The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, September 08, 1854, Image 1

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and lovingly on the fair creature commenced hemming a very red bird
beside him? with a -yellow wing, on to a very
Ah, ves, he did so, and there was green twig, which latter had already
no further room to doubt. Widow been hemmed on to a square piece of
C. had cheated them. She. had Won white cloth, and the whole when com
a beau, laid aside her mourning, pnt pleted, was designed to form the
on bridal attire, and was going to be twentieth part ofa bed spread. IC.•he
married in church. But who the seemed all engrossed with the bird's
beau was, or - whence he came, was bill, and spoke to no one. Every
more difficult to solve. body wondered if she had heard what
Service proceeded". The choir sung they were saying when she came in,
and the minister prayed and preached I but her placid countenatce soon reas
-the people wondered when the cer- j sured the most fearful, and every one
emony would take place. I longed to commence a personal attack.
Bnt to their utter astonishment they Old grandma W. -was the first to
were left to wonder. venture. She meant to "do up the
For when the benediction was pro- matter" ,very delicately, and in so
nounced, widow C. and the strange roundabout a way that the lady should
gentleman walked with the rest of i not suspect her of curiosity. So she
the congregation, quietly out of the began by praising Mrs. c.'s dress.
church. When they reached the " Why, it's really a beauty. Where
paveinent, he offered her his arm very did you get it?"
gracefully, and she placed her hand i "I bought it;" was the quick reply.
very confidingly on the beautiful soft "Here ?" ,
coat sleeve as they passed on. ' "No."
What a morning that was in Fair- "Where then?" •
mount! What a world of conjectures, "In New* York last spring."
surmises, inquiries and doubts rolled 1 1 1 "0, you did, did you? But I
over and over in the brain of not only 1 thought you wasn't never going to
gossipping ladies, but sober, matter- wear anything but black again."
: of-fact gentlemen. '" The like of such Every eye scrutinized the lady's
a thing" had never occurred in the face in search r of a blush, but it con
annals of the village. There was tinued as pale as usual, while she
something new. under the sun; a lady answered—
had had a beau and nobody knew it.. "I did think and say so once, but I
Widow C., - didn't your "ears burn have finally changed my mind."
that day ? . " Yoe have, ha! Whatmade you?"
Ah, we wonder they didn't drop off; j "Oh, I bad good reasons."
surely they must have been crisp and Here the" hearers and lookers-on
crim-mn: winked and looked very expressively
The Rev. Mr. R. preached - to a 1 at each other.
crowded house that afternoon: no "But did you not spoil your bean
compliments to him though. Every tiful white dress Sunday night, wear
. one was SUe e the wedding would take iugit away up to the burying ground ?"
place then; but everybody was again I "I did 710 t wear it!" •
' sadly disappointed; and if tongues Here was a damper to the old lady.
-had---run at railway speed before, they j She had such a long lecture to read
travel'ed then on electric wires. The on extravagance, and she was deter
minister mirlit, have preached in Greek miped to do it too, when unfortunately
that day and his-sermons - Would have for her eloquent strain, Mrs. C.'s
been quite as edifying,. But one sub- dress had hung up in her wardrobe,
iect. occupied the village mind—the and she had worn an old black silk..
• ,
w , i o ,,w's beau. After a while the old lady took a
It actually seemed, too, as though fresh-start. Sh . e would not be baffled
lady tried to make all the talk she again. She would find out all about
could. After tea, arm in arm with that beau before she went home, "that
the strange gentleman, she walked the she would." So she began by saying:
, while length of the village, and away "Your company went away this
Service had mminienced in the neat 1 Out -mint; the cemetery, • and never morning, didn't they ?"
sancivary, which ti. inhabitaLts ' returned till the moon was high. " They did," was the reply.
of l'airmount had consecrated to the -A nice looking dress 1 guess she "He didn't stay very long did he?"
service .of God. The minister ilitd had," drawled out old grandma AV., "Not- as long as I wish, he had,"
the psalm and Scripture . as she listened to the widow's wan- was the emphatic answer this time.
