Peter and - u were. tbrbidden to teach in the •iPI4 , of , chrit, but chose'm obey God A - e Come do'Wn . Ae..tintn .When, Engiand. enacted • her Colonial subjects must usb N +,, f bilaritt - the gorettunent stamp, !y ! l f 'hicittowrite or print all . IrattiL, martiagn certificates, order to redder the transaction Tlit'!-se 'they must bny of the • ~al e uishillings, stamp. \•ortnuent farther enacted that :ottiewshould pay three pence on :oottntl of tea that should be re : t-!. wni• '• • •.:: . lass. were thought by the p to 'and un just. liberty wa6 - price 'Of oliLdienee; although 1!1 . t , er.Yitude would not result oompliance,nothing but merely , :pie of the pecuniary value.of _three : poice a •.n was at stake, they could • wonitl,not, and they did not If their - Aisobetlience was jusi - -a di-obedience which' related :it ft.C'retlf--- ' wliat shall (.I.l'tiAellielWct to a or • It :meta that strikes down the • -,mnest: of a Iniman being, • : - i , ; , :mtre of God iii the soul, .all sense of justice and • :ar ci analics man an • oppressor • ' - • ~ ‘- r aqt. and : Obliterates - all the • , 'inn' higher sentiments of Ternt M. Elefue,ntol'y branches—Orthography, Geography, Aridnoe'ie, &c.,..... Higher Antlymetic, First Les-;ons in 1 Algebra, and Grammer, - • Llligher English branches, Ngeltra, ie or.r3 case disobedience is 1 ' l'illoopiiv, &r: ..... and prrtiewortilv, in the higher -ThVille'.." 'lie', Latin, Giveli.. ) i t: b ecuines a virt - a , e. y,.,, , and F . rench Langulges, - 'n 1 112AI - orlon' on the 'Mom Forte, et,:tr..!, :t.lins:oon to such a law would 1 Cie of instrument ' ha, a lvielted 01rOnse against 1 Vocal Music, free of charie. , a Man. . J. BLOOMINGDALE. Principal_ The nodersinmed' ¶lli ees of the Con mr - tO ninia i$ the true, . ...• •' dersport Acadeltiv; are Mo . ved by a sense of HI obedionce to the Fugi.- l ollic;:d pied peisoitil dint- to invite the :men ! .1 . .w.v should be . vi.. , ,wed. I tion of tie pahlic—tif -parents in pArtieular, to ..''' +llk lit ;ht,, 110 AnthonV ' the rising and aseftil character of this itititif •l ' .f.' 1.• • Juts - , tom of le.opitig. When invited, a.little More ... .go c •Inning counts than a ludf-roir ago. to the superni . .endence of ..,,, air of the North to the ' its la'. '••• '• f 2 '‘i .' 1 ' --. •• 1 • t •••o 1. • dos, ice ~ ti.• h ( epr,O i and ~1., Le- •I'enth of the prison-11011ee clining. 'We reptested Mr. 3: Bloomonvilale ' ,:. in flit' South. Ruston to hecome its PriteiVal Tc . ,:eiter, and trusted ....,_ its organization:lnd other most onerom;:oilt:rs cr,,,ydvd v, jot 6 . 0 . 1 a Lt." to his discreoon v.nd nrat Tellico!. Exl et eliee ,• I.,:•ol.: , tettling, and slavery : 11. t: proved him to he • f,ithfol, eftleient, end ( !''o a Filent rebuke which 1 pr: , ,,, t—ju 4 such an in , tract or as qt . ! , coht '• 'lt tiurnb: --_, 1 , monity need. The number of pupil. , in the . , I school is now ovgj sixty. ,te rcier to Mr. ''' - '" (1 '. cu r aP r ° lllisin g ''''' llii Woomingda le's' adv * erlise . ment for information . • 'wily tri my estimation to , as to the tens; and conditiOnS on Which pit verti t ymt,-„ We may seek , pi!s - are admitted, and for utter facts of inter i:,r p • ea ,, e, , bm , no good w i ll ); eAt; and recommend the institution to tho ',into. of ,bealth, lint behold -I l'a""ge " l i i . : l ;j e 1 1 1 ) 1' L L : 1 :r e. P„siclent, • Tulet, B• TyLkit. ,sSeercitirti", lIENtz,T J. Ottts•rtn,.Treasurer, F. L. Jags, ' • . CiIAs..L”IAN, Truolees. . - - G. G. Colds, . . 