THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL JNI). S. MANN . rnt -, El/111N HASKELL. • "its }WI:111V TO TII PECTLI 15.4 Fir There wi% be service the Ccur: 1 k.;:s.o cn i57. , -Ulath morning next. et I::tif-Filt ten Prer.cEir::; ; the livr 1.. PORTr.R. It is sns.. 4 . t"-cre Nil:: mecting, nt the rreslytt ri,F;c l , g 13 E t r. CALKINs. or Wt.:::.;;;c:igh: nr Al the sale of the main r works this ::ate !-n.s rass:".. of the Lrcislature, nzi it is bt-..T.rroz: tieGorcinc , r nct The price is Fro. 2 'We b l ink it TJII~G :._Tr •c•:1 of :he work together; but we tre the.r.l.ftll :hat fte chief source of the cz , :ra; -, ticr) of :lie State is about to be r3f.rd ta" THREC CHEERS FOR OLD BUL LION !—The Benton Anti-Nebraska De mocracy of St. Louis have elected their Mayor and entire city ticket, by some 1000 miljoriiy. over the combined force of Nebraska Whigs, Nullifiers, nndi:Ad ministra:ion Hunkers. The St. Loris Democrat says this result insures the return of Col. Benton to the S. Serce. t7!A State Temperance Convention having been called to nmet at Harrisburg cn the 6th of June, the Free Democratic State Committee have changed the time of meeting of our State Convention—so_ that the State Convention of the Free Democracy wilt meet at Pittsburg on Wednesday. the ttc — cniy-fourth day of May /ital. We !Tye our friends w:11 make this the mostimporant and effixt ive of any ever held in Pennsylvania by the friends of freedom. The delegates for this county are Nelson Clark, Hon. A. nod Jo-epli Mann; who were authorized to appoint substitutes in ease they could not attend. The of Despots, Dr. F. WAYLXND, Pr,-sident of Brown University, and one of the ablest writers ho* living, has been delivering an ad dress agaimt Nebrasha fraud. It will exert a powerful influence, and will be widely read, for the writer has a wide 6tcle of Frknds. The following extract topied to slow the unity btqween S.:74 . :l2llulderi and Eastern Dee pots : I. This chanze in the principle under lying the Constitution changes our redo dims to the whole civilized world: The great question which- is henceforth to r!gitate the nation, is the question of Ullman Rights. It has b.:en the glory of this country thuf; far to stand forth everywhere in defense of human liberty. ft is the position which we have taken on this quesitcn that has given us our influence among nations; and taught thay..n.trodd,ti humanity everywhere to took up to us for succor. But establish Slavery, not as the exception, but the role—make flavery the law of the land, the pivot on wh i ch legislation turns— and' tVe must by necessity ally ourseler.: tvith despotism. We expose ourselves to contempt, even now, by swaggering about human liberty, while a pious and benevolent lady is tit this moment im mured rt a dungeon at Richmond for no Other crime than that of teaching chil dren to read. What will it be when such an• act of oppression is sanctioned the whole country ?" Since roding the abovc,i we have %rid another item-, to which w.e aslc the reader's atterniun.. The largest meeting (as the papers ialy) ever 11(.14 in Mt. Vernon, tle county, Kentucky, met there on the 7th of March to oppose the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. They passed the ablest and best resointions that we have istett . on . - that subject. The following is Pile of the series, and its truth caknot be Called in question Resolved; That the alaveholders are Naturally in sympathy- with despotisms everywhere; and that we call upon the friends of European and world-wide liberty to note who are the defenders of Haynau and B:dini, and who the friends of Kossuth and Mazzini and universal democracy. "Speak, that I may see ;hee," was # wise request but the expr'ession bf the countenance is more to be relied fail than (he voice of the speaker. Mar tial forcibly says : " Thy beard and Lead ore of n different dye, short of one Piot, distorted in am eye.: With nll these tokens of a )(NAVE complete. Shot:flat thpu be honest; thou 'rt a devilish . cheat." Igr " Light sorrows loose the tongue, but great enChnin." t netV advertisements - of D. W Spencer.. Also said of Prof. Furman. ; True Democracy, according to the : standard established by Jr.rPEnsox and hilt associates, is a principle of Jtistice no: to be appalled, corrupted, cr crunpro- nosed. It holds that ad men arecreateci equal. and that every man—black, white, red, or mixed—has an in,aYieualilc right :ihorty. Ent sham Democrrcy, such as has ruled