The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, March 17, 1854, Image 3

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    The Only Way to Save This Nation
From Entire Subjection to Slavery.
The people of the North as a general
thing are opposed to all the movements
of the slaveholders for the extension of
slavery and other movements whose
object is to strengthen and perpetuate
that hateful institution. Heretofore the
-Politicians have kept the people di
vided and in subjection to the slave
The following, from the Boston Coin
numwealth, points out thoonly remedy :
PrtEsToN limo, a true man, who has
kept his integrity, and steadily refused
to endorse the stupendous tatcalities of
1850, Said, In his letter to the Faneuil
Hall Copentldn, the other day, the
" ftiends of freeddin should learn to be
united. They should agree td vete to•
gether for.tbe better side, and against
the worse, until an administration shall
be elected, because it is favorable to free
dom. The gauge of haute thrown doWn
by Mr. Douglas challenges such action."
Let all sinCerd men dismiss that miser
able partyism which makes our politics
eo rtledfl, aria gives such support to un
principled place-hunters, and let them
uniie. Let those who think and feet
alike on this question, come together,
and act together with the spirit of men
Who cannot be turned from resisting the
ei l ctoachtuents 'of this barbarous institu
tion. There is no other question in
our national pofhic9 that can make itself
heard of, Let there be art end and an
einiviort of the old paftisan prepdices,
strifes, and criminations, Which can
serve no generous purpose, and which,
at. such a time as this, are a shame and
and an offense to men of common sense
and common conscience. Let the friends
of freedom unite anti vote together
against northefa' (Ad tas to' freedom, and
for tftfe men who ae - knowledge no
allegiance to the ad national' parties ; and .
the republic Will be saved from that ruin
which slavery is preparing for it.
The Nebraska Bill in the Sen
The Senate, after a proteadie'd session',
adjourned last night, at a late hour,
Itirving ordered the Nebraska Bill to . be
efigross.ed for a third reading, The
amendtnent offered by Mr. Chase, affirm
ing the right of the People of the Ter
ritory, under the Constitution of the
United States to exclude Slavery from
its limits, gave rise to a warm discus
sion, but, as we predicted, was voted .
&On': The Southern Senators deny
openly the eAsteni!e: of any sntli' , I ,ig-ht ,
in' ate People eit,.Legislatu re 'of a' 1 erri- _______ -------
tofy, and the Northern Senators slip - ' Thb Nebraska Bill an Admiaistra:
porting the bill did . not dare to affirm lion Pleasure.
such a right. They leave that to to i We ask honest dembdirafs - fd ) littik at
done by the journals at the North en- ,
gaged in the work of duping , the People. the p'oSition of Pr - eSident Iberie:
litiii other amendment of Mr. Chase,• de- Says lion. Edmund fluke through
sianed to carry out the theory rf self- 1 the Concord Repor:er— •
government, so vehemently coetanded i We see various rumbrS in the news
fbtr 4; the supporters of The bill, were ro4ii. r . s -f os -p c - t in . ‘ g Lie - col-use which the
also voted down. 'rho m j°l'ilY whit Nieintier - s from thie State will pursue on
ordered it to be engrossed, refused to Jet- the Nebraska bill. - One rumor says
the people elect their own Governor and that "Mr. Kiuridlge and Mr. Morrison
Judges, or to deprive the Governor, to will speak and vote amainst it, leaving
Fin . appointed . by the Central Power at Mr. Hibbard as its orti3t supporter from
IVar.hington; of the veto power. 0, the President's own State.." Another
Profound reg,at'ilTor`Pe' pular Sor-ereigntyt ' rumor says i lia' MV. ;Hibbard's course
One amendment adopted at the in- ;is also in dudbt. NoiV, we have no
stance of Mr. Badger provides that my.ll- ; means :of ktiotving what course any
ihg in the Bill shall be construe] to re- ! member of otif delegation will pursue,
vine the Laws of Louisiana in existence but presume
. they will all susltain the
in the Territory before the passage of bill. It is a measure with which Gen.
the Alissotni Compromise. This of Pierce and hi:4 achninistmtion has become
course will be hetalud as leavin; t,..—"l'L'!coiripletely identified, and to suppose'
question of Shivery unembarrassed, to be that the gentlemen' Waned' will' tarot&
determined by the action of the Terri- it is but to suppose that they are'ready
terial Legislature. It will thus be made to oppoSe tide administration, which is
to serve the purpose of politicians in Crib I haidly to be presumed.
coming election in New Hampshire. Our readers probably understand what.
