Y NEHM 0011 AND JOB: PRINTING , L lgrEity DEsommoN. OF BUM AND JOB 'Es PRINTING ) ) atoll •••• CATAtOOVF.S, rAmPIILETe,' )lANDBILLI, • BALL TICKETS, 'POSTERS, 1, 110010, BILL 'READS, . •BLANK. NOTES, 'MATSUI:9, . , BAT TIE'S LAUF:LS, CARDS ETC. EXecilled with neatness and dispatch at tie office i of Tux PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. N. H. ROBINSON. 4 CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BO OTS J/ND SHOES. Their stock cot:uprises - the-largest variety Of the best Massachusetts manufacture. RUBBER BOOTS :.T-YD SHOES. N. fl. R. & Co..rarei agents of, the Hayward Rubber Company—the best goods of the kind manufactured-in the t. S.; which goods they will sell to wholesale purchasers - at New York , . prices. All orders filled on the shortest notice . ;26 WATER ST., ELMIRA, N. Y. July,. 87,1. ' Ot ISAAC BENSON; At to. r ezy-a toll a. w, Ortrct.:--East side of the publiesquare 4.:osdePsport, Pa. By special arrange meutthe professienal services .of S: P. Jusocsos, Esq, may be engaged through hint r in all cases in which he is not providuslv concerned. N. B. All claims due and payab.e to the. tind'ersigned, personally and prafes sien'alty, may be found in the hands of .1**?..3-BENtiON, Esq., for adjustment. S. P. JOHNSON March. p, 1848. JOHN S. MANN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, will attend the several Courts in Potter and Dl'Kean Counties. Al: business entrust ed to his care, will r..ceive prompt, at ten'ion. Offie6 on Main Street; opposite the Coale House, Coudersport, Pa. ARTIiVE. G. OLMSTED, Attorney an‘l Counsellor at Law, will attend to all 'easiness entrusted to his car€ , ,'Nvith promptness and fidelity. &lice in the Keystone Block,' up *fairs, Main Street, Coudersport, Pa. March 21, 1851. v 3, n 44. L. F. Maynard, ..Attorney and Counsellor at Law, COUDERSPORT, PA Office—North of the Court House Square, nt The People's Cash Store," ap stairs. , 3-47 tr C. W. ELLIS, Attorney at Law, Coudersport, Potter ,County, Pa. Jan. 18, 1850. F. litr. KNOX Attorney at Law, Coudersport, Pa. Will regularly attend the Courts in Tio iga, Potter, and M'Rean Counties, Offlot—over W. 'l'. Jones' Store Feb. 28, 1651. A. P. CONE, Attorney at Law, Wellsborough, Tioga County Pa. Will regtilarly attend the Courts in Potter county. . June 3, 1848. tf LAND AGENCY. Tilt tinclersigned.having, been entrust ed with the care of several large tracts of land, in this County, has made himself acquainted with the lands and land titles of the County, and will give immediate attention to any business of this nature that may be entrusted to him. JOHN S. MANN.. H. S. HEATH, P ii:y.Aciait and Surgeon, 601) DERSPORT, PA. Will attend to all calls for professiona. assistance, with promptness and fidelity Office—On West side of .Main street, first door above Jno. S. Mann's store. April 11, 1851. • 3-47. tf. JANIES M. BASSETT, • Cablzret-3Yaker & Upholsterer, COUDERSPORT, PA., Will extrute all orders in his line of huvinc:ts with 'neatness and despatch. Place of busiaess—tho Alaimfactory formerly owned by G. W. Strong—two doors nbove Wm. Crosby's d« clliu Having improved the building . and ma chinery, and employed good workmen, he is prepared to do work as Niell as the best, and on short notice. 6-30tf • hi. R. GAGE, N. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WORLD respectfully inforin the chi n, lens of Coopersport and Potter cour.ty, that he has located permantly among them ViLwill attend promptly to all calls in the ° Ri c his profession. T B. Tyler's Drug and Book Hotel a n a ' , it be found at night at "Mill'a _____._ . 