Pennsylvania for sears, is the 'very opposite of :his. It lives by compromising away the rights of free. non. 1: holds that slavery is justifiable, and is in favor of breaking down all barriers to its indefinite extension. For roof of this, note the following quota tions from the Harrisburg Union of April 12. Speaking of the attempts of the Montrose Democrat to make out Bratr.R opposed to the Nebraska. bill, the Ciiion says : zo have sold lho "It is now well understood that Mr. Poflock, the whiz candidate. will stump the State, and that he will take the same side of the Nebraska question which the Speaker or the House so ably advocates —that is, he; will „ agitate" against the Doug.lis bill— and we think the demo cratic editor should be satisfred -with having one candidate on his sick. ; it is asking too much to claim both. When Gov. Bigler shall speak on this question .we wilf chronicle his sentiments; until then v.-'e shall rest happy in the belief that on the Nebraska question, as on all others, he will be found acting with his democratic friends." - That is, for.the nearly every paper in the State which supports BIG LER is flat•flooted for the Nebraska- in- Iquity Again—in another article dissenting from the advice of the N;l' ..Vatibnal Deidocitn to abandon the present the National Administration; the Union gives the folcwing reasons for standing by • President Pierce : For instance, the Nebrastia bill is known to be approved by the President, and a majority at least of the Cabinet.. Tile principles of Mal I! are unde niably demneratir. and we think we are not mistaken in saying are concurred in by the 11..w-York liirds. Would they, therefore, oppose what they believe to be right, mealy because Gen. Pierce diappens to bu in the Presidential chair, and some men equally obnoxious to them in the Cabinet ? We cannot think sn. Let 1850 take care cf itself—but in the meantime let the administration be sus tained in all ritiht measures by the undi vided national democracy.' In another article the same paper says Let us place cur feet firmly upon the Baltimore platform,.-let us espouse nt once the compromise measures of 1550—let us stand shoulder to shoulder as national democrats, scouting all out side ci.ceti-n44:and toning a deaf car to all the schemes of an d treache:ous hearts to lead us from our true position:" But the following places the position of Bint.rn Democracy onymg the shams beyond dispute. Says the Union: • Whatever timid leaders or time serving politicians may say to the con trary, we contend, as we have from the first contended, that the Democracy of l'e nnylvaniu favor the principles of the ,Nebraska bill, and that he or they who d.sert the party on that issue, can be Icokt-d upon in no other light thin as the allies of- whits and abolitionists. 7 tVe believe the assertion in the above. paragraph, that the BIGLER party are in favor of the Nebraska bill, cannot be questioned Vor denied ; and hence we are curious to see how many of the rank and file in this county who have deter mined to oppose that measure at all hazards, will be coaxed or driven to sup port the party that tnahes the repeal of the Mi.ssouri Compromise, and the tension of Slavery a test question. Effects of the Erie-Troubles We are glad to learn that there is a dispo•zition on the part of some of our merchants to buy their goods for the future in Philadelphia. instead of New- York. The business men of New York attempted to crush Pennsylvania be cause they could not override the peo ple of Erie. If the merchants of the western part of the State will be true to them-selves they will take advantage of the liberal inducements held out to them by the heavy mercantile houses in Philadelphia; and in the mean time, the merchants of that city should adver tise liberally -in the local papers of this part of the State.—Conneautville.6'ou ricr. . So are we glad at the very general manifestation of self-respect, which the merchants of Western Pennsylvania are exhibiting. The New York merchants and editors undertook to annex Erie county to their city, and because they could not succeed they forthwith Stig matize the whole people as rowdies and rioters. If these unfounded charges shall open the eyes of our people to Cle true interests of the State, the evils of the Erie disturbances will not be without good results. Blushes ure flying colors, which maidens carry bloomingly.