.. _ _. _ _ , ""liell"lki"' , ; I : A.! .-.; :.;;;• • %e... 1 :, -,•..: - •.,:; . , ~ . .; , :. ..:: . : .1 - .t.? .7 111 ,1:. .: c,r: -.... •,,-, , ' ;,:c c.:( i ' tl:_3,i - ,- - ‘a i" , ' , . I'”li , ,;f".i nl - .15, •1 71, ',-,"r:• , •:'•;:•:', ' Fl. '? I;C" ":—.'..*:•) iii I. iis i .. i • %at 9 - 'Bi'; "... - ' riATi Cr i c, • 9 t`.. • .!jfi. in; 0 . 1 !:ti • 2 ,1 ! -.. •:', zn '• - - . , ..::: f. '.7 1: ..:, - c . ' ? ' ' . . . ' ti-0 , - - -41 , —: I ‘.•-• vi! rrot --- '• • •' ,, P d., d):. •cr 'atil ~: .7) e.‘ ..)11 ' vilf' --5 - v - 1 : .-.. r., iv- '::.1t... 14 ...fr 1. fi ''.:.l':. ."i:- : ' . il. i'• 1.. 1..1,4 .: C .I'. !.. .i . . .....V i. 1.% .. . . ..c.:.) el . L . ::j:-2 ,i • .0.6100 A Y.Z. ..r• - , ,•-• .-'•-: • -- •' , l --•- '' .1 ''o . l "-••• A' ' -r• 1 AI ''" -,` • - ••• ' t,.. .'-) jai': ti. ,`" - . ...,... '3 ~,,, R 1,11.„„) ...,75q,., ..,„ ~1... J •.:. . ~. 9 ,, .. - .,•......,a r.„ J - 143 „r _•... - • ...,..,..-- .r.i, ~,,..1. - --'• -• ! ~... I r••:,,.., r .-.- ~.! • .,,i-T. : ,,.' r. --", • ''' , l 1 ',.. D .I t _ln-Lyn.1.30; , -,.', , .,,,i ,•;,; 1 - 1 i• , , , ;:...:•;,:0fy) -S -•“ 1 I i f ' : M111=31115 C 3 . VOLUI6. THE P'EOPLE'S .1#;Oi . o *z:r gmyitt YiDELrry ?O THE -" COUDERSP9AI', 1s4:1 1,8;,4 - "1" . tio'frOciOi'is. of Pl4rriage ! ' The, l'rttiAnal Intelligences of ihic inclititig . ,'Oritiains the •toffowing , " .lecal item :• . "The Criminal Court met yesterday morning, pursuant to adjourntnent, and seTeral small c,isc•s were disposedvtLf by submiiiion. On Saturday last, a 'free colored Man, .George Gaines, was con vi'ciec( of bigam - Ni_;. ,but yesterday, the Budge4isch.irg,e4l ,v Gaines, on the grotißd that the prior marriage wns v. void, one of the ;purties' baVing beeu a Aa.ye, and married' with'end, consent of the - • I • This - announcement is made in ajead indand dignified American newspaper, published in the metropolis of 04..).1.:- public ! •The fact is bad enough as stated, but not .as litad as the reality. h the the consent of the oacut•r. the marriage would' have been void not recognize the marriage .of slaves under any circumstances ; and any man of color, or white man diiposed tojmer- Marty . ..with women of color, may . in, the city of Washington have,as many wives as Joe ',Smith or Brigham Young, pro vided they are-all slaves. -Ours is sometimes spoken of as a christian country !,—National Since the ,attention of the reader is drawn to this subject, we ,m‘ty as well show a little more fully how die peculiar institution " corrupts the manners and mom . of all connecte4 with it. The following, from the Boston Common- tvealth is respectfully submitted to the ttention.of all defenders of Slavery The marriage relationvf the laborers of the South seem to give those who claim them as property, a great deal of trouble. The following advertisement, which we find in a recent number of the Chiirleston Mercury, gives us some idea - . of the inconvenience to which slave holders are su!jected by the absurdity of their chattels having conjugal affeciion3 : "Ftrty Dot.t.Ans REWARD.—Rana way from the subscriber, at his residence in Summerville, his negro fellow Winter; be was purchased last Spring from the Estate of VA! Pontoux—has a wife near Vance's Perry, where he is sup posed lo have done; he had when he left a cut on one of his right toe:, made by an axe. The said negro is Awn. 27 or 28 years of age, 5 leet 7 or 13 inches high, and rather quick spoken. The above reward,will be paid for proof to_ conviction of his having been harbored by any r.'sponsible white person or free person of color, or ten dollars if delivered to me at my residence, or at Master of Work House at Charleston. • . It is probable that if Winter had not had a wife at Vance's Ferry, he would not, have run away and put his master to all this trouble. In the same paper and in juxtaposi• Lion with the above, we find the follow ing t TWEN'TV-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD.= Run away ;in Slay last, a mulatto girl named Ceely. She is about 25 years of age, rather short, thick lips,! bad teeth, on her upper, lip near. th6•lnouth'is a 'small scar ; is well known by most of the Policemen of the city. Slre• has been seen repeatedly about town, and has a husband named John, belonging to Mr. - Burn. in SI. Philip st., near Radcliff, and is no doubt harbored by him. Tne abiwe reward will be paid for her appre hension. Apply at. this office." New,,in the name of common sense and humanity, what right has Ceely: a mere chattel—nothing but property—to run away front her master and go to her husband ? Then again... why should Ceely's husband, John, harbor his own wife? There' certainly must be something strong, or at least some deficiency, in the statutes of South Carolina relative to this subject. The slave laws 'have not been carefully drawn, or else these things would not occur. When the laws of the State converted what God made as tnen and women into personal prokrty, by some oversight the blotting °A of the • human affections and aspirations was omitted. Hence all this difficulty about naetvand women running away•tO their wives and husbands. We would recnm mend that at the next session of the Legislature of South Carolina there be an act passed to amend the creative' act of. the Almighty by abolishing the hu man affections in the hearts of all per sons known as slavfi3. This is the only • effectitil remedy . for this description of runaway trouble. The decline 9f literature. indicates the :1 1 hivio'lieep pace in their downward tenidency::- . .1 .. -'-• • ' O.III.IIII I III I . O aMISM WV1111MM1M11M1EZ1M.W.G1..............s . rtf';-, 7 • ,7 , * r - ,7•,..";-yrro') .... „, ,t ~ ~,.. 7, -, ~ ~,„,,,, ~,,. ~ , , „..,,..„ ',-,., ~f 77 . _1_ 17 O F D ......:r. , ' • at' ' s ' - _,j. L." ' b.,.. • ; 11,61 DE Y . 0,-T b TO s ;T a.E. rrtiN ti 1 fitgsvoF .- DEtirOeR.CT=•,.A.ND - T 11 ' E I SS - E~ ll INAYI6N" Ido AA L,.T Y, LIT En. f AT UItD,AN D N E IV S • • •-• ) .• , , --- - •-• •••• _ .. A. . -. t „-,...„... .; -• ...1.,,• , „,., .. •• - 1•• - ...1. ;•_ '' fi , .• I" , ' ..*:,lnfln 'WI 711 f.: - , i ~......, N. , • liEll il C EiliißittiCh Oki& ifEETEIG., . • : , t: , - rl:e jj CDPPEnsroftT , AFIT. .Tunitsnsy ri t :RNocn : it, at„tike,,equq ouse.-.—Vt..ry Aft. _ling:past one o'clock .the people _began toil:mein ! The Brass. Pantl.,tlk ptiorsed rnopti t eiceljent music entrnrice Qpn,kt . liFetipg. c,alled . . to order. by, J. §? Esq. 'Thereupon 'Bop. t ßsytAx.. ,was elected President,, Ø.W.C. Juts.-Juts.- and Hon. S. RQ3 , :Vice ,Presidents, and T. B. Tirtstt and P A ALLEN S'ecretaries. After tae organization was perfected, music by the Band and _Choir wastpre- settled. - • • ”,,, A- Committee of, six m i ,draf; Lions. was_appoinied bi - ,:the r fAttir 7 r-as follows : 1. S. Mann, C. W. Eilii, t ,and o.outlersport t . Rey ( R. ..§IIIWOO ,of Tidgd . S.ADavey of Bradford - and G. St. Smith of ,b,i'Kenn... S. W.M..;%licholsOn'being;called upon. addressed "the. meeting tn a most interestino- and - effective manner for . nearly,an hour, Which elicited frerioent applause. After - music by theß d an B, ev. Ri, . L. • Stilwell, of Tioga, was called..upon, ;who read a short but interesting aiad.instract ive address. Music by _the Choir:arid Band. The meeting then adjoacna to meet at half past seven o'clock.:. The law doe's EVENING Sessior. • Meeting called to order , by Ron. S. Ross. Vice President. Prayer by, Rev. S. D. MORRIS, of M'Kean. Music by the Choir, . - T. Mr. N'icuotsosi being called upon, addressed the. meeting with -great earn estness and (Vice. .At : the close, of his address, music by the Band'and