The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, May 05, 1854, Image 2

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Er There will be Divine service at
the Court House on Sabbath morning
ifeft,attAlf:pitv,ten,o'clock. Preaching
by iik‘qr. It Is. CLAFIIN.
The Quarterly' rneet;iv of the
Coudersport Library As!ociation will be
at their Library room at the house
tie Mrs. Kent. On' Saturday next (May 6)
Wtwo . o'clock P. M. A general at
teuciance is requested.
la• Next week we shall publish the
beautiful address which Rev. R. L. Stil
well, of Tioga, read at our mass meeting.
We hope no reader of the Journal will
overlook it.
, We are requested to give notice
that a meeting will be held to-morrow
(Saturday, the 6th inc..) at four o'clock
P. M., at the office of A. G. Olmsted,
Esq., for the purpose of making arrange
ments to organize a brace band in Cou
Irr We call. attention to the adver
tisement of N. S. BeTy.r.a & Cu., of
Olean, N. Y., and hope that those of our
readers who go there to make purchases
will give this firm a call before making
their selections.
rir Somt: of our hunker friends an
quite anxious to have the people believe
that the active friends of Temperance
herealiouts are simply working for pop
ularit.y. These poor, envious souls can
learn of any of the old citizens of the
coratty, if they will take the trouble to
etnicrire,that the same men were equally
iealocts for the Temperance cause when
it was an exceedingly unpopular one.
Col. Benton has given the Doug
las fraud its finishing touch—we think.
The speech of this veteran statesman,
delivered in the House of Represents-
Lives on the 2fith of April, is among the
allcst of the session, and will be read by
every voter in the free States, we hope.
'We shall publish extracts enough from
it to induce our readers to send and get
id in pamphlet form.
C7' Why did every prominent slare
tolder who took part in the Revolution,
vend in establishing the present Govern
ment of the United States, restore his
Own slaves to their natural rights be
lore his death ? ' Because they knew
ehvery to be inconsistent with the
Goternment they had formed, and in
opposition to the principles they pro.
fessitd to maintain. They knew that to
hold on to their slaves was to. remain in
union with despots. So they « let the
•ppressed go free," and thereby set an
sample which, if it had been generally
llowed, wrauld have abolished Slavery
,ing ago. And, yet, unfeeling men, of
-he present day have the hardihocd to
quote W.Asniricrox as a ddender of
Slavery. They might as well quote our
Savior as a disciple of Beelzebub.
tThe session of the Grand Division
S. of T. of Pennsylvania which met here
'on Wednesday last, was an occasion of
great interest to those of our citizens
who took part in its proceedings. The
Attendance was not large, owing in part
to the late freshet, which took several
delegates to market with lumber. Still
Aviihad delegates from IPN:can, Potter,
Pradford, and Tioga counties, who gave
unmistakable evidenceof their zeal in
the good cause by their attendance at
ale most disagieeable time for traveling
that we have had since last November.
The sessions of the G. D. were con
ducted in good feeling, and we . hope to
good to ults. IVe feel strengthened
:aril revived by the intercou:se with
friends, and shall look forward with
pla . asuro to the next quarterly session to
bislield in Coudersport.
• The speech of Mr. Hunt, of Louisiana,
-in the House of Representatives, against
-the Nebraska bill, is warmly commended
by the Whig papers of New-Orleans.
lite Bo !lean subscribes to its views,
and rays that it is universally approved ;
the - Bee publishes large extracts, and
• 'Peaks of-it in high terms of praise ; and
the ultra Southern Courier, the Demo
; mule organ of New-Orleans, changes its
nne, and deems the bill of no essential
mportance to the South.— Nat. Era.
'Where's the 111' Kean News contain
-mg a copy of Goodrich's defense of the
Nebraska bill I Let , it be forwarded to
the New-Orleans Bulletin at once, or
lhere is no telling how soon the Union
' 'tat be dis:solved.
117'" A'sgift is. abused that is not
made free - use of."
On thefirit pain will; be ;found the
. • -
proceedings of the mass jaeeting which
met at the Court Hous'e';on Thursday
afternoon and evaiing,-.- - - 1 -Taking 'into
consideration the inclemency of the
weather, and the horrible stale r of the
roads, we think the attendance at the
Court House was much larger than
could have been expected, and was a
triumphanAinanifestation of the
the Temperance cause in this county.
