The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, April 29, 1854, Image 1
- •,-.. .-, .....,_ •A . . ... . • . I• : I T j _„..,..,.... .... ..,... „ ........ z ..... , 1 J .,....,.,„.. :.. ......,„.... r __.,........_ ...•..,.. . .. ,_ ...,... ~.. 7.,,_ ._. . _ ... ....,,.....: 4 9 '7: • ' A 7 . • _:.,,' j • 111: ..t -,..-., . . l• , ..• , . •. •• ... . • . . ... .. . . 4 . .'. ~. , s: . . :,.. . , . . il .• • VOLUME 6. THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. JNO. S.-MANN, ) E ITURS EDWIN HASKELL, FIDELITY TO THE PEOPLE COUDELLSPORT, FRIDAY, APRIL r 25, 1554 The Influence of Slavery The peculiar institution not only "cor rupts the manners and morals" of the master, but it depresses and destroys the prosperity of the State tolerating it. This is proved by the statistics of the slave and 'free States. The National Era has prepared a table of statistics of the emigration from the several States of this union from which it gathers the following instruct ive facts. Says the Era: 'Pile old Slave States in 1850 con tained an aggregate white population, in round numbers, of 2,700,000, or -31.86 to the square mile; the old Free States, a population; of 8,500,000, or (i 3 to the square mile, and yet this !able shows that the emigration from the for mer is nearly as large ritkolutely as from the latter ; in other words, that the emigration from the old Slave States was nearly three times greater, in Fri portion to its population, than from the old Free States ; for while the latter were represented in the new States by 975,512 of their natives, the latter with a population not one third as large, was represented by 903,512 of their natives ! Now why is it that these Slave States, containing an aggregate area :30,000 square miles larger than the aggregate area of the Free States, surpassing them in climate, and at least equaling them in soil, water-power, mineral rescources. and all natural capabilities, with a white population not one third as large, and not one fourth so dense, should send out nearly as many emigrants to new States and Territories ? What other reason can be assigned but the exhaust ing nature of slave labor, i:s inherent incompatibility with other and produc tive modes of Industry, and its oppres: sive bearing upon the masses of the People ? Sluveholders seek the rich bottoms of the new Slave States : their poor white neighbors crowd into the new Free States. In 1.!47)2, for example, Indiana furniihed homers to thirty three thousand persons, who - had been born in North Carolina, and sixty eight thousand. born in Kentucky—the great mass of whom had sought shelter in that Free State from the oppression of a system which, by excluding free labor to a great extent, must drive out a free laboring popula tion. Look again at the table, and see how Free Soil attracts the tide even of home emigration: 1;219.000 natives of the old States in the Free West, and only 659,000 in the Slave West—the old free S:ates sending nearly a million of their sons to the Free West, and only 53.000 to the Slaveholding W e ,t_ while 300,000 natives of the old Slave States seek their homes on Free Soil. And yet the Slaveholding West has rn urea 200.000 square midis larger than that of the Free West, (even embracing witkin the latter the whole of California,) and is equal to it in all natural attrib4s. Facts like these speak trumpet ton sued for Free Soil and Free Labor. Thy show that the instincts of the American People are in favor of them—that their necessities require them—that Slave Labor exhausts the soil: discourages Indus ry, oppresses and drives into ex ile the poor freeman. checks population, impairs the power of the State, and is _detested and shunned by four-fifths of the American People. In full view of this, the present Con gress is called upon by the slaveholders 'and urged by the President, to repeal the Missouri Compromise, which since 1520 has consecrated to Freedomtand. Free labor the soil of our vast Western Territory, to which the poorer classes of the South. the working men of the North, and the hardy sons of toil, driven out of oppressed Europ, are _looking for free and independent , homes ! No wonder that the People. Wherever they are free to speak, are thundering their protests against this meditated outrage. The excitement is more manifest among our northern citizens and the naturalized pop ulation, but there are hundreds of thou sands in the South who sympathize with • them. The following memorial, signed - by forty-one citizens of one or.two coun ties in North-Carolina, presented the other day in the Senate by Mr. Badger, utters the