Let no: the People be caught with chaff.
would be the effect of the passage of
What do these Southern men care lot
the old code of Louisiana: when they this bill. - But on this' point we will
claim a surer and broader guarantee for again quote from the Concord Reporter:
their " slave property" in the Constitu- i We assert, without the fear of sjectess
don of the United States._ IL is in vie-' ful contradiction front any reslectable
tee of this, that they claim the right to source, Judge,_ Douglas not excepted,
carry slaves into Nebraska, and hold ; that 1116 repeal of the MisSottri - Corn
them there, against the will and leg,is- , Promise. reifive's tlhit. ei l e; ; t.; Lblishe's the
!talon of the People Thereof. ', law of slriberg in Nebraskil rind 'Aim-
The vote was a sroll . one.:' In' fact, sax, and permits the people of thi Sol4lll-
this Bill, so incalcclabiy imhoriant, was tin Stales to go there and saddle in
carried by a minority -of the Senate— those territories with their slaves. If
tiveritykrittie. Senators out of sixty-two ! i t -h as not t hi s effect, then thl-N'ebraska
only Feting for it. Twelve voted against Bill is a cheat and a humbug as well
it. Twenty•one were absent, or refused upon the people of the North as the
to vote. South.
It is worthy of remrrk, in connection !
r _ . ,
with this vote to repeal a positive act of
. Congress limiting Slavery, that resolu
tions still stand on the journals of the
Legislatures - of' sixteen States of this
Union, passed in 1815,'1819, and 1520,
instructing or renties.tine. their Senators
to sustain the policy of positive Con
gressional enactment against Slavery in
the United States . " Territory. llad the
Senators from those Slates been true to
the spirit and policy of these resolves;
there would hare been thirty-sir, in
stead of twelve votes, against the repeal
of •the Missouri Cottpreinirse.•
People of the North, you have given
yourselves up to the keeping of the
, Whig and Democratic parties, and 'itfarn
allegiance to the Baltimore.' Platforin.
You are responsible for all this.—Duily
National Era.
Congress of a free people, living under
a Constitution established "toscuie the
blessings of liberty," are preparing the
way to extend slavery into free territory.
The Etaperor of Austria, whose govern
ment is one of the most despotic and the world, has taken meas
ures for the emancipation of the serfs of
his provinces of Bohemia, Hungary. Mo
ravia, Servia _and the Bennet. In all
this extensive region, the Emperor has
by decreenbcilished all obligation to ren
der service or labor to the original owner
of the soil. The government decrees
that the peasant shall receive a farm as
his own property, at a price to be deter
mined by Commissioners appointed by
the government to stand between the
nobles and the serfs. The payments
are made on easy terms; and when the
farm is paid for, the owner becomes en
tirely free and indepencenti
Republican America is contriving
means for extending and perpetuating
slavery, while despotic Austria in aenve
in abolishing slavery. .Boston Com
Verdict in the Gardiner Case,
WAstfigotoN, idmicil 3, 1851
The Jury in
.the Gardiner case re
turned a verdict of guilty this morning,
after twenty-two hours' deliberation, and
the Court passed the highest sentence
allowed by law, Vit, ten years' impris ,
onment in the Penitentiary.
Gardiner is in the ctlstay of the
Execution has been stayed till twct
days after the rising of the Circuit Court;
to which the case is carried oh a bill of
Hts counse,i'S- exception , td the bill
contained 2:1 eounts, and the general
opinion is that the CirCuit Court tvoulcl
have granted a new trial.
Dr. Gardiner was found dead in his
room to day.- He is supposed to have
poiso'ne'd hicntdif alter his corifictbn.