Choir. The C'omtuittee on Resolutions being called upon, reported the 'following, as agreed to by a majority of said Com :. mittee : WHEREAS, The cause of Temperance recommends itself to the reason of: min'; in that community where it. obtains, do mestic peace, prosperity, and happiness ' ire promoted, and the great interests of mankind 'more dispassionately cortiill; erett; and. whereas, the dissemination of Temperance principles more- generally among us is necessary to secure a com plete triumph of the cause in this State, in the enactment and enforcemeni Of a prohibitory law. Therefore,' I. • - 1. Resolved. That we pledge our selves to renewed effort to inculcate Temperance principles.. I I . , 2. Resolved, That the timelbas com e when no person can be found who does prof-ss to• be in favor of the TeMperance cause, the only question being how that cause is to bu promoted. tlesn7r.—lleye to the athtytgverof7noral suas ion ;" and hence we have met together to-day to have the living speaker preach the Gos pel of Temperance, and present in all their different phases the arguments and facts which appeal to the jedgment in favor of abstaining entirely - from the use . . of intoxicating drinks ; • - 4. Resolved. That it -is the duty of every person. to ,avoi . d. temptation.;, so•it is a like duty to remove temptatien.from others ; aria hence, alter we 'have con vinced the judgment - that the''‘'ae- of strong drink as a beverage is the sure, road to- pauperism, misery,' and Arinne, we have done but half our duty to the unforturette whose appetites. are stron ge r ' • than their reason-- till wahava'batiiihed from society the insidious poison. that charms but to destroy. '''• 5. Resolved, That tills . work - can 'Only be accomplished by convincing the peo ple. of its _necessity, and then by repel ing those laws which sustain mid up hold the traffic in intoxicating.'drinks„ and enacting in their stead a law 'which shall entirely prohibit said trainer and hence we deem it the•duty• of` every friend of Temperance to vote forme 'nian for a legislative office who isnotan open and avaw.ed. • friend of' the 'removal of temptation to drunkennestc'by, the pas sage-of n prohibitory liquor law, • • 0:-Resolved,- That -those; legislators who have been'elected--with referencaio the-enactment of prohibitory laws - and have neglected to 'make them, are not deserving the ,support of a free' people.. • ; JFO. S..MANN, • SILVESTER DAVEY, . R. L. STawtht., G. M. SMITH ' "; 1 . Committee on Resolutions. On motion to adopt, the minority- of the Committee . offered the following as , a substitute for the sth resolution of; the majority report : - • • • • .. -" , 'The undersigned, a- - minority' the 'Committee appointed - to prepare resole (ions (or this meeting, regrerthat they have been unable to agree with -the ma jority in every particular ;=yet they have consented to all the resolutions except the sth, which they regret was offered. We would:have all' parties composed;of 'and controlleffby•temperange avoiding • all - party . , issues; we Would leaven -thertrhold• mpaittl”with viext.'!we Yetotrittiendlhe fadotitioii of the following in lieu of the sth resOltition:of the majority • . , Veseiltd,' l ,ll3atllivi'Tiffilieritici more, J. PERRY." • - —" -• • ,• • nerti scotier•t.ngilolvv; PiYidrElt.'"ClOtTHllt PA': .m.a - y - -6 18 4. ; , 3.1" • - -•,•- . 0 ' •-•-• ment is-.a4 aPPV. II tg .no,,or : Mc!? bat it 6 the tirtiol; farriiiy of ' . ltl- bra 'e ery F itt grid-uiFsects . ; is the tluty;i6f,'each•itictividautltolne his tgrnoti,infiasncejtvith . the party,or - ismt to syhich he. belongs, Lo driye„attalcoholic the'country... . . . '" vCr. . naininiltei;rva —This substitupl. was ad vocatid by re, ~ . . nanrks,of, 47, Esq., J.,.5. MA9O followealn - it being called upon, spOke — against the substitution; Lilo Mn - Rosco, MIME - On.motion, the report of _the minority wai laid' °mike. ,table. and :the; majority report adopted urianinibusiv,:-.,, , . :the) 13ondolifted; which the following- resoltitiori was adopted'::' ..;;Resolved,:. 