The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, September 15, 1854, Image 4

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    . .
13uoiuzas Cartro..
'a-if:ern/0 a.t a in,.
'N. E. cortier6thaug
: 7 . -.1 it . . Piitt . ..tpEt;ilt.a.
Oft torncg at 'Lain,
otig.let - sport, Pa.
JUTI: IS. 15 11. tf
P. W. icrroxi
Coudersport, Pa; will :regularly 'attend the
courts iu Potter county. • 34011"
• A. , .P. CONE;
Wellsborougb; Tioga county, Pa, will replar
attensi 1.14 c courts of Potter county,
June 2, 15!8.
.• ,
uudeqiiglied having I.l t .eit entrusted
R•tllt the care of &event' large tracts of
land in this county, has made hiutSelf tis
diuninted with the lauds and laud titles of the
county, and will give iumediate attention to
any busincs l of this uature that may he en.
trusted to hint. , J. S..)IANN.
tosirian anti . itrßron,
couder l ovt, Pa; will attend to all calls for
professional assistance with promptness and
fidelity. Office on the west, side of Maimst.,
second door alxneithe Journal office. 347
M. R,' GAGE, M. D.,
speetfullv inform the citizens of Couders
port and Putier county, that he has .located
permanently' atnang 'them, and will attend
to all calls in his profession. Office—T. 13.
Tyler's Drug and Doak StOro 6-4
A TTORNEY AT LAW.,--011iee, East side
/I- of .the public square, Coudersport, I'a.
By special :Irrangettitnit the profe , nional .ser
vices of P.JOHNS(SN, Esq., may be engaged
through him in all cases in which ht is not
previously &wonted.
N, B.—All claims due and payable to the
undersigned,. personally and professionally,
may be found 111 the hands of Isaac Benson,
Esq.. fur adjustment. ' S. P:..TonNsex.
:March :3, I.le. 1-2tf
attand the several Courts in Potter
and Mlitraii counties. All business entrusted
to his care will rt ceive prompt attention.
Office on Main -street, opposite the Omit
Douse, Coudersport, Pa.
13_will attend to all Lusiness entrusted- to
Lis are with promptness and fidelity-.
'Oltiee—itt the Temperance' llio:1:, up stairs,
Main-street, Condor:4l=4 7-1
fatten rp, :%•,* Couttnclot Eats',
Gowlersport. Pa. utlice—s.north of the court'
house square, at " Tho Ptrople's Cash Store,'
up 614111.. 3-47
Cabinet-Maker S, Upholsterer,
exeente all order in las line of
ill' neatness and desratcli.
Place of irtisines—the i\lannfactdry foriveriy
wailed by G. W. Sttong—two doors above
Wui. Cro,liv's '
Ilaling Improved the building and ma
chinery, and employed g.cod Nvorkmen, he is
prepared to do work as well as the best:and
on tilort 6-30tt.
A .FEW pieces of new Music;
ma sic procured to order: also, •Tem
perailee and Illhet Tracts, or any periodicals
SeHoor. Bemis constantly on
hand, with paper, pens, slates, and every thing
needed for going to school.
C43:3if • M. W. MANN.
M . r,al . cr fu . 131,12 Cooltz,
Prcviatons ;
11Adware, Crovkvry mid Glass Ware ;
Boots & Shoes,Hats & Caps..
' and Warden Ware
In Fliort, sihnust everything usually. kept in a
Coon:ry Store. Ail ofwhich he offers for
gale at Very low. price.; for the pay.
Place of lorduess corner of halo and Sec
ond Streets, Condert+ort, at the old stand of
W. T.J nu lir. July 7, 1;7.'54. 7-...uf
IauSEV.—A good quality of !wilily for
s,tle iit B C. •S. 111111::,.
reyortr4 thlt Nebraska Bill in town
1. and by calling at the Hardware Store 0
James W. SOll.ll. pit Main s.rect, you can
find Ibr!Aa[c—cheap for cash or txelialuze, a
better re , s , oriment of •
Cooking, Box & Parlor Stoves,
All Fi arieties and. Sizes ;
C ;
Tin ,Capper and Sheet Iron Ware ;
Mill and s cut Saws, Hoop-iron, Nails and Chains;
Carpenter's Tools and Files, Iron-
Bars and Anvils;
A Gooclvariwy ilar4lwaie ; where
akdinay belimnd :I . ; e:itera! oFt , orunent of
Vottg, Sjappaurteb Znarr,
toge;lir good N ' arioty of
inch as
HAND and
Tubs ac., s c.,—
than can be
foilnd elsewhere in this county. And I Would
call eipeCial attention of those who wish to
purchase, to my large and wells elected stuck of
S'illiVES. • . •
Likewise that uty, •
Is all made of good material and by a skillful
and compeient workman. All lash is for you
to'Fall and see lily goods, price them, and I
have no doubt you will be satisfied with the
price and ginicis.
All kind: of produce taken for goods.
alio Inv per ton for old iron.
CoMersport, July 7, •.IL- ; 44. 7-Stf.
TTMIE bait.throo shiling tea and tad sugar ii
ht . 0 LSI STE D 'B..