A large icuniber came twelve and
fifteen miles, — through a Violent storm, to
testify their devotion to the Temperance
cause, pledge themselves anew
to the extinction. of the liquor.traffic.. Ii
made the pulse beat quick with pleasure,
to see our spacious court room*rapidly
fill up at the ringing of the bell, on such
a day, and for such a purpose.
And then the meetings, we venture to
sdy every true friend of TeMperance
was delighted witn them. '
The speaking was forcible,sariastic.
humorous. and to the point. The mu
sic was all that could be desired, and
the resolutions were adopted by accclit
motion without a dissenting voice.
It is true, however, that four persons
desired to strike out the sth resolution
and adopt in its stead the one offered by
Mr. Ellis. But the effort Co make the
substitution found such' feeble support,
that on the passage of The resolutions
reported by a majority of the committee,
not a single voice was raised in opposi
The minority of the committee took . a
singular course for men professing to be
friends of• Temperance, as will be seen
by looking at their report. They " de
precate all attempts to mix the question
of Temperance with party politics," and
yet they were the only members of the
committee who introduced that •subject
into the deliberations of the Committee,
and Mr. Ellis was the first speaker to
introduce "party politics" into the dis
cussions of the convention. The sth
resolution objected to by Messrs.. Dike
and Ellis, in the committee room, and
by two others in the meeting, simply
says, that it is the duty of Temperance
men to withhold their votes from anti-
Maine Late candidatescandidates for legislative
offices. It does not say a word about
the duty of voting for any party, or apy
Now, we do not believe there is a sin
cere friend of Temperance in the State
who favors the Maine Law, but who
Rill heartily ',Li,. fiftii * reso
lution; and hence, we are compelled
to conclude, that the minority of the
committee offered their report from no
desire to advance the cause of Temper
ance, but simply to bolster up, if possi
ble, the failing fortunes of a rum-con
trolled party. We shall see how much
capital is to be made by the puny effort.
Will Judge Pollock Decline ?
We have received several private let
ters which intimate a doubt whether
Judge Pollock will maintain the field as
Whig nominee for Governer.. Some
strong and conspicuous Whigs are in
favor of the Judge withdrawing to leave
a free field to David Wilmot to beat
Bigler. If it could be made clear the
Judge's withdrawal would enable Wil
mot to defeat Bigler, and teach the Slave
power an everlasting lesson, we do not
know we should offer any objection to
the arrangement ourselves.
Willi - tot is no Whig, but could not the
Whigs for 'once, give their help to beat
their enemies, without reward in place
or power to themselves ? Let us hear
from our friends on this mere hint. We
are quite ready and willing to make
personal and party sacrifices for the de
feat of the , enemy at this. mouientous
crisis.—Pitts. Com. Journal, April 18.
We like the spirit of the above article.
The Commercial is an old and reliable .
Whig paper, and yet manifests such a
liberal spirit as would soon secure union
and harmony among the opponents of
Governor Bigler, if :a majority of its
party act thus liberally And wisely.
Whatever the result, we.shali always
hold the Editor of the Commercial in
high esteem for his manly course.
UP" The Philadelphia Daily Regis
ter, an energetic, wide awake, independ
ent, and ably-conducted journal, has
joined the " Associated Press," and will
hereafter.rank not only. as the ablest in
its editorials, but as the first in its news
department. We rejoice most heartily
in this improvement, for the Register
is the only truly independent daily in
Philadelphia, and this last improvement
will enable it to exert that commanding
influence which its ability, integrity, and
fearlessness naturally creates.
A Hirm—lf girls, would spend as
much time with encyclopaedias as they
do with milliners, they would soon find
themselves—wofully 'out of theirsphere.'
I Single Districts.
It ii , ,evidetu to every one who thinks
on the -subject for a moment, that true
klemcichtcy req(iites all repreaeitative
officers to b l e'etected on single tickets.
For instance—a few years
. ago several of
, Staten . elected their whole delegation to
Candresi on one ticket. The resat was
that the party, havitig a majoritylin the .
Stale of a single foie; 'would elect the
- fintiretlelegation; The peoplege4erally
were opposed-to such ariti-riptlidican
practices s• and Congiess passed' an act
requiring each State to he diVi/ed into
Lis . many districts as it, was en t ied to
members of Congress. But New Hemp
, shire and South-Carolina, being tinder
the control of sham democmti, disre 7 _
regarded, the act of Congress, 'and re:
fused to district their respective States
in accordance' therewith. When the
members from these States, elect id on
the old gener,ll.ticket system, iirerted
themselves, they were refuled ad mksion,
and the act of Congress was e4ced.
