4 anW.Nebranfta Cart.. . FOR GOVERNOR, LINES POLLOCK 9 OF NORTHUSIIHHILAND. FOR - CANAL COMMISSIONER, GEO.,DARSIE, OF ALLEGHENY. • FOR SUPREME JUDGE, .DANIEL M. SMYSER, OF MONTGOMERY. BOLL ON THAT BALL. Every free State that has held an election sine: the introduction into the Senate of the Douglas LW, has struck douse Me allies o - Slavery, and has said in thunder tones to the Slave Power, You shall rule this nation no 1 mger ; hereafter Freolone shall pre dominate in the legislation of this New-Harupshite,Conneeticut, lElode-island, and TowA, have already sent their cheerlug shouti across the ,continent; and now we add that of Ve;mont. Last year the old line ,lemorrats united with the,free soilers and carried the. State. But the crush ing out process of the Adminisi ration ,?roue all free soil men away from the v ; and HOW the Administration is , rlirle. The N . Trel,une of Sept. 9 says The Anti-Nehraska victory is more over tlain Nytei at fires ro;ior.ed. We breve Judge 11 ice's uraforay for Governor uII not t a ll t„.t asv itiatO whi 0 thwit of Gen. f:etcher for Lent. Governor, end Bates for Trevsurer, will ran up to Moen.' It is understood that the Pierce and Doug ::,'men have not carried a County or Senator o: the State—not a member of Congrei , ..'nor S e officer. That Douglas' notirc comic warns '2.z Anti's to t 2 Nebrasktis—dhat out of :::ta members elected, the Douglas men will tot ha% If we are not mists - dten, we have flegnently heard the excrescence hun ker speaker assert, that the people of Vermont were the most iniciThe.ent and the most 'democratic ()f.' any in this Nation. lf it would not Le cut, we should like to have his opin- a to the democracy of tile yute:-s Vermont now, and 1% - i:ether they tl; intedigeut as they used to le, fl his opinion. Our own opinion is, brat intl . . ll . Pre:We i death litnikeri unl ice 11.- - k. the vlitZ a ni ut • this eOlllltV, io imitate the glorious example of their Vermont brothers, by giving ;he allies of Douglas in this cotiiiv bettler. ( j uartody sew-inn of the ill-and .1. od I.',..miplars lately h ‘Villialusport was lyell anend ,• I. ;Old e - xerte.l a happy influence. O ar trood Ii icml, liev..l ! iiel Jewel of llr!AlliirdCo., was there. iUld did good ice, as we learn the following Lragra ph-from the ladr i madeat P ITS.? : \Vedne•day nh-zht the t'oart House was \Ni.h lii ituere , .ed and imefligen: attdi ,la v.ILIA: IZe‘. .11r. .I(.v.e.', ()I' Bradford, I;u:11 usually ab . e 111.1 re.icimit; - upon the noirils and nece , -iiies of a Troll bilory Loa . . Uu Thur,ilar the Grand laid: e via , engaged in hearing appeals and repi coatiiiiiiees, and hrolight their to a c.n.o about 15 o'ciiiek I'. :11. In key. Dr. liouglierzy of Belle z.l% e well planned iiddre , ,, anQwering ;he varion, ub . ectiuu, to the Tent or;...,.alization, of die day, and ivi.s oied hr the let-. Mr. ileo el, in a lirier, nen . . and hainoroii: :hat ya.;eti :.1 au.l r:1 - 1'lle long dronth has finally ~t ne to an end. It commenced rain ; 1,11 Friday niglit last, and can :laid at intervals for n u• days, I:ing nnit h tits , . the ground n•ss soaked. The fill feed Tottiti-eA to he abtmlant. Potatoes The laieklviteat re ouniag in tine ror than an uveruge, and ,ra never was better in this enunt firrner3 are leuking up, and Nve t:iyice that we. have escaped so well. from the Phihttlelphia [l;6ly DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. 1 . 1.0 Free Democratic State Con asscloblcd ishurz, Atli ! . 30th. I)r. Robert. Mitchell, of esident, aml Elillin, of ti cc V. The rullow .; resolutions wei.e tidopied and or ': : , -(1 to he pub]; - 1 1 ed: 1. Re.kydred, Prat the so called dem- Nati(' party, by its system:hie sub -:-.if.ner to the slave power • country, as maoife , ted by a se ormeasure, [the la, , t of which, Ntbraska-Kansas bill, involving ropeal of the Missi,ori compro '"l.-c4; has given the most indubitable that it intend.; to sub,nit to e , v '''Y demand on that power, even t "'" 1 :11 it mar involve • the in tm(laction of siavery into "the free the revival of the foreign slave ;rad, , , and the prostration of the pop •hr branch of our government, by : 11 iinv it subservent to the Senate, l' , roigh the introduction into that ho ,;)- of senators, • (the represenatives of !lave holding canstituences, insignifi cant in point.of numbers;) thus setting at defiance the will of the people, and constituting the only cause to aatiei pate...a dissolution of the Union, ` 2. Resolved, That the present State and General Administrations have boldly assumed the resposibility of the above policy, and the Free Democra. cy hold them responsible for this de- , parture from - the policy and principles of the fathers of the republic. 