66y , -- Tailoring! •±.4b or i ng ! I „ 1 J.W. I I A It DIN G, Tailor; 4 11 work entrusted to hilt care will be,,, tie ,- with neatocaa, comfort, and durability: TZT Shop over Lewis Mann's store. 6-3 i COLLIER'S 'Shtilmeave ; Poole's Index to Periodical Literature . ; Edmunds' Spiritualism; - • Spectator—n new mid laandstime Hot Corn—Life Seenei - in Neiii-York ; end •,,fo o nys honks fur the yowl people,,at,tlie Jan. , ll 1E54. JOURNAL BOOK STORE. • A W . pieces 'new Music ;= Musk ocured - to Ortlerf "also; Tem. peittike mid ethi.i , Tisch!, or - thiy pOriodicald: dee.]: ..-rr 5CH.::4... Booz, constantly on - batkiv with paper; pe mai elt%tere and ; e.veryjiling needed for going tcr acheol. • - .-- • rklatf' MANN. Va.t GAZONI NGOTOBERZE XE G O ,®.),s DOUBTLESS there are many persons:in Coudersport end vicinity• who have never visited the famous Boston :-tour, at the • fast-growing village of The No. of this store is• 94, which number is over the door— - • • ' 1 : ~•••• "BOSTON STORE • o : THE - 1)DOil. • Thjs establishment isone of thepargest DRY GOODS and - R.E.RDr-wp.o cLorllt.va in Allegany , county. ',Tundras e;.l . custom. er.4 from Potter ecitinty tidy all their clothinz, hoMs and shoes, andother fi,sings, at - this _great mart of business.. But still there are those who have never hapiiened to fall into the path that leads, most assuredly, to econemy and wealth. That path lead all cash.buyers straightway to the We have no enemies- to punish', so friends to.reward. We Sell for ready {lay. and take fn-exchange for goods the' following useful articles, vm,;:--;• • - Cash Tallow- - ' Venison Oats Beeswax Fur- Beans' t'ccks i• Bides • VV heat Yarn ' = Rags ' Potatoes Wool ,; Butter &c. &c. • '3iVe are now'receiVing rom onr shop at RoChester, about ten cords of thp best BOOTS' AND: SHOES sold in the county. W o e keep .constantly olihand— " Pants ,- Caps With:a very exiensixe stock of TRUNKS, VALISES, AND CARPET BADS, Choicehlaek* and colnted Dress silks. Al paca, Delaines, Thihet Cloths, Prints, Ging tarns, and other = Dress Goods= --together with a general variety of Dry Goods: , In particular, we would call the attention of the Ladies to our great variety of Shawls, to• every possible , kind, altogether too nu merous to mention. S . • • We hati•e the largest stock of the differ- Nit kinds of ifatrcmcs in Western. New York. HOTEL KEEFE as can- be piipplied on reasonable terms. • For the contemplated Canal from Wells ville to Rochester ; and • hoping that the Plank Road will be continued on to Cou dersport the coming spring, and that the sons and daughters of benighted Potter may be more frequently seen in our young City. . We remain your most °Wt. serv'ts, LANCEY & Co. Wellav lilt, Jan. 13, 1854. 6-35 m CIIIEST HANDLES,., Drawer do., ‘/Bolts, Retdies, Halter Soaps, WOrd robe Hooks, Barn Door Binges, kept for sale by LEWIS- MANN. • Removal. • C sto ß r O , 1-i h iri as -I r l e - m u ; et d to i t le Vi ldin lately occupied by Caldwell's eubinet shop, first door north of Johnson's store, where he will be pleased to see those who have hereto fore liworeil him With their patronage, and all others who stand in need of Bouts and Shoes. Nov. IS, 1833. ti27tf v 3 n4O. PATENT Pails, Bed Cords, Ciothes' Lines, Horse Curtis, carry combs, horse brushes, to be sold at MANN'S. ItACIiEREL, Salmon, & Blue Fish jl- l' at C. S. JONES'. SUPERIOR Sperm and Tallow Can dles at C. C. JONES' PROVISION STORE TNDIAN Meal and Buckwheat non , Xstantly-on hand at 'the NEW PROVISION