The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, April 21, 1854, Image 1

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VOLtrld:E 6.
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The Inguenco,of Freedom.
%We•have showed from the writings of
WASHINGTON and .JEFFF.asos the influ
ence and effects •of Slavery. The fol
lowing article, copied by the New-York
Tribune from. the London .Deily News,
will show per contrast the influence and
results of Freedom.—[Ens. JounN AL.
JONATHAN.—A pleasant and most profit
able lessen may be glum - R.(l from some
. __.
official 1 cts just brought fresh from the We might copy from every page - Of
shores of 13rother Jon !than. These facts these instructive reports examples of the
ore to be found in the reperts of the great progress which the Americans
Cominissimiers to the Exhibaion at New have made itYall the essential arts, which
York. They give no encouragement -it is now the duty of patriotism to pro
to the vain-glorious conviction that mote ; hue it is not our purpose to-make
England has nothing more to do," and a catalogue of their great successes.
make it true that the true business of, We must rather point attention to causes.
patriotism non--next after the moment • , Both the Giiii — missioners make us sens;.-
ary and urgent demands on it for the , ble that the success of the Americans is
purposes of war—is to promote the in- ! far less due to the assistance they have
teliigence se - the multitude. and increase ; derived from Europe than from freedoin t The Secret Russian Correspon
the national skill in all the wealth-cre- ! and• their own native intelligence.—' deuce. . -
sting arts. From the special reports of Wherever machinery can be introduced, ! We devote all the space we can spare
Mess.rso Whitworth and Wallis, the i eays . Mr. Whitwerth, as a substitute for to-day to the secret correspondence, be
truth gleams on us, almost like a rerela- manual labor, ibis universally and tell- ttveen the Czar -and the British eovern
-Lion, that the pre-erninerce of our country iinelie resorted to. "The workmen hail went about the partition of Turkey, to
is only to be maintained by increasing -with satisfaction all. mechanical im- which the, attention of the world was
freedom. The groWing superiority of prereinent," Now this is the reverse j directed by a recent semi-official article
the Americans on many po i nts can nei- 'of the disposition of the people of Europas, in the St. Petersburg 'Gazette. The
Cher be concealed nor denied. ' They : and it is jusely traced by Mr. Whitwortl - 1 - '
- --wee of that article left the impression;
surpass Eeg'and, and therefore far sur- :to the scarcity of hands in America. "It that the British eoVenrment had listened
- pees all the %%odd, in the length and in - is," says he. "the condition of the labor . favorably to the proposals about Twice.:
the success of their railways. They market, and this eager resort To ma- ! from the Czar, quite inconsistent- with
have, according the dincrican Rail
i chinery wherever it, can be applied>aJ its present warlike attitude and with
re'llS/ Times, 1 7 ." 11 miles of rail: and l' which, under the guidance of superior ! good faith. -
all the rest of the world, including Eng- ' e iticition and intelligence, the rem:aka-I This challenge has brought out the
land, has only 1,109. They have gone ble prosperity of the United States is ' whole correspondence, filliug some seven
to work with go -d sense. and have i mainly due." A combination of intitra- ;or eight solid columns of the Louden
"studied economy and the speedy ccrn - : try, intelligence, and freedom is-effecting 7'imes, and all of which we • have found
pletion of the roads." " A sirgle line wonders in America. The resources o f Iso curious and interesting, that we have
of rail." saris Mr. Whitworth. " nailed the Country, which are - great, are not resolved to lay it entire before our read
down on transvi rse logs, and a trim at : d en i e d ; the influx of immigrants and ' o,s, instead of giving extracts from it,
rire intervals, are deemed to be : uril:ieat, the rapid increase of the people cannot : es our contemporaries have -uniformly
as a coniunncemeni , and as traffic hi- be doubted, and both will help to improve contented themselves with doing.
creases, addi i mal improvements can be 1 and extend the intelligence of all; but : It is ' quite the most satisfactory
made." They haze not waste.',, like the g, neral freedom is the great source glirripse into thepenetralia of the Czar's
the well educated gentlemen of England, of the eeneral intelligence. Evert/ man E aabinet, the world has ever been
an immense capital on architectural ra I is free io• use his on-n senses untram- &Iced with. .
