C Sheriff's Sales. B • -- . . Y VIRTUE of sundry writs of Vend- Ex., Ala. Vend.-Ei., Pls. Vend. Ex., and Fieri 'Vacua; butted but of the court of eom mon pleas of Potter county and to me directed, 1 will capon& to sale by public vendee or out cry, at the court-house in the Borough of Coudersport, on Monday, the 15th day of May next; ar 1 o'clock r. pt. of said day, the following described real estate, to wit: certain real estate, to wit: Situate in Pike township, Potter county, Pa., bounded and de-, scribed as follows: On tho North by lands of' .W.-B. Furman, on the cast and south by un seated.lands of H. M. Walker, and on the west by lands of Calvin Carrielh—Containing forty-fiveacres.—Atso,_one other tract, sa tiate as. aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of David Kilbourn and unseated, lands, east by unseated lands and lands of W. 13. Furman, on the south and west by land of John and Calvin Carriel—containing one hun dred acres.---Mao, one other tract, situate as aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of J. Sunderland, east by unseated lands of -H. M. Walker, south by land of J. Bump and unseated land, and on the west by unseated land and lands of W. B. Furman—containing eighty-one and seven-tentha,..acres, more or less, on which there is erected one overshot saw-mill; one log and one frame house, and one board hovel thereon.—ALso, one other lot, situate in Hector township, county and State aforesaid, bounded ou the north by lot No. 25 of the allotment of the lands of IL 11. Dent in Hector township, east by west line of Tiotni county, south by lots Nos. 36 and 37, antfon the west by lot No. 34, (being lot 35 of the allotment in said township)—con taking one hundred acres, Shy acres ofwbich is improved, with one log house, a frame home, a frame barn, and an tipple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in e.tcution, and to be sold as the property of James Bump and E. Mulford. at the suit of Caleb Tnwbridge. ALSO—certain real estate, to wit: Situate in Clara township, Potter county, I'a.. bounded on the north by lands of Isaac Barnes, on the east by lauds of Sala Stevens, on the south by lands of E. Balch, and on the west by un seated land—containing sixty nears. im,re ur less, with about thirty acres improved, with .one log and frame house, one lei: barn, nod some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold us the property of Wm. B. Graves, at the suit of J. B. Noble. ALSO—certain real estate, situate in l'ike township, Potter county, Pa., Unaided ou the North and east by lands of D. R. Smith, ilec'd, south by unseated lands, and on the west by lands of H. B. Crippen—containing fifty-one end seven-tenths acres, about forty acres of which is improved, with one log and frame house, one blacksmith shop, one frame barn and shed, some out-buildings, nod an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George Sher man, at the suit of Peter Knickerbocker. ALSO—certaiu real . estate, situate in Gen esee township, Potter county, State of Penn* bounded ou the north by the N. Y. and Pa. State line, on the east b y . lands of Gannon and Chambers, south by Bingham lands, and west by lands of C. Leach —containing two hundred and seventy acres, ou which is about twenty six acres improved, and a log house and barn thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Patrick Burke, at the suit of Charles Leach. ALSO—certain real estate, situate in Os way° township, Potter county, Pa., bounded en the north by land of George Estes, east by laud of Shattuck and Crittenden, south by Bryan lot, and west by land of George Estes --containing one hundred and six acres. on which is three acres improved, on which is one