STORE. CIRAIN and Produce of all kinds ta ken in exchange for Goods at this ore. . C. S. JONES. lIAMS and Shoulders--a new supply at the NEW PROVBION STORE. B UT T ER and LARD , . of the best quality at the NEW PROVISION STORE. C . ANDLES of all kinds—a new as sortment at C. S. JONES'. ACKS OF SALT at'the NEW PROVISION STORE CRANBERIES! CRANBERIES! by %-ithe quart or bushel at C. S. JONES'. Mill Owners will always find a supply o Oil for machinery at •satisfactory prices, and in any quant,ity,at , - Drafting Instruments, Water Culers, Drawing - Paper, Pencils, and Brushes, just received at • TYLER S. Eliabbitt's Yeast and Soap Pow- Dders.—Theso supericir articles are war ranted to save time soul rouney,.aud promote peace and harmony* iu families. For sale at • ; TYLER'S. Magazines for ':p HARPEny Godey,•Graham. and , Putnam jest received:And for sale at 25 cents per?lp.!q, • TYLER. • TON'S KATHAIRON and other JLAL , ,elleotwrepartitions - for' cleansing and abcutifyh it t h e Ham, pile'ext TYLER'S. PERSONS atft•qt, to bail[) or repair, will find. compl out stoa of "Window Saab, Glass, Paints and Oils/for sale .tt, fair; prices by ' T.D.YLER. ..• - • nECKER'S Farina and Pulverized 11corn starch for sale'it TYLER'S. ANDLES.,--, Sperm, Solar Sperm, Re6ne4 Cmstalli D e, and Tallow Candle!, by the Pound or Box, for aalgyery low at the; 'DRUG dr. Bopii srottE. •. ~ 94' GREAT BOSTON. Men's India Rubber Boots • 1 .4 it 61 . • Over-shoes " Coats EM!=rl CEMZI Shawls, Shawls. 111.RTRASSES. Three-Cheers Mohine Oil. TYLER'S. rug Store Premiuriitannin4'lll.ille.- , j '"(• .tmiortant to Farmers : • rainE subscriber has ptuchasedoat-3. jj an.Thoroughlhe right to ule,in Potteilid M'ffeaa countieihis patent in ihe..coastruCtititt OT-FliOning Mills. He , has also] at gicAl 'house; commenced the manufaetore c 1 a ran -MIIJ4I MILL which will cleatt . :- . fniin 14*.t0 :2tlOSushels per hour . was pate9l4l March 20. 1847, Since which Ifitie hikes shied fait:tho head of th 6 list at all the State ind Arairiealtoral societies whereflitlat been:OX- Itibited. and is c al,noiversal fayoritt with All 14rtill.rs who have tried it. It Look the, pre 'imam at the first Agricultural Fa: field `at llairiliburg. Oct: 31st, 1851, shed;herS;were 30,Q00 people present ; and at' thetreatlStOte :Agricultural Fair atjkiew-York; - he:a ut Roch ester Sep . ': 'l6-19; -1 1 351, • thia.Faaning.'Mill 'received the highest honors. Having met . ,with uoiform:succetit wherever tried; I confidently:invite - the farmers of:P.otter 'And M'Kein counties to call. ai hre shop.in 'Coudersport and examine for themselves.' ' supply alwayt on hand, t6l4'sold 'rea sonable terms. JOIIN,..IqCKIIOW, Tin and HardWare - "''' . ~., -i, VilflE undersigned has connecteOriih 1 his 'I'll), Sheet Iron, Copper, and, StOke i t Business. that of HARDWARE tin I CUT-- :E.BilTlio that in addition hi'llie rosiness -heretofore conducted by Itim,dre.is n X ready dusopply the public with almost ever variety : of Hardware, AIM and Gross-cot,Stittp,s, tloop :- - Ircio`, Nails, Cable:and Ox Chips, Carpentetie • Adzeit and I.3roticlaxes, Manilla •Rup't. 173Ven - lies. - A general, assortment-of, Clocks,' Ja panned Ware, Toys of every dettcriptUl; and .in stroll, he designs to Itoop arsuch things 'is -the public wants' fa' hiS' line,- which he v,ill - aell;titot fur less than cost, iiitt for td:iiiiitr. :_6:41,13. profit • indeed; and hops by a , stript. attention to Iris :business to ,receive ajiberal slafe:of public Patronage. —. • _ - All kinds of l'roduee taken' in. exchan . ge for •• Goods, at the highest market prices; also, $2O „ter ton paid for,old iron ; G-42 ly •-• • NOTICE ,- IB'lrreby given, thavthe Commission ers of Potter county will expose to public sale' r nt the Conturisbioneis' Offitie iu Couders port, ou WEDNESDAY, TI-16;12th DAY OF L, next, et 2 o'clockl'. of said...tiny, the following . traets' of land, Velongingio raid County, to the highest bidder: - NO. Quinitity.l Warranter. 