Since that the district ticket systent has
been adopted for all legislative °ricers
in nearly all the States. But in hti3lier
ridden Pennsylvania,the anti-democratic,
log-rolling; double-district system still
prevails, notwithstanding the efforts of a
large number of the people to
. secnre
_reform in this respect. An effort of this
kind has just been defeated in the Senate
of the State, and we ask our readers to
note well the names of those voting
against thii genuine republican measure.
On the 19th inst. the following proceed
ings were had in our State Senate
The amendments to the Constitutien,
to restrict the increase of the State debt,
and to prevent municipal subscriptions
to railroads, were discussed.
Mr. Price offered an amendment, pro
viding for the election of Senators and
Representatives by single districts. Loot.
Yeas 14, nays 15.
Yeas—Messrs. Barnes, Crabb, Dar
lington'', Darsie, Evans, Ferguson, Prick,
Hamilton,• Kinzer, Mellinger, Price,
Skinner, Slifer.-14
Nays—Messrs. Bubkalew, Cresstvell,
Fry, Goodwin, Haldeman,• B. D. Ham-
W. Hamlin, Hiester, Hoge, Jami
son, M'Farland, Piatt, Sager, M'Caslin,
Speaker. 7-15. • '
Eveiy one of the 15 Senators voting
against this motion of Senator Price, pr(l
- for single districts, is an otd hun
ker democrat ; and they are the same,
with two exceptions, that voted against
the Kunkle resolutions on the Nebraska
Thus our readers will see that sham
democrats vote - consistently. They-gen
contrive to please the slave holders,
the rumsellers, utiu
reform in any respect. Why such men
pretend to be democrats, unless, to play
the hypocrite, is more than we can tell.
Philadelphia Conference
This body closed its session on the
28th ult. It reports a membership, pro
bationers included, 56,000 against 53,813
last year, which gives au increase for
the year of 2.287. On the resolutions
of the Troy • Conference, asking the
General Conference to insert a rule in
the Discipline forbidding "the buying
and selling of human *beings, except in
view of emancipation, and the voluntary
and mercenary holding them in bond-.
age,". it unanimously voted not to con
. So then both the Baltimore and Phila
delphia Conferences determined to hug
the slave trade still to their bosoms.
What will Methodists North do ?--/Va-
Ilona Era.
A friend writes us that Rev. Penel
Coombe, Chairman of the State Temper
ance Committee, is a member of the
Philadelphia Conference, and voted
against the Troy Conference resolution,
and therefore in favor of continuing in
church-fellowship with those who buy
and, sell human beings for gain. We
respectfully ask our friend s s of the
caster Express, and Norristown Olive
Branch, to enlighten the public on this
point. If our friend states a fact, then
we must conclude there has been an
unfair advantage taken of the bone and
sinew of the Temperance, army, for
nine-lenths of its members are honest
opponents of oppression in all Its forms,
and they will not long be willing to have
their glorious movements guided by ad
vacates or defenders of the sum of all
Arnold Douglas, late resident of Chicago,
111., who left his borne for Washington
city in Noiember. When last heard
from, he was in that city trying to pass
a bad bill. If any of the officers of that
city can give" any information as to his
whereabouts, and will lease the intelli
gence at the office of the National Era,
it will be a great relief to his afflicted
friends, who greatly fear he has done
away -with himsey.=-{Grand River Re
Employ thy time well, if thou mean
est to gain leisure. - •
, ,
go Porilar . Sovereignty:" •
IL is amsutng to see "the efforts ofthe
"prO-slavery press and unprinirpledlpoli,
ticians to m4ce the • people believii:thai
they are the especial champions of pop=
ular sovereignty. The Missouri Com
promise ought,to be repealed , say ; these
new lights," beca use it is in the way
of the-e . ,..xer - eise of.-the! :_ free action ef - ,111,e
people. "Let the people rule," is one
of the clap4rtip - iihitiiei whiCh the
extension of slavery is nought to be made
• , • •
,it is„,suffiCient answer to
all this sophistry to say, that the men
in =Congress wink advocate the passage
of the Dougissi =fraud, pay no regard to
the will of their constituents. -
The People have not asked for any
such legislation. On the contrary, all
classes and conditions of Whigs,
Dernoceats,, and Free Soifer's, have pro :
tested against it.