A ,of
at low digurcs,coostantly Vu hand. Yard
u'id• Lawnt , , trona 6,1 coots upwards, at
. Hither,' Hungry.. •• •: ,"•
#1 , 71, , S. JONES . takes this .ntellied to inforrrl
• the p,eeple of C,outlerspert-and the .puh n
lie gcnerally, that be has ; just„ opened ;a ,Gro
eery and Provision atere,,wherebr .wilLkeep!
cousfantly everything in the line of "eats.
Ides," and which he will sell as ; reasonable as
can hi desired. ,The " subt.tantials , " ,;
ft und here at alLtirues, auch.m.YLOVlt- and
YORE, appetites.,,of .the,
ittty 'canals° be satisfied. '..rlicre fo re, sherd d
you for anYihing of thQ,kincl, please:o3U,
and et:ulnae before purchasing elsewhere,
and if he cannot satisfy you, your, case noißt
be, desperate. You
. will always find. : a fall
as,sortutent of Groceres, .eausisfurgs t ,of.
gars, Teas, Coffee, Saleratus, Spices, Ginger,
Candy, Crackers, Cranberries Sal. ,
men, Cothish, Ma,clituel, Blue Fish, Rice,
Mola , ses, Syrup,• &c. Also, at all ,tinies, ,
Pork, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Butter, (roll and
firkin,) Salt.,,lfunts, etc. etc,' •
Grain and all othcr kinds ofProdttee taken
in exchange for goods at the cash priee.
ti sstr C. S. JONES.
CA6.I I'AID lur Butter ut the
Jtim; 30, 1854
- PUthing NCH MUSTARD—A new en
tirely, for sale at C. S. JONES',
Coudersport Academy,
pin: slimmer term of this institution will
commence on Wednesday, July 26, 1654,
and continue eleven weeks. •
Elementoty . .branehe'i 7 -Orchography,
tieographl', Ari:lnne:ie, &e., $4.9.5
Higher First Lessuivi' in
AI aebrn ,' and G nantner,
Higher Eng!i,h branches, Algebra,
Higher Mathemalies, Latin, Greek.
and French Languages, .1125
Instruction on file Piano Forte, extra,...10.00
Use of instruniew,'
Vocal 3lusic,.free of char g e.
The under;:igned, Trus ees of the Colt:
dersport Academy, are moved by a sense of
official and perAoird ditty to int..e the alien- -
lion of the pubic—of puren:s w p.,r.icnitir, •
the rising and u,eful character of this insiiin
tion of :earning. When invited, a little mOre
than a frail:year ago, to the superin.endenee of
its affairs, we found it depressed and de
clining. We requested Moottiningdai'e
to become its Principal Teacher, and trusted
its organization and o. her most onerous affairs
to his discretion and management. Exper:ence
Iris proved hint to be fathful, Mildew, and
pracdcalHost. such an ins:roc:or as this com
munity need. The number of pupils in the
school is now over si s sy. We refer to Mr:
Illoomingdale's fulveidsement for information
as to the terms and cOndidons on which pit
pits are admitted, and for tither rims of imer
.est ; and recommend the • instlimion to the
patronage of the people.
11. 11. DENT, 'President,
Timm s 13. TiLwit, Secretary,
. „
111.N11.1 OLMSTED, Treilburer, '
F. L. Joscs,
G. G. Coo - ix, 11 77 (PH
New Books at Tyler's.
INNIE HERMAN. alter: Temperance
Thurlow W. Brown.
Conflict of Ages, - by Beecher.
Review of the same,
Moral Aspects of City Life Chapin.
Sacred Streams, - Cheerer.
Spirit Manifestations Examined
and Explained. D.:1;
The Old Brewery , by ladies of the Mission.
llistmy of the French Protestat
Refugees, hy . Weiss.
The Higher Law, by ' Ilosmcr.
Life on the Plains and in the diggings.
Cyclopedia of Entifrtaining
Life of Christ and his Apostles. Fleetwood.
Poetical Works o'f the Davidson Si s ters.
Alum - lc:in Fruit Culturist,'
TM-American Farmer, Blake.
I Aincrican Lady's Cook Book.
Dair‘lll7lll . s Manual; Evans.
Coibt7r's Shakspeare, 8 vols.
A Popular Cyclopedia of Modern Domestic
:11edicincs, comprising every recent improve
ment in Medical knowledge, with it plain
account of the Medicines in conunun use—by
Emrit T, M. D. to which are prefixed
by the Ammican editor. popular treatises on
Anmomy, Sur.fory; Woks.' and
the management Of the; sick. Designed tur
general use. ~
VIOLIN - Strings at
Drug and Book Store.
VIOLINS and Flutes just received by
WALL Papers. ow aud lit•atiliati pat
icrus at • 'l'l LE R'S.
Opotcrsm fowl--Soot; Lead,
and every:hing inthn Ammunition,
mid Fishing Tnekin of the best nwility and ut
low prices at TYLERS.