3. Resolved, That the only questions now prominently before the people of this State are those of liberty against slavery, and temperance against in temperance, and upon, these issues will be detemined the approaching guherhatotial election; .and that the candidate of the so-called Democratic party, stands before the people, as the justifier, if not the advocate ofthe ex tension of slavery to a territory now ft et.; and upon the subject of a pro hibitory liquor law (the only adequate remedy foe the manifest evils ofintem erance,) his position is unsatisfactory to the friends of temperance. -I. Rego/red, That in view of the transcendent importance of the ques tions now befire the people, the one involving their honor and integrity, toitchini_t solemn compacts, affecting human libetty; the other, the happi ness, temporal and eternal, of millions yet unborn, it becomes the ft lends of liberty and morality to disregard all patty ties and prejudices, and unite in ono body in opposition to • an ad ministration whose measures are so fraught with evil to the human race. 5. ReAol red, That without express ing, upon this occasion,any opinion as to the old issues which have hereto fore divided the Wilig and Democrat ic patties, or as to anv ci.llatcral or secondary questions which. may exist between them, we cannot fhil• to rec ognize the issues as being fairly made upon the two great questio,ts above named, and that the Hon. dani&s Pol lock stands before the . people of the State as the rereseuative of the.senti imints of Likrty and Temperance, and should therefore receive the sup pint of the Free deniocracy offthe State. 6. If rsoliT(l, That we accept the pro po,ition to withdraw, tendered by our worthy candidates for several State offices, in order that an undivided front may he presented ill oppor•ition to the State and I . ptional Administra tions at the ensui?g election. 7. Resulted. That notwithstanding the withdrawal of our State ticket, we (ieeni it our• duty to maintain our dis tinclive organization as a Free Dem ocratic Tarty.. We neveftheless ex press a wil!ingness . to unite with our fellow citizens of other parties, at any time, in forming a new party of the people, to maintain the rights of free dom, and esist thi' encroachments of slave; y, whenever an eflifft to that end shall he made. Sheriff's Sales. T - 31 VI lEEE E of sundry wnt. , iilVend. Ex.. I'!.. Vend. Ex., Al , . Vend. Ex., and Le vaii Facia , , h-cried out of the Court of COlll - a•Pottor comity:m(llo tnedirecmd. I v. 01 expme to side by public v endue or outcry, ai the Court llome iu Conder , port, on r\ . DAY, the I'tit day or September, 1:-54, at 1 o'clock I'. the following desm•ibed re.d It - 0 it: Sitimie in Genesee township. Potter county, l'a.. bounded 1 , 111114. north by the New-York Stu hue. east by IM% id llira-her, South by unseated :ands, and west by Na.han Noise— containing fitly :wry: of hind, he the stone more or less, on allotment of Bingham land: on warrant. ESL;: of nhich there is Murteen acres impro, ed, with ulle m a ne !loose, an Mil mdiery. an obi hovel, :mil an ;mphy orchard thereon. Seized, ealmit in execution. and to •oal a , the propeny of George W. :Sher wood. at the suit of; Levi Annis. A I,..:4l—CenaM real m.ta.e, , ititate in Sharon township, Po. er ceumy, 'state of Pennsylva nia, Moulded on the mirth by lands of A. AV. Joie., on the east by land: of Drake, ou the South by land: of Sudierhuid and and on the ,vest by 1;ea....1:4 lands—containing e girt' and three-tenths antes, about ten acre: of which is ininroved .li.so. one other tract, simme as aforesaid, Moulded on the north by the ()sway° creek, on the east by 'C. J. Burdie's land, south by . lands of \Vhite and Stevens, and mt the we , t by laud: of F.. ibithitt_ e w a i n to g , ninety-six acres, two acres of %% hich is imprm. ea, with one saw-mill, two frame homes., two fr,tine borns, and . other out- Inti!din44 thereon. Seized, taken in eNeett non. and to be sold as the property of Step ens, Jr.. Luke Steven , , and Jona Steven:, at the suit of Samuel Rrisseil and J. N. Hoskin. .11.50—Certain real estate, situate in Alle gany township. Poder county, and State of Penn. , ylvania, bounded as follows: On the nordt by unseated land, on the east by lots Nos, and tt.s. , of the sub-division of the Fox Estate in said township, On the south• by lot No• 1101, and on the %vest by lot U. 117 and tut-eated land, and being lot No. 11•2 of the said sob-division—containing ninety-nine and acres, of which there are about irn ;.e,l•s improved, and a small ;awe houe thereon. Seized, taken 41 execution, and to be sold as th•• properly of Alvarez Peirce, at the sair of Henry Taylor. ALSO—Certain real estate, situate in Whar ton township, County of Potter, and State of Pent:sr:van:a, bounded as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of warrant No. -17.7i5, thence east Idol . ); the south line of said war rant eighty perches to a birch, thence North two hundred perches to a birch, thence west eigh'y perches to a birch, thence south two hundred perches to the place ` of begin ning—containuig cue hundred acres; strict measure, about thirty acres or which is im proved, with a block and frame dwelling house; otm frame barn, an apple orchardt and some 'fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in exec:Men, and to be sold as the property of John rilaspey, at the suit of P. L. & C. S. Jones. ALSO—Certain real estate, simitte in Ulvs- Se , and Ineptly townships, Pottbr Pe.. bounded on the north by landAs off; nerwev and Hannan, on the east and south by • unseated lands, and on the %vest by unseated land and lands of ll.