The Coroner's Jury commenced an
investigation this evening, and adjourned
till the morning, when a post mortem
examination will be made. It is not
certain that the case is suicide; over:
Wtoirght feehdg, it is' thought; army htfei
been the Cause.
O'n entetinf the' colt where dardirref
was confi'ne'd; hie Was. obsefved' tb &ink
some water, throwing his head back, aircf
it is supposed that he took a striehnine.
pill. He was seized with convulsions
almoit immediately. After giving a
letter ro• Charles Gardiner; his -brother,
he* feiriatte'd he was going tt , foY6 a
Judge who would not pronothca' Hifi
gtrilty, and expired in great agony. His
corpse. remains in the Jail.
Ile was 3G - years old, had the educa
tion and manner's of a gentleman, and
was engaged' t'o* ha' married 05' a lady iiS
It is not known for whom the letfetr
was intended.
The Nebraska I-pdians were at the'
President's lefee
RA tt n it co,
- February - IG, iu Wapello Township, lowa,
by Ilan. ti'mair Mr. G. B. WILL
IAMS of Columbus City, to Miss CORDOLIA
A. SP A FFORD of Lymansville, Potter Co., l'u
rir Having received the above via.Unclo
S 1111 ' S mail, we were-ruminating thus upon the
shifting of scenes incident to the great drania'
of life : But yesterday, Nile was with us a
maiden iu our own mountain land—to-day, a
happy bride in the fir-off West —to-filmr;
row God bless her!—:he printer is'
tea forgotten ! A cake ! I! 0! A! Cake!—
White tt'the driven snows of Winter, remind
ing one of the puritymf the donor—;,mbordeicsi
w:th . sprigs of green, '.emblematical of the .
new Sluing season of life opening to the happy
couple:—red 'and golden dots, love and plenty
—yes, the dl's not forgotten—bless her.—
w satisfied:
APLRE article"' of Soda, Cream of,
Tartar; and Si;l4i-atus mtll always lit:
f, mud nt
- . • ••
TYONIS Ii.)6IIAIRON and other
xcellent preparations fur cleansing and
alicutifying the HAIR, for sale at TYLER'S.-
PERSONS about to build or repair, will that
a complete stock of Win dow Sash, Glnea, Putty,
Paints and Oils, for sale at fair prices by
T. 13. TYLER-
OFFERS to the public a collettioa. of
SellOOL . BOOKS of every kind. called
for in this conaraunity—reading matter for
every taste—the works of time-honored and
standard authofs, with those .of progressive
and inquiring writers of almost every school
of thought and investigation, and 'on tennis
which no purchaser will regfet:•
Among our works of Ilistory
Hildreth's United States,
Witiihrop's New-England—new etlitidil,
Prescott's Conquest of Alefiieo;
at de LI pet*
Alacauley's England, ~
Dickens' Clines of Englal .
Joselihus—Rollin; . •
Goodrich's Ilistury of England; France,. and
the United States.
Law Books of the best and most tiseful Mud,
Layard's Nineveh and Babylon,
:Nineveh and its domains
Lyell's Geology, Agriculture, and Chemistry
Taylor's, and Bartlett's Travels
iu Europe,
Lires of Dr. Judson. and his tl - o've wives,
Lives of Lady Jane Gray and Margaret
Fuller Ossoh,
Poems of Goldsmith, Gray, Cook. and others,
iiriswold's Poets and Poetry of England,
" " America,
ftlitallf Poets, Tennyson's ln
moriam, 'Pass% Ossian, etc.,
Pero heaves and Little Ferns, - -
Ili:per - ion—Wide, Wide World—Queechy,
Eldorado-Ozar and Sultan;
Telliperlll)CC Tales.=—Mapleto'n, -
Life of Isaac t;. flofiper, anal °filet rt•orkS
by L. Maria Child,
A large variety of Books for Children, both
amusing and instructive,
Works of Theodore Parker,
Writings of J etierson ,
Milton's Prose,
Works of E. Oakes Smith,
Ilydropathic Cook Book,
Cookery as it Should Be,
Watt!' Cure 'Manual,
Ilydropathic Encyclopedia,
home foe:All—new method of baildiug„ -
The Fatally Dentist; and other publications
of Fowlers & Wells, New-York.