The National Era forcibly says:
WE need hardly say, that the author
of the Bill, with its supporters in Con
gress and out of it, knOws, that the only
sovereignty over Territories of the Union
resides in the' Fedenti Government hat
the Bill itself proceeds, from its enacting
clause to its last provittion..npon this
assumption ; that only on this assump
tion, can any Bill for the 'organization of
a Territorial .Government. be • justified ;
that to assume that the.'inhabitants of a '
Territory .have the right of sovereignty
is to deny-the distinction - between Slates
and Territories, and • claim for the latter
the same rights and rank that. belong to
the former..
Into What then does this' specious
'decimation about, Popular Sovereignty
in Territories, resolve itself? , Simply
into this—a claim that any number of
settlers therein; ':indisposed to earn their
bread by the,sweat of their brow, shall
be allowed to live ?Ton the labor of
slaves; and to secure this great and
precious privilege, Congress is -called
upon to repeal the Missouri Compromise
in Nebraska, under which the, laborer is
deemed worthy of his hire, tend entitled
to the full enjoyment of the fruits of his
own work.. This, is '!the simple and
sublime" issue presented by the Ne
braska Bill—nothing more, nothing less.
In ,ml,9utaining the act of 1820, and
resisting3he attempt to .repeal it, we
stand Upon the true ; doctrine of Popular
Sovereignty. Bythe votes of "a major
ity of. the Ipresentatives and Senators
in Congress; and by the sanction. of the
President, representing and exercising
the Sovereignty of the People and States
of the,Union; over United States Terri
tories, that act became a Law ; a Law it
has continued for . the last thirty-three
.years, the People - and States of the
Union acquiescing in it, no attempt
in all that time having been made for its
repeal. If any Law is invested with
the sanction of Popular Sovereignty,
that Law is.
On the other hand, the Bill to repeal
hv_anv demonstra
tions of Popular Sovereignty, uu,
by the pride and self-interetit'of a small
class of sfaveholclens, who have no re
spect for the rights, or interests of the
People, when opposed to their policy.
No Press, no primary meeting of the
People, no State Convention, no Legis
lature. North, South, East, or West.
had intimated .any dissatisfaction with
the Act of 1820, or a desire for its re
peak ' so that the Bill is nothing, but an
attempt of a Would-be Sovereign Class,
to annul a great measure, enacted by
the real Sovereign People, sustained by
them for the third of a century, and still
resting on the sanctions orthcir will.
The Act bears the stamp of Popular
Sovereignty ; the Bill to repeal it, bears
the stamp of a Class interest, which
cares no more for the political rights of
the free People of the United States,
than it• does for the natural rights of the
three millions of slaves, on whose unpaid
labor it has grown fat and arrogant. - •
Since reading the above, the following
Washington letter has been received and
shows up more clearly the total disre
gard of popular sovereignty,, by the en
tire Nebraska supporters :
. (Correspondence of the Evening Post.]
WASHINGTON, April 24, 1854.
The process of incubation over a Ne
braska bill has been going on for some
time past,-and it will
,be introduced to
the House on the . very first favorable
opportunity, or as soon as the advocates
of the measure, either 'froth accident or
any other cause, find theMselves in the
House with a working majority. If has
been decided, that it must be pushed
through without discussion; and it will
probably Come in as ' an amendment to
some unimportabt bill previously desig
nated, the previeds question'sprung on
it, and the' whole aka .done up before
the Opponents of the measure are fully
aware of what is going on. At least
such -is the plan foreshadowed ; ,and if
there, is ,found to .be a`fair chance of
success, it is the one which will, unques
tionably, be attempted. Whether such
a system of legislation can promise any
permanent successlo a party ; or wheth
er measures passed under such circum
stances can look for strength and suste
nance from the great body of the people,
are questions which, it will be found,
bring their own solutionlefore the lapse
of Many - months. All concede that the
vitality c of the measure is gone—that it
has no substantial foundation , in ~p ublic
sentiment, either North or South, and
that, if anything' is now passed in the
shape of a Nebraska bill, it will be done
, .-
palpably4gainat the current 'of public
opinion, and serve as an epitaph to most
Of the politicians now engaged infash
ioning it into a law.
- Democratic - State Coninmticm.