saw-mill, two frame houses, and barn. Seized, taken in execution. and to be sold 'as the property of Franklin Gale, Chas. W. Gal's, and A. D. Hill, at the suit of Wm. T. Jcnes & Brother. ALSO—the following di,ecrilied real estate, situate in the townshi,o of o,wavo, in the county of Potter , and bodnded on the north by the N. Y.and Pe. State line, on the east. south, and west by lands owned by Nathaniel John son—containing on a hundred acres, be the same more or less,—lands formerly owned and conveyed by Azel Lane, and being the north east corner of warrant 586 G. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the props rty of W. T. Rice, at the suit of John B. Mecar , ALSO—certain real esoste, shuttle m Kelt son township, Potter county, Pa., bounded as follows: On the north by unseated land, on the 'east by lands of J. I'. Lossey, dec'd. and unseated land, on the s,-uth by unseated land, and on the west by unseated land and lands of widow Rynut—containing three hundred and fifty acres, be the same more or less, on which is a saw-mill, a frame house and board shanty. and about five acres improved thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop erty of Reuben Herrington and Charles Her rington, at the suit of Wood, Abbott & co. ALSO—certain real estate, situate in Alle any township, Potter Co., Pt., bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the cast by lands in the possesifon of George Nelson nod unseated lands, on the south by lands of Fox Estate, on the west by lands of the Fox Estate, on the North by lands of the Fox Estate, being lot No. 82 of the allotment of the Fox Estate lauds in 'Allegany township--4outaining one hundred and one acres and one-tenth of an acre, fifteen acres of which is improved. on which is erected two log houses, one Nine barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop erty of Isaac B. Baker, at the suit of Franklin W. Knox. ALSO—n certain piece or parcel of land, situate in Sharon township, Potter county, Pa., beginning at the southeast corner of * Simon Drake's lot, thence by Drake's line north 18 perches, thence by the center of the road north 251 deg' oes cast 49.5 perches to the main road, thence by said road south 50 de grees east 43 and three -tenths perches to the northwest corner of the lot sold by Sutherland to Burdic, thence south 40 degrees ,west 45 perches to a poit iu the south line of warrant 2184, thence by said line west 25.2 peeebes to the place of beslnutug—containing twelve and two-tenths acres, strict measure, with about ese acre improved thereon, and some fruit trees and a small frame house Seized, taken iu execution, and to be sold as theprop erty of Silas Sutherland, at the suit of B. Har man use of Thomas J. Burdic. ALSO—certain real estate, to .y.dt : Situate in Pike township, Potter county, ...Penrea, bounded on thenorth by lauds of Simeon Fur. man, cast by unseated lands, south by lands of James Bump, and on the west by lauds of Wm. Furman and unseated lauds—containing ninety-five acres, about twenty acres of which is improved, with one frame barn, one frame school-house, and an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Cal;vin Cirriel; at the suit of A..P. Cone. ALSO certain real estate, to wit: Situate in Clara township, Potter county. Pa., bounded on the north by lands of Isaac Barnes, on the east by lands of Sala Stevens. on the south by lands of E Balch, and on the west by unseated land—ccintaining sixty acres, more - or less, with about thirty acres improved. with oue log and frame house, one log barn, and some fruit trees thereon: Seized, taken ptt execu tion, and to be sold as the property of Wm. B. Graves, at the 6,114 of J. B. Noble. ALSO—the following