN'S New Volume, or Second Series of Fern Leaves. Silver Cup and Sparkling Drops, for the Friendt of Temperance. Cotton's United States Gazeteer. Greece; and the Golden Dorn, by Ste phen Olin, D. D. Lite and Sayings of Mrs. Partington. .Morning Stars of the New World, by H. F. Parker. A new and large collection of choice Books for children. Jitst received by T. B. TYLER. Drafting Instruments,. Water Colors, lirawing Paper, Petit;is, and Braslles, jobt received at TILERS. T EASSresh and cheap. at • Stationery AT Wholegal. &ud Retail at TYLIWO The People's Cash Store, AT COUDERSPORT Someibins New. and Somet hing • MHE subscriber has just received from tia, X city of New. York, and. opened -, at ,the. store formerly occupied by Hoskin &.'Stnith; on the north side of the Court - House Square; . a: selected tissortmeot of New GoodS, com 4 prising Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockelry, nud litirdware. i The motto of business—atio , ,ted—k•" the sure shilling mud the lively sixpence." Thd above Goods will therefore tin, sold . . nxclu: sivcly for either cash orready-p4 in hand, and upon such terms that the purchaser east. not be otherwiSe than satisfied abut he ha made a goad bargaiti—rereived a quill pro qt 4 —something fir_ something in value for his An• exchange' :Ny i l gladly be made with the Farmer. for his Produce Cheese, Eggs, Grain in any quantity, and with it, the more Cash the•better. The subscribei will at all times= take pleasure in exhibiting his Goods, to the customer, that quality imd prices may be examined. MANN'S L. F. MAYNARD. Coutlerxpurt, July 15, 1853. . ..• 6-7tf A NIONG mince other` articles for, the .1 - I.of fancy . and rich worth. will hie found at the Pei pie's Cilsh Store, fine Worked Co). tars. of ditlerent desigus:and patterns. 1/0, LEAC II D Sheeting and Shirting. Brown -Lido., Candle %1 iek. Summer cloth for children's wear, Bed 'field tig, Toweling, Ta ble Linnep, Brown, 'White do.. a superior article br Dania , k, all pare flax,— Table Spreads. An examination will rieounn end them better r ihmi anything else. krcl\ 's MA `N 'H AT The People's CIA .Store' may be liaind a selected lot of Prints, of E French, and A'notrican Goods, (vainly Old prices agreeing admirably. Please call .uiR.l see us. I,NN's . . LACK and Green Teas, ot" . eatellent 1111- 1-,VOl', and at m o st reasonable priets. • Su gars., 11 bite a n d Brown do., Rice, Ginter, Spice, Pepper, Nutmegs, CasSia, Raisins, Tit bacco in all its V ari eI y, to please those who love tlm weed, and a adperiot artiele•ofCotfee that can oat pieasit all the Dutch Mid come of thelankees, at the • ?SOBLE'S CASH STORE. •, ^yaOCtriRY : AND Glass Ware,.t i❑ variety, that wilt plelise tue eye on the first iirspvetton, a. [ire PEOPLE'S CASH STORE.. ar.~NN' - UTAK MN AK E.— Sylhes and Snaths,l of patterns low,: tried and tomato be good, Rides une linb-stones, i.'iles(Dour Iland Late his, Mineral Knobs, (white and brow,) Mortice Lock., Wrought Mutts; fir Doors. of all Cutlery, Knives of good quality for the table:and fir tlii• pocket, ar the PEUPLE'S CASH—STORE. L. MANN's Tin and Hardwire. undersigned has connected with i his Tin. Snit: Iron, Cf.per t , and - Stove Business. that of lI A KW\ CCT LEIiI'--:uthat in addition to the Ituslyess beret conducted by hint, he bt, now Trudy tusnoply the public with :Woos! every variety of Ilitow are. :Still and Cross-Cut .Saws, Hoop Iron. Nails, Cable and Ox Chaite..Carpenter.'. Adzes and Broadaxes, Manilla Rope for Ca bles: -A 'general a..sortittent of 'Click.:; panned Ware. Toys of every description and to ebur4l~e desi..:nn to keep all sraelt things a. the publii• want. , in hi; line, which ho will sell, tint fir 11,1 0100, COQ, 111.11.1" r run b1.1A1.1. 1/1111 . 11: 111110011. 111111 hopes by a Strict attention 10 his I/11,1011.5 to receie !liberal share of public patronage. . • Ail hinds or l'ro.lnce 'taken in for GoOd.t, the highest toarket prices; also , .1 - 20 per ton paid for old iron. ly •JAS. W. SMITH. ONE-TIIICD • GllF:Al'Ele WitiTE LEAD, AND H:EE FlzuM ALI, rot ' suNous QuALITIEs. The New-Jersey Zinc Company [raving i,, , treal - lv milarged their works; and improi.til the - qualit,y of their productit, ore . prepared to tAt cute orders for their ;•5111'E ItIl)It PAINTS, dry. and ground it) oil, in assorted packs es tif front 23 to 500 pounds; also. Dry. in barrels. of '20(1 'tomtits' each'. NV I I i'r E ZINC, wit,. his sold dry, or ground itt oil, is warronted Pare and unsur passed for body and uniform %%tillerless. 