The suggestion of holding a, State
Convention in the • early part of June,
has been a good deal canvassed by many
of the- most influential and intelligent
democrat's' in different quarters of the
' - The - butrage orrepealinli the restric
tion .against slavetq m - •.the' :Missouri
Compromise, is persisted in by the rep.
resentatives oftheslaie:holding interests
in Cong - relss,' and' we Can no longer shut
our eyes to the fact, that the President
is urging the 'measure by all the • per
sonal and'official influenee Which attach
es to his high position': 'We - had hoped
that the Ke,eent disasters of the. Demo.
craric party, in New Hampshire, .Con
neeticrit;., and Rhode- Islanclj--the only
States•in which i general elktitins have
been held sitice the introduction of this
Nebraska' inkuity, had satisfied • our
fried& at Washington that the passage
of the•Dotiglat bill, or any other, repeal.
ing the Bth section'of the Missouri•act,
woula , Certainly overthrow the Demo
cratic party in. every free State in the
No party can, and no tinny 'ought to
maintain ascendency under such a lotid
of infamy and guilt. But Slave-holders
and 'their ambitions dupes, are as' deaf to
the interest of party, as they are regard
less of the honor and welfare of their
country. Slav Cry knows no interest,
aside from its loathsome and horrid in
vestment' in the bodies and souls of men.
In another coin= will be found a
call for a meeting, to elect delegates to
represent ,i`his County in the proposed ,
'State Convention. We trust there will
be a fulland general attendance. Let
the men in. 'high places, who are tam
pering with the rights and dearest'
interests of the people, bartering them
off for preferment and office, learn , that
they cannot have the countenance and
support of the democracy of Pennsyl
vanialn their schemes of profligacy, and
ruin to. the country.
We hold up both hands for a Demo
cratic anti-Nebraska State-Convention.
—Bradford Reporter.
That sounds as if Pennsyluania had
some idea of becoming a ftee State..
We.'hail • the , appearance of the above
article with lively pleasure; and we
trust 'every 'deinocrat in' the State' who
is in favor of confining" Slavery to its
present limits,- will do something to
increase the interest and power of the
proposed State Convention. We think
*the' movers in this matter have acted
unwiselyjn confining their invitation to ,
democrats, but we are so well satisfied
to see people art with a view to the
overthrow of the Slave power, that we
shall not co.nplain of the plan of action.
We shall now see how much' heart
there was in the opposition of the lead:
walpr men in this section, to the
Douglas iniquity. If they laitt•
to be tepre.sented'in the State Conven
tion, we ;shall know tfley are sincere;
but if they do not, we shall suspect they
were only trying to make a little capital.
The Hon. Charles Miner.
We areglad to notice an address from
the pen of this stanch old Republican in
opposition to the repeal of the Missouri
Compromise. The following eitract
from this address states one objection
which wo have not seen'so forcibly done
by any other person. Says Mr. Miner :
" From' the best lights before me, I
suppose, after the apportionment follow
ing the census of
li9o.tbtcre.werc representative, of zlaves 12
"My data beyond this,period are Dot
perfect. I think the present number not
less than 16. Some clear-minded -con
gressional statist should give us a com
" They constitute 6 1-2 of the whole
representation from the slave States.
They equal, save one, the repre
sentatives from six southern States, viz :
Delaware 1 ; Arkansas 2 ; Louisiana 4 ;
,Mississippi 5; Texas 2 ; Florida 1-15.
These six States send twelve members to
the Senate, equal to the senatorial repre
sentation from all New-Englund.
These six States, with a free popu
lation of less than half that of Pennsyl
vania, have twelve United Stated Sena.-
tors to Pennsylvania's two.
But this is according to the Consti
tution ; agreed. The proposition does
not-: came from us to change the law.
But is this inequality republican, demo
cratic, or just in itself ? If - not, while
we faithfully adhere to existing compro
mises and the consequent inequality,
ought, • we, can we without treason to
P.ennsylvania, under any pretense lend
our votes to extend it Is not, in voting,
a a masterly inactivity' the true policy ;
to say no, is to do nothing, in that yeu
are sure to do no evil. If any member
from a free State, who is not seeking an
executive appointment, cannot shake off
party, trammels. and vote no—at least let
him take- the prudent course, and be
flattering word - is like sunshine to
a sore eye : it increases the-trouble and
lessens the sight.
The Spirit of '76 Revifing.
We find in The Weskyan of April 27
an acount of the meeting ofthe Syracuse
Wesleyan Conference, which is exceed
ingly interesting.
Koch minister gate en accocut of the
charge committed to him, and the follow
ing reminds us • very strongly of the
letter which old John Adams wrote to
his wife, urging their pastor - to preae
for Liberty.