real estate, situate in the Borough of Coudersport, Potter county, being lot No: 134 and 135 of square No: 13 on the map of the Borough of CoUdersport at the corrimunoners' office, situate at the northwest corner of Main and South-streets, four rods front on Alain-street, and eight rods front on Fourth -street-containing: one-fdth of an acre: Seized, taken,in , execution, and to be sold as the property of "?, J. Caldwell, at the snit of 'Alvah' C. Taggart. - ALSO—the following described real estate, situate in Pike township, Potter, icottnty;itate of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by lot No:19, ou the east by lots Nos: 14, 22, and 35, on the south by lot N0:22 and unseated-land of the Bingham Estate, and ou the ' west by unseated lands and by - lota Nos: li: i tnd 36, being lots Nos. 11 and 12 of the an 'vision of the lands of the Bingham Estate 'it said township—containing one hundred' and fifiy five acres, about fifty acres of 'which is im proved, on which is.erectea three frame houses, two frame barns, arid one saw-mill, and some fruit trees' thereon.—Azsoi lot No. 36, in the township, county, and state aforesaid, bounded on the north and east by lot No. 14, on the south by lot No. 13 and by unseated land, on the west by unseated land and by lot No. 15—containing one hundred and four acres, with about four acres improved, and a log house thereon; seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Elijah Johnaon, at the suit of Jabez H. Gilbert. - -• •. • . ALSO—certain real estate, situate in Oawayo township, Potter - counif, Penn'a, bounded on the north by land of Geo. Estes, east by land of Shattuck and Crittenden, south by Bryan lot, and west by land of G. Estes—containing 106 acres, on which there is three acres implored, on „which is one saw-mill, two frame houses and barn ; seized. taken in execution as the property of G. W. Brndley, at the suit of W.'l'. Jones & Brother and A. S, Lawton. ' P. A. STEBBINS, Sheriff., Sheiiff's Office, April 21, 1854. Coudersport Academy. THE spring term of this institution will commence on Wednesday, April 19, 1854, and continue eleven weeks. Terms. Elementary branches—Orthography. - Geography, Arithmetic, 82.25 Higher Arithmetic, First - lessons in Algebra, and Grammar, 3.25 Higher English branches, Algebra, t'hilosophy, &c., * 4.75 Higher Mathematics, Latin, Greek, and French languages,_ - 645 Instruction on the Piano Forte, extra, .10.00 Use of instrument, 3.00 Vocal music free of charge. N. B.—Prepayment of all bills will be ,strictly required. J. BLOOAIINGDALE, Principal. The undersigned, Trustees of the Cou dersport Academy, are moved by a sense of official and personal .duty to invite the at tention of the Public--of parents in partic ular, to the rising and useful character of this Institution of Learning. When invited, a little more than a half-year ago, to the superintendence of its affairs, we found it depressed and still declining. We requested Mr. J. Br 0051INGDALE to become its Princi pal Teac: er, and entrusted its organization and other in )st onerous affairs to his discre tion and management. Experience. has • proved him to be faithful, efficient, and practical—just such an instructor as this community need. The number of pupils in the school is now over sixty. We refer to Mr. Bloomingdale's advertisement for information as to the terms and conditions on which pupils are admitted, and for other facts' of interest ; and recommend the tnsti tution to the patronage-of the people, . 11. 11. DENT, President, THOMAS B. TYLER, Secretary; lIENRT J. OLMSTED, Treasurer ; F. L. JONES, CliAi. LYMAN, • Trustees. . G 621 . G. CoLvis, To the Inhabitants of Couders port and Vicinity, And Pott.