631. EMI epnntepance tint lrac^ and ~opposition to the law, . determination to .have - Keith it. And. if every , 3 nntic,:liotli public and private, • ;A:o that position, if every • :orn the highest to the loW'est, that pkmition, WhoF4 tzer ,chl be needed or called for in .;.tion of a fugitive, would act •• part of the Boston police reign his °nice rather than the Wicked business, the •ad rz'atain a dead letter upon • ' look ,ee so many who, for the sal.'e i,r honors of place or disfinc; • to, fall down and. cry, DiMia, and do the slav e pow ?tutit heart grows • burns dim, and the future looks ,ry. And 'were it not for the :od reigns on the throne of the that he can twlre,,ev en the n praise him, I slimed despair . • freOom, both civil and cc ;.'Mk above the clouds the sun and CCM% A few more revo moral world may usher in a free d•iy —atioplitig 'the I t uquage It is both de:lee:ea, and hopeful, • •.y pray for its speedy thmning to art thou cast down. 0 my art thou dis9Meted within me I . l:cd; for I shall yet praise ,him countenance." fi - ietid. is the, ground of my Ss on the side of right, justice, We shall vet prase hint for crannen Ince. Not that I sup ' i by any tArarulons inmipost ' i--..tverthrow the vile system of • ••,,ng and oppression; my organ of sou small for that. .13tit God of his will in heaven and and agencies. The , nries to over Throw Slavery, he 1.11 . ; world; they are within our • f WIT dl.pos , al; and it-is by per !, I.imi.throlvdt the influente anis • f 1:-.! of these means, that the a-ctnplished. - Do you ask for agencies t My test gives that • ", v: r'', ley hearers. for our country's protec!ion arta safety of our • i our homes, depend upon its oh - .• 7. rhou provide out old/ the ..1): • n.c I, such as fear cod: men of e:inistic.;s, and place theul v. be rners." t 0.•., frlends, en this bright, r. this szuctatiry, dedicated to the ti,o .tiod, of truth and love, and and to the uplifting of our 1• , .. as a minister of• Jesus Christ r: and holy religion, iet me piainlY s ile:,k to you as christien men n i u.n the important subject of r: end your duty , mutiny duty • ' ,. •1 it. Tell me not that c6istianity ... to do with civil govkroment. the gospel is to bless men ; mas ni= r,!'atioits, to improve him as a 'o be'ng. And how can this wi government? If there , is • ..•o•t.. so+ life in which man needs to be ... h .he. spirit end wisdom of Christ, .. • u citizen statenutim constituting :" a'. ;Air: of civil government. Anti exercise christian virtues - •*..-.lnge-than as an - e.,ector and •• • and' ehristian people I The • shiitild - he a christian iu •••• 'Ere, except in' the electoral, •-• v o'fare o•;societv is at his di'Sposal, • . to be wrong. • To say also that should nest he made A theme • ) • fioedut , se, seems equally wrong. 't..gainst sheep-stealing would be toir.patible with the- gospel. But to ..:ttost electing es sheep-stealer; or man-stealer, to the rulorship • would, by sortie, be calkid.riab 'dlut for my parr I ennnot ni difference in the two cases in EMU EE Si:I: THIRD PAql:. New Cae GROCERY INIVPROVISION STORE. . . S.,JONZS takes this method to inform !1..J.-the people of Coudersport and the puti ljegenprally, that he has just opened a Gro cery am! Provision store, where he Will keep corSztantly everything in th* line of ." eata, Liles"! and which he will sell as reasonable its can he desired. The ", - Mbstantials", . can he fomni, here at all times; such as 'FLOUR and PORN, while the appetites of the most dainty canals() be satisfied. 'therefore, should you wish for anyt_hing, of the kind, please call and •examine. before .purchasing elsewhere, and if la cannot s:nist'e you, your case 11.1U8t be desperate. You will always .find HI assortment of Groceries, consisting of Su gars, 'teas, Coffee, Saleratus, Spices, Ginger, Rai.ius,, Candy, Crackers, Cranberries, Sal mon, Codlida, Mackerel, Blue Fish, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, &a. Abe, at all times. Pork, Flour, Lard, ,Cheese, 'Butter, (roll and tirk:n.),Satt, Ilams, (no. etc. Grain and all other kinds of Produce taken 1 in exchange ihr good.; at the cash price. C. S. JONES. C A'SA lug Water and Eggs. la th 6 I'iIUVISION. s-roitE. Jtme 1834 -17,11tENcivat'sTARD—A. new thing en tirely, for Salt; iIL C. S. JONI:.:F. Coudersport Aeaueray, • rilm: summer term of this instithtiontrill cononeune ou Wednesday, July '2,6, 1154, and cow aloe eleven weeks. New 800k s at Tyler's. I‘II. T .N ai N : E by II T E I2I I O A \, N . , \‘ a .. le r s o r w T n emperance Comlict of Ages, by Beecher. Review of the same. Barium . 