sentiments of- a large class of Southern men, specially interested in .the preservation of Free Soil :. "To the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States ;n Con gress assembled : We, the undeTsigned, citizens of Perquiruans and Chowan counties, North-Carolina, respectfully, but earnestly b entreat Congress to pass no . bill interfering in any way with the application of the . " Missouri Compro mise' to the Territory of Nebraska. DEVOTED TO THE PRINCIPLES OF DEMOGRADY - 2.AND THE DISSEMJNATION OF MORALITY..LIT ERATUR.E, AND NEWS We do so from the conviction that the passage of any bill rendering said Com promise inoperative will be an act of injustice and u breach of national faith." The Libeity Men of 1841,Vindicated. •No paper in the United States was more industrious in trying to destroy the Liberty party of 1814 than the Neu"- York Tribune. We believed then that the time would come when the Tribune would tench a different doctrine. We have - been gratified of late -to find in it the very arguments used by our friends of that day ; and we think the following is an unanswerable virididation for- our vote for JAMES G:Bra...iir in 1814. We copy from the Tribune of April 7. The italics are ours : • " The gambler, the drunkard, the . adulterer, are not generally considered as disqualified for exercising political influence and power. Their vices, thotigh offensive to our taste and repre hensible by our moral sense, are for the most part private and personal, and they may, .and often do, have the clearest perceptions of justice and of the political rights of others. Government is the fountain of law. Law is the root of right. Politicians have to do only with questions of justice and equity. It is for the statesman to investigate and de termine what are the rights of the sub ject and the duties of the State. Slave 'holders are not so much morally as politically incapacitated for statesman ship. From the state of things, goVern ment in their hands becomes a tyranny and a terror. Thry canna, be capable of aeciding questions of right, propo sitions involving the idea of justice, who hold toward, their fellow men 'relations in the last degree cruel and unjust. Shall we trust him to legislate fur us and our families, who has confiscated the liberties, property, and persons of all the poor families in his neighborhood ? To have the destinies of a Republic can trolled by an oligarchy nf .slaucholders, is as absurd as to - have a robber con victed by a fury of highwaymen. So ciety need not trouble herself about her other criminals, if those who perpetrate the outrages involved in Slavery go iptietly at large. It might be thought that in a Democracy a slaveholder could be no more safely trusted with power than a monarchist. Neither. bAeves in the theory of popular rights : to either the Declaration of Lkdependence is ei ther a self-evident lie or a rhetorical flourish. Each should be carefully watched to prevent him from corrupting the winds and subverting tho -r 1.6-e p eople. it is not to bewondered at that the seed so diligently sown should in due time bring forth its fruit. If the General Government had as carefully cherished Monarchy as it has Slavery. we should expect to find monarchic..) principles generally prevalent. WIL4n the breeders and traders in human flesh haee been driVen from political Soprem acv in the National Government; as;; for very decency's sake they should bi. - ;*,nne principal fountain of popular corruption, upon the swelling flood of which such men as Pierce, Cushing, and Douglas have. , swum into power, will be dried.up." Since reading the above, we regret tc see in the .Tribune of April Ilan article i entitled " Politics in the Future," which is opposed in spirit and tendency to the above. This last article smacks very strongly of the Tribune's former weak ness—devotion to party. We had sup posed its experience of manly inde pendence was such as to induce a continuance in the same .Cotirse. And we shall continue to. hope; but this article is sufficient evidence that the warning of the Era was needed, al though we thought at the time that it %was entirely unnecessary. Great Temperance Demonstration in Crawford County. Our friends in Crawford are entitled io the hearty thanks of their Ereihren throughout the State, for the enthusiasm 'and unanimity with which ihey press forward in the good cause. -We. learn from the Conneoutville Courier—a pa per which is already familiar to our readers,.from the frequency with whch we quote good things from it- 7 -thaf a meeting was held there on the 31st of Alarch, exceeding in interest anything