— c,s,..uty Generally. Ir HE subscriber has just received a large 1 stock of WINTER GOODS, consisting of DRY GOODS, FURS, HATS and CM'S. Ready-Made Clothing, Grpceries,Hardware, CROCKERY, BOOTS and SHOES,'Brooms WOODEN WARE. A large stock of DOMESTICS, . SUCII.AS Sheelings, Drilling Cotton Yarn, ancißat ting„ and most kinds of Provisions, . kept constantly on hand, for cash; MI of which he will sell' as low as the lowest, for READY-PAY. Cash and most kinds of Farmers' Pro duce taken in exchange fur Goods. • Knowing that one . column of this • sheet is insufficient to enumerate every article separate which he keeps for sale, he. hopes that the above general catalogue will suffice. Dec. 30, 1853. C. Slvil 1 H. New Cash Grocery AND • Provision Stare HITHER, YE HUNGRY. CS. JONES takes this method to inform . people of Coudersport and the pub lic generally, that he has just opened a Grocery and Provision Store, where he will keep constantly on hand 'everything in the line of eatables," and which he will sell as reasonable as can be desired. The ' sub statials' can be found here at all times, such as Flour and Pork,—while the appetites o the most dainty can also be satisfied.— Therefore, should you wish for anything of the kind, please call . and examine be. fore purchasing elsewhere, and if he can not satisfy you, yourcase must be des perate. You will always_ find a full assortment of Groceries, consisting of Su gars, Teas, Coffee, Saleratus, Spices, Gin ger, Raisins, Candy, Crackers, Cranberries Salmon, Codfish, Mackerel; Blue 'Fish, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, etc. ,AlSo, at all times, Pork, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Butter, (roll and firkin,) Salt, Hams, etc:, etc. Otr- Grain and all other kinds of Produce taken in exchange (or goods at the cash price. 6-33tf C. S:.JONES. FRENCH MUSTARD, a new thing entirely, for sale at C. S. JONES'. fit_ W. STRONG can be found at th• kil . shop' of Jas. M. Bassett, formerly owned by himself, where he will. attend to all calls in his line' with promptness and fidelity. 6-41 3mo re ll am E pit n ne arth ur e fling Fluid and DRUG and BOOK-STORE. BALE OP=REA.= LA ND , . . OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Nagrselq:ll,y.to . att act_of 4saembly, pasied the 13th slay of March, 1815, entitled an act to amend an act, directing the mode of selling unseated - lot:Astor taxes, etc., and the several supplements theretti; the following tracts of unseated lands in the county of Potter will be exposed to public . she or ,outcry,: 'for all_ er n;arages of taxes, at-the coart-house in the mid county of Potter, On the second Monday Of Jane - next. And- tact; • certaiii`tracts of seated lands, which. are -returned for unpaid taxes, will be exposed to sale ' : at the time and place aftoresaid,.agreeahly to the act of April 29th, 184 , 1;fOr the taxes 'due thereon, unless previously paid. ' 5917 ; 1097 • PiickJin & Griffith 47 54 5920 • ' 1084 ' • • • '" 49 . 77 592:3 • ' 1098 • • ' " • • 41 93 5924 1094 ' • ' " 41 82 5908 183 • " • •'• "5 47 4694 . 105 ti • • 2 47 4729 990 22'99 9753 990, • • " •"ZI 04 4754 270 . " • • 625 4767 721 SI 16-86 4768 425 64 9 89 Jackson township. '4631 990. W. Willink et.nl. 37 631 4676 ' do 'do, 37 601 4633 do ' do 37'633 4634 do 37 601 4641 do •do 37 631 4642 do do 37 601 4649 do do, ,37.631 4650 290 do • 11 001 4658 290 _ do ' 37 601 4665 990 do 37 631 4666 ..290 •' do , • 11 OM 4674 990 io 37.611 4681 do , do 37 62+ 4673 290 ' 'do' ." 11 0 3 + 4636 990 r do 37 60+ 4639 do do , 37 63+ 4632, do do 37 62-+ 4635 do do 37 63+ 4640 do • do 37 601 4643 do do 37 631 E 4648 do_ . do 37 sal : 4659 • - do ' do 37 631 4664 • do do • 37 ,60+ 4675 do do 37 64 4680 do' do' 3760+ 4644 do do - 37 63+ 4647 do do 37 60+ 4663 • do • do 37 631 4660 do "do 37 601 4679 815 H. A. Nelson 15 46 Poriage'toronship. 