and the fist hues-of the ope Ling I'm glad I haint got to : And hoW the ladies looked at each
hym.n. The eyes of the people Nvtre wo-li it, all drabbled up with dew us other. It was as good as a confession.
fir.e.i intently upon him. tt- he was ,it 1:11/.7-t 'have beLn—but I don't spose j "Then did he come?"
only a good. sound, ami she thou-ht or cared a word about it, "Saturday evening."
pr-,acher, but he was a lint shc-'s sn varied away with him. But " Was you looking for him?"
toe, and thus enchained o ot 11l give her a piece of my mind the " I had been expecting him for .a
the attention of th e true - 1,11: the tie first time - I have a chance, See if 1 fortnight or more."
woe-shippers The h.,use was very d o no t:: i "Why, du tell if you had then, and
still—the clear, melodious roue-.= of ILe But the good old dame began to you never told on't. either. Had he
spea.ker were the only sounds that f ea r s he should never have the desired,. any business in the place ?"
throl,bed on the balmy, golden air. denote. She hurried through her "He had."
N% hill! the mid-summer Sai-Lath morn v ,- a ,ihi n , nn Monday, and hobbled i "What was it ?"
ieli i'reathed i n to that holy place. over to the widoW's as soon as pos- This was neither more direct and
first syllabl.• of the second line silk, Lot the door was locked, and blunt than the old lady had •meant to
- was tremf , ling on the lips. when a one o f the neighbors said Mrs. C'. and I put, and she forthwith apologized by
ru-tie at the d.Jor,. nod th e e oti mice the gentleman went off in a carriage, I saying: .
persons, a lady and gentleman. nobody kotek.yvvhere, very early in the "I didn't mean that—l—l only
the charm. lit a second morning. Yes. and never got home i thought I—"
- v,•! V eve turned from the pull-it to till Line o'clock in the morning." "0, I'd as lief you'd 'knew as not,
or,.ad aisle, and watched with Look out widow.. Your character jhe came to see me."
yore than ordinary eager - Less the is on the carpet. i 0, Widow C. did your good name
nro , ress of the couple. A most search- If she knew it, apparently she didn't go down then. Be careful what you
ing ordeal they we: e subjected to. care. for the next day she-went a sail- say next, or you'll have only a rem
and when fairly and quietly seated hug with her beau, and the next ram- nant of character to go home with, and
in the front pew. immediately in float bliig; with him off .to the mountain, I remnants go very cheap.
.of the pulpit, what a nudging of el- and on the next forenoon went with "He did, did he, and he didn't come
bows there was—aye, and how many licm in a carriage to the station house, j for nothing else then. But was you
whispers. t,•ie and there not only wept as she parted i glad to see him?"
In vain the sound. the good, the from him, but actually embraced and . "Indeed, I was. It was one of the
eloquent, the handsome Itl r. B. StalLlit. kissed hi m !!! happiest moments of my existence."
again to steal the attenti,.n aids bear- ••What. in broad daylight?" ex- - Well, well," said the old lady,
ers. They had no eyes or thoughts vlaimed grandma W. "Well, if I hardly knowing how to frame her
fur anYbody but widow C. and ever heard of seed the like on't."
,next question, "well—well, he's a
widow C.'s y,mag... genteel and dash- , Little - Nell, the 'old lady's youngest real good looking man, any way."
ing looking attendant. grandchild, wondered to . herself if it : "I think so too, and he's not only
HoW shel.d cheated them! Hadn't W a s any worse in broad daylight than good-looking, but he's good-hearted;
td.e said she didn't feel though at any other time. Perhaps you will I one of the best men .I ever knew:"
vould ever wear anything but mourn- Wonder too. 'We do at least. " You don't say so! But is he
Mg? And in spite of these protest;:- There was a large attendance that rich?" .