SeLool, University, Ueta , ,u, and Quurto
ciiitiun:4, fur Dale by
T_YON'S I(ATIiAIRON and other
preparatibus 1.0 eleimsing and
übeutifyiv i g the ll.Aetty 14 sale :tt
lISUSS :liana to build or repair. Will find
a complete ,!ecli italow Sa..b; l'utty,
Paints and Vib, cur sale at lair prices by
- 1( t. FURMAN, .llorse and Cattle Doctor,
eY isrespecicully informs the public that he has
located in Hebron towosh p (at:Joseph Stoite's)
IA here he is prepared to at end to,.in his
profession: lie is of long experience m the
bus.itess, and hopes by hu superior skill and
assiduity to secure the patronage of the pub
lic. 6-19 Mn
Merchants and Pedlars will be supplied
with all kinds of Patent Medicines at Manu
facturers' Wholesale prices by TILER.
Pails, and
TB. TYLER bits just returned from Alic
icity, and is now. prepared to show. lilt
larsest and best stuck of Drugs. Medicines,
Palms, Oils, Books, SNzioucry, Paper Bang,
" i ngs,.and Fancy (lands jeithe .county..
lie is also prepared to sell lou-cr thtin nt
and as low as'any other establish.
meat in.Coutlersport.
April 15, 1053.
eabrita Dna*.
Wishes to inform the citizens of Coudersport ,
and the surrounding country, that he will exe-:
cute'all orders in his line of business at short.
notice and reasonable prices. '
Place of business. near the Presbyterian
Church. • • 7. IT
AS;3oltTED,Pjaklos in jars for sale by
c. it...JONES
'll LEH
New Goods.
Lewis' Mann
. „
Ts againjunne; in the store opposite the North
east the public engem, and is ' re
ceiving AlirectJittno icew-vork. city—not 'a
a manunoth stoc,k", of , winter goods,•but
cient to fill up the old siore t'which goods are
-now - offered for inspection and examination.
He would - therefore say tb the bid customer,
step in and see . his assortments and to the
people generally,- that all • his .goods are foe'
sale—lto will be happy to receive $' calls."
THE Ladies wilt find; at 3i :tan's store Cock:
eow,Washington,Merrimaek, Alicia
&. - Son'e,'and other choice'rarietins of Prints,
%sweated bif thei sub4rlber NOT Tip FADE.
Petaines at 3lann's.
Puramekta9, Eng Fifth and French Seri.
n63.u.t . • MA N'3.
GINGIIAAiS—Ln good assortment of
QIISS and Dress 'Trimmings
SHAWLS of various patterns and qnalkies,
►JLadios' and Children's; Hoods; at '
- •
0:131BRICS, Bishop tawns,Vietoria Lawns,
1 4. -../Cap LaCe, Crape, Rus'd Mmi:in, Linnet'.
Iladkif, Embroidered do. Mus;in Edgings,
Conti!! do., Linnen do„ Ladies' Collars,
lets, Uudershieves, Litdies skirts, do., Caps„ to
to he round at MANN's.
A Large lot of Hosiery at
iI? you Want warm S . Mehings for the child
erm you will find them m SIANN's.
rIAITER BOOTS, Busksing, and the other
variety of Shoes, tpu be found at
ATS, Caps Comforiers, Wrappers, Draw
,ers, Buck Gloves , do., 3liuens,
Lined G!oves, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Suspend
ers: Call at 31 ANN
R OTS' and Yotiths' Boots at
IM.ACK mid Grecn . TiAls, of excellent fla
13vor, and at nuist reasonable luiici s. i Su.7
ears, White and Blown do.. Girl.. Gingt r,
UG AR S, Teas, Collee, Rice, Ginger, Pep- Lic e,
1,; 1 : ct.. i i i ;"l a i i l ' i ci i . ;; N y '::: i " , ; .y g:. l( C ) a i' ; s it i . a n ' se P i' i i : u i m 'i l b a , " )
/-Jper,ll , piov., Stpreli, S;LIIIUS, 6/14:111dy Oil 10,, . 1 _ ' , ,
Liv:. .11 , ...e“. :1111l il ..11)(21i01 Zit . ' icf, uf Ciilleo
hand at ',l ANNs'. t,.. , ,
' that cannot Saul to ph ate
,a-11 the .i.lweli an d
- DIIILUG Tobacco, fine-Cut do., Cbewing'and , some of thel iin lioi.-s, at lie
_ 1
_IIL-Smoking at .. . IIIANN's. j - . i'f..ol'l.,E'.S CASH. OTorcE.
EATING, :Shirting, Batts, null Cotton
/...)Ynn. at „ •-• .- ' • 31.-INN's.
Tr Yoil tCant Axes, Hatchet., Bummers, 31111
~ --i . —,,
. 4 ., l y e
.. --...-. y ,
AND Glass 11. u,... u
.A. 1 - ..
..I:Saw, Cros-cut do., Hand. do., Chisels, Au. i.."
gurs, Aug er Bits, 'Ff:es of all kinds, St eel , ‘5....-----7.-- R .. L'livietv, I li a %%ill pi.
:Squares, Iron do., Try do., call at , ,Le eye w...the tin,t inspcetton.:, ! . L,..
0, ,,.