way ornaments and in Pal-alimentary meled and unimpeded by others. There : -ale. 1,..e .ere; Emperor taking Sir
rai;way lineation, and the result is that is apprenticeship _proem, so much Henry Seymour by the button-hole, and
railways are succus,fiflly carried iree . prized by certain- trades in Engitond, , telling him e confidentially, that Turkey
every part of the land. Tae Ame risen :.• and the more - useful." .511'S Mr. _Wallis, is sick, mortally sick, will die soon, and
rails are excellent proper ies. To tlitee .I. t he youth in any industrial pursuit the body will .em,ll, unless some ar
railways, a'so. which in eke the commit ~ b ee , ni c e to his emphver. the More profit- raneements - are made at once for the
nication with the interior of America a bl e i t i s to him-elf." "The American disposition of it. That England and
more easy than commun.( ation with the wee-Idea boy develops rapidly inm the nossia',can take .care of- it, if they will
interior or Spain. Europe as at this day skilled artisan, and It lying since mastered' put th eir heads together. Sir Henry
indeleed for most of the 'arse sstrepOes oae part of his bnsieess, he is never intimates a doubt whether Turkey is
of food winch hays :ay. d the people ceitent until he has mastered elk The so sick as the Emperor thinks, but
from hunger. witless activity of mind, the anxiety to writes home about it. Lord John Rus-.,
The Am! ricans surpass us also in the improve his own department of industry, :sell does not think Turkey so very sick, ,
length ( f tel , graphs, and in the us:e the facts -constantly b-•fore him of in- ,and is afraid to make any arrangement ,
which they make of ;hens. They heasto genious men who haveosoired economic about the body, for fear it will be found
says Mr. Whitworth. 15,000 miles.— and mechanical problems to their own , out, and not only aggravate the invalid's
'h ere are eleven ditTrent teleereph profit and elevation, are all stimulative distemper, but make trouble with. the
comp:tides in New-Tort:. Quebec and and encouraging, an& it may he said other powers .
New-Orleans are connected by the wire, that there is not a working boy of aver- ; Nicholas sticks to It, however, that
and a, net work of lines extends to the nee ability, in the New-England States Turkey cannot live, that her dissolution
west es far as Missouri, about 50 0 towns at least, who has not an idea of some , would take them by surprise and make
and villages being provided with sae mechanical invention or improvement in trouble, unless England and Russia
tions. When the contemplated lines manufactures, by which in good time he should come to an understanding. He
connecting CelPornia with the Atlantic, hopes to better his condition, or rise to did not want anything in writing. The
. and Newfoundland with the ma i n con-e fortune or social distinction." Fur other word of a: gentleman is enough. Sir
atinent, are completed, San Francisco ~ and older nations, which dread without Henry was not accustomed to this hit
. will be in communication with St. John's, , sheriff , the progress of America, the penal pertinacity. He fought shy, and
Newfoundland, distant from Galway but . fearful phenomenon is the rapid develop- wrote honk for instructions, Which
five days' passage. It is, therefore, es- rnent of the mind of man there, us well i would- excuse him from the necessity of
timated that intelligence may be Coll-: as the increase of ' his nofithers. The debating 'the subject any longer with
veyed from the Pacific to Europe, and 100.000,000 human beings who will the• Czar. their conferences having be
rice versa. in about six days. In Amer- probably live in the continent of North come more embarrassing than compli;
ica „ :he electric telegraph is used by all America before the - close of the present mentary.
classes of society as an ordinary method century, promise to be all intelligent I A letter was finally sent him, which
of transmitting intelligence." " Corn- men, foil of activity and knowledge of left the question, as far as England was
mercinl men use the electric telegraph the material world, anxious to improve, i concerned, where it stood at the begin- I
in their transactions to a very great and powerful in the compound ratio of I ning of the 'correspondence, but -with',
extent." About two column's of mater their intelligence and their numbers, l nhich the Czar affected to be satisfied.
a d a y is transmitted by telegraph to the Our census commissioners remark," that- After a careful perusal of the correspond-
New-York papers.' So under t;he quid- , one of the moral eflects of the increase I ence, we are satisfied that the.imputa
acme of good sense, the 15,000 miles ofl of the 'people is the increase of their tions of the St. Petersburg journal were
telegraph • are not an unprofitable corn- ! mental activity." And what, then, may unfounded, and that no complicity Ise
mercial speculation. The 'Americans, I
i not the Americans, now skillful, become I tween the - 'Czar and the English Cabi
who, as Mr. Burke said, are o still in the ebefore the close of the Century ? ' net with regard to Turkey is establiShed.