1 Moral ,aspects of Oily Lifa Chapin. t tliSicred Streams, Obeuver. linupiighter. t Spirit Manifestations Examined 1 and Explained, Dods TIM Old Brewery, bi- Indies of 'tie.; - Mission, Ms:my ef the Frenillt hfJtestat , . Refugees, by N'Vei?.s. The IliOier law, by . Thisnier. Lif_ on the Plains and in the diggings. Cyclopedia or Eutertaining Knowlt'aige• life of Christ aril his Apostles; Fleetwood. Poetical WorkS of the Davidson Sisters. American Fruit Culturist, Thomas, Th, American Farmer, , Bloke. .1 nit rican Lady's Cook Beok. Dairyman's Manual. Collier's Sind:spew. S vols. A.- Popular Cyclimmlia of Modern Domestic Medicines:comprising every rc-cent improve ment in Medical knowledge, with a Plain acconnt of the Medicines in MIIIIIOII use—by bean Ismsy. M. D.; to which arc prefixed by the Anna:Maur editor, popular treatises on ~hammy. Phytiolugy, Surgery, Ditties, and the management of the sick. Designed for general use. ______ VIOLIN Str:ttos at • Drft,c.- and BookStorc VWLINS and Flutes just received by TYI.EEI WAALL Palters. Is 4: v; and bcautitul pat /terns at 'FY LEICS. s6;l PO wrsm EN \l:Ellin(' Powder, Shot, Lead, cud evervthing in Ow line of Ariannliitinn, li.dliniTackle of the best titialiiy tdttl at low wire;, it TY LEICS. WELIST O EICS DICTINARY —.Pocket, Scl,vol,• OCillYo, anti Quarto Oitions, fur sxlu by . ELYLER. KATILURON and .other ,x.sellta preparations for (ileaning and alicatifying the Hain, fur sale at T.YLEICS. rEi.:66):c6. about to build or repair ; ‘villfial a complete stock of \Viutlow Bash, !lulu s& alai Oils, for sale at fair prices by T. B. TILER - I. VI. RMAN, - Horse and Cattle Doctor, ai .respectfuHy inibrans the public that he has. located in I eliron t owic-lfql . ( at Yosepli ,Stone's) where he 18 prepared to attend to (talc in his proresion. Ile is. of long expe'rienee in the;s, and hopes by his superior :lull end assiduity' to secure the patronage of-the pub lic. DATENT AIEDICI2ES at Ifluletale. JL Merchants and Pedlars will be supplied with all kinds of Patent Medicines nt Mawr facturerr'.wholesale prices by TILER.' New Goods. rP 13. TYLER hns jinit returned from the •city, and is now prepared to show the largest and. best stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Bcohs, Stationery, l'appr Hang :nLtS;'and Fancy Goods'in 'the' county. - 11 e is also prepared. to sell lower than at 'Wellsville; and as low as any other establish ment' in Conderspor't, ' - April 15, 105' . FRANK JOHNSON; • • eabintt Otaittr. . • 0.0 lIDESPORT, POTTPI3. COM.ITY PA, to inform the citizens of Coudersport. and the surrounding ceuntry, that he will exe cute all orders in his line of business at short notice and reasonable prices. • . • Place .of businea9 near the Presbyterian Church. 7 1 : .4 ly. RT.O Ticklee in yetis for ''sale by ASS ti c. 8. JONES. Xe i -Tfaiin Ts again the Noith .leut.cml;ter:Of the, public:tuna - re, and is re ceiving tlireet from New-york city—,itot "mammoth stock" of winter goods, but suffi cient to till Itf) the old store; which goods ore now offered ;or inspection -and ~examination. He would th6refoic - say to The old customer, step in!Eand ztee his assortment: and ito the people generally, that ult. his goods are for sale—he will be happy to receive "calk" E Indies will find at Coch -- coo, ‘Vashingtini,'Slerrimack,Phi!ip, Allen & Son's, and other choice v:lricties of Prints, tv:lrouted'hy' the sule:criber Sol' to FADE. A 1.1.AV1 )01; Delaines at Miam's4. Alpae /-Las,' Paramettas, Eng ishand i'rench Mt ri -Ims ;a MANN'S. I N'iillAslS—a good assortioent MANN'S MKS' and UresiTrinnuingh at ► MANN'S HANVI o(• various pattern.; and qualities, anlGnildren' , ; Ifink, at • ri:ol.llil,l'l2:S T 13isltop Lawns,Victoria 1:,q(..,e, Crape, u;(1 1111;4111, Embroidered do., .3litsrm Cotton du. , Littuen do., Ladies' Collars,.ll - r-.' lets, L'nilcrsieecc., Ladies skirts, do.,Caps„l , , to 1),.?. 11‘tilid at MAN A's ],urge lot ery ut ,t4i 1 you utt warm rl..toehMg:: for the ..kerm yon will Mid them at ill (2 . AITER BOOTS, [Susi-w tt ho:, and the .iter k.lyttriety Shoe s , ran be found ut `.l.lNN'i • ATS,Cf/l)iColorori , :!r. , , I Vl_ ~ r., , - 1 1raw• (More•+, do., ill; Lined Gloves, Carpet Bap, ers. Call at FIEM BB B OYS' and Youths' 11)1) .3.tlt) QUE.VIING, z 4 bining, Butls, .uud Colton k) . Yarn at L7[GA Coffee, Rice, Ginger, Pep per, Spice, Stnrc Saleratth4, Cnnsntritly uti hand at :MA*" \'. 