___.. -1 ITOVI.E 4 S CAN.! ;s I Dn..
T E%VIS MANN keeps constantly un hand
.11 Shoiels, Squares, Manure liorkg, Fire
1)oors ll:lndies, Butts, Scrim's,
Lo . chs—all sizes—Shoe iNeles, Finishing
fi)r , ale at
POCLET Knives, Tab;edo. Call 70:
MANN'S Store
Ems MANN La: for sale shot, Lead,
Powder, Fh4s,
• • • • • • is
- ,EV,...% . •
02- 4 •9" 111 ._ IatREES - 11 • would say Ti) the
public that he is now receiving a stock of
(;Duds, which he will be happy to show to all
who may favor hint with a call. 'You can find
by calling on him a good assortment of Lawns.
Poplins, ilareges, Mirage DeLaines. U Br es,
Silks, &c.. &c. Also. Prints, Ginghanis; Do
mestics of all kinds, Groceries, Crockery. and
a large stock of f.loots and Shoes; all of - which
will he said as low as they call be bought
elsewhere. -
lIIIAKEICS I;cutua und
nt T)
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
e ll
. nr,.11.1.1,A111.11), o is , Tit . ilor , . :.}i A l il k.
wilt' irilinvs, coirdort, and tiiir,ddiity.
:"..' Silty over Lewis ,\l“iiii',i istiire. ii.:37
VItESII Burning Fluid and .G.unpliinu ut
the DRUG and 1300E-s-r0
Magazines for September,
rutr . Eu.,..ou l ky, c;ruham, and rutimin,
il j ust and for aule at 25 evilly per
number, by . TYLER.
War Declared at Last.
FIE long repo .of Eur Ope is about
to be tliittn•bcd by the leezle's Dote :mil
the reville of the
. drtoh. i!S slumber;
jog titilliotn; to arins in the du: - Itoise of their - ,
lirmides and thcir country. lingiand and
France ure lhr men and touts told
sending forward their:um:4's to battle auttinst
the rt,!gressions tul the Russian llear: butt
while the Old World is convulsed by revoht•
toot, unusual peace, and plenty nigut in the
fn the peaceful and quiet pursuit of our
business we have formed a toinulni r hip
under'llie name and style t 1 N. S. Erri.Eß
and have taken the store .in Empire
Block. in the villare of Olean, foinierly occu
pied by Thing Brother, mot are now re
ceiving a slden'aid new stock ol muds adapted
to the stql:Till Inch . With 111 , ! CollllllUllity,
whiell ' e intend to sell exclusively fi , r cash
down, at priees'llnt will muse c on s t e rnation
and dismay in the ranks of old that
has been so lour establidied'in Ibis section.
Our stock 'will consiit in part of the follow
ing Goods
Hardware, - Crockery, Boots & Shoes,
Hats, ,• -Caps, Carpets,..
"Oil Cloths, Drurs, Medicines,
-Dye StottK, Glue, Paints & Oils,
'Sash:,.' • - Putty; • Chaii•s,
• Bedsteads; Mattresses, Feathers
and W m'len Ware,
. .
And we lileall to kelp Sill h auussartnuld.of
the above rbndslliat persons from a distance
eau hi? asstired of finding everything they
usually want at prices that will do thiiiii goad
Call ;Ind see for yam-selves: 3 .
Olean.' May 5, 1854. 6-51
New Books,
rIANNY FERN'S - cu' Volume, or
.1.: Second Series of Fern Leaves.
Silver. Cup and Sparkling Crops, for the
Friends, of Temperance.
Cotton's United States Gazeteer.
Greece; and the Golden Horn, by Ste
. • 'Omit
Lite and Say lags of Mrs. Partin gu n •
Morning Stara of the New 1•Vorld, by 11.
F. Parker. •
A new and large collection of choice Books
for children.. Just received by •
T . . B. TYLER.
•Drafting Instruments, .
Water CQIo6, ❑rawiog Paper, Pei:cils, ;10
Biiisties; just fecei'vtil at , . 31-LEW&
T l:As;fre,k_aild c . he4p, at
Al . '
A, .IVll9letale.atl leetail at
•. ,
:The People's Ca§h Store l .i
Soinething New. and Sotnethhig
Wanted. '"'
grin E subscriber has just received l from the
city of New-York, and • <weed _at the
store. formerly occupied by Baskin
on the north side of the Court tlousi• Square,
a selected assortment, of New' Goods, coM
priSitig Etry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, aiid
. The motto of business —adopted.- 7 .i5.. the
sure shilling and the . bively sixpenc:e.!' The
above Goods will therefore be sold exclu.
sively . fur either cash or ready-pay in hand,
and upon, such terms that the purchaser can
not lie otherwise than satisfied that he.has
made a Food bargain—reoeivedr: quid pro quo
—something for.someiling in. value for. his
money. Au exchange will gladly, be made
with the Farmer. for his Produce: Butter,
Cheese, Eggs. Grain , in any qua mity, and With
it; the more (I:isle:4 better. The subscriber
will at all times take pleasure in exhibiting
his Goods to the customer, that quality and
prices may be examiued, ;
C'plilersport. July 15. 1853. 6-itf
A NIONG many other articles foit the ladies,
11—of fancy and rich worth, will: be foiind
at the Peopk's Cash Store, fine \Vdrked Col
lars, of different decips and patterns. 'r
.BLEACH ED Sheeting and Shirtiig, Bniwn
Candle 11 irk, Stunther Cloth for
childrou'A wear,: Bed Ticking, Toweling,
We Linnet], Brown, White do.. a. snperior
article of Danoo.k. all .porn table
Sin:rads. An examination will ricommead
than better titan anything else.