gristle," are -almost equal to us, who I - The prospect is, however, encouraging It does, however, establish a foregone
have been ages'" in the bone," in the I for us, not appalling. , We must itnitme conclusion on the part of the Czar,
tonnage of their merchant shipping. 1
t the Any-ricans, and set our people free taken . in connection with subsequent
while they completely equal, if they do I from all kinds of unwise restrictions. events, to hasten that dissolution of the
'n . ca surpass, us in constructing and man- I Although the general report ascribes the'l Tuakish Empire for Which he• Was so'
aging ships. In ocean steam navigation ;
! quick intelligence, the ingenious, - indas- anxious to be prepared.
they are our only competitors, and even ' trious, energetic painstaking of the pro- Only two daps before the first of these
in that they are riot b-hind us. I ducina class, s, to, that early education conversations with the. Eniperor,•Sti
• • The application of laborsaving ma- which ° is alike afforded to al!, and al- Hamilton Seymour reported to his gov
chinery to working wood is very exten- ; though Mr. Wallis very properly speaks- eminent, that he had reason to believe
sire in America. An abundance of th e [in its'praise at every page of his report— i that one hundred and fOrty-four thou - sand.
material and a ocerrity of hands have I and we have. riot the slightest intention men were ordered to march to the fronts - ,
led to inventions which- people in End- I ; to disparage early and genera) education, I ier:of - the Danubian principalities; arid
land/ are beginning to import. The ; particularly in "common things t' . ' but, duriog - the whole course of these nego-:
sawmills are wonderful ; self-acting bia- j on the contrary, would.extend it to every' tiatioris - the mission of Prince lienchi
chinery makes doors, and window frames. i child in the kingdom-yet it is' con- WI was' in preparation; or in progress:
and cases. .Builders,are supplied with 1 clusively . shown by- one remark of Mr. On the 20th of February, when , the
Erich . articles cheaper than they cant Whitworth's that Education, however . - Czar unbosonaed himself mo s t fally :to
make them. Portable sawing machiues, early and general, is not,alone suffiCienn Sir Henry, and insisted that "the sick
driven by horse power, are used for to give and secure the 'iliperioritY 'of man was dying," Prince MenChikoff
sawing up lob's of wood for fuel. Planing
machines. are in comn.on use. "The
character given to one branch of manu
facture has gradually extended to others.
Applied to stone-dressing one man is able
to perform as much work as twenty
masons by hand." In the United States
one spinner -by machinery does more
than 3,000 times the work of a spinner
in Hindostan. Lasts are .made by ma
chinery ; so are plows.
Every man in America being perfectly
free to keep his wagon, the use of wagons
is almost universal. What an advance
for'F.rigland if every man could keep
his wagon. "The manufacture of wag
ons supports a great number of wheel
wrights and artisans of that class, who,
from the nature of their employment,
attain great skill and aptitude, enabling
them to turn their hands to almost every
variety of work, and rendering, them a
most useful and important class." So to
have wagons perfectly untaxed raises up,
as among us the free cotton Lade has
raised up, important and intelligent
classes of workmen. •
COUDEABPORT, Ps 4 1 ittNir
Intellect,ual development which is ob
i Served in America. " jf,". he says, " se
cting a proof from among the European
states, the condition of Prussia be con
sidered, it will be found that the people
of that country have not made that
progress which, from the great attention
paid to the education of all classes,
might have been anticipated." Ifjparly
and general education were even the
chief means of development of people
with respect to the material world, which
is What the Americans possess, and what
we all require, how comes it that the
best educated classes in France, and
Germany, and England, are not the
great improvers of the mechanic arts,
and of society at large? Here and there
a Worcester, - a Stanhope, a Cavendish,
or I Howard, start up from among the
aristocracy ,as great inventers or great
discoverers is science, but the bulk of
our impro7ments have been made by
hard-handed and very imperfectly edu
cated men. Let us not substitute edu
' cation for freedom, and make the lattei
contingent on the former, but for England
to maintain her industrial rank in com
petition with American'fleedom must be
bad, whether educatiOn be had or not.
We think the General Cornmissioners
much to blame for ascribing all the ad
, vantages of America to education, and
saying not one word for freedom. For
the freedom of the United States is the
great basis of her present material' pros"-
, perity.
was actually on his way to ConStanti-1
nople to initiate the mischief which has
since matured.
It was undoubtedly .the policy of the the Senator 'rom Illinois?"
Czar.4n pursuing England so -.pertina—
ciousFy- for somesort of an•Angreement
about what Mr. Mantalini would have
termed "the demned body," . to place
England in a po,itibn which Would pre
vent her becoming an ally of •France in .