'DUG Tobacco, Fine-Cut Chewing :ET S'lnnking MAN's. yOu want Axe:, lintchtlß, Hanauer, Mill Cros-cut do., Iland-do,, Chi s els, An gurg; Auger tits, File: of all kinds, Steel Squares, lion 'Prr do., call at kee.pß constantly on hand 1, Squares, .11anure Lot. fire rffffA OCK:?, Doors Handles, Butts, Scrams, .sizes—shou tittles, Finishing d.)., fur sa a", - it13 0. 0 LET Kiii‘e , t, Tiße do. Call at MANN'S Story • • L\VIS 3LIN.N hag. for .ale tiliut, Lead il__JPewder,ll;e4,-.-f, e. 1 - 1 E. OLATS'I . ED if • 'Would soy to ti. 1 1 is.eow receiving n stock of] which be will be happy to show to all, mini may- favor him With call. You can find, by caliin~ on hint a good assortment of Lawns. 1 101/1V1:. 11Ziregini, IS;u • ese Dr Latin's. De lieges,' &c. Also, Prints, Gingharns, Do u.esticsof aldisinds, Groceries, Crockery, and a larne snick of Emot3 nod Shoes; all of sebitb wilt lie sold tts lose as they .c,att be lium„dit else,wliire•. V G 0 0: rCri !(coma t u rd 111(1i-inks, at . . pcic.t.Et) CHERRIES at- C. S. JONES' Tailoring! Tailcs,!! . . 4 .1. . . , - I - ado'. AA 1111‘)1A a1,..011111161etl to care will la, tiollt ma l) .110:0111.;: , , 1:0111f01'1. ov,r Lcu is Alatitis G-37 Xle.E6ll ilurninz Fluid and and IiOoK.SI'OIIE. The iliciti—JortiOy Zinc Company , liming greatly enlarged their works, and , improved the quality t., if their products. are i prepared to ("memo orders for their SUPE- 1 RIUR PAINTS, dry, and ground in oil, in 1 assorted packages of from 2.5 to 500 pounds; . also, Dry. in barrels, of 200 pbunds emit. ___ . .... _ . • --- Their - 1V I I 'Tr:ZINC, whiFl: is sold thy, or War -Declnred , at -Last,, I' ground in nil, is warranted Pure coil ll:mar t passed thr body and uniform whiteness. THE long repose of Europe is-about A method ot preparation has recently been .L to be disunited by the laude's note and d.',-I,'"'Ll'l'd• winch enables the Company, to the reville of the drum,' callinir its 5 i,,,,,t„,„ warrant their paints to keep fresh and soft in ing tn . :Ulu:is to arms in the de fm,se ttf heir' thelu-U reasonaldh time.' In thiss fur "tof lif e :tide:l and th e ir c ra n pre. E ng l ni ,d and respect their paints . wiii be, superior to any . , France are calling thr men mid llic:11!5c. alla i other to the market. - sending forward•their armies' to halt;e.coainst Tiutir BROWN ZINC PAINT, which is the lig ressions of the Russian Bear: but i sold at a low price, and can only be made while, the Old World is cernvillsed by revolu. 1 from the Zinc ores from Newnlersey, is now turn, unusual peace and plenty rein .1 in the 1 well - k - unwn for its protectiy : e qualities when New, . . - ~ \ applied to iron ar other metallic tturfaces; in the peaceful and gakt pursuit of our i Their .STONE—COLUR PAINT possesses blisitle ' RS we have thrilled a copartnership 1 all the qualities of the Brtiwn, and is of an under the mune awl style of S. N. BuTLEK i agreeable ewer for painting Cottages, Depots, CU., and have -.Liken the store ill Bmiiire Block, in the:village ....x Olean,.lhrtnerly (wen- I pied by Thing &. Brother, mid ore 1 /quids , eei' , l splsplendidrev;rev;stock of goods adapted .?_.e Out-latildings. Bridges, etc. Dealers supplied on Bend- terms by their FRENCH & lIICIIARDS, vin Wholesale Paint Dealers and Importers, N. W. cur. of 10tH & Market-sus, to the sason and Wands. of the community, (ion I iii - . whit'h we intend to sill exclusively for cash i Philadelphia down. at prices Ih:it will cause consternation anti dismay in the ranks of old fogyism that j haS been so Yong established * in ibis section• i Oar stock will consist in part of the follow - - Big Conti:: liardwaro, ' - Crockery, Boots 5.-_, Shoes Hats, .. Caps, Carpets. ' I Oil Clothe;,'-- Dragg, - Medicines, - : I lrye,Stutts, Gloss, Paints & Diii, - Sash. • Putty. Chairs, I Bedsteads, Math-asses, Feathers ' ' .-. Stoon.and Wooden Ware,. . . And we noun to keep such au assortment of the abflyt` goods that persons li '::' :: d:-tn.uce can be assured of finding- i..