111 . 11 VS
.t "'nit, People's Cush Suiret May be
lifound a selected loi of . Prints, of English,.
French, and American GoOds,
prices agreeit,g admirably.'Please- utitt
T.IIA ROW A E. —Sy his and .of
ilinatcros long trird anti found tube 'Fried,
Intics nue' 11111) -,tom Sltv-rrii;t Files; : D o or
I hindles, Ditches, 1111t,eritl Knobs, (vL hi:e and
browit,)' Alorice Loela, \VI ou2hi Butts for
Delon:, of all sim•s. Cutlets, •
quality for the tablo, and for for luu,ket, to the
Tin and Hardware,
tinder:i L ,med has connuctedlwith
his Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, and ''Stove'
Bositiess. tint of HA - CIANtA it and
LI:IRV—so that in addition to the Inudnesx
herett:fore eouiinetul by him, he i[:4 now ; ready
supply the public will: almost every voriely
'of I In d ‘vare. :Mill and Cross-Cut Saws„ifoop
Iron. Nails, Cable and (ix Chnins,Carpener
Adzes and itroatilxes, hLwilln itupr for.Ca-
Ides. A general• assortin: at of
11:are, Toys of every description ; and
in short, he designs to krep all snill things as
the pllblic want: in his line, whirl: lie . will
nor-for less than mist, but for a. NEM .
!MALL inde - lat, and hopes by a strict
attention to his business to receive :liberal
share of public patriautF.e.'
All kink or Pro:hire taken in rx:ba:4;f: for
GoodS. at :he hiiest marketpriees ;
per ton paid fur oldiron
LEAD. AN I ) EE P.Rom : NU,
The ;Veikv-Zersey Zhic ComiLany
'laving groat!? enlarpal theft ‘9:oc:;'.;„ and
iniprovialrho yaidily ;if Ihcir proiluets are
iirelinred to t, eine ortiera for their SUPE
-llllill PAINTS. dry, and ground in
,oil. in
to:sortvd_ Irian '23 to 3110 1 : 1) ti !la t.;
also,Pry. barrels, of .200 fic indseach.
Their \ V II ITE ZINC, %% Lich is said dry, of
gr.muil in oil, i. ‘varrantea Pare .litt•tir
pass.cil for hotly Und uniform 5% Lifer' ss
A inetlioil ut pre paroliOu has l'et•el.ilv been
cli,envered, «fetch emibles the I;oniC3ny to
wurrant their paints to keep freSll scft iu
the keg, 'for shy reasOnulile tilt. ht this
res t ', ca isle it r iiios will lie i.uperior any
other in the mat k..A.
Their IiIICA,VN ZINC; PAINT. whirlsis
soli( at - a lo price, mai r ,
a only wale
hvm the Zinc ores front Ne%%-fi r•ey, is flow
Well known for its liroiectit e tptaliues %%hen
applied to iron nr oihe r metallic silt far, es.'
Their STU:\ E—CULUR l' NI NT
all the qualities of the Brown. :Hid is or- :tit
agreeable color for painting Cottagi.s,;Deptits;
I)ealtls ....61iplied on liberal tern: by their
1\ holesale I'MMl)ealms ::ml Importers,
iN. \V .'cur. lOtll.c..=:krarket-,1,,
Premium Fanning Mills
Inp urtant lb Fitrincrs-and 31e0anics.
j 111 E subscriber has purchased of J:
or i‘ o l u i g u l:i . right thouo has t o
a u is s o e: z i t i t Putter a c ti x (l : l l
' IN Kean counties his patent in the construction I
1 of '
tinning ßan I
beast!, commenced the manufacture of a PRE- '
MIUM. MILE which will clean from lOU to
2up hushe s per hour. This Mill was pate , ted
I March 20. .1647, since which time it has stood
at the heath of the list stall the State a l ad cenn
ty agriculturul societies , Moil been ex
hibited. and is a universal favorite{ with t.II
armors who have tried it. It took lam pre
mium at :the first Agricultural Fait held at
liarrisburg. Oct. 31st, 1 0 51, when there were
30,00'1 people present; and af the great State
Agricultural Fair at N e w-York, liekkat Roch
ester ,Sept. 16-.19, ]1:51, this Fanning Mill
received the highest honors.
Having met with uniform _success Wherever
tried, I continently invite the farmers of Potter
and M'Kean counties to call at My shop in
Coudersport and examia (for themselvLs.
A supply always on hand, to ho sold.on rea
sonable terms;
THE subscribe' lo:rtliy gives no'ice to the
public that Lavin:; - PETlitt
his note for t-ighlytloliars,- bent inglilate
the bast of Nlarelt, ISS-.1, payable September,
1856, aiid liavitiv: never reeeiVea Pity Vail:Li
therefor, he 'sill refuse-to pay the i.itioe;
therefore he wt.rns tuty person frtint buying
the said note, with tutu expectation Of his pay
ing it... [651.] t.:ONSIPEIIt STEAIINS.
Mill OWIIFTS apply (it
Oil 6,r machinery at saiistaetory juices, and
iTva ny coantity at
Machine Oil.