1 'Township. - 4593 4759 467 f, 2102 218.5 237 ucres. Eulalia 100 " • " ti 200 " 110 " IV Mil/Z. 100 " 11: (iitmntc g G. G. CuLVIN. c WILLIS YOUNG. 2. Wsr. I - I:METZGER, .-,- L. B. Cor.i, Cleric. Marell . :l; 185.1. 436t' Attest, NEW • GOODS FOR THE (FALL' TRADE. HOYTA. LEWIS would respecifully inform• the inhabit ants of Wellsville and vicinity that they are now receiving a fresh and beauti ful assortment of GOODS, which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. V e would also return our heart-felt thanks to our old Customers for their patronage and would be glad to show them any Goods which we have, and will try to save them at least 10 per cent by dal lit and txamining our STOCK OF GOODS We do not wish to make a great 'display to gain custom; but by taking a strait htfor ward courserwe will endeavor to gain the respect and confidence of . our Friends and .Customers. Please call and ex- Goods. - • gua:k. No charge for showing Flout and Salt also on hand of superior quality and Warranted. HOYT & LEWIS. Wellsville N, Y. 5ept.:24,185.2,-4 22tf JOHN RECKHOW, Carriage and Sleigh!Maker. THE sub,scrilier respectfully gives no . : lice that he is prepared to do all the businers in the above line, at the short est notice, at his nevi shop, two doors west of the Coudersport Hotel. BLACKSMITHING. D EN N ELLS & HITCHCOCK would in ..l..tformtlie public that they still carry on the 13LACKSNIITIIING BUSINESS, at. their New Shop in the Boro' of Coudersport, Where they are prepared to execute ALL KINDS OF WORK in their line, with neat ness and dispatch. A share of public patronage is solicited. N. B.—All persons indehted to me by' note or account; will cell and settle the same - immediately. if they desire save cost. laly BENJ. RENNELLS. MILLPORT-HOTEL• •. subscriber would lc ; ; spectfiilty" inform the public , Altt g I and traveling community, Oa ; he has fitted up .a house and stabling, lor.the accommodation of strangers and travelers, at , Blillport, , •Potter Co., Pa:, and hopes by prompt and careful attention to business. to,raerit and receive a libera ,share of patronage.. HARRY LYII.IA N. Miliport, Aug,. 15,1851. 13tf M A. 8., GOODSELL, • FIRE ARMS manufactured and re paired at his'shop, , Eatt 'of the Bridge Chudersport, Potter county, Penna- • March 3, 1848.' • tf • Music. 1011[UNTEN'S Celebrated Instructions _.for the Piano ., FoFte; lurrowes' Piano-FOrte"PrimtoOr ; Biliou Gk. Book A. new supply of Slteet : Nusic • ... For satil,py. l3. TYLER. • WROUGHT. NAILS:at MANWS , . STORE: 0•• • 'I- 0,0 R _ I here' iake libeq_to inforrii the Pea ;plc ',ef eandefspoitpoci ; - patte,i".County that, anx,still at my Nevv,titand ofitm. site theisiorth , sidepf the Public Square, Where may be GIf9CERIES,Of all kipria 'coastal:Pl§ on liar.d, additions diereto.; such as:Drugs,Aied, ,cines,Dyeatufls,•Stat;onery;Yankee.No liciris,'Perfurnefy..,-Toilet Soap, Jewelry.' t;:c., besides many artic!ita,Lihrtx,V.,fiay . i never kept 'oefore. io..ritimer,otis . to men tlont v.! Geatle !v. are re irivitO . te cell „and ; pFarpine ; and if I can't spii l you as lo flrices without your going. York State ; or a ny other place, then