-:e.t.t.-tt.,.....: ibe-; usually want ateprices that wilt awn) e cod Cull and see for yourselves. . ; N. S. BUTLER' S. •..I1 Olean, 4lay 5, 1,354. 6-51 Magazines fox 'Tune. tyabam, and ' , tannin, iLyist received and tor Ja . l o at 25 yews per EEO number, li) . . • New Books. -LIANNY FERN'S New Yolutue, or Second Series of Fern Leaves. , • „ , Silver Cup and Sparkling Drops, for the Friends of Temperance. • Colton's United States Gazetcer. . Greece; and the Gulden' Horn, by Ste plu,n 014.9. D. Life aiia Saying's of Mrs. Partingtort. Morw4 Stars of the New World, by ' F. Parker. 'A. 'new and large collection of choice Books for aildren, Jrßt received by ;I'. B. TYLER._ Draft,Haig Listniments, .Water colors: Drawing Paper, Yeneila,.anii Bnishes,•just received at TY L4lt'S. T EAS,fresli 'aud cheap. at :TYLER'S • Statilttery AL •T WholiLkale ail(' Retail at I, The , reople's flasii Store, • AT co , Dr.7.lsp.tml.T. keinethilig New. And .Sonipthing • :Wanted. . • Trim suhseriber has justireceived . frnm the of ew:Yorl., and opetied nt,tlse store 'formerly occupied by,Hnskiu & Smith, en the north side,of the Court' House; Square, a "selected . fissortnient of Nov Goods,' cern prisiag Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, and IlinAware. The motto of business adopteaHs, "the sure I , billing and the lively rixpence." The above Gocals will therefore be sold email. sively for either cash or 'ready-pay in hand, and upon such tenns • that the purchaser cast, ! not be otherwise titan satisfied that be has made a good bargain—received a quid pro quo L—something for something in value: for, his money. An exchange will gladly'. be rtiade with the Farmer. thr his Produce: Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Grain in any quantity; and with it, the more Cash the better. - The subscriber will nt all times take pleasure his Goods to the enstutzter, that quality and prices may be iAarnined. - L: F. MAYNARD. Coudersport, July 15, rs 33. • 6-,lf A ;\ i, , NG many other articles for Melodies told rich worth, will be fount • Cash 'Store, flue Worked Col lerf, .{illerent 'designs and'vatterus. Sheeting and Shirting, Brown Candle 11 ick, Summer. Cloth for children's wear,,Btei Ticking, Toweling, Ta ble Linnen, Brown, White dm', a superior at iglu of Damask, all mire Mix, —Table Spr.Tels. Au examination will recommend them better than anything elan. : \MANNY's AT'The People's Caali ti!ore!' fluty. be found a selected lot of Priuts, of English, French, and. American Goo,:s, quality and pries atliamin" . e admirably. Please call and see us. k \'4 111.NN'.4 - PLACE - and Green Tcns, of excellent Oa ..lLAvoit, and at most reasurflible prices. Sn gars, NYbite and Brown du., Dice, Ginger, spice, Pepper, Is;ntinecs, Cassia, Raisins,,Ta bacco in all its variety, to please those who love the weed, and a etiperiot article of Cotfce that cannot fail to please all the Dutch and some of the Yanket.g. at the • PEOPLE'S -CASH :STORE. AND Miss Ware, is variety, that will please the eyeuathi...lirt hisiieetten, at the , PEOPLE'S CASH MANT , ;' , iAIt.DWARE. Sythes and Smiths,- of ink:patterns long tried and found to Le good, Hitics one Itub•:l..nes, Files, Dour Lutebes, Mitkral Et k obs,.(white and brown,) Alortien birks, It rought Butts tbr Doors, ISCutleti,linires of good fluidity for the taLlt.; and kr tik r eek it. ;it the PEOPLE'S GA. SD—STORE. L. MANN'S • Tin and Hardware, . TIIE undersigned has connected with his Tie, Sheet Iron, Copper, and Stove Buiness. that. of HARDWARE and CIiT LEHY—so that in iohlitiou to the . business licretoftire conducted by him, lA. , is'now ready to supply the public with almost tivery variety of Hod ware. Milt :mil Cres , -Cot Saws, Ifettip Iron, Nails, Cable and Ox Chains. Ciirrel:!t TS' Adacs and. ltrea&.ces, ;Manilla Hope for C.Y. hies. A fleueral assortment of Clocks, 'ills panned Ware. Toys of ovory description; and in short, Ito &sit - ins-to keep all such.things as the public wants in "his hue, which he will sell, not for less than cost, but' for n VIIIY 031 a LT. profit .ifuleed, mid hopes by a strict 'attention to his business to ree‘ive a liberal share of public patron:4p'. All kinds of Produce fakon in oitchan!to for Chab, at the'hiOnist marl , :et pricos ; also, ton pulti'Mrofd iron. h-l'! . .IAS. W. SiV.I.TII. bNE-THIRD CH RAPER TITAN WHITE LEAD, AND fI:EE FROM ALL POI SONOUS QCALITIES. TYI r, Pri,rnium Panning 3Ylills. 