(;tiernsev—containing One hundred and twenty acres, live acres of Nrhich are im proved, with one log barn thereon At. o, one other tract, situate in 'Ulysses township, Potterconmy, Pa., bounded on the north and east by unseated land, ou the south by lands occupied by H. Morley, and on the west 'by _unseated lands—containing fifty acres, with one sawmill, one frame and one log house thereon.., Sf'ized,.taken in execution, and ; to he sold aS the property of F. V. Cobb, at the suit of N. G. °misted. • . ALSO—Certain real , estate, in Hebron township, Potter county, State of Pa., bounded on the north by unseated land, on the east by unseated land and lands of It. M. Clark, south and west-by unseated land, being lots Nos. 6tl and 67 of the sub-division of the Bingham lands in Hebron township—containing one hundred and s'xty and five-tenths acres, be the same more or less, with about twenty acres improVed, and a board shanty and an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in ex ecution, and to be sold as the property of E. H. Bishop, at the suit of N. L. Dike. ALSO—Certain real estate, situate in Gen esee township, Potter county, State of Penn- . sylvania, bounded on the north by-the New. Fork and Pennsylvania State line, on the east by lands of Gannon and Chambers, south by Bingham lands, anti west by lands of C. Leach —containing two hundred and seventy acres, on which there. :s about twenty-six acres Mt proved, and a log house and balm thereon.• Seized, taken, in execution, and to be sold as the property of Patrick Burke, at the suit of Charles Leach. ALSO—Certain real estate, bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the east by lands in the possession of George Nelson and unseated lands, on the south by lands of the Fox Estate, on the west by lands of the Fox Estate, and on the north .by lands of the Fox Estate, being lot Nu. r!! . ..9 of the allotment of the Fox Estate lands in Allegany township-- containing one hundred and one acres and one-tenth of an acre, about ftf.een acres of which is improved, with two lug houses, one frame barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold ns the property o: Isaac B. Baker, at the suit of Franklin W. Knox. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs, The un divided one-Llfpart of a parcel ofland, situate 111 the township of Sharon, County of Potter, Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows: Beginning en the northeast corner of3latthew Maxon's and, where is a birch tree!, two - tent locks, and two oaks, marked with three hacks each per corner, thence south thirty-four chains twenty-fire links to the-line of S. 0. Alnev & Co.'s land, thence east on the line of said lot eighty-four chains twenty-fis e links to an old corner of lot No. 5567, thence north on the line of said lots to the State line, Thence along the State line west thirty-two chains to a stake •near Burdic's house, thence south thirty-nine chains and fifty links to a stake on the- hill, thence west 11113 - -four chains to the place of beginning—containing l'our hundred and fifteen acres,•strxt measure, be the same more or less At.so, another tract of land, sunset in die township, county', and State last above mentioned, bounded as follows : Begin. icing at the northeast corner of a lot formerly owned by Joel Woodard, now sold to S. 0. Alney, thence cast along the State hue to a corner of S. 0. Alley's laud, thence south along the warrant line to the corner of said warrant*No. 5863; thence west on the said line to the corner of Wohdard's and'Olnev's land ; thence north to the place of beginnieg—cou mining Three hundred and seventy-three acres of land, strict measure, more er less: reserving therefrom three hundred acres of the east side of said tract Atso, another parcel of land, situate in the town-Lip, county, mill State liforesaidbast above mentioned, bounded as follows: Ilt;ginning et the northeast corner of a tract of land sold by Elisha Mix to S. 0. Ainev, on lot N 0.5859; thence east one- hun dred and three rods to a !triple corner on warrant No. 5:=.55; thence south along , ihe line of Ss-0. Aloe) 's laud one hundred and fifty-two rods; thence west to S. 0. :limey's line one hundred and three rods: thence north one hundred and tifty rods to the place of be ginning—containing one hundred acres, strict measure, be the same more or less And ! A tso, another parcel of land—beginning, at the