Albums, Drawing Books', malpaper..
:11nel:omen's series . of Copy Boas.
Various lands of Letter dad NOte fa'kr.
Ciaqs, Envelopes*, Waters; On Wa:t.
Water Colors, Diaries, Pencils, etc.
'temperance Tracts: hot Cern TAl'rts.
Woman's Right to Preach, a sermon by Bev.
Luther Lee.
The ;lost Christian Use .of the Stablay,
sermon by „Eev..Thcodore Parker.
Lecturei by Etinith, ar . eelq, Seward, and
CornchSroni, Pa., Dec: 30; 1833. 6-33tf
fIOLIAER'S Strsksp6a - re;
I.9l'oble'S hides- to Pethxlical Literitture;
Etlmumts' :Spiritualism; •
Spectitot—a nett' and handsome edition . ;
llot C061,--Life Scenes in New4 - ork ; and
some books foi tllh young people, at the
Jun. 13, 18.5.1. JOURNAL BOOK STORE.
VNLENTINES for ladies only, at
ntectt - Noston, Zote l
_ No. 94 MNEC . STREET,
-AY be fount!' constantly on hand and
for sale, an' exiensive variety of Spew.
cer & Granger's idperb Nlattrasses, of every
sort, kind, and price, from a $3.50 palm
Mattrass to a super-Englis . h Hair Mattrass
al. $lO.OO. Also, Lounges, Bolsters, and
Pillows. All of which ate offered to Hotel
and Boarding House keepers. and all others
who have common sense enough to know
that a filthy Feather Bed, to the best'
of it, is but a breeder of diitease ancra life
curiliter,—at lower rates than can be found.
at any other store in the comity
11..:1LNCEY trtl9.,
Flllc Agents (itt the county) for Ilu• sale of
the ttboxe goods. • 105 ly
Boston Store, Wellsville ; Jan. 13, 1851
-L TUNTER'S celebrated Instructions
_Lfor the Pifuni-Porte:
Barrowes' Pia:au-Forte Prinirner ;
Union Glee (took; •
new titipply- of Sheet Music ;
For sale by T. 13. TYLER.
. .
Babbitt's ,
Yeast and Soaii rovi
ders.--rna!s..l ri . tperVii 2 articles are wilr
ranted to'save time nod Mimey, mid promote
peace and harimmy ill families.
For &tic: at
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
J. W. II NUM NG, Tailor. All work
entnisted to his care will be don
svi ti neatuess, conifiwt, and durability.
cver Lewis lidann's store. 6-37 t
Premium Fanning Mills.
Important to Farmers and Illeaanics.
rrlIE subscriber has
_purchased of J.
Barnboroug,h the right to use in 'Potter and
IlPKean counties his patent in the construction
of Fanning Mills. He has also, at great ex
bense, commenced the manufacture of a Pleg
lUM MILL which will clean from 100 to
200 bushels per hour. This Mill was pate sled
March 20, - 1847; since which time it has stood
at the head of the list at all the State cent'.
ty agriculturul societies where., hips Veen ex
hibited. and is a univ.ersit . l . favcrite with 'all
farmers who have tried If took the pre
mium at the first Agricultural. Fair held at
Harrisburg; Oct: 31st, 1851, when there were
30,000 peOple present ; and at the great State
Agricultural Fair at New-York, held at Roch
ester Sept. 16-19, ISSI, this Fanning Mill
received the highest honors.
Having met with uniform success wherever
tried, I confidently . invite the farmers of Potter
and:ll'Kean comities to call at my shop in
Coudersport and examine for themselves.
A supply.always on hand, to be sold ou rea
sonable terms.
1” , •'•
slereby given, that the Commission-.
ere of Potter county will expose to public
sale, at the Commissioners' (ace in emitters
next, nt 2 o'clock P. M. of snit' day.
the following trncts of land, belonging to soul
county, to the highest bidder:
No.Quantity.lAVarnuttett. I Township.
2:37 acres
1(10 "
200 , ".
111 C "
100 "
4 2102
Attest,' 11:11 0 1,18 110'UNG.