'That • ai:an expression of -opr appreciation of- the dahiirs anion uus 'nfithe.Gmnd Scribe' .117. W.. Nicholson..bf IThiladelphiii,:we.tenderbitn the ,thanks of thia,Conventtori: : Music,.by . the:Phoir. _ Resolved; 'Phat,the . .procevdifigs, of this ,Convention be !published .irr • Nil in , thetpripens of this And AV..Kvin counties, and in . the Crystal Fountain.; • ''S.O.BIESKE BOSSY. Priset., F.- A. Au.r.sii• r cretpes. The Erie Gazelle hronicles the de; feat of the'Detnocratic party in Connec ticut.-and -adds The course of the Whig party:ii onward::* A eorioiis - yiumgh . awaits it in '50." We are not able to disCbver; in the present condition.of-the Whig party, as such, anything very flattering for .the future. That the position of the Na 7 tinnal Adttinistration 'on the Nebraska bill, is destroyitvg . the 'Democratic party in the free States, is nriost 'certain ; but it is •equally certain that if this results in benefit to the Whig party, it will not be . as at present organized. 1 As a Na tronat party; they are disorganized; by the very question •which is making head way against the party in - power,- and which,. with its collateral sissues, ° form the orily real live querstions - now agitating . thb ceuntily. - Let the Whig party - in T6, l assembte in • Convention with its Claytons. and Badgers,.. and other•duvo tees of Slavery, and go - before the country on the stale issues- of ether days, and it .will meet with a defeat more overwhelm ing than that of 1852. In New Hampshire and Connectitut. they . have 'acted wt.+. +w•CSC (lead issues, and ucted to the living present,• fraternizing in good faith with the advance guard in the cause of human freedom ; and, work ing thus in' harmony,' a glorious victory - was the result. And.it was not claimed as a Whirr, .but as a triumph of the friends of freedom.- A similar move ,inent, made in good' faith;••couid carry every free Side ih the ; and con sign the lords'of •the with. their •nervile followers, to-their proper; piSee. •But let the Wh:e •patty attempt to con swam-ate .this work lila 'spirit of exclu siv'eness,' and 'so fai'ati they-ate con cerned, it will prove 'a- signal failure. ;In sorite•of the State this 'prediction ivill be reaimed-at the approaching elections. One•vol these will be:; our own ' State. . Here they'itte finder the.fead?rship of a I set of Conservative fogies in Philadeki l'phin, , Whose .sympathies• de not extend jibeynnd the - Schuylkill, and do not . of , course t urideritandrdthe:: feelings • which actuate the masses in the rural dictrictse 'When a man was ofT , recl' as candidate for. Governor. who would have. rallied 'the friends of progress in his stippoit, these. fogy..editors sought and secured his defeat with the delegates .of the party, because, forsooth, it was charged upon. him. that he', had ,not supported Henry Clay 'in. talfl 'this was• the . , t` head and frontof, , hin offending ;" but being made the tent of orthodpxy, it ,was .decided that, he was unworthy a Whig-. - nutninSti?n.,, 'And placing the selection. of, their, Candibate upon 'this test, theylave 'Made 'the pla,t(ottp,too narrow' for any but straiaht'oul 'Whigs io stand upon It. nereveta,siniilaEproscriptiveceurie is purdtied;drat, will'folfow send Wit beconies the. ruling_elerr t ietikin th;e,Coan sels of the,,Whig_ ..,party, of the cofflltilt the' Gazelle' ,find its Protaisegi i - '56 o '" nous Ipurnp , pr ye a p --111eicirTreran. • . .1 • . . . POWER - OP THE Penst.