The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, July 28, 1854, Image 4

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    his inspired apostles, as a sure warrant
of its usetbluess a.mlpropriety:
- . .it-ciay I have been thinking of our
parting iu 'NUL-ember. It comei to
my memory, as an unheeded . sound
upon the ear. The remembrance of
sour I..ek of anguish, when about
leaving us, wrings my heart with sin - -
row and.ftgret. How could 1 he so
unfeeliv , " giv • in • U fur
. L, ,
give Inc, dearest husband!
Th, ,h:til,lws lengthen as my sun
declines.' hear.t, at times sinks
in iny-bo,orn like - lead. When the
plroxisms of fever pass awac-, a most
dittrus,-ing lassitude follows. 0, that
you were here! U that I nii.rht be
rem i tte d t kreatlie on our kind
and 211 . 00 • b(ISCIM ! But if it is
otherwise ordered. thy will, U Father,
ime done.
Dear lin.deand, we shall meet saain!
r,ev.4rna frraVt . all 'rink.; brit4hi and
glmious. Ilrrr the sienthnv ofavel'
npnn every tiring. However
heewever Iteautitul, however
preciem:e anything may lee, that tear
iiil Arnie i, by t.) lily>t and dei , trny
:But there i life! lifo in unladin,
or, and bloom and polity! You must;
. you will give your heart to the ,rra
.cious that you may be
made meet. to partake of the inher
itance of the saints in liuht,' and then
bly , serlness shall Nye meet to
matt no In 're; forever Precious,
eheetiul, : , :nitaining thought.
DID' fluttoring heart, n trembling
in.nd, dud the Irre , rular characters that
1 tra..e, admonish me that what I do
mast be de done quickly. ( )lice more.
deare:-t huslutud, permit the to express
to you, tln. deep, the ardent, the fath
omless 11,V0 I bear you. 0, that I
could yet once again gaze on your
Biel: vial: a long, 1011( lork of love and
gr.oitude! t), that I could hear y•ru
announce my lull forgiveness.
Were it not fur parting with you,
the dear children, and my father, I
t.honld feel no shrinkitnz from death.
0, supple a mother's place to those
a mother's place to those helpless
ones. you I commend them. To
(-;101 1 commend them and pm.
The letter ended thug abruptly. No
doubt Helene hoped to write inure, but
her strength failed. Had the heart of
Mr. Howard been capable of deeper
live and rek , ret. or more bitter self
up' raiding, dent it abeady knew, this -
oh usion from that warm, a fft.ctionate,
ud childlike heart, now cold and
dent in the grave, ivould have pro
duced it. Repeatedly he laid it aside,
,ti more than he could bear, but he
seize it again with ai..; Much
;',-; it.: 4 CeititelltS would
lend the'cloud of darkness in which
be was enveloped, or restore to him
his 4,1 , 4. trelsiire.
riii liL of a mourrivr Ivoula lie
short inticol, did he always feel as
during the tir,t months 4lf bereave-
mem; but our infinitely WiSQ' nnil
ti. Creat,ir has so constituted US.
that the bitterness of grief Will pass
uway. As time rolled on, the agOny
of :CI r.l foWard's sorrow suhsided ; but
he was almost a mourner. Helen was
enshrined in his heart, and there was
no time for ;i new love. In vain were
arra c tions difplaved to the still young
and elegant widower; lie saw them
.In vain was deep sympathy
pressed for the motherless condition
of Ids children; heun d er> t o od ilOt. its
I 'tin): lit And when, two or three
tear.; after I lelen's death. Mr.At we
birc-elf inquired, 'if his happiness
would not be promoted by
Ile ended the sill eject forever
le; s;iviti2—
eN,,,r mention it, my dear
llclrn "wt; too gently, too lovely h)1
tae!—to., , gentle, too 12 :olal, too lovely
f ft - eat till. I never - deserved such a
treasure; but having p,,sessed her,
cintl,l I ever Lobe to love another!'
pau , ed he, mentally,
old er treat ',Mother so
di,l her; and should I treat
a succe , , , or more• tenderly, would nut
tho-e gentle eves ever be. lookiwr on
L 1,2 it, their sorro‘y, that it wag nut
with her ! Ni, I Telen ; cruel and
unreeling as 1 was, I loved thee; awl
I tviil love Own, thee alone, till we
meet in heaven.