TYLER'S Drtig Store.
New Goods for the bummer Trade.
W. SPENCER would respectfully in
. form the inhabitants of Coudersport
and c iciuity that he is now receiving a k RUM
w loch be sold as cheap as the cheapest
Ile would also return heartfelt thanks to his
old cu.tomers and friends fair their past patron
and would be'glad to show them any
goods which ho has, and will try to sax e them
at tea.a 10 per cent.M, calling and examining
before purchasim , elsewhere.
• GRoe, HERE t ike the lib
- r-R I ES: .tert , , to inform the peo
ple of Coudersport and
Potter county that I on still at me new stand
opposite the north side of the public square,
where may be found Gluier sof all kind:
conm,inti) on hand, such as Tea, Sugar, Cof
fee, Saleratm, Ginger, Mustard, 'Tobacco,
:-nufl, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Confectionery,
My motto is, "The nimble: sixpence in pre
ference to the slow "
brigs, Medicines,
1010ATENT :MEDICINES, Spirits of
-61- Turpentine, Camp'line, Burning
Soup,.Candles, for 'sale low at
PAP, Lettcg, and Note Paper, all or
viiiti A ionerv, Steel-pen II older NV:lllgs,
Sealing Wax, Send, Ink, Pocket-Books, En
velopes, Visiting Card:, Jewelry, Fine Cut
lery, and a variety of Fancy Articles, together
with Sift: and Thread; etc., at
rfryJRAIN, Butter. Lard, EgO, Pog4,
‘1 ,3 ste:4, taken for goodi at their cash value.
Cat4ll not relh , ed. D. W. SPENCER.
IPUTSUR and Lard of a superior quality
lbr.s6le PEN.CER's.
NY one desirott4 of a ' od quality of
-ritiyrup of Molasses will do well to cell at
County Orders Taken at Par
r i it 000 at:, at
ARIES, if you aattt a nice Bonnet, von
I will do Well to call on :iI'ENCER.
Tl> ABEarr'S Yeast Powder for sale by
XTEW TIIING.—Pure Ground Coffee—
..Ll great thilig for the ladies. SPENCER.
IITIIONTRIPTIC, Cod Liver Oil . , and
. 11 many other popnli,r Medicines Mr Sa
" T-lallOo ! Halloo ! Halloo !
QPE N C l:'., It is in town! Mountains of
)2.)1t.1:AD1 - -. C1.11"I'll ENG for almost
nolhitig. I ha% a ',might this coat, this vest,
no d ,he se p a ifis—a:ll'; broke, either! hurrah! - - •
All the biltOVA sill.lll itrt , re , aI . „ c ~,,s T.N DIAN 11-iAl:'atttl III:Ch. - WHEAT con
coat.! Hurrah! 'lnt, 'to be candid, frienik, , il_stantly on hand at the
there's ng like it in all the contithry. I . IC\\' Pitt N - ISIiIN STOPr._ .
•J"'"1 g" over there , and for a halt' 0 ' noIdug G R.NIN and Produce of all kind. takeu:u
he 'II sell ve a rig that, though e 're the big- 1 exchatr , e-fitr siornis or this store'.
gest rascal above ground; Will make ve tis tier I C. S. JONES:
as a praist to look at : though ye haint a (tint I ---_.
in ve • r . p „,.!,,,,,, , na.,, w i ll how ~,i , l
~,,r.,1„, to, Ti .1..N1tt . , and Shottideri—a nett., asortllua...
to us though ye were • millionaires, and. t. real ' i -11--g- a : . C. S. JON I:S .
gentlemans.' Fashion! Great thing! Bets ! Al c ...l ks o r ~; .ku i, at the ' '
ter dead than not of it—many an hones; fellow I 1 , - 1 Nyw. pßovi,:t());. s'rxiu:.
. .
J,,, been • eor bee.oe.e or [lto cut of his ; ' . _
het no datt:ter ti• ve hoe or. speoce:,—hi; , t -1
cloths are, instl the. tit...llion:" , ' _'the quart or bitshel, at C. S. JONES'.
The subscriber has jit:t received a laree I
. stock of heady-glade Clothing, of the _latest. I JOHN - RE CIIIIOW,
style and best quality, which are well inade, t Carriage anti Sleigiv•Maker.
awl will be ,ul,l low, I). IV. svEy,cm:
... . 1 rg - 1111:,s , tb,_crilivr . rositertfillly gives near
- Dl' I.V LIU 1. LI) Corn Starch, tbr food, fin 1 X that he i:l. prepared to-do all the birdie , .
-IL ~11 , 1, :1. ..-- ' 1 ' 1: N(. 1 :11 .' 1.111 tilt. above line, at the shortest lio , ice, at . r. i
C ...... :1 614 c i i.„ln Tartar, Magnesia.!.Cum. I now shop, two ikon: 'i‘c,st of the Comiertport
o(ll:irk:Salts. and Glue, for sale a: the 1 .11we'.. .. " JOIIN RE.CIi.IIOIV.
610)(1:ALI" S'EolZ I:. i '
eI VI` OPEI. and coachcoachvarnish can be had at I I'NS:1111'1I,COIRIer , 111ift, Pa. Fire Arai
1 kiSfit'er' s ll 0 very reasonable term Is. Cintantitlictined and repaired. at his
- .