—Every -city and'toin in NIIW 1-lampshife: ~ vhere a newspaper . is published.' elected oppo sition tnern . hers to the Legislature, either in' wholeor in'part; electing-in all sixty opposition to seven administration, This fact -ShowS conclusively , that the people of this tountry, , when' informed . of political iniquity, Will condemn it. 'Had' there been • a little "snore timefor inforMation to- reach the heck towns of New - befeie- the' election, thenrworikl eVes hard 11 beiti avesttge ofuthe. NebniSlit - :Adttitniitrtstiad party left‘therti.z4Boilbh. Cciiiittiontoealth;": , MEW Ihe Whig Party: =ma ,Case* for .SyinpaPiy,' , Aor.o!,,F,oprrtvE.HtA.,.negio friar!, 'belonging to I\li:;lllChardtriyle t iparl,e ddysagii. 'He 'had 'beep' tlct4W-inetriti'ier' fort-Rime ' ,, Virifare,_kallel,d cpon to' announce almost daily; the , ?pas. pf this species of prop , erty r ..'.flic cprirmunity and iidiuity :ha w hin'the . lriii dye rhombi", atist'aih6d a loi.iiirover: - $3 . 1),(160 'of'skive property by .he nicl of atiolitithi jets. and !are. now large artockholdersdn ihisliriut,of_property ctorth of Mason& x'cn's line,. would ask if .w Hed'ord, gOstOlf,'' uf itbolitiimists were loser's in - nay kind. o. ,prOperty, would they sit so quie..ky, arid not - Call, fur . redressf,rout.the prers'thrit ?" It , lsrtiute thrit.the '§otith action. - t'or lieairhce Ir4t6 i cea - sed . to ; ' be ii ifitue tkvßiitton;' SI st ttll •:::1. This is: a - case- - •which..shOws the :whist: of., religions r instruction .among .slaves.„Huie they,,, reed, f , Biller? Flavf tey =read the,Cuestittstion,? 'Ao they. not' Icndiv the , wiclied'ness Of:run ninglawaY from their rinisteri 2 "A copy of Dr. Spring's - First .Things!' might be abridged for circulation South,—a plaltutim edition. The Tract Society and the' Sunda'y School Union issue plieritation . Olit ions' of dther 'works, why not of:this? At; any rate, aisoon 'as the yebraska mutter has, been seukd by that sober second thought oft.he North which the . Jottrisal.of commerce was confident would soon reverse the oppurenf, Lotion of the North, tight not -the SpUihern Aids o.Ciety" . .to send a misSion ury to Norfolk and neighborhood ? — 2. Southern families / in theit surniner residence at the North, deleetate Us pith assurances of .the fondriess of theirslaves. they Would:scorn AbertY; if offered 4to them ! The abstraction_ is only 6: for white folks.. Are the slaves about Nor folk of a different, breed ? . _ 3. As n remedy for: this peripaietie tendency of ,their contented slaves, we would suggest to our,noble brothers of the South, disunion. That would Ore every thing'. They could • then 'keep their slaves sn much 'better, or get them lin much easier. 4„ As to the question _proposed -to Boston and New Bedford, Wliat,they would do,' if like nfffici ion ? ii-e•Shvfl.not anticipate the answer which those cities Will, of course, make. We only express an ()Pinion, that New Eng land, and the. North -generally, is very apt; 'when. ;in irauble: ,to appeal 14 the farm, thh Work-shoo,: itn.d to, ana not to trie tr..", This is the difference between the North and the South. lndipentlent. Aarbaris i m ROurning.- At the execution at'Pittsburg on Fri-. .day, the,Siteriff employed a professional ;hangman, said to be, notorious George Alberti,_forMerlY of Philadelphiaand ,now residing ,in ! Baltimore. The same .man W said - to have been the executioner i ef Arthur Spring, and :one: or :two : other victuals of the laW. -; When engage - 41n the work of. his despicable' profession, • this monster disguises himself in a. style that would be absurd, if it were not for I.the circumstances of the scene, which make it absolutely' revolting. At Pitt's ! burg on. Friday, he . wore 'a white shirt I and white, pantalOpos, the latter held .up by a, red scarf around his waist. Pis .face_ was painted a hideous red ; long, false, red hair. fell in matted eurlS,over ,his . shoulders, while huge black whis kers' covered the lower'prtrt of his Luce. The 'brute that 'insulted humanity by appearing in.thisherrible dress,•behavgd with corresponding •'heartlessness . on the scaffold, And in binding thedprisoner and removing his fetters,'was so 'rough - arid violent 'that OW Sheri* was compelled to, take the task, out of his hands. His conduct, up.to.the, ti'meof the prisoner's death struggles, was equally brutal, : and it so shoc ked the witnesses of the execu tion that they were: disprised`-te lay vio lent . hands ~ on Evening Bulletin. . This 4,lbegi is the, same despicable wretch w ho ,was, a year or two ago, convicterot kidnapping,' by' a Philadel phia: coart; iehtented to the State Frisian, and then pardoned by his sympathizing and political friend, Governor BIGLER, at the solicitation, of their neutral friends, the Philadelphia representative's of the slave intereit, before aity'' considerable portion of his time. had been served out. He has also figured as a standing wit ness, or in some other capacity equally honorable, in most, o fproceedings under the Fugitive Slave act t h at , have. been, had in-Philadelphia or. vicinity.' - 'The various, branches of ~businessin which hp..engages.ar ,so, nearly Atm's- I gous in,tbeir natures, and: reggire t auch similar • traits, . 0c,.. character , for .a „proper discharge of,. their, duties, that ~.we.:: are foreed.to admit. that this „raiserable upon ; humanity appears to have been peculiarly ; fortunate,„tbus . !•(ar, - rin,,ttie or ganization. If we next year liear:ef,the capture of a pirate that answers to his ME description ) it wilLbe- no evidence ,thnt .k r9 wina ;R ore that jiFacj , ,yp,sis better tliari .hansip . g, alipirrgvor evenfalse tt.•eisrma for the Ocirernt - ri4rit.—pnondaga Geizetti; '. r ' Williamspori - aod Elmira' Railroad Deeming some.;information in regard to this,re . ad.wonld be of interest, Lo our 4a . cleiri, we .have .obtainctd from A. S. Pre'sidenief the cOMpany, some facia - in • IC.grird 'to it. - About .miles:of, the:rails are now laid down at .01 . e Aciktttl .(or,l,Williamsport) end-of the road ; and on it arl.p)aced two locorno, Lives, twenty five freight. cars, nne,,pas 'iengerland o - rie' mail car. The're 'are laid a 6 ihis.eiid about eleven miles of the. ;track: The -iron .isa on., the ground to Sinisbt,to.Troy,., The balance of the : iren ledvthe other end of the; railroad, and at the works in Danville. The ties nre uli tlistributed,'•and'es soon as the frost mill allaw,The track will-lie laid down'in thje:syartest, : possible time.: ;It,is speak. ittg Aitue when first say it will. a}l he completed liy the. . rust July -, . The -company hcve dt this'i;itcl' thirty freight . , , car, now on the ItacL The Other freight ,cars.,-.for 'furnishing the road are being made at Corning. ~The.•passenger cars are being constructed at the shop of Mr: Rutter, in this village; and if any .;one Wishes to see meat cars as can be :found on any road; in• this 'Country, let him call and .see those ° now being fiti- . _ished atMr. R.!sestablishment.. , . ; This mid not ‘ ciply 'gives us access to ' the' flourishing village's "of Canton_ and Troy, but passei through the richest and most extensive . depositsof .iron ore any where in Pennsylvania. Extensive works are alfead,y, erected, and ; others are being 'erected' along this road, for the manu 'fitcture' of iron. As' 'the coal - and iron -are found 'in the same bills, no section of the country offers better facilities for the manufacture of iron, than that throng') which this road - passes. A number or rolling mills and nail factories are al-, ready in operatiorf;' and as soon as this 'road is opened, We can -hardly estimate the business that will be done in those , branches of iron manufacture. At the same time this road