I ackaoWi edge that I can't sell cheap enough.; .but .I will not give u1)-un i'l you ,have and examined for youseives,whieh, again, you are invited to do. My motto is, the nimble sixpencis iniieferende:io 11,a,"sloto shilling. All kinds of country Produce taken in exchange for goods. .Rutter, Rage; el'ounty . orderii, Shingles, cash not refhied for goods. GROPEREES. _ Tea, Sugar -• Co ff ee, Spices, Saleiatus, . Ginger, Mustard, Tobacco, Snuff,„ • - :Nntmegs, Mace;Cloves, Confectionery', and ilifew boxes of Kibbe'sg•lNild Cherry •':•and illoodlioot , Cough Ciridy, 'and niiillard's superior Gurri.:-.Drops... , : ! Drugs Medicines, • .• Patent Medicines , • ' ,• - Oils, Spirits of Turpentine, C,ampltine, Ilurnidg Fluid,Soap, Candles' -Cloth:, Teeth & Blachiog Bruslies,Blacking = Cap, Letter and'Note P.apCr; all kinds.of Stationery, Steel `Pen Holders, Wafers, Sealing .Wax, Sand, Ink, Pocket Book's envelopes, Visiting Cards,Jewelry,Ftne'Cut lery, and a variety of Fancy Articles,' to gethcr with Silk. Thread etc. ec.t ' ; 1). W. SPENCER. ,T UST received..a,quantity of that 8016n eft. did Potumada ReSa.— The purest and most perfectrarticle for the growth and preservation of the hair. . IVar rained Genuine Beef's Marrow. For sale ,a • D. W. SPENCER'S.; Jackson. Sweth u Jackson. l 9 lasses that is tnolases: 43-6 2 per gallon at D. W. SPENCER'S. C an i dles, such as apero4 tallow, &c., for " : • 0. W. Sit'NCEit'S. VOD Liver .Oil; Lithontriptic, and navy Volker popular medicines for.oale by - I:Halloo ! ! Halloo PEN CER is in town ! Mountains of /.711EA Dl' AI ADE CLOTHING for airiest nothing. have bought this coat, this;vest, and these pants,—'aint broke e ther! Hur rah' All the boys shall have one of Sptn.. cell coats J:Hurrah ! Bdt, to , be candid, friends, there's nothing like it in all the country: Jdst go over there, and for a little o ' notninghe'll sell ye a " rig" that, though ye'r the bigest rascal abovegriiund, will make ye fair as a priest to Intik at— though ye 'haint a cent in ye,r pockets, folks Will bow. and scrape .to ye as though ye were millionaires, and "real gentlemans. ' Fashion! Great thing ! Better dead than fieTAYMeao i h u est fellow has been ti: but no danger if ye buy of Spencer cloths are just the fashion." . The subscriber has just received a large stock•of Ready made clothing, of the latest style, arid, best quality, .which lie offers for sale on' the most resottable terms. . • D. %V. SPENCER. 3 - A BRISON'S INK for Ala:king Cloth, J Toilet Soap &c., at SPENCER'S. PULVERISED CORN STARCH for food for seem D. W SPENCER'S: BAZINEXTRACT for the Ildkfs, the most noted and best article o the 'kind in use, also Extracts for fillibring all to be had at SPENGER'S. LARGE quintity of Cologne,7Hair AL Invigorator, Tooth Powders for traleat D., W . SPENCER'S. ' • .SODA, Crean') Tartar. Mafinesia, - Anoint, JjChalk, &Its; and G:ue for sale at SPENCER'S Grocery Store NEW ARRIVAL OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES at fICOPEL and Coacl varnish can be had kiat SPENCER'S on very reasonable terms: %TEWarrival of: Groceries and Fish at SPENCER'S. INTER-S PAINED Linseed Oil. eat 11' for sale at SPINCKWS: OIL of Tar, , Merchant's Gargling 'Oil, to be had at SPENCER S. WANTED, by D. W. Spencer, friie . n one -Win two thousand dollars in County Or ders, at the face. • • yon'N lißthalron, Tricoperrs. : 14yigorator, and other expellent prepira hons,fOr cleansing and boautifying, the [Lair foraale by D. W. SPENCER tttHOT and Lead at lower filar. Milan down town, at SPENC ER',S. DU CKWHEAT FLOUR'iti :‘ D. W. 