ISuotntos eartio. eruomAs STEWABDSON, Jr., • attornr2 at TLaio, N. E. corner 6th and Walnut-streets, 7-3 4t C. W. EIWAs, t o Itc4 at "Lain; Coudersport, Pa. Jan. 18. 1850, tf• F. W. =MX, 3ttorntg at Ti.,atui Coudersport, Pa, will regularly attend the courts in Potter county. - 3-40tf A. P. CONEr Attorntg at ILato., Wellsborougli, Tioga county, Pa, will regular.. atteud the courts of Potter county. . June 3, I£o3. LAND AGENCY. TIIE undersigned having been entrusted 11 with the care of several large tracts of land, in this county, bas made hitnself.uc• Quainted wit}, the lands and land titles of the county, and will give immediate attention to slay business of this nutnre that may be en, trusted to him. J. 8. I%IANN, H. HEATH, V,bingtjan anti ,Surgon, Coudersport, Pa., will'attend to all calls for professional u_ssistance with promptness and lidellty. 01lice on the west side of Main-st., iecowldour above the Journal otlice. 3.47 EL R. GAGE, M. D., 1 - 31-IVICIAN AND SUR( ; ;EON—WouId re -11.-spectitilly inform the citizens of Couders• port ona Potter comity, that he has located permanently among theist, and will attend in all calls in his professioa. Cfflipc—T. B. Tyke's Druu and Book Store . • 6-6 ISAAC BVNSON A TTORNEY AT LAW.—Office, East side ..a„ of the public square, Coudersport, Pa. By special arrangement the professional ser vice_s of S. P. Joussos, Esq., may be.cmgaged through him in all caves in which hp ts . not previously concerned. N. B.—All claims due and payablo to the undersigned, personally and professionally, may be found in the bawls of Isaac Benson, Esq., for adjustment. S. P..toussos. it 3, 1846. 1-2tf 4QItN S. KANN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. kill uttaud the several Courts imPotter and \t'Kean counties. All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Of on Maimstreet, opposite the Coutt House, Coudersport, Pa. ARTHUR G. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY ♦Hp COUNSELOR AT LAW, will attend to all business entrusted to his cure with promptness and fidelity'. 011 ice—in the Temperance Block, up stairs. Aluiu-street, Coudersport. Pa. 7-1 DTAYNAWA, aitornep Se: Counnetor at naiu, Couclersport, Pa. Office—north of the court' house square, at "The People's Cash Store,' sip stairs. 3-47 JAMES M. BASSETT, Cabinet-... Maker Si. Upholsterer, COUDERSPORT, PA., Will execute all orders in his line of Rfiqbuiluess with neatness and despatch. Place or butincss—the Manufactory formerly ow*.d. by G. W. Strung—two dtktrs above ‘Vm.. Crosby's dwelling. Ning improved 14.0 building and ma chinery, and etnplovcd good he is prepared to do woil;. as well as the Lest, and on ;hurt nouce. c-30tf it.FEW pieces of new 'Ajusic Music procured to order; also, Tem perance and other Tracts, or ally periodicals desired, "0 - ocuotit. BOOKS COUSlanily on WO, with paper„pens, slates, and every thing needed for 1!:oltig to school.. G-331f y M. W. MANN. . C. . smyrn. 3:iTtrr in Dr!) Goo IN, Grocorias and Provisions ; H4vaware, Crockery and (glass Ware ; )3Qopts 4„Shops,Hats & Caps, ,s'ionc and, Touden,ll, - are : almost everything usually kept in a Coumry Store. All of which he oilers for sale at very low prices for the pay. Plq-ce of business corner of 3lain and Sec, and *.treets, Coudersport, at the old stand of W. "1:. Jones, 4.1.;, Br. July 7, 1654. 7-titf good quality. of honey fur 14 sale at , c 7. 631.1711'5. JARDWARE AND TIN. TT is reported that Nebraska Bill is in towtt ! „IL Bud by calling at the Hardware Store of James W. Smith, on Main street, you can fiwi for r.i.le.—cheap fur cash or exchange, a t i 014 r ax . i,erituent of Qookiug, Box & Parlor StOves 4 All Varieties and Sizes; (:uTLERv Tin ,Copper and Sheet Iron Ware ; cut Saws, pop-iron, Nails and Chains' , Carpenter's 'Zoo's and riles, Iron- Bars and Anvils; vnrietv of bpi Ming Hardware; whtre a 1413 may 1)e. found ;general assortment floats, 3)ap.panneti Mark; TOYS TO PLEiAST. THE BOYS; together witka good variety of AV 00D EN. W Adt anch a. HAND and AORSE IPKE., • Broom s, Pails, atid Tubs te.,tc.,—. than can be found elsewhere in this county. Aml-1 would ' call especial attention of those who wish to purchase,, large and well selected stock of SAVY Likewise that my Tm, SHEET IRON, AND COPPER WARY. all made of good material and by a skillful trod competent workman, All I ask is for you to call aml see my goods, price them, and I have r,a doubt you will be satisfied with the plica and goods. All hinds of produce taken for goods. I also pay per ton for old iron. • JAMES W. SMITH . Coudersport, July 7, 1854. 