.IVm. 11. lIIETZGER,
L. B. Cou'. Clerk. March 3, 1854. 4264'
URVEYOR, COudersport, Potter Co.,
rid'' Brigid re at the Temperance Hotel for
information, 6-4.2tf
Win. Willink
filling. •
T. W
Lucien Bird,
Lewis Mann
rs again home, the store opposite the
INcrthenst corner of the public square,
and is receiving direct from Neal-York city
-s=not e " mammoth stock" of winter goods,
but sufficient to fill up the old store; which
goods are now offered for inspection anti
xeamination. He would therefore say to
the old custothers, Step in and set his as
sortment; and tS the public generally, that
as his goods are for sale, he will be happy
to receive "calls.4'
;County Orders taken at Par
F AR Wads at
THE LADIES will find at Marih's store
Coeheeo, Washington, Merrimack, Phil- .
if', Allen,& Sons', and other choice varieties
of Prints,.warianted by the subscriber ribt
LL , WO Detainer at Alarm's. Al;
Jpacas, Ptiutheifas, English and French
Merinos at MANN'S.
ri IN G HANIS—a g ood afsormenl at
(SILKS and Dress Trimmings at
OHAW.LS of iarious patterns and quail
ties—Ladies' and Children's Hoods. at
- _
iAMBRICS, • tlisimp Lawns, Victoti
ULawns, Cap Lace, Crape, Rus
Swiss MuSlin,.Linnen Ildklis ' • Embroidered
do., Muslin Ed gings; CotiOndo., Linen do.
Ladies,: Collars Wristlets, Undersleeves
Ladies' Skirts, do, Caps, to be found
A frhilGE lot of Hosiery at
TF you want warm 'Stockings for the
I.citiltlerty you will find them tit
i ALTER BOOTS, Buskins, and the
Uother variety ef Shoes can be found at
Ijj ATS, - caps,: comforters, Wrappers
I_Dravvers. Ruck Gloves, do. Mittens,
Berlin-Lined 'Gloves, Carpet Bags, SatchL
els, Suspenders. Call at
B°' SA4l ' Youths' koas at
CjiIEETING, Shirting, Batts, and Cotton
OYarn at MANiq'S.
UGARS, Teas,- Coffee, Rice; Ginger,
OPepper, spice,
,siareli, sare'ratus,
mantis on hand at MANN'S S
TMM Tobacco, Fine-Out do-, Chew
hip., nud Sviokitig at NI A S
Jr- F you ; want Axes, Hatchets, - Ham
mers, mill 411WS, cross-cut do:, Hand do.,
Chisels, Augurs, Auger Bits, Files of all kinds,
Steel Squares, Iron do., Try au., call at
TENVIS MANN keeps constantly on
i(Land sliovrt , , - spades, inauare Forks,
Fire Incas.
Lif OCKS, Door Handles, Buns, Screws,
sizes-r-Slaito Nails, Fittistting
for sale at LEAVI&.AIANN's,
pOCKET KNIVES, Table dd:
• A
_EWES MANN has for sale Shot,
Lead, Powder, IFlasks, •Sce.
New Cash Grocery
Provision Sto) - e
CIS. JONES takes this method to illiOrM
.the people of Coudersport and the pub
lic generally, that he has just opened
Gocery and Provision Store, where he will
lteeif cotiAtarilly on hand everything in. the
line of " eatables," and' wliicti he will sell
as reasonable as can be ddsit4d. The sub
stati.als' earl'
.here atall
as Flour and Pork,—while th e , appetites-of'
the most dairity'
.can Also be satisfied.—
Therefore, should you wish for anything
of the kind, please .
. fia:.ll
.and examine bes
fore RuJchasing elsewhere, and if he can
not satisfy you, yourcase must be des
perate. You will always find r full .
assortment of Groceries, consisting of Su-,
gars, Teas, Coffee, Salerates, Spices, Gin
ger. Raisins, Candy, Crackers, Cranberries
Salmon, Codfish, Mad:clef, Blue Fish,
Nice, . Molasses, Syrup, etc. 'Also. at all
times, pal:, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Butter,
(elan and firkin,) Salt, Hams, etc., etc.