1 . laraters antiMechanas.i has riurchased of 3. hamuLqough the right to use in Potter and 31'heau ceitnms his'iiatent in the construction of Fanning Mills. HP has also, at great ,ex beme, commenced the manufacture of PRE -1.:11 MILL which will clean ftom 100 to •.14 bushels per hour. '('his Mill was pate oted hi . arch'4o, 1ti.17 , since which time it has stood at the head of the list at all the State and ceun ty agriculturrasocieties where it has been ex hibited, and is a universal favorite with all ariners who have tried it. It tool; the pre mium at the first Agricultural Fair held at Harrisburg, Oct. 31st, 1851, when there were 30,0,00 people present ; and at the great State Agricultural Fair at New-York, held at Roch ester Sept. 16-19, 1851; this Fanning Mill received the highest honors. Ilavinronet with uniform success whereVer tried, I confidently invite the farmers of Potter and WKean counties to call at my shop in Coudersport and examine for themselves. - • A supply always on hand, to lie sold on rea sonable terms. • , • 6-37tf -JOHN RECKNOW. TTlFlEStibseribet hereby gives notice to the public. that Laving given PETER StICTTS his note for eighty dollars, bearing date near the last 64 . March, 1834, payable September, 1836, and having . '"never received any value therefor, he Will refuse to pay the shine; therefore ito warns any, person front btlying -the , said note with and expectation of his pay ,ing it. [6sl] . CONSIDER STEARNS. Mill Owners will alwap find a supply of Oil for machinery' at samfactury prices, and irrany , quantily, at . TYLER'S Drug Store. Teas. ZINC FAINTS. Ifiachine Oil sprtfatai§ COLUMN. New Goods:forAili summit Trade. DW. SPENCER would respectfully in orfaim the; inliahttants of Coudersport and vicinity that he is now receiving a FREe,ii and LARGE ArSSOWFMENT of Goods, which will be sold! as cheap as the cheapest He would also, return heartfelt thmilts to his old customers and friends for their past patron age, and would he glad to show them any goodswhich he hteiontil will try to save them at least 10 per cent, by calling and eintnining before purchasing elsewhere. _ , R ot ..174-1%. HERE take_ the lib- I ES:. erty to -inform the pep ' • • pie of Coudeisport and Potter county that I am still at my new stand oppoSite the' north side of the 'public square, where 'may be found GROCERIES of all kinds constantly on hand, such as Tea, Sugar, Cof te,e_,,:t3aleratus, Ginger, Mustard, Tobacco, Sniff, 'Nutmegs, Made, Cloves, Confectionery, &c. • • My motto is, '" The nimble sixAnce in pre ference to the Slow shilling." 1). W. SPENCER. Drugs, Medicines, IDATENT MEDICf NES, Oils, Spirits of -4- TurpeWitte, Camphipe, Burning, Soap, Catattei.; for sate low at SPENCER'S. Letter, and Note Paper: all kinds of k}Stationery, 'Steel-Batt Holders Welery, Sealing Wax, Sand, ink, Pocket-Books, En velope, ViAting Card., Jewelry, Fine . Cio.• lery, turd a variety of Fancy Artiele, , , together with Silk . and" Thread, Mc., at • SPENCER's. GRAIN, Butter, Lard, Egg,, Shin% gles, taken for goody at their cash Cash not relimed., B. SPENCER. ' ' UTTER and Lard of a supprior quality for Ade-at SIiENCEIrs. • • •r - - r one &wow; 0 1 o good quo lily o r Srriti) of "Aftda,:er4 %will di well to rail at SVENCV.R's. County Ordeis Taken at Par Foit tioo WS, at TAUIEe, if you 'Want a nice Bonnet, von .11 will do well to call on SPENCER. BABBIT'S Yeast Puwder for sale by PENalt lEIV TIIING.—Pure Ground .Cotree— great thing for the ladies. :SPENCER. T Cod Liver Oil, and /many, usher popular Medicines for sale by SPENCER. " Halloo ! -Halloo ! Halloo ! QP E. N C Ell. is in town ! Moinitains READY—MADE CLOTHING , for almost nothing. I have bought this coat, - this vest, and these pants—ain't broke, either! Hurrah! All the b'hovs shall bey one of PENCLICS INDIAN -NT VA L and DucKiv MAT eon -cout ! Murat Ig But, to be candid, friends, i _I-smutty on hand at the there's nothing like it in all the countbry. 