The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, September 08, 1854, Image 3

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Ma. EDITOR : You and the readers
of the Jountal have doubtless heard the
f.tory of the Fox and the Grapes, where
in it is related that the Fos; having
failed to obtain some . grapes which
bang beyond his reach, petulantly con-
kzratulatedhimself that they were no
thing but sour grapes after all. This
-fable is frequently suggested to the
wind when observing the course of
ocrtain individuals who often attempt
that which they cannot attain. The
Editor of the Patriot, (so called,) your
terrible opponent, is likely to subserve
one important purpose; (I should like
to know what other,) to wit : that of
keeping this fable fresh in the memory
of all its readers. •
You doubtless noticed in the Patriot
of Aug. :30th, its shamocratic editor at
tempted to palm oft a letter from War
rim to the Tioga Eagle, signed in that
paper J. E.," in which the said ;I. E.
.attempted to defend the position of ,
lli. 4 ler on the question of prohibi
ti,,,„ as though it were written by the
Grand Worthy Chief Templar, the
head of the Order of CoodTemplars
is Peausylvania. The editor states the
I , v(lded fart in relation to the all
-711 ,1,))11) of that letter, with an air of
t:ou tiph, as thotozh such sentiments
c‘r!ssed by the litzad of the Order,
skeo sufficient to put to silence all the
meat: of Bigler on that score.
V, :tiler what the.G,)ed Temp Lars can
~- a , z ainst Bigler new ! And written
::the bend of the order, too! ! 131 it
is finnui iti other
i,:::dsbc, oldie Patriot edit
:, and he forced in the next issue
I.,cerrect this,--to :ay the least—gross,
Acu,:able, and slandermismi,:repre-
•titatlon. Says the Patriot, "We
,oertully unlie the correction, al
-11:onli we irtiA none of our l'Oadf•l'S
:!1:` :41711/I0 einitiqh to allow the dicta
F: ail thv t;ra:Kl (;rand
and CI raud Templar:, ie
Ifliii , tendoin,tii influence them in their
of the difecout candidates
:;,r (l'weritor." Oh, nn ! of course
11,1 ! You did not tie,ire it when you
pr iacd the remarks introductory to
letter, and mi - slitewillysuppressed
ti:.• author's Sour grapes,"
•:\ the Pox ; and (grand Worthy
.:ITeniplars tire potqtries ody
sac:, in effect, the uo Cllll2llt
t 01 editor of the Patr;rii.
::01!1011CC vV itlt the saptie tit liiiore
.\, - ,)ti ! ; ng who iirt.l._”itls to edit the Pat
•t6t ;ld if Von, have no influence with
it would ha kind and Christian iii
itm to whisper it to sonie treed friend
111•.) 1:11• the sake I , t . the respoct
pill have fur vmir ewe calling.
the desire whici; volt cherish that.
zulti honuraiilt.o.sny to
t ;nice Ito has 1111111cm:ed. 111,
I , i.tter niaiitt a clean brea , t of it,
arknowle4l2,o•that nearly, if not
all that he nas written, or which
appeared in the Pairi,), as editori-
ZO. 1.11 , been Sy , teni of gees misrep
;--erration,, and tindietive and unpro
ft—lonal personal as , aults, intended,
11,4: to instruct the mind and elevate the
moral. political, and reli t rions semi
-14, •44ts of the heart ; but to prejudice
the mind at.r..tinst truth, and hoodwink
;11141 acveivo tilt. people into the s.upport
mon a.d principles as in inO:t
. 4.4.1 ewe. flies really scout and abhor.
Ailow toe, ifyou please, to itarodove
instance of willful misrepre
,...t 4!ion of tyllich the editor of the
1'4!tr444/ for some One so near like Mtn
the two blend tot;ether and make
- .r 1 at fillsifier)
liarrisbure; Temperance Con
.Ainn which assembled in June last,
intemozated the candidate for
.vernor, of each of the plditical par
and received an answer from each
them, adopted the tollowing resoln
ni offered by their committee
*l'ku as the letters of the various
milidines for Governor hive been placed in
Ire L.IIIIJ, 011111 , CUIIIIIIII!ce, and we tindithat
riutiuliiie- for the Whig. American, and,
rce Ifentocriitic parties e all answered to
:IT ;111d \VC Is 11 , V. Wi - ii to ex
tteuttrsek es to the th.irge of inidne partiaiity.
) pitry, tt e therefore deem it
ie‘iitittien, to recommend any particular can
u ; Initthat iniditio mite be dune to all. tee
.111111CrICI that the letter, of the four eattili
i he pi/bit-lied ingeiher with the interrog
iir.e• itt our proiieeding:, that the people
judge for tbenumiteii.
lov. Bigler's letter was evasive,and
to couVeldloll stl Ililae.r!,loud it. as ap
ears from the above resolution.
The Patriot of .July 26, almost two
idierward, expressed itself in
wi ; e: ‘i It will he observed that.
convention deemed as Saii4aCtUry
all,Wer Of nil the candidates for
it eruor, ilt,lutlia Mat, : Gut'. Big
r. 10 their interrogatories respecting .
.iietionim; a iaw that may be pas - serf.
hat d the croakers in this neighbor- ;41 say to this ?" Why, the i:roaktry
just •what grim have said, Mr. Pat
but die honest, intelligent iniophs
the as:enion as a willful perver
•.•'l of the truth.