of the kind ever held in that county. Between three and four thousand people •were present. It was a demonstration made in consequence of the abandonment of the liquortratfic by the only men in Western Crawford engaged in it. There was spealcing:_. of a high order, music that does * the soup good to hear, and resolutions adopted that hare the riug of COUDERSPORT, - POTTER COUNTY, PA., APRIL 29, 1854. the true metal in them. •Take, .for in stance, these, which we cut fronV , the series. How long do you think the business of drunkard-making will go on in a community where all Temperance men live up to these resolutions? Not a day. And the immense meeting in Crawford county- adopted these resolu tions by acclamation : Resolved, That the next Court Of Quarter Sessions be urgently solicited to refuse all applications for tavern licenses in the County of Crawford ; that ex perience has demonstrated that_ they are not required for the convenience of strangers and travellers," but detrimental to the public and private weal. Resolved, That from this • time forth we withdraw our entire patronage from every mercantile and buSiness establish ment where intoxicating, liquors 'are, sold or'given away; and that we will use-all our zeal and energies with our neiglibcirs . to induce them to do likewise; that we will not, on'any consideration, buy goods, wares, or ?merchandise of those who traffic in the destroyer, but shun their doors as the road which leads to death. Resolved, That the time has come when the friends of temperance must be active in the discharge of their obliga tions; that there is not a moment to lose ; that a vigilant eye be ever on the lookout or danger, and that the public be cautioned when discerned, that they may guard against injury.' Resolved, That-a committee of safety, consisting of thirteen persons, be . ap pointed, whose duty - it shall_ be to hold stated meetiorrs,.and devise together for the public good ; that every infraction of the excise laws brought to the knowl edge.of any Member of the -committee, be immediately prosecuted to effect, end that the plighted faith of every temper ance man in the-community be pledged to sustain said committee, pecuniarily and otherwise, in the discharge of their duty. The Rout. Hope it Pennsylvania. Disaster after discs er is overwhelm ing the luckless administration of Frank lin Pierce. New Hampshire. Connec ticut and Rhode Island have gone against it. The sentiment of the north has thrown triplets for true DeMocraCy and the extension of republican prin ciples. We May now reasonably 13 ,, pe for the redemption of the country from the hands of a mad conservatism and its tool, and the approach of Oh; period When every statesman will not be proscribed who wishes to nab nationnr...r muuentiat. Shall the administration be routed in Pennsplvania also? Shall the immense majority • it expects to " roll up" Le turned into an avalanche to crush its ranks and turn the present dismay of the White House leaders into panic? We say in sober earnestness that all this can be done. The old ICeystona State can be triumphantly carried against Pierce, Douglas, and the other leaders who have made our Republican Con • press the wonder of the popular party of Europe, and . stained the. fair name of Democracy. All that is needed is bold ness of initiative on the part of the Anti- Nebraska Democrats, faithfulness on the part of 'he Independent Press, and dis cretion-on the part of the Whigs. Th - e old icsues between the leading parties have been tried in Pennsylvania again and agaid, and adjudged against the Whi g s ; the battl- should not be fobght on - them. ;Let the issue be made in this State as it has been made at Wash ington—between the friends and ene mies of free institutions, and free immi grants in the territory secured to them by the Missouri Compromise. For this issue, the Democrats of the Northern - and Western counties are-already ripe. Give them the MAN for the Houtz, and they will vote for him. He should be of unsuspected democracy, without re proach and ,have rendered some service to his country. Such a man is .the • HON. JUDGE WlLtarr. His name has already,been mentioned in.different parts of the State and received with enthusi asm. Placed .in nomination by . ' an in dependent Democratic' convention, 'he would be elected by acclamation. What say you, brethren of the press? If were done, 't were' better done, if 'twere done (iy,—Ph iladelphia Reg ister. We . see not how -any man with a spark of inde . pend6nce about him, can fail to respond to the above article, a hearty - amen. Several of the ablest and best papers in the