The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, May 26, 1854, Image 3

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    An Expert:4ra that Failed.
They hung a man in Pittsburgh last
month, under the mistaken notion that
the State could stop people killing each
other by killing one itself. The exper•
itaent proved a dead failure, as we would
have told them it would before they
tried. The subject of the experiment
was a hard drinker who, being drunk,
ga' into a fight last year in behalf of a
fend. and killed a man with very little
idea of what he was. doing. So they
had him arrested, tried, convicted, sen
tenced, reprieved, exhorted, prayed for,
and finally hung. The Dispatch gives
the following account of the sequel:
~ Our people are now pretty thorough- !,
iv convinced that hanging a man will
neither prevent grog shops selling liquor
to madden others, young men from
drinking it, nor drunken rufains from
cutting the throats or hearts of their
fciloa y men.
On Friday, 2.lth ult., David Jewell
was hanged for murder—and before
tw) weeks had elapsed our columns .
rrcer led no less than seven" vcrsons
:Jay 1, one of thim since dead, and
a:;• - 1 10 , r mortally injured ! lit
!run, one man was k Med, and two others
ca , on the very Jeweli's execu
t ;io ;It- sang- botough, Officer
while in the execution of his duty
Tt a fire, received a wound from a knife .
it nso ne rufl.iin. Soon after, in the
1 . ,i - th -Ward. a man cut his friend's
throat by inistake„ in his drunken fury.
.I:4iu, in d.ty time, a negro let out
aa,:her% bowels, in the Sixth Ward:
at; I on Thursdty ntrht of last week, in
a gr. g shop in the Firm Ward, a ncto
j:,i rua,dy inflicted neatly a dozen
niinn an acquaintance, because he
fried drinking with bitn:
SAt is an oathni• of the cuttinj cod
~ . .I.l•hinz. in our city. during the two
eiis immediately icif.owtol an execu
ts,•t.- w . nich thousands really believed
iv- 11. d i'stril;ii terror to the rowdi s of
t. roiturnmity ! It in useliii:;s to repeat,
tife hanHr.2- of Jewell has !Lid no
eft Tit wiatnwer nt cher king the crime
fah .h he wan convicted. nor neiid twe
upon the re;,sons of such a re
li,m. will the cum nuttily under
. •a l, that it is the prainotness, and
thly the certainT.y of punishment,
istritin the h•in I th tt
is re to' im . .nte itst.ll in a brother's
so.l—and that no such promptness. no
c , riainty, cto he had where the
iiattishinobt is drill]
• very one.. the clsos soilibir.g
•tx.• II lye been cited upon to recur
:1'? Cos t•Xe. .L In lel to. the p,r
re.m or ha 1 he-n tiritAing
iii' ntd f•owd.”
ort-o ,r prolhlt.
se:-.• z •:ts .s!lake 1.11-11 . heads ovcr
lv r,nc •Ite,l v tvio, , iers who
7,":7 try v‘p Ow
; of ,o;.,:;;I ar coN.litions
ttv c ; • h-v
-11 cl; al ; /tat- ; vet
,1' , 1 ,, t• I'l3 t.X.-
the Lc-0,:n2- to,.ti to t,ell
I:, I ,on tog 13,4 those a•lut dritt!:
art! nrn:lnlyd by n into iinbroill,r
i iras al‘v.tys
a:;,.; ye; some peopi,.! WI I per,..ast in hay
It repe.i:ed and persevered la as
ti.e;i:2 - t it \vere cert tin to succeed next
Nay : we hare a Governor in
:•z!.:te who cf himself upho;il3 the
~ . ..uperint-nds the Hang
\Vas :her , ever befare such fatu
;::: Tribuile.
Slavery an:l flemlcracy.