will be , opened. the Catawissi will be, in connection with the Little" Schuylkill and Readingthus forming a direct train from Philadelphia to _Niagara Falls, "(through in °fifteen hours,) by the commencement .of, th.e traveling season. Ai, this route to the be the most . direCt from Phila.: delphia,nio fliers; we• may safely 1 , laiculate that.the immense summer rush of iMsorlers from the Quaker City and I 'the Soitth, will avail theinselves.of this route. This will, in addition, be the Only outlet by railroad for the thickly -settled' valleys of the Susquehanna west I T of Harrisburg. The completion of the Susquehanna road, now far under Way,• also connect us With Baltimore— bringing us; in fact, nearar,to Baltimore ; than tp New-York by railroad. That road - probably; r not be completed -.until another season; but during , this.' season'ple connection will be made by ,: paCket; boats - between Milton and the . 'moral lollhe Juniata, a distance of about :forty' rUilei;alTording a pleasant relief to trav,lers. • .; •• • •• -;; Thus we are about to be cpnected: ! with the large and b'eautiful ;vrtra l ,ges of . Williainsport, Jersey Shore,Lock Haven. , ; ;Al igen; Lawisburg,,Muncv, Bloomsburg,' ; Catawissa,= Sunbury, NorthumberlandJ •and numerous smaller towns in the'il valley of the Susquehanna. 'These' have , hitherto been. entirely locked in I frdm any great thoroughfare. Notwith-11 standing this, they are all large villages,!: averaging not far .from two thousand, l iithabitants: each. !'Our citizens knoW Wetl what travel 'such - towns aflortt for railroads; and what increased trade and; I advarunges -railroads bring to towns.l l We have no doubt but that the Williams port and Elmira ,railroad will be one of the best paying roads in the Stake, and will greatly add to the business interests! of *Elmira and every-town throw:l "ty' hiChi I:passes.—,..Elmita (N. Y.) Republican. i hiotimeiii ilennsylvani. The Independent, Free Soil, and 'a portion' of they Whig press of Pennsyl vania. itre'''urg,ing 'the forrnaiiiiti' an opposition State ticket, - which will unite all ail elements of opposition to the Administration party. It is generally conc.eded that • the ticket •no,ntinated by, , ca,rindt be, elected. Judge Pollock' cannot • einribine the 'elerneacof 'the oppOitionl - ' The Lancaiter , Whig seems'thvalte :to.thai...imior.ance• of this couese, and advises theA,upport of. Judge ,mO,T, A s an independept candidate, and the' liitlctrawal of Tudge :Por..r.ocK 'for Grivernoi.' . ' The . COridersport Peoples 'Jourrial favors Judge WiLmol, Gtoitog Dialair,or any--'othec:good ,man as a State ,Reform, ,Anti-Nebmka candidate, The 'Pittsburgh Dispatch,,_ tak"ea- the dame view of the matter. It is hoped that wise &tinkle wilt titivetirirr the Keystone State. . If all the State Refoi'm - rilid hiadlen totes can bei•united on one ticket, FEZ a . glotious"vriumph' ) iiWalts - them'-nest ;, whilftPo. the nther.lantifif-theit strvngt,h, : ,is fritt e red away 1 :90 sev_grski eertain . a9cl, disgrtlefOicirs r ea CW. overtake -r ie title in pt:' to rf.so sdil ate ganiz ition by weans of thfiAtitioge As. ka sentiint•nt prevailing in the North will prove a signal .failure.,,ancrihnhit . a heavy . blow. on the anti-slavery cp.gsg itself.—Cleveland "'An der. The (Mack Warrior Cases •- ,71 The Notv Orleans. Crescent,:efter art examination of the documents, in. the rase of the Blank' Warrior - , comes tolhe following conclusions:. -1.,-That the seizure and confiscntioa of the Black Warrior were,. untie!. th' port reguliatiddi of Havana,. lege( el; : .;. „., 2.' That Captain - Bailloble,' signees, Tyng, & Co., and ourflonsulo admit the fact that it was legal.., :T hat they only in.realitycenie7aied. thatthey should be, let oft , they were', ignorant' of .the law,and guage ; 2nd, because they had , one el? More ; 3rd, because they 'had 'no irileti tions of fraud. 