Lions, hadn't 1-be c6me out all at once afternoan at the weekly meeting of 1- " Worth a,thonsand or so," said the
dressed in white, and walked into the sewing society. Everybody went lady carelessly.
the church in broad day-light, leaning
.who could possibly leave home. "Why, dela if he is. (Why, you
o n the area of a youm , gentleman I And what a chattering there was will live like a lady, -
won'Oyoul But
Yes, indeed she had. She would when the bustle of assembling was what's his name?" .
have plead guilty to all these charges,. over._ There was but one topic, but The old lady's curiosity Was now
gm:4:: ones as they were, and to the that was all-sufficient, all-engrossing; j raised to the highest pitch.
last two how many witnesses inight the widow's beau—for the gentleman "Henry Macon."
have been subpernaed. She was ac- j mest_be her beau—or-at .least, ought "Macon! Macon! Why, wasn't
tually dressed in white. A beautiful to be.that vour name before you were mar
robe of India mull, tucked to the j Everybody had something to tell, tied
waist, with an .open corsage, display- something to wonder about. But "It was." ,
ing an elaborately wrought chimisett e , - suddenly every magpie tongue was "Then he's aconnection, is he?"
drapery sleeves, trimmed with the hushed, a universal stroke of numb - "He is."
Terms—lnvariably In Advance:
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tr AU le:ters on bus:nes., to secure at
-len:ion. shou:d be addressed (post paid) to
the l'uhl:,
Viteard the train's shrill 1% hiitle call,
I saw an earnest look Ite:eeelt.
.Ind rather by that look than speech,
neighbor to:d we all.
And as I thought of liberty. [street.
Marched hand-cuffed down that swurded
The solid earth heueath luy feet
Reeled fluid as the sea.
I felt a sense of bitter losg—
tihanze. tear:ess grief, ;:nd stifling vra:h
And loathsome fear, LA If Loy path
A ,erpent sAretched across_
lore of home, all pride of place,
All gener,m , confide:lce L.nd
San: ,111, - ,.. 1ier10; deep d.,gust
Aul angni•h of d:•
Down on my native hill,: of Jure,
And home's green quid.
,udder darkne“ the f:!1
of in:dnigh: upon noon:
An! Law, an unloosed nt:in:ae through the ti:::ehness trod,
khoinina in the ear of God
The hiaiyhemy of of rung.
• (sh. Mo;her ! from Illy inasnor.e , proud
Cite ss . .d renown. de sr Uomsnons‘ealsis.
Lend this; de a:r a breeze of he:slt4.
‘tsd wish ..are essind.
Mo:her of Freedom: wi , e and brave
11.1:e awfil' in thy s:renz.h, —
Ak. tue 1 but to the mead:
I ...nod upon her g e !
richest Mechlinlace, undersleeves of
the same expensive material, a white
crape shawl, a white lace hat with
orange burls and flowers, white kid
'gloves and light 2;aiters—such was the
description every lady had on her
tongue's end to repeat over as soon
as the service was ended.
And the gentleman—he was dressed
in style. Don't he wear white pants
of the latest pattern, and a white vest,
and a coat of " satin finish," and white
kids, too; and don't he sport a mas
sive chain, and didn't he gaze often
pals• seemed to have fallen on the
group, as looking up they perceived
the very lady about'whOm they were
conversin g so eagerly, standing in
the doorway.
"Good afternoon, ladies," she said
in her usual quiet way. " I'm glad to
see so large and happy a gathering.
It is a beautiful day for our meeting."
And then she proceeded to the ta
ble and helped herself to a block of
patchwork, inquired for the , sewing
silk, which having received, she sat
down in the only . vacant chair, and
"Du tell, if he is, then. Not a
cousin, I hope. I never did think
much of marriages between cousins."
"Henry is not my cousin."
"He isn't. Not your cousin. But
what connection is he, du tell, now?"
If ever there was rapid progresS
made in sewing and knitting by any
circle of ladies, it was by those. com
posing this society. for the next fifteen
minutes. Not a word was uttered,
not an eye raised. Had the latter
been done, and the roguish - and ex-
pressive glances which passed be
tween Mrs. C..and the minister, who,
unobserved„had stood on the -thresh
old, a silent spectator and • curious
hearer, ',/trhaps," mind you, Ave-only
say Perhaps, they might liave guessed
more correctly the name, character,
standing and profession of the wid - -
ow'S beau.