(111. OF TAR, .INI etch...lll's Gargling ()11, to t sil"rt . l l l" l i r ''•
. SPI..NCFiII:s. . I -Thl r c h• 3 ' .1.-'4.4. '
4 ,- , he had :tt - ........____
(, - , t i n I io'r AN I) 1,1i.11) at timer figures thatt . The Clothing Department
I "down tork it at SPENCLIF I
s. AT '. "rit ri rtoci.t.'s r.tsn s•fortr..”
• -- -- - • 113 IiAI)Y-MADE 1 - I.OTIIING Itept r,:
` V I.\\ - arEcle of : 4 1ituttie - r li,,i, :It - I ai.ii. , !:oitly ~t 1 hand-dirlthe subscrlber, ng.rit
-s-1 s."PENCEIt'S.' •
! op mot toatitilite:ored t thr best 1% ork:re:
t BIETTI:11 1 bility Indrel'l't
s ,:i teif ,i„,, „f ( ••„ t y,,....' it „ t / •„ tt . t a li'4oll ,•'41:11: ..,'.1.r.'.1 . 11 .ir 1.11111 . . ~. ••
ill. the county than at SPENCER'S i the olc - oc: being no to supply the ctier•r''
l•N%itli a bund,o , arrirle v:11:ch hi' DE:,' hr.
T EA by the circa or pound for ,:if cby ' dared to Lurch-.-e lirl.;111•1` I• is ,o rrry r 4 rr
- SI'IINCE.II.. ' hot Ydfielt in the end is rt ry dear; Ito: tor. i
. 1
hint in lip tiro. insuittee an :olicle width Y
: 1/elrsr Goods. ' ' Ido him honest atul',:itod -entice foi a I'l'•"'•
1 - 1 IV. SPENCER. bas just re'orited front I ahre prlce. . 1 .11 d.-orolts ht I.ritir, ~,
• tht. eilv %%Hi a' large stork or (Iroce- I ocemwooda:cd, cad! at "'lite l'; 1 op'1:s l'a4l
ries, Clodtitig, Drugs ;Ind Medivine , ; :.nil a or.. L. F. )IA \ NARD.
.general a , ,Ortitienis of l'aney , Article-, and I
mon - other thing , too iiiiiiiocoo , 10 oloirliiii,
Noiiiiii will be sool lots- for ,(•::,11 or ready-pay. ;
I,t - C; Tun.kruo—rte ('no;, tilt-A log, ; IYIATTRESSES
land Smoking, by the Round: at ' IN 11 - 1"1,1,S1'1,1.1.1i, AT 'EI I E GREAT an!
; 1.... SPI.N('EICS. ! TON STOII.E, No, tll iNIAIN•dsT.
...... • - I ~,
"1 C om ., , t o h r i o , mil fl ,7,it'' . ( . ,,,,,,1 lb "lii,: , !,1 AI - 1, , ' i'W.11:(1 star -..::ln'y on hand an- ,
Le 4
, a!o, an - 1“.1(.(14'Ve Vill ietv of Sprucvr &
TIR. CI 'RTES . 111'111:NIA % or lob din,•4 . Granger's sopyrli .11.171'!:1.`.»!:.<, of esti!
_11../11Ygean Vapor and( Ite(ry syrup. lor the t ::rt, Lind, and price, from a l' , ..1 1 •5 11 Taira 3 ' l ' .
core :if ' Pulmonary ('onsomption, .1•111 Ina, , cross to a sraper-E:odosh halt Maurrss at .5. 11 '.
I:rot:el:1C,, Cough,, (.',i'ds, and ail Long and ; _kb-0; L o unges, Bolslors, and Pi.lov. - s. .VII -I
Liver complaints. A new :netliod of ItilialNk• I lifthlt are •ifilI,r:•:1 to Ilutel and lloa,d 1
1:01111)r :lie cure of the :tlor. e mooed Ili-ea-es,l t llott•-e heer.cs, and al! other. who have e^7 -
1 For : , ,t:e by 1). V 1 *• SFENCER• t moo ,•ense enough to know that a 1 . .. , L'Y
I; a'',rr Ltd. to make the best of it, i' ha!:
Keeder of id. , -• • • ;did a Hese:trio . ..l:cr. -11
luster pr . :re- :hat e.: fotnol at ally o:'(
Perpetuate Family Faces
A LI, NVIIO t• do so sltotthl not looff
-Idolav go:ma to I.' 11.\“1 . 1:1:111.:AN
11-ALIA:A:V. The is xxoelsly pro
clueing !tumult . miniantre portraits . In the
most plea-ting style and at n o t -t• reasonnWe
priee.S. • A pleasant room is open, and every
. 000 is wt‘leonte . to Call tunl examine speei
mem; whenever they (dowse. Tlto,4e %din
to he secure of a sitting ,honld not come
late in the day.
4.;a11en . ; open only on Saturdays.
ti..3litt . . J. 11". C.\ S.EV.
UN'I'EN'S celebrated Instructions
for th.• Piano-Forte:
P,orrowes . Pi:am-Forte Primmer;
Usiion C;l.•c Book :
.. neNV ' . :11 , !(!t. .