'A method 'of preparation has 'recently :been discovered. ‘vhich enables Company to warrant their paints to keep fri.,ll and soft iti the keL:s for any reasonable time. 7tt this resit, et:their paints lie superior to any other in the market. Theii• III:OWN ZINC PAINT, which is sold at a low price, and can indy be niadtl from the Zine . .ores front New-Jer,ey, is now well known for its protective qualities when applied to iron at- other metallic surfaces. sTuNE-cuLott PUNT possesses all the. qualities of the Brown, and is Of alt agrecahle color lit painting Cottages, Depots, thadmildings. Bridges, etc. Dealers bupplied on terms Lp their Agents. FIiENGII & ItICLIARDS, 11diniesale Paint Dea'lers and lmpiu•tcrs, cor. of 10th & Slarket-st.s, 1 . Gat dvii . Philadelphia. Premium Panning Mills ntp ortant to Farmers and 'illeclmnics. IlliE subscriber has puichased of J. Bamborough the fight to use in Potter and M'Ke'an counties his patent in the censtruction of Fanning Mills. He has also, at great ex bense, commenced the manufaCture of a PRE MIUM MILL which will clean front 100 to 200 bitshe 8 per hour. This Mill was pate , ted March ;20, Irt47, since which time it has stood at the head of the list at all the State and ceun ty agriculturul societies where it has been ex hibited. and is a universal favorite- with ill armers who have tried it. It took the pre mium at the first Agricultural Fair held at Harrisburg, Oct. 31st, 1451, when there were 30,00') people present ; and aC the great State Agricultural Fair at New-York, held at Roch ester. Sept. 16-19, 1b , 51, this Fanning Mill received the highest honors. • Having met with uniform success wherever tried; I confidently invite the' farmers of Potter and M'Keau counties to call at my shop in Coudersport and examia efor themselves. A Supply always on hand, to be sold on rea sonable terms 647tf subscriber hervby gives notice to the public that havina: given 'PETEit SHIMS his note for eightydollars, bearing date r...mr the hist of March, 155.1, payable September, 1856,' and havine never received any value therdbr; he will rethse tit pay the same; therefore he warns any person' froth buying the said note with an,l expectation of his pay ing it. [6sl] . CONSIDER STEARNS. TYLER'S Mill Owners will always find supply. of Oil ff'fr'nfachinety at satisfactory prices, and in any quantity,iit TYLER'S Dru; Store. Wanted. Teas ZINC PAINTS. Jolgi• ftECKHOW Machine Oil. D. W. SPENCER'S COLUMN. New Goods fely-iirrgummerade. D-W. SPENCER would re,pectfully in • form the inhabitants of Coudersport and vicinity that lie is now receiving a FRESH. and LARGE ASSORTMENT of Goods, which will be sold - as cheap as the cheapest. Ile would also return heartfelt thanks to his old customers and friends for their past patron age' and would be glad to show them any goods which he has, and will try to save them at least 10 per cent. by-calling and-examining before purchasing elsewhere. GRoe T HERE take the lib- EA E S ertv to inform the peo ple of Coudersport and Potter county that I am still at my new stand opposite the north side of the public square, where may he timindGnoemems of all kinds constantly on hand, such as Tea, Sugar, Cof fee,- Saleratus, -Ginger, Mustard, Tobacco, Sutliff, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Confectionery, &c., &c. .Ny motto k, ".The nimble sixpence in pre ference to the slow shilling." D . W. SPENCER. Drugs, Medicines, 1011.1 TENT MEDICINES, Oils, Spirits of A. Turpentine, Camphine, Burning Fluid, Soap, Candles, for sale low at CAP' Letter, and Note raper, all kinds of Stationery ; Steel-pen Holders rers, Settling Wax, Sand, Ink, Pocket.linoks,lEn velopes, Visiting Cards, Jewelry, Fine Cut lery, and a variety of Fancy Articles, together with Silk and Thread, etc., at GRAIN, flutter,-Lard, Eggs, Rags, Shin gle:, taken for goods at their cash value. Cash not refused. D. \V. SPENCER.. 11 - I)OTTER and Lard of a superior quality JL.Pfor sale id SPENCLICs. A .NY one desirous of a good quality of -ClSyrup of Molasses will do well w call at SPENCER'S. County Orders Taken at Par F OR GOODS, at ADI ES, if you want a nice Bonnet. you (willT do well to call on SPENCER. BABill'S Yeast Powder for ink he srE.Nerit NTEW THING.—Pore Ground Coffee -1I great thing for the lathes.. •SPENCER. - 1" ITIIONTRITIIC, Cod Liver Oil, and many other popular Med:eine: for :ale by :SPLNCIAL. " Halloo ! Halloo ! Halloo ! ENCE It is- in town! Mountains of .71tEA111"—MAIIE cLoTHING for almost nothing. • I have bonglit this coat, this vest, and these paw., -, —;iin't broke, either! Hurrah! .All the bliovs shall te— one of rENctit's 'coats! Hurrah! . But, to be vandid, fr.ends, there'. no;limg like it in all the counthry. Ju.r go over there, and for a little o' nothing he'll sell ve a rig that, thought ye 're the big gest rascal above ground, will make ye as fair as a praist to look at ; though ye haint a clot iu ye'r pockets, folks will bow arid scrape to ye as though ye were millionaires, and 'real gentletnans.'- Fashion! Great thing! Bet ter dead Ail:111 out of it—inany an hone.; lid low has been '.ctit' became of the cut of his coat-; but no danger if ye buy of ripencer,—his cloths ;ire just the fashion." The sub enih er has just received a large stock of Ready-Made (ladling, of the' latest style and best qn ility, which are well made, arid will be sod low. I/. W. SPENCER. II'INERIZED Corn :-_:threh, for fowl, fur sale at SPENCEIrs. QODA, Cream Tartar, 'Alagne-im Salts, and Glue. Mr, i;e at the " RUCLItI CI WEL and coach ♦arni , h c. be had at Spencer's on Very reason: ,c c h 1. or TAIL Alerehan,'. (largEng t)d, to hid at i.;;PENCI:IIfs 1 1101' A.N . D LI:A w D at lower figure: than 1 downtown to at ri I:NC ikr ENV article of rstonnier Ilat