7-Btf. T"Et,,st three shilling tea and 6d sugar is . at OLMSTED's. FULL assortment of Groceries, at low figures, constantly on hood. Yard %vide Lawns, ►rota 61 cents upwards, at OLNISTED'S. GROCERY IN! PROVISION STORE. Hither, Ye Hungry. CS. JONES takes this method to inform .the people of Couderiport and the pub lic generally, that he has just opened a Gro cery and Provision store, where he will keep constantly everything in the line of " eata wc,s," and which he will sell as reasonable as can be desired. The "Substantials" can be found here at all times, such as FLOUR and PORK, while the appetites of the most dainty can also be satisfied. Therefore, should you wish for anything of the kind, phase call and examine before purcliasing elsewhere, and if he cannot satisfy .you, your case must he desperate. You will always find a full assortment of Groceries, consisting of - Su -gars, Teas, Coffee, Saleratus, Spices, Ginger, Raisins, Candy, crackers, Cranberries' SaSal-. mon, Codfish, Mackerel, Blue Fish, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, &c. Also, at all times; Pork, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Butter, (roll and firkin,) Salt, Hams, etc. etc. Grain and all other kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods at the cash price. . 6-3:3tf C, S. JONES. 1 3 41LAngLpn1A CASA PAID fur Butter uuti Eggs, at lila PROVISION STORE. June 30, 1854 VRENCIE MUSTARD—A pew thing en 11 tirelc, lot sale at C. 5, JONES'. Coudersport Academy. rpm summer term of this institution wit ..i_ commence on Wednesday7July k 54 and continuo eleven weeks. Elementary branches—Orthography, Geograiihy, Arithmetic, &c., Higher Arithmetic, First Lessons in Algebra, and Grammer, Higher English branches, Algebra, Philosophy, &c-, Higher Mathematics, Latin, Greek. and French Languages, Instruction on the Piano,Forto, extra,...10.00 Use of instrument, . Vocal Music, free of. charge. J. BLOOMINGDALE; Principal, The undersigned, Trustees of the Con. dersport Acadein);,:tre' moved by a .sense of official and personal duty to iuvt:e the aunt'. lion of the public—of parents in particular, to the rising and useful character of this institu tion of learning. When invited, a little more titan a hall year ago, to the superintendence of its affairs, we found it depressed and still do dining. We requested Mr. J, Binoomingdale to become its Pr.ncipal Teacher, and trusted its organization and other most onerous affitirs to his discretion and management. Experience has proved him to be faithful, efficient, and practical—just such an instructor as this com munity need. The number of pupils in the school Is now fuer sixty. We refer to Mr.. Bloomingdale's advertisement for information as to the terms and conditions on which pu pile are admitted, and Ibr other filets of in«tr oSt; and recommend the institution to the patronage of the people. IL FL DENT, President,. 'fttoMAs 13. TYLER, Secretary, Hcsav Ot.itsrtat, Treasurer, F, L. JONES, CHAS. LYMAN, Trustees. G. G. CoLi - is, G2l Now Books at Tyler'S.i . IN/Es:NIB liMiblAN, a new Temperance _t_Tule—by Marlow IV. Brown. ra=l=l Review of the same, Billion. Moral 11 specti of City Life Chapin. Sacred Streams, Cheerer Lamplitiliter. Spirit ,ciatiifestations Emantinetl and Explained. . Dods The Old Brewery, by ladies of the Mission. !distal,' of the French Protestat Refugees, by Weiss. The Higher law, by Life on tax Plains and in the diggings. Cyclopedia of Entertaining Knowledge. Life of Christ awl his Apostles. Fleetwood. Poetical Works of the Davidson Sisters. American Fruit Culturist, Thomas. The American Farmer, Blake. Ameiican Lady's Cook Book. Dairytnati's Manual, Evans. Shukspeare,-S vols. A Popular Cyclopedia of Modern Domestic Medicines, comprisingnyery recent improve, mew in Medical knowledge. with a plain' account of the Medici,ues in 'common use—by KEITIL Inner, M. D. to which are prefixed by the American editor, popular treatises 00 Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Dietics, and the ruanagemeut .ot the sick. Designed for general use. String Drug and Book Ston VIOLINS and Flutes just received by TYLER WALL Papers. New and beautiful pat terns at- TYLER'S.