S.lll , h'S
.id the New Orleans
••• mtacks him, fur his late speech
oil C.le 1 - ,usz:a aifitir. That paper, with
a Call for we should like much to see
uc la: the North, acknowledges that
"he who goes at all forward in the re
u:t...d doctrines of democracy, must
i.r.•suitfv, if he is hottest, fall into aboli
:haat." There is no truer saying
:ban t' is—and the very prop
erly adds : "Ii al! men are both free and
r;Jal, and are impre,criptaby entitled
I:. t i state rights, then abolitionism is
and is iirwical uah Deinoc-
Widiam Leg7ett..orp of t! - n. , few
political editors we have
iv CTU•,II , d him and then a mmumem . in his memory, which
climc. prove so imperisliabe. as his
wcrds, emphatically ire
onvince that a principle
in the abstract, and I will reduce
it to praCtive if I can"—but we have tco
of has stamp in public sta.ion, or
cro.!ro'ling the press of our , , country, or
A anon wou,d haveurminphed.
SolEh has b-en bold enough to
a` , .;atalon its ground that " Saavery is a
crcr.sary evil," and now proclaims it a
;teat good—not sinful in itself , nor
ti,rouot its necessary results, nod upon
that round defends it with "bible," and
ktods of arguments—thus sowing
di ep the seeds of infidelity, for we hold
th , t the honest man who is convinceed
inhumanily is sustained by true
Chritminl:v, cannot long be a Christian. !
Nli.chell, the Irish rebel, of whom we
expected better things, is no demor.ra's
t. tie is even, a republican—and, in the ,
seclnd number of his Citizen, annonnceo
fanicell in favor of slavery, and expresses ,
a wish that he was the owner of a
Southern plantation, well stocked with .
r!urusn cattle. How can we respect t i ke
aißti who flees from oppressicn in the
61d world to uphold its banner on tl:e
tholes of the new ! Mr. Mitchell will
End that linking himself with despots
here, will be the last mode by which I e
Will succeed in overthrowing monarchy
tbrold—for the despots of Europe have
no firmer allies, 'and the rebels abroad
no more bluer enemies, than the Slave
holders of America. Consistency com
pels them to ignore human rights every
where, and even now many of them
clamor for such an international Fugi
tive Law as would return Mr. Mitchell
to his foreign prison.--Pillsburg Dis
Col. Benton's Speech].
Col. Benton's speech yesterday wai a
telling assault upon the Nebraska bill.
Certainly among the Many very able ,
speeches against that bill in both Houses
of Congress there is none which has
' ,dealt a a more fatal injury than this.
The historical arguments adduced by_
the veteran orator, his assertion of the
duty of preserving the public faith and
leaving undisturbed a time-honored my
tional compact, his sarcastic demolitia
of the new tangled sophism of non-inter
vention and territorial sovereignty, his
exposition of the uselessness of the pro
posed fraud to the slave States them
selves, and not least of all, his scathing
rebuke of the notorious interference of
the President and his minions to secure
the passage of the measure—render this
speech a salient feature in this :memora
ble and important debate. It is - scarcely
necessary to say that it is marked
throughout by the peculiar manner and
replete with the mordant though home
ly wit of its author ; it is equally unnec
essary to add that there are points in it,
principles, statements, inferences to
• which we should find it difficult to
agree ; but that all who desire the de
feat of the great political swindle at
which it is aimed must welcome it with
satisfaction as a very powerful, if not a
final blow at that shapeless,. repulsive
and odious monster. - Cooling with such
of reasoning and with the authority
of Col. Benton's long experience and
eminent positron in our legislation, it
must be deeply fait both by the authors
and the antagonists of the bill ; adding to
the discouragement of the one and cheer
ing the ttTi,rts of the Daher. It is :t des
perate s tr oogl e Which the latter have
had to sustain at once against the pat
ronage and power of the Extcutire nod
the shameful -co operation of many
soutio , ra 7entlemen, fre.o w Loin better
, things were to be expected, in the work
of fr,lud, folly. deception, :111(1 dishonor.
We can only hope that this struggle
may vet be crowned with success, rind
our hope is greatly str-ngth,oled by this
demon , rti ioo of col. E 3 n o i's.
(lox elf., live tu:s sp...ech was con
stdered by the !loose nu n
from the rems of the leading eh am
p:otts of the salVory prOpavanda , n its
11 r to abotv the dis inguished repre
sentative. the usual “n such
occasion , . of coneiudmg his remarks,
theualt the- hour to %%loch speeches are
ustta:ly hrn;ted had expired. This refu
sal tio comment; it win he appre
ciated by the public as it de - serves.