'SPENCER'S. Quantity, of first-rate CHEE.F. ;. . just received at Oy S. JO&. GARDEN *mid Field See& for sale‘':er, BPP.NC Bit'S' N EW article of sumaier.ttai,s at .. A. better selection of Coffee not found in ..,41,..the county. than at SPCNCIWIL • SSOR ITD Pickles in, jars 'tate by I JONgS* 410.CKLED,CHERBIES.at !,; i l f EA by tbe'Ohost or poub4lor salx_a;7, o D. W. Bpi:Novato; Git6aErat Misbellaneous D. W. SPENCER. ' . .D. W..gI'ENCEII,S !J - ,1.,":! - :::.*:47:44"4 . s..*, 8 IN WEILSVILLE,'9I.T gtote , . ••• - No. OFMAIN STREET, ivy_ AY. Ir found c onstantly hand and .i.vx for sa l e, an extenstve,variety of Sinn : cer Granger's'aupoth Bjattrasses, eveky Krt,:kindv,orid pricei•from a S3.bo patio Mattrass a super-Vog:ish. Hair- Mattrass at• $lO.OO. Also.. Lounges, Bolsters, and Pillawa. .All , of,witieh are.offered to Hotel and- floardimr House keepers. , and's!' others who( hate-common sense--enough to know that a filthy . Feather Bed, to make Ate heg of it, is but .a breeder of disease ,and ip." life curtailer.--at lower rates than can .be .found at any other store in the county: & Co.. • gille.l,gents (ia the county) for the sole df the. &save goods. • - 6.15 1y ..B:ston Store, W*1 . 1.37111; Jan. 13, :1864. Pure Oil—lmportant to Saw ' • yera and Machinists. .• Tois : article . will . furnished,...by ,• the , barrel or gallon, warralted .neither to smoke nor "gum up." Pur chasers will - find it an object to get my prices before they supply themselyes elsewhere. • T. L. SNIETEL 1111LEACIAED;Elephant su -2-vp—erior 'article ; to' 011—for l e amps_or:.lVlndhinery'. PNITEL - ------- 'ARO'OIL' for snle'at the Wellsville 4 Hardwa:re . Seore. L..SNIITH. MILL SAWS; Shingle Saws, Siding Saws, Lath Saws,Cross Cut, Tenon.. Pitt; Drag. Saws. Hand Saws. Key Hole, Wood Saws, furnished of any stamp or frMtory, co suit the•purchaser. T. L. SMITH. FILES.; -'-1 . sell . an article which is ..superior for durability and execution to any English File in market. 1 Wellsville.. T. L. SMITH. lORDA6E.—Ropeall sixes—from -- li-inch Cable w o e skein of saddler'i silk.., {Wellsville.)-. T. L. STITH. ACRINE ._ - BELTING.— Patent +TA-- Vulcanize 4 .Rubber. k Riveted Leaher Belts ; :a. large stock of all sizes orehandl; (Wellsville.) T. L. SMITH. MARLIN ROPE for sale by . T. L. SMITH, Wellsville IIIEAKLE BLOCKS—At the Wells -11 vile Hardware Store. and Rubber Packiag, Lacing Leather,Copper Rivets, Belt Punch, es, at,(Wellsville) 'P. L. SMITH'S, SE ED BUCKWHEATr salefo at the Coudeisport Mills, by Gstf: U. C. CRITTENDEN. ARKE,R Mill Nails.—Builders toil find these Nails a more taper shape, tougher iron, and, superior. in every re spect to any other Nail in market. Wellsville. T. L. SMITH. Academy Teat 11001i8. A . FUll supply for sale low at • . . TYLER'S: • Peepetuate Family Faces - . A1..1..wh0 desire to do so should not. long delay going to CASEY'S akeI'ERREAN GALLERY. The subscriber is weekly produ cing beautiful miniature portraits in the most pleasing style and the at roost reason.: able prices. pleasant room is open and .every one is welcoMe to call and examine specimeit3 whenever they choose. Those : who wish to be sure , of a sitting should nut come ,ate in Mel day. Gallery open only'on Saturdays. . • : 6-36tf . a J. W. CASEY. TUST REC El V ED—a new awl splendid 0 lot of Cooking arid Parlor S - rove. at : 684 • J. %'. S:111 ZINC AND AILNER AL PAINTS; with tlireiioti§ for psing, at • ':ss2tf T: B. TYLER'S. WICE a week from New York new, AI goods are received. • Wellsville. T. L. SMITET. ANEW supply of Flu and Cam . - phine Lantp . s—sonte .tiew atttl beautiful patteritijtiat•receaveil and for sale low at • : TYLER'S. Notice, THE Governor of the State of New York has ; appointee the . subscriber a com. missioner for the State of New York,, tb take the acknowledgment or Deeds and other instruments, and to administer oath's pursuant ►u an act ofthe Legislature of said State. " - .ISAAC DENSON. •. Gouderspori, Dec. 12, 1851. 