- 13PORTS E N l'owdr, Shot, [mad, .ttul everything in tbe line of Anunnnition, and Fishing Tackle of the best quality and at low prices at TYLER'S: ERSTEIVS DICTIONARY —.Pocket, r"1 Sibool, ruiversity, octa, ani 9aarto editions,for sale by: IYLER. T KATHAIRON and other 1.../excellent prt.Tatutions fur cleansing and abeutifying the 11Allt, fur sale at TYLEtt'S. PERSONS about to Build or repair, will find a complete stock of Window Sash. Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils, for sale at fair prices by • T. B. TYLER ir I. FURMAN, Horse and Cattle Doctor, el .respectfully informs the public that he has located in Hebron towrkship (atJoseph Stone's) where he is prepared to attend to calls in his profession. He is of loug experienc'e in the bus,ness, and hopes by his superior skill and assiduity to secure the patronage of the pub lie. 6-49 2rtt • - DATENT MEDICINES at Wholesale, Alerchants and Pedlars will be supplied with ell kinds of Patent. Medicines at Mann-. facturers' wholesale prices by TYLER, TTYLE B . R has just returned from tho .city, and is 110W'' prepared to show the largest and best stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, ails, Books, Stationery, Paper Hang. :ugs, and Fancy Goods in the county. '• lie is also prepared to sell lower than at We and as low as any other establish, ment in Coudersport. April 15, 1053. ' New Cash Ternis. New Goods. FRANK JOHNSON, • Cabinet plater. COUDESPORT,_ POTTER COUNTY •PA, Wishes to inform the citizens of Coudersport and the surrounding country, that he will exe cute all orders in his line of business at short notice and reasonable prices. Place of business near the Presbyterian Church. 7 12 ASSORTED Piokles in jars for sale 11 C. S. JONES Lewis Mann Isagain home, in the store opposite the North, east corner of the public stmere, aud'is re ceiving direct from Kew-cork citpt--not a "mammoth stock" of winter goods, but suffi; cient to fill up the old store; Which goods are now offered for inspection and examination. He would therefore say to the old ; eustomes,_ step in and see his assortment: and to the. people generally, that all his goods are for sale—he will be happy to receive "calls." lIE Ladies will find at Mann's store Coch .l eeo, Washington, Merrimack, Philip, Alt & Son's, and other choice varieties of Prix, warented by the subscriber NOT TO FADE. ALL -WOOL De!nines at Mann's. Alpae as, Paraniettas, English and French Meri nos at MANN'S. GINGHAMS—a good assortvent at . MANN'S SILKS and Drees Trinnnlng,s at MANN'S SHAWLS of various patterns and qualities, Ladias'-:and Children's Hoods, at BRICS, Bishop LaWns,Vietoria Laws, CCap Lace, Crape, Rus'd Muslin, Linnet' Hadkils, Embroidered do., Muslin Edgings, Cotton do., Linnet' do., Ladies' Collars, Wrist lots, Un4ersleeves, Ladies skirts, do., Ceps„ to to be found at Large lot of Hosiery at IT you want warm Stockings for the child ,Lern, you will find them at 31ANN's. GAITER BOOTS, Bnsksins, and the other variety of Shoes, eau be found at MANN'S ij AT S , Caps Comforters, Wrappers, Draw ilers, -Buck Gloves, do., Mittens, Berlin -Lined Gloves, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Suspend ers. Call at MANN'S EMI BEI B O I'S' and Ynutin' Boots at IE3 cl HEATING, Shirting, Batts, and Cotton Varri at MANN's. SUGARS, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Ginger, Pep per, Spite, Starch, Saleratns, constantly on hand at- MANNs'. PLUG Tobacco, Fine-Cut do., Chewing and Smoking at MANN's. hyou wont Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Mill