—Erchange. Shaw Dem:lento True Enough. The Susquwzna Register of Aptii , 13, has an article on the position.of the • Bigler- party of this State, and the cow ' ardly attempt of their State convention to (I(tge the Nebraska . question. The Register article closes as follows: How the Governor has changed his tune since 1851 Then the whole sal vation of this - nation depended upon the opening of our jails as slave-pens for Southern slaveholders, and Governor Johnston was denounced in the most unmeasured terms. because he . was going to veto the bill that was to accom plish that desirable object. Then it was all very pleasant and proper to brin7 the whole power of a:pro-slavery administaation to bear in his favor. be cause his opponent dared to think and net as became a:Northern freeman; but now, when the north is forced to speak out, and speak so as to be heard, Gov. Bigler is mum ; and some of- his friends cannot see why the Nebraska question need enter at all into the. State election. We think there are several reasons why it should. and be the culminating point of the next canvass. It is one of more vital importance than al . / others that have been . presented to the American people for the last quarter of a century. The Missouri Compromise of 1820, provided that all the territory North of :36 deg. :30 min. should be free: the Nebraska bill repeals the Act of 1820, and opens a new and fertile territory of hundreds of thousands• of square miles , in extent, to the blight - of Slavery, giving the lie to all our professions of love of liberty and equal rights, so long the boast of Ainniza. Should the question remain - open till after the Pennsylvania election, the result will no-doubt be decisive of the measure. Pennsylvania gives more votes for the bill than any other Northern State ; a majority of the Democratic papers as well ns members of Congress, support- the bill, and the Governor dodges the question, not know ing which will be the strongest , side. Let Gov. Bigler be reelected, and the members returned who support the bill, and it will be claimed, from Maine to Louisiana, as a Nebraska victory—a demberatic triumph. With what in tense interest did the people look for the returns of the elections in New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island and although the Democrats of those States declared that the Nebraska question-was not involved in the issue, yet the people did not believe them, but voted in a mariner that their ivoulcl-be nesters at ‘Vashingtort understood them most fully. We have more to say upon this sub ject another time. We believe there are thousands of Demo-:rats in the State who are heartily and .honestly opposed to the extension of slave territory, and are n:.4 in favor of dodging a question of such momentous moment to the welfare of the whole country; and unless we are greatly in error, before Gov. Bigler has played out his game of hide and: hit will be constrained to admit that honesty Is toe ors, We have italicised two lines of the above, which- contain a very important confession. We subscribe most heartily. to this article of the Register,_ and . think it contains more truth tnan the Whig, press generally will ailmit. The Register very truly says, that the. Nebraska ques tion "should be the culminating point of the next canvasS," and that " there are thousands of Democrats in the State who are heartily oppoSed to the exten sion of alaVe territory." This being true, may we not ask why the Whigs will not so modify their action, as to allow. this "culminating . point" to be surrounded by all without reference to old issues; and thereby clear the taack for an independent candidate. for Govern or, who would receive the - enteusiustic support of these thousands of honest democrats, who are heartily opposed to the extension of slavery.: Every such democrat, while remem bering that the honest and fearless Lor imer failed to receive; the nomination, simply because the compromise Whigs controlled the convention, and required a man of their stamp, will hesitate a: good while before voting for Judge Pol lock, who has never yet given any evi dence of opposition to the extension of slave Territory, except his endorsement of the resolutions adopted by the Whig convention, one of which- opposes the Nebraska fraud, and .another one en dorses the compromise measures of 1550, including the fugitive slave bill. DUTY OF MINISTERS.