N. Y. i'iibterie.
The Un!ty of Dvspots.
The New-Orleans Lily True Delta
of March - 30, contains the. following,
Sidi by siu, , in contiguous columns:
Cour tge ! Who would: RAN AWAY, on 'the
be a s t ave ill Feb. last,
_a negro
Tint M the strength man, named .Severin,
to dg a grave, fr ell otv complexion,
And :herein his fettersu i.h long. citric hair,
:histeedi are yen touch
And lay a tyrant by his deeayettspeaksErench
sele? land English, and is a
Courage! Hope, how-.very intelligent fellow,
e'er he fly. and is in the habit of
Eor a time, can nrver F,r:tino. work at paint
tilt!! !mg mid whitewashing
Courage, therefore. hou:es: Said boy is
bro her men about 2.1 years or age,
Cry • Caul' and to the and will probably pass
tight :th , .tin! las a free man. A re
ward of $7O will be
given for him, and ;:5100
for evidenceto convict
any free person for liar
boring or emp'oving
It ought to be evident by this time
that our Southern brethren live in the
wrong country, and talk a great deal of
nonsen,e in consequence. They should:
either abolish their peculiar institution,
or c hinge their political system. Slavery
requires a despotism like that of Russia
to save it from being aqbsurd, as well as
pernicious and inhuma.— Tribune.
WitEn an extravagant friend wishes to bon
roiv yonr money, consider which of the two
von wonhi rather lose. •
THE only thing every one can do, and Wh2t
eAery tine need do, i, to mind his own
To Young Men.
PLOY MEM'. Young ➢l,n in every
nvighborhowl maj• obtain healthful, pleasant,
and profitable employment, by engaging in
the ;ale of useful and popular Books, thol
canvassing for our valuable Journals For
terms and particulars, address, post paid, -
• No. 303 Broadway, New-York.
P. S.—All agents who engage WA 113 will
be secured from the possibility of loss, while
the profits derived will he'very
stmuuL. Preparatory Department of
Franktm and Marshall College, I.ancaster, ht.
Rev. Joshua A. Derr, A. B. Rector.
Rev Joseph H. Apple. A. 8., Assistant.
This school was e.tablished by the Board of
Trustees of Franklin nutt Marshall College,
and is designed to preptlre students :or the
•Freshman class in College. It hns, however,
also connected with it is full aid complete
English course. designed to prepare young.
nreu for all practical and social relations of
life. For circulars, &c., address
"„"Emporium and Press, Pot•seille; Cou
rier. Lebanon t. People's Journal, Couderspor ;
Lawrence Journal, Newcastle;.. Rim!)hear.
Jersey Shore; and Cas,ctude, St. Louts, Mo.,
copy to the amount of *2, and scud" bills to
Roy. Joshua li. Derr. 24t
The New-Jersey Zinc Company
Having greatly enlarged their works, and
improved thequality of their products, are
prepared to execute 'orders fur their SUPE
EIOR PAINTS, dry, and ground in oil, in
assorted packages of from 25 to 500 pounds.;
also, Dry, in barrels, of 200 pounds each.
Their WHITE ZINC, which is sold dry, or
ground in• oil, is warranted Pure and unsur
passed for body and uniform whiteness.
A method of preparation has recently been
discovered, which enables the Company to
warrant their amts to keep fresh_and soft in
the kegs for a y o seasonabie time. In this
respect their paints will be superior to any
other in the market.'
Their BROWN ZINO PAINT, which is
sold at a low price, and can only be made
from the Zinc ores from New-Jergey;, is now
well kuown for its protective qualities when
applieibto iron ar other metallic surfaces.
all the qualities of the Brown, and of an
agreeable color for painting Cottages, Depots,'
Out-buildings. Bridges, etc.
Dealers supplied on liberal terms by their
Wholesale Paint. Dealer's and Importers,
N. W. cor. of 10th & Market-sts,
, Gm lrii Philadelphia.
War Declared at Last,
THE long repose of Europe is about
to be dis,urbed by the bugle's note nod
the reville utthe dram, calling ita slumber
ing millions to arms in the defense, of their.
firesides and their country. England and
France are ,cailing for 111011 and means, and
sending forward their armies tabiltle against
the ag rer.sions of the Russian Bear; but
while the Old. World is convulsed by revoiu
tionomusual peace and plenty reign in the
In the peaceful and quiet pursuit of our
business we have formed a copartnership
under the name and style of N. B. BUTLER
& etj.. and have taken the store in Empire
Block, in the village of Olean, Mullerly occu
pied .by Thing & Brother, and are" now re
ceiving a splendid new stock of ;muds adapted
to the season and Wants of the community,
which we intind to sell exclusively lbr cash
down, at prices that will cause consternation
and dismayin the „ranks of old logy ism that
has been so long established in this section.
Our stock will consist in part of the follow
ing Goods:
Ilarthrare, Crockery, Boots & Shoes,
Caps, Carpos,
Oil Cloths, Drugs, Medicines,
Ucc Stuirs; Paiiits & ()Hs,
Putty, Chairs,
Bctlstcmle, :Nlattrasseg,' Fuutlivra
. Sa.tic and 11 outlen Warr,
And Sec mean to keep tech an assortment of
the allove ;gods that persons front a distance
can be; ,ured of finding everything they
atually at prices that will do theta good.
eau and nee for vour,elves.
Olean. May Z., 185.1: C,51
New Books at Tyler's.
—by \1 E 1 .1 1..: 1 1 8 1 cr‘ovwin'euiperance
e:.•.c i ;11,. ,tllllO, iSIIIIOU.
0/ Guy Life Chapin.
Spa :Itatious Exar.iincd
1411 Lx lmllu i; Doth.
'1'...• t)td Br--' cry, by ladies of the Alission
liiie ti, French Prutestat
it , :itgoes. it
'the 11. - ,;lter Caw, by
Lite 0:1;11.• and in the dig4ings.'
of Eatertaininn litiowledt:e•
Life 01 Christ and his Apostles. • Flcetwood
I'og:tit:al Works of the Davidson Sisters.
Anwricutt Fruit. Culturist, Thomas.
The American Flintier,
Lenly's Cook Book,
Dairyman's ILtuu tl,
Collier's Shali,pearc. S vols.
A Popular CVcliipenia of llodorn Domestic
Medicines. comprising every recent improve
ment ia knowledge, with a plain
ILO:0111a of the Medicines in C.lllllOOll use—by
KEITH IMRAY, M. D.; to which are prefixed
by the Aniericiin editor, popular treatises on
Anatomy, Physiolo,iy, Surgery, Diodes, and
the management of the sick. Designed for
\liE subscriber hereby gives notice to
the public, that having given PETEri
SIIUTTS his note for eighty dollars, hearire!
date near the last of March, 1654, payable
September,. 1855, and having never re
ceived any value therefor, he will refuse to
pay the saute; therefore he warns any per
son front buying the said note'with an ex
pectation of his paying it,
"I Come to bring you Life and
DR. CURTIS' Ili ENIA, or Inhaling
llygean Vuvor.and Cherry syrup, for the
cure of pulmonary consumption, asthma,
bronchitis, coughs, colds, and all Lung and
Liver complaints. A new method of inha
lation (ur the cure. 01 the above named dis
eases. For sale by D. W. SPENCER.
11 A"" \VA ll.E.—Sythes and Swaths, o
patio:its rid found to be
uo,d, Rifles and Ruh-Stones, Sate- dill
I ., -Door Handlvs-, Latches, Mineral
Knobs, (whit and brown ) Mottire Lochs;
11 rotwitt Butts lor Doors, of all sizes, Cut-
K ii iv es of i z,,od quality tot the table,
and fur the pocket, at the
To Printers
ANEW ,eclitiori of tit's Specimen
Book of _Bruce's New-York Type Fowl
tny taus published in 'September, 1853, and
will be given to those proprietors of printing
oflices who will send for it. or it will be Mr_
waisted them by mail, ou rect ipt, in advance,
of fifty cents Mr the postage. In it are - ex.
hiltited malty articles never betbre shown.
There have been added to the foundry new
varieties of Roman types from nine-line pica
to pearl, various imitations of writing, a great
number of fancy fonts, borders, both plain
and illuminated, labor-saving rules, and a
complete - Mondry of Germans. The types
now manufactured are cast from a new com
bination of metal of great durability, and ate
usually kept on hand in large quantities.
Every fancy font is sold by and at the
printed prices, which' are front 10 to 85 per
cent. less than these of some other foundries.
All other materials are sold at manufacturers'
prices, either fur cash or credit. Printers
wishing to open accounts with me, or whose
dealings have long been VI stcuded, are re
quested - to accompany their orders with city
references, to prevent delay.
Printers of Newspapers %vim choose to pub
lish this advertisement. including this note,
three times betbre the first of August, 1854,
will be paid for it in type when they purchase
five times the amount of their bill from me, of
my awn manufactures, selected from my
specimens. 13 Chmbersatreet, New-York.
Lewis iliann
Is again home, in the store opposite the
Ncrtheast corner of the
public square,
and is receiving direct Itorn New-York city
—not a " mammoth stock" of winter goods,
but sufficient to fill up the old store; which
goods are .now offered for inspection and
xeamination. He would therefore say to
the old customers, Step in and see his as
sortment; . and .to the public generally, that
as his. goods are for sale. he will be happy
to receive " calls."
County Orders Lawn at Par
"JR Goods at
/11HE LADIES will find at Mann's store
coe4eo, Washington, Merrimack, P hit
ip, Allen & Sons', and other choice varieties
of Prints, warranted by the subscriber net
to fade.
LL-Wu ub Delanies at Mann's. Al-
Apacas,Pararnettas, English ,aud French
Merinos . 'SIANN'S.
G ING AMS 7 -a good alsorttnrnt at
S ILKS and Dress Trimmings at
L'IHAWLS of various patterns and quail
ties—Ladies' and Children's Hoods. at
("1 AMMO CS, Bishop Lawns, Victoria
jLawi.s, Cap Lace, Crape, Rus
Swiss Muslin, Lintien Ildkta , Einliwidcred
do., Muslin Edgiiws„ Conon do., Linen do,
Ladies' Collars, ri;rleis, Undur,leeves
Ladies' Skirts, do, Caps, to lie t‘ and at
ALARGE lot of Bonier}• at
1 ' You want warn .Stochings for the
childern, you will find them at
±l_,Al I Eli litiOT:3, and the
kjuthet variety of Shoes, can be found at
e c kq; " 1 1 ° o r v l e e s r s o . W .N r t p „ p e e
I.l . D V r r at:eX i
Berl:II-Lined (doves, Carpet. Bags, batch
els, Suspenders.. Call at • •
1101 . S' and Bouti at
9 EETINU, 6hitting, Batts, titld Cution
1 , ,Y am at MANN'S.
I,IG AltS, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Ginger,
Pepper, spice, starch, salcrai us,
stoutly uu hand at. MA :ss N'S S
. " I)LUG Tobacco, Fine-Out do-, Chew
iug and MANN S.
ou . want Axes, Hatchets, Ham
liners. utill saws, cross-cut. do., Hand do..
Chisels, Augurs, Auer Bits, Piles ofall, kinds,
Steel Squuros, Iron du., Try do:, call at '
L E wIS MANN ketps constantly on
iland Shovel 9, Spadve., manure rurks,
44.LE1G11 BELLS at
y OCKS,' Door Handles, Butts, Screws,
f.ocks a 1 1 siz's—sli Nails, Filli,hing
do., for sal, :Li ' LEWIS :\ lAN
pOCKET KNIVES, Table do:
.EIVIS MANN 'has tin. sale Shot,
4 Lead, Powder, Flasks, &c.
The People's Cash Store,
Something. New. and sOmethlng
T"E h„:inzq received from
the City of New-York, and ,- ....pea'kd at
the store tormer'y cceupied by I la'kin
Smith. on the north :side Of the Court VI oose
square. a s-lerled assrlment ,:lew.Gl ods,
cothprkino Due Goons, GuocEmEs, enocx-
Eta. and ilnitawmtE..
The motto of business— adopted— is,
"the sure ' and the lively .s:ii . pincr."
The above Goods will, therefore be sold
excluAvely for either Cash or ready-pay in
hand, and upon such tering that -the pur
chaser cannot be otherwise than satisfied
that he has made a good bargain-reeeived
a " quid pro quo"—something tor something
in value for his money. An exchange will
gladly _be made with the Farmer, for his
Produce : Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Grain in
any quantity, and with it, the more. Cash
the better. The subscriberwill at all films
take pleasure in exhibiting his Goods to the
Custotiter, that quality and prices may be
examined. , L. F. MA YNARD.
Coudersport, July, 15, 1853. t9Lf
• A 11IONG many other - articles for the
.1 - 11adies, of fancy and , rich worth, Will be
found, at the People's (?ash Store,. -fine
Worked Collars, of different designs a
DLEACI-1127,1) Sheeimas and Shirting,
..plirown Candle Wick, Summer
Cloth ha . ehildrim's wear, tied Ticking,
Towelling.. Table Lirmen, Brown, White
.. a superior article of Darrias - k, all pure
Spreads. A t'N3lllllllalli.n will
recommend them hett , q than anythimr else.
A T "Tice People's Cast' Siore" !nay be
found a selected lot of Prints, ni En , r%
lisit, French, and American Goods, quality
and prices agreeingadmirably: Please call
and See us.
BLACK and Green Teas, of excellent
tbicor, and at [Host reasonable prices,—
Sug.irs, bite and Brown do., Rice, -Gin
ger, Spice, Pepper, Nutmeg:, Cassia, Rai
sing, Tuhacco, in all its variety, to please
those who love the weed, and a superior
article of Coffee that cannot fail to please
all the Dutch and seine of the Yankees, at
the PEort.E's ',Asir STottE.
jIMCKERY and Glass Ware, in variely,
iliat will please the eye on the fist in
srvetinn. •
D. E, Olmsted
V - OULD say to the public that he is
now . tereiving a new stock of-goods,
.winch he will be happy to show to all who
may favor him with a call. you can find
by calling on him a good assortment -of
Lawns, Poplins, Bareg,es, Barege DeLaines,
De Beges, Silks, etc. etc. Also Prints,
Gingham% Domestics of all kinds, Gro
ceries, Crockety, and a large stock of Boots
and Shoes,—all of which will be 'sold as
low as they_ean be bought elsewhere- GNI)
hire a call, •
Coudersport Academy.
THE !pring term of this katitation will
commence on Wedne s day, April 19,
1854, still continue eleven weeks.
Elementnry branches—Orthography,
Geography, Arithmetic, &c........ 52.25
Higher_ Arithmetic, First lessons in
Algebra, and Grammar,. 3.25
kigher English branches, Algebra', .
l _ -
'hilosephy, &e., • • 4.75
Higher Mathematics, Latin, Greek,
and French languages, ' 6.25
Instruction on the Piano Forte, extra, 10.00
Use of instrument, 3.00
Vocal musie,free of, charge.
N. 11.—Prepayment of all bills will be
strictly required. . .
Tho undersigned ! , Trusiees of the Cou
dersport Adademy, are moted by a sense of
official and personal duty to invite the at
tention of the Publiit--ot parents in partic
ular, to the :rising and useful character of
this; lnstltution of Learning. When invited,
a little more than a half-year ago, to the
superintendence of its affairs, we found it
depressed and still declining. We requested .
Mr. J. BLO6IINGDAi.E: to hecetne Its Princi
pal Teacher, and entrusted its organization
and other trust onerous affairs to his discre
tion and nuatiagenient. Experience has
proved hint to be faithful, efficient, and
practical—jitst such an instructor as this
cnitintunity ; need. The number of pupils
in the schnel is now over sixty. We ruler
to Mr. Bloomingdale's advetti-ement for
information as to the terms and corditions
on which pupils are admitted, and lor other
facts of interest: and recioninend the insti
tution to the put °nage of the people.
timmAs Secretnry,
111:::¢r J. 06IS TED, TrellsUler,
Cu S. LYMAN, Tll.lfJeC5.
G. G. Cm.vis, 621
To the InhabitanU of Couder
port and Vicinity,
And Volley
,county •Generally.
siiitseriberlus just received a large
stuck ni
consktinn . of DItV GOODS, FURS, HATS
Reaidy-Tdade Clothing,
G'rocerie's, Har d.war e,
A large stock of
Shemingl, brining- CottOn Yarn, and Bal
and most kinds of ProVi sines,
kept constantly on hand, for east!.
MI of whiCh he will tell as low as the
lowest, for ;READY-PAY. - :
Cali and moSt.. - I,imlii of Farmers' Pro
duce i - akere in exchange for Goods.
Anowing mat one eo6.llin or snect
is insufficient •to enumerate every article
separate which he,keeps for sale, he hopes
that the abOve•genetal catalogue will suffice.
Dec. 30,11853. , - C. SAIII H.
New Cash Grocery
PrOViStiOn, StoYe
S. JONES takes this method to inform
J the people of Coudersport and the pub
lic generally, that lie has just opened a
Grocery ini r d Provision Spire, where he will
keep constantly oil Iran& everything in the
line of " eatabies,l' and 'wh:eli he will sell
as reasonable as can be desirid. The suh
stmials' cait he fount here at all limes, such
as Fh,iir and Pork,—while the appetites of
the most dainty ;can also be satisfied.—
Tnerefore,i shouid you wish for anything
of the kind, please, call and 'examine be.
fore puichasing elsewhere, and if lie can
not satisly you, !yourcase Must be des
perate. You will always find a full
assortment.ol GroCeries,' consisting of Su
gars, Teas, Coffee, Saleratus, Spices, Gin
ger, Raisiesi Candy, Crackers, Cranberries
Salmon, COdfish, Mackerel, Blue Fish,
Rice,, Molasses, i Syrup; e:c. Also, at all
times, Pork, Flour, Lard, Cher'se, Butter,
(roll and firkin,) Salt, Hams, etc., etc.
Grain and all other kinds of Produce
taken is 'exchange for goods at the cash
price. ,1 6.33tf C. S. JONES.
_ L ENC'H MUS i'ARD, a num thing
entirety ' for sale :a C. S.IONES'.
IV: STRONG can he • found at the
shop of Jiis. Basset!, formerly
owned by himself, where he will attend to
all calls in-his 6 line' with promptness and
fidelity. - - 6.41 3mo
E Rll Iliurning Fluid and
r Campliiim at the
Ditat and BOOK-STOIIE.
Drafting Instruments, ,
Rata• Co!ors, l'ai;er,'Pentils, and
rrcei}'(•d TYLER S•
J)abbittls 'feast Soap Pow
derS.±.-These; superior articles -war
ranted to save tulle nod motley, null promote
peace and liarinoti fautilici;
For tale at I
IViagazines for . May.
IjHARPER, Godey, Grriiham, and
Putnatta ja4 reielved and I'm sale at
25 centsp,lNo. b)
I'ON'S KATHAIRON and other
I excellina prepnrations for cleansing and
abtanifying the-11.6a, for:Ealn at TYLE
PERSONS abimi, to build or rePair,,will find
n complete stock noNindow Sash. Glass, Putty,
Taints and Oils, fur sale at lair - prices by
• • T. P. TILER.
H E C ; Farina f.
PANOLES. Sperm, Solar Sperm,
Refined Crystalline, aid Tallun Candles,
by tilt: Pouhd,or BOx, for sale very low at the
TEAS, fresh and cheap, at
. :
Clothix' Clothing.
THE place to toily_well•made . Clothing at
a low price (a large stock to select
from) is at OLMS.TED'S.
AKEtt'g Rroma Lind Chocolate — deliciou s l1 drinks, to. - TYLER'S.
r atOtt ta& CUil*.
(:*" Executed with neatness and dispatch
at the office of- THE PEOPLE'3 JOURNAL.
Their stock comprises the largest variety- .
of the best' Massachusetts manufacture..
N. H. R. & Co. are agents of the
nay ward Rubber Company—the best
goods of the kind manufactured in the
IL S.; which goods they will sell to
wholesale purchasers at New 'York
All orders filled on the shortest notice
July, ISSI. 9t
OrricE—Enst side of the public square
Joudcrsport, Pa. By sp.eci. arrange
ment the profes zcsrfal servicel of S. P.
JonNsos, Esq., may be engaged through
him, in all cases in which he is not.
previously concerned.
N. B. All claims due and payake to
the undersigned,personally and pr3fes
sionn II v, may be, found in the hands of
kAAc 131:NsoN, Esq., for ndjustment.
March 3, 1549..
Attorney and Counsellor at Law, will
attend the several Courts in Potter and
Wli.ean Counties. All business entrust
ed to liis -- . care, will r.:ceive prompt at
tention. ,
Office on Main Street; opposite the
Court House, Coudersport,
Attorney am! Counsellor at Law, will
attend to all business entrusted to his
care, with promptness and fidelity.
Office in the Keystone Block,' up
stairs, Main Street, Coudersport, Pa.
'Mar:ll 21, 1531. v 3, n4:l.
L.. F. Maynard,
Attorney and Counsellor al Law,
i_Nc.n;DEricirorty, PA.
Office—North of the Court House
Sluare, at "The People's Cash'Store,"
up'stairs. 3-47 tr •
• C. W. ELLIS,
Attorney at Law, Coudersport, Potter
County, Pa. Jan. 18, 1850. •
Attorney at Law, Coudersport, Pa;
will regularly attend the Courts in Tio:
gn, Potter, and M'Kean Counties.
Office—over W. T. Jones' Store.
Feb. 28, 1551. ." v 3 n4O.
A. P. CONE.,
Attorney at Law, Wellsborougti, Tioga
County Pa. Will regularly attend
the Courts in Potter county.
June 3, 1545. if
THE undersigned having been entrust
ed with the care of several large tracts
of land, in this County, has made
himself acquainted with the- lands
and land titles of - -the County, and
will give immediate attention-to any
business of this nature. that may be
entrusted to him.
. H. S. HEATH,
P twacian_and Surgeon,
Will attend to all calls for professional
assistance, with promptness and fidelity
• OtTice—On West. side of Main street,
firbt 'door 'above Jno. S. Mann's store.
..I\pril II; ISSI. 3-47. tf.
Cabinet-MaKier &. Upholsterer,
Willelecute all orders in his line of
ri`t - r:Viluu.ines v ith neatucf:s and despatch.
Mac htodneks—:le.; Nl•muractory formerly
owned by G. W. ~ition;—two doors above
NV tn. Crto,by's dcc,lli u
Having improved ific building and- Ma
chinety, nod employed good workmen, he is
rp:11 dii work as well_ as the best, and
o:: •'I )rt t.ohcc. 6-30:r
LI. R. GAGE, M. D., -
r:TOULD respectfully inform the eiti4
Zeus of COupersport and Potter county,
that he has located pi rmantly among them
and will attend promptly to all calls in the
line of his profession.
01ice—T B. Tyler's Drug, and Book
Store, and niay be found at night at Mill's
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
f rA J. W. 11 AR.DI N (1, Tailor. All work
ILLootru.tc4l to i,ia care will be done
o neatuc s, condort, nua durability.
7...71' Shop over Lewis Vann s store. 637
CIOLLIER'S Shakspeare ;
Index to Periodical Literature;
Edmunds' Spiritualism;
spt mator—a new and handsome edition;
list CoimLife Scenes in Now-York ; and
POITIC books for the young people, at the
Jan. 13, 1834. JOURNAL 1300 K STORE.
AFEW pieces'of new Music;
Music procured to order; also Tem•
perauce and oilier Tracts, or_ any periodicals
desired. Scuoot .Boobs. constnntly on
hand, with paper, pens, slates, and every thing
needed fur going to school,
M. W. MAN?.