u Mr. Atwood. Mr. Howard was
ever the tenderest and most sympa
thizing of Sin..l; to his children. the
devoted of fathers. The hitter
grew .up under his government, his
instinctions, and his. example. all he
emld wish; nod zononc; the many les
bons he taught them, he fulled not t o
enforce the truth; that no rorredness
prin4ple. 110 reet;( lac (feu/Rimer, Can
mtpidy the Puri' 4-inciness,
~, . rentle
nes, and arhonit g of Hr/Wier; that in
all our intercourse -with our fellow
creatures, all the relations of life, we
must make it manifest that it is as
painful to reprove as it is to - be re
proved; and that it affords as much
pleasure to commend as to be com
mended. That if we would be truly
good, and live to make others.happy,
we must look with lenity on their tic
fccts,—tind with severity, and an un
forgiving spirit, only on our own,
[7 . IN n'N 1.1(.1a, has liven
0,%,h r a im hel fur a h.lig tirno, is now
relit Not \ trcest er Spy
have been ever
ff)o. nhrl s, Itnip.,rompariy.rif capital
-11,111", fro in ed,• t o ,
„, .4 tho:
New Cash
I.Lher, Ye ltrogivi
Gg...TONTS tithei; this Mehod to' inform
. the of Coudersport and the 'pub-
lic generally, that he has just opened ii
eery and Provision store. where he will, Itt'ep
constantly everything in the . line uf, " eata
bles," and which he will sell as reasonable as
can he desired. The ••sulistamials -- can be
found here at all times, such as FLOUR . and
PifilK, while the appetites of the most
dainty ean also be satisfied. lberefore,.shduld
you wishftir anything, of the kind, please call
and examine before purchasing elsewhere,
and if he. cannot satislY you, your case must
be desperate. Von Will alto} 3 find a full
as-or:mem of Groceries, consisting of Su
-gars, 'few, Coffee, Siderattts, spices, Ginger,
Raisins, Candy, Crackers, Cranberries ' Sal
mon, Codfish; Mackerel, Blue Fish, Rice,
Molasses,. Syrup. Also, at all times.
Pork. Flour, Lard. Cheese, Butter, troll and
firkin.) Salt. ilatus, etc. Cues
Grain and all other kinds, of Product: taken
in exchange for goods at the casli price.
ti-: t:it I C. S. JONES.
AS:I • II) fur butter awl, at [tau
Jane 30, 1S•i!
musTmw—A new thing en
tirely, for sate at C. J. JONL;i'.
Coudersport Academy.
,unnner incur of thi,iin,tinnion Vill
rownwnee on Wednesd•tv, Jul. 'V ., . N5l.
:and continue t.:tni2n
Elententory branches—( Irillograplivi
Higher Aritinnetie, First Lessons in
. Algefro., and Grammer,
Higher English lir:inches, Algebra,
Hieher ,Mathentatic. Latin, Greek.
mud Frond! LattgllaZeQ
11!0111( . 1 . 1011 lin the Pi; tto Forte,. extra,... 10.00
Ut , e of insirnmen:
Vocal fre . e of charge. -
J. It1.01)311,;(; DALE, Principal.
The undersigned, Trus:ites or the Con
dor:port Academy. are moved by a sense of
official and personal ditty to invite the atten- I
lion of the public—of particular. to
the rising bail use fill character of this institu
tion of ie:riling. When invited. a little attire
than a 11.111 1 %1 . .1r ago, to the superintendence of
its affairs, \VC f 0117141 i: depressed and still de
clining. NVe requested 31r. J.
to heroine its Principal Teacher, and trusted
its organiza: ffin and ()Ater ::tort onerous atrairs
to hits discretion and .
Iris pros eil hint to be tiiithfill, efficient, and
prae.ical—just such an insiructur as this cone
initni.:y need. The number of pupils in the
school is limy er sixty. IVe refer to 11 r.
Ili outoitutdide's advertisement for information
as to the ieruts and conditions tin which pit
pits are admitted, and for other farts of inter
est; and recoinmend the institution to the
patronage of the people.•
11. 11. 11)}:s . r, President,
Timm is P. TYLF-le., Se, retary,
11k:sny .1. Ut.m, rED. 'Fre:Lai:ter,
F. L.
CHAS,. LIMAS, iTrll:teeS
G. )
New Books at Tyler's
of Ales, by Beecher.
Review of the same, lion.
Morii Aspects of City Life • Chapin.
S.o•red Stn anis, Chet:vol . .
Lauipli2ht tr.
Spirit Manifestations Exaniined
and Explained, Duda.
TIo• old Brewery, lsv holies of. the Mission
Hist.] V of the }'reach Frotestat
Belogees, by
The lliglwr Law, lie ho=mer.
Life on the Flains ;aid in the cligOugs.
Cvelopodia of Entertaining knowl(*e.
Life of Christ and his Apostles, Fleetwood
Poetical Works of the Davidson Sisters.
American Frail Calturist, Tinnuns.
The America'. Farmer, - 'Blake
American Lady's 1'0,11: Boot
Dairymans S\ lauual,
Shakspoure, S vols.
A Popular Cyclopedia of Modern Domestic
Medicines,- comprising every recent improves_
went in Medical knowledge, with a plain
account of the Medicines in commit use—by
1:11:AY, M. 1).; to 'which are prefixed
by the American editor, popular treatises on
Knatotny. Phyviology, Surgery, Dieties, and
the ni•maizeinent ot the sick. Designed for
general use.
VIOLIN Strings at
Drag and Book ,`.ztore
V IOLINS and Flute , just reeciv,d
a"'Leautifal put
V V torus at TYLER'S.
k ti lPußTSMENsvilltindPowd , :r,Shot,hvwl.
cvcrylhiti:: iuthe !iue of Ammunition:
and rithing Tackle of the bust qualitv laid at
box a r lcus at TYLIms:
I\ V &b ail,' University, lkiitavt.!, rind Quart.
etlitioin, for sale by 1Y LEH.
LY",s 1A'11.1. 3 .1Rc..\; and other
r i.e F intlions for cicalisinz and
nbentifying tho HAIR, for tale nt TY LBWS.