soatbeast cornerof lot No. st-7.8 ; thenae west thirty-one eletins and eightv-Iwo •links ; thence north tiny-one chains and liby-sevea I link , to Milton Main's land to a corner on the bank of Honeyose Creek; thence on said 3inin's sem h line ten the east line of said lot; ' thence rout io the southeast corner of Fail lot No. 5...: 8, being and running to contain all the laud to said tot east of Mix's and entitle of Main's I: ad, n aid' was! heretofore deeded to Jonadtan Brown— containing one hundred and sixty-four acres of land, srriet measure, he the -ti .an more or less -Ind Also, another parcel of land, situate in the to%vosltio, county, and State above mentioned—begiaming at the northwest center of lot No. 5855: thence east one hundred rods; thenee smith far enough to make ninety acres of lnd, by running the Chili hae parallel with die north line And Ar.so, another piece of lamb, situate in the tan nship, mina.., add State last mem limed— beginai ~..! at the southeast corner of said lot No. 588:2; limning" from titmice west forty chatty.; thence north far enough to make one bundled and tear acres of land, by running east and parallel with the south line of the east of said lot And At,so the equal. tuid:vided one-haT part of a parcel of land situate in the township, conthy and State last mentioned, helot,( a part of lot No. st . ' , ss—beginning at the norirteast corner of a huudred-acre lot, sur veyed for Elisha 'Mix, bounded by Ira A. Week's lot ; running front the nee south one hundred and sixty-live rods: thence east one hundred and twenty-two rods; thence north to !the north .line of said lot; thence west along the tined; line of said lot to•the place of b;•gionig—eaninia in z one hundred and men: ty-five acres of laudb he the sauce more Or less. And At. so, anotlmr parcel of land, situate in the township, county. and State hist men tioned, being a part of lid No. 2859, bouuded as follows : Commencing la the northwest corner of Fail' lot ; thence east thirty-two chains to a stake ill the highway : thence south_ along the highway to John C. Adams's corner; theme west thirty:two chains to a post corner; from thence north to the place of beginning— cmdaining twenty-four acres of laud ALSO, another parcel, being a. pqrt of lot No. 2859, in the township, comity. 'find State last men tithied, hounded arf.lOllOWS : Beginning at G. IV. Sternum's southwest corner itt the lot line;,lrmo thence west .to S. O. Alneyis south east corner; from thence north on said.line across the limo:nye Cetiek to the. eelaer of the highway near the school-house; thence east along the highway to George W. Sherman's line; . from thence south on Geo. W. Sherman's line to the place of beginning—Confaining about forty acres of hind, lie the same more or, less, reset-ring 010. tl)e SCllOOl.llOOso site, us it is owned by, the district where the school house Mow 52111a15, OH the northwest corner of said lot. Seiztal, taken in execution, mutt° be null as the property of Peter B. Hedrick. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs, Certain real estate. situate in Allegany township, Pot, ter ci , utitys Pa.. bounded and described its fol . lows: On the north. south, east, mid west by miseated binds, of the Bingham Estate, nod being lots Nos. 1:27 and 127 of the sub-division of the DitiOinin Estate in said township—con taining one hundred and ninety-eight and live tenths acres, of which there is -Lout forty acres Unproved, with one frame, house, two log houses, two log bents, with some fruit trees therein]. , Seized, taken in execution,-and to be sold 'as tiro property ofJames . B. llill and 'William ! Hill.. . , • • - - ALSO—By virtue Of 'sundry writs, certain - real estate,tsituaie in Pike tow hip. Potter county, Pa„ 'bounded on the no y lot NO. 14, en the east by lots Nos. 14, ' 5,-un. the south by lot No. 22 and unseat of the Bingham Estate, on the west by unseated lands and by lots Nos. 13 and 36, being lets Nos. 41 and 12 of the sub-division of the hinds of the Bingham Estate in said township—con taming one hundred and fifty-five acres. with about fifty acres improved; on which is erected three frame houses, two frame.barns, and one saw-mill, and with some fruit trees thereon.