aws, Cros-cut do,, Hand do., Chisols, Au gurs, Auger Bits, Fifes of all kinds, Steel Squares, Iron do., Try do., call at T MIS MANN keeps constantly on hand 3-4 Shovels, Squares, Manure Eorks, Fire MI 4 OCKS, Doors Handles, Butt 4, Scrawg, Locks—all sizosShoe Nate. , Finishing do., for sale at nOCLET Kuives, Table do. Call at MANN'S Store TI:WIS MANN ha:: for sale Shot, Lead, 4 Powder, Flasks, &e. _ . GOODSE. • OLMSTED D, would say to the public that lie is now receiving a stock 'of Goods, which he will be happy to show to all who may llivor him with a (dill. You can find by calling on him a good asshrtment of Lawns. Poplins, Bareges, Barege DeLaines. De Beges, Silks, &c., &c. Also, Prints, Giughams; Do mestics of all kinds, Groceries, Crockery, and a large stock of Bouts and Shoes; all of which will be sold as low as. they can be bought elsewhere. Beecher DAKE Reonta and Choeulate—deliciott U.lrinks, at . TYLER'S. piCKLED CHERRIES at _ . , C. S. JONES' ' - Tailoring! Tailoring!! 31J, W. HARDING, Tailor. All work entrusted to his care will be done I %vial neatness, comfort, and durability. I__ { f" Shop over Lewis .Nlann's store.. 6-37. FRESH Buodug Fluid and Gumphille at the DRUG and BOOK-SION.B. Magazines for September. urAspr,s, Gudey, Graham, and Putnam, I just received and for talc at 25 cents per number, by TYLER. War Declared at Last, lIE long, repose of Europe is - about tb be disturbed by the bugle's note and the reville of the drum, calling its slumber millions to arms in the (lelense of t h eir` firesides mid their country. England and France are culling for men and weans, and sending forward their armies to, battle against the aggressi(nis of the Rtnlididt Bear; but while the 01(1 l(rprI( . 1 is convulsed by revuln. lion, unusual peace and plenty reign in the New. In the. peaceful and quiet -pursuit of our . btisiness We have formed a copartutnAip under the mune and style of N. S. HUBEI{ & CO., and have taken the store in Empire Block, in-the village of Olean, formerly occu pied by Thing & Brother, end are now re ceiving a splendid new stuck of goods adapted to the season and watts of the community, which we intend to sell exclusively for cash down, at prices that will cause consternation and dismay in the ranks of old fogyism that has Leen so long established in this section. Our stock wilt consist in part ut the follow ina Goods: - Hardware, Crockery, Boots & Shoes, . Hats, Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Glass, Paints & Oils, , Sash, Ptitty, Chairs, • - Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Feathers Stone and Wooden Ware, And ' e mean to keep such an assortment of the above goods that persons from a distance can be assured of finding everything they usually want at prices that will do them good Call and see for yourselves. IN. S. BUTLER & CO Olean:. May 5, 1854. 6.51 New Books, - .•vANNY FERN'S New Valuate, or Second Series of Fern Leaves, Silver Cup.and Sparkling Drops, fur the Friends of Temperance, • Celton's United States Gazeteer., Greece; and the Golden Horn, by Ste phen Olin, D. D. Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington. Morning Stars of the New iSorld, by H. F. Parker. A new and large collection Of choice Books for children. Just received by T. B. TYLER. Drafting Instruments, 'Water Colors, Drawing Paper, Pencils, and Brushe, just received at TYLER'S' T EAS,fredh and cheap, at TYLER'S Stationery A T Wholesale and Retail nt The People's Cash Store, AT COUDERSPORT.. Something New. and Something • Wanted: • MHE subscriber has just received from the I. city of New-York, and opened at .the store formerly . - occupied by Hoskin ,S; Smith, on the north side of the Court Bouse Square, a selected assortment of New. Goods, coin prising Dry. Goods, Groceries, Crockery, and Hardware. . The motto of business:—adopted—ie, "the i -sure shilling and the lively sixpence." The above Goods will therefore -be sold .exclu. sively for either cash or ready-pay in hand, and upon such terms that the purchaser can not be otherwise than satisfied that he luis made a good bargain—received a quid pio quo — , something for something in value for his money. Au exchange will gladly be made with the Farmer, for his Produce: Butter, .Cheese, Eggs, Grain in'any quantity, and with it, the more Cash the better. The Subscriber Will at all times take pleasure . in exhibiting his . Goods to the customer, that quality and prices may be examined. - _ _ MANN'- • • L. F. MAYNARD. Coudersport, JuLyls;lBs3. 