1 , NEW PROVISION STORE. Just go over there, and for a little 0 ' nothing i G RAIN and Produce of all kinds taken in he'll sell ye a rig that, though ye 'r6 the big- i exchango for Goods at thiA NIKE , . - q. i est rascal above ground, will make ye as furl_ C. S . . JONES as a praist to look at : though ye paint a cant I - - • - in ,ve'r pockets, folks will bow and scrape 10 ye as though ve were millionaires, and • real gel:dem:ins: Fashion! Great thing! Bet- ter dead than out of it—many an hozie.4 fellow Iris been ' cm' bernve of the snit of-hi:: coat: a but nn dnOr it ye 1311 V .or sp,....,—liis .1 cloths are just the fisition. l ' i The subscriber has just rectil% ed a large'', stock of Ready.Jl:ide Cl o thing, of the latest •-tyle quality, which are well mule, and will be sold low. I). W. SPENCER. i P — VAN ERI ZED Corn Stall!), for bind, for e .tt, rit'ENCEIFK. .. - . Q( 1 1).‘,, erN.til Tari•ir, Magne;lll, Salts, and O;Ite; for,alo zit the I (;ROC ERN' STORE. COPE!. Dud ro•u•h vlrraFti rsra b, had at Sp•'urrr's on very re:lsmnible Or 'l'. Merelmo:'s ti•tr,trlivz2; Oil, to 'LP be at 1 HOT AND, LEAD at tower, figure , than down tOWIIItt. VENC ER'S. 7v EW articie.of Su:miter lint. rit ' A FrT.F.II se:eeliou of rniTef. riot foltid _ , "liin the county than it SPFACKII:ti, TEA by the chvit or pound for ,ftle by SPENCE New Goods. W. SPENCER has jnst returned from • the city with Olarge stock of Gump rir,), clothing, I)rng , and Medicine , , and a general assortment of Fancy Article, , ,* many other thing+ too nnmerona to mention, which will he sold low for cash or ready-pa}', TI"IB.ICCO—Fine Cut, Chewing, and Smoking, by the pound, at SPENCER'S. "1 CUllle to bring you l.i/iaaad _Health." IThhit. rt . WITS‘ - 111:GEN1 A,• or Inhaling, Hygenn Vapor and Cherry St rap, for the cure of Pulmonary Comumption, .I , dhrom B ro u r ldtk, Com.dok, Co!d , , ;Ind nll Lung and Liver mimplaim , . 'new method of luhala thin for the cure of the :More named di , ease4. For IL IV. SPENCER. Perpetuate Family Faces.. ALL who dc,ire to do i•lionld not long delay going to Cast.'s DAGUERREAN GAL L v. 'NH. :weekly pro ducing 'beautiful miniature portraits in the 114 ost plea-ing 14yle and at lined reaminable pricm.. A pleasam romn is open. and every one is welcome to call und exrunine rpm. mend whenever they choose. Those who wish to be M!ellre Of a sitting , hould nut conic lam 111 the day. Gallery open only nn Saturdays. 64;fitr J. W. CASEY Music. TTIP:iTEIV'S celebrated Instructions fot• the l'iatto-Forte; • Burrowes' Piano-Forte Primmer; Union Glee Book; A new supply of F,beet Music: For sale by T. 13. TYLER. - - A - NEW supply of Fluid and Cam rlphiue Lainps—snme new and beautiful patterns just received and,for - salo haw at YLEft' S. rpirt. Governor of the State of serrxork aL hai appointed the s ubscriber a Commis sioner for the State of N e w-York, to take the acknowledgment of Deeds end other instrm ments and to administer oaths pursuant to en net of tint Le g islature of the, said State. ISAAC .BENSON. , . Coudersport, Dec. 1&d. • Clothing; Clothing: t. • T"E place to buy welletnade Clothing a a low price (a large stock tn 's•elect lain) is at OLMSTED'S. NEW GO-ODS' D01;8TM there nye many- pawns in eouderspirrand vicinity who hay &rim er visited the fameni BOSTON STORE•st the fast-growingvillage of Wellsville. Th . ' ' , N u. of this store is 94, which number is over the door— BOSTON STOggil D'E.A .I . ll£ tenon. This establi'sliment Is one or the larien DRY GOODS tindltEADY-MADEiDLOTD ING Dfluits in Allegany county. Hundreds of customers from Potter county buy all their Clothing, Boots 'and Shoes, and Other fixing,. at this great uarraf'bnoiness.i But sill there are those who have happened to Lll into the path that leads,'.utost assuredly, to economy and wealth. That path leads ill cash buyers straightway to the. GREAT BOStO'N. • We hare no enemies to •paniah, nh-frielkds to