-..:A150, one other tract of land, sit uate as aforesaid, bounded on the north by Bingham lands, on the east by Isaac Johnson, south by Bingham lands, and on the west by. lauds of David R. Smith, deceased—contain ing two hundred and fifty acres, be the same more or less, with about eighty acres improved, one fratue store and house, oue log house, one frame house, two frame burns, one saw -mill, and an apple orchard thereon Also, lot No. 36, in the township. county, and State aforesaid, bounded on the north and east by • lot No. 14, on the south by lot No. 13 and by, unseated lands, on the west by unseated lands and by lot No. 15—containing one hun dred and four acres, with about four acres proved and a log house thereon. Seized, ta ken in execution, and to be sold as the proper ty of Chauncey Baxter, Matthew Baxter, Elijah Johnson, and John G. Russel. ALSO—Certain real estate, situate, iu Sharon township, Potter county, state of Penn sylvania, bounded on the north by lauds of It' Carrier and Mary Maxon, on the east by lands of !Vary Maxim and Newbold & Co.; on the south by • Hawley Adams and E. White, and on !he west by land of.Mersemit & Weston —containing one hundred and sixty-two and. three-tenths acres, about forty acres of which is improved, with one frame house, one fraMe barn, one milk-house, out-buildings„. and an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in ex ' ecution, nod to be sold as the property of L. 11. Kinney, at the. suit of Henry Sherwood use of John W. Deniney. E.:1,7' Notice is hereby given. that an'amount equal to the costs will be required to be paid upon each sale whenstruck down to the bid: der: and - upon a failure to comply with this regulation the tract of land • will °guilt be of fered for-sale. • P. A. STEBBINS, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Ang. 18, 1554. Proclamation, GENERAL ELECTION. IDURSUANT to an Act' of the of Assembly - of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "Au Act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, A. D. 'one thousand eight hundred find thirty-nine, I, PIERRE A. STEBBINS, Sherd of the County of Potter, ,PemiSylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county afore said, hat a General Election will. he held-in said county of l'otter on the. SECOND TUES DAY ofitio OF OCTOBER, 134, at which time State and County oflicers'as follows tire to he elected, to wit: One "person to fill the office of Governor of Pennsylvania, • One person for Canal Commissioner of the Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania. One person for Judge of the Supreme Court of Peimsylvania. One person fir member of Congress for the, Congressional Districticomprising the .counties of Cycoming, Sullivan, Center, Clin-, ton, Potter, and Mifflin. Two per;onsfor members of the House •of Representatives of General Assembly . of Penn. , sylvania, in conjunction with the counties of Lycoming and Clinton, to represent the coon ties of - Lycoming, Clinton, and Potter in The . House of Representatives of the General As sembly of Pennsylvania. One person to till the office of Prothonotary, Clerk of the Courts of General Jail Celivery, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, Or phans' Court, Register of Wills for the County of Potter. 011 C person for Recorder of Deeds for the .county of PLitter. Twn persons for the office of County Corn• misAioner for the. county of Potter, one. for three year= and one for two vear6. Two persotts foi the office of Auditor of the county of Potter, one for three years and' one for one ye:tr. Utie person for Treasurer for the county of Potter. 1. also make known 'and give notice, as in and by the Eith section of the aforesaid 'act I am directed, that every person excepting Jll4- ticest of the Peace, ,who hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the Government of the . United Slates - or of this State, or of any city or incorporated dis trict, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall ha employed under the legislative, judiciary, or executive department of thiS State or United States, or of any city or . io corporated district, and also that every. mem ber of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select and common council of any city, or cenunissioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or ex erniAtig-at the same time the office or appoint ment of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk oratqi election in . this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office. then to be voted for. Also, that, in the fourth section of the Act.of Assembly, entitled " An' ct relating to elec tions and for.other purposes," approved April With, r 641, is enacted that the aforesaid 14th section shall not ho construed as to. prevent any military officer. or Borough officer from serving as 'Judge; Inspector, or Clerk of any general or i.pecial election in, this. Common wealth. It is farther directed that the meeting of the return judges at the Court House in port, to make out the general returns, shall lie on the first Friday succeeding the general election, which will be thel34l day of October. ; 'The return judges of Lycoming, Clinton, Potter, Center, and Mifflin, compris ing the XVth Congressional district, will meet Tuesday, the 17th day of October next, to make -out an official return for member of Congress. The return judges of Lycoming, Clinton, and Potter counties will meet at the Court flowe in Williamsport on Tuesday, the 17th day of October next, to make out returns fur members of Assembly; I also hereby make known and give notice that 'he places of holding the