The above, Mr. Editor, is hut a sin
k. instance out Of ma nywherein this has desmted the truth, and thus
;littered its name a by-word and a!
(roach among sensible and hottest
Sept. 6, 15.54.
ntl=7.47ebraotta Eicitet.
~ l arria,ges.
- In Liberty, MlCcan coenty, Pa., Aug. 19,
1554, by A. S. Barnaba, Esq., Mr. Jons L.
WAnnEs, of ,Pleasain Valley, to Miss MARY
L. WEST, of the former place.
irsios of SON AsifTEMPLAR.—Bro.Mann:
As far as I know, there has been a friendly
Theling maintained - between the Sons and
Good Templar.: front the first organization of
the latter Order; but I. was perinitted to take
part in a scene on the 2 lth of July which fur
nishes evidence of rail affection. It was the
marriage of our excellent Brother, SYLVESTER
DAVEY, of French Mills, Bradford county,
and ALLENA A. DlCElxsom7of Pike Mills
Potter enmity. Yours, in L., P., and F., and
F., IL, and C., RI L. STILWELL.
Sheriff's Sales
By yiIVICE of sundry writs of Vend. Ex.,
Pk Vend. Ex., Als. Vend. I:x., and Le-
Tart Pacias, cot of the Colin of Com
mon Plea , of Potter county and to the directed,
I will expose to sale by puh,ic vendoe or
outcry, at the CIIIIrI Il ome in Condersport,
MONDAY, the ISO: day of September, 1:7)54,
at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described .
real c•date, to wit
Situate in Genesee township, Potter comity,
Pa., bounded tui the north by the New-rork
State flue, east by David TliraSher, south by
un-eated lands, and west by Nathan
containing Lilly acres of land, be the same
more or less, on allotment itf Bingham hauls
On warrant Itil3; of which there is fourteen
acres improv - ed, with one Ira toe house, an old
nshery, an old hovel, and an apple orchard
thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of George W. Sher
wood. at the suit of Levi Anniii.
ALSO—Pertain real estate, situate in Sharon
tow ~.hip, Potter county, State of Pennsylva
nia, bounded on the north by hinds of A. W.
on the east by la»d. - of 5. Drake, on
the South by lands 01 . Sutherland and Burdic,
and on
. the west by Ke.ating lands—containing
ghty and three-tend]; acre, about ten , acres
of which i. improved At so, one other
tract, sinune as aforesaid, bounded on the
north bY the o , wayo creek, on the east by
'l'. J, Iturdic - s land, smith by lands of IVhite
and Stevens, and on the west by lands of
!t.,bbi, t —containing ninety- , ix acres, two acres
of which is improved, it lilt One saw-mill, two
frame houses, two frame halm., and other out
building. thereon. Seized, taken it? execu
tion, and to be sold as the property of Asa
Stevens, Jr.. Luke Stevens, and Jima Stevens,
at the suit ()CS:motel II ossell'a»d J. N. Haskin.
ALSO—Certain real estate, situate in Alle
gany tot‘ it-hip, Potter comity, ;111(1 State of
bounded as follows: On the
north by ~,,seated land, on the east by lots
11i and 115 of the stilt-division of the Fox
Estate in said township, on the south by lot
No, 1;10, and on the- west by lot No. 117 and
unsealed land, and being lot - "?.5,,. 112 of the
said sub-division—containing minetysnine and
two.tetrlis - - acre,, of which there are - ;(11ont
ten acres improved, and a .mall frame house
thereon. Seized, take,,
.execinion . , and to
be sold a , th nroneriv of Alvarez Peirce, at
the snit of Henry G. Taylor.
ALSt I—Pertain real estate, situate in Whar
ton township. exonny of Potter, and State of
Pennsyls ;mitt, bounded as follows: Beginning
at the southwest corner of warrant No. -177. , ,
thence east along the south line of said war
rant eighty perches to a birch, thence North
two handred perches to a birch, thence west
eighty perches to it birch, thence smolt
two hundred perches to the place of begins
ning—comaining one hundred acres, strict
measure, about thirty acres of which is im
prot ed, c, ill a block - and frame dwelling
house. one frame barn, an apple orchard, ;111(1
some fruit tree , thereon. Seized, taken in.
exeemion, and to he - sold as the property of
John Glaspey, at the suit of F. &C. 5,
. AI,SO-4 l'ertain real estate, situate in 17Ics
ses and UM-gaily. township , . Potter co.,
bounded on the Mirth by lands of Guernsey and
Harman. on the ea,l and south by nnsea:ed
bunk and on th , west by nmeated hind and
land , of 11.Gitermer—coniaitting one hundred
and tx‘enty acre , , lice acres of which arc im
proved, with one log barn thereon,
one other tract, situate in Ulysses township,
Potter'connty. Pa., bounded otrthe north and
ea , / by no-oated land, 011 the south by binds
occupied b 11. Morley, and on the west by
unseated land,—contauting (ifs acres, with
one saw-mid, one frame and one log house
thereon. iScued, taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of F. V. Cobb, at the
snit o f G. ()misted.
ALSO—Certain real estate, in Hebron
town-hip, Poiter comity, State of Pa., bounded
on the norit by unseated land, on.the east by
un-eated land and lands of It. M. Cl.,rk, south
and west by tut-eated land, being lots Nos. fill
and tr 7 of the soh-divi-ion of the Bingham
lauds in Ilebren town-hip—containing one
hundred and sixty. and five-tenths acres, be
the same wore or less, with about twenty
acres Unproved, and aimard. shanty and an
apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in ex
petition, and to be .old as the property of
C. if. Bishop, at the suit of N. L. Dike.
ALSO—Certain real estate, situate itt 'Gen
e.iee township, Potter county, State of Penn
ftylyania. Moulded on the north by. the New- -
'York and Peunsvl•ania State line, on the east
by lands of Cannon and Chambers, south by.
ging!) no lands, ;it'd hest by landsof C. Leach
—containing two hundred and seventy acres,
on n hieh there is about twents z six acres im
proved. and a log house ruin Warn thereon.
Seized, taken, in execution, and to be sold os
the property of Patrick Burke, at the suit.of
Male , Le:tell.
ALSO—Certain real estate, bounded and
do-cried as follows, to wit: On the east by
land , in the pos,-e“ion of George Nelson and
unseated land., on the south by land; of the
l'ox Estate, on the it esrby land± di the Fox
11•taie, and on the north by lands of the Fox
Lsiam. being lot No. r 3. of the . allonnent 'of
the Fox Estate lands 11/ Allegdny town-hip—
containing one hundred and one- acres and
one-tenth of an acre, about fifteen acres of
%%Inch is improved, with two log houses, Ote
frame ham, and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Isaac 13. Baker, lit the snit of
Franklin W. Knox. \
A I.So—Bv virtue \of sundry writs, The un
divided one-half part of a parcel of land, situate
in the township of S Caron, County of Potter,
State of Pennsylvania, bounded us follows:
Beginning on the northeast corner of Matthew
Maxon's land,-where is a birch tree, two hem
locks, and two oaks, marked Nith three hacks
each per corner, thence south thirty-four
chains twenty-five links to the line of S. 0.
Alnev & CpMaul}, thence east on the.line of
said lot eight y- four chhins twenty-fn•e lihks
le an old corner elm N0.5E67; thence north
on the line of said lots to the State line,:thence
along the State line west thirty-two chains to
a stake near Burdie's * house, thence south
thirty-nine chains and My links to a stake on
the hill, thence west filly-low chains to the
place of beginning—containing four hu n dred
and fifteen acres, strict measure, be the same
more or less At so, another tract of land,
situate in the township, county; and State last
above mentioned, bounded as follows : Begin
fling at the northeast corner of a lot formerly
ownetjby Joel Woodard, now sold to S. 0.
Miley, thence east along the State line to a
corner of S. 0. Alney's land, thence south
along the warrant line to the corner of said
warrant No. 5E63; thence west do the said line
to the corner of Woodard's and Olpey's land ;
thence north to the place of beginniegcon
taining three hundred and seventy-three acres
of laud, strict measure, more or less ; reserving
therefrom three hundred acres of the east
side of said tract, another parcel of
land, situate in the township,' county, and
State aforesaid last above mentioned, bounded
as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner
of a tract of land sold by Eli.lta Mix to 5. 0.
Alney, on lot No. 5:•=59; - thel . tee east one hun
Bred and three rods to a maple corner on
warrant No. 5555; thence south along, the
lino of S. 0. Alney's laud one hundred and
fifty-two rods; thence west to S. 0. Alney's hundred,and three rods: thence north
one hundred and fifty rods to the place of be
ginning—containing one hundred acres, strict
tneustire, be the sante mo`re or less And
ALSO, another parcal of land—beginning ut
the southeast corner of lot No. 5t.-.78; thence
west thirty-one chains and eighty-two links;
thence north fitly-une chains and fifty-seven
links to Milton Main's land to a corner on . the
bank of Ilonevoye Creek; thence on said
Main's south line to the east line of said lot ;
thence south to the southeast corner of said
lot No. 5878. being and running t
• contain all
the land in said lot cast of Mix's and south of
Main's land, which:was heretofore deeded to
Jonathan Bross n— containing one • hundred
and sixty-four acres of land, srrict measure, be
the , ante mitre or less And ALso, an o t her
parcel of land, situate in the township, county,
and State:above mentioned—beginning at the
northwest corner of lot No..iiSss; thence east
'one hithdred rod;: thence south for enough to
make :ninety 'acres of land, by running the
'south line parallel with the mirth line And
At. , o, another piece 'of land, situate in the
township, county, and State last mentioned—
beginning at the southeast corner 'of said lot
No. running front thence west forty
chains; thence north fir enough to muke one
hundred find ten acres of laud, by running
east and parallel with the south line of the east
of said lot And ALso, the equal, molly ided
pne-half part of a parcel of laud si:uate iu
the township. county and State last mentioned,
fq:inga. part of lot No.: , tSss—beginiting at the
northeast corner of a hundred-acre lot, sur
veyed for Elisha Mix, bounded by Ira A.
It yfes lot ; running from thence south one '
hundred and sixty-five rods; thence east one
hundred and t‘s enty-tWo rods; thence north
to the north line of said lot; thence west
along the north hue of : said lot to the place of
6:gi Ding—c,,titaining'une, hundred and twee- j
tydive awes of land, lie the some more or lees. '
....And ALSO, anm tier put eel of laud, si:uate
in Me township, coumy. and State lust men
tioned, being a part of lot No. 28311, bounded
as :
at the northwest
corner of lot; thence east thirty-two
clmins to a sake in the highway : thence south
atoms the highway to J olio C. Adams's Curlier
thence ,-st thirty-two chaius to a punt corner;
front thence Mail] to the patee of beginning—
con Mini tweittv-four acres of land A Litt,
;somber parcel. Cuing a part of lot No. 28..19,
in the towesliip, count c, and Slate lust tneu
ltutted, bounded as follows: Beginning at G.
IV. Sherman's southwest corner in the lot
Foe; !Mill thence west to S. U. s south
east tomer front thence north on mid line
sem, 111.• Iletreov (.'reek to the center of the
11;:_l :way near the school-house.. thence east
sluag the highway to George IV. Sherman's
line; front thence south on Geo. IV. Sherman's
bee to the place of begiuning—contaitaing
shout linty acres of laud, be the same more
or less, reserving not the school-home. s;te, as
it is owned by tic this rim. where -the school
house now stands, on the northwest corner or
said lot. Seized, taken in execution, and to
be sold as the properly of Peter B. Ded rick.
AI,SU.—.By virtue of sundry writs, ceriaiu
real estate. situate in Allegauy township, Put
ter county, Pa.ktnuded and described as fol
lows: Oa the north, south, east, mid west by
unseated lands of the Bingham Estate, aud
being lots Nos. 1:17 and 127 of s ub-div ; s ; ou
of the Bingham Estate in said township—coo
taiMug one hundred and nigety-eight and five
tenilts acres, of which there is about fort_
acres improved, with one frame house, t
log houses, two log barns, with some fruit trees
thereon. Seized, ttiken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of.lames B. Bill and
William Hill.
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs, certain
real estate, situate in Pike. township. fatter
county, I'a., bounded on the north by lot No.
11. alt the east by lots .Nus.l4. and 3.1, on .
die south by lot No. 22 and unseated lands of
the Bingham Estate, on the west by unseated
i lands and by lots Nos. 13 and 36, being lots
•: Nos. 41 and 1...2 atilt!. sub-division of the - rands
of the Bingham Estate in said township—com
• mining one hundred and filiv:Live acres, with
about fifty acres -improved; on winch is
erected three frame houses, two frame barns.
• and one saw-mill, and with some fruit trees
thereon Ars°, one other tract of /and, sit
uate as aforesaid, bounded on the north by
Bingh•im lands, tut the east by IsatieJohnson.
stimuli by Bingham lands, and 011 the 'vest by
lands of David It. Smith deceased—contain
ing two hundred and fifty sows, be the salmi
inure or less. with about ei; i lity acres hilprUVed,
our frame store and house, one Jog house, one
frame house, two frame burls, oat: saw-mill,
and an apple orchard thereon ALso,
No. 36, in the township county, and Stale
aforesaid, bounded Int the north and cast by
lot No. 14, on the south by lot Nu. 13 anti by
unseated lauds, on "the westt•by unmated
lands and by lot No. 1 s—coutaining Übe hun
dred and four acres, with about four aches im
proved and a log house thereon. Suited, ta
ken itl executiou, and to be sold as the •proper
ty of Chauncey Baxter. Matthew taller,
Elijah Johnsomaild Juba G. Masse!.
ALSO c;ertain real estate, situate
Shin on township, Potter county, state of Poun
svfrauia. bouttdml ott the north by lands of 11.
Carrier and Mary Maxon, ou the oust by lauds
of Mary Maxon and Newbold & - On die
.!01101 by Hawley - Adams and E. White, Jr..
and oil the %rust by laud ofMersera tt S w rs z on
—containiug use hundred Ujill SiLy-two) and
three-tenths acres, about forty acres of Which
is iaipro‘rd, a one frame house. one frame
lohru, 1)11(1 milk-house out-buildi m , s , and a n
apple urdnird 1:10t01111. Seized , taken ill ex
ecution. and to be sold us the properly of I.;
11. Kinney, at the suit of Henry Sherwood
us e of John W. Deuiners.,
r', 7 l' Notice is hereby given. that nnninount
equal lo the costs wilt he required to be paid . ,
open each sale when struck- down to the bid-
der: and upon a failure to comply with this
regulation the tract of lead will again be of
fered for sale. •
P. A. STEBBINS, Sheriff.
SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Ang. 18, 1854.
ATM BOOKS just received at the
Sept. I, 157,:)4. 7-10 ,
pURSUANT.. to an Act of the General
Assembly of the Conunouivealth of Penn-.
sylvanin, entitled "An Act relating to the
elections of this Cotntnonwealth," approved
the second day of July, D. one thousand
eight hundred and thirty-nine, .1, PIEaRE
STEBBINS, Sheriff of the. County of Potter,
Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and
give notice to the electors of the county afore
said, that a General Election will be held in
said-county of Potter on the SECOND TUES
DAY (10th) OF OCTOBER, ]854, at which
time State and County officers as follows are
to be elected, to wit:
One person to 611 the of Governor of
One person for Canal Commissioner of the
Commonwealth of retinylvaniu.
One person for Jiidge di' the Supreme Court
of Pentiylvonia. • •
One person for member of Congresii for the
XVIII Congressional District, compri,ing 'the
countie;. of ',yearning, Sullivan, Centel., Clin
ton. Pluer. and Mifflin.
Two persons for members of the House of
Representatives of General Assienthly at' Penn
svlvinia, in conjunction with the counties of
fvcoming and Clinton, to repreFent the coun
ties of Lycoming. Clinton, and Potter in the
House of Repre4entatives of the General As
sembly of Pennsvlvania. •
. One person to till the office of Prodionotary,
Clerk of the Courts of General Jail Deliverv,
Quaner Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, Or•
phans' Court, Register of 'Wills for the County
of Potter.
- One person for Recorder of Deeds for the
count• of Putter.
Two per.ons fir the office of Comity Corn
inisioner Atr the county of Potter, one for
three )ear, and one for two yetnis.
Two persons for the office of Auditor of
the county of Potter, one for three years and
one for one year.
One persUn for Treasurer for the county of
• I also make known and give notice, as- in
and by the Mit section of the aforesaid act I
am directed, that every person excepting Jus
tices of the Peace, m, ho hold any office or
appointment of profit or trust under the
Government of the Cnited States
,or of
this State, or of any city or incorporated dis--
trio, whether a commissioned officer or
otherwise a subordinate officer or agent, who
is or shall he employed under the legislative,
judiciary, or executive department of this
State or United States, or of ally . city or in
corporated district, and also that every ment
he: of Congress and of the State Legislature,
and of the select and common council of any
city, or commissioners of any incorporated
qistrict, is by law incapable of holding or ex.:
ercising at the same time the office or appoint- .
latent of Judge, Inspector,, or Clerk of any
election in this Commonwealth, and that no
Inspector or Judge, or other officer of any
such election shall be eligible to any office
then to be voted for.
Also, that in the fourth section of the Act of
As- , ewbfv, entitled "*An Act. relating to elec
tions and for other purposes," approved April
110, it is enacted that the albresaid 14th
section shall not be construed ; as , to prevent
any tnilitary officer or BorOngh officer from
serving as Judge; Itti . T . P - ctor, or Clerk of any
general or special election in this Common . -
It is farther directed that the meeting, of the
return judges at the Court Home in William , -
port, to mac! mu the general ret -hall he
on the first Friday succeeding the genet-n.l
election, which will be the 13th dav of October.
The return_ judg,e , of I,yeoming,
Clinton, Porter, Center, and Mifflin, compris
ing the X Vitt Congres:ional diAriet, will meet
Tne , day, the lith day of October nett, to
mak" out an official return foy member of
The return judges of Lycoining, Clinton,
and liter cottutici will meet at tlni Court
I f011. , e in Wit'lane:port on , Tne•ol,ty, the 17tli
day of October next, to waive 0111 returns for
tnetnberi4 of Assertible,
I also hereby make known and give notice
that the places of holding the afore:aid Gene
ral Allection in the - se% era.' townships and
boroughs within the county of Potter, are as
follows, to wit :
Far the town , hip of Abbott, at the house
(family) of T. B. Ahlioti, in said towrsh,
For . the township of Allegany, at the school
house near Chester Andrews', in said town
For the town-hip of Bingham, at the house
of A.; R. Lewis. .
For the township of Clara. at..the house of
Geo. W. Allen, said township.
Fort he town-hip of F.tilalia, at the house
ofC. W. Johnson, in the Boro of Condersport.
For'the township of Genesee, at the house
of L. I). Williams, in said township.
For the township of flarrison, at the house
of Hunter, in said township.
- For the township of Hebron, at school
house No. 3, in said towmhip.
For the township of Ileetor, at the hens°
of Anne XVilhur, in said township.
For the township of Homer, at the house
ofJnines Quimby, in said township.
For the township of Oswayo, at the home'
of John Welles, in said township. .
For the town:hips of Pike and Jackson, at
the house of Elijah .1 ohn , on, in Pike town-hip.
For the town-hip of Plea-ant Valley, at the
school-horse of said township.
For the township of Portage, at the house
of ira m ttl izer, in township.
or the township of Roulette, at the school-':
house near George NVeimar's, in said town-
For the township .of Sharon, at the Leroy
school-house, in said township.
For the township of Sweden, at the house
of ASenith Taggett, in said township.
For the township of Ulysses, at the house
of Jacob Wykolf, zu said tittenship
For the township of West Branch, at the ' I
house of Lemuel Hammond; in said township.
For the township of NVkrtnn,-at the house
of Joseph - 1.. Nelson, in said township. -
For the township of St eward , on, at the
house of John S. Clark, in said township. - •
For the' Borough of Coudersport,' at ;the
Court House, in said Borough.
An Act Pr the sttppression'of the niannfoetnre
and sate of intoxicating tiquors aeahrrerage.
WHEREAS, All laive 10, be, efficient hbould
have the niprolaiion and sauction of the peu- .
pie :
And whereas, `lt is rep ., esented that a' large
. ,
noint•r. hot a majority of the citizens of
this Commonwcal,ll. ace deeply impressed:.
with the liver ssityor the, passage of a Prohilr;.
itory liquor law :
And whereas, It is impossible to obtain a,
certuiuludira . .ion of popular sentiment rela,
live thereto by means of petitions and, reuicin•
81111/ICC97 - 11iyrtipye,
S EcTION I. Be it enacted by the Senate antil
Rouse if Reresentatires of the Comthonwealth
of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, dad
it is hereby enacted blithe atitiliprity gl dame,
That. thequatitiedvoters oft his Conittott Wealth
are hereby- authorized at the places fur hold;
ing the general elections in theirrespectire
wards; boroughs. and towed:l'4lls. on the second
Tuesday of October, next, to vote .for and'
against a law which shall entirely prohibit by.
proper and constitutional regtilations and pen
alum-the ihanufneture and Sale of intoxicating
liquors, except for. medicinal, sacramental,
mechanical, and artistical -purposes.
SECTION 2. That the oflioers, , atlthorized by
law to lioNbeleetions word, borough,
and towneblp': of '' this!
. .obininotiweidth, are
hereby directed and required at the .place
fixed' by law, in the several districti for the
holding of the general elections in the said
districts, on the second,lnesdny of gctober
.next, when they slndll.te organized as an
election board, to tecyivefrom each,qUalified
-voter of their said dlstricte, a ticket written
or printed ou the outside. " rrobibidiryLiquor
LIVN.," and the tickets iu favorof the proposed
law shall contniu in the iuside the Words, !` For
a PrOlribi tore Liquor Lew," and these opposed'
to the proposed law shall contain iu the mside
the - words. " Ayainsi a .P.ohibitory L:quor
Lew," which votes shall be counted and re
humid' to the enact house' of the counties or
ci v iu which the election Shall be herd, on the,
following riiLLy - by the returnjudges. who
abaft cast up t nl(.e-tlry all the %plea polled in
said youu 'y or to the office of the Secre
tary Of the
,Commonwealth at Harrisburg - ,
directed and tra omitted, in the same manlier
as.the•votes Govern are required to he
directed and tranStnitted; and the said secre
tary shall on the third Friday of January neat
eusuin. communicate ‘lm same re:urils to the
Legislature, to be opened and counted in the
same manner the votes for Governor aro
opened and counted, and considered ds the
innyee of - OM voters of this CoMmonwealdt
relative to a proh;bl , ol7 liquor l a w;
titcyloN Ih-That all the election Jaws of the
State - prescribing. the, hours of opening anh
closing the polls, the reception of votes, the
puni , lnnent,thr young, the defray nig
the expense - 1 :of publiention,:and holding'of the
general clectioni and return
,Of the same, turd
all' other Matters' incident thereto, be, and the
same-are declared applicable to the e!eetion
above authorized.
SEcrios 4. That it shall be the ditty of the
Sheriff of the several- Conntiy,, of III; cam:
nuinwealth to tn:ert a copy of the act in the
proclamation for the generil election to bea
held on the second Tuesday of October next.
Speaker of the. House of Representatires.
Speaker of the Senate,
. APPROVED—The twenty.eightholApril, one
thousand eight hundred and tiros-four.
. - .I'll. BIGLER.
Given under my band s rd Qouderliort. this
Bth day of September, A. 1). Itis4, artd:in the
76th year of the independence of the United
States. • P. A. STEBBINS,
Sept.. 8, 1854. 17-41 . Sheriff.
.332 antboritn.
Atuendroentf: to 'the Constitution
of the' Commonwealth.
ksj. Retwlull by . the Senate and Muse of
Representotiefs of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylranin in General Amcenddy: »tet,
.1:1111t. the
to lowing itmendnient4 be, and the :lathe .are
hereby proposed to the Constitution of ,the
.Cotnnionwealth, under and iu accordance wile
the prOvisions of the tenth article thereof; to
tvat.: . r
1, The aggreg:ite ;1111011ni 4-.f.:(lebts
after contracted by the COunnanwealth shall
'never exceed the stun of lit c hundred
sand dollars, except in case of war to repel
invasion, suppress insurrection, or to redeem
the public debt. of the Conimmiwealth, and
the money so raised shall be applied to .the
purpose for p hich the debt 'may he contracted,
or pay such 'debts, and to to other porp o : e ,
•41To par the public 'debt' of the Com
monwealth, and debts wMeh'may hereafter be
Contracted in case of war to repel invasion,
itiipresx insurrection, and to redeem the pub
lic debt, the Legislature skill at - their next
session after, the adoption. of this section into
the Con:Minion, provide by law for the crea
tion of a Sinking fluid, which shall not be
abolished till the said public, debt be wholly
paid, to con4ist of all the net annual income
front the pit blic works :Yid stock: owned by
the Commons\ ealth, or anyoi her funds arising
under :my revenue law tow or that
may hereafter be.emieted, so litr -a: the 'same
,inay be required to pay the interest of said
deln:'senii-amitailly, and annnally to redeem
thin principal thereof he a stun not less than
five hundred thonsavd dollars, jut raised yearly
by compounding at a rate of not let , -; than
fifty per centnni per :Mown; the said sinking
fitittl shall he int ested loans of the
Commonwealth, Ns 'CWII4IIO be cancelled front
time to lime,, n a manner to be provided by
. law : no portion of the sinking, Mod , hall ever
'be applied to t he. payment of Ate debt of five
hundred thousand dollars mentioned in the
first section ofdhis article, butt the ,aid sinking
fund shall be applied only to the purposes
herein Teenied.
3. The credit of the Commonwealth shall
not in tiny way be giVen or loaned to or in aid
of tarty tindiyillotl, company, corpoitation, or
association, Por shall the C11111111(111V. colzh here
after become a joint' owner or sioekholder iu
tiny company, asmiciation, or corporation in
thi Commonwealth, or el:et% here, funned for
any p t rine. e,
-§ 4. The Commonwealth shall never assume
the debts - of :Inv; county, city, borough, or
ofa . ny corporation or a , sriciation,
unlesssneb debts shall have 'been contracted
to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to
defendthe sttate iu Par. • • ,
Pnoeti , rrips '2, TO CE ARTICLE: XII.
Probibitin4/ Municipal 'Subscriptions.
The LegiSla:tire shalt peter authorize - any
county, city, .borough, or ton ns r hip. 1)y a vote
of its citizens' or tnle•rwise, to become a stock
bidder in any joint stoc compan:., association,
or corporation, or to raise . tooncv for, or loan
its credit to, or in aid of any such company or
association.' H. CHASE,
Speakir of Ole House. of Reprrstutatires.
Speaber Mr Sr.natr.
In the Senate. April 2+- 1 , 1:•=54.
Resolved. That this resolniou pass. Yeas
22, nays 6.—[Extrart front the Journal.
• T. A. .11A(1 Ul RE, Clerk. ''•
In House, Of Itep4., April 21;18:A.
Resolved, That this resOltninn pass. Yeas
71, nays 20.-4 Extract from the jimthad:
• '• WM. JACK, Clerk.
Filed April V, 1k:-l.
Secretary of the evo:ozOnie'ealth.,
- .
P rxxsnr.A MA S: • .'
, •
Harri-burg, July 1, 11'54.
••••-•••••^ - Ido eertily Oat the above and
.• ”:.%!..-foregoing I. ii rene lind correct copy
......„—...... of the original "Iteiiolinion," :Is the
same reiroLio: on tile at, th.q office;
In te , timOny whete(ill have-here
• • unto t toy handantlierno.ed to be
. taxed the sal of ilie• l 4 ecretarr's
' ' otlice the day and ye * above win.-
. • • ten. ' C. :L. , , BLACK,
Secretary of the Cothosontrealth.
. .Journl . or tlii! Senate.
" Resolution. No. 1514, entitie.d ‘,lte. , ohnion
propo,ing amendments to' the Ooti•oito.ion
the Commonwealth ? readle third time.
On the que:Aion,. :0 . 1211:L41 agree,to the
first propo,ition, the yeas and nays ‘cere taken
agreeably to. the Constitution,.! and were as
follows, viz : •
I.s—Messrs: Bn'dolor, Darlington, Dar
hie, Forgnson, FO/illiigd, Prick," riy, Gol.l
- Hamilton, li. D: Ilamliu , I.
W. liiintkn; Heisler, Hoge, McCliii
lock, IlicFarbitd; Phut, quiggl4 agor,,Slifor,
and Alccaslin,.Speaker=:•:23.
uses-31esgrs. cribP,Crefot.ell E lletuiricks,
Biuzer, •
So the yestiOn ~~as . determiged in the ei
firnmtire. • •
On the qmistion, will the
. sena2p•arrOel
the second proposition, the yeas e 11.31. mire
wire taken agreeably to the Constitution, and
were renews, viz
twill:red, Fry, Olindwir Haldeman; B:11
Damlin; Jlendrielts;: heister
3;1111'140n, Kinzer, ,)leClintock, McFar
land, Nett, Price, (Wiggle, Slifer, Wherry,
MeCtislin, Sficither4ti.
lets-31e:sni.Crubh, Creswell, Darlington,
Hamilton, Kunkle; mid Shinner-6
the tineAtion wai detertniuedin.the'llf
firmatiNe. • . ,
Joorni of the House of Reprisesntatives
"The mutAion recurring upon the final
iis , age of the ItesoTiiiiotii; the grst yroposi
lion was. agreed to ae follows, ‘ji;
YEA'--LNICSAr... Abraham, AdainF, Athertnn,
Ball, Barton, Beyer, Bigham, 13ovd, Bush,
,Byerly, Caldwell, Cah, in, Carlisle, Chamber
lin, Cook, Crane, Cu:111111w, Daugherty,
De France, Dunning, Eddied, Edinger, Eld
ciilloore, Gray, Urooin, UN+ in, IJutnilion, Hart,
Herr, Hie-mild, Hillier, Hippie, Hprii, num
toil, 11 toimeher, Ruiner,- lltatt, Jackruati,
Kilgore, Kiiighi, Lkury, (Lehigh,), Linn,
ee, aguire, 31ande otmell, APKee,
31elitiglitto, 31outgoinery, Moore, No
N ikre, Poluier, Park., Parmlee, Pasittiore;
Pauer.on, Poker, Purace, Rawlins, Roberte,
Rowe, Sallade, Scott, Sidle, Sintontun,;,;mith,
( Sinhh, (Crawford,) tetcart, •••;
daa-, :-trong, Mrinher., Wheeler,' XV ic ' klein,-
\Vright. Zeigler, Clia , e, Speukers.
N ors—None. '
So the quC,zion was determined in the al.
lii mai iN e
On the question. will the, 'loose agree to
the teeond prima: Won, the yeas and nays Were
taker, t.greeality Fn the prey 011 S of the I lid'
article of the.eon=thittion, and are as follows:
I:XS—M e-sr:. • Abr. , inaii, Atherton, Ball,
Barton, Beek, Beyer, Bighorn, Boyd, •Cald
ell, C::rli de, Chamberlin, Cook. Crane, Cum
mins, nglieriy , 1.);.‘ is, Deegrai, be Frimee,
Ditiming, Edinger, Eldred, Lrans, Try, Gal
ray; litoont.
(iwin, 11:tnti;mli f Hiest:tud, hillier, I..appllt,
I I iiii , ecker, Ilortt; .I;.cknitin, Kilgore;
night:• Laney (Lehigh,) Lowrey, (Tioga,)
Linn .Magee, Matiderffeid, - `3PCon
noll, MotitgOnteq:llloore,
.11 oser, Paltilei, Parke, Parmlee,
more, .I.'litter4on,. Porter, Rawlins, Roligets,
Rime, Sallado,tientt,Sitnonton, Smith (Berk.)
South (Craw ford) Stoekdale, Wheeler, Wick
loin. Wright', Chase, Sp'cakti•-71.
Nils —Me, Adams, Bald Win, , Beans
Bosh, liverlv, Erld,e6; Ellis, hart, 11Crr.
I torn. lltuume, .N•C (oohs, Miller, ,Poillson,
Pinney, t' idle, S eWart; 6 4 . - tutig, Strithers,
So the question was determined in the u 1
_ .
... .
Sucnr.TArtv's (4'l'ici:, i
' Harrigmrg, July.l,lE:A.
pENN,sl7;r„im,i, Sp, "
. certify that the Jibove and
foregoing ie n true and correet copy
er , the " 1 NW and " NAYS" Hien oo
the ".11e , ohnion relative to the
amendment of the eenqi;ution of
the commonwealth" ; the sante ap
on :he Jourtmk of. the tlad lionmto
of the General Avewhir of thig
nni for — the Ce‘eion of
' It:A. Wit new my bud -and • the
Feld ()thee this first due of
Jidc, one thin•and eight hundred
and tifiv-four.
C. A. - BLACK,
S . ardor!, of !he comogratta!th
7-10 :111
Pottrr?tidy, xx.
The Commonwealth of Mousylva:
S}.AL Y to the . ."511illritr of sdid county, ),,
We caniummi you that yon .attach Sias
Sutherland, late of your county, by all and
singnlar his '
;rood; and chattels,Jand , and ten
ement,. v.llese, baud; or possession soever
the salmi ma I be, so that he be and appear
before the judges of our Court of Common
m Coudersport, at a county court of
common ideas there to be held for the said . s
comity on the third Monday of September.
•next, then and there tti amswer Matthew S.
Cinti , , Wm, Ennis, and Joseph B. Welch °fa
p'ea of .I•:stimpsit,nat exceeding five hundred
thdlar , :; null also that colt stumnon the person
or persons in Li ho-e hands or possosion the
properly of the sajd Silas Sutherland May bo
Mond, so that they be•ala appear beMre our
aid court at the attic time and place, to ans- •
wer what nriy be objeeted againa theta, and
abide the judgment mf the court therein—dud
'Live lon then t.tut there this writ.
Wilnezi the Hon. Robert G. White, Presi
dent J./ of our court at Coudersport,
this 19111 day of •
Br virtue of the • above described writ, I
have an'ached the following described piece
or parcel of land: si: nate iu Sharon township,
l' comity. Peno , ylvaitia, bounded. and
tic , cribeil follty,vs, Begintimg at
the nor Inve,t corner of warrant 731 iti;theneu
by the Itorift tvarraut e: ~ t rods
to Ihe'wc>t banri. of the t_trwaro creek, thence
np t he south b.,uk of the creek and race (bents
line of hind root eyed by r'ilas Sittheriand to
I'htws J. Burdic) to the ca,t line of s.lid
I:,tob iheure soodt tote hundred and two
pet clic; and tive-;ettllii to a pest, thence west
one kindred and fil.y.six perches to a post in
mv , t rote ois.iti 0 arrant, thence by said lino
nor, h two kindred and two percheo , and five
ten Its of , a. perch to the place Of beginning—
con aining one hundred toad sixty acres, of
1% !licit about five acre , . are cleared.
P. A. S'PEBIIINS, Sheriff.
StinltlFF'S (IFE/CE,
t'ondt rsp.,rt, Milli 21, les-1.
Sheriff's Proclamation.
, .
I.S, the !foil. Robett G. IVhite'
Jnik, and, the Hon. -0.:1. '
"a;nl Jte:eph 111ann, list:.,
Judge.: of the C',onr:s•of Oyer.and '(erudite"
and Otiarter'
:be, l/riilaN Conn nod Conn or
COIMII6II 1':e:1S 1:or the County of Poner; have •
i•sued tbeirpreCept, bearing date tht , ! , t.!uth day
of Mae in the year of our Lord oni2. thousand
eight hundred and Mix- four, cod 10' me di
'reeied, for lioNling the Cotirt of Over ond
Terminer General Jail Delivery,Quartet
Session of the Peace, - Orphan'4l.7onrt, and=-
Court of Connuon Plett, in the Borough; or
Umiller , port on :MONDAY, the lett, day of
!Sep:ember, neat, and one Week.
Wire i< hereby given to the Corofterst,
j ii . ;! i c , of 1110 Peace; and Constables ivithih
'sLiid comity. that they be then and' there in
tiler:proper pera,il , a ii) o'clock A. M.-of
said day, with. t 11eir roll, , records, inquisitions,
etaminations, and other remembrinceg, to do
those things which to their . offices appertain
to be doite. And those who are bound by their
recognizances to presertue. against the prig.
Enters thatYire or shen • be'-in the Jail of the
said COuniy of Potbli, tire. then :and thole to.
proseente against them as will he just.
Dated • at • Conitei-- - pOrt, Aur . ,..sth, and
79th y ear' f the Jiidependenbe of the United-'
StatesofAmerice PIERRE A. STEBBINS,
Canilei:part Ang. 1, Sherhf.
V V :: , • • 31.-VIIIN'a .STORt,