reward. We sell for ready pay,. and take in exchange for Goods the -following -useful article.:, :Cash Wenwon•• Oats Beeswax Fur Seam Socks • Hide. Wheat 'Yarn Rag* Potatoes Woof Butte r f • We are now receiving• OUT Itneltester,about ten cord: 01 the br.e. BOOTS and SHOES Fold in the Wn cow -dainty on hand— -1 3len'a India Rlibb. , r 13001,4 With t r,nt. TRI KS, VALISEri. ;and Black and I'. !orpd: llt^ - •e:, 1:p Clotii3t, Print othitr ,1 r ,„ l , , variety of 1)n. ';ocitH. • Slit ITIB, Shecrif In particular, yVIII:1(1 ;:• • the ladir ,, lo our zrent tavery metuns ilitni“.l) We have the large , t ;fork" or 11;P dreqPnt kiit+ of ilbettressis in We-tero Nett-Icrk Ilotel keepers can be stinplied on rentouab,r tertw. Three Cheers chr the contemplated (* . am' from NVellst illy to itoclicAert . anti that the Plank Road will he coritinued onto Conders•port during the cooling spring, that the COIN and daug.liter+ of fienigly, Potter may - bit more frequentlf, sepa in on piling city. remain your ob't serv'ti, L.tNCET Z,•:, Co. Eit's Wel!s‘, Me. Jan. Kt, 1?:"..1 51 A CIil.:REI„ Salmon. and Blue rob JoNr.s. _ Q.II:PERIOR. Spirm and Tallow Candles at L C. S. JONES' PPOVISION STORE. IT:114:i and :Sbouldert--a new BPS ortmez tat , C, 8. . (`SACKS OF SALT at the NI:WPM)VISION STORE_ IRANDERRIES! CRANBERRIF:S! i✓the quart or Int,ltel, at C. S. JONES'. Carriage attO Sleigh-Maker. THE • - .111) ••ritier respectfully gives await that he i•r-opared to 'do all the busir," in the above idle, at the shortest notice, at 1-:•• new shop, twn doors west of the Votidertar: JOHN RECKItoW. A. B. GOODSELL, flr-xsmur?.l,("oltri,--- , nrt,l'a. Fin* ArIT4 inanufLetnred .111,1-1 notice. " Tuk er:ort.E's cAsur S ronr. " 1 01 : EAH11-3IAHL CLOTHING I.ept ..ittstatl, an hand by the subicriber, rip and tnanufacunred by the best viorkto -1 front eltithii selected for durability and,lo.l l i -- , the object tieing not lto supply" the own:T. ,- ' with a hithibil.? a rtiel r • inly h. . 1 dneetflo.porchase beeanse it 14 So rrry butt which iri the end is rery drar: but to him in the tirit instanee an article tt hich 1 do hint hottest and good service for a repo. aide price. Ail Ovate desirous of bruin; accommodated. call at 'lite People . . (la. Sture.•' L. F. 111 AISHIH. Notice, lh: er•choe ( f Lit , ' Pap' GM MEE rit ttr JOHN REbXEOW, 11;treli :;, I=4'l The Cloth'ng ,Department 0 HK ECEL) GINGILAMS in' vnrinty. nn 1 , —./ 'rice , to snit. L. F MANN:IRD. MATTRESSES IN IVEIA,SVILLE,AT THE GRE,IT PM! • TON STORE, No. 94 Ai AV be found nn ham? ::rd: _LTAoIe, au" eNleiNive -Variety of SpenrPr Granger's ,nperb 7'T/IL'SSES, of ever . wiry, hind, and price, froiii a :;43.50 rah]] 31 ''' tres: to a ..nrier•Englisb hair M . :Wm.. , 0. SY finktari., and which . are.. Miered to lintel and hard r( keeper?, and all other,. who have r^". moo i•eme enottgh to know that , a 111. li - either bfd, to make the he-t of it, i. b* , " breeder of alid lower pr:ee4 than can be Mum! at an:, '- stora in the comity. I.ANerY & Co, Side Agente (in the t ouutt ) f o r iho the above gociik., • zitore, 1-:11 Academy T'ert•lEct:l, , A mai, srippi . v !ftW T 1.1 f and 31inerat v. AL (;:r. .L/lor wing, ut 'l'. It. T 1 ITENT I'M! Bed CordF, • 1:- , " P Har:e Curry couth., fir* IlniYitag, to !JO Pith] st 1? LIST CIV CAUSE? FOR trial in the Court ni 7 Ct. t Potter Comity; ;it September James 17. Car-on %s. Ver,el Dick. ',AL John Keating et. al. vs. Verse) Dieken:o John Keating et. al. vs. Edon Worner. 4fitt M. Lamberton vif. James 11. Wright. l'hontWitech V tiflik - L. Jones. • Jatnt Ayers vs. JtimeA Bartnm, Bingham School District vs. C. C. Crum. cntor Chester Andrews vs. 31. J; N. linskin, f);iniel Clark vs. Daniel IZ.lla,le.oi,k 3V . W. .I'. & A. F. Jones vs. 'blind 13 W. T. I nnei J. A. F. Jones vs. Edmond Al%c c ' NV. 'l'. Jones &.:1. F;.Jones vs. C. P. Henry llorbnrt vs. - 3farthia Mahon. Cerson.vs. Charles. W. Johnson, Neth'l W: -Abbey vs. J. C. Bronson ac.CILIA' Sfecl, N. 1.. bike le. 'lsaac flrroon. V. 0. Spencer yr. Nutipaz AV nodcDck. J. O,I.3IiTED , Prothonoiary's Office, l'rothnnoff.r! CoudeprportJuly 27, IE6I. S ,t , ;6ul