PE it.6UNti about to India or repair, will find
n l'1:1111111'tl• stork iiiWinilow Sash. I 'Puny,
Paints and Oils, for side at fair Prices
T. li. TYLER
T. Ilfir , e and Catt:e I)nctnr.
J .respectfully informs the public that twins
located Hebron t9wlFliip (al,l9:epll Stone's)
where lie is prepared to' attend to Call: in his
profession. Ile i , of long experieurt , in the
lousiness, and bopez; by hi superior skill and
to secure the patronage of the pub
lic. 6-.19
New Books, . •
FEHICS Noe Volume, or
Second Series of Fern Li.aves.
Silver Cup and Sparkling Drops, fur the
Friends of Temperance.
.Bias United States Gnzctecr.
tirecce; and the Gulden Horn, by Ste
phen Olin, D.l).
Life and Savin g s of Mrs. Pithiugton.
Morning Stars uf the New World, by H.
F. Parker.
A new and large collection of eludes; Books
fur children. Just received by
\TENT MEI)ICtNES at Whitirstdr.
Merchants and . Pedlars %%0111 be supplied
with all kinds - tif Patent Medicines at Manu
facturers' m - bolesale.prices by •, TYLER.
Tr B. TYLER. has just returned from Ile
,scity., and is now prepared to show the,
lurk rit noel best stock- of DruLfs Mulicines,f
Paints, ()Us, Books Stationer::," * Paper hing-!
ings, rwxy Gm;a3 in the county.
lie ids° prepared to sell lamer than at
Weiist and as low as all y•utlicr
mew in Cti,nrerspart.
,ril tom, 4544
. . . .
• no' .
. . ..lirms. , =atm -i The Yeoplet .'. Cash , - Store '
l'S agaitillotKinthestareop - posit“LeNorth- "-• • , •AT-COUDERSTORT.
e " . "Tiler of the public li'lhie : ; -:4314- F 5 're - I Simiething:New.-and Something
ceiying - - direct front Nelv 7 vork city-not a i 'Wanted. r .
mammoth stock" of wintergoods,hdt stall- - '
mil m E subscriber linttjust received from to
c:enrto fill up the old store: which goods :Ire
-11:.i: :
now ()tiered for inspection and examinatiim. city; of New-Yur. Mal opened -at the
lie would therefore pay to the old custome.,, store formerly occupied by llaSkin Sc., Smith,
on the north side of the Court house Square,
step in and see Irisri:sortMent: and to the
a selected tissortment of New. 'Goods, cum
people generally, that all his goods are for
sale—he kill i, happy to receive "Calls." prising Dry :Goods, .Gruceries, Crockeryonid
Hardware. • • . . . .
The motto of busines s—adopted—is, "the
sure shillitui and the lively sixpence." .The
above Goo& will therefore be sold . exelti..
sively. for either cash or readYipay in hand,
and Nam such terms that the. purchaser can
not be otherwise than stitislied that he hula
made a gciod bar min—received a quid pro (N .
—'-strnietliing ' fur' something in value for his
. money. An'excliainze will gladly be made
with the Former. for his Produce : Butter,
Cheese, Eggs, (;ram in any quantity, and with
it, the more Cash the better. The suletidiber
will at all times take pleasure in exhibiting
his Gouds to the customer. that quality and
prices may, be examined. .
L. I'. 111.-Vl.`i . MILL
Ccudersport, July 15. I 553. G-Ttf
11 E Ladies kill find at .)laiiit's store
eco. ‘Viediingion..Merriniack, Philip. Alien
and Other clioice'vurietie ,, of Printz',
‘vareitted by the subscriber :,:OT To FAIW.
New Goods.
A 1.1.-WDOI, Delaines 3lann's. Alpac
Paramettas. English and rteneli Meri
me: :it • 31.1NVS.
GI Ni II :1)11.3=a good a.i,ortliwitt at ,
i t .: . 1.1.K6 and Drin+s Trimmings ut
11.1 W LS ul' various panurns and qualities, 4
.31.,aclios' and Children's lluuds,
r iht Bidtop Lawns,Vietorittlawm ,
Cap Lace, Crape, Rus'A - 31 - uslin,,Linnen I ----' -- • - -•
Hann', Embroidered _do. Edi Mets. A MQNG man): other itilicles for the
r„ tion do., L o mon 1.; 4 4 ,„, o• boxy atm rich worth. will he found
lets. Undersbieves, Ladies skirt., do., nt the People's Cash Store, fine Worked Cul
he found at m ANN , s. tars, et' ditlerent- designs and patterns.
...lltt LEACHED She, ting and Shirting', Brown
JUIPdo., Candle Wick., Summer Cloth fitr
ehilth•ett's we tit., Bed' Tieliimz. Tow.•litig, l'a-
I.' yott,want warm :Rocking.' for tho child- 1 ,. • , .
. 1 .
ern, you i _ will to to them at MANN's. to Lin lilt, Brown, Wisitiir du., hsu I . 'l2riur
article of Damask, all pure flax,— I able
pf±Arrut BooTs, pu,ksin t , :LIR' the other l Spreads. A n exumitinti,ht will a ci.lll thjiht
k_jyariely of .:'hues, can be found at
..... them better than anything else. '
Large lot of I losiory at
LTATS, Capit Cutuferterti, \Vrappers, Draw'
-Ilkers,. Buck Gloves, do., Mittens, Berlin'
Lined Gloves, Carpet Bturs,SatchekSibipend
ers. Call at - MANN',+
b il()YS' Youth,' Boot , at
p LACK and Green Teas, or e.,.eelient
HEATING, Shin ing, Batts, and Cott Oa -.L.Pver, and at niont rcasonable prices. Su
-1,-,-77 Yarn at )lANN•s. gars,. White and Brown do.; Rice, GiiiL•cr,'
Perrier, Nntinrzs, Cas.sia, Raisins, Ta-,
bilecO in ail- its variety, to please these who
love the weed. audit stiperioriarticle of Ode,
that fail to phase all the Dutch and
come of the Ymikets. at the
AND Glass Ware
6 ,...![(;,\ its, T e as, entree, Rice, Cringer, l'ep-
OpPr, Spice, Starch, Saleratu:, core-tarn ly on
hand at
1.17 E Tobacco, line-Curd".,(l3e: , A, ing and
Smokily , : Lt .11ANN's.
IP' you %vont Ave , . Ilatchot.,llanutiors, Mill
Sa%% eros-rat do., [hod do.. thi , ok,
Atozor Bit, I'i;e4 - of till . tzteel v f variety, that will please
StionreQ, iron do., Try do., call at ; the eve un the first inTeettoo, at tin'
TEw 31.1NN 'ln hand
j Shorek, 6(lu:in's, -:thinure Eork4,
TLICKS. Doors lkilies, SScrew. l
Locks—all Nales, Finishing
do.. for laic at
)('LET Knivo , .q'able do. Call at
mANN's Stort
TEIS MANN ha; for sahe Shdr,
.W Powder. &c.
would sac to the
public that he is now rcei.dving a stock of
Goods, .which he trill be happy to .Ilow to ail
who . l.Liay fax or hint with a You cau tied
1w callit . ig on lion h good assort moot of Lawils,
Voplius, BuregcS, Poo . ege Iteraline::, p c : B eg ,,,
si,k s , Also, PritoS,, Gin:4ll:llns, Do
mestics of all iiinds,
a larze woe]: of Boots:v.ld 'cla , c , ; all of 'which
ill lu sold as low as they 'eon be I,e/L:ht
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
: J. \V. 11.,-1 It DING, Tailor. All work
, elitritstud to Ilk . care kill In• dquva
w i ll' ueattics.,:;c6fiart, and durability.
Cszr :.;iwti over fxxvi , Matili's :tore. G-37
Ilt-E§ll Burnine Fliti'd and Oaniphint: 41.
the DRUG and 1:4)0K-S TO LI.E.
Magazines for June.
It, Godcy, Gralnn, and Putnam,
reccivtal and for talc at 12:, cents pt:r
buinbt,r, by
SCHOUL. Preiiiir:ttory ..f
Frank larbliall!lug,. Laurater,
1:.:v..1. 11:1:t A. Ih•rT, A. IS.. Iteuti.T.
INN' Joseph 11. .Ipple, A. 8., Assisttint:
'lbis behuoi was established by the Huard of
Trustees of Franklin and Manltall (2011,e,
and designed to prepare students. for the
Freshman class in Colle:4e. It IVIS. /I.lwever,
al,O couneeqil N% ill: it a full and cutaplcte
ronrse. de , igned to 'prepare youni:
men tin all, practi,al and i,orial relations of
lifi:. For circulrs, &e., uu iris
,10SIII:A 11. I)Fi liP. , hector.
Emporium and Press, l'otts\-1110;'Co:i
-rier, Letettion ; Pcuide's Journid, Coudersport;
I.:owe:nee Journal, Jteptibilean;
Jersey Shore; utid Citentle. St. Louis, Mo,.
copy to the amount of :V, and semi bills to
It,' -If. Derr. • I It
War at Lasts
rpiiE long repose of Europe is about
_L t.. l e iii,turlwd l i c ttio tingle's note and
the ravine at the 'drum, calling ite. slumht•r
ia¢ millions to arms in the defense of tiude
firisidos and their country. England and
France are caJling for men and inettn , , and
fUrward their armies to battle aaito,t
the azgressions of the• Russian Bear: hot
V. hilt: tlu• Old WUria is cotn • nlsed by revo!to
nun, Ittat,ual peucb and plenty reign ill ;Ito
In • the peaceful, =id quiet pursuit of ialr
business we hay,— formed - a copartnership
under the name and style of N. S. BuT LE ft -1
.1, and have milt!' the store in Empire
Block,•in the
. villa2a of Olean, formerly oven
pied by Thing .1-, Brother, and are now re
ceiving a splendid new .tuck of goods adapted
to 1110 SCULOII and wants of the emomithity, '
hich we intend to sell exclusively for ea,h
down. at prices that will to ttic consternation
and disnmy in fini ranks of old fogyism that
Ices sn low / established in thi , sec tion.
Our st u ck kill consist in part nt the follow
;nu. tin,ls t - • ."
Ilardwure, Crockery, Roots & Shoos,
I lattt, Caps, Carpets,
• Oil Cloth Drugg, 1\ ledicines.
Dye Stulls, C'tlat.s; Points & oil s - ,
Silth; Putty. Chairs,
.13edstends. Marr.ISPOS, F,•athers
Stone and Wooden Ware.
And we menu to keep Filch ail assortment of
the nitove goodg that persons from a distance
can he assunal of finding ever . ythitig they
maidlly want at prices that %t ill do. thrill good
Call and sue tot yourselves.
Olean. i.• 0-51
Drafting InstrunientO,
Valor Colon+, Drawing Paper, Pe•neils, and
Brio.tws. iust n+coiced at - . TYLER-S.
E. 4 3.SSR:zII and ch.-? 4, at
TY I: F. R'S
11A \ \'y
AT "The People's Cali Store" may he
al..leeted lot of Prints, of Ealrlish,
and American Goods, tialltv and
l prices agreeing admirably. Pleav call and
bee us.
ILN\ \":.
Sythes and Sziatlis, of
-oterl tricd and tuehiltu.lie :..:ood - ,
Rifles acre Illib,tonus, Saw--tnill Files. Dour
liaiuibs. Latches. Mineral Knobs, (c. }Ate all4f
runLdit. Etat; to
1) ors. 4 , f ail idzus l uticte, lit,i es ut guud
qualit V fur the taLle,al:4l 1.. r the p:cket. :0 the
L. MAN N's
Tin and Hardware,
THE undersigned has connected with I
his Tin. Shoot Iron. Copper, and Stove
Business. that of II A III; \VAIIE and CCT
LIiIIIC—so that in addition to tilu business
hurutbfore conducted, by Lim, he is now rcadv
sopplr the puldie 11;111(),t every variet
“f NIP.; and Cro•ts-Cut Saws. Hoop
Iron. Nails, Cable and Ox Carpentl•rs'
Adzes and Rope thy
-I,lcs. A gent rat it•sortint•nt u 1 Clock , , Ja
pantied 11 arc. Toys of cri.•ry des.Tiption; and'
In short. it , • , to ltt•pit all cnrh thinits us
thr public wiints in his line, which 1.6 i will
se ll, not tier 11,i than rust, but tor u vEtiy
SMII.I. profit indotd, and Hopes by a strut
to I,1:i hil•dio•sn to receive a
share of public putr , nar.te. •
kinds of Produce liken in el( 111111" R f , ,r
at the laiilliest 111:111:tA price,;
ler tau paid for old inin.
6-1-2 iv JAS. W. SItIITIT.
.6.'u\u1.S QCXLITIES.
The Xew-Jersey Zihc Company
Having gniutly enlarg . od their• Works, and'
i m p rovc d - tl i e 'quality of their products. are
prepared to exteate ordera for their-Jl - PE-
Cllnt PAINTS, dry, and ground in. oil,iilt
assorted packages of Irian 2.1 to 500 pound.,;
also, Dry, in barrels, ol• :100 rounds each.
. 1 .
Tteir ZINC, which is sold dry, - ur
around in ail, is warranted Pare and tinsur
44.!(1 fnr 1)1,4 mul m iform whitent•Fs
A method of preparation has recently been
dizeoVeied, Which enables the. Company to
warrant thj it paints to keep fresh and soft ill
the kegs lorany reasonable time. In this
respect their paint 4 superior tp any
other in the market.
'their Iit:CAVN ZINC PAINT, which is
sold at a low price, and van only be made
from the Zinc ores from Newnlersey, is now
well known for its proteetice qualities w,lieu
applied to irou Lir other surface s .
Their- STuNE—CULDIt possesses
all the qualities' of tio• Drown.-and i , et an
agreeable color ftir painting ottazes, Depots,
Bridges, etc
. Dealers'supplied on libe tal term r
s by theirA_euts .
Wholmaile Paint Dealers and Importers,
N. \V. cur. of 10th k:tlarket-sts, -
Gin Ivii - Philadelphia.
Premium Fanning Mills:
- mportant to Farmer,s• and. Mechanics.
rrlIE subscriber has purchased CI J.
BainLorongh the right to use in Potter and
M'Kean counties his patent in the construction
of Fanning Mills. He has also, at great ex
bense, commenced the manufacture 01 a PRE-,
MIUM MILL which will clean from 100 to
'2OO bushels per hour. This Mill was pate;ted
March ill), Ixl7, since which time it has stood
at the head of the list at all the. State and count
ty avriculturtil societies where it has been ex
hibited. and is a universal favorite with ell
armors who •hare tried it. It took the pre
mium at the first .agricultural Fair held et
Florrishtirg, Oct. 31st, lEsl,•when there were
30,000 people present; and itt the great-State
Agricultural Fair at New-York, held at Roch
ester Sept, 16-19, l iF, this Fanning Mill
received the highest honors.
I loving mot with uniform suceess.wherever
tried, I confidently invite the farmers of Potter
and M'Kean counties to call at 31' shop in
Coudersport and examine for themstivci.
A supply always on hand; to be sold on rea
-1 sonable terms
Tsubscribe'. hereby gives notice to the
pub!ie that Livia.; PETEIL Ski UTTA
his note tot eighly (hairs, bearing near
the last of Niareli,. 1854. payable September.,
Ig:if'', and haVill p u never received nap value
therefor, lie :refuse 'to pay the tame;
therefore lie -warns any -person front buying
the said note w ith and cx pet:tat iim of his pay
int! it. [t.,:il] CUNSItiEii STEAUNzis•
mill owners Will always find a supply of
Oil f,,r macLinery at nausfact,,ry prices, and
37ty qu;intit)•,ut
_ _
thachine Oil.
Goods ler the Sun :ter Trade.
W. SPENCER : won,hl leTe.ctfnlly itt
. form the' inhaThilinb: of ConderstWrt
and vicinity that he ismnrreeeiving a FRESH
and LARGE. Az_ 4 SOR.r.IIENT of Goods,
which will be sold :!A ehCap as the rlienpe;q.
Ale would ako.return heartfelt thank.; to Ills
old custotners and friends (or their p:t4t patron
age,. and would be glad 'tb tho‘.l.• them any
goods which he im.s, and-vvill try to i:ave thoin
at least 11.1 per cent. by calling and eltinining,
GROtrERI • T HERE lake the fib
to .nfornt the !ten
pin of under-port and
Potter enmity that ttin .4111 at tits new • gtand
-opposite the nortir side of :the public square,
where may be found GROCERIES of all kinds
constantly .on hand, -; , 11CII us Tea, Sugar, Col
lee, Saleratus,. Giroger, Mustard, Tobacco,
Snuff. Nututegi, Mace, Clot, es, Confectionery,
My main The nimble iiiipence in pre
ference. tti the slowishilling."
Drugs, Medicines,
PATENT 31EDICINES, Oils, Spirits a
Turpentine: Comphine, Burning Fluid,
Soap, Candles, for-sale low nt
- . .
el AP, Letter, awl Note Paper, all kind+ of
IL , Stationerv, St'eel-pen Holder+ Wafers.
Sealing I,VaN . , Sand, ink, Pocket•Book+, En
vel9pc4, Vi-icing Card+, Fine Cat
lery, and a I.;ll';Vry of r:111CV .Irliele+, together
with Silk and Thre....d, ..;c., at
r±RALN, Butter. Lard, Egg.. Rag.. Shin
gles, talieli for goad-i at their ea , ll vahie.
Cash not D. \V. SPENCER..
r?furrEu•and Lard IS a .operior quality
-I_./ for sale . :tt —FPENC
A NY one desirous of a good (virility of
_Li...Syrup oC Mol“,ses will do well to eall'at
County Orders Taken at Par
F uatiooDs,m.
- - -
4IAI)EF.i, if you , Aant Bonno;you
will do well to call on :iPENCER.
B ABBIT'S Yeast Puvvevr fur salo lo; •
. -
- 71 c THINI;.—Pure Ground Coiree
-11 great thing for the ladle:. ;SPENCER.
- . ---
• 1 VaIIII , C'V.
- I 1 . 111(..0! - • TRIPTII7, Cod Liver Oil., and I - , - .
11 e remain :, iiiir obtt sery'tsc
.1 1 Invinv other popular Medicines for tede by 1
1..1171,CL1 Sc. Co.
:zI'ENCEIt. ( ,i
. _ . 1V,:' , :....,.,ic, rd, t,-it :, het
- - - _ .t--,:i _
" Halloo ! Halloo ! Halloo ! , Ar.‘ctiv.l:l:.l., s.l..ii, ::,,,t Blue r . „1,-,..
1, PEN C Ei R.- is i t, to . wn : Mountains of i -I-I c . ::. inNES
.._ _ .
i...) -\prc!..ivilliNG Jro almost . i...... , 1 i i i.l: l, , 0:
....1,„,,, iii T,11„......A•an,j!,,,,.
nothing. I have boitgiit ties coat.'thi.- 1 e , f. 11 C. s. j( IN i. ... 4. 1 ) 1 1 4 )%•LsioN STORE.
and !hese pants=aiifi brake, either" - lion:ill! i -----
All the Whop', shall hive one 0. - 11 , L N GL IC, 1 INI)I.‘N :111:.11. nail BUCKW Il EAT cot,
cats! Ilurruti' But to lie candid, friends, - 1 - -1-0111 2 , on ivottl at the
- - 1- •in ! • 1 1 NENV PIN /VISION STORE. -
tere s notaing like it in all the cot:1111r:- .
.1e•-t go over there, and for a little o' nothing 1 G „ , TVaid I t
• ........ .'rohiree of all hind,. t;.1.,5(r..1
he'll sell ve a rig that, though ye 're the big- exchange fir Goods'at this More:
, gent ra-cal above ground, will make ye. as fair i - C. S. JONES.
a.: a pra - c:t ID look ;if ; though ye Latin a viol ; -
in ye'r pocket , : folks will how and scrape pi ; HAllS'and Shoulders—a itisw
e .::: though vit were ntillionaire-, and • r , :il I at ' • - - -
... _ . .
gentieniato.'• Fashion Great thing! Bet- i +(•h 01' 01' SALT a: the
ter dieul than omit of it-'-tnativ an lonwst n,11,, , .... i . NEW PIZIIVISION STORF:
ha- been • cut' becauve of the cut of hi-Turn: 1 ---- -
but no danger if, ve bite of Spencer,—his I, rirtANBERNEs! (TANBEI:iiiEs . b.:.
cloth- , art-just the fashion., I l-sthe quart or lut•lied. at C. S. JONF:S -
The , 111,- , erilier lee: just received a large
_,„ ~.. ~,,,, r .