5433 1100: Geo. Read . 27 50 Stewardson township. 6806 990 Sam'! Hughes 40'83 5909 do do 40 81 5810 d 6 • - do 40 83 5518 : do. John Barton, Jr., , 65 34 5519 do do_ ' '49 00 5520 do • do . 49 01 5521 do do 65 34 5522 do do 49 00 5523 do do 49 01 5819 869- T. Stewardson .45 99 5820 693 • do 34 32 5821 990 do 65 34 5823 990 do 49 00 5957 1094 • Nicklin & Griffith 95 14 5956 1099 do 27 20 4728 990 W. Willink et. nl. 32 69 5927 1099 Nicklin & Griffith - 3(3 10 5930 1100 -do 36 30 ~, 5938 1094 t •56 30 - MO4 O S.Ull . _ 5960 1100 do 45 37 5961 - 1100 6 -36 30 TI est Branch township. 4673 700 W. Willink et. al. 25 31 1 4672 990 do 34 14 4669 990 do 34 17 14668 990 do 34,14 4667 990 do 33'01 4666 700 do 23 15 4657 300 • do 15 07 4656. 700 do .. 31 32 4655 990 do 38 83 4654 495 do 20 87 4653 • 495 do 21 55 4652 • ' 600 do 26 55 4651 800 - - do 33 20 4650 700 do 32 OS 5071 1117, 'Moses Leiry 47 18 5072 1117 do . '47 20 5073 1117 do 47 22 5074 '1117. do • { 46 45 5626 , . 99Q Baoon & King - 42 59 5627 990 .'; . do, - 42 59 Wharton - township. 4687 .700 W. Willink et. al. 24 85 4695 800 , do . '23 40 4700 990 do • 35 13 4705 .690 do 24 51 4706 [ 990 do 24 48 4714 990 do 35 15 4724 990 . do 35'14 4725 500 do 17 75 4734 800 . do , .2340 4779 990 do' ' 35 `14 4918 940 do 35 37 4942 500 • do • 17 75 4943 500 do 17 75 4670 700 • do 24 85 4671 900 do 31 95 4685 700 • do - •• • 24 85 4686 800 do • 28 40 4707 690 • do . 24 48 4726 700 • do 24 85 4727 655 • do - 23 22 4684 ' ' 990 do 3,5 14 4776 - 800 do , , ; 28 40 4777 800 do • - gs 40 4778 990 do 35 15 4922 500 do - • ' 17 75 492:1 - 600' - do • 21'30 4928 340 - ~do 20 32 4929 , 900 n do 31 95 4932 890 do 31 58 . 4933 990 do " 35 15 4934 990 do 35 15 4935 990 .• do - 35 14 4936 990 ‘ do ' 85 14 4925 . 560 . do 19 88 4938 300 do 10 65 4941 495 . do 17 571 4921 ' 690 • . do ' 24 50 4926 350 - do 12 43 4940 . 495 , - , .40, . . 1'54 4754 . 720 : do 19 62 4755 990. _ 26 96 4756 990 do , 27,00 4757 990 'do 26 95 4758 465 do 12 65 4759 , 590 do : 16:10 4760 " 811 . do , • 2223 4761 990 ' • do . • 26 99 4762 990 do - '26'96 4763 ; 990 , 'do . 27 00' 4764 990 do '26-96 4773. ; 990 •do - 26 96 4774 1 890 do - 24 24 4775 860 - ," do 4930 990 do • 26 99 4931 990 . do .27 00 5908 400 IVicklin Griffith& 3'30 . 5912 300 ' do 570 • • Abbott township. - 4689 • 790 W. Willink et. al. 36 56 4708 990 do 56 44 4682 990 do 48 28 4683 990 do 37 63 4688 ' 990 ' do 37 61 4710., 990 - -do, 37 62 4711, 990 do " 3 7 .61 4718 990 do •'56 40 4719 990 : 56'43 4709, 990 do • 56 t.*/ 5630 . 396 13anbn & King • •15 05 :5631 595 do 22 57 ssw 940 do 35 72 5633 940 - do 35 72 5634 940 • do 35 72 5635 670 do 25 46' 5077' 1029 Moses Levy 39'07 50781 1117 • do 42 45 5079 1029 ' do • 39 12 5080' 1029 'do . 39 06 5807, 900 Samuel Hughes '37 62 5808. , 900 do 37 62 5811 • 990 do 37 62 5812 134 • do 509 4690 690 W. Willink et. al. 25 21 4691, 890 • do 33 82 4692 990 - do . '37 61 5075 1117 Moses Levy 42 40 5076' 1119 'do 42 45 5628 990 Banon & King •37 62 5629 990 do , , 37 61 . 4Z17 350 W. Willink 10 43 4722 990• do • 29 44 , 4723 990 do 29 46 Allegany township. No.war'ut. Heputed%ow•ncrs. Amt. tax. 1849 . 29 S. P. Lyman 3 82 1874 210 do 27 77 Abott township. 4689 200 W. Williuk, et. al. 7 GO 5630 510 ' Ellett Mealiug 12 61 •• - Elttalia township. 4694 - 700 W. D. Messer ' •• 29 39 4694 . 245 C.-A. White . 14 69 2124 :' 50 Jaines Bennett • - 300 5148 ; 990 Henry Drinker 44 54 5149 .. 1990 ' . do 4l 59 5154 112 ' • do 5 63 4693 395 Wm. McDougall . 15 57 4768 625 ' . do • 24 72 5908 • 300 . do ll 85 3895 ' 100 Eulalia Coal Co. 6 00 4693 200 - A. C • Stnith . •• 5,69 4693 B3 Wm. Wiilink 4 - co. , 2 .47. 