6•ltf A MONG many oiher articles• for the ladles of fancy 'and rich worth, will be fount at the People's Cash Store; fine Worked Col Lars: of different designs and patterns. BLEACHED Sheeting and Shirting, Brawn Candle Wick, Summer Cloth for children's wear, Bed Ticking, Toweling, Ta. ble Linnet', Brown, White a do:. a superior article of Damask, all purC flax,—Table Spreads. An exumination will recommend them better than anything else. :1111N's AT •` The People's Cash Store" may' be Mond a selected lot of Prints,.of English. French, and American Goods; quality and Triers agreeing admirably. Please ran and see ns. Jf \ N'S llaP LACK and Green Teas,. of eccellent fla .l3vor, and ut most reasonable prices. Su. gars, White nod Brown do., Rice ; Ginger, Spice, Pepper, Nuttilegs, CaSsia, Raisins, Tn. ,pace, Pepper, _Ea, W., ssaia, . m, inicco in all its variety, to please those-who Jove the weed, and a superior article of Coffee that cannot fail to - please all the Dutch and tome of the Yankees', at the • • • PEOPLE% CASH STORE. AND. Glass Ware, in variety; that will please the eye on the first inspeetton. at the' PEOPLE'S CASH STORE: • MANN's HARDWAIIE.=Sythis -and Swaths, of patterns long tried and found to Le good, Rifles one flub-stones, Saw•inill-Viles, Door Handles, Latches, Mineral.Knobs,(white and brown,) Mortice , Locks, Wrought Butts for Doors,- of on si zes. Knives of good quality for the table.and for :the pocket, at the PEOPLE'S CASH—STORE. L. MANN'w Tin and Hardware. TllE.undersigned tins. connected with his Tin. Sheet Iron, -Copper, and' Stove ' Business, that of HARDWARE and CUT LER V—sO that in addition to the business heretofore conducted by Mtn, he is now really to'sup'plv the public with almost evet'y variety of Had - ware. Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, Hoop Iron, ,Nails, Cable and Ox Chains. Carpenters' Adzes and Broadaxes, Manilla Hone for Cil• 131rF. A general assortment of Clocks, Ja panned Ware, Toys of every description ; and In short, he designs td'keep all such things as the public wants in his line, ivhieli lie will not for less than cost, but for a v Eat SMALL profit indeed.. and hopes by a strict attention to his business to receive a liberal share of public patronage, All kind., of Produce taken in exchange for Coeds. at the highest market prices; also, $.20 per ton paid for old iron.- 6-12 ly JAS:.W. SMITH. ONE•TIIIRD GHEAI'EIt THAN WHITE LEAD, AND FREE FROM ALL YOI . SONOUS QUALITIES. • - The New-Jetsey Zinc Company having greatly enlarged their Works, and improved the quality of their products. are prepared to execute 'orders, for their SUPE RIOR PAINTS,: dry, acid. ground in oil, in msorted packages of from -25 to 500 pounds; also. Dry. in barrels, of 1201) pounds each.. Their WHITE 'ZINC : , which is sold dry, or 'ground in oil, is . warraitted ! lrure and unsus-. passed fur body and' uniform whiteness. A method of preparation. has recently, been discovered, which enables the. Company to .warrant their paints to.keep fresh and,soft in the kegs for ally reasonable time. In this respect their paints Will be superior to ally other in the market. ' Their BROWN. !(NC PAINT, which is sold at a low price, and can only be made front the Zinc ores from New-Jersey, is now well known for its protective qualities when applied to iron at other metallic surfaces. flair STONE—COLOR PUNT possesses all the qualities of the Brown, and is of nn agreeable color for pi 'using Cottages, Depots, Out-buildings. Bridge ,•eic. Dealers supplied of liberal terms by their 'Agents. HIEN •11l & RICIIARDS, Wholesale Paint Pealf:rs and Impnrters, N. W. cor. of 10th &Markehsts, • ' Gin lvii Philadelphia. Premium . wportant to Far iers and Mechanics. 