Gtain.and all other kinds of Produce
taken in exchange for goods at the cash
price. 6-33tf C. S. JONES.
A.. ok FED Pickles in jars for gale by
4 11 RENCH MUS rAnD, a tie.v . 7 thin
entirely. tbr salt,. nt C. S..I()N ES'.. thing
• .
---,--- —7-
.SALI.4I the
1 ,
the quart or bushel at
AQuantiit of lira rate' CIIEESE
j ust received at C. S. JONES'.
riAlsittfES oralf nearas
kisortment at: O. S. JONES'.
nAIVIS and'h.oulCle . r,s --a twit? supply
" I tf . I.AR 13 ) o r'ti t)
- B - tu no . o the est
Aoquality at'. the
MACKEREL, Salmon, 'l3lue Fish
at C. S. JONES'.
S - ,
UPERlOR'Sp'erin apcilalk: Can
dles at C. C. Jos' PRQYISION STORE.
INbIA.N Buac'ivheat con
sutntly on hand at the
GRAIN and Produce of.all 'kinds ta
ken in exchange for Goods at this
store. C. S. JONES.
oun o d L t i, h i:r g l e s sin!
'. Cash and Ready-Pay.
4 1E4c4inomy la the Mother Of
RE'subscriber would announce to th'e
public that be has removed to a new
Store, next door north of J. W. Smith's
Stove and * Tinware establishment, whert•
he has just opened'a-large stock of goods
for the tall .and n litter tribe. The stock is
Marked at the very lowest hash figures, and
at Baeh r prices es kannot fail to suit those
who study ecohorny in buying. I intend to
adhere to the one-price system, believing
it io the fait and honorable mode of
doing bneiness: and by taking a straight
lbfivatdl bohrse, hope to receive a liberal -
Owe of publik patronage.
Prorittee taken at its cash Value.
1, 1853. 6.23
T ADZES, are you in , want of any Dress
GooP;; Silks; Alpaca, Dl; Laines, Gino
hams, k'rints, ShAwls, Bonnets, Shoes,
Laces, Edging, Collars, Glees, &c. • Yon
t:dnnot tail to be sillied at. OLMSTED'S
.TLEMEN, are you iri want of any
•; Caps, Cravats, Stocks, Gloies.
Sec.? You will find a good assoruneiit,
also a god aarirtment of Clothing, at the _
LL ivho ire in want of GROCERIES,
such as Sugars, Molasses, Tea, Coffee,
Rice, &d., will find theta at low prices at
itutiscriher, having secured the ser
vices of a goud workman, n ould call the
,atten'tiott!of the public to his stock of Cloths,
Cassimeres; add Vestings, which will be
Made to order . on short notice and warranted
to se, ori no sale; To those who have be
come dissatisfied with buying slop-shop
which may come to pieces before it
can be got home, he would say, Come, se
lect from my cloths, let Mr. Smith take
your measnre,.and he will make you a good
fitting, (hatable garment, and warrant the
buttons trot fo drop Ulf within twenty-four
hOurti,. with; careful usage,—and at as low
ptices ati,Cafi'reasonably be expected.
..11./E D Spreads, Table do., .faquard Dia
per, Towelling, Sheetings and Shirtings,
cotton baits. cotton yarn, candlewick,
DOQTS and Shoes, supposed to be
litcheap; at ()OWED'S.
TERY go carßlack Silk to be had at
It" itt per yard, at OLMSTED'S.
APOOR Silk lint can be bought for
,$ 1,50 - 7 a better (We for i , 4.51), at
Doo Quiititc•—paper covers.
" Rev Cries of a Bachelor," and Fresh
Glouniogi, by lk Maryel.
Lectures to Young Men—ll.W.Bcccher.
English 'llumorisis—W, 11. Th ac k ar y.
Lom;follow's Poems-2 rids.
, White, Red, and Black—Puiszky. •
Modern British Essays—Macaulay.
Ilistory of the Mormons.
Youtiis SciencO of. Government
Great Truths b . ", Great Authors. .
Letters to Country
1.:14 Jane Grey—llartlett.
I Marv, Queen of Scots—neadley.