3895 100 L B. Colo . 3 30 • - Genesee , township. 1874 - 203 S. B. Lynmu 76 75 . Hebron township. 80 . W. 8 Switzer. 833 . • 3 400 J. M. Bassett - 12 00 Hector tOuniship. . 1599 475 7. - . Mallory 17 00 1599 475 W. B.& V. H. Slaughter4s GO Jacks fm glhtn s I 7 12 53 :twi r , 200 Win. McDougall 7GO 4678 200 • do 7 60• 4679 175 , M. 13oaremau . : 668 4693 200 A. C. Smith • 5 55 4678 • . • .M. Hinehtuan• ' 137 . . _ 3738 990 Wiii. Wiflink & co. 30 17 Oswayo township. 5366 ' -. 100 N. 13. Lano 13 60 1054 - 100 S. P. Lyman 13 40 1055 44 'do ' 6 34 1343 654 do 94 16 1348 -300 do 4:1'2'0 1850 ' - 204 . .do • .29 38 1852 100 . do ' 14 40 1869 250 do 3G 00 1871 , 650 - :do • 93 60 3915 970 . do .138 68 3916 30 do 4:12 3917 1000 do '144 00 3918 300 . '. 'do . 43'20 . . Pike township. 984 Chester Robinson 181 45 1408 587 'do 108 30 Portage township. 5434 . 1100 Geo: H. Foster 33 85 5429 600 , do . 15 00 5936 . 1100 do ~ - 33 83' 5431 1028 P. Aliorn3l GO & 4620 1100 C. J. Anthony S . liner 27'50 4621 do . do - :. ' do 4622 do ' do . 'do 4623 do do - do 4624, do • ~ do .. , do 4625 do do do 4626 . , do- ; do . do 4627 do do ' do 4628 do '. . 'do do 4629 1058 ' ' - do 2645 • 66 R. Webb ' - - 89 5943 550- Sobieski Roes • 742 150 A. H. Boyington 198 - Roulette township. 5895 697 Solomon Sartwell . - 42 42 5895' . 200 Haven do Woodcock . 892 . . . -. - Sharon township. - . : ' «194 50 William Bell . . -4 81 5867 415 P. B. Dedrick ' . 36 53 5863 70 do - 6 30 5359 174 do . _ 15.65 . 5855 154 . • • do . , 17 41 5878 90 do • ' 8 10 5882 - .0 . do . 11 17 11 . , 5859 - 12 3 '' - do' 11 -" 11 36 2141 94 do , 2 16 Stewardson township. - - 5940 300 A.- B. Reed • 14 85 5942 600 '. ' do 29 70 5930 _1094 Stewardson & Ellis 27 OG 5983 1100 Bernard Mitre° 45 37 5943 1062 'Hermon Chapin 61 33 5963 lOBl Clark & Bunnell::. , 62 43- 5946 4. " 1103 Oliver Watson ...' :54 58 5944 750 ..::C. W. Ellis - . 30 92 4730 '; - — 7OO E. B. Parker - - 23.72. • - .• .881 R. G. White : ' . ' 43 59 Sweden township. . 5895 . 697 Jacob Ridgway - 22 45 2107 47 J. M. Hamilton 5 53 2182 ' 90 do . 11 84 2185 22 . •do . . 2 56 2102 . 2 R, C. McMurtrisi . • 25 2118 110 H. Y. Haydock ' 12 76 2102 100 Christian Cellar 'll 60 2107 - 100 do • ' 'll6O 2126 50 do ' - ' - 4 05 2107 - , 87 - Johri Kibly ' 10 08 ' 2133 • ' 70 George, Kress ' 7 42 2101 53 /LP. Cons? •. ; 5 45 1 2102 52 . . .do ' ' 5 34 467 t. 495 Wm: Willink, et al. 33 99 4778 55 Blamer'l - linchman 482 2107 100 hlrdford & Alter 686 2109- ,-- - - ; 25 . c - -.:do:• • - • -, - 112 2185 : .. 1.00_• ~- ;.- ..do - A . ,.• • •• 4147 2186 25 --....- do- 176 2101 - - 100 - 8. F. , :Wilaon' ". •,' ' '6 86 2102 ' , 400. jr - "do_ _ . 27 50 21 - 07' ' • ' - 366 ' s - do 25 17 2182 100 - do : . • . 689 .2185 r• 137 •• • do •- - ' . 940 4478 ~. - 107. William, Willink - .' , , 512 . Wharton township. -.., •-- 4920 ,:.. :. 990 T.J. Wharton - '35 13 4924 - , ... 77.0 .- . da .. . . 31 83 4939 495 Hannah hi-Wharton •• 17 54 4772 .75 • , William McDougall 262 4775 30- , do 81 4772 100 Georg'', Blackman 355 4758 100 Ives & Ellia 273 4758 100 C.• W. Ellis 273 5903 - ~ 4 ,75 Sand. Haven -• • 746 ==IEIM ,-, . . • SEATED L ,aTs RETDENED d$ UNSEATED. Homer township. . I ''' . "100 Merrick Jackson 138 ' :''' '' 85 Luther Read ' 119 1 ' . ' - Sweden township. i 58 : ' • ' 5O ' Vilashington Hoskin . 2 . . 50 ' Oerastes Ayres . 60 . - ' - • 100 Nathaniel P e rk in s I. 630 , 50' D. F. Ellsworth ' 50 .1 .250' Bioohatri estate , 1200 ' ' 71: •1: M. Hamilton. •• ' 3 . 50 • • 122 P.,Daggart .. . ' 647 - . 115 john Roberts.. , 108 09 Wm. H.