'opposing whatevermight 'oocur in Tur
key. With England neutral, the,Cznr
expected to undermine and ruin Turkey
without an open war. His failure to
effect this understanding, compelled him
'to piirsue the, course he has finally
chosen. • '
We -shalixive the remainder of this
correspondfmce to-Morrow.—.N.• Y. Eve
ning Past.
The Clergy and. Mr. Dough's,
The New York Recorder, one of the
ablest religious papers in the, Union,
has a word in behalf of the clergy as
sailed by : Mr Douglas: ,
"It is often said of clergymen. as a
class, that they are unacquainted with
the ways of the world, and .are sadly
apt to blunder when they travel out of
their- strictly professional sphere. Un
doubtedly there is a foundation for this ,
criticism, as there is for the same crit
icism with reference to any other class
of men ; but the amusement 011ie thing
is, that the wise' people, who are Most
fond. of descanting upon the :worldly .
greenness of the qiergy, are often quite
as limited in their own knowledge of
matters not belonging to their own line.
We venture to intimate to the Senator
from Illinois, that he knowS less of the
cler ,, y of the country than they know of
him, and that the clergy understand
good deal more of secular aMi political
afr:' T s than he does of those -of . religion
and theoloLly. Inde..d, we venture to
say. furth. , r,,tl:at if - Mr. Douglas had
made more tr,-crivot choice of the clergy
as hiscompaidons, be would have been
a tnari of a g,:od d ni mono gAieral intel
ligence than he can with any reason
pretend to, and might have :derived
other advantages from the companion
ship, which it is not necessary.for us to
suf*gest. As a matter of fact. , Mr.
Douglas shows himself utterly and inex
cusablv ignorant of the character-of . the
New England clergy. As a 'class, their
superiors as to general intellio-ence are
not to be found in the. f...7nited States, or
in the world. They are men of learn
ing.. . The colleges of New England
were founded hy almost uni
..-eTativ,they have been the teachers of
the colleges. 0f . "23,532 graduates 'of
New England colleg es, according, to ta
bles ut this moment before us,: 6';502, or
more than- one fourth, have entered the
ministry, and there is not a school dis
trict from Bye to Madawaska which has
not felt their influence in raising the tone
of general intelligence and culture. It •
has been, mortover, an incident of New, ;
England history, that the doctrines',
which have prevailed in- regard to the
ministry—that they are not a caste, but
the companions and equals °their lay
brethren, and • distinguished only as ;
caned to peculiar duties—have always
'brought them into the closest relations
with the public in all matters of social ;
interest. They have mingled with
their fellow - - . cititeris freely in the consid
eration , of public questions, anti not a
year passes in which they do pot hold
office, 'more or less, as magistrates and
lerTislatt4rs. and they are often memberi
orrodoress, Judges, .and Governors.
"It is of such men, to the - number of
more than three thousand, that Mr.
Douglas makes the sweeping statements
' which we have'quoted- 7 that not one of
them knows the history of the Missouri
Comprotnise—that not one of them
even knows the history of the Colm- .
promises of 1850—and that not one of
'them has taught the obligation : of the
Fugitive Slave Law of that year, or of
national engagements in,g,eneral: Why,
there are nurnes on that protest, by
scores, of men -Who were high in sta
tion, men of learninf,i, general
gence, and influence..before.the Senator
from Missouri was born—who were par
ticipaiors in the agitations of IS‘L'O, and
know its details as they know their al=
phabets. There are scores, too, who
were the stanch friends of the Com
promises of ISSO, some - who preached
in favor of them, and who proclaimed
in Boston ,itself the obligations of the
offensive law in. question, and congratu
lated the country that it was new to have
'a Sabbath On.the subject or Slavery'—
'the very Sabbath which the Senator
fitim Illinois has broken; outraged at he
affects to feel at being charged With the
profanation. • It was certainly a - Wanton
venture when the comparatively, youth
ful .Sentitor impugned the injelligence
of such menas.Francis Wayland, Lyman
Beecher, 'Nathaniel 'Taylor., Alexander
H. Vinton, and_ a host - of others of sinai-,
lar standing atnong the distinguished
persoriages,ofour time. Are they, less
citizens-because 'they are clergymen;
acd because they aulerrinly, believe the,
judgments of God are provoked by' a
violation of plighted faith and an act of
political imniorahty, are they to be de
nounced as fanatics and dunces by—
Politicians of easy virtue have long
been telling us that American Slavery
was fast dying out, yielding, like April
snow-driftS under the sun, to the genial
influenceS of Democracy - and Christian
ity. What a melancholy commentary
it is upon this_ prediction that we are
brou,ght,iit last to dispute the entrance
of Slav:•ry into the free territories of the
: North ; 'that we who have talked so'
bravely about confining it to present
:limits, are' ourselves on the point of
-being "'cabined, cribbed, confined"
'within two narrow strips of the conti•
.neat on the borders of the great lakes
and Pacific Ocean ! now came free,
dom-thus brought to its last gasp? Who : organ. • -
have been guilty of debauching the na- i Va hold Gen. Pierce, then, to the -
:tional virtue, so far as to permit this responsibility of this explosion between_
:Nebraska project to be even debatable? I Cutting and Breckenridge—,a rupture
; What . vile arts have been used to give : which might have ended in the violent
,plausibility -to the sophistries, under and bloody death of one or both elthe
which the palpable iniquity of this • parties, but for the active interposition,
great fraud has thinly veiled ? The remonstrances ana advises of-men of all
,process has indeed not been a rapid one. : Mrties and bith houses: Such arc the
The .decdy of virtue in an indi%tidual is desperate straits to which this impotent •
but graduali the decadence of nations is . and Tylnrized administration is driven.
a still sloiver operation. The gains of - E'ected to power upon the plitform of
slave-breeding and slave-selling have the • compromise of IS:MX the Cabinet
built up a complicated commercial inter- authoritatively and unblushingly repu
'est that has beset the-lobbies of legisla- diates the compromise policy. Pledged
'tures and the halls -of courts with its I at
_Baltimore to, resist any and every
hundred arms loaded with bribes, to •ittempt to revive the agitation of the •
pervert judgment and withhold justice. slavery question, but pushed to the last
Popular preachers have perverted , the resort by the disclosure of his free soil
records of old inspiration to defend vil- principles and antecedents, we see Gen.
lainies abhorren - t to the natural religion l'i-rce, in his desperation to reclaim
:of ihAr consciences. Unprincipled pol• the confidence of the South, casting into
iticians td whose epprehension the self Congress the repeal of Ere Missouri
-evident truths of the Declaration of In- Compromise as an administration meas
dePendenc'e are self evident lies; men ure, and thus lighting up such a flame
who have no real faith in democracy,-
of free soil and abolition excitement as
guihy of incivi.sla toward the Republic, the country has never . before expo,
front the ; stump, the newspaper press sensed. . With: upwards c
majority in the House upon 'of seventy
'a •
nd the !leers of Congress, and what- d `:necrotic
ever places of influence they could in Oils test issue of Nebraska n we find the
tripe themselves into, have denounced administration powerless to persuade,
a,.' treasonable and dangerous all the lip- • resorting to the rash expedient of coer
cion, and driving two political and per
e'earand democratic opinions of the age.
Timid nen have given ground to all i sonal Iriends to the wretched resolve of
this press'ure. Many looked up to as a mutual assassination.—Clev. Legder"- - ,
leaders to head the resistance against'
the ',general demoralisation, have proved, eoneletenty. . ~ ,
not. intellectually, but morally incapable CFr 3 n l the '°Leirel Wreath," read at the
of making the ellen. •••• , c.'fraderspnrt Academy.]
--' Besides. when\ was ever a wicked What is' it ? We often hear it called
policy pi-bre:ea that had not some plau- a jewel; and yet there are a few who
sible phrase, some dap-trap by-word to seem to think it a very :valuable one—:
•gtoze it over ? No doubt he spake well i very few who even think it worth the'
who said that he could easier govern n Wearing. The modest young lady, who
pebple by making th'eir songs than their always trembled, and even shed tears - ,
talks ; but he who contrives the cant ' every other Wednesday afternoon, be
phiases that form the staple of Congres cause she was ''so bashful and so easily
embarrassed she could not bear to stand
Eiopal and caucus speeches can outstrip
in : influeoce the maker of songs and up and read her own composition when
si many:folks were looking at her," did
laWs together. Winn a measure of lee
islation, by. i's--gross violation of all nut know that she was trampling this
clierishedpopu far ideas of ri g ht, arrests precious pearl under her' feet when she
.opposition, sonic dreary political - pedant consented to stand in the center of a
is' set to work to reproduce the same' parlor and let every man in a large corn
project in'a mystification of Words, plau- - parry kiss her as a " judgment" for not
Bible enough to make the devil himelf pitying her part well in a 'game of
believe that he has blundered haw an " Simon says t Thumbs up.' " • •
ace. of unpremeditated benevolenre.— j. The- young man who was so,mooh
" Re-annexation of Texas" was ' , tile ' embarrassed whenever he: attempted to
phrase under which the larceny of that
province iwas acheived. .To Slavery
was given the freedom of the territories ,
acquired from' Mexico, and a free bunt
in, - all the nirthern States for. fugitives,' •
under the cant of "non-intervention."