aforesaid Gene ral Election in the several townships and boroughs wirn the county of Potter, are as follows, to t : For the township, of Abbott, at the house (family) of T. B. Abbott, in said township.. For the township of Allegany, at the school house near Chester. Andrews', in said. town. ship. • For the township of Bingham, at the house of A. It. Lewis. For the township of Clara, at the house of Geo. W. Allen, in said township. . For the township •of Eulalia, at the house Johnson,in the Born' of Coudersport. For the, township of Genesee, at the house of L. D. Williams, in said township. For the township of Harrison; at the house of. Daniel limner, in said township. For the township of 'Hebron, at school- - house No. 3, in said township. For the town,hipof Hector, at tho house. of Anne Wilbur, in said township. For . the township:of Homer, at the house ofJameS Quimby ,ntsaid.tewnship. ' For the township of Oswityo, at the house For the township of Wharton, at the house of Joset , b - 4 0 •••••• - trhin.. of John Welles,' m said township. For the townshipS bt" Pike and Jackson; at thi 'hot* of Elijah Johnson, in Pike township. For the township of Pleasant Valley, at the school-house of said township. • For the township of Portage, at the house, of Hiram F. Sirer, th said' township. For the township of Roulette,at the school house-near 'George Weimar's, in said town ship. . • For the township of-Sharon, at the' Leroy school-house,:in said township. ' For the township of Sweden, at the house • of Asenath Taggett, in said township. For the;toWnship of Summit,- at the house of O. C 4 Butterworth, in said township: For the township of Ulysses, at the house of Jacob NVykoff, in said township. For the township of West Brunch, at the' house or Lemuel Hanimond, in said township. For the township -of Stewurdson. at the house of John S. Clark,in 'said township. For the Borough of Coudersport, at the Court House, in said Borough. . . An Act: for the suppression of the manufacture and stele of 'bar:treating liquors as a bererage. . WHEREAS, All lath to be efficient should -have th i p approbation and sanction of the peo ple: , • Andiwhereas, It is represented :that a large nutnuei , , if not a majority of the citizens of this Common Wealth, are deeply impressed with the necessity of the passage'of a prohib itory liquorlaw . And le/areas, It is impossible to obtain a certaiulludichtion of popular sentiment rela tive thereto by menus of petitions and remon strancee—ffierefore, SCOION is Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pentisyleania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby 'enacted by the authority of the same, That the qualified voters adds Commonwealth are heieby authorized at the-places Gar bold ing the general elections in their respective wards:boroughs, and townships, on the second Tuesday' of: October next, to Note for and against a law \ which shall entirely Prohibit by proper and anatitutiOnal regulations and pen: alties,the manufacture and sale of intoxicating iiquoret except for medicinal, sacramental, mechanical, and artistical purposes. Scclios•f2. That the officers authorized by law to hold elections in each ward, borough, and township of this Commonwealth, are hereby : directed and required at tha place fixed by law, in the several districts for the holding of the general elections in the said districts, on the second Tuesday of October next, ;when they shall be organized us an el'eetidn board, to receive from each qualified voter 4f their ialid districts, ii ticket written . or-printed on the Outside. " ProbibitorfLiquor Law,"(and the tickets iu favor of the proposed law sail co rain in the inside the words," For aProhibi torY Liquor Law," and those opposed to the!propused law shall contain in the inside the words, " Against n Prohibitory Liquor Law,'l which votes shall be counted and re turned to the court holise of the counties or city_bi which the electiOn shall be held, on the following Friday by the return judges. who shall Oast up en 1: e:tify all the votes polled in said cbunty,or city, to the office of the Secre tory df the Commonwealth at Harrisburg, direct,ed and transmitted in the' same manner as the; votes for Governor are required to be directed amitransinitted and the said secre tary shall on the third Friday of ,Januarrnext ensuing, communicate, the same returns to the Legislature, to be opened and c,junted in the same 1 manner the votes for Governor are °pew@ and counted, uud considered us the prayer of the voters of this : Commonwealth relattye to a prohibitory liquor law , . S.I4TION 3. That all the election laws of the State Arescribing . the hours of opening and closing the:polls, the reception of votes, the punishment for illegal voting, the defraying the expenses of publication, and holding of the genetal elections and return of the same, and all Other matters incident thereto,he, and the samelare declared applicable to the election above authorized. SE:Errs 4. That it shall he the duty of the Sheriff of the several counties of this COlll. mousyealthi to insert a copy of the act in the prochunatiOn fur the general election to be held On the second Tuesday of October next. E. 13. CHASE, . - Speaker of the House of Representatires. M. MTASLIN, Speaker of the Striate, AtynovED—The twenty-eighth ofApril, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-font. WM. BIGLEIt. Glyen under my hand at Ccudersport, , this Bth day of:September, A. lb 1e54, and in the 78th roar of the independence of the United States. I'. A. STEBBINS, Sept. 5,1854. 