The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, September 29, 1854, Image 4

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    E tarEAD OF A IiONAECa
2 , friend of ours from across the
waters, related to US the following an
ecdote us en actual occurrence to ori
ental climes. It possesses a depth of
thoug=ht and freshness of wit too good
to be lost :
A iiiie t. learned in the lore of an
cient a nd modern e,had opened
rooms ibr public instruction, and styled
bit_ self up:tit his door, Professor of
Universal Knowledge.
The Eilyr, in passing one day, ob-
Eerve'd the notice, and walking in in- f
quired what was meant by Univeesal
Knowledge. The priest answered, of
course it was the knowledge of all
thine p :F:,ilde. This answer not ex-1
nctly suiting the King, he resolved to
test the capabilities of th. - ... Profes tor.
If, say; he, you profess Universal
Kt.owled .4e, then you will be able to
answer di: en liUt..liolls which I pro
p) et to you. They are ; s follows, and
you nocst aaswer them by to-morrow
at 1..3 ;tone, or your head will be struck
from your Idutulders. First, tell me
hoWinany baskets of earth there are
in yonder mountain. Secondly. inform
.Lo• (~ a ctly..hew much the King is
w rtit. "fhirdly, tell me what' the
lii .g is thiuking about at the time._
* This AV:L , a different turn of affairs
from what the Professor expected, and ;------ • . ----
he NL1...; sorely perplexed. He went Lt.! M. A. GAGE, M. D.,
pliii-SJCIAN AND SC 1:OEON-Wititla re
once to Lis study, resolved to do his
link' inr“ rin the cniz.•ll. , of C 11 It.r.-
utmost to comply with such an unheard port'l l 7 c ul ' eutier couutv. - 'len lie . lnis . Icc i't..(.l
of, and to him unreasonable request, perinalienliv among Alvin, and will al;tt:t.l
Books %vone snatched from his shelves; to ad eitds'is his rotession. Office-T. B.
manu-eripts were carefully examined, TY:°l'' pm:4 and r'th'l' S"'re .
calcitlatbins made, and all his available , ISAAC BENSON•
means put in requisition to solve these 4 WORN CY AT LAW.-Otilee, East side
questions or! Nvhich depended his life. riot' he pub is aopt re, Contier4por , Pa.
i'..h— By spec 4. ;7rrangeinen. ;he profes t ion ii ser.
4 ,0 fow hours to accomplish sit muc
death the
pr:e a
01 . :a ll ure, u gether v. ith v h ic r • o es .i i , : i f S L:,l l , :..l i oll:istaN, 11:1 2 111 y. , he engaged
d e . uses in which he .s not
a de. ire to establish his reputation, t. 1 previc7a l s v eone n er u n '' e
wrought upon his mental and physical N. 1.1.-A.; c .tuts due and pavaVe to the
frl-me t.) such a degree that he was undersigned, persona y ;nd profession tiiv,
ro v he folind in be h .nds ofls.u.c Benson,
soon in a fl-, - er of excitement. . He had
Esq., for i.d us.wen.•
S. P..Joussos.
utmost hutted himself in his books—' M.trch :::i-jit... . 1-2:f •
'Trap.: of pl:per with ti , rures and signs 'i .
covcred i is table, and ray scattered on'_
the door : yet die result was unattain- J
1 , :l i . il in uteutu the scvarul courts in l'oner
ed. Still more intense grew the ex- '
ill rev
. 1: u d sn i i t c , -s t. s ii e ,
i t u t 1 1 1 Listed
citement a; he thought. figured. and
Ti ad, whie ,
the perspiration st.)cal in ' oilice on ntio-street. op i posito the Cuutt
large dr-ps upon his . flu-ilead, and Ii""-t't "u'i , ' , Purl. l'a.
tolled tinv. - tt Lis lace. He was vergin r ART
1; w, , rtl- d...s,Jair,his whole sv ttinti em- A 1 lUeNLI AM) CUUNsELuIt AT LAW.
Vile; with n.'l you , excitement, when ..:- -- 1-o.;11 tolcod to ail busiooss enirusted to
Li.; eery :.t entering the room, and
he tare %%Ora pi-oily:toss aud li;lctity.
Unice- iu ;Lie 'fain ! ), tuner Blo.h. up stairs.
alarmed at the wild and em it ~it look
Nui,i•bit'uel, effilderNlMll, l'a. 7-1
- of his in I Let, cage:ly inquired the .
can e. lit fiedlybe I Claied what bad ' . ,
.1 - “;pi.onL , l- - 1.2 struntze. ouestions, the attornerS,7(Countirlor at /Lab),
fearint 1, , , , :Li , y. In-'- t e l. however, of: colofer.qact Pa. Oftic; L-ttorth of the court'
lar;takil, ..t :,i- rf:-..s•er . - ern,tion, the I.imuse s q uare, at -*file Pt uple's Casks Sure,'
1 up stairs, 3-47
Ow • c'y t; 1 ....• ::: ; .a.,, V .!, 1 ,::/".11 :
~________i _ __ . _
.1., it,ie Leave the 1 JAMES N. BASSETT,
..v , fr. .t . ..rvou." 1 . i
1 Cabinet-ill:Mier & tphogsterer,
•••-••:: _: ,71 :t wis pro- ,
• . • - i ' COUDERSPORT, PA.,
' 1
:-.:.;:.: !I, 4.10 pt lit, mas- 1
v.'ill execute all orders in his line of
0, riv - ct. '.i.: , _i King at the i
t'll,- hosint„ss wilt' Itt•atness and despatch.