Itton;4 3. flipper —L. Morin Child.
Besitici all the latest novels.
LI F i sll Burning Fluid and
ir CH
at the
'subscriber, having let a little
11. " wurc light'' into his store, aud Otherwise
improvetV it, respectfully invites the ladie:i and
gentlemen of Potter county to can and eXalil
tep his extensive stuck of New Goods. Feel
ing flattered hy a kind.and generous receplion.
he . will spare tw orort to merit a routinainee
or patronage. [Oct. 7.] T. E. TILER.
fIRDE,ItS for all Magazines, Periodi-
Njeah , , Newimpuni, or loolis poblibloNl iu
OIL; cuoufry, Clanada, or Ettropv, promptly
T. 11. TYLER.
AFEW pieces of new Alusic;
Music procur,d to or.ler: also, Tem
perance and oilier Tracts, or any periodicals
desired. ta"r" Scoom, lkomis constantly on
hand, vdtli paper, pens, slates, and every thing
needed fur going to school.
TO the Inhabitants of Cfudeis
port-and Pi~init
roliij County trerierally.
rrHE subscriber has just received a large
1. stock of
consi.tiN.7.!of DRY GOODS, FURS, HATS
and CAPS.
Ready-Made Clothing,
Groceries, Hardware,
CROCKERY. 800 I'S and SIIOES, Brooms'
A large stock of
I sucit AS
Sheetings,' Drilling Cotton Yarn, and Bat
' iting, and most kinds of Provisions,
'kept constantly on' hard, for cash.
0. S.-JONES'.
All of whibh ho will sell as low as the
lowest, foe READY-PAY.
Ca,h and most kinds of Farmers' Pro
duce, taken in exchange fur Goods.
Knowing that one column of this sheet
is insuffietecii. to, enumerate every article
separate which he keeps for sale, he hop.•
that. thpahove general catalogue will suffice.
Dec. 30, 1853... . •C. SMIII4.
itEcK S Farina and Pulverized
1.4..C0rn Siarch for sale at T LE IrS.
l: W.: STRONG can be foun4,at the
l_A shop of Jas. M. Basset!, formerly
owned by himself, where he will attend to
all calls in:his line , with prommnpos ; And
fidelity. ; 6-41 3mo
gLL those wanting Stone Karp, such as
lues, Stove-Pipe Crocks, Chops, Better
an 4 Preserve Pots, Pitchers,,etc. will do
well to call at C. S. JCNES', whet; they'
can be suited' with any size or shape de
1 Stone Ware.
1/OUBTLESS ffie'reafe many persons in
1/Coudersport and vfelnitt who bare
never visited the famous itoirtozl STORi at
the fasttrowing village of
The Nit, of this attoFe is -94, *Will; butitber
is over thectooi-,- •
bbSto:s STbRt
o'e a
This establishment isone of the Tafigi
in AlleganY county. Hundreds of custom
eiS from Potter county buy all their clothing,
bouts` and SilikS, and other fixings, at this
great mart of business. But still there are
those who have never happened to fall into\
tII6 path that leads; Most assuredly, to,
econemy and wealth.—That path lead all
%ash buyers straightway to the ,
We have no enemies topunish, no friends
to reward. We sell for ready pay. and take
Ike:change for goods the following usefal
articles,, •• -
Cash Tallow Venison Oats
Beeswax Fur Beans rocks ,
I ljdes Wheat Yarn - Rags
Potatoes Wool Butter , &e. &e.
We are nu* reEeiving Croft) our shoji a's
Rochester, about ten colds of the 141
sold in the county. We keep constantly
on hand—
Men's India Men's Riga: Boots
, " Coats
1: " Punts
,S t‘ " Caps
Wii k a very extensive stock of
Choiceblack and_coloted Dress.
aca,'sines, l'hihet Cloths, Prints. Ging
and other Dress Goods—together
with a gernal variety of Dry Goode.
Shthcrls, pawls.
In particular, we would call the attention
of the Ladies to cnir great variety of Sluzwis,
to every possible kind, altogether too Lu
ruerous to mention.,
ItI.qTR. , 2SSE S.