9IHE 4 subscriber has purchased of- J. Bamborengh the i iglit to use in Potter and M'Kean counties his patent-in - the construction lof Fanning Mills. He has also, at great ex bense, commenced th' manufacture of a PRE 1111UM !MILL whicl will clean frorri 100 to `2OO bushels per hour. This Mill was pate , ted March 20. 1847, sines i which time it has stood at the head of the. list in all the State and ceun - 'tv agricultural societies where 'it has been ex hibited. and is a uliversal favorite with all antlers who have tr ed it. It took the pre mium at the first Agricultural Fair held at I Harrisburg. Oct. 31st'. 1851, when there were' 130,000 people present and at the great State Agricultural Fair at New-York, held at Roch- - ester Sept. 16-19, 1851, this Fanning Mill ! received the highest honors-. Having met with Mill:farm' success wherever . tried, I confidently invite the farmers of Potter and M'Kean counties- to call at my shop in Coudersport and examine for themselves. A supply always ob hand, to be sold on rea sellable terms 6-37tf 1-HE subscribe& hereby . gives notice to the public that having given PETEK Souris his note for eightydolrars, bearing date near the last of March, 185 ; 1; payable September, 1856, and having never received any value therefor, ho will refuse to pay, the saute; therefore be warns any person front buying the said not e with and expectation of his pay ing it. [6sl] CONSIDER STEARNS. _ Mill Owners will always find a -'supply of Oil fur machinery at iatisfactory &ices, and in any quantity, at TYLER'S Drug Store. TYLER'S: Teas. ZINC PAINTS. yang Mills. JOHN RECKHOW Machine Oil. D. W. SPENCEit'S COLUMN. New Goods for the Summer Trade. T - N W. SPENCER would respectfnlly in- L • form the inhabitants of Coudersport and vicinity that hi is now receiving a FRESH and LARGE ASSORTMENT of Goods, which will . be . spla as cheap as the cheapest. He would also.ieturn heartfelt thanks to his old customeri and friends for their past patron age, and would be glad to show them any goods which he has, and will try to save them at least 10 per cent. by calling and eitunining before purchasing elsewhere. Roe T HERE take the lib. ER I ES. 1 ertv to inform the peo ple of Coudersport and Potter county that I am still at my new stand opposite the north side of the public square, where may be found GROCERIES of all kinds constantly on hand, such 149 Tea, Sugar, Cof fee, Salemtns, Ginger, Mustard, Tobacco, Sniff, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Confectionery, &c., &e. My motto is, "The nimble sixpence in pre Terence to the slow shilling." 1). W. SPENCER. Drugs, Medicines, IDATEN T MEDICINES, Oils, Spirits 0 Turpentine,Camphing, Burning Fluid Soap, Candles, for sale low at SPENCER'S. --- - 4P, Letter , and Note Paper, all kinds of Stationery, Steel-pen. Holders Wafers, Sealing Wax, Sand, Ink, -Pocket-Books, En velopes, Visiting Cards, Jewelry, Fine Cut lery, and a variety of Fancy Articles, together with Silk and Thread, otc., at SPENC ER's.' GRAIN, Butter, Lard, Eg7s, Rap, Shin. gles, taken for goods at their cash value. Caßh not refused. D. IV. SPENCER. TIII:TTER and Lard of a superior quality ,JLAfor sale at S I'ENCER's. -- - ANY one desirous of a good quality of Syrup of Molasses will do well to call at SPENCER' . County Orders Taken at Par FOR GOODS, at 1" ADZES, if you wont a nice Bonnet, you J I will do well to call on SPENCEIL. RABBIT'S -Yeast Powder for sale by SPENCER NTEW THING.—Pure Ground Coffee -11 great thiug fur the ladies. SPENCER. ITHONTIUPTIC, Cod Liver Oil, and 1-knany other popular Medicines for sale by SPENCER, " Halloo I Halloo ! Halloo ! FENCER is in town ! Mountains of Cl AD READY—MAD E CLOTHING for almost nothing. I have bought this coat, this vest, anti these pants—ain't broke, either! Hurrah! All the &boys shall her ()Le of craven's coats! Hurrah! But, to be candid, friends, there's nothing like it in all the etnnehry. Just go over there, and for a little o' nothing he'll sell ve a rig that, though ye 're the big gest rascal Übove ground, will make ye us liar as a praistto