State have already advised this course,. and, - we shall, yet expect to'see its adoption. There is, no paper in the State, whose . influence extends beyond the office where pub lished, that has yet spoken of this movement in - other than respectful. terms. The goof work goes braVely on•- - tnen are every day cutting loose .frona,.tho trammels of party, and Et7o more and more disposed to vote as - their, better judgment dictates, without :regard to old prejudices:l Rum and Hunker Democracy. The forces,ofthese- two powershave been uniting; : for some time. In this county the union was perfect years igb, but in other places the eonliiion was not so readily formed. In New Yrirk, the veto of Governor SeymoUr of the prohibitory liquor bill, will make a per fect union of these forces, and we , think the honest friends of temperahce will not much longer be fooled by these wily demagogues. . . The following comments - of 'the Al bany Regisler . show the kind - of peo ple who sustain, and of their opponents: bill went to the Governor fOr his signature. On the one side of him stood the opponents of the bill. The cold, icy, but intellectUal republican aristocracy, fresh .from their costly and delicious wines, ,smiling as a summer morning, bland in their frigid courtesy; speaking softly and in set terms about.a, lofty conservatism and the disturbing progress of that fanaticism that .would interfere with their comfort by censuring their indulgence. With them, dim and shadowy in the distance, but visible to the mind's eye . , stood the bloated and blear-eyed devotees .of a low debauch ery, reeking from their bacchanalian orgies, ragged and filthy, blasphemous and profane in speech. And - these two extremes of humanity, each-actuated by a common motive—an iron selfishness, demanded of the Governor that he should interpose his veto and wipe, out all the progress of a quarter of.a.ceritury. On the other side 'stood the religious sentiment of the sate, the moral semi ment of the state, •the genuine_ social virtue of the state, charity for, human suffering, sympathy for human-- sorrow,. parents %rho had followed . the children •of their love to the drurdiard's grave, wives whose husbands had been brutal ized ,by intemperance, daughters that it had given to shame, children that it had beggared, humanity itself appealed to him with a voice choked and tromulous with anguish, not to stand in the way of this great experiment of reform, not to.falsity every promise of his -pvt or throw away the great hope of his fu ture, by linhing, himself to that heartless and selfish republiCan aristocracy, or. becoming tilttt 'looming guaut Spectres behind them: And yet these appeals were in vain. Governor Seymour has crushed the last hope of ien thousand fathers, mothers, •wires, sisters, daughters, a sad and a solemn thought to take with him to his pillow of rest. And what- has he gained ? Who wilt call down . upon Lis name to night, as' theY kdb . el at their evening devotions, a blessing for the good deed he hes done? . With v. hat prayer twill his name gqup to the throne of the infinite God? Not one. And yet his name will be upon tt`m thousand tongues to night. It will go up with a great shout and a hurrah, but it will be coupled with blasphemies, and mingled .with the obscenities of pothouse revel, ries. It will be shouted in the midst of debauchery i;nd - be the theme of back= channalian song. i Learn Wisdom.'" Less than ore year ago, how stood the great Democratic party ? It claimed New- lam pseh ire, Con necticu t,and Rhode Island. Where are they now'? They have brokeh their allegiance and de- Jared themselves free from the power that would mislead and.force them to aid in expelling freedom from our soil, and planting the bind,: flag of Slavery over territory now free.. May the' Demo cracy' learn wisdom from these exam ples.—Erie Gazelle. , To which we most heartily respond, with the additional desire that the Whigs may nlso " learn "wisdom:" In New- Hampshire, eonnt;cticut, • and Rhode Island, the Whigs, pursued a liberal policy,• abandoned old issues; secured the 6-operation of, independent demo erats,- and thus the Administration party' Was defeated. If the Whigs of Penn sylvania will• - learri wisdom from the action of their associates in New-Hamp shire anaConnectieut, the ..,:I.dmini.stra tion party defeated, in Pennsyl vania. But as yet, only one Whig paper—the Lancaster Whig --has coon- Seled such Wisdom u will defeat '.Wm. Most of the Whig • papers. have from the start determined to have a pin and 'simple frlitg tickel.• This policy was a.dOßtf . tl by the Convention, and ppuebut Inligitaao be expected to vote for Judg e. Pollock.