Ti.:s ,41',-r was readi- 1 Piave of business—Ole .I:intlfacto(T formerly
- . —) I::: ti..- Priest, who, to : owned by G. W. Sirong—two doors above
tpe .k . l: ,: t; ,t . ..i, tio,ipritt. S in,,
re o f hii., I Win. en), , L) . s ths,:lliog.
* lug in.tirmed the buiidilvt and ma
r'''''''' ir- ' - ' (i li " : ' //'' ' 3 ''''' Y " 1 :" J ust at that 1 eb i i• l O i . s rv, and viliploytd rood %,,orTino.n. he is
Ire 11:.:iit. I )1. , zui - •ed as the Proft-sort , ircirn 7 rd to do work us well as the best, and
tl.:c S.-) - :::: t :fil t tut: Kil'_ , ,, :Hid told !din 1 ,1 .,0 ,i‘torii,o*.ice. tllitlif .
L e w;: - . : e...i :G) Li:i: , ‘ Ver ilk que•itien4. Fp- - -
a new Music;
"Te,11:1 , 2 ',Alen," said C 111
the King, "how 11 \ln,' 1
,it•ces c
I0(1.11*. d to 011.11,1 . : :11S1.. Tign
mails' 1, , 1-I: , •ts or earth there. are in ' p,I..LiCi, 41111 "l to r or any In•rnnlicalis
V1111;101' ID , /11rIt.11.11." 1 tic,iritl. Lar% , (:no , :t. 1101.. Ki cntsilinils . on
.. ~! 1. 1 1:: ., 11 „i 11 t , i N i %
f h . 1 1. 1-I . gi ng r,
t 1• s l i c ,, 1 . , :1 0 a 1 t.....!, Mill every thing
- That t - lepci:(l:: , ..your Majesty, up . on
cireurno.7...•;Ce"." ~ 1.,.--" * 6433:1 . M. W. MANN.
nr,l:c•r n .:,—)
11%1 a
n What cirrnmstancel 1"
The :;ze of the baskets. If one is
as largo a: the m(imitain, one will con
tain it. If half as large, two; if one
fourth, t er, &e."
The King was so much amused at
the repty, that he - expressed himself
.attshed, and proceeded to the second
.Tell in how much the King is
n•i IIIt."
Weil. your Majesty, Jesus Christ
was sold thirty pieces of silver, and
he wa - the Bing of flea . Yen and Earth;
so I conclude you are %vomit about one
'Pe titiF. answer the King could not
olject, and he %v.:, so pleased with the
wit dilpl:lyea, that he said,
”Very well, sir; but can you an
swer my question, and tell me of
what 1 aril tiOw thinking f"
"Most cell zlinly, your Majesty. Yon
are now thinking- that you are talking
with the Priest Professor, whereas it
Li only his i ervant."
It is unnecessary to add that both
beads were safely upon their shoill
ders,:and both received rich tokens_ of
kingly furor.
Frffin the Rural New Yorker
EDS. BunAt.:—l Ir:ve just finiAted my hay
ing—and tutu a field, containing, according
to. careful mea , uretnent, 2 acreq, I drew
thirtan good ;i:rd loads' of hay, which at a
low estimate would be be,w cell nine and ten
tons—say—thrtc and o half lons per acre.
This field his been tre.ited its follows: Two
years, since, after corn, I coveted it with
coarse straw manure, plowed it in and sowed .
to oats and barley, of which I got railer a
moderate crop. I then plowed it from eight
to ten incites deep, and harrowed. it, so that
whatever seed had self-sown would come up
before sowing to w helt. Before sowing I
harrowed it again, and then put on to bush
els of wheat per acre, and paged it iu.
then sou ed hallo bushel of timely seed per
acre, and rolled the ground down. The next
Epring 1 sowed one peel: of clover seed,
which was, however, .boat half thrown
by the frost the follow ing wits er. The
wheat yielded about 25 InislieN per Luc, for
which 1 received F,tt2 per bushel.
W. G. lior:mr.s.
Elba, N. Y., July 27, 1854.
Tfi 0,31 AS STEW 4 RPISON,
• a ttorntg at •Wata,:.
. N. E. corner Gilt and
7-3 It
C. W. LLLIS. ,
Ottorntp at ?Lain,
Coudersport, Pa. . -
Jan. 78 1850. tf
F. W,. KNOX .
attorney at San), •
Gmult l'a, attelid
couri F iu l'oncr 3-101 if
A. P. CONE, -
: iattorufg at ILais,
Ti6 g t, CUUtlt y. ra. will r.-gular-
N totem! the courts of Putter county.
June 3, 1818.
TIIE uietcr,l:4ee,lh , vflot; .beee eotrusted
%voli the cafe of lati,••• tracts of
this patity. ha% mode hiWelf
tlu.+iated wiib the hinds and !Mid titles of the
c omity and will _ire immediate atientioa to
any hught , ss of this tattu: . e that May be en
int,l(.4l to him. .1. S. SIANN.