look at; though ye 'taint a ciut in ye _r poCket.4, folks will how and scrape to ye as though ye were millionaires, and • real gentleumns.' Fashion! Great tiling! Ii et. tei.dead titan out of it—many an honest tiAlow has been' because of the cut of his coat but no. danger if ye haw of tipencer,—his cloths are just the fashion." The subscriber has just received • a large stock of Reatly-Made Clothing, of - the latest style and best quality, which are well made, and will he sold low. D. W. SPENCER. - 110071,VERIZED Corn Starch. for food, for 1 sale at SPENCLIU= QODA, Cream Tartar, Magnesia, Al Chalk, Salts, and Glue, for silo at the GRocEn.y sToitE. • OPEL and coach varni,h can be ha f t at Spencer's on very reasonable term;. IL OF. TAR, Merchant's Gargling Oil, to Inr had at SPENC.ER's. S . , HOT AND LEAD at lower figures titan down town at SPENCER'S. • NEW article of Siunnut: LIN at _ SPENCER'S, A BETTER selection of Callen not found tlinthe county than at SPENCER'S MEA by the chest or pound for sa!e by .1 -SPENCER New Goods. ,! DW. SPENCER hal just retnrned trim), . the city with a"large stock of Groce ries, Clo thing ,. Drugs and Medicines., and a general assortment of Fancy Articles, and many other things too immerons to mention, which wake sold low fur cash or reatlyisty. - DLUG TOBACCO—Fine Cut, Chewing, and Smoking, by the pound, at SPENCER'S. "I Conic to bring you Lifr and Heal th." TAR: CURTES' HYGENIA, or Inhaling llygean Vapor and Cherry Syrup, for the cure of Pulmonary Commumtion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Cold, and all Long and Liver complaints. A new method of Inhala tion for the cure of the above named di 4 eaS o3 . For sale by I). SPENCER. Perpetuate Family Faces A LL who desire to do so Should not long _tidal); going to CASEY ' S DAGUItIt.F.AN GALLERY. The subscriber is weekly pro. diming beautiful miniature portraits in the most plea Sing style and at most reasonable -- prices. A pleasant room is open; and every one is welcome to call and examine spec!. mens whenever they choose: Those w,ho wish to be secure of a sitting should not come late in the day. Gallery open only on Satnrilays. 6.36tf J. W. CASEI Music. lIUNTEN'S celebrated Instructions 1...1..f0r the Piano-Forte: Burrowes' Piano-Forte Primmeri Union Glee. Book A new supply of Sheet Music; For sale by T. D. TYLER. Assi.Nf,W supply of Fluid and Cam• pltine Lamps—some new and beautiful patterns just received and for sale low at TYLER'S. Notice, THE Governor` iirthe State . of New-York has appointed the subscriber a Cornini, sioner for the State of New-York, to take the acknowledgment of Deeds and other instrn ments, and to administer oaths pursuant to an act of the Legislature of tho said State, ISAAC BENSON. Coudersport, Dec. 12, Idsl. Clothing, Clothing. THE place to buy well-made Clothing at a a low price (a large stock to select from) is at OLMSTED'S. •N'E T G 0 ODS DOUBTLESS there are many persons in Coudersport and vicinity who have never visited the famous BOSTON STORE at the fast.growing village of. Wellsville. The No. of this store is 94, which number is over th e door— BOSTON STORE, 9-1 O'ER THE DOOR. This establishment is one of the large s t DRY GOOD .1 and READY-MADE CLOTH ING Dt.piits ii Allegany county. Hundreds of customers from Potter county buy all their Clothing, Boots and Sloes, and other flags, at this great'utart of business. But still there are those who have never happened to Ul into the path that leads, most assuredly, to economy and Wealth. That path leads 14 cash buyers straightway to the GREAT .BOSTON. We have no enemies to .punish, no friends to reward. We sell for, ready pay, and take in exchange for Goods the iiillowing useful article., viz Cash Beeswax Far Beans Socks I lidrA \limit Yarn Potatoe4 . Wool Butter —We aro now receiving -from our shop at Rochestt•r,abont ten cords of the beg BOOTS and SHOES sold in the county. We keep constantly on hand 3letis India Rubber Booty, " Uier•Slice+, " Coats, " Pants, " ". " Caps. With a very ealen.ive Nt(lCk of TRCIi~, VALISES, and CARPET -BM ;1 4 ; choirs Black and Colored