431 f Waisted: . 1. , QIIINS, or HIDES, for which Boots and OShoes vill he exchanged, and some cash will be .paid. • Wm. CROSBY. • Place of 'Aminelis, one door North of Johnmit's Store. -30 t( pLUG TO BACCO—FIue Cut, Chewing, ang Smoking ; by the pound, at • SPENCERS, ititfilictek Read," • l'Ag. l .y. I. FURMAN. Profeesor of die eases in . .,HurisEs and CATTLE. respect fully informs the public that he has located Hebron township 2 :;encoire at Joseph :StoneNy Where. he is prepared at all times ;(Sundays excepted) to attend to calls in Ills prefessten. He is of long expFrienee in the ,business. and-hopes by his superior skOt and assiduity to secure the patronage (4'410 public.. • 6.492m1 , . • . • New . Goode. . DIt,SP4NC,ER hati„ just returned .(rom the city. with, ; a . large - stoat bf Groceries, ClOthing, Drugs and Medicines. and a generdl assortment of Farley Articles, and many" iither .tningli.•.toi..nninetod*Tto mention, which will be :sold low , fir nail) of YeradY Pay.'' - - . • I The Peetde'i tdeffStore • AT COtiDERSP.-QRT , 3 i y Spuiething .New. goilletidur .Wanted. irrHE subscribe? has just received from I the City of New!York, znd " opened Att the store formerly occupied' by Hoskin & Smith, on the north side of the CoUrt Haus! square,' a stleetett as at ez Goods', comprising Day Goons,,Gaocestas,Paoca,- ARV. and tisauwmtc. •... • The motto of business —axinpred;;_fiv. "the sure shilliak and the lioelq sispinte, ll The above Goods will thentfore. be soli exclusively for either Cash or ready-pal It, hand, and upon such terms that: the par chaser cannot be otherwise th an' salisficd .that he has`made a good bariain—reeeived "quid pro quo"-r.sornething for something in value-for his money. An exchange will gladly be made with the Farateraor. his Produce : Butter, Cheese, 'Eggs, Grain is any quantity, and' with it, the more Cash. the better, The subscriber will et all times take pleasure in exhibiting his Goode Ici ther Customer, that quality 'and priCes may bit examined. L. T. MAYNARD. Coudersvrt. July, 15, 1853. 69tf Cfill ECK D GING HAIIIS in variety, ands ) inices lo suit. A 1110ING..marty other articfcs kV' itlP' 1 - I.latltes, of fancy and. rich worth, vrittl lie found, at the People's Cash 'Store., fin& Worhed CollaTs, of different design s a, • patterns. • , • J3LEACHED Sheeim2, and Shirting. Brown do. ' Candle Wick, Summer Cloth flit. children's wear, Bed Tieking, Towelling, Table Linnet', Brown, White. .. a superior article of Damask, all pure dor,— Table,Sprearls. An examination:will recommend them better than anything else. oA' •'•The People's dash Store". may be fond a selected lo(of Prints, of Enz. lish, French, and American Goods, quality and prieesugreeing admirably: - Please and see us: BLACK and Green Teas, of excellent flavor, and at most reasonable prices,— Sugars, White and Brown do., Rice, Gin ger, Spice, Pepper, Nutmegs, Cassia, Rai sing, Tobacco, in all its variety, to please those who love the weed, and a superior article of Coffee that cannot fail to please all the Dutch and some of the Yankees, at the PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. - MOCKERY