Fur Sale by T. R. TYLER.
A NEW s.upply of Fluid and Cam
patterns just recciActl and fur suit. mum: la
1Y I.EirS.
Governor of the S:ate of New-Vork
• 1-
has nppoin.ed the s t d,rritier a Commis
idoner for the .t..;ttre. of New-1 ork, to the
acknow.felgutent of Deeds end thher instrn
tuents, and to tohninister oaths to on
act of the Lrgiiiature of ,the Nutt State.
Coudersport, Dec. 12,
. _Clothing, Clothing.
rIIi: p!rien to buy tent-made Clothing , at a
Ia low price (a largo :twig; 19,elec; lrnml
is at OLMSTE)'S.
XEIrsG 0 o_l9
TAOUBTLFZO there are, many persona is
ilCoudeispelft and vicinity w ho have never
visited the fatuous BOSTON S'PORE at the
fust.growing of Welleßille. The No.
of this store is 94, NvitiO nuntber is over the
• 94
• o'En'ltsi norm.
This establishment -is one of the lure.
ING Depots in Allegany
.county. Hundreds
ix customers from Potter counts , buy all their
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, ant otherfiind, •
ht th:s great mart of business. But still them
are lhose whit have nover.happened to 1.0
into the path that leads, most assuredly, to
economy and - wealth. • That pith lea& 0
ea.,l buyers straightway to the
We have no enemies to punish, no_friends
to reward. We sell for ready pay, and take
in exchange for Goods the following uselld
articles, viz,:
Cash ' Tallow Venison Oate
Beeswax . Fur Beans Socks
I tides Wheat Yarn Rags
Potatoes Wool Butter & r., At
We are now receiving, from our shop et
llochester,ahout ten cord. of the best-BOOTS
and SHO 1 . ..4 sold in:the county: We keep
'constantly On hand--
•Men's India Rubber _Hoag, -
" Over-Shoe*,
" Coat., •
" - " " Panti,
With a % cry extensive .stoek of Tancs.
VALI:SFS, and c . .‘ apET BAGS, choice
Black and Colored Dress Silk., Alpaca, De.
l.•tine+,'l'itibet Cloths, Prints, Gingliats, rad
other Drys+ Goail.=—together with a-genertl
variety of Dry (loads.
i Shawls r Sha.vrls. , 4
In particular, ‘ve «uuld call the attenlinn
the lathe:: .greirl , ariety - of 511.4117,5,
el eery' pre,ible kir) altogether tuu nn
nieroui to nwnliou.
We hare the largest stock of the different
kliols of Mattres:les in We-tern New• York.
llotel keepers cult be supplied on re:minable
Three CheerA fur the contemplated (int:
from. Wellsville to Rochester; and Impel.
tlntt the Plank Itomb will be continued outs
Louder-port during the coming i4pthlg,
that the ti,m+ and daughter 4 of heinghtn
Potter may ho more frequently seen in our
We remain your ob't serv'tg, 1
L NC EY C o.
Wel!swine, Jan. 1:1, Cs-:a lien
- MACKEREL, zialmon, -and Blue It
-- 11:i'1:1:1()It" Sperm and 'Fallow C . :milt-la
('. S. JONES' 1'1'011: 4 10N STORE.
GINGILN'AIS iu varirly,alid
pra to Nnit. •L. I'AMAYN
Auri. in 1:m. Cllllll'.
IAN(•IN & CU.,
Atren! , , (in the come.) ) for the ef
th, ;Wm, .2. , 041:.•
1:<;4. _
Academy Text. Bootot
A .41 , 1'4 for sat• 1 0 1 l at
" • TVI.ER'?
rziNc and :Nlinf!ral Oirectio
for using, It T. .13.711.1:10.:.
ip.vrENT 1'.\11,5,. Bed
.I- Lines, 1 Cord 3, Curry l• Hero
to lie sold at MANN'S.
- -
FOR trial in the Court of Common Pleat
(*minty, at .t.;eitteiliberteriu
Jame , C. Carson %s. Verse' I)iekettson.
Juin] .kealing ef. al. vs. Verse'', Dichenioni
John keatinli et. al. vs. Edson. Warner.
John M. I.:unlit:ruin vs. James It. AVrigt)!.
ThonuN loe.:cs. Frank L. J une
Janie. Ayer. v.. Jinni!.lS,irtr u,
Bingham Seli;)(r1 Disrrie! C. C. Crum, to-
Cliester Andre„ s vs. M. J. N. llaskin,
Clark vs. Daniel It. Ibuicock 31.
T. Jones & A.l'. Jones vs. Julius Bake''
NV. T. J one , & ft. F. Jones Edmund Al, o r!..
! W. T. Jones & A. F. Jones vs. C. I'. Cool.
Henry 114n - bort vs. :Nlachii Ilurburt,
I Willi uu Caron vs. Charles W. Johnso'n,
Na :ICI W. Abbey Ns. J. C. Bronson 4@ Chu :"
N. L. Dili , • t s. Ica tie Benson. -
1 1'. 0. spencer vs. Na4ban ‘Vondeock.
• • . If. J. oLmiTED ,
Prothonolarj's Office. __Prothountarj•
Coudersport July 27, I