—OId John Ad ams understood well the duties of the pulpit. In a letter addressed to his wile, dated Philadelphia, July 7, 1774, he enquirer : "Does Mr. Willbind preach against oppression and the other cardi nal vices of the times? Tell him the clergy here of every 'denomination, not excepting the Episcopalian, thunder and lighten every Sabbath." The cler gy of the Revolution gave effectual aid and comfort to the cause of liberty. They assailed wickedness in high places as well as in low, and dealt with public as With private sins. Oppression on the part of rulers they held to be a flagrant crime, demanding the sternest rebukes of the pulpit. The Ten Hours Law. There is prpgress even in Pennsyl vania. The operatives in !the manufae turing districts of the Slate have been laboring for years to , have the length of a day's work defind by law. -They have at last succeeded, and though it has but little practical interest to our readers, from the fact that in this section the mass of the people are their own employers; yet we recognize this as one of the great humanitary movements of the day, which is calculated to elevate and dignify labor, and therefore ive feel a deep interest in the success of this Movement. • The following ktter to a gentleman:in Massachusetts we (find in the Boston Commontoeulth, and it is another evi dence that the hearty opponent of slave ry,. is the best friend of the laboring man every where. Mi. Wilde Js :a true democrat of the Jeflersonian stamp, opposed to oppression .in • all its ,fOrms, aad hence we find him one of the lead ers of the labor reform. morement in Pennsylvania. Last fall he was sent . as a'•representative .of the laberers of Southeastern , Pennsylvania., to New- England•, to . co-operate with the•friends of progress there; hence the following letter : UPLAND, Delaware County,.Pa.,. April 10, ISM. Drar Sir,—l write to inform you that the Legislature of this-State has passed the ten hours law. The third section. of the bill prohibits "all , under twenty-one years of age from working above ten hours in any one day."' The House passed this section by . a large majority, forty four yeas and eight nays. The Senate was evidently against us, for they voted that! all. minors sixteen years of age should be competent to contract, or their parents or guardians for.thern, to work eleven hours a day. But the Senate was forced,to-recede, and they gave passed the bill as it came from ;the House. The vo:c on the third section prohibiting all under twen ty-one years of age from working above ten hou rs a day, was "yeas. eighteen, nays thirteen. And on the final ;tote the yeas were. twenty-seven, and nays four. Believing that this information would give you much pleasure, I , feel highly gratified in forwarding, it. In the hope; sir, that your exertions in Massachusetts will be attended with the same success, I remain yours respectfully, JOHN ‘YILDE An InexcusOle Dodge. • We regret that the Demotratic'State Conventiori did not express its sense upon the - most important political ques tion which now engages the • public mind. A " dodge" may he sometimes convenient, but it is never manly nor honest, and always tends to impair con- fidence in those who resort to it. If the liemocr,m,.. ,•--..:, nf. Pennsylvania. is in favor of adhering,to the principle or interference- by Congress with the Do mestic affairs of -the Territories, which formed the basis of ff he compromise measures of 1830, its c nventiorr should not have hesitated to ,ay so. On the other hand, if it has ceased to appreciate that principle, and is opposed to its ex tension to Territories hereafter to be-i organized, the people have a right to' know the•fact. In either case it Was proper for the Convention to speak out. But we cannot doubt hoW it would have spoken, had the voice of its majority been allowed a hearing; for we are per fectly satisfied that the sentiment of - the democracy of Pennsylvania upon the_ enbject of Corigressional interference with slavery, has undergone no change since it, was so plainly declared with reference to, rind in support of, the Compromise of 1850.