and Glass Ware, in variety, k...ithat will please the eye on the first in sreetinn. The Clothing Department AT " THE PEOPLY.'S CASH STORE." READY Made llothlng ;opt . constantly on hand by the subscriber, made up and manufactured by the best workmen, from cloths selected for durability and goal.. ity ; the object being not to supplj the cus tomer with a humbug article which he may be induced to purchase, because it is so very i l, cheap, but which i the end is eery dear; but to give him it the first instance an-aiti; cle which will do im honest and good Ser. rice for a reasonable price. All those Oesi !mos of being CO accomodated call at " The People's Cash Store." L. F. MAYNARD. T. L.' SMITH ARD WAR E,—Syilies and Snaths, of lipatte:ns lona-tried- ;.nd found to be uo..d, Rifles and. RutiStones, Saw-;Milt Duor Handles, Latches, Mineral Knolls, (whit and brown ) Mortice Locks, ronulit Butts for -Doors, of all sizes, Cut lery, Knives of ,good quality for the table, and' for the pocket, at the ' Ps.ners.'s CA,SII STORK. COURT. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the ilcm. Robert G. ii White; President Judge, and the Boit. 0. A.. Lewis and Joseph Mann, Esqs., Associate Judges of the Courts of Uyer arid Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of :he Peace, Orphans' Court arid Court of Comnion Pleas for the County of Potter, have :is sued their precept, bearing date the 25th day of Pub., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, and to me directed,Tor holding a Coin,. of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Srasions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Coun . of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Coudersport, on iliontfay, the 15th• day of May neat, arm to continue One Week-. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the 'Peace, and Constables within said Gounty, that they be then and there in their proper per, sons, nt 10 o'clock A. M. of said day with their rolls, records, inquisitions, ex aminations, and other remembrances; to do those things which to their offices appertain to be doife., And those who are bound by their recognizancesto pros ecute against the prisoners that are. or shall be in ,the Jail of the said Couity of Potter, are to be then and thereto pros ecute rigainSt them as will,be just. t - Dated at Coudersport, April , sth, and the 71Sth year of the Indo t io n d en ce '4 the United States of America'. ~ P. A. STEBBINS, SWF. Chester L. Camay!, vs. Jackson Township. inmcs.C. Curtis vs. Versel Dickinson. John. M. Lntnberton vs. limes H. Wright., Benjamin Cuer vs. Lyman Benne ' A. J. Rose et. al:, heirs vs. J. Wiederich. lien. at law of John Rose, ry Yentzer, and deceased, Peter Yeutzer. Thomas Rees, vs. Frank L. Jones. - Elenzer Hannan vs. P. B. Dedrick,et al. Joseph'Coleman vs. P. B. Dedriek, et at. Chester L. Carsaw ;vs. Jnckson - Township. James Ayres, vs: James Bartron. A. F. Cressy . -vs:l,. D. Williams. Bingham school die. .v$ C. C. Crum, Execn tor of P. Hawley, deceased. - vit. Nathan Brown and • Lumen Bell.- June 0. Williams and vs: Harriette Loaey 'Louisa his wife' Wm. T. Jones & Bro. vs. Julius Baker. - • Wm. T. Jones & Bro: vs. Edmund AV/aril.' T. J. [While. vs. Charles Steele. - Wm. T. Jones & Bro. vs. Charles I'. Cool. WilliamVarson• mi. Chas. W. Johnson. V. O. spencer , vs. Nathan Woodcock. • H. J. OLMSTEP,'Pr°!IeY• ntarnoiersnea Orme, . .Coudersport' March 31,054. f • • Sobieski Ross 11111 Teas. List of Causes, limy TERM, 104.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers