II = _ . Slander. ' Squatter Sovereignty and . Pennsyl- whose style of- eloquence. I more nd- 1 Premium Tanning Ivilita. 1 . i SPENCER'S COLOIN t .; t' ATRASSES Read at the, cv.demy on the last day of the . vania Donglifaces. . mired ;" the pride of her acquaintances, . lmportant la Fa rmers.and 'llechanics. _ • i IN II'ELLSVILLE, AT TIIE • the .idol of the crowd, wherever she ' . 1 rt ur The following correspondence of the HE suSscriber has purchased of J. i : (a • • goes the people en masse turn out to: GROCERY STORE. (m eat r aegon, &tr..' :%thatts. it ? Webster's definition is, p h; ~; I h• Daily ./- • - la.,e.p ta tegater shoves up : , IrEam.-orottgh the right ta Use in-Potter and . near Lucy Stone. nor ever weary of her ArKeau. counties his patent in 'the construction! u i _• Ithere take libe,....riy to,inform the Peo. 1 l' A. talse tale or report maliciously ut-N .04 NI • s iO. . 1 AIN TitzET. a thing or two as it deserves: stirrinir eloquence.—Ohio Statesman. lof Fanning Mills. He has also, at great. ca- pi of Couder=port and • Potter County I r. .- tared, and tending to injure the repute- . WAsINGTox, May G, 185-I. , - -- -- bense, commenced the'manufacture ot a PRE- ' still .at my New i;tand oppo- l -, ,kr...)ti he fourvel constaritly on hand and i MUM MILL which still clean from 100 to : that I am lor save. an esiensive variety of Sp en . tioto of another Ly I,::zS.Qnir..7 him in the ' What another week wiii bring forth : ractY• . 1 '2OO bushels per hour. Tuts Mill was pate red site . the \orth side of the Public Square, -Ill et. r & Crawler's superb Mattrasses of ev e etteem of his fellow citizens by ex po. Hearers only knows. Strife, tuner, and See' how that fellow works ! No , mareh.lo. i t . 4 .since which time it has eioad w-lere . may be found • GROCERIES of „ rt. 4L...40 Irld. 7 and ' price. fr,,m ' 1 a s3.sri p a l m id have ' - i • ;at the head of.the list at all the Stale and ceun- 'all 'kinds cons'zatitly on har.d, with mans' matirv„ a Pottet-Enoiish Hair Matir;os link hiro ta iT-P- , a•chrri'n: and Punish- dircord. I fear. Oregon shou ld wertac.e Is too trreat l'or - him to sur e been admittt d into the Cilion as a State, , noit-i , no (ocean - too \via , ' for" him to ttr aariculturul societies where it has been ex- additiens theretO : such a 4 Drurrs, lied at $lO,OO. Ako, Leilnevs. Bolsters, 1 ,,',1 rrert ; or by iFripErin: ish means , c, . hunted and is a univer.al favorite With :11 this :resit,—or at least, :he action of the i en l;: no mountain too high for him to i 1 , •• • cines,Dyestufis. Slat:mien . , Yatikee No. Pillows. All of which are offered te Hrt el livit-: 1 :." Slat:der 0::en consists merely I k ' antlers ii }to 'lave tri,c, it. t too the pre- . Hous.e. v.sith "tet - erence :I'.ereto should .c IC. He will inake a star in the ruium at the "firtit Arricultural Fair held at ; Lions. Perfumers., Toilet .`nap, le".elrY arirl Posiding Heose keepers. and all cith. re bef..ides t maliy orti e, es that 1 have ' •,1-1• 7 have coinninn sense- enough to knew vac: act:ons. There is have been had. A Prep State, widi her • world a::(1 110 Ini