We have the largest stock of the differ , :
ent kinds of Matratsp in Western New
york. Horst. KEEPERS can be supplied on
reasonable terms.
, .
, . Three Cheers
For Ale . contemplated Canal from Wells:
yille to Rochester; and hoping that the
I'laul Road will he continued on -to Cou:-.
dersport the coming spring, and that the.
sons and daughters of benighted Pottewria7 .
be more frequently seen in our young City.
We remain your most ob'tgierrits.
LANCE 4 & co m
Jan..l3, 1854. 6-35 m
4 FRESH supply of Gargling Oil,
l'bitt's I,iuitneut, mid Brat's Medicines,
0. llitiafiers Premium EssenCe .iii t t 2.71 ,1
equal to, and four times cheaper . than Old
Java, at. . MEWS.
'l3ofts, Retches,lialter Sn'tipsuyk:ard
robe Hooks, Barn Door Hinges, keisifOi
snit: by ' • LEWIS MANN:
New Books,
rI RE subscriber begs leave to cull the
1' attentionof the public to the . followiul
list of NNAI; :• .
'Chambers' I ocket p„„„. •
Information for the 1 enifle;
Educational Course. .
Life of Henry Clay: • •
" GeorgeWashington-13y Jared Sparks.;
• 14cujamin Franklin- •
;11to Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte,,
" Jot (Thine.
Complete works of Thomas flood-, N. P.-Wil
lis, Slialtspeare; Dick, and all the .ot het
standard authors.- •
White Slaves of England ;
- Downing's Fruits and Frust Trees: t h
Waverly N uvels "—Novels of all the most
Felehrated allhors. •
Botu ff ,..Bgriculturp,
Acchitocture, Natural 1 900.19gy,
Theolugy,'Philosophy, Rhetoric, Logic., etc.
At.-0,--A: new and splendid assortment of
Scitoodlotms. THOS. It. TYLER.•
iv w Bop*.
Temperance... Pales And Ilearifi:Stone,tßezerics
Lc Thnrlow NY Brown—Editor. of the Cuy
into Chief.
Fern Leaves from Fanny's Port-Folio.
ileveriug of n Bachelor—lis Marvell.
A nice article of F . rench Letter Paper. Also
',Maiming Note Parer and Envelopes, s
.Im4 received at --TYLER'S
Just Recei-V,et
• •
A LL or Dr. Jayne's Megicing „
I.lmotiiit'm und itinen; , Dr,,Fiteltes
Alc.licines, Six Lectures on Diseases; oic the
I,:u 4 zs; also. Supporters, Trusses, Inhaling
Shoulder Brutes. Ayres' Cherry Pec
toral atol all the most celebrated Metlicuies,nt
'l'. b. TYLER'S.
1 1.EY'S Double Waterzptoof • Percuss
sion Caps,— Hazard Powder, Shot,
etc.; a'so Fishing • Rods, Basktis,
F:ieg, Grasshoppers, Silk, Gut, and Hair
Lints, just received and for sale by
. Tin and Hardware,
9 lIIE undersigned has connected with
his Tin, Sheet Imm• Clapper, and Stove.
ItnAness, that of 11,k111)WAHE and CVT7-
14i1tV,-t-so that iu addition to the.,busipess
Iterck.:fure Conducted by IMO, he is now ready
to supply the public with almost everyx.nriety
ofrklerdware, bull and Cross,Cut Saws i ,neor,
Inns, Nails, Cable and 0: ginsins,Catpeoseos.
Atizes and Broatlaxes, Manilla,itopie.for,Ca o .
Ides. A general assurtnteqt ntif,,clocks, Jtva
r amnril . Ware, Toys of exert' ilettleiliiion; ends .
in short, he designs to keep all such
the public wants in bit line, width ho will
sell, not fir less than cost, btik for a vzor
,prolit indeed, and hopelt,l7 a ruler.
attention' to his business to receives liberal
altar! ttk-plthliF.patronage.
of Produces - taken. in exchange 0%3
Gtxxle, at the highest market 'prices; also, t2O
paid for old iron. TH.
6-4 t.! 1y JAS. W. SMITH.