—Reading Gazelle. With a trifling amendment, the above article would contain more truih than often gets into a paper which . unites de mocracy and - slavery under one flag. - The Gazette is satisfieSthat the de mocracy of Pennsylv.4nia are in favorlif the repeal of the Missouri Compromise and the extension of' slavery. If it-had said the politicians who rule its party are in favor of this .measure its article would need no amendment, but it is a slander on the rank and file ,of any party, to huy that they are in favor of submitting', *to the dictation of .300,000 elaveholders. • The North has been ser- vile.. not because the people are so, but because they have :allowed the politi • cians to rule them. We are glad to see the cowardly con duct of the Bigler Convention so thor oughly exposed ; and we hope the people will have the manliness to repu diate the control of those who dare not express nn opinion on "the most impor tant political question which now en gages the public mind." Special Dispatch to the N. Y. Tribune. 'WASHINGION, April 16, 1854. DOUGLAS. still declares that the Ne braska bill shall go through the I - louse. Gel. BENTON ' S last. Ai gentleman talking with the Colonel about the Ad ministration yesterday, the Colonel re marked, 4 , I never supposed they had much sagacity, but I did think they had common sense enough to know. that if they applied a match to gunpowder it would explode." Spitting on . the Platform. The J3radford Reporter, though it supports the candidates of the conven tion, thus valiantly derides its resolutions: WE had suppoied also that we, had seen'the last declaration of the finality of the compromise of 1850. This has been repeatedly proclaimed in Congress and in State and National Conventions, and yet nothing Is more certain than that the "vexed and dangerous question " is now agitating the country and " metr acing the existence of the Union," in a degree never before experienced. If the Democracy of Pennsylvania "regard it as a solemn and deliberate settlement of controversy," why did they not re. buke the ambitious promptings which have enkindled the flame of sectional agitation ; ,which in violation of the most solemn declarations of the Baltimore platform, again brings the slavery ques tion before the country, by an attempt to violate national compacts. to infringe upon the obligations one section is under to the otter, in defiance .of good faith, and the understanding entered into, thirty years ago: If - the hist resofution means anything —if it is not senseless twaddle—if it is noChistoriCally incorrect, and out of time and stale- r —it means to convey a rebuke to. the authors of the Nebraska outrage, and intends to denounce those who are now disregarding the finality."' and violating the .Baltimore platform and en dangering.; the existence of the Union ! This prestimption is sustained by the fact that the Convention v.iatuntly ex pressed their disapprobation of Douglas' Nebraska bill, by refusing to endorse it —and negatived, by the resolution ap proving the course of BRODZEAD, who hasstopped at nothing demanded by the South, even to disfranchising foreigners who may 'settle in the Territories. We arestill in perplexity rind doubt. By a proper union of the independent voters of all parties, upon good men, the present administration and the corrupt legislature, may be overthrown—but. thiS work is too great' to be performed by the present Whig party, which so disgracefully debased itself by, its course in adopting the Baltimore platform of 1832 ; and , we fear an adlierence to its issues, may result in the triumph of the present ant.•Linit bank, anti-Nebras ka Nebbistia, Temperance Rum Admin istration, tind a LegiSlature not disposed to " embarrass," it by the passage of laws called for by the goad' of the people. Let the Whigs meet the opponents of Rum, Slavery. -and kindred iniquities half•way,' and , we can have State and county tickets suited to the temper of the times while, if they pursue their usual course, and insist upon the ostra cism of al! men who are not disposed to worship their organization as the embod iment of all that is good in politics, they may find ;themselves overwhelmed. The Lancaster Trhig seeing awake to the itnporiiince of this course, and advises. the support of Judge Wilmot. as an independent .candidate, and the withdrawal of Judge Pollock. The Coodersport Pcople's Journal favors I,,tt ee Wilmot, George Darsie. or any other goad man, .116 n .State Reform, Anti-Nebraska, and Prohibition candi date. Other presses should speak out on the suhject. Ry a proper spirit of liberality, in our own county, the majority against Gov. Bigler could be increased 1,500 or 2,000 over what it would otherwise be—and when the opposition shall have such men as Stevenson, M'Connell, Shinn, Riddle, in their. ranks, we can see no reason why they should not unite in their support, instead of frittering away. the anti-Nebraska and Temperance vote upon several tickets.