' 001)S FOR TliE
stm.k or I:‘,l,_:srnd,. cioriiimi, or tile 1,0,,, 1 ii; Ell Iv k.... 1
style and best: quality, whielt are well made, i
and twin be ..,,:d I.w. U. W. SPENCEIL 1
I_TON'T ..1. 1.1 - :NVIS would ri.ipecAltliv ir
..0-...1.10nit Ate inhaliitants of \\*ells\ We . an I
% 'entity that they are receiving a l're-li Lie!
lieurniftil a.- , ortntent id Good-, \\ IliCirl% ill 11,
sold as cheap as the cheapen. We wou'd
alt return our heartfelt thank_ to ottr o'd
customers for their patronage, and Todd bs
glad to ,how 111C11. any G(iolt, li l t - 1:1w , lore,
mull %\ ill try to- , .eve thou! at 1 ,i.:1.4 to•I! per C , ll .
by C••l:ing , 1114 ,N:1111'11 . :11g our Stuck of Gi 0,!•
NVe do not wish in wake a great dispho 1-,
gain custom: hut by taking a straightt - orts:ed
course we xvill endeavor to gain OW 1[..1'.'.:
.Llltt confidence of our friends and rist.c.iners.
Please call. and e xamiue our stuck. No ciliary'
for show:ng Goods. 1.
Elour and suit also on hand of surtrici
'ilunlily, and warrior ed.
HOYT & - p;
\\*el:A.:fie. N. V., Sept. *..'.4, itire2. 4-`,..2if
Carriage and Sleigh-Maker.
rpnr. molt- , riber respectfully gi% es nc:.:(
1 that he i.: prepared to do - :V:1 the hte,:ryt ,
in the above line, at the hliorte-t notice. at ti:
new 'shop, two (lours west of the Cotelenvi
II:I,VERIZED Corn Storrh. for food. Gar ,
• ik 61'ENCLIC:,.
:LI ODA. .Crt. Hu Tartar, 31agneda, Annul,
OChalk, Salt,. and Glue, l'o - r,ale at the
i()P1.1 and enaeh rartfell can be Iced at
Spencer ery rea,on.ible term,.
/AIL 1)1' Morclomrs Grill!ling OP, to
bit hid SPENCER',
QHOT AND LEAD at lower figure , than
L7,lown town at SPE:WI-Xs.
NT ENV article of Summer at
A BErtEll -election of Od .: e not fonlia
inthe cl,unts• that at SPENCEICS.
tAta c.N-t or I,lllllld for Fab. by
New Goods
NV - . SPENCER SPENCER htt4 jut rontrned from
•ilte city with al'hirg6! .tpek of “roc.c
rit.F. I)ru and mid it
genera m..ortinctit of P c ncy and
trimly whin- thing: too tunnel-on- to mmition.
which will ho for rn-11 nr read.:-pay.
,I)I,CG 'II)I3ACCO—Eits.! Cu;, Chewing.
I_ :tad by . the linund. at
'• 1 COOO /0 Lrii. , A,•• ijoit li• Ilralth
11. (:I".IZTES . lIYGENI-1., or Inln
1-"llygean Vapor nod horry Syrup. int. TIo.•
core of Pulmow:Ty rowluptiou. .V4lona,
Com:lns. C 0414, nod
I,lver (mond:Lint-. .1 Iwo . 100100 l
flop for 111.$: yore 01 ow t .
For sale Its I). IV. SPENI
Perpetuate Family Faces.
\vho de.ire to tit, so t..itonlil not Inner
...- / A.ll..itlY going to CAstly's 1)1(i I 'LIM FAN
1.1.1 7 .1:V. The , itilseriber weekly pro
(lticing Irmo:Sul ntinitit,ore portrait. , in the
inn , t , tvle nlt'd of ney,t Nee:mthic
prices. A tileattitt room II open. and evert
one •is welcome to call and examine xpeci..
Mete, wlernever they choose. Thrne ‘5111)
to be ,enure sitting -lionid ❑bt viii
Lite in the day. • •
(lailrrc'npi•n only On Saturdarg.
li :Stitt' J. \V. ('.l• 1 1:1
Music. •
J'UNTEN'S celebrated Instructions
f.,r the Piann-rertet
Buinowes' Nunn-Forte Pritnn - er
Union Glee Book;
A new supply of Sheet Music;
For :ale he T. IL TYLER.
NEW supply of Fluid and Cam. :
1 - putiun Laull•--bolne new a nd beauti!ul
paurlnt: jil,t received and for nab. low at
ti IHI Governor of the'State of !Ne•.c-York
-5- h. appointed the sole+erlber
sion . er for the state of New-York; to take the
aeknowledgtnent 'of Deed , o and other 111,1rn
ntent,;, and to adnuni , ter oaths pnr•innt to tot
ac: of the Leei4latnre of the said State.