4. That to this the Spaniard Tepliei; it was your business to know our.reg ulations, that you might comply with them ; besides, we furnished you "with theta in Eaglish., 2.-" We never sari, pende:d our laws ; and if you have befdre, been Violatieg therm; it was .vf Moth our knowledge." 3. We have, no' laWs that are; guided by men's intentional • We can only consider their acts." .5. That the British. steamers , bay!' always submitted to precisely what was required of the Black Warrior. 6. That while the language'and the statements of Bullock, Tyng, and our consul have been violentand denuncia tory, they have been holding' to the Cuban authorities only the language af apology and supplibation. Thus ,they were at once encouraging the Bpadiard to persist in his course, and exciting our government and people to peke war upon hint for that course. s 7. That the owners, by subtnitting:to take back their ship and cargo, confessed that they had done wrong in abandoning them. 8.. That they. have since still further given up their whole case, bp . a factiow brought - to tighi: that they have ad dressed a petition to the Queen s supplt. eating her to remit, as of her grace, the fine of $6OOO itnposed - on them. . CoLemnos. Ohio, April 2,185 U Messrs. Edilori :—lt may not . bib uninteresting(, to your readers, among whom are many patients and " warn}- personal friends of Harriet IC. Tient, M. D., 'to hear something - of her brief visit to this place. • She . had, en her way homeward front Washington, taken Cleveland . in her route, and been strongly solicited by her friend Mrs. Severance.' irho 'web ap pointed at the• State :Woman's Rights Convention, last spring. one or a ecrmrnit• tee to present petition and a memorial to the Legislature, asking, equality for 'women, to take the _place 'of err ithsent member of that Conimittee, and.ricc6hi= piny her to this place. Regarding it as - a duty under all the circtimstnnees of the case, she came accordingly, atittwiit .present at the presentation of,the;petir lions and the arcoMptinyieg memer,iAto the Senate, Being afterwards 'requested bY'' t6ift whose acquiintance she had here formed '—among them a gentlettnialy..phyei6lo of the Senate—to deliver .a lecture °pop • women as physicians, and the. 2ed Tres byterian Church 'having :146n Obtaiiiiii for that purpose, she gave,' on the eireiti lug -of March 2.4tb i an - able and most acceptable free' lecture, .to an andieace of the mostreppectful• and earnest Oar- aster.' As remarked afterward's bf ,l it. member of the profereielt; who buret tended, the lecture was • entirely4rite from .vitnperation and _bitternesst.A.t was a clignified.plealer the a . drnisimßf woman inte_.nedi9l life and - praettcB; its propriety. necessity 'and,'" dislialiiffiY being urgently 'et`fortYL ' ' r • Her-reception wasin every wargig ifying to herself, and her influenWilerid ficial to oil who met-or heard her.— Among other 'encouraging results; a prominent Professore( the Starlihg, wed; ical College assured 'her that their' insti tution should hereafter be open to *omen equally with man. ' A•Elceirstri.l • A LOVING WIFE. , --Therer 15 :MP esti mating the love ~ of a true wife., The •woman, Ellen Nolen, who jumped fnttm a window and severely injured) herself in 'trying to escape .from busbaruirwho %%li beating-her, is .doistg very' Wait-vat the : Hospital. Shsrefusea very decided ly to enter any complaint againkt.., ter husband, and irtiplared the officer'acklo arrest:hint; ris ho' Would not -1116 , 6'f:teen guilty of the: outrage if•he'had'itht Win drunk.-.-Rory,this poor •wcurutnymetst love her sot of a husb and ! from prosecuting him in of bis ' N. 4T:- - ratirl •- • rfttri old Via 'i ~t 11/BM Lktf: . Harriet K. !nal in Ohio CI I