The, popUlar discussion of these meas
tires was a dangerous agitation" of the
Slavery question. The abrogation -of
the, Missouri Compromise, too, has hap
pily achi-',.ved for itself a phrase more-,
than usually captivating and eupho
nious. It is, (could any one have
Messed it beforehand I) " the sovereign
ty of. the people"—save the mark !
The Emperor Nicholas is very happy ,
in this style of speech ; so is Napoleon ;
so was his uncle. Could any' one read,
the series of manifestoes that have pre
pared and accompanied this Turkish
war, without believing that piety, patri
otism, philanthropy and meekness, and
' most other human virtues had become so
much monopolized by one man, as to
• leave all the rest hardly enough to save
themselves withal ?- In our country,
Gen. Cass seems to have been the au
thor of the greater part of the phrases •
before mentioned. - His mimd has long
dwelt in a limbo of intellectual fog,
wherein words and things - interchange
identities.. Let those who fancy such
investigations dissect these shams and
expose their deception. Honest minds
will content themselves with Mr. Ben
ton's Eanswer: "It is a lie, Sir." If a
man has a right to pervert the functions
of his own intellect, he has no right to
insult our instinctive perceptions of
trutir.—N. Tribunes
Putting Him through the Milt.
The New York Herald, a potential
agent in ,the election of Gen. PIERCE,
cbdrges that he was the invisible agen
cy which impelled Mr. BREckesnionc,
of Kentucky, to undertake the delicate
and dangerous task of questioning the
honesty of Nit.. Ct. - Trim., in the House
of Representatives, in the parliamentary
course which be had thought fit to pur
sue upon the Nebraska bill.. It - claims
that without a powerful in fl uence be
hind the scenes BRECKENRIME . would
never have undertaken the presumptu
ous task of lecturing such a man as Cur-
The chivalrous Kentuckian Was in
the meshes of the administration—he
was doing its work ; and had he suc
ceeeded in lashing the refractory New
Yorker into submisSion and obedience,
it would all have been well enougla.
His failure - was a Cabinet failure,
Presidential failure, - under the whip and
,pur of the President's agent,authorized,
or believing himself to be authorized, to
do the work, whence the importance of
the question, the folly of Mr. Brecken,-
ridge, and the bitter chagrin of the
whole White : liouse party and their
speak before a small debating society
that he trembled, stammered, and said
things he did not mean, and was soilif
tiVnt that he could not possibly "read a
composition in school, and yet unblush
ingly joined in playing "
.Snap and catch
'em," probably never realized how great
v'o'ence the jewel Consistency suffered,
at his hands.
A number of girls, very young, lively,.
and thoughtless., once chanced to,assem-
ble to spend an afternoon together. It
was reported soon after, that these girls
had a mimic prayer•meeting each of
them personating some one who usually
took part in the exetcises at real prayer
meetings. Of cburse this story, though
proved to be a great exaggeration, made
quite a stir. Ministers preached• about
it —gossips 'discussed it—school girls,
made it the subject of their compositions..
Pious parents, kept a stricter watch over -
th-ir little daughters ; and many a heart
felt prayer was offered for the conversion
of t to irreverent children who had dared
!Italie a mockery of prayer. Everybody
was shocked, which would have all been .
all right and proper had there beet truth
enough in the,tale to warrant such ex-- -
cit,ment. ;•
But previous to that event, as well
this, In ,ck marriages have frequently
occurred between men-and women quite
old enough to know • better ; and when",
have they raised any excitement
When even elicited rebuke ? Professors ,
of religion smile complacently on this
kind of mockery, and some even join
in it.
Is this Consistency ? Is a coenript
le s sacred than a petition Is it leaf
impious, less shocking, to make a mock
of marriage than of
. prayer ? not,,
why should Christians encourage - one,'
and be borrified at the other
0 consistrncyl consistency !* nest to
Humility the brightest jewel- in the'
Christian's crown. may all men seek.-
; thee, and mayest thou be found of all.