• Now,.there are a Ltrgt -num- betel . Independent _voters in the State, whO would gladly have voted fur an Intlipende4l candidate, acceptable to the Whigs, who will not vote for the Whig ticliet, and it cannot be elected. Tho Work to be Done. - The foll Owing account of the action of certain women in Indiana, is from the New-York Tribune : • On the morning of the 28th ult., .Thornton Alexander was killed by Rum at.the place of his residence. Winches:: leaving a widow and five young children in abject poverty and heart reading agony. • He was a man ,of more than; ordinary , ability, of generous impajses.and flattering prospects in life, until the web bf the destroyer was woven about his heart. A little -before he breathed his last, he said to the weeping circle.aiound his.bed side, I am dying; whisky has done it,;, ; ,,May those who; have sold me the poison die' as painful a death ns mine." So he : died. leaVing his destitute family in , acguish unutterable. •At 4 o'clock that same afternoon, a procession of forty or fifty of the nobler women of Winchester, with the agonized widow- at: their head, appeared in the streets of that town. They proceeded in ranching order to the ruin grocery of David Aker, handed him a pledge that ie would Sell no more liquor there, and demandedhis signature.. He demurred; but they there resolute; and at length he put'downi his name, opened his doors. and. told•; them to take his remaining stock .of ;liquor and destroy it. Four barrels of whisky and six or eight kegs of what lire galled brandy, gin, wine, drugged,&c., adulterated whisky, of • •course,)were'then rolled out and emptied ; into the street. The .estimated value'of the liquor; (1:4 110) was then made up 'to him by subscription; and the Temper- once pioneers moved on. The next halt . was at Wm. Page's (another groggery) where they met with a stouter resistance. Page, refused to sign, and sliut his doOr in their faces. They chapped it down, knocked in his window, roled the barrels into the street and poured out the liquor. Thee then marched to James .Ennis's. who signed the pl. drce ; thence to EdWard Retters, who did ; thence to Way & Kizer's, ivho also signed ; thence to El. P. Kizer!s drugstore, where they met wi t : o h u equal y s r u e c f c u e s s e s d ; t o t It s e i n or. g e t c i s, s r,' _ever, who was ore of the most active of the peoneers, pushed into thti•hout , H, brought out a keg of liquor, and stove in the head. The procession next visited Wilson's grocery ; he took the pledge ; thence to Craig's drug -store, with equal success; and then adjourned to Meet at half past two next day, to destroy the breWery—the only place in the toTniwhere they had not establie d the prineiple of. Prohibition. Binag sh er gave in his adhesion during the evening. leaving Page alone in his glory' as a would-be;rum , eller if he had any to sell. A posh moment examination of Alex• ander's body was made by the doctors that evening. They reported him" r- I by whisky "—the boats of his stomach having been entirely eaten up by it. Mrs. Alexander thereupon. insti tuted proceedings against Page and Bin , alter, for causing the death of her hus band. SO the case stood at the date of our last advices. If thee WincheSter rutnsellers are justly responsible for the death of Alex ander, how many deaths by alcoholic poison will lie at the door of Horatio • Seymour;! Will the [lon. Elik Price ponder on the above described scenes, and ask h im self if the special pleading which he has beer6nakin,g use of in the Legisla ture for some time back, to prevent the passage of the Maine Law, does not look contemptible when•cpmpared with the self-sacrificing and determined conduct of Mrs. AlOcrinder and her. associates ?. The heart groWs sad - and sick to see how very tender some men are of the feelings of . ruinseillers, but .how indifTerent to the misery' ai‘rd ruin of their victims. It will take la' great many sixty-two•paged pamphlet'S, such as Mr. Price and his friends have issuej, to satisfy plain men that - ii man • Can• Yote with theenemies of Temperance every time, and yet be a ~ ' Lltorough Temperance man.". . From the N. Y. Traxint of April `2.0 The War. There' has been no , battle yet in the Baltic. The Russians are dismounting their fortresses on the island of Alon. Napier's ; fleet is still nt Kioze Bay. April 5,! the navigation is open from Revel to St_ Petersburg. Sir Charles Napier has issued the follovi;ing address to hig fleet Lads! \\Tar is- declared ! We dre to .meet a' -bold and numerous .. enemy -- StiOuld'A . hey offer. us bank.," you - know NU! ER 60. how . to dispose of them I Should they remain in port, we must try to get itt them ! " Success depends upon the quickness and precision of your fire ! ds ! sharpen your cutlasses, and the darts your own !". A private dispatch says that the allied fleets have entered the Black Sea to effect a movement in conjunction with Omer Pacha. The fleets have steered fur Varna. As soon as hostilities commence in the 13altic, t h e Empress and Russian-ourt.