• Benson , 5 55 - 1 150 Sotonion Snyder, Jr. • 2.78 po Johnson . Chas e • 250 100 John Keating' • • .10 51 i 106 Warren Sherwood '4 GI ' • .., 70 E. K. Carpenter :70 ,i ~ ,200 ;slather; Woodcock -3 90 • . 50 Luther Read , ~,.1.20 I 10 Almond Rossniati . 197 Hebron towiiship. • 1208 ••210 T. Olcott . $4O 1211 150 do 1213 1059 do -' 42 35 1214 " 699 do " 27 96 1292 352 • _ dol 14 08 1857 122 do 4 88 2955, do' 59 10 1207 70 Geo. Harrison 861 1208, 150 , • . do. -. 18 45 1211 165 , do • • 20 29 1212 225 do. ~ 27 68 1213 1100 1214 .• 572 . ao, 70 35 1292 400 Robert Blackwell 1296 80 - do -. 984 1857 64 T.- M. Willing r• 787 1859 _BO do 981 •,1866 .. 50 do ' 615 5888 58 H. Wykoff 98 5897 362 . do , 272 5864 221 'de. -.., 1 66 130 W. B.' Graves 689 120 Sheldonßradley 256 - 185 Saml. Haven 11 63, 50 Haven & White l5O 275 Sala Stevens 440 50 Chtirles McNess I - 00 350 A. Lane & Nichols 350 50 C. W. Allen 50 • ' 148- Joseph LAI, 237 73 B. D. Dolbee . - 246 1.14 'do • 126 3G Sabra Bennett 29 65 Henry Bacon 44 82 Horace Leet 89 ' 205 R. B. Stanwood 123 . . Harrison township. 91 •M. H. Abbey, 1 94 35 Sand. Hulce' 645 -, 75 Francis Cornish 200 97 Miles Thompson lOS 74 . Joseph Ginnings • 69 50 " Ed ward.ol.-^'-a— -41 henryutark 81 ;161 William Cobb , 320 129 Marvin Stuart • • 179 '5O , Jeremiah Springer 05 50- Arnold Varrington 30 , . 40 John French 75 47 Robert Hunt ' GI • 136 Elias .York 203 • - Eulalia township. 100 Eulalia coal co. -5 56 64 Isaac King 78 50 Ahol Aldrich • 52 89 Chauncey Blakales .3 05 50 F. B. McNamara G 5 56 J. C. Knox 280 23 Jacob Reckhow 57 72 L.F. Maynard , 360 64 Julius Sherwood 97 25 Blakslee & Haven 65 •' 5 V. Dickinson 7B - • - 13' 'do ' .42 , . 50 do ' 53 28 do 59 ' 10 do 21 . r 25 Miles Thompson 52 100 John Avery 105 100 William Meir 105 . . 100 John Dana ' ' 105 _ 90 P. Delion - ' 94 100 A. York 1 05 ' . 100 John Torpor 105 • 100 ' S. Bolick 1 16 100 D. Azpeck 105 ' 129 Sam r. Barclay 134 . . 70 Y. S. Brehmer. .• '79 Ulysses township. 60 E. Peasley, 139 . 50 Jacob Jordan 72 • 132 "H. Wharton 179 50 Thomas Baker 72 Pike township. W 250 ises Meeker 874 . .. 50 William Furman 97 76 , Polly 'Ann Smith 1 25 • r , 50 Lorenzo Ackley \.. 130 / . ; Clara township. ' 130 Samuel Haven •6 24 252:' A: M. Benton 18 47 _ 7 O C.-& J. Lyman .: 190 . . 0 Rarittom Siodt -- • 52 I .Thekson township. 60 Daniel Sherwood 66 ;r5O J. Springer 66 62 Luther Slade 'BO - , • 50 J. Vancuren 66 384 Reuben Herrington 603 ' 49 J. G. Russell 71 ~. . 50 Israel, Vancuren 65 ,_. . ' !Portage township. ' 50 A: Smith : •• 65- , • • • ', _ I . Bingham township. 215 Stephen and Jos. HurdJo I 50 John Sharp . , 82 50 -Turtillus Morris ' . 82 50 Hezekiah M. , -( 11 • 65 - 50 ' Calvin Ma rrs 15 :- '6O Levi Annie , ' ' 78 so stay Bennett ' - 1 13 ' ' so - Nathan Harvey - 117 ;•, . i ' 50 J.B.Kimbal, •i : ' = ,65 • .. • 79 Gornelius Lancaster 157 75 ' Martin Musty 97 •'' • 60 .I'C. &A. Perry: t ' ‘, 65 ,1 •• • 60 'James Vancuren . '7B ' - - .Genesee township: • ~ ". " 400 Sifas Billings - 900 so Barney Daniels West Branch township. 50, Daniel Dewey . 67-'- John Russell 50' Wm. Bobbin* 50 S. Wetmore : 50 George Sherman , Hector township. 60 D. Wheeler 92 130 . Ge orge Young . -9 6 5 50 'D. Turner - 71 'lOO Y. Mcßedner ' ' 88 °stony° township. 501 T. Clark 150 Chauncey Pierce 7:80 50 NathanielSquiree • "' 75 - 100 q. W. ' • " '620 55' - Wm. Fuller 1 05 50 Win. Oliver .65 Coudersport. slots, Nos. 152, 153, 170, 171, 178, 179, estate of J. Keating 364 Susan Ayres • 16 John Baker • •"11 village lots ' E. W. Bishop . 29 " " C. B-Cotter .16 " F. J. Cald well " 21 4 " " " Deroy Ellsworth - 19 6 " " Jerome Keating estate 89 5 " " Jahn C. Kn6x ' 145 4, " Woodcock and Strait 78 JOEL L. RAYMOND, ' Treasurer of Potter-Co. TREASUEER'S OFTCE, Coudersport, Murch-24, 1854. 