Dress Silks, Alpaca. De,. bine+, Thibet -Cloth+, Prints, Gingham., r Dd. other Dres: Goods—together with a general varicoi of Dry Goods,. Shawls, Shawls. In particular, we would call the attentrort of the ladiiii to our great variety of ,q/Lt ILLS, of every pini.:llde kind,• altogether tou nn merow to mention. IVe have thp litrgest stock of the different kinds of Islattreitsts in We,:fern New•Sork. lintel keepers can be supplied on reaionablo terms. SPENCER's Three Cheers for the contemplated Conti from \Vellsville to Rochester; and hoping that the Plank Itoild will be continued on to Coudersport during the coming,spring, that the sous and . daughters of betoghtel Potter may be more frequently-seen in ea! piling city. %Ve remain your ob't serv'ts, - LANCET WeNville, Jan. 13, le.Z4 AIACKEREL, Salmon, and Blue i• C. S: JONES*. 6.V.:PERIUR Sperm and Tallow Cand!es a L.) C. S. JUNIS' PPOVISP..c STORE. TNDIAN MEAL and BUCKWHEAT.coI .istantly on.hrtntl at the NEW PROVISION STORE. GRAIN and Produce of all kind+ taken is exchange for Goods at JONES. s_ll - MS end Shoulders—a 11fX aqsortaitn: C. JUNI.S. ACKS OF SALT at Iho - NEW PROVISION STORE ORANBERRIES! CRANBERRIES! tr 'lithe quart or bushel, at r. S. JONES' Carriage and Sleigh-31alier. Tsub , eriber re , peetfully nohrs 1_ that he is prepared to do all the hteque-. in the above line, at the Atortest notice, at La new shop, two doors v. tl , t of the toudervr. llo:el. JOHN liErlill()W. VAi•NSMiTll.Couder,p(irt. l'a. Anz.i inamitiietiired acid repaired at lii short notice. March 1P The Clothing Department " THECASH STORE. " EADV-MADE tiLOTIIIN'G kept con stantly on hand by- the sub , cf,ber, mad! , up and mannthetnred kr the heat vorhren. limn chuhs selected for durability andtioncy. the ob ; eet being not to supply the cumere'r whit humbug artich• which he lilac he. &teed to purehase because it i( so rrry greF. but which in the end is 1-try dear: but rn C him 111 the first imunnee an ariele which c.• do him honest ;ma good service for a• able' price. those de , irous of being t oceommodated. call at "The People's Ca' Store." L. F. MAYNARD. GIIF.CKED . GINGII.I3IS it vrArir . : y. Ml* prices In snit. L. F • IN WELLSVILLE,ATTHE GREAT BOIL TON STORE, No. MAIN-ST. 7 / 111 AV be found constantly on hand add 1 .sale, an eXten.ive variety of Spencer Granger's ,alperb MA TTRLSSES, of eier sort, kind, and price, from a Palm tress to a super-English hair Mattress at SW Also, Lounges, Buktars, and Pillows. All of which are offered to Holel and Board ne Hwye keepers. and all others who have tern-. non sense enough to know that a 1111111 f• Whir brd, te) make the" beet of it, i 4 tut f breeder of disease- alai a life-curtailer,—at . lower prices than ran he found at any o ilPr btore in the county., _ _ • - LANCF:Y & CO., Sale .Agent44in the county) for the sa;r r the above good:. 6-37) 1r E=EiffE=t=RECl!! Academy' Text Books. A FCLL stipply lei sale low at • TYLER'S r A FISC and Mineral Paints, with. dirertioci 44for using, at T. B. TYLER'S. TINATENT PAILS, Bed Cords, Clozbei Lines; Horse Cords, Curry Comb., Hors. Brushas, to be sold at MANN'S- FOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas. Potter County; at September term P:A. James C. Carson vs. V er,el Dickenson. John Boating et. al. vs. Verse! Dickenson, John Keating et. al. vs. Edson Warner. John M. Lamberton vs. James H. Wright, Thomas Rees vs. Frank 1. Jones, James Ayers vs. James !intron, Bingham school District vs:C. C. Crum, F.“, cutor etc., - Chester Andrews VP. M. J. N. Hoskin, Daniel Clark vs. Daniel It. Hancock et. al. \V.'l'. &A. F. Jones VS. Juliit. Baker , W. T, Jones & F. Jones vs. EdmundAlvord , W. T, Jones & A, F, Jones vs. C. I'. Cool. Henry Ilurlinrt vs. -Marthia Ilurbtirt, William (arson vs. Charles W. Johnson, Nath'l W. Abbey va. J. C. Bronson & Charts. - Steel, N. L. Dike vs. Isaac Benscin. - . V. 0. Spencer vs. Nathan Woodcock. 11. J. OLMSTED. Prothonoiare Office, '?, rrothonotar! CouderTort July 27, 1&31. S • 'cettis . .on Oats Tallow Rag &e.. Mattresses. JOHN RECKHOW, A. B. GOODSELL, MATTRESSES LIST OP CAUSES 6-:',.ltha