Contlerlort, Der. 12, 1'451.
- Clothing, Clothing.
!VHF. itloce to boy:LWell•mado ciothina ;it
1-a low price (a large stock to t i k-leot
from) is at.' OLIMST
40019 - S . •
n OtiBtLESS there nre many- persons in
Cl3o4eritp9'et and v icinity Lave er
:isitetEtbe. lamb& 'BOSTON *S3'ORE at th.
fasi..#oving iilinge o . .. Wellsville. The N u.
of this store is 94, which number is - over th..
• O'ER THE ' l/008. •
This e-tahlitlitnent a one of the large,,t
IN( .DtpOtg in Allegany' e6tnity.: Hundred;
of etwonicr: from Putter comity boy all the.r
Clothing., Boots and Shoe.,:tnil otherthirnt,
at 111,1 great mart of business. BM still th,-to
are thou I,rtm ha!it . nev er happenetl to thH
into the path that lenitt, nio.t. tOrturetll, to
eronomy and %seen. Tlmt path lead , all
ea-li tot) erg straightway to the
'We havo no. entquie , to panibli, uo frirud
to-reword. • riVe .:elL.for,.ready - .pa.),.utuitik
in e.xchangc for (;uoili the following
Cash Tallow Venison Ow s
Bet-swim For 'Beans Socks
Pplators Wool
We are now receiving from otir shop 3.
Bi er.about Ten curd: of the be BO YTS
antri'i HOES 'old in the county. We
cuu:tant!s mi hanif---
3len'h India Inthher Buot
.. Nan:.,
I • Ztr,
IVith 41 't'ry exten+ite stork of Titriis.
VALIrirS.. eind CAupi . 7
niact told Colored Silk-, Alttaea,
hineq, Thibet Pr l nt. 4 . no,
• Otiker, SArk . ,:• (loud'-40 . g4,111er With D.
ar''t' UI Dr.. Goods.
Shawls, Shawls.
In re,rt:elllt,r, WP . tc4llll4l 4 . 4111 tbeatt..ritior,":
the 1:1,1;e. to our great variety or :311. - 1 a Ls,
try pos. ble kind, a1t0 , .,,•;1.1er too
rtiPriiita to mention.
r;:e 4 l Fto ,- k of Ito ,
k:tid- •
.17',ur,5.,,, in 1V.. , ;. rn Nett -Vol%
110:,•1 keeper. , .ti Lu ,1111111.Cli, , kll
r 1,444 , r, ..441 etilliPtlipt.lickl
1 1 ' 1101 W'-'!'s ill, to Roche-tor; and ltopin:
the !told %%ill to , continued on t ,
Cander-port di,,lng rultling Tritu.t: toot
tlttit thik dttughter- •of Iten.ghtt,l
rottvr way Irolottntl •ween 0,;•
rl . l . NS.lllTII,Coildt!ITort, Fit,' Arm
mantiCtr:lll..,l re.pare,l at his up,o
-11 ,, 11
The Clothing Department
AT " ror rt
11.1 1 I 1 . -.11.1 DI t:LOTIIING. kola"
1.0,-raillk rat "hand lo; thy<ub.riribrr. rye
up and in:tizatio-ulrod %%odor.
from :1 0 i.e!pil for durability arid
the object beim.; 00l -to Aipidy cii+lo.l
with m.hoinhit,:f acti4i.
it I. ,11 rrry
hitt %%11101 in ;!le ( . 1111 14 re ry dear: but Tel
Win iu the tirit hint
do him lavilesT,:ool piod -, tiniiro fora FitA,
;4di• pr:cr. diu,o de-iroil, of 'icing
ai - "rho l'oop'y'.
1.. F. 11:11 NAI:1)
GINGIIAIS in %,:riet%,
/1":'1'1 , 11A1N.1-IZI
IN WEI.L.tiVI 1.1. E, 'III 1: GRIAT
• 'I'ON :4'll 1:E. No. 91 3!.1 IN-ST.
AI Al . lie found cons:antly on timid and
-TlLsale . , an ettemke of Spence
Granger'A .1111..rb 31.1rruEssEs, or et.
sort. kind. and price. from a tici.sll Palm 3
tre.e+ to n sugar-I:lmlish hair 3lattre.s at
11-0. Immure., Iloktarr, and Pillow.. All
which art offered to Hotel and 'Bolo.'
House keeper , . and all other.; who have r
mon , seti3o enough to know t4iat a til
foil/trr bed, to make the he'd of it, is h
breeder of di , ease !Cod a life-rurtaikr,
lac er prices tiroa can be coond at any 0!
glory in the eonnic.
. . - LANCE]' & CO.,
St& Agents t in the count) for the ,:•,-;
the above g00d.,, 6 - :1.1 1
[3o,ton Ste re„SVellv.ille. Jan. 1:3, 1-,7,1.
Academy TeN.t Rooks.
for tale to at
VIM; and Mineral l'aititq, with direct
_ .
A ::•:sown..l) ri,kti..; iii jar, for to.
IaVVIT.NT Brd Con - 14, Cl 6:
Cord...rimy rumba, !I
Brtt4ll4. to he • o m nt • • MANN.
lVheat Yarn