- tire to be removed to Moscow. • The Russian crossing of the Danube into- Dobradsha, is confirmed by details. They are razing all their forts, but their General considered his situation so criii col that, after crossing, be immediately d •thantled reinforcements from Bessa rabia, Odessa, and - even Sebastopol. The Tullis are falling Lick in good order upon 'Trojan's The Paris Pairie confirms the report, that the Turks have beaten Gen. Lischn in Bessarabia, and forced him to fall b l ack. The Turks have also crossed the Danube at a point betiveen Nicopo- - lis and Rustchuck. 'l'be nperor of Austria's letter to Napoleon l s not published, but: it is not supposed to contain anything decisive as to Austria's course. It is rumored, - however, that Austria will make the Rus sian passage of Balkans a - cause of war ! The English and French Governments, ery i rely reject the proposals of the Czar, founded upon his letter "to the King of . Prussia,„brought . by Prince George; of ecklenburg-Strelitz. Fram Berlin, evening of the 7th, was telegraphed that negotiations between . Austria and Prussia were not yet closed, but Prussia had joined a protocol, signed on the 3d of April at Vienna, between Bri:rtin, France, and Austria. In the House of Commons,'on Friday 7th, Lord John Russell 'confirmed that Austria was concentrating troops On the Servian frontier, but as negotia -o:ms were still in progress, be could not i'4tte what course Austria would pursue. April 26 is appointed.asa _National Fasa Day throughoutßrituin,to pray for Success in the present war. . The Boy of Principle. Previous to the late Presidential elec tion, Mrs. IL took her little son; about four yearn ota, upon her lap and tried to impr, Upon his mind the diff.rence ;between litter} , and sli'very. She told ,hint the story of scale children sold from their parents, and asked him haw he would feel if some wicked men should Fell him away from his father and moth er, and grandmother and sisters, and he were never permitted to see them any mare. His little heart was too full for Utterance. lie Went away to his play. mid the circumstance was forgotten by Ms mother. A few weeks after, the electioneering spirit began to run high. The little IP;v3 about the street were shouting, hurrah for. Scoot—hurrah for Pierce ! Little Edwin came running to his notller with great anxiety in his coun tenance. Does Scott sell, mother 1 Does Scot sell ?" I • " What du you mean, my son ?" • " Will Scott sell children r I do not know that he would sell lhem," said die mother, " but he sus tains those that do sell." I " Does Pi'erce sell ?" i His principles are the same with s l cott " replied the mother. • t- ...Well," said our 4 little philosopher, I will' never hurrah for them. Who e l an I hurrah for, mother ?" .. Hale," said the mother, ""is opposed to s'avery and the Selling of children." i..Hurrah for Hale, then," and -he nade the hal!S ring again. . " I Want a flig, mother." And his mother could find no rest till She had made him a:little flag with the names of Hale and Julien upon it. • And every day as the boys - would pass shout ill for Scott or Pierce, our little hero '‘.o ° lll,l rush into the street with his little f1:1 , waving in the 'breeze, and cry • hurrah - for Hale -and Julien I" The father•was a good deal annoyed by his son's politics, for he was a strong Scott man. He tried in•vain for some ' time to induce his . Eon to hurrah . for ‘z cat. One day his father came in and called his son to hint. - • •• I have a present for you," said be. His eyes sparkled for the present. Don't you want some candy, a ball, a little horse or a whip ?" And caucus 'rating the articles till. the excitement 'grew to an ecstacy, the father thin pf- I fered him a dollar, and said, " you may jhave that and go to the toy shop and lay it all out in toys. , and candy; get as much as you please,' if you will, go l out in the street and hurrah for Scott." Edwin looked at the dollar a-moment, ;and then raised his form to its utmost capacity, and said, . • -I cannot hurrah for Scott, father, !but (thrusting his hand into his pocket) will give you a.cent, if you will hur. ralifor Ell