--P.itts. Dispatch. Trw. O,O3IMUNITY IN DANGER!—We learn that Mrs. Douglas, who was im prisoned atNorfollc, Virginia, for teach ing colored children to_ read, has been discharged, after serving out her term ; but we have not learned whither she has turned her steps. 'lt is important that we should know this fact. The progress of_so dangerous and so wicked a person should be pre•announced, that the unsuspecting should he put upon their guard. Teach children to read ! Children ;who may grow up to be men and women ! Children who have im mortal souls ! Children whose crime and misfortune is said to be that they cannot learn! We do nn't know Mrs. Douglas, bu: is it not•reasonable to sup pose that the enlightened ,Strite of Vir ginia is; in this Nineteenth Century, incapable] of doing injustice to any human being, and most' especially to a helpless and unprotected , woman ! Mrs.-Douglas must be a great sinner ! Ncitional,Erti: THE ‘‘ A FFFCTIONATE"' PIERCE.- The Independent Democrat says that Presidentl Pierce has been sending to IndependenA Democratic members of the next NeW Hampshire House of Representatives, men who have no per sonal acqUaintance with hint, copies of Moses Norris's ruflainly speech in favor of the Nebraska bill, which, in addition to his Presidential frank, had these words in the President's hand-writing on the,fitst page, " With the affectionate -regards of your friend, Frank Pierce."=-- Boston Commonwealth. T EA by the cheat elpound for sale at D. W. SpEecert'a A""I'ED Nickles in jars for sale by C. S. JONES. . DICKLED CHERRIES at C. - S. JONES' - "Afflicted, .Read." nil. J. I. FURMAN.' professor of die eases in HORSES and CATTLE, respec(, folly informs the public that he has located in •liebron township : ;enquire at Joseph Stone's,) where he is prepared at all titers (Sundays excepted) to attend to calls in hill profession. lie is of long experience in the business, and hopes by: his superior and assiduity to secure the pa'ronage of the public.- 6.492 m Nevi Goods. TA W. SPENCER has just retorned j.from the city with a large stool: of Groceries, Clothing, Drtigs and Medicines, and a general assortment of Fancy Articles, and many other thingi !CO nOtaproas to . Mention, which will be sold low for cash o,r ready pay. G ARDE` and Field Seeds for sale at • SPENCER'S NTEW article of summer Hats at 11 SPEN Ci!RS. A better selection of Coffee not found it the county than et Sruccur, Sheriff's Sales. WVIRTUE of sundry writs-o( Vend: Als. Vend. tx., Vend: Et., and Fjeri Pacias, issued out of the court of won pleas of Potter county and to tne directed, 1! will expose to sale by public vendue or out cry, :4 -the court-housO in the Borough cf, Coudersport, on Monday, the ( ' 15th. tiny' or Moy next, at 1 o'clock r: N. of said' day, tile fllowingdescrihed real estate, to-wit: • Certain real estate,.to wit: Situate in Pike township, Potter county, Pa., bounil•id and de-- scribed as follows: On the s North by lands of W. B. Furman, on the cwt.` nod south by um: seated lands of IF. Mt Watker, and , on thee. West by lands of Calvin Carriel—containing fOrty-five acres.—, brie other tract, sit uate as aforesaid, bounded on the north by liinds of David Ki!bourn - and unseated lauds., east by unseated lands and lands of. W.. 11. Furman, on the south and west by land of John and Calvin Carriel—nontnining one hun dred amx•s.—Aaso, (me other tram,..eituabs. tie aforesaid,.bounded GU the noi-th ,by lands. of J. Sunilerhoul, oast by unseated lands of El. M. Walker, smith by land of J. Buttip and' Unseated laud, and on the west by unseated. land and lands` 0f . 1% . B. Furman--containing . eighty-one and seven-tenths acres, more or less, on which there is erected one cm:paler skw-mill, one log and one frame house,iattd one board hovel thereon.—Atso, one other - situate in Hector. township, county mad: State aforesaid, bounded on, the north by Mr No. 25 of the nllotment of ; the labile of 11. H.. lainit in Hector township.' east by west line ric Tioga county, south by lots NUA. titG and 37,. Mut on the west uy lot No. 34; (teeing lot No„ 35 of the allotniciit iii said townshap)—con,, tabling one hundred acres. fifty acres of which is improved,' with• one . log house, a flame house, a frame barn, and an .apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in eat (anion, and to be sold as the property of James Bump and E.:Mulford. at the snit of Caleb Towbridge.