11 S. HEATH,
Vijpsician anal ~%itrgron,
CottllLnpurt, hr. will attend to all calts for
u,sistatice %vith and
tideliiv. Office on ;be nest ISLiili-,t.,
sevoua door above the.Jouruul office. 3-47
• C. 5311t1,1.
Dealer in DO2 Gooto,
Grocerias and Provisions
Hardware, Crockery and Glass'Ware ;
Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps.
Stone and IVooden ilqtre
In shall, almost everything usually kept in a
Coon iy Siore. Ali of which he oiiers for
ca.e a - . very you• pricey for he pay.
P.aeo of business corner„of Main and Sec
ond S.ree s,Couderstor, at die o d s.i.nd of
W. Jone•i, & 13r. J0:y.1,10754.
HONLY.—A good quid' y of hone , : foi
s 1:e ;tt C. SMlTii's.
liAhDW.Atti: AND TIN.
rep )rted
,:hat Nebraskst . Bill kin town
and by c toing ,he. Ilardw.,re Store o
Jathei Smi•b, on Main a reel - , you can
Lind litr a c—cheap for camp or exchange, a
bet-er ast4orauen. of
Cooking, Box & Parlor Stoves,
All Varieties and Sizes ;
curLERY ;
Tin , Copper and Sheet- Iron Ware ;
Kill and pC cut Saws, Hoop-iron, Nails and Chains;
Carpenter's Tools and Files, Iron-
Bars and Anvils;
A Good varie;y of bill ding Hardware; where
. m,o may be tbund a genera; weer men. of
elocks, 3lappanneo Marc;
toge.her h a good v6rie.y of
inch' as
HAND and
Pails, and
nibs &e., Le.,—
than can be
found e sewherc in his county.,And I wou'd
cad especial at.en.ion 'of .hose is 60. wish j o
purchase, to my large and wea of
• S tai .
Likewise .ha. my
is all ni..decif goodma.crioi and by.a skilful
add coin s a en. workman. Ai. I ask is for you
cail and see my goods, price diem, and I
have no douli you wi4 be sa.igied. will ho
price :md goods. . •
Ail kinds of produce taken for . goods. I
also pay .1.:zo per LOn for o d iron.
Couderspor:, July .7,
TaIE best three !foiling tea and'6d sugar is
t oLmsTED'S.
AFULL assortment of Groceries,
at low figurt s, cm111441.1y oil 1):11U. tura
wild Lawny Irogi 6i upwards, at -
.94446.1'.4P11. •
jaa r itriganir I
:s again home, lathe store oppoeite r theNorthz
.east corner of the public sugare, and is re
!icing direct from New-york eity—Aot a
mammoth stock" of s: o'er goods, but suffi-
Aent to fill up the old store; which goods are
now offered for inspection and eiamination.l
He woMd therefore say to the old cnstames,
s:ep in end see liiii•as- , ortment: and to the
peop!e.generally, That -all his .goods are for
sale—he will be hippy to receive "calla.
MIIE - Ladies wid Aim( at Mann's store CoCh
eeo, Washington, Merriumck, Philp,Aren
& Son's, and o her choke varieties Of Prints,
warerred bV the subscriber sOT TO rADE.
A LL-WOOL •Demines at Mann's.. A pax-
Alas, Puratuettas, Engiish and French Meri
nos at . MANN'S.
G INGIIA3IS-a good assonment
SILKS and Dress Trimmings at
QHAWLS of various patterns and qualides,
OLadies' end Clit:dretes Hoods, at
1 . ' - L. #:\ MAYNARD. . -
iflA.NlßßlCS,Bishoptawns,Vie.oria Lawns, 1 Condursport. July 15. 185?. 6-7}f ;
N..../Cap 1.9.ce, Crape, Rus'd llelus in, Linnen
ja.t.Ml man V (dee r ar,icics 'for the Indies '
--- • - . Drugs, Medicines, .
TIATENT 31EDICINES, Oils, Spirits .of
Iladkils, Embroidered do„ .31us.itt 1 dging.s, ,
f. Furyfiat . 11 • '
Cotton do., Linnet' do., Ladies' Collars, Wrist- ; .y .
, ate . 1101 , WI.C:1). IVI . 1 I• , I/II '
.31 1)11.ji . 11,1i.e . $
.I,llsll . Store. fine .11.eirkeutot 7 , -
• • :" . 1 1 . , 11,
,i . il i r oal Tit c rp ai e l i t t i l .e it!e , , ro a sa n i t t y i t o it ‘ t i e , , lit. Bn.rning Plaid,
lets , Underseeves, Ladies skirts, do., Caps„ to
tars. 0
, 1 Wilt It 111 dtl.lg3lS alit/ pane re s. -.. . I -, --
to he' found at • 31ANN's.