-Senator Douglas -will find he has
Undertaken somethtng of a tosk, we
opine, and when he has silenced the
ministry, he Will probably .be elected
Liichfield.--'Bro. Loomis said—This
LI a free Congregatioual_churo. which,
in 1842, seceded from fhe Oneida Pres
tery. They are distinguished by
anti-slavery and general refOrm. - There
is not one who votes for slavery. There
is hot one but oppcoed to dram
drinking. There is not one who will .
shpport Governor Seymour. There is
not one who sympathises with modern
necromancy, that Joshua was commanded
to root out df the tend—that is, conieri.:
ing with the dead. 'There is not one
who will,consent to belong ;to any' secret
oath-btortnd society. A very flattering
account, of the liberality of the people
. given by Bro. L. He closed by
stating.the topics on which he treated,
publicly, embracing the themes of gene
ral" and special interest, saying that he
always preached before each election on
the thity of Christians. And on 'the
day of election he took his•stantlat the
polls, distributing tickets and seeing that
the-work of God was carried on at that
point, as well as' elsewhere. .
Gadsert Treaty, jest adopted by
the Senate, gives ten millions of dollars
to Santa Anna for a large body of terri
tory and for the abrogation of a foolish
article in the Treaty of Gaol:labs:Fe Hi
dalgo. To get rid of that article,-
which required us to protect the Mexi
cans against• their northern : tribes of
Indians, and of all claims for datnagee
under it, we may fairly • assume to .be
worth two millions of dollars. - This
leaves-eight millions to be paid for con
verting territory now free into slave
territory, or that which the most earnest
Aupperters of the treaty mean. shall be
come such. Here is a point which
requires explanation. The publiconght
to know whether the Mesilla Valley, and
the other land accLuired. front Mexico, are
to be' covered by a Slavery prohibition in
the- form of the Wilmot Proviso, or a
formal' recognition of - the Mexican Anti-
Slavery • law, before the money to pay
for them is taken from the Treasury.
And it would also be well before these
millions are paid out for lane to• build a
Southern railroad, to understand whether
a million or so cannot be had to improve.
the rivers and harbors of the North.
Or isl it to be now as heretofore, millions
on millions to Slavery, and not a cent to
benefit the soil of freedom T—Tribtint.
letters, broug,tit by thelatenmship. Cre
scent City, on her last trip. 'contain an
extract from the Havana Official Gazette,
giving the names of person-3 to- whom
have been conferred in apprenticeship,
for one year, the negroes apprehended
in the jurisdiction of Trinidad the past
month. Attached to each name is the
number i , of apprentices, the aggregate
being 574 negroes, As this is an offi
cial announcement, it settles beyond
question the truth of what has been
heretofore said and denied respecting the
introduction of the British apprentice
ship system, into Cuba.
A late waggish printer, while on his
death-bed, was requested "to be com
posed." ..Distributed, you mean," was
the faint reply.
gentleman of Kentucky being recently
challenged to fight a duel, accepted to
fight %%rah broad swords at the distance
of 700 paces.
War Declared at Last,
THE longrepose of Europe is about
1. to be disturbed by the bugle's note and
the reville of the drum, calling its 'clamber
ing millions to arms in the defense of their
firesides and their cosecry, E ng h. n a sad
Irene., are calling far seen mid mesas, and
sending forward theiranefee rebottle avi•isst
the aggressioni of the Ittiatai s Benr; bat
while the Old World is convulsed by revolu
tion, unusual peace and plenty reigns is Hoe
In the peaceful and quiet pursuit of our
business we have formed a copartnership
under the name and style. of N. 8. BUTLER
'& CO., and have taken the store in Empire
Block, in the village of Olean, formerly occu
pied by Thing & Brother, and are now re
ceiving a splendid new stock of goods adapted
to the season and wants of the community,
which we intend to_ sell exclusively for cash
down, at prices that will cause consternation
.and disniay in the ranks of old fogyism that
has been so long established it, this section..
Our stock will consist in part of the follow
ing Goods:
Hardware, • Crockery, Boots & Shoes,
Hat., Caps, Carpets,
Oil Cloths, Drugs, Medicines,
Dye Stull's, Glass, Points & Oils,
Sash, Putty, Chairs;
Beal/tends, Mattrasses, Feathers
Stone and Wooden Ware,
And we mean to keep such an assortment of
the above goods that persona from a distance
can be assured of finding everything they
usually want at prices that will do them good..
Call and see for yourselves.
Olean, May 5, 1851. 6-51'
Clothing, Clothing.
THE place to buy well•made
a low! price (a large stock to select
from) is at OLMSTED'S.