415.3 t BE Lewis =Mann TS again home, in the store opposite .the INcrtherast corner of the public square. nd is receiving direct from New-York ctiy —not a " mammoth stock" of winter goods, but sufficient to fill up the old store; which goods are now offered' for inspection and xemination. He would therefore way to the old customers,Step in and see hip ts sortment; an 4 to t he public geoerally. that as his goods are. for sale. hd. will be happy to receive •' calls" County 'Orders taken at Par "1 - I)ft Goods at 1' HE LADIES will find et Mann's store Cottheeo, Washington, Merrimack; P h - ip, Allen & Sons', and other choice varieties of Prints, warranted by the submit:lir not to fade. ALL~WOOL Delaines at Mann'e. Al ri pacas, Taramettas, - English and French Merinos at MANN'S. G INGIIANIS'-a good afsoriment at - -; MANN'S S ILKS and Dress Trimmings at • MANN'S.. QH A WLS of various patterns and quail .Llties—Ladies' and Children's Hoods. at MANN'S. C AMBRICS, Bishop Lawns, Victor ia Lawns, Cap Lies, Crape, Rus d'Muslin, Swiss Muslin, Linnen Hdkfe., Embroidered d 0., Muslin Edgings, Cotton do., Linen do. Ladies' Collars, Wristlets, Underaleeses Ladies' Skirts, do, Ceps,- to be found at A LARGE lot of Hosiery at I F you want warm Stockings for the childem, you will find them at MANN'S. rAAITER BOOTS, Buskins, and the other variety of Shoes, can be found at MANN'S'. TTAT..s, caps, comforters, Wrappers _Li Drawers, Buck Gloves,, dd. Mittens, Beilin•Lined Gloves, Carpet Bags, Satch els, Suspenders, Call at MANN'S STORE. .1)0Y s.' and Youths' Boots at MANN'S. CI 4 EETING, Shirting, Batts. and Cotton (.)Yarn at M ANN'S. SUGARS, Teas, Coffee, Rice. Ginger, Pepper,spice, starch,- saleratus, con ' ;tautly onhand at MANN'S ST3RE. - DLUG Tobacco, Fine-Cut do-, Chew ing and Smoking at MANN'S. I F you want Axes, Hatchets, Ham mers, mill saws, cross-cut do., (land Chisels, Augurs, Auger Bits, Files of all kinds, &eel Squares, Iron do., Try do., call at MANN'S. EWIS MANN keeps constantly on ViandT Shovele, Spades-, manure Forks. Fire !rum I..ILEIGII BELLS at - • MANN'S STORE. LOCKS, Door Handles, Butts, Screws, Locks—all sizes—Shoe Nails, Finishing for sale at LEWIS MANN'S. DOCKET KNIVES, Table do. CALL AT MANN'S STORE j EWIS 'MANN has fcTisate Shot, 4 Lead, Powder, Flasks, &c. "I Come to bring you Life and Health." DR. CURTIS' HY GENIA, or Inhaling Hygean Vavor and Cherry syrup, for the cure, of pulmonary consumption, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds, and all Lung and Liver complaints. A new method of inha lation for_ the cure of the above named dis eases. For kale by D. W. SPENCER. Stone Ware. LL those wanting Stone Ware, such •as logs, Stove-Pipe Crocks, Churns, Sutter and Preserve Pots, Pitchers, etc.,will de well to call at C. S. JONES', wole IN: can he suited with any size . or sheer_ d sirahle. D. E. Olin rf' WOULD say la "° public that be is now receivr. . 614 ck orßoodve which he wi p .d.aappy to 8110 Vif id all who ma . favo ,...tm with a call. You can find by.',..-ong on him a good assortment.. of f iwns. Poplins Bareges, Barege D.eLaines, De Beges, Silks, etc. etc. Also Prints; Ginghams, Domestics of all kinds, Gro ceries, Crockery, and a largestock of Boots and Shoes,—all of which will be sold. as low as they can be. Give him a.call . t IHE subscriber hereby gives notice to the 'public, that having given Pens Snores his note for eighty dollars, bearing date near the last of March, 1553, 1 payable ' September,-.;955, and having nevervre eeived any value there.for, he will refuse to pay the same:- therefore he "erns any per son from buying the said stote with an es pc:station of his paying it. 51tf " CONSIDER STEARNS. SO 2 09 65 81 1 08 L. MANN'S MANN'S. MANN'S