OAP, Letter, and Note Paper, all kind 4 of
i lillP LEM 'II El) Slice ling and Shirting. Brown ' k./ Stationery, Sieet-pen Holders Wafers,
_ELM.. Candle W kk„ See eh n ee r ClOlll for Sealing' Wax, Sand, Ink; Pocket.llooks, , En
child) en's we ar, Be el Ticking. l'enVelim.r, Td- ; Velop•es . , Visiting Cards, Jewelry, Fine(Cnt
ble Limn a, Brown, White do.. a suptrinv lerv, anefa variety of Fancy Articles, together
article of, Damask. all pure flax,— Tahle. , with Silk and Thread, e:c., at
Spreads. , An examination will re.reentheend I SPENCER'S.
theimbetter than atevtleim , else. . I
A l,.arge lot of Hosiery at
lr you want warm Stockings for the child
ern. you will find Jim at MANN's. . j
ciAITER BOOT, Busk Sins, and the o.her ,
1 , 3 - vttriety of Shoes, cal be found at
MANN's l. , - - -' - ! ! RAIN,ifIt . flutter, yard, Eggs, Rags, Shin
A T ..
*The . Pt uplr's Cush Sure" may 1;,.1 1 'LI g:es, taken for goods atAheir cash vale.
ILI ATS,CTsComforrere, Wrappers,
.DrlT- ~ - found a selected lot of Prints, of Ent , lisli. ! Cash not relbsed: D. W. SPENCER.
. _ . -
JL4.ers,. Buck G.oves, / do:, 'Milieus, Ilr in-_ Freocli, rind American ttoodt- quality - awl ',' '
prities ivecing odwirably 1
Thane ‘ ,„11 m id ! 'RUTTER and Lard .of of a superior quality
Lined U.oves, Cu'rpe, Bags, Sa. ehe is, Suspend4t
ers. Cali at .. . : 3UNN's t see tis. ' ' -, ; J-lfor sale at • SPENCE's.
1 . ,
1 Teas. ,
T L-- „0„ B'A6t aid Green Isar, I.f e , ce r o n t l ii i ., 11 . 1 1 _A_A \F one
u o p n o e f ( .I; l l P O 4 .7 i si. n e s s ‘ li t f il a l dO n s ° v d ell g t u i l l a c li a t il . 'at (:)f
tor, atid ut most rt irsoilable ' prici s. ;Su- • - SPENCER's..
LIitLATING;; Baiti , ', and C
.M.lNN's.- ;;:trt, 'l , ‘ bite and Brown do. Bice. Gin., •
salTarn at' •
( UGARS, T ., Coilee, Rice, Ginger, Pep- , Flue t per, Ni i t mogs . t ' a ,,i n , )„: . County Orders Taken at Par
Iper, Spice, Starch, li..a.eratus, cou.dantly , on uaccp iii all its tar•ly to
. pliae.e !hose ' hi) `'FOR GOODS, - at
hand at • MANNs.. lova the i iv-ei il, and 2 ...lie-riot uricle of Coili.e •
that ' led tiii pi. ase ; ail the Inn cVatiad i
, ADirs.., if von want a nice Bonnet.;volt
PLUG Tobacco, Fine:-Cut do., C hewing and sunie of the I unke. s. at the - ' ; 1 i will do •weilto ca ll on SPENCER.
Srooking at ' 31ASN's. . ;'i.01 . 1..8'S CAS,II sTorr..— - ----
Ir you \yam Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Mill
Saws, Cros-cut do., Hand do., Chisels, Au-Pr ( oCie .- R y, - AND Glai.s Ware. in
gurs, Augei Bi:s, Fi es of all kinds, Steel 7 ' . " . . variety, that will idt uSe I
Squares, Iron do., Try do., cull at . itie i•yr or, the tir4 inspuctimi. h, ,nr. ' ' ' '
: -
l'Hil'l.E'S CASti STORE. j
T E\VIS MANN keeps constantly on, hand T_T AitD. 1 'I All E. —Sy lies and .Sitillis . . of
I Shove':s, Squares, Manure LOrks, Fire J—Liratti rti,, lung tri, ti and lonntl to be. •' , ...1,
- . hill, s ilia; H111).M0111 , , S!%V.Illill I'll. s:l)oor
T jocKs,
_ Doors iinid . e 4 . Bii . t. „ , : „ 2.
craws, 1-! .. :: , i , il t l i i-S , . I .m . , :t a c .i i i ii c :.
3 A ; l:t ( li k i s ral ‘l til i i: , :l 4 ; 2l ,i i ( .. %s u lt i, i; t ti r : , l .,i l
I I Locks—all sizes—Shoe Nuic - s Finishing „`. .._ ' i .. I
,i, tots. at ..izi s. Cu; it ty, KLIIVI R Urigl.Ni
do.. for sa:e at L. ' MANN's
quality for the table. and tar ilo• poi ki-t. at ;be :
l' EUl' Lii'S CA6II,6I'OIIE.
pOCLET Knives, Tz.b:e do. Call at
Tin and Hardware.
TLwls ]l:l\\ has for sa:e Shot, Lead,
THE ondert.4,vited has connectcd with
Powder, Flasks,
_ -
Ittd4to s. Ihat
. ol AIIDIVA,ItIi and CL. : l * -
LElll ' —:•;) that ilk' ;alit - Ilion to th ,
rotaittet. d by 1ti0t..11,. is 11()W rett.,
sapply Ate pulti i c ivi'dfillutest every variety
of II; and Crtts-Cut Saws. Ilo a dp
Iron. Cahle am; U, (irons: Carpeou
Adzes and Broad .xvs, Niattilla Cope for Ca
bles. A geiterai as-ortutetit of Clocks, Ja
panned I% are, Toys id ..:very description; and
shunt: he to keep all :4101 thinigs as
.the public wattt. in whielt he %%ill
sell, not Ito — less thait cn.t. but tor a *Ha
..MALL profit iiitleed, wtd litqle* by a - sitiet
attention to his busitiutit receive t liberal
share of public patronage.
All kintl....of Produce taken,in 'ex; hinge for
Goods, at the highest market pliers; also,,:ln
'per lot. paid for old iron'
..L../•widd say cu the
public ilia he rt,cieing n mock of
Goods. ‘fliich he wilLhe happy to show to ail
ho tnay laver hint with a call. on con find
bv culling on !Jima good assortment df Lawns.
Bareges. Barege DeLaines. De Begea.
&c. s, 6highame,,
mesties all kinds. Grfret ries, Crockery. acid
n large sock of Boots and Shams; all of which
W:11 be sold as low as they can ho botOit
. el4.•where. - •
DRY coous
19A KEtCS Rrumu und Chocolat.
,:i•itikt:. ;i t • TV LER'S.
- - -•
Tailoring! Tailoring!.!
. J. IV. I1Al: DI NG, Tailor.. All woi lc
entrusted to'his care will be done
%%1 0 i'lal neNs, cuinfori, and durability.
LT'" shop 0% i.r Lewis 1111111 . 5 store. (I-27
TVRESAI Burnia:z Fluid and G:nuphtur at
the: DRUG and BOOK-SIV{E.
Magazines for September.
HARPEtt, Godey: Gruliam. nut l'uthum.
jma re rely( d and furfale at 25 cem., per
number, by TYLER-.
r lIIE long repose of Eurt•pe is about
to be tith,urbt.ii by the hittt 's oute ruin
the re-% ilie-(11 .1111, drum, caning its r
iug williuui lu aruts it, the tleteue of their
fireshlis nod their c. iiiitry. Tinglattd and
frdiire are culling for men and MUM'S. and
forwattl their armies to bailie uguituit
the agt:res,..iutia ul the ilu,siati lieur; hut
while t'ite (Jul IVurld is etnivulbed by reviilu•
two, unusuul peace and plcuty reign iu the
War Declared at Last.
Lt the pellet:fill and quiet pursuit of lair
basil uss we has e binned IL copari m
under the name and style of N. S. BUTLER
& CO.. and have taken the store iu Empire
Block. in the sill:qt. of Olean, formerly twat.
pied by Thing & Brother. and are now re
esividg a splendid new stuck ul goods adapted
to the Scaaoli and wants of the .community,
whicli we inte lid to sell exclusisely for Lash
down, ut priers that Will cause Con,lLrnation
and dismay in the ranks of old logyism that
has heen S.) long' catabliallud ill this auction.
Our stuck wirfeunsist in part of the billow
ing Goods t•
. I lids! ware, Crockery, Boots 5:: Shoes,
Hats, Cups. Carpets,
- Oil Cloths, Drugs, Meals:int s.
&tins, (iiaas, Paints &
Sash, rutty. Chairs,
Bedsteads, Matt niSseS, Feathers
' Stone and Vt oud t o 11 are,'
And we men', keepstwli an umsortineut of
theaalnivo gmals that pl rsous from a distutme
cain be assured of lintfing everything tiny
mnaily %qui at priers that will du them good
Call and sue fur yourselves.
•N. S. 131:TLER & CO
185 1. 6-51.
New Books,
~ j INNY FERN'S' New Volume, or
Second tit riem of rtt Leaves.
r thy nod Spat kliug Dupe, fur the
t rienth of Temperunce. •
Colton's [lulled State:c Guzeteer.
Gr&4cr; tainl the Golden flora, by Ste
phen O•in. D. D.
Life and Saying's of Mrs. Farrington.
- . l'%torning, Stars of the New \\ orld. 1,3. 11.
.F. l'urker.
A new and I: collection of choice Books
for children. Just received by
Drafting Instruments,
ukr Dr,,wiog Pape.% l't It OR. Puri jost.r,cv;vvil et. • TV WS•
EAS,freAl and away. ut
AT .Wholasala and Rutuil a 4 '
• '
The Teople'S Cash Store,
• • - -
Sotaething New. Laud Satnethingl - 1 NV. SPENCER would re&pectfnlly in
.•'; i •• :. . Wanted. . , , : 1... f. • form the inhabaants of Coudersport
T"'' stthseriber. has just 'reel Iced frog, the and vicinitythat hers now receiving.a Fit LSII
.. city of N+ w-York. and opened at the:
st•e formerly(-copied liy linskin & Smith. which will .be sold as cheap as the cheapest.
on I he'north side of the Court Heitse Square,'
He would also return heartfelt thanks to his
a selected assortment 4:New Goods.. coin-: ld customers and friends for their past patron
prishw, D r y G oo d s . G rocer i es, Groaery. and: ii g g o e o , di a N t ‘ i . d iii % c 7 l l h V e d be
iias :g a
n , lid ir t o showill try to sa illm . any % e .ethein
The motto of business —adopted—is. flit
at least it) per cent_ by calling and examining
• :••
sure Am., andin thelivelysix pout e " The : before purchasing esewhere. .
above i Gootis will therefbre be sold each:. . OR° - HERE take the lib
!dryly for eitla•r cash. ra T.. in hood,.
and upon 'Ha I) terms that the p1111:11:11:1 - r C:111- ple of Coudersport and
lint be olio noise Ann FatiOiell, he 10 , 15: Pbtter county that I an; still at my new stand
nattiest. gca,ll bargain—rei•eived a 'quid pro quo opposite the north Side of the public square,
--somithiag 1:,, r something iii y a m,. for his where may be found GEtocEntEs of all kinds
moory. Au r lc i n u w .c will , o:idly be made ' constantly on hand, such as Tea, Sugar. Col - -
Mill the; Fitriza r. for his yrod oee : Butler., fee, Seerittus, Ginger, Mustard, Tobacco,
Cheese. Eggs. Grillo hi nay qmottity. and with, Snuff, Nutme g s, Mace, Cloves, Confectionery,
it, the wow Cash' the'beurr. Thesubserilmit - &C., &C. .
will et all' tittles take pleasUre s in'exhilliiiii L % I - 'My m otto is, "The nimble sixpence in pie
his Gtiotls to the cost( nter„that quality andr f e reuce to the slow shining." ,
prices utay be C 3 awintil. . - D. W. SPENCER.
! LEAD. /\D l bEE FatiNl ALI. Poi
The New-jersey' Zinc Company
urcativ c•illar:z...l th,ir ttorlts. at d
the quality of their prothiets,- are
prepared to ex, cute ordt rs for their.
PA 1N15... dry, and ground in oil, in
assorted packages of froth '25 it , SIIO 1. 111 /d , ";
also. I)'y. it, barrels. of 200 l ound.s
'I heir \V II it E, ZINC, %stud; is s.tal dry, or
ground iti-oil, is %%llrthoted Pure and uosur
passed 1,,r laalv Mid I/I.if4 inn %Oil{ up,
A. theilaal ut 1 ,1., r ut., iiiy bc,ti
d;,coi ritl„ winch enables the (;,,,inpathy to
wai riot! th, it paints to f re ,i i an d so il iu
the kegs for ally reioquatithe tithe. lu this
r, spect thiir paints V. ill be sup, rior to- any
other in the market..
lit ir BI.UWN ZINC TAINT. which, is
sold at a low price; ihild eau holly
. be
front the Zinc ores frtOn now
well' known for its protective quatioes %111CLI
tip tli, d to iron ar color
ir STU:\ E—CULUL: j'IINI 1/1.M.1 . Ftrets
till the hinalitte s or the Brown. :it'd a •of 311
aureeithie color for pdtiling Cottages, Depots,
Utothoiltlings: Bridge si etc.
Deultis supplied ou Itheral terms . 1)v their . .
Agents. ENCII &
holesule Pawl 1/ealers awl-Importers,
N. W. cur. of 1014&1‘1,thket.sts,
Gni Ivii Philadelphia-
Premium Panning Mills.
nip Quaiii to
.Fartnurd and Meclitinic.
Ii 'HE . f.uberibt.r has puiehmpli of J.
Bamborough the right to Potter and
M'Kean counties his . patent iii the construction
of Fanning Mills.HO has also, at great cx
bense, commenceil the manufactbre of a PRE
.MILL which will clean from 100 to
:200 bushes Pt-r• hour. ! This Mill was pate tcd
.N,archgtl. t 3 t 7, since which time it has stood
at the head of the list at all.the State and ceun . -
ty agrieulturul societies. where
_it hai been
and is a universal favorite with .11
arniers who have tried it.. It took the pre
mium at the first Agricultural F. it held ut
I larrishurg. Oct. 31st, 1c:51, when therr were
30,009 people present ; and at the great Stow
Agricultural Fair at New-York, held at Roch
ester &in. 16-19.. It'sl, 'this Fanning Slill
received.the highest honori.
having met with uniftiriti success wherever
tried, I tonfidently:invite the farmers of rPotter
and M'Kean counties to call .at nit: shop in
Coudersport and examin - •for 1 lietnsekt a..
A supply always on hand, to be sold on rea
sonable terms.
TII E suhv riLrt h. r;tiv givt-ii look,. !011ie
public that kit iii a P:TEIt Suvrri
!tole for bearing tiati•
:\lart:ll. 18.14, iiiiyablo Serittiolier,
IBi6. mot haviiig riAtrivcd boy - calm'
tor, lie ill ri rose lo pay the saint':
lie warm , . oily p. from' huyiuo
Ili, and note kith ;.'ll peelal inn of his pay
int: it. 11151] CtiNt'il Eft I.ll‘l.ti:sii.
Mill Owuei.,, will u wa7a tiosl n supply of
Clil 14.tuactijuely sit lastidiciury pilues,nucl
in any quantity, at
TYLER'S Drug Stung.
Machine Oil
New , Goods for the Summer Trade.
- RABBITS Yeast Powder for sale br
X - EMT TILING.—Pure Ground Coffee,—
.;_1 great, for the IthLei. SPENCER.
TITIII).NTRIPTIC; Cod Li% er and
wauy.o.her popular Med,cine ,, for .ale by
\\ - c remain your ob't serv•ti,
- . L.ILACEY Si. Co.
\\ - elks ilk. Jan. Et, ISS-1. 641.1 tint
.. _ . -
': Halloo ! Halloo rHalloo! r ACKifitEL. Salmon, and Blue ri.h. at
Q PF.\ C E R is in town!. Mountains ,of 2L--11_ C. S. JON ES',
_. - .
0 READY-MADE CLOTHING for almost Li ITER [OR Sperm and Tallow Candlest
no h n.. I it :I,e bought 'Om: coat, this veal, il C. S.:JONES' PPOVISION. STORE.:
and hest p fuss-ain't broke, either! Hurrah!
Ail he b !my- shall 1••• - ut eor rEscurt:s
Is'N 1)1.1N MEAL mid BUCKWHEAT con
coalS! hurrah! But to be candid, fr end., •
-31"ly -
on hand
NEW. at the
there'. Ito It u, like it in•all the eolimliry.
Just au over there, and for a little o' no hing rl RAIN and P ro d uce of all kinds taken in
he 'II se.i ye ar g hat, though ye 're the big- k.A vxchange fur Good- at this store.
ges; rascal above ground, will make- ye as fair ; - C. S. JONES.
• _
as a prmsi to look at ;• :hough ye liaaa a tint •
in y-c•r pocket., folks trill bow and ~ t ripe to A3IS and Shoulders—a new aesortmen:
H .
at C.:2.. JONES'.
seas-bough to
w ere millionaires. and • real -
gen: e n tails.' Fashion! Great thing!
Bet- 4....i.ACKS OF S.11:11' at are
ter de d .11... n nut of it÷niany an honest fellow cl NLW Plio V ISWN STNRE. •
It e• been • cm' bee.mse of the cat of his coat : ; -
but no d msrer ,f Ye' boy of Spencet'',—ltis C
, the quart or bushel, at C. S. JONES:.
dm ne are just :he fa hint.''
The •subscriber has just received. a large - • • --
stock of Ite.My-3lalle ('lo haig, of the latest
sty c and best qualhy, which are wcd mode, Crirrfar..,c anil Sleigh-Ma ker.
. and wii: he so d low. ' • D. W. SPENCER.
HE subscriber Irespectfully gives notice
- DC LVERI ZED Corn Starch, for Mod, for that lie is prepared to do all the b i
, _IL sale at SPENCEICs. in the above line. at Ike . Ainrle..t notice, at his
new shop, two dears w es! of the Conderspou
QODA, Cream Tartar, Magnesia, Alltun.
....7Cliallr. Salts, and Glue, Par S.1;1. ili the . Holed. ! JOHN ItECKHOW
l •
GROCCRY STORr..' - ---
.A. B. GOODSEL.L,. -
ClENSMEEll,Condersphrt, PA. Eire Arm
Viniantifactrireljuid repaired at his shop, on
g' co cit vart7:,ll can belhad at
k—iripericer . ,, tin very rea,mal;e
®be ;it SPLACI:Irs.
CIIIOT AND LEAD at lower figures ttrin
17down town at SPENett.We.
"NT W ar.;o:e of :Sommer IlatA at
-.11 sPENcluus
BETTER se'ee 101 l of Cofree not found
lintlte coluty &mat SPENCER'S
by the eho:t or prom , / for s.a . e . by ;
New Goods
W. SPENCFR has just •retnrinid from'
• die city with a large stock et] Grac' c
rie:, Clothing, Dnigs and Medirinc4, mind
. a
general Us-or Tumid of Caney Artic:e'
mmty o her thitigi too imincrons to mention,
which wit. be so,d low fur cubit or ready-pay.
TOOLUd TOBACCO—Fine Cut, Chewing
and :imak,ng, by the pond, at ! •
Caine t' to bring ijoit and .1.1 , 1111 h."
lIR. C RI . 111 - GE:U.I, or 'lnhaling
ilyfe n Vapor and Cherry Syrup, for , lie
cure of Ptiloion try Conornption, A, lima,
Brotichit,., Cough , , Co and all Lung anti
Liver comp:Oink. new mtiliod of lidutla
tail! for he care of the above named di ,, ease:4.
For sme - D. \V. SPENCER.
r Perpetuate Family Faces
LL Who-desire Ili do so should not long
de!ay to CA 41.: V'S DAG CERREAN
. GALLLRY. The subset-ler is weekly pro
' clueing heautlful miniature portraits in the
most p:casing sfyle •and at most reasonab:e
price. ;A p'e !sant room is open, and every
one is we'come to ca;l and examine speck,
mens whenever they choose. Those who
' w,sh to he secure of a sitting should not come
lap in iliday.
Gaileiy 'open only on Saturdays!.
I . - J. %Y. CASEY.
, Music.
UNTEY , S ,. ;•( ,. .ltibrated Instructions
Burroikvs . .Piano..Forte Primmer;
L'iMm (;:er Rook ;
A new supply of Sheet ;
Put' male by T. R. TYLER.
NEW :upply of Fluid arid Corn-
!WM,' and Leuuulul
jiu,t received mid fur sale luw at
T"' Governor of the 'S:ate - ot New-York
has appoin ed die sith , eriber a Commis
siciner :for .he 6 u.e of New-York, to take he
uckno‘iy °figment 01 Deeds and a her ins.rn
inen.s,!and .0 adininis er ntths purzuant to an
ac.. of :he Legis.altre of .he said Sta e.
Coudersport, Dec. 12, 16. d. •
Clothing, Clotbi g.
THE place to buy weil•made Clothing pt a
a low price (a large stock to select from)
is at OLMSTED'S.
MIIBTLESS4bnre , ars many. persons is
ondersport and vicinity who bay* never
visited the fatuous BOSTON STORE at the
fast-growing village of Wellsville. Ths.No.
of this store is 94, %cilia number is °ter tits
T11;3 'establishment is one of the largest
ING DiTots in Allegany Nullity. Hundreds
of customers from Potter county bnv - all their
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and other fixing;
at the great mart of business. But still there
are those who have never happened to fall
into. the path that leads, most assuredly, to
economy and wealth. That path leads $1)
cash buyers straightway to the
We have no enemies to punish, no friends
to reward. We sell for ready pay, and take
in exchange for Goods the following useful
articles, viz.: •
Cosh' Tallow Venison Oats
Beeswax. Fur Beans Socks
llides Wheat Yarn . - Rags
Potatoes Wool , Butter &c.,
We are now receiving from our shop at
R ocheetcr, about ten cords of the best BOOTS
and SHOES sold in the county. We keep
constantly on'hand
31en's India Rubber Boots,
" " " Over-Shoes,
" " " " Coats.
41 14 41 t ‘ Paula,
" Caps..
With a very, extensive stock of TRUK.S,
Black and Colored Dress Silky, Alpaca, De:
!Mites, Thibet Clothe, ;Prints, Gingham, and
other Dress Goods—together with a general•
variety of Dry Goods. { `
Shawls,: Shawls.
Its particular, we would call the attention sf
the ladies to our - great variety -of SIIAIELS.
of every passible kirid, altogether toe no
inerous to mention.
We Itnre the large::: -tuck of the different
kinds; of 31attrcso.s in Westent Nea•York.
lintel keepers can be supplied on reasonab!•
Three ( - berm Air the contemplated Canal
from Wellsi ille to Rochester; and hoping
that the Plaid: Road will be continued:of:Ltd
Coudersport durinff"
the ruining spring, and
that the sons and daughters , of benighted
Putter may he more: frequently seen in oar
aung city. -
.sitort .
31.irch a.
I r Is. •
The Clothing Department
aT "THE rEpet.r s CA6II STORE. "
..i_listantly on hand bv the still-Tr:her, mad,
up and immullicatotl by the best workmen.
loin c•o se'emed for thirability andquality,
rasec: being 1101 to supply the customer
with a laimlara article which he may •be in
, &teed to pitr , ..lmse.becattse it is so rery cheap.
!Nit :he erni is rery dear.: but to g:NI
him M the lira ift,i';l2le . ... an article which wdl
do him honest atid;good service for a reason
,.able ['nee.' All those desirous of being it at "The People's Cad!,
Citi:CKED WNCIIAMS in .vnrietv, and
pr.cps to F.MAYNA.R.D.
AIAY be found constantly on hand and for
sale, an variety of Spencer &
Granger's szmerl. M. 4 TTRESSE.S, of ever)
sort, kind, an:1; price,. front a t;E.r.t.l'iti Palm Ma!-
' tress to a super-English hair Mattreos at $lO.
Also, Lounge., Holotars, and Pillowo. All of
which tire oti . erCd to Hotel and Board ni
House keepers, and all other+ who hare ova
-1 man orm-e enotirtr — ro know that
feethcr bed, to make the be-4 of it, 1., but
breeder of du.e:iie flint a life-cuitailer,- -11
I lower prlee+ than can be found at any oilier
store in the coimly.•
Sale Agents (in The county) for the sale lit
the above g00d,.; ti-35 1r
Bo:ton Store, Wellsville, Jan. 1:1.
Academy Text Hook
A E L L". supply for sale low at
L/ZINC and Mitteral Paints, with directions
for using, at' • T. B. Ty LER'S.
PATENT Bed Cords, Clothei
Lines, Ilorse Cords, Curry Colubs;110ro
Bru , ll4s, to be sold at MANN'S.
JI. FURMAN. Horse and • Catt!e Doctor.
•respectfu informs the public that he bit
located in II ebroit tovutsh:p (atJosep h Stone's ) .
There lie i. prep :red to at end to in hn
profession. of long- ex' erience in the
bus ness, anti hopes by his superior skill and
ass.chiity to secure the patronage of the pia;
lic. • • 6-49 tics
101111I11'ENT NIEDIC.INES at Wholesale.
It.rt'111:1111S iilld Peril:lTß will he isupplieu
with all kinds of Patent • 14,1itiat..3 at Manu•
I . Juturers' whuld,ale prices by TYLER.
New Goods.
TB. TY LE4 has just returned from 111 6 -
*city. mid is now . prcpared to show the
larsLst sod bust stock of 13ruus. 51ediciuri ,
hunts, Oils, BOoks, Stationeri, Paper Gang.
:ogs, and Fancy Goods in the county.
lie is also prepared to ad! /over than st
Wellsville, and as low as any other establish .
meta in Coudersport.'
April 15, 1053.