In the Whig Convention at Boston,
on -Wednesday, Aug. 16, after the
votes for a candidate for Governor had
been cast, and the Committee had re
tired to count them, the President
GF.TLESIES : I have to ask .of yop
the favor of perfect silence and atten
tion to some remarks that will be
made to ydu by the venerable Josiah
. .
Quincy, Senior. [Applause.] We
cannot shoe• too much reverence and
respect to the aged Whig who is now
about to address you. •
, ..
Mr. QUINcY then came forward and
spoke as follows: •
I came to this meeting by invitation,
as a citizen—not as a partisan ; with
no intention to volunteer a word on the
occasion, but witha fixed purpose to
respond, if called upon, as became an
individual who has in this world -now
little to• hope, and,
.1 thank God,
nothing to fear;—who has behind him
only the memory of the past, and be
fore him the opening orate, in which
he Must soon be deposited. Frcam
such an individual ,vou have a right to
expect words of : truth, duty, and so
berness. 1 come not here to utter
vituperative demonstrations - amainst
the slavehOlders: of the South. They
have used the powers -vested in them
by the Constitution to their own- in-
terests, as every other selfish associa,
tion of men would have done under
the same circumstances. In . every
: of the progress of the slave
power, they have had members of the
free States •as ,half workers. lf. - the
States would regain their•influence,
they must cultiratc a logber standard
of political morality among themselves:
they must disgrace the doctrine that
"all is right in politics," and reffard
him who bas so notoricusly sold him
self for place or for mike, as a traitor
to principle and to his country. The,
Nebraska fraud, as it is called, is
nothing more than the last act - of a
series of aggressions on the free States
which slaveholderS have practiced•for
more than fifty years, in no one of
. .
ful except through . the divisions and
corniptions of the free States them
selves. So: far from complaining at
this . Nebraska perfidy, I rejoice in it,
It is said it is "the last straw that
breaks the camel's back." I trust-in
heaven that this. Nebraska perfidy will
soon prove to be the last straw which
will excite the camel c< the North to
rise in his strength and toss from his
back one at le pt of the many burdens
with which he is oppressed. The . N
e-1 braska fraud is not .that burden on .
which 1 intend now to speak. There '
is one nearer home, and immediately '
present and more insupportable.• Of
what that , burden is, 1 shall .speak
i plainly.. The obligation incumbent
upon the free States to deliver , furri-•
tire Islaves is that burden—and it must
be obliterated from the Canstitution . at
every hazard. And such 'obliteration
can be demonstrated to be as Much
the interest of the South as it is of the
North. The circumstances in which the
people of . Massachusetts are placed
in consequence -of that burden• are
undeniable; and they are also undeni
ably insupportable. What has beetr
seen? what has, been felt? by every
man, woman, and child in this me
tropolis and in 'this community, and
virtually by every man, woman,: and
child in Massachusetts. We have seen
our Court, House in chains, two bat
talions of dragoons, eight companies eg"
artillery, twelve companies of infantry,
the whole constabulary force of the city :
police, the entire- disposizhle Marine of '
the United States, with its artillery '
loaded for action, all marching in szili
port of a Praetorian band, consisting of
' one hundred and twenty friends and
associates of the United States _Mar- 1
I shal, With loaded pistols and drawn
Iswords, and in, military costume : and
array—for what purpose? To•ESCORT
This display of military force' the
Mayor of this city declared to be ne
nessary on this occasion. Nav,'More,
at a public festival he:openly took to
himself the dory of this display, ." .
claring that by it life and liberty had
been saved, and the honor of Boston
vindicated! 1 - make no comments.
I 'state facts as the ground Out of
which spring the duties of the::people
of Massachusetts. I state another fact
still *more conclusive and illustrative of
those duties. This scene. (thus awful,
thus deteitable,) every inhabitant of
this metropolis, nay, more, every in
habitant of this Commonwealth, may
be again compelled to witness at any
and every day of the year, at the will
or the whim of the meanest and basest
slaveholder of the South - . This also
is undeniable. Now, is there a man
in Massachusetts, with a spirit so low,
so debased, so corrupted by his fears
or his fortune, as to deny_ that he is
prepared to say that this it a condition
of things to be endured, in perpetuity . ,
by us, and that - this is an inheritance
to be transmitted by-; us to our chil
dren for all generations? .For so long
as the fugitive slave claulge remain in
the Constitution of the United States,
un - obliterated, it is an obligation per
petual upon them,. as well as upon us.
And is this inheritance we are about
to transmit to our children an inherit-
ance • of , freedom? • No, fellow-citi- is substantially as follows:
tens—it is an inheritance worse than ,
It was quite evident that,-for some
slavery. , There is not d negro in the • reason or other, 2. very strong preju-
that can be compelled, even by
dice existed at Greytown against all
his master, to cut the throat, or blow
Americans; a prejudice amounting to
out the brains •of his fellow negro. almost a positive hostility, and to con-
Yet, so long as the fugitive slave obli- i ceal which no pains whatever were
gation remains, there is not a militia taken. The immediate origin of the
man in Massachusetts who, may not be I difficulty in which Borland partici-
Compelled, to-morrow, to cut the at was the homicide of a negro •
throat or blow out the brains of a fel- capon - of o a bungo, or -river boat,
low-citizen, at the .will of the basest commi ted by Captain Smith, of a
Southern slaveholder. My fellow-cit- steame plying on the river. Not
izens, believe me—the time has come withstanding published statements di
for the : people of Massachusetts to reedy-the reverse,. this homicide was
look upon this slave clause no longer i considered by the Americans, almost
in the ever shifting,-ever dubious, ever without exception, a deliberate, cool
suspicious liirlit of party spirit, but blooded murder, without a shadow of
under the influence of an enlightened
patriotiStn, watchful of the signs of
' ' alliation. ` There had been som . sinusre
patriotism, difficulty between Smit, and t • e
times, and anxious concerning their negro. -- Onskhe day of the homicide
, duties to themselves and their pos - Smith's steamer ran into t • negro'-
terity. i But I hear some timid brother
bongo, when the latter thre t • , o /
exclaim—" Why, this is, in effect, a shoot Smith if he broke his boat. The
dissolution of the Union. Did not the bungo, however,*as uninjured. Sub- . 1
,Southern slaveholder tell us before sequentlY the steamer started down
the adoption of the Constitution, that ' the river, - and after it had proceeded
without the fugitive slave clause they some distance, put hack again, appar
wOuld not come into,_the Union, and entiv for no other purpose than to run
have they not told us every day since into the hungo, which it did, crushing
its adoption, that whenever that clause ,it like an eggshell. At this time the
is obliterated they will go out of it ?" negro was Sitting in his boat with his
And do you' believe them any the : gun across his knees. The weight of •
more for this - reiterated threat and testimony is,ithat he made no hostile
eternal outcry ? Does not the , nature demonstration against Smith, having
of things speak a louder language neither risen from his seat nor raised
than that of these threateners? Are . his gun, when Smith deliberately shot
' the slavehelders fools or. madmen ! him.. Immediately upon being shot,—
They go out of this Union for the put.- ' the poor fellow got up, - and while at--I
pose of maintaining the subjection of tempting to step, from the wreck of his
Their slaves ? Why, the arm of the hungo into the boat alongside of it, his •
Union is the very sinew of that sub- strength failed him, 'arid he fell into
jection! It is the slavehoider's main , the liver. And yet, presses who es
! strength.. Its continuance is his for- teem it their duty to defend the Hol
lorn hope. I go further, fellow-citi- fins victory, right or wrong, tell us it
zees. I believe that by the nature of was universally admitted that the ne
things, by the law of God, and the law . gni was shot 13 Smith in self-defense..
of man, that clause is at this moment A warrant was is - sued by the Mayor
abrogated so far as respects moral ' of GreytoWn for Smith's arrest, and
obliation. There is a principle of an officer went on board the steamer,
moral law, which, if not strictly appli- as everybody
, knows, but was pre
cable, is sufficiently analogous to the vented from getting . his prisoner by
obligations resulting from that clause.. forcible resistance of the passengers,
It is ce.csante ratione cessut et ipso l e x. : headed by Borland: In aiding. the
Now what was the understanding and Minister Lis to resist the officers, the
what was the state of things under : passengers did not intend to endorse
which that contract-was- made 1 The the murder of the negro, or absolve
free States agreed in 1759 to be field- the murderer. On the contrary, it
drivers and pound-keepers for the , would have been-a very easy matter to -
black cattle of the slaveholding.States, . bare had him bung on brief notice by
Within the limits and -according to the; a ‘• Committee of Vigilance," had ei
fences of the old United States. Be- I ther of the acknowledged leaders pro- 1
tween that year and this, Anno Domi- , posed it. But Mr. Borland, in a speech
nilss4, those slaveholders have broken : made to the crowd, as well as in pri
down the old boundaries, and opened , ate conversation, told them he was
new fields of‘ unknown and indefinite i instructed not in any way to.recopize
extent. They .have multiplied their the authority of Greytown (deriving
black cattle by millions ; and are evecy, ; its authority from the Mosquito King)
day increasing their numbers, and ex- , as separate and distinct from Nicara
tending their cattle field into the wil- i gun.
derness. Under these circumstances, To permit the Grevtown officers to
are we bound to be their field-drivers - arrest an American citizen and try
and pound-keepers any longer ? Ans- him for crime, would he to recognize
wer me ; people of' MassaChusetts. the authority of the Town government
I Are you the Sons of the men of 1776 ? - in the fullest sense; and so Mr. Bor
er do you "lack gall to make oppres- • land urged them to aid him in " crush
sion bitter ?" ' I would willingly dwell ing out' - ' this scion of the Mosquitoes.
uponthisinpic and others which are I If the government of Greytown was
in my mind, but I have already occu- illeril, - deriving its powers from in
pied more thammy proportion of this competent authority, the act of the
debate. I have pointed out your bur- offiCers who attempted to arrest Smith
den. I bare shown you that iris un- could only be looked upon as the act
supportable. I. shall be asked how of a, mob,. proper to be resisted by
we shall get rid of it 1 I answer, it is mob force. • In this opinion the whole
• not for a private individual to point steamer's . party concurred. - And, of
the path which a State is to pursue to 'Course, the arrest and imprisonment of
cast off an insupportable burden—it Mr. Borland that night was also looked
belongs to the constituted authorities ,
upon as the act of an irresponsible
of that State. But this I will say, mob, without law or authority of any
that if the people of Massachusetts I kind.
adopt, in the spirit of their fathers, as .. •
one man, solemnly , the resolve that
they will no longer submit to this bur
den, and call upon the free States to
concur in, and carry into erect, this
resolution, this burden will be cast off,
the fugitive slave clause obliterated,
net only without the dissolution. but a
newly acquired strength to the Union.
As Mr. Quincy closed; three deafen
ing cheers wer e given for him.
MANY ladies. have two faces, one face to
sleep in, another to show to company; the
first is generally ttserced for the husband
an d family at home; the other is put on to
please strangers.
. 17AATterr gnINE
• A Washington correspondent of the
N. Y. Daily Times, writing under date
of Thursday last, makes the following
interesting statement:
Col. J. C. Fremont was one of the
American citizens present at Greytown
at the occurrence of the "outrage"
upon Isir.Borland, fer which such fear
ful retribution has been visited by
Capt. Hollins upon the town. As be
is known the world over, as a cool,
clear-headed, and truthful gentleman,
his statement of that transaction, and
the facts connected with it, cannot be
otherwise than highly interesting at
the present time. Upon questioning
him on the subject this morning, he
very cheerfully communicated to me
his 'understanding of, the - affair, which
..A TATTLE girl had been playing in
the street until she had become pret
ty well covered with dust. In trying
to wash it off, she didn't use water
enough to prevent the dust rolling up
in little balls upon her arms. In her
trouble, -she applied to her brother, a
little older than herself,' for a .soluiion
of the mystery. It was explained at
once—to hi: satisfaction, at least;
'Why, his, you're made of dust,
and. if you don't stop you'll wash your
self all away!'
• "This opinion, coming from an el
der brother, was decisive,. and the
waibing was discontinued."
NO. 17