17-4 t ; • . Sheriff. autiprit». •• RESOLUTION PROPOSING Anientiments to the Cons Mutton of the Commonwealth. fi Re.iblr i cil by the Senate and House of Repiesentutirtis of the Contownitealth of I'rnn: syfrania iri !Ventral .issrmbly tort, That the foll Owing innendlnents he, and the same are hereby proposed to the -Constitution of the Commonwealth, under and in accordance wite the provisions of the teal!' article thereof, to wit.; j 'PROPOSITION 1, TO BF. ARTICLE u. §p. The aggregate amount of debts here eller contracted by the Commonwealth shall never exceed the sum of five hundred thou sand dollars, except in case of war to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to redeem the publiC. debt of the Commonwealth, and the Money so raised shall he applied to the purpose tor which the debt may be contracted, or pay such debts, and to no other purpose. To pay the public debt of the Com monwealth, and debts - which may hereafter be contracted in case of war to repel invasion, suppress insurrection; and to redeem the pub lic. debt, the Legislature shall at their next session after the adoption of this section into. the Constitution, provide by law for the crea tion' of a Isinking fund, which shall not be abotisherd till the said public debt be wholly paid, to consist of all the net annual income froM the public works and stocks owned by the Commonwealth, orally other funds arising under any revenue law now existing or that may hereafter he enacted, so far as the same may be required to pay the interest of said debts semi-annually, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less than fivehundred thonsand dollars, increased yearly by compOunding at a rule of not less than fift . per centuni per anntuit'; the said sinking fund shall he invested in the loans of the Coinmemivealth, which shall be cancelled.from time to time, in a manner to he provided by law:, no portion of the sinking fund shall ever be -applied to the payment of the debt of five hundred thousand dollars mentioned in the first section el this article, but the Said sinking fund shall he applied only to the purposes herein specified. § S. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not in au} - way be given or loaned to or in aid of :any nulivalual, company,. corporation, or association, nor shall the Commonwealth here after become a. joint owner or stockholder in any company, association, or corporation in this Commonwealth, or elsewhere, formed for, any purpase. §. 4. The Commonwealth shall never assume this. debts of any.. county, city, borough, or township; or of any corporatiou or association, unlei4s such debts shall have been -contracted to repel invasion, suppress imiurrectiort, or to , defend the state in war. • PROPOSITION 2, TO RI ARTIOLZ P fohitriting Municipal Subscriptions. The Legislature shall never authorize any county, city; borough, or township, by.a vote of its citizens or otherwise, to become a stock holder in any joint stock company, association, or corporation, or to raise money for, or loan its credit to, or in aid of ant' such company or association. : L. R. CHASE, Speaker of the Homy of Representatives. M. M'CASLIN, Sicaker of the Senate. In the Senate, April 28;1854. - Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas 22, nays 6.—[Eztract from the Journal. T. A. MAGUIRE, Clerk. In House of Reps., April 21, 18M. Resolved, That this resolution pass. You 71, nays 2U.—[Extract from the journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. SECRTTARE'S OFFICE, Filed April 29, • C. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth • PENNSYLVANIA SS: • SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, July 1, 1854. "-^-0 - . Ido certify that the .above and SEAL. foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original "Resolution," as the same remains on tile at this office. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my. hind and qused-to be affixed the seal of the Secretary's office the day and year above writ ten. C.A..I3LACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth: Journal of the Semite. "Resolution No. 562, entitled ' Resolution , proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth,^ was read a third time.' On the ivies:ion, wilhhe Senate agree to the first proposition, the yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, ,and were as follows, viz": Yrss—Me.ssra. Bnckalew, Darlington, Har sh., Ferguson, Fonlkrod, Frick, Fry, Good win, Haldeman, Hamilton, B. D. Hamlin, E. W. Hamlin, Heisler, Hoge,hinison. McClin tock, McFarland, Piatt, Quiggle - S ager, Slifer, and McCaslin,Speaker-23.. NAYS-31 eQcr.4. Cribb, Creswell, Hendricks Binzer, Kunkle, and -Skinner--6. So the question was determined in the af firmative. On the question, will the senate agree to the second proposition, the yeas and nays were taken agreeably te the Constitution, and were as, follows, viz: Yius—Messrs. Bnckalew, Bars . ie,Furguson Foutkrod, Fry; Goodwin. Haldeman, B. D itantlin, r.. W. Hamlin, Hendricks; lieister . Hoge, Jamison, Kinzer, McClintock, .McFar land, price,Quiggle,. Slifer, Wherry, 51cCitAin; Speaker-22. • • Nv vs-31 erqs. Crabh, Creswell, Darlington, Hamilton, Kunkle, and Skinner- 7 6 So tli question was determined in the af. firmative. . . Journal of the house of Representatives. "The question, recurring upon the final passage of the Resolutions, the first, proposi- • tion was agreed to Ile follows, viz;: . YEAS—Met , srA. Abraham, Adamsokthetton, Ball, Barton, Beyer, Ilighani, Boyd, Bush, Bverlv, Caldwell, Calvin, Carlisle; Chamber lin, Cook, Crane, Cinninius, Daugherty, Davis, De Erance, Dunning, Eckhert, Edinger, Eld-• red, Evans, roster. Fry, Gullentine; Gibboney, Gilmore, Gray, Groom, Gwin, llainilton, Hart, Ilerr,lliestand, Hillier Hippie, Horn, Hum mel, Donsticker; Hunter, Hurtt, Jackman, Kilgore, Knight,' Luny, (Lehigh,) Linn, Ma gee, .Maguire, Manderlield, IT Connell, M'Kee, Miller, Menaglian, Montgomery, Moore, Mo ser, Muse, Painter, Parks, rarinlee, Pussmore, Patterson, Porter, Puttiov, Rawlins, Roberti, , Rowe, Sallade, Scott, Sidle, Simonton, Smith, (B6ilis,) Smith, (CriiWford,) Stewart, Stock dale, Strong, •Stnithers, Wheeler, Wicklein, Wright, 'Zeigler, Chase, .•Spcal,rr--S5. NA's—None. So the question was determined in the at; lirmatiy e. (In the question, will the House agree to• the second proposition, the yeas and nave were taken, agreeabf2, - to the provisions of the 10th, article of the constitution, and ore as follows:. YEAS—Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Ball, Barton, Beck, Bever, Bighorn, Boyd, Cald well, Chainberlin, Cook. Crane, Lnta mins, Daugherty, Davis, Deegan, De -Prance, Dunning, Edinger, Eldred, Lynn., Fry, Ga Gibboney, Gilmore, Gray, Groom, Gwin, Hamilton, Hiestund, hillier, Hippie, llnmi'cker, 11i niter, Ilurtt,Jackthan, Kilgore, Knight, Laury, (Lehigh,) Lowrey, (Tioga,) Linn, Magee, M ago ire, illandertfeid, 3Fliee, Monaghan, !Montgomery, Moore, ' Moser, Muse, Palmer, Parke, Parmlee, Pass more; Patterson,' Porter, RaWlins, lloberts, Rowe, Sallade, Seott,Simonton, Smith (Reeks) Smith (Craw ford) Stockdale, Wheeler, Wick lein, Wright, Chase, Spenl;cr-71. NATS—M essrs. Adams, Baldwin, Beaus Binh, Bverly, Eckhert, -Ellis, Hart, Herr. II orn, um mel,, N'Conibs, Poubion, Putney, Sidle, S mart, Strong, Struthers, .4 the question was deterritined in the al- firmative. „ SECRETARY'S OFETCE, - Harrisburg, July 1, 1e54. PE.V.3....f11,1"..1N1. - 1, SS. - I do cerffy that the above and SEAL. foregoing is a true and correct copy of the a YEAS" and " rints".telker on - the a IteSolution ..relative to the amendment of the constitution of . the commonwealth" US the same up on the Journals of the two Houses of the General Assembly' of this commonwealth fur the session' of 1&14. , Witness my hand and .the Seal- of said office this first day of July, tote thousand eight holland and fifiv-four. C. A. BLACK,. Secretary of the ConiniOnteealth 7-11, :int The Journal Book-Store OFFERS)o public a good _variety of most readable hooks, - cheap for cash ur family neeessities. All the newest books of ratite are kept onliand, or immediately pro cured for customers, and we hopo to receive such pationttge 'a.% faithful attention to husi , ! nes , , and an earnest desire to oblige,. may de•erve: New•hooks received at short inter vals. School Books, StatiOnery of all kinds, materials for Paper Flowers, etc., constantly on hand. .Music, Maps, Mathematical lnstru- mews.,• Mease eall,and examine for yourselves at,, the I.OIT.E.N.4I..I3OOK—STORE. Sun - tti, ' 1 In the Court of Com b} her next . friend; mon Pleeis of Potter Co. WILLIAM D/KI.MAN, Term, 4.- rs. i DIVORCE. RICHARD 11. A ST 7 I3PCENA and alias subprena _Clhaving been issued out of the said Colin., and returned nail, notice is hereby giism, and the said Richard IL :3 with, respondent, is lo:rehy ruquired to appear at the next Court of Common boliehl on the 18th day of September licit at Coudersport, to ansisreT the said complaint of the P. A - ..STEBEUNS, Sheriff.' a 14.41 Aug.. 18,1 854 - DabbiluN Y east poap lN7 DdCi•S.—TheFe"Atiper . ior articles ure %vv., pawed to save time and money, aml:pinfieu, reaee and harinpny'in For sale at • TYLER'S