- : ALSO—certain mil estate, to wit: Situate in Clara township, Putter County, Pa.. Lmanded on the north lir lands of Isaac Barnes, on tbo east by lands of Sala Stevens,„on the south by lands of ,B. Balch, and' on the west by on.. Seated land—containing sixty acres, more or with. shoot thirty acres improved, with ( . ?ne .log mid frame house, one lug barn, and sonic fruit trees thereon. S.etzed, taken' in execution, and to he soli as the property of Win. B. Graves, at the snit of J.. B. Noble. ALSO - , -certain real estate, sitnate in Piko township, Putter county. l'a.; bounded - on. the. North ^rid east by lands of D. B. Smith, d'ee'd;, sloth by unseated lauds, and on the west by lands of 11. 13. Crippen—.containing• fifty-one and se, en-tenths acres, idinat forty acres of whieli is improved, with log and filen* house, 011 f• blacksmith :lull, one • frame barn and shill, some out-buildings, and nu apple orchard thereon.. Saiized, taken in exacta/au, and to be sold as the property of George Sher man, at the suit of Peter Knickerbocker. ALSO—certain real estate, situate in. Gen esee township, Potter county, State of Penn's, Is..sited on th north by the N. V. and Pa... State line, on the east by lands of Gannon and' Cliamliers, sr null by Bingham lauds, and West by lands of C. Leach =containing two hundred: and seventy acres, on which is about twenty six acres improved, and n lug house and barn thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Patrick Burke ! at the suit of Charles Leach. ALSO-certain real estate, 'innate in Ors wayo township, Potter county,-Pa., bounded. on the mirth by land of George Estes, cast by land of Shattuck and Crittendeh, south by Itry-aa lot, and west by laiid of George E4tea —containing Ono hundred and six amen, on which is three acres improved, on which is one saw-mill, two frame houses, and barn. Seized, taken in execution, and -to be sold as the property of Franklin Gale, Chas. W.Gale, and A. D. -Hill, at the suit of WM. T. Jones & Brea' in r. ALSO—the follnwing4escribed real eitate, situate in the township of Oswnyo, iu the county of Putter, and bounded on this north by the N. YAM.' Pu. State line, on the east...south, - rind west by lands owned by Nathaniel John son—containing one hundred. acres-, be the same more or ress,—landtfortnerly owned and conveyed by Az••1 Lane, and being the north east corner of warrant 5866. Seized, taken in execution, and to be said as the property of W. T. Rice, a: the suit of John B. slecarg. ALSO—certain real cette, situate in Joelt son township, Potter comity, Pa- bounded ors follows : On the north by trnsiated 'And r ea the east by lands of J. I'. Lossey, deed, and, unseated land, on the .. - uth by unseated and on the west by unseated land and -lands of ,widow Ilynnt--containing three hundred and fifty acres, be the same more or less, on which it a saw-mill, a frame house and board shanty, and about five acres improved thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold es the prop erty of Reuben Herrington and Charles Her rington, nt the suit of Wood, Abbott R. co. ALSO-certain real estate, situate iu'Ails gauy township, Potter Co., Pa., bonnded and described as follows, to wit: On the cast ley. lands in the possession - of George Nelson and: unseats-II lauds, on the south by lands of Fox Estate, on the west by lands of the Fox Estate, on the North by !anchor the Fox Estate, being lot No. 82 of the allotment of the Fox get:is lands in ..Allegany townihip—coutaining one hundred mid one acres and one-tenth of an acre,,fifteen ac;es of which is improved, on which is erects(' two log houses, one frame trees thereon. Seized, horn, nod some fruit taken in execution, "and to be sold as the prop erty of Isaac 13. Baker, at the suit of Franklin AV. Knox. • ALSO 7 -a certain piece or parcel of land, situate in Sharon township, Potter county, Ps., beginning at the southeast corner of Simon Drake's 'lot, thence by -Drake's line north 18 perches, thence by the center of the road north 251 degrees east 49.5 perches to the main road, thence by said road south 50 de grees cast 43 and three-tenths perches to the northwest corner of the lot sold by Sutherland to Bnrdic, thence south 40 degrees west 45 perches to a post . in the south line of warrant 2184, thence by said lino west 25 . .2 perches to the place of beginning--containing twelve and two-tenths ncros, attic, measure